President Sargsyan Participated In The Festive Events Dedicated To T

May 10 2010

At the Moscow Red Square President Sargsyan attended the military
parade dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the victory in the Great
Patriotic War.

Later, along with the other leaders, who arrived to Moscow for the
festivities, Serzh Sargsyan participated at the wreath laying ceremony
at the Memorial of the Unknown Soldier.

In the evening, the President of Armenia participated at the official
reception dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the victory in the
Great Patriotic War.

RA Ambassador to UN spoke at solemn session on WWII victory, Armenia
May 8 2010

RA Ambassador to UN spoke at solemn session on WWII victory

11:34 / 05/08/2010May 6, solemn session of UN General Assembly
dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Second World War end was
convened in New York. UN Secretary General, President of the UN
General Assembly and heads of permanent missions addressed the

In his speech RA Ambassador to UN Karen Nazaryan noted that Armenia
played crucial role in the struggle against fascism. About 600.000
Armenians got call-ups, with the population of less than 1.5 million
and 300.000 were fighting in various fronts. Each third never
returned. He added that overall 6 national divisions were formed in
Armenia. Heroic names of 3 Armenian marshals, 1 admiral, 60 generals,
106 heroes of the Soviet Union and 27 holders of the Order of Glory,
as well as other brave soldiers will be embalmed in our hearts and the
history of Soviet army.

Primate of USA Eastern Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church
Archbishop Khazhak Parsamian and Great Patriotic War veteran Alish
Matevosyan were present at the session at the special invitation of
the Armenian delegation.


Joachim Boghossian reflechit encore pour l’equipe d’Armenie

Joachim Boghossian réfléchit encore pour l’équipe d’Arménie


samedi8 mai 2010, par Krikor Amirzayan/armenews

On reparle de Joachim Boghossian dans l’équipe d’Arménie. « Cet été
après concertation avec ma famille et mon club, je prendrai la
décision » vient de déclarer au journal argentin « Capital »,
l’arméno-uryguayen Joachim Boghossian, l’un des meilleurs joueurs du
championnat argentin à propos d’une possible sélection au sein de
l’équipe nationale d’Arménie. En fait, J. Boghossian a longuement
attendu que le sélectionneur national de l’Uruguay l’appelle dans
l’équipe qualifiée pour la Coupe du monde en Afrique du Sud. Mais
l’attente commence à durer.

La déclaration de Joachim Boghossian serait-elle un dernier coup
d’intimidation ou un appel en direction du sélectionneur uruguayen ?
Difficile de le dire. J. Boghossian avait toutefois reconnu lors d’une
interview à « Sport Express » que l’équipe d’Uruguay ne manquait pas
d’attaquants de qualité. Face à cette situation et au cas où selon
toute probabilité il ne serait pas sélectionné pour la Coupe du monde,
Joachim Boghossian intégrerait-il l’équipe d’Arménie ? Difficile, car
la sélection arménienne, classée en 99e position dans le classement de
la FIFA reste modeste dans ses performances. Joachim Boghossian,
véritable vedette du football argentin, pourrait-il se satisfaire
d’évoluer au sein de la sélection arménienne ? Sachant qu’une
sélection au sein de cette équipe signifiera qu’il ne pourra plus
prétendre jouer lors de sa carrière, dans une autre équipe national.

Levon Mkrtchyan: Hay Dat committees unite Armenian potential

Levon Lazarian: Hay Dat committees unite Armenian potential

07.05.2010 15:23

Yerevan (Yerkir) – A conference of the Armenian Revolutionary
Federation Hay Dat committees opened at the Erebuni Plaza business
center in Yerevan on May 7.

Convened biannually, this conference is the third in a row to be held
in the capital cities of the both Armenian states – Armenia and
Nagorno Karabakh.
Making the opening remarks, Levon Lazarian of the ARF Bureau said
that the conference gives yet another opportunity to coordinate the
ARF activities as well as outline a future political process.

Lazarian said that the Hay Dat committees represent the force linking
the ARF with the Armenians in the Diaspora and Armenia. He pointed to
the importance of holding the conference in both Armenian states,
adding that it is through the committees that the Armenian potential
around the globe comes together in one place.

`A crowd of supporters with clear goals has comet together in this
conference,’ Lazarian said. `Supporters, who believe in our people’s
natural and unequivocal rights to have a united, strong and sizable
state in their historical homeland. It is the people who believe in
this dream that ensure our people’s endurance. We believe that the
Republic of Armenia and the Nagorno Karabakh Republic are the first
steps on this great way.’

Lazarian was followed by ARF Supreme Body of Armenia representative
Armen Rustamyan and ARF Bureau member Hakob Ter-Khachaturyan.

The conference participants will leave for Stepanakert on May 8 where
the conference will continue. They will also participate in the
festivities marking the liberation of Shushi.

President Serzh Sargsyan Due To Leave For Moscow

15:15 07/05/2010


Upon the invitation of the Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, President
Serzh Sargsyan is due to pay a working visit to Moscow May 8-9 to
participate in the events dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the
Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

President Sargsyan will participate in the non-official meetings of the
Heads of States of the Collective Security Treaty Organization and the
Commonwealth of Independent Sates, President’s Press Office reported.

Over 5000 People Come Out Against Construction Of A Cafe In Student


2010-05-06 15:29:00

ArmInfo. Over 5 thsd people have signed the open letter against
construction of a cafe in the Student Garden.

The letter says that the garden has been created to ensure calmness for
library victors and students’ leisure. "The large-scale construction
launched in the given territory was not agreed with the students
and persons living near the garden, which violates the Armenian
legislation. Moreover, the construction permit was issued with
due regard for certain persons’ benefit. The appropriation of such
common areas by the Yerevan Municipality is inadmissible and leads
to destruction of the parks in Yerevan. We demand stopping the
construction in the Student Garden, restoring the initial image of
the area and returning it to the Yerevan residents",- say the letter’s
authors. To note, the letter will be sent to Armenian President Serzh
Sargsyan, Speaker of Armenian Parliament Hovik Abrahamyan, Armenian
Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan and Mayor of Yerevan Gagik Beglaryan.

According to the Association of Consumers of Armenia, 20 trees
were cut for the cafe, the fact is proved by relevant photos
and video-materials. While the Municipality of Yerevan and Nature
Protection Ministry of Armenia are trying to find out who should be
responsible for the illegal timber extraction, a youth group "We are
city’s owners" consisting of over 2600 people has been set up in the
Facebook social network. It was this group’s initiative to address
the relevant open letter to the Armenian president.

Artur Avtandilyan, administrator of the group, told ArmInfo
correspondent that the signature collection may be prolonged. To
recall, it was envisaged to complete the action on May 7. "We are
not going to restrict our action to signature collection. The main
action plan will be coordinated within the next few days",- he said.

Catholicos Of All Armenians Receives Clergymen Of Evangelic Lutheran


MAY 4, 2010

ETCHMIADZIN, MAY 4, ARMENPRESS: On May 3, Catholicos of All Armenians
Karekin II received the delegation of the clergymen of the Evangelic
Lutheran Church of German state of Baden-Wurttemberg, headed by His
Holiness Manfred Wagner and accompanied with T. Serovbe Isakhanyan.

During the meeting His Holiness expressed joy that this meeting was
held with the support of the Armenian Diocese of Germany, and then
referred to the mission and history of the Armenian church of many

"Our church has overcome many difficulties in the past, and we can
say that our people have had their Golgotha for the sake of their
faith in God. But they also have had their resurrection – thanks to
their faith. Honor to the Most High, the Armenian Church currently
lives its renaissance," His Holiness noted. And then His Holiness
recalled his study years in Vienna and pastor service in Germany.

In his speech Manfred Wagner expressed his gratitude to His Holiness
for warm reception.

Milos Klatik, head of the Council of Bishops of the Evangelic Lutheran
Church, was present a the meeting, too.

Turkey Reiterates ‘Gaza Condition’ During Talks In Jerusalem


Today’s Zaman
May 4 2010

Ankara’s long-held stance of making a return to normal bilateral
relations conditional on concrete steps by Israel to end the
months-long humanitarian tragedy in Gaza as well as a sign of
willingness to revive peace efforts in the Middle East has dominated
the agenda of a senior-level regular meeting between Israeli and
Turkish leaders that was held in Jerusalem over the weekend.

A delegation led by Ambassador Feridun Sinirlioglu, undersecretary at
the Turkish Foreign Ministry, and the Israeli delegation led by Foreign
Ministry Director-General Yossi Gal gathered at the Israeli Foreign
Ministry in Jerusalem on Sunday for the 14th "political consultation"
meeting between the two countries’ foreign ministries.

Sinirlioglu’s special counsel, Mehmet Kemal Bozay; Turkey’s incoming
Ambassador to Israel Kerim Uras; his predecessor, current Ambassador
Oguz Celikkol; and Israeli Ambassador to Turkey Gabby Levy also
participated in the almost four-hour-long meeting.

"Two fundamental messages were conveyed to the Israeli side during
the meeting. The first was about the fact that all peace processes
regarding the Middle East, including the failed Annapolis [Conference]
process that began in late 2007, were lively ahead of the Gaza attack.

None of them are functioning at the moment, and all of those processes
should be restarted simultaneously," Turkish diplomatic sources told
Today’s Zaman on Monday.

"The second message was of course the vital need for improvement
on the ground in Gaza," the same sources, speaking on condition of
anonymity, added.

Turkey, a member of the NATO defense pact, has a history of military
cooperation with Israel and of mediating for the Jewish state with the
Arab world. But ties have been shaken by a series of harsh and public
criticism from both sides, culminating in Jerusalem in January in a
televised reprimand of Turkey’s Ambassador Celikkol. A recent vote by
the Knesset giving the first go-ahead for a discussion on Armenian
genocide claims was also on agenda of the talks, with the Turkish
side firmly warning the Israeli side about the probable negative
consequences if the issue proceeds any further.

In brief remarks, Sinirlioglu, speaking to the Anatolia news agency in
Jerusalem, said on Sunday that the talks have been positive, adding
that the next regular meeting will be held in Ankara, probably in
November. "During the discussions, which were held in a positive
and warm atmosphere, the two sides reiterated the importance of
the relationship to both countries," the Israeli Foreign Ministry,
meanwhile, said in a written statement. The talks dealt with "a
range of bilateral and regional issues and the peace process," the
statement added.

The Israeli side reiterated its willingness to host Davutoglu on an
official visit to Israel, Today’s Zaman learned from sources involved
in the talks. Yet, the Turkish side refrained from giving a definite
affirmative answer to the invitation, the same sources said.

Chess: Sevak Mkhitaryan Is On The 2nd Place

May 4 2010

The international Master Grigor – Sevak Mkhitaryan (Brasilia) in
the open held in Balain city of France took the 2nd prize getting 7
points out of 9. As the Armenian Chess Federation informs Mkhitaryan
was left behind by the winner, Azerbaijani Azer Mirzoev, with only
a half points, the total number of the players was 102.