Armenian Prime Minister put on the democratic evolution of Turkey

Le Premier ministre arménien mise sur l’évolution démocratique de la
Turquie The Armenian Prime Minister put on the democratic evolution of

jeudi5 novembre 2009, par Krikor Amirzayan/armenews jeudi5 November
2009 by Krikor Amirzayan / armenews

Dikran Sarkissian

Le Premier ministre d’Arménie, Dikran Sarkissian a accordé à Krikor
Amirzayan, pour « Nouvelles d’Arménie Magazine » une longue interview
jeudi 29 octobre dans son bureau au Palais du gouvernement à Erevan.
Prime Minister of Armenia, Dikran Sarkissian granted Krikor Amirzayan
for "News Magazine of Armenia" a lengthy interview Thursday, October
29 in his office at Government House in Yerevan. Nos confrères de
France 3 Méditerranée étant également présents. Our colleagues from
France 3 Méditerranée is also present. Une occasion pour le chef du
gouvernement arménien de faire le point sur les accords arméno-turcs
de Zurich et d’esquisser l’avenir géopolitique de l’Arménie. An
opportunity for the head of the Armenian government to review the
agreements on Armenian-Turkish Zurich and outlining the geopolitical
future of Armenia. Interview. Interview.

Dikran Sarkissian reçoit Krikor Amirzayan (Nouvelles d’Arménie
Magazine) Dikran Krikor Sarkisian receives Amirzayan (Armenian News
Magazine) « Nouvelles d’Arménie Magazine » : Quel regard politique et
diplomatique portez-vous sur les accords de Zurich qui mettent un
terme à plus de quinze ans de gel diplomatique ? "Armenia News
Magazine: What political and diplomatic respect your view of Zurich
agreements that put an end to more than fifteen years of diplomatic
Dikran Sarkissian : Les accords qui ont été signés entre les ministres
des Affaires étrangères de la Turquie et d’Arménie ont abouti à un
compromis entre les deux pays. Dikran Sarkisian: The agreements were
signed between the Foreign Ministers of Turkey and Armenia have
resulted in a compromise between the two countries. Ces négociations
n’étaient pas simples. These negotiations were not easy. Il est
évident que l’Arménie a sa propre vision de l’amélioration des
relations arméno-turques et la Turquie a la sienne. It is clear that
Armenia has its own vision of improving Armenian-Turkish relations and
Turkey’s own. Mais les deux parties ont manifesté une volonté
politique qui a finalement donné naissance à un document commun qui
marque le début du dialogue. But both sides have shown political will
which finally gave birth to a common document which marks the
beginning of the dialogue. Bien sur, de nombreuses questions restent
en suspens et il ya encore du chemin à faire pour parvenir à un accord
complet ! Of course, many questions remain unanswered and there is
still some way to go to reach complete agreement! Nous savons que
cette route ne sera pas facile, mais comme l’a déclaré le président de
la République d’Arménie : le temps est venu de régler les questions
les plus épineuses ! We know that this road will not be easy, but as
stated by the President of the Republic of Armenia: the time has come
to resolve the thorniest issues! L’Arménie est disposée de son côté à
en parler. Armenia is ready to turn to talk.

« Nouvelles d’Arménie Magazine » : L’histoire a du mal à passer. "News
Magazine of Armenia": The story is hard to pass. Mais en n’abordant
pas la question du génocide, cet accord a provoqué la colère d’une
grande partie de la diaspora, certains évoquent même un embargo sur la
mémoire, qu’avez-vous a répondre à ces interrogations légitimes de la
diaspora arménienne ? But not addressing the issue of genocide, this
agreement has angered much of the diaspora, some even suggest a ban on
memory, what did you answer these legitimate questions of the Armenian
Diaspora ?
Dikran Sarkissian : Naturellement cela nous crée des problèmes sérieux
puisque des centaines de milliers d’Arméniens de la diaspora luttent
pour la reconnaissance du génocide, tant par la communauté des nations
que par la Turquie. Dikran Sargsyan: Of course it creates us serious
problems because hundreds of thousands of Armenians in the diaspora
struggle for recognition of genocide by both the community of nations
as Turkey. Et dans ce contexte, la question se pose de savoir comment
atteindre cet objectif ? And in this context, the question arises of
how to achieve this goal? Pour résumer, il ya aujourd’hui deux axes.
To summarize, there are now two axes. Le premier est de considérer la
Turquie comme un pays ennemi du peuple arménien. The first is to
consider Turkey as an enemy of the Armenian people. C’est ce que
pensent nombre d’Arméniens de la diaspora mais aussi d’Arménie et du
Haut Karabagh qui luttent pour l’obliger à reconnaître la réalité du
génocide. It is believed that many Armenians in the diaspora but also
to Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh fighting to force it to recognize the
reality of genocide. Il ya aussi un deuxième axe : il consiste a
considérer la Turquie actuelle comme un pays en mutation qui réalise
des réformes pour entrer dans l’Union européenne. There is also a
second area: it consists in considering the present Turkey as a
country that makes changing reforms to join the European Union. Cela
signifie qu’elle travaille à devenir un Etat moderne qui ambitionne de
se conformer aux normes des valeurs européennes et de les intégrer
dans ses institutions. That means it works to become a modern state
that aspires to meet the standards of European values and integrate
them into its institutions. Ce qui l’amènera de façon inéluctable, tôt
ou tard, à reconnaître le génocide arménien. What led him so
inevitable, sooner or later, to recognize the Armenian genocide. De
notre avis ce deuxième axe est plus opportun. In our opinion this
second axis is more appropriate. Le dialogue politique permettra
d’aboutir à l’ouverture des frontières, à l’accroissement des échanges
économiques et culturels entre écrivains, historiens, etc. The
political dialogue will lead to open borders, increased economic and
cultural exchanges between writers, historians, etc.. Tout cela
favorisera la disposition de la Turquie à reconnaître le génocide
arménien, dans un court avenir. All this will promote the provision of
Turkey to recognize the Armenian genocide, in a short future.

« Nouvelles d’Arménie Magazine » : Dans un journal turc « Taraf » un
journaliste dit que c’est une question de morale, et que le
gouvernement turc doit reconnaître les crimes contre les Arméniens
mais aussi rendre hommage aux Turcs qui ont refusé de participer aux
massacres, quel est votre sentiment vu d’Arménie ? "News Magazine of
Armenia": In a Turkish newspaper "Taraf" a journalist said that it is
a moral issue, and that the Turkish government must acknowledge the
crimes against Armenians but also pay tribute to the Turks who refused
to participate massacres, what is your feeling light of Armenia?
Dikran Sarkissian : Nous suivons bien évidemment de près ces faits qui
sont le reflet d’une évolution de la démocratie en Turquie. Dikran
Sargsyan: We obviously follow closely these developments are a
reflection of an evolution of democracy in Turkey. Nous constatons que
dans les cercles intellectuels il ya des Turcs qui reconnaissent les
faits et que leur nombre augmente d’années en année. We note that in
intellectual circles there are Turks who recognize the facts and that
their number is rising year by year. Il est naturel que l’avancée des
valeurs démocratiques dans l’opinion publique turque tende à renforcer
ce phénomène inéluctable Un peuple évolué ne peut pas éternellement se
masquer la réalité historique. It is natural that the advance of
democratic values in Turkish public opinion tends to reinforce this
inevitable phenomenon evolved a people can not forever hide the
reality is history. Et les processus démocratiques en Turquie ne
peuvent que renforcer cette approche. And the democratic process in
Turkey can only reinforce this approach. C’est en cela que la
République d’Arménie est très intéressée par l’avancée des réformes de
la Turquie. This is where the Republic of Armenia is very interested
in the progress of reforms in Turkey. Ce phénomène répond également à
son désir d’intégrer l’Union européenne. This phenomenon also reflects
his desire to join the European Union.

« Nouvelles d’Arménie Magazine » : Cet accord arméno-turc traduit-il
un signe fort vers l’Europe pour une entrée éventuelle de la Turquie
dans l’Union européenne ? "News Magazine of Armenia": The
Armenian-Turkish agreement it reflects a strong signal to Europe for a
possible entry of Turkey into the European Union? Serait-ce un gage
diplomatique, un message envoyé a la communauté internationale surtout
à l’égard de la France car Nicolas Sarkozy est opposé à l’entrée de la
Turquie en Europe ainsi que la forte communauté arménienne de France ?
Is this a pledge diplomatic message sent to the international
community especially with regard to France since Nicolas Sarkozy was
opposed to the entry of Turkey into Europe and the strong Armenian
community in France?
Dikran Sarkissian : Il faut tout d’abord prendre en compte le fait que
la Turquie a réalisé environ 30 % de ses obligations à l’égard de
l’Union européenne. Dikran Sarkisian: It must first take into account
the fact that Turkey has achieved about 30% of its obligations towards
the European Union. Il est sans doute compréhensible qu’il lui reste
un long chemin à réaliser. It is understandable that he is still a
long way to achieving. La France et l’Allemagne l’observent et
estiment que la Turquie n’est pas prête à en être membre. The France
and Germany to observe and feel that Turkey is not ready to be a
member. Ces deux pays sont disposés à aborder avec la Turquie un plan
de mesures pour suivre son évolution dans ce processus qui intègre des
questions importantes comme par exemple la reforme des droits des
minorités, l’autorisation de l’enseignement de leurs langues. These
two countries are willing to discuss with Turkey an action plan to
follow its evolution in this process, which includes important issues
such as reform of minority rights, the authorization of the teaching
of their languages. Ce sont des pas importants qui exigent des
autorités une juste perception de l’opposition intérieure qu’ils
pourraient entraîner. These are important steps that the authorities
require a clear view of the internal opposition they may cause. Il est
impossible de réformer en une journée les institutions. It is
impossible to reform in one day institutions. Ce phénomène est
d’ailleurs également vrai pour l’Arménie. This is also true for
Armenia. Nous savons qu’il s’agit d’un processus douloureux par lequel
la Turquie doit passer si elle veut atteindre son cap. We know that
this is a painful process by which Turkey must pass if it wants to
reach its cap. Si elle réussit, elle s’approchera de l’Europe. If she
succeeds, she will approach Europe. Et si elle reconnaît le génocide,
sa place, sa notoriété y seront plus grande. And if it recognizes the
genocide, its place, its reputation will be greater.
Si la Turquie ne parvient pas à réaliser ces réformes, cela signifiera
que ses institutions ne sont pas démocratiques et qu’elle ne rentrera
pas dans l’Union européenne. If Turkey fails to implement these
reforms, it will mean that institutions are not democratic and it will
not fit into the European Union. Et cela voudra dire aussi que la
Turquie ne reconnaîtra pas le génocide. And it means also that Turkey
does not recognize the genocide. Nous reviendrons au point de départ.
We return to the starting point. Mais nous disposons d’une chance
historique : les autorités politiques turques ont déclaré vouloir
réformer leurs institutions pour intégrer une Europe dont elles se
considèrent comme partie prenante. But we have a historic opportunity:
the Turkish political authorities said they wanted to reform their
institutions to integrate a Europe they regard themselves as
stakeholders. Cette occasion politique est une chance pour l’Arménie
et pour l’Union européenne. The political opportunity is an
opportunity for Armenia and the European Union.

« Nouvelles d’Arménie Magazine » : L’ouverture de la frontière entre
les deux pays peut générer des angoisses, peut-on redouter une
turquisation de l’Arménie ? "News Magazine of Armenia": The opening of
the border between the two countries can generate anxiety, fear can be
a Turkization of Armenia?
Dikran Sarkissian : L’ouverture des frontières peut susciter des
risques, mais des frontières fermées aussi ! Dikran Sarkissian: Open
borders may create risks, but closed borders too! Et au XXIe siècle,
la fermeture des frontières constitue un non-sens. And the
twenty-first century, the border closure is nonsense. La communauté
internationale souhaite leur ouverture et nous devons être prêts à
aborder cette nouvelle ère et à ne pas la redouter. The international
community wants them open and we must be prepared to discuss this new
era and do not fear. La politique arménienne prône une ouverture dans
le cadre d’une économie libérale de marché et le gouvernement est prêt
à coopérer avec tous nos voisins dans ce cadre là. The Armenian
political advocates openness in the context of a liberal market
economy and the government is ready to cooperate with all our
neighbors within this framework. Cette stratégie présente aussi des
risques mais ils sont connus et momentanés. This strategy also
involves risks, but they are known and momentary. Nous devons être
prêts à les gérer. We must be ready to manage. C’est un challenge pour
l’Arménie et nous sommes prêts à relever ce défi. It is a challenge
for Armenia and we are ready to meet this challenge.

« Nouvelles d’Arménie Magazine » : Y at-il des risques politiques ?
Dikran Sarkissian : Pour la gestion des risques de sécurité
intérieure, la République d’Arménie dispose d’une législation.
"Armenia News Magazine: Are there political risks? Dikran Sarkisian:
To manage the risk of internal security, the Republic of Armenia has
legislation. Si ces risques mettaient en danger l’indépendance du pays
et notre souveraineté nationale, il ne serait alors pas exclu de
refermer notre frontière ! If these risks were endangering the
country’s independence and national sovereignty, then it would not
rule out closing the border!

« Nouvelles d’Arménie Magazine » : L’Azerbaïdjan se dit victime d’une
trahison, est-ce que la question du Haut Karabagh a interféré lors des
pourparlers et de ces accords à Zurich ? "New Armenian magazine"
Azerbaijan is a victim of treachery, is that the issue of Nagorno
Karabakh has interfered in the talks and the agreements in Zurich?
Dikran Sarkissian : La position de la République d’Arménie est très
claire et n’a jamais variée sur ce point : nous sommes prêts à établir
avec la Turquie des relations diplomatiques sans pré conditions.
Dikran Sarkisian: The position of the Republic of Armenia is very
clear and has never varied on this point: we are ready to establish
with Turkey’s diplomatic relations without preconditions. Ce qui
signifie qu’un troisième pays ne peut interférer dans ces relations
bilatérales. This means that a third country can interfere in these
relations. Nous continuerons à rester sur cette position. We continue
to remain in this position. Il est cependant vrai que l’Azerbaïdjan et
la Turquie tentent dans leurs déclarations publiques de revenir sur la
question du Haut Karabagh en la liant aux protocoles conclus. It is
however true that Azerbaijan and Turkey are trying in their public
statements to revisit the issue of Nagorno Karabakh in the binding
protocols concluded. Mais nous avons déclaré avec les ministres des
Affaires étrangères de la France, de la Russie et de l’Europe que ces
accords ne devaient pas être liés à la question du règlement du
conflit du Haut Karabagh et nous devons maintenir cette position
essentielle ! But we said with the foreign ministers of France, Russia
and Europe that these agreements should not be related to the
settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict and we must maintain this
position essential! Il est vrai que dans la politique d’ensemble,
l’amélioration des relations arméno- turques ne peut pas ne pas
influer sur les nombreux conflits de la région et les marquer de son
empreinte. It is true that in the overall policy, improvement of
Armenian-Turkish relations can not but influence the many conflicts in
the region and make its mark. Et c’est pour cela que l’Azerbaïdjan se
montre très contrarié de cette entente puisque selon ce pays
l’amélioration des relations arméno-turques va à son encontre. And
that is why Azerbaijan is very upset because of this agreement by that
country improve Turkish-Armenian relations will against him. Mais en
ce qui nous concerne, nous pensons que l’amélioration des relations
arméno-turques favorisera le renforcement de la paix dans toute la
région et cela ira dans le sens des intérêts de chacun de nos pays, y
compris l’Azerbaïdjan. But in our case, we believe that the
improvement of Turkish-Armenian relations will promote the
strengthening of peace throughout the region and it will go in the
interests of each of our countries, including Azerbaijan. Bakou sait
pertinemment que la question du Haut Karabagh ne peut être réglée
qu’avec des pourparlers de paix. Baku knows that the issue of Nagorno
Karabakh conflict can be resolved only in peace talks. En fait,
l’amélioration des relations arméno-turques contribuera à
l’amélioration des relations arméno-azéries pour un règlement
pacifique de la question du Haut Karabagh. In fact, improvement of
Turkish-Armenian relations will contribute to the improvement of
Armenian-Azerbaijani relations for a peaceful settlement of the
Nagorno Karabakh.
Interview réalisée à Erévan par Krikor Amirzayan Interview conducted
in Yerevan by Krikor Amirzayan

USAID-Yerevan grants notice to implement "alternative resources"

US State News
November 14, 2009 Saturday 6:54 PM EST


WASHINGTON, Nov. 13 — Armenia USAID-Yerevan issues discretionary
grants notice to implement the "ALTERNATIVE RESOURCES IN MEDIA
PROGRAM" with USAID-provided financial assistance. Estimated total
program funding is $4,000,000.

The funding opportunity number is RFA-111-10-000001. It was posted on
Nov 13, 2009 with an application closing date of Dec 18, 2009.

Category of Funding Activity is Other.

Expected Number of Awards: 1

Eligible Applicants: Unrestricted (i.e., open to any type of entity
above), subject to any clarification in text field entitled
"Additional Information on Eligibility"

Additional Information on Eligibility

The description of the Grants Notice is "The USAID/Armenia is seeking
applications from qualified and eligible organizations to implement
financial assistance. The authority for this RFA is found in the
Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended. USAID intends to make
available up to $4,000,000 and award a single Cooperative Agreement (a
form of a grant) to fund the successful Applicant’s Program designed
to achieve objectives and results matching those described in the RFA
Section C. USAID will make funds available incrementally. Program
implementation is expected to be fully completed within four years. It
is anticipated that award will be made in mid-March, 2010. The main
focus of the program is to diversify content, utilizing high-tech and
"low-tech" means to produce and distribute news and information vital
to Armenians, and assisting citizens in transforming themselves from
passive users of information to being active information producers and
dispensers. The three key related components of the program are:
production and dissemination of alternative content; promoting media
literacy and consumer demand; and public advocacy in support of
information diversity and a freer media along with closely monitoring
and reporting on media coverage.".

BAKU: Azeri MP Criticizes Turkey-Armenia Protocols

Nov 13 2009

Ganira Pashayeva Azeri MPs addressed a conference on
Turkish-Azerbaijani relations at the 21st Century Turkey Institute
in Ankara on Friday.

Addressing the conference, MP Ganira Pashayeva criticized the
Turkish government for signing the protocols on the normalization of
Turkish-Armenian relations. She delivered a report on the occupation
of Azerbaijani land by Armenia and the suffering it had engendered.

Umit Ozdag, rector of the 21st Century Turkey Institute, told the
conference of the importance of a strong Azerbaijani lobby in Turkey.

Azerbaijani MP Rabiyyat Aslanova and researcher Azer Turan also
addressed the conference.

A book on Ali Bey Huseynzade Turan by Ganira Pashayeva and researcher
Azer Turan was also presented at the 21st Century Turkey Institute
on Friday. Ali Bey Huseynzade, an Azerbaijani, was a leading light
in the formation of pan-Turkism in the early 20th century.

The Number Of Swine Flu Cases In Armenia Reaches 11

13.11.2009 16:05

The number of swine flu cases in Armenia has reached 11, Assistant to
the Minister of Health Shushan Hunanyan told "Radiolur." The number of
persons infected with H1N1 virus increased from 6 to 11 within a day.

Shushan Hakobyan noted that one of the infected persons is a driver
transporting passengers from the airport. The four others are members
of the same family. One of the family members arrived in Armenia from
Omsk. The laboratory testing confirmed the swine flu virus. Within
three days the citizen infected three other members of his family.

Yesterday the patients were taken to Nork Infection Clinic with
H1N1 symptoms.

Currently the number of swine flu cases in Armenia is 11. Three
patients have already been discharged from hospital. Specialists
assess the condition of the other eight as satisfactory.

Three out of 11 infected persons are from Russia, two – from Iran,
one – from Turkey, the rest are citizens of the Republic of Armenia.

The situation in the region is much more complicated. The number of
swine flu cases has reached 58 in Georgia, 14 cases have been confirmed
in Azerbaijan. The number of swine flu cases in Turkey totals 145.

BAKU: In December Azerbaijani And Armenian Ministries Of Foreign Aff


Azerbaijan Business Center
Nov 11 2009

Following an upcoming meeting between Azerbaijani and Armenian leaders
their countries’ ministries of foreign affairs will continue Garabagh
conflict consultations.

Azerbaijani FM Elmar Mammadyarov says that after the both presidents’
meeting at the end of November the relevant discussion will go on in
Athens on 1-2 December within the OSCE foreign ministers’ meeting.

Mammadyarov says that definition of negotiations is stage-by-stage

"First of all it is necessary to agree about withdrawal of Armenian
troops from occupied lands with following process of demining and.

Then it is needed to restore infrastructure and return all refugees to
their native lands with solution of all socio-economic problems. And
only after that it will become possible to talks of status for Nagorno
Garabagh. In parallel the Azerbaijani and Armenian communities of
Nagorno Garabagh will discuss jointly the matter of future status
of Nagorno Garabagh. The status issue can be solved only within the
frames of territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. Examples of settlement
of similar issues can be brought in Tatarstan, Bashkortostan and
many other countries of the world, including Europe. The Armenian
party wants to solve the matter immediately with status, but I don’t
believe that today we can approach to the last stage. First of all,
there should be released occupied territories, and without that it
is impossible to talk of any economic co-operation," the minister said.

Halt Of Gas Supply In Armenian Town Kapan Due To Pipeline Accident


11.11.2009 20:43 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Gas supply of Armenian town of Kapan stopped November
11 because of the accident at the Kapan-Kajaran pipe, press-service
of ArmRusGasProm reports.

Currently the TransGas company is working on the elimination of the
accident and restoration of gas supply.

The works are expected to be completed by November 13th evening.

Armenian Foreign Ministry: Turkey Cannot Be A Mediator In Karabakh P


2009-11-09 18:15:00

ArmInfo. Not only Armenia, but also the OSCE Minsk Group co-chair
countries pointed out that Turkey cannot be a co-chair of the OSCE
Minsk Group, Head of Media Relations Division of the Armenian Foreign
Ministry Tigran Balayan told ArmInfo correspondent when commenting
on Head of Turkish Delegation to OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Aladdin
Buyukkaya’s statement that Armenia would not allegedly oppose Turkey’s
co-chairmanship in OSCE MG.

Tigran Balayan qualified this statement as marasmus. "Our stance
is unambiguous. Turkey cannot be a mediator in the Karabakh peace
process, therefore such statements are simply absurd and ridiculous",-
Balayan said.

Furthermore, commenting on the Turkish parliamentarian’s statement
that allegedly "Armenia has informally agreed to withdraw Azerbaijani
occupied territories", Balayan stressed: "Only the issue of the
Nagorno-Karabakh status is being discussed".

Second Meeting Of Working Group On Iran-Armenia Railway Construction


11.11.2009 13:33 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The second meeting of the working group on
construction of the Iran-Armenia railway will apparently be held in
November 2009.

"RA Ministry of Transport requested the Iranian Ministry of Transport
for a regular trilateral meeting on construction of Iran-Armenia
railway," Minister of Transport Gurgen Sargsyan said during a
news conference on Wednesday when responding to a PanARMENIAN.Net
reporter’s question.

"Enlisting consent, we will organize the meeting," he said.

Court Bans Publication Of "Tchorrord Ishkhanuntyun" Newspaper


10.11.2009 19:19 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ " ‘Gind’ publishing house applied to the
first instance court of Kentron and Nork Marash Districts with a
claim against Ogostos ltd. which published Tchorrord Ishkhanuntyun
newspaper. Plaintiff’s claim was based on respondent’s failure to pay
debts. But the former unexpectedly imposed ban on the publication
of newspaper, and the claim was satisfied by court," newspaper’s
journalist Taguhi Tovmasyan told today a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter.

Following the court verdict, "Koghmnaki Andzants M" organization
undertook publication of "Tchorrord Ishkhanuntyun". "Gind" filed a
case against the latter too, claiming a ban on newspaper’s publication
by any publishing house, the journalist said. "First instance court
of Kentron and Nork Marash districts satisfied the claim and made
interim decision in favor of plaintiff."

"To continue publication of our newspaper we changed its logotype
while the name remained unchanged," Taguhi Tovmasyan stressed.

Besides, she added that proceedings over the case continue, and court
hearing is due on November 11.

New Hope For Development Of H1N1 Vaccine



Swine flue

According to CNN, researchers at a South Korean university say they
have discovered a candidate strain for an H1N1 vaccine, though it has
not yet been approved by health authorities in the United States or
the World Health Organization.

The strain is a genetically modified version of a live virus, and
could lead to a vaccine against H1N1 — commonly known as swine flu,
said Seo Sang-heui, a professor at Chungnam National University’s
College of Veterinary Medicine in South Korea.

"We created a candidate strain," Seo told CNN on Wednesday. The
strain would still have to undergo additional testing and tweaking,
but Seo believes it could be the right one to develop a vaccine.

He said the university is sending eight vials of the strain to the
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Seo added that the CDC
had sent the university an original strain of the virus for testing.

CDC spokesman Dave Daigle told CNN said the agency has sent
H1N1 strains to roughly 10 labs around the world, but he had no
information on South Korea’s claims. He said the CDC would check out
the university’s research.

Researchers around the world are racing to come up with a vaccine
for the widespread virus, but the CDC and the WHO have said it could
take up to six months between the time a virus appears to the time
the vaccine is available to the public.

Earlier this month, WHO officials said candidate vaccine strains would
undergo quality-control measures and be evaluated in clinical trials.

If it meets certain criteria, a candidate vaccine would still have
to be approved by the federal Food and Drug Administration before being