The Armenian Union Of Writers Is Fixed On The Anthologies


Dec 23 2009

Today the chairman of the Union of Armenian Writers Levon Ananyan
summing up the 2009 mentioned that regardless the fact that the books
of the writers to be published this year were a lot the Union has
fixed its attention at the Anthologies.

>From the anthologies L. Ananyan emphasized the Armenian prose, the
Temporary Armenian poetry and attached importance to publishing the
Armenian poetry and prose in Russian, Persian, German and in other

As for the usual meeting of the foreign Armenian writers L. Ananyan
mentioned that it will take place in Moscow in 2010.

The chairman of the Armenian Writers’ Union touched upon the activities
of their own publishing house, which is after Levon Zaven Syurmelyan,
a writer who writes in English.

"The exploitation of the publishing house and the financing of the
books with the governmental order coincided. We already have our own
publishing house, and the books that we have won by a contest will
be published in our publishing house", – L. Ananyan stressed.

The speaker told that the first book to be published will be the
collection of the poems of Levon – Zaven Syurmelyan as he has started
writing in Armenian and has written poems, and this will be a way to
respect the author.

The chairman of the Union mentioned that the crisis of writer –
reader relation is being overcome.

"We can’t say that today the Armenian Nation is not reading books.

This movement has begun and we have to deepen it more", – stressed
Levon Ananyan.

Armenia Can Cover Power Shortage Of Turkey At Expense Of Its Power G


Noyan Tapan
Dec 22, 2009

YEREVAN, DECEMBER 22, NOYAN TAPAN. "We have enough contacts with
Turkey’s energy sector: previously only one Turkish company had an
intention to cooperate with Armenia, whereas today their number is
quite large". RA Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Armen
Movsisian said this at the December 22 press conference held to
summarize the results of 2009, adding that after solution of some
problems, the joint work will have a more concrete nature.

"We are prepared to work with Turkey’s power system in terms of both
electric power supply and implementation of joint projects. The power
system of this country is quite a good market for us and naturally we
are interested in opening the Armenian-Turkish border and starting to
supply Turkey with electric power," the minister said. According to
him, Turkey consumes the greatest amount of power in the region and
at the same time it is the regional country with the largest power
shortage. In the words of A. Movsisian, Armenia can "cover this
shortage at the expense of its power generating capacities".

NKR: Ukhtasar. The Prospects For Development Are Great


Azat Artsakh Newspaper NKR
December 22, 2009

The sun collects its rays from the breast of the mountain, continuing
paying attention to cool source, reminding attractive picture, we
were hurrying in order to reach the village of Ukhtasar in time,
the last settlement of our mission. On both sides of the road there
were the fields under the crop or harvested. The ear of the wheat
became for 10-15 cm high and attracted the passers-by. "It’s well,
very well, the man did its work, and if the sky grants fine weather,
the next year there will be rich harvest.",- the deputy head of Askeran
region Armavir Galstyan thought loudly. The group of people was seen
far in the field, who were fighting against vermins, the government
gave means for this aim. In answer to our question, if there is enough
labour power, Mr A. Galstjan said that the struggle goes successfully,
that the army also is included in the process.

Under the descent view of mountain "the back of the camel" the village
of Ukhtasar spreaded, where the head of community Samson Mesropyan,
the first dweller of Ukhtasar,who, at fist, for a year, lived in
a wagon-house. By profession, he is an agriculturist. He was born,
lived and worked for long years in province of Armavir of the Republic
of Armenia. Firstly he worked as a head of field brigade. Then,
the chief agriculturist of sovkhoz in soviet times, after he was
the head of sovkhoz, ordinary biography inherent to soviet period.
After the collapse of Soviet Union, he became a farmer. In response to
the question,how it happened, that he turned out to be in Karabakh, he
explained that the meeting with Slava Avanesyan and Armo Tsatryan,who
come from Maraga village, changed his life in 2000. He came to Artsakh,
saw the territory under the bottom of the mountain of "the back of
camel", which reminded him the valley of Ararat,and learning that
the village would be founded here, he decided to live here. In 2001,
the construction of cottages for newsettlers began,in February 2002,
the people already lived in these cottages. Didn’t he regretted,
coming to live here,-we asked. he answered, that on the contrary,
he regrets, that came here later. S. Mesropyan, who was appointed
the plenipotentiary representative in the village of Ukhtasar by the
administration of Askeran in 2002, he informes that in the first year
of foundation of the village, 13 houses were built and exploited, one
of them was built for the school. Today, about 40 families making up
220 persons live here.Generally, the young and growing families live
in the village. By the way, I must say that there are two families in
the village having many children, who wait for getting new college.In
eight- year school, there are about 43 children. The school has the
specialists with high education.The library is in the school. The
club will operate next year. The house with 3 rooms built next to
the building of school is also for school, with the aim, not to let
the lessons being held in two turn. Enough territory is given by
the Government, for building new typical building of school. The
construction must have began, but due to indefinite reasons, its
construction is being postponed. The head of the village community as
a specialist, speaks about the prospects of socio-economic development
with enthusiasm. Irrigation water line is layed through the upper
part of the village, it means that every acre of the land will be
cultivated. "After several years Ukhtasar will become real paradise,
the whole republic will be supplied with agricultural products. The
flow of the products coming from Armenia will be changed in opposite
direction.",- Mesropyan said.Only 10 percents of available lands are
used with purpose. The dwellers of the community are provided with
privatized plots. Newly settled 12 families will get their plots soon.
The leader of the community made a remark, that the majority of
dwellers are not used to use the land correctly and with purpose, but
slowly they learn and adapt to new, but excellent land and climatic
conditions. The village is provided for excellent drinking source
water.Electrical supply is constant. The gasification is needed much,
the main gas pipe is within 4 km from the village. The village will
be gasificated in 2010. The problem of water supply was resolved in
2008-09, when the water pipeline coming from canal named "Sovietarkh"
was constructed, and the loss of the water, which was about 60%, made
up 0%. It was a big present for the people of Ukhtasar from the side
of the Government of Artsakh. We must not forget to mention that
the family of S. Mesropyan also create something. His wife Shoushik
Gevorgyan, daughter Tatevik are the specialists with high education,
they teach first – Geography, the latter- Armenian language and
Literature, but it does not forbid them to plant the tree, to keep the
cattle. Everyone has its own contribution in family budget. "I see,
that Karabakh needs experienced agriculturists. The land is very
fruitful here, the qualitable-mechanical composition is wonderful,
weather conditions are nearly subtropical.In the valley of Ararat
the grape vines, on the eve of winter,are covered with land and are
opened in spring, but this difficult work is excluded here. There
are excellent conditions for growing apricot,peach and plum trees.I
am engaged in land cultivation and cattle-breeding in my own plot.I
grow the water-mellon, the rest is given to the cattle. The remnants
of one is the food for the other",-the head of community said.
The head of community informed us, that more than 30 hectares of
pomegranates’ gardens were founded, there are about the same size
of hectares of old gardens there. The land for this kind of fruit
is favourable. " Karabakh has great prospects for development of
agriculture. Only the one must realize the value of land, and could
cultivate the land. As if it’s easy to sow the wheat, to look in the
sky, to wait and then to harvest. We must work hard and be laborious
for getting results.Each of us must do our duty for strengthening our
newly independent state".Ukhtasar has great prospects for development.
It’s not incidental, that the number of the people wishing to live here
is great.Ukhtasar, like all newly settled villages are multilayered
and multielemented. They are from different places, with different
traditions, problems,but the new customs are created in the village,
the people are connected with native land and water and the plot,
the country are regenerated due to devotion and love.

New Military Doctrine Entitles Russia To First Nuclear Strike


22.12.2009 16:54 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The new military doctrine, approved by the Security
Council recognizes Russia’s right to use nuclear weapons first in
case of threat to its statehood, Nikolai Makarov, RF Army General and
Chief of Armed Forces’ General Staff, told a traditional annual meeting
with foreign military attaches accredited in Moscow on December 21.

He did not disclose other provisions of the document, noting that
details will become available only after the RF president approves it.

According to him, the new military doctrine articulates current
threats and challenges to Russia’s security.

As Nikolai Makarov noted, five objectives of the military reform have
been addressed in 2009, such as bringing all military formations and
units to the status of permanent readiness, establishing military
equipment bases in each military district, etc.

The costly process of re-equipping of forces with modern weapons will
extend until 2020, General Makarov said.

Saying that Russia and the United States will proceed signing of a new
START Treaty in early 2010, he mentioned that the previous treaty was
detrimental to Russia. "We come to understanding in the vast majority
of issues," he concluded.

ANCA Condemns U.S. Policy On Genocide

Dec 21 2009

The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) this week called
the attention of an influential U.S. Senate panel to how the failure
of U.S. policy-makers to confront past genocides has materially
contributed to an international environment which tolerates continued
crimes against humanity, ANCA website reports.

"Considering… the moral and legal obligations we have undertaken
as parties to the Genocide Convention, it is truly astonishing that
the United States has more recently pursued a policy of complicity in
Turkey’s state-sponsored denial of the Armenian Genocide and has even
gone to the lengths of assisting Turkey in covering up a crime that was
publicly cited by Raphael Lemkin as one of the major motivating factors
in the very drafting of the Genocide Convention," reads the written
testimony submitted to the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Human
Rights and the Law by ANCA Government Affairs Director Kate Nahapetian.

Nahapetian also stated that, "Turkey’s success in silencing one of the
most powerful countries in the world on one of the best documented
cases of genocide emboldens other states to commit genocide and
undermines the ability of the U.S. and the international community
to prevent crimes against humanity. The starkest example of this
consequence is Sudan’s mimicking of Turkish genocide denial tactics
and the growing alliance between these two countries."

American TV Features Book On Armenian Genocide

12:57 21/12/2009


"Children of Armenia" by Michael Bobelian was featured on the C-SPAN-2
BookTV show December 19 and 20, ARAMAC informed.

Children of Armenia CoverMichael Bobelian, journalist and grandson of
an Armenian Genocide survivor, recalls the displacement of 2 million
Armenians, many of which were killed, by the Ottoman government from
1915 to 1923. The author questions why this historical period has been
ignored. He cites over 100 articles in the New York Times in 1915
recounting the events as they unfolded, President Woodrow Wilson’s
calls for aid, and the current work of Armenian descendants to have
the genocide publicly acknowledged.

The event was hosted by Chaucer’s Bookstore in Santa Barbara,

"Children of Armenia" was broadcast on C-SPAN-2 BookTV Show three
times: Saturday afternoon, Sunday morning and evening.

Michael Bobelian is a journalist and lawyer. His writing has appeared
in several publications, including American Lawyer and Legal Affairs.

World Musicians To Perform In Armenia


Dec 18 2009

Armenia World Music Festival 2010 will showcase some world bands
and artists, including one of the most versatile and influential
guitarists of our time, extraordinary solo artist John McLaughlin and
his band The 4th Dimension (April 28); a Scottish singer, songwriter
and multi-instrumentalist, Ian Scott Anderson, and his band Jethro Tull
(May 7); a gypsy jazz guitarist Angelo Debarre (Jume 17), etc.

Festival organizer is Vibrographus Company, whose events include shows
by Uriah Heep and Jethro Tull. Its spokesperson told journalists,
that Deep Purple will perform in Armenia on May 25.

ANCA Confronts U.S. Silence on Genocide

Armenian National Committee of America
1711 N Street, NW Washington, DC 20036
Tel. (202) 775-1918
Fax. (202) 775-5648
Email. [email protected]


December 18, 2009
Contact: Elizabeth S. Chouldjian
Tel: (202) 775-1918


— Nahapetian Testimony Before Senate Panel
Challenges U.S. Complicity in Turkey’s Denial
as Contributing to Ongoing Cycle of Genocide

"Turkey’s success in silencing one of the most powerful
countries in the world on one of the best documented cases
of genocide emboldens other states to commit genocide and
undermines the ability of the U.S. and the international
community to prevent crimes against humanity."
— Kate Nahapetian, ANCA Government Affairs Director

WASHINGTON, DC – The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA)
this week called the attention of an influential U.S. Senate panel to
how the failure of U.S. policy-makers to confront past genocides has
materially contributed to an international environment which tolerates
continued crimes against humanity, reported the Armenian National
Committee of America (ANCA).

"Considering… the moral and legal obligations we have undertaken as
parties to the Genocide Convention, it is truly astonishing that the
United States has more recently pursued a policy of complicity in
Turkey’s state-sponsored denial of the Armenian Genocide and has even
gone to the lengths of assisting Turkey in covering up a crime that
was publicly cited by Raphael Lemkin as one of the major motivating
factors in the very drafting of the Genocide Convention," explained
ANCA Government Affairs Director Kate Nahapetian in written testimony
submitted to the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Human Rights and the
Law for a hearing titled "The Law of the Land: U.S. Implementation of
Human Rights Treaties."

Nahapetian continued, noting that, "Turkey’s success in silencing one
of the most powerful countries in the world on one of the best
documented cases of genocide emboldens other states to commit genocide
and undermines the ability of the U.S. and the international community
to prevent crimes against humanity. The starkest example of this
consequence is Sudan’s mimicking of Turkish genocide denial tactics
and the growing alliance between these two countries."

The complete text of Nahapetian’s testimony can be viewed at:

Armenian-Spanish Consulting Company Opens Yerevan Office


DECEMBER 16, 2009

YEREVAN, December 16, /ARKA/. An Armenian-Spanish consulting firm
Barbera-Lupicinio-Z.Megrhryan Investment Advocacy opened today
its office in Yerevan. According to a deputy economy minister Ara
Petrosian, the opening of the company’s office in Armenia is the
follow-up of an Armenian-Spanish business forum held last September.

According to the minister, this office has opened at a time when
the government is drawing up a series of ambitious projects, such
as attraction of investments for strategic development of the resort
town of Jermuk, construction of the North-South highway and others.

Ara Petrosian said also the government will lend its support to the
office and help it minimize its risks. The state run-Fund for Support
of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses swill also be cooperating with
the office.

‘The goal of the office is to provide quality investment consulting
services to Armenian and Spanish businesses,’ said Rodriguez Lupicinio,
the founder of the firm, adding that the office will be representing
the interests of public and private sector companies.

The "Barbera-Lupicinio-Z.Megrhryan investment advocacy" was founded by
an international legal firm "Lupicinio Eversheds," Armenia’s honorary
consul to Spain Luis Barbera Zabatera and Zinavor Megrhryan.

Hnchak Leader Lyudmila Sargsyan Received Non-Confidence Vote


14.12.2009 16:43 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ To overcome the existing tensions in Social Democrat
Hnchakyan Party, the overwhelming majority of Armenian office
representatives have called for an extraordinary session which is
due on December 16-17.

The major part of activists representing the party’s local structures
have imposed a non-confidence vote on party Chair Lyudmila Sargsyan,
the party’s press service reported.