2 Types Of Passports For The Armenian Citizens


Oct 20 2009

Since 2010 in Armenia will launch the process of ID Cards
implementation. As Arman Margaryan the Director at e-Governance
Infrastructure Implementation Office OJSC said the cards are to
replace the RA citizens’ passports.

"All the citizens can have 2 types of passports internal ID cards
and external for international visits. The latter will be the same
by their appearance will be the same as the present passports the
only difference will be the chip inserted inside the last page of
the passport which will give the personal information",- said A.


The ID cards will provide the identification of the person and will
be the barriers of the electronic signature. The card can be used as
a driving license, and can possess the information about the blood
group, the picture of the person and can be used as a credit card.

The Director at e-Governance Infrastructure Implementation Office
OJSC said that in the first period the ID card will not have the all
mentioned functions but in the future those functions will be able
to be activated.

Armenian Delegation To Baku For Black Sea Council Session


2009/10 /19 | 12:28


An Armenian foreign ministry delegation headed by Deputy Minister
Armen Kirakosyan will head to Baku to participate in the 21st session
of the Black Seas Economic Development Council on October 22.

The delegation will meet with representatives of the Azerbaijani
foreign ministry prior to the session. Armenia will serve as the
rotating president of the Council till October 31.


UN Center Opens In Kapan


Oct 20, 2009

KAPAN, OCTOBER 20, ARMENPRESS: The fourth UN center in the republic
opened October 19 in Kapan, near the Syunik’s Youth Events Organization
Center. It was initiated by UN Armenian office, Armenian Sport and
Youth Affairs Ministry, UN Armenian Association.

The chairperson of the association Arpine Danielyan said the goal of
the initiative is the activation of youth and their involvement in
the process of development of democracy in Armenia.

The newly opened center has a library and will be periodically
refreshed by UN Armenian Association. The young people of the province
will have an opportunity to get acquainted with the activity of
international establishments.

Nalbandyan Received Georgian Ambassador


Information-Analytic Agency NEWS.am
Oct 19 2009

October 19, 2009 newly appointed Georgian Ambassador to Armenia
Gregori Tabatadze presented the copies of his credentials to the RA
Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandyan.

Devoting attention to the implementation of the agreements between
Armenian and Georgian Presidents, the officials discussed a wide range
of issues related to the promotion of mutual cooperation in political,
economical and cultural fields, RA MFA Press Service told NEWS.am.

Edward Nalbandyan and Gregori Tabatadze also exchanged thoughts on
the regional issues.

Editorial; Armenie-Turquie

Le Monde, France
10 octobre 2009 samedi

Editorial; Arménie-Turquie

L’Arménie et la Turquie vont nouer des relations diplomatiques. C’est
une bonne nouvelle. La République d’Arménie, créée par l’URSS en 1920,
a accédé à l’indépendance en 1991. Mais sans normaliser sa relation
avec le voisin turc. On imagine pourquoi : le poids du passé. Erevan,
la capitale d’Arménie, se heurtait au refus d’Ankara de qualifier de
génocide les massacres dont plus d’un million d’Arméniens furent
victimes à l’aube de la dissolution de l’Empire ottoman, dans les
premières années du XXe siècle.

Sous les auspices de la Suisse, Arméniens et Turcs devaient signer,
samedi 10 octobre, à Zurich, le protocole d’accord sur l’échange de
missions diplomatiques et l’ouverture de la frontière entre les deux
pays. La version la plus banale de l’événement conduit à faire
l’observation suivante : aux confins de l’Europe, deux pays voisins
normalisent leurs relations.

C’est toujours souhaitable et, de ce seul point de vue, l’accord de
Zurich Рpatronn̩ par Moscou et Washington Рest le bienvenu. On salue
au passage les mérites de la diplomatie du football et les gestes de
détente qu’autorise la passion des uns et des autres pour le ballon
rond : le président turc, Abdullah Gül, s’est rendu en Arménie pour le
match aller entre les deux équipes nationales pour les qualifications
à la Coupe de monde 2010 ; son homologue arménien, Serge Sarkissian,
pourrait se rendre en Turquie pour le match retour.

Mais il y a plus. Cette normalisation, si elle est menée à bien, porte
en elle une forte charge symbolique. Quand Turcs et Arméniens signent
un accord, ce n’est pas qu’affaire diplomatique. On touche au passé.
Encore prudemment, certes : Ankara se refuse toujours à qualifier de
génocide le massacre des Arméniens ; Erevan ne cesse de revendiquer
une telle reconnaissance. Les deux pays vont créer une commission
historique. Elle devra étudier " de manière scientifique et impartiale
les données historiques et les archives " relatives au drame. C’est un
pas. Comment ne pas y voir, en filigrane, un geste important d’Ankara,
peut-être l’acceptation d’une première confrontation de la Turquie
avec un passé terrible ?

Qui s’oppose à l’accord de Zurich ? Les plus ultras des nationalistes
arméniens craignent que cette normalisation n’enterre l’exigence de
reconnaissance du génocide. Les plus ultras des nationalistes turcs
redoutent qu’Ankara abandonne au passage un de ses protégés régionaux,
l’Azerbaïdjan, avec lequel l’Arménie est en conflit. Mais quand les
modérés s’entendent sur le dos des plus extrémistes, ce n’est pas
forcément mauvais signe. p

Boxing: Abraham knocks out Taylor

Oct 18 2009

Abraham knocks out Taylor
Arthur Abraham knocked out Jermain Taylor in the final round of their
Super Six opener in Berlin on Saturday night.

The Armenian, based in Germany and now 31-0, poleaxed Taylor with a
huge right to clinch victory with just six seconds of the bout

Taylor had been ahead on the scorecards when also knocked out deep
inside the final minute by Britain’s Carl Froch in his last outing
earlier this year.

But this time the former undisputed middleweight king appeared to be
behind and on the way to defeat when the end came.

It was a picture-perfect straight right from Abraham that closed the
show, landing flush to send Taylor crashing to the canvas.

Jermain, looking to rebuild his reputation after two defeats by Kelly
Pavlik and that loss to Froch, made his usual fast start.

He shaded the first four rounds with the flashier work, jabbing nicely
and boxing from the outside.

But from the fifth onwards the stalking Abraham begin to find his
range, landing with decent body shots and the occasional right hand.

The tide appeared to be turning Arthur’s way, cheered on by a partisan
home crowd.

Taylor’s hopes took another knock in the sixth when he was deducted a
point for repeated low blows.

But he had bigger problems to worry about as Abraham, stepping up to
super-middleweight for the first time, continued to go on the

Taylor was in big trouble in the ninth when a cracking straight right
from Abraham right down the pipe wobbled the man from Little Rock,

He regained his composure as Arthur failed to press home the
advantage, and for a couple of rounds that assault appeared to have
left Abraham weary.

But inside the final session he again went looking for the finish, and
into the final minute had Taylor backpedalling constantly.

Then inside the final 15 seconds he blasted Taylor with a superb right
hand that left the conclusion in no doubt. The bout was waved off
almost as soon as Jermain hit the deck, giving Abraham the perfect
start to his Super Six campaign. He takes three points from the bout –
two for the win and one as a bonus for the knockout.

Taylor meanwhile drops to 28-4-1 and doubts again will be raised about
his ability to prosper at the very highest level.

BAKU: Azerbaijani Diaspora in talks with Turkish Diaspora re border

Trend, Azerbaijan
Oct 14 2009

Azerbaijani Diaspora in talks with Turkish Diaspora to prevent opening
Turkish-Armenian border

Azerbaijan, Baku, Oct. 14 / Trend News M.Aliyev /

The Azerbaijani Diaspora has begun negotiations with the Turkish
Diaspora to prevent opening of the Turkish-Armenian borders.

"We are negotiating with the Turkish Diaspora and other Diasporas
functioning in Europe. The Turkish organizations are also protesting
against disclose of the Turkish-Armenian borders. It is necessary to
act with patience to avoid political problems," Chairman of the
Benelux Azerbaijanis Congress Elsavar Mammadov told Trend News on

Turkish and Armenian Foreign Ministers, Ahmet Davutoglu and Edward
Nalbandian signed the Ankara-Yerevan protocol in Zurich on Oct. 10.

Azerbaijani MPs, including Samad Seyidov, Nizami Jafarov, Ali
Huseynov, Ganira Pashayeva, Mubariz Gurbanli, Fazil Gazanfaroglu,
Akram Abdullayev, Gultakin Hajibeyli, Asef Hajiyev, Rovshan Rzayev and
Fazail Agamali will hold several meetings in Ankara to discuss the

Armenian-Turkish ties have been severed since 1993 due to Armenia’s
claims to recognize so-called "Armenian genocide" and Armenia’s
occupation of Azerbaijani lands.

The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988
when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. Armenian
armed forces have occupied 20 percent of Azerbaijan since 1992,
including the Nagorno-Karabakh region and 7 surrounding districts.
Azerbaijan and Armenia signed a ceasefire agreement in 1994. The
co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group – Russia, France, and the U.S. – are
currently holding the peace negotiations.

According to Mammadov, signing of the Turkey-Armenia protocols on
establishment of relations does not mean opening of the border.

Chairman of the Congress of Georgian Azerbaijanis Ali Babayev told
Trend News that they held talks with regional representatives of the
Turkish Parliament.

"During the negotiations, the Azerbaijani Diaspora expressed hope that
Turkey will not leave the fraternal country in a difficult position.
We have told them that the Turkish-Armenian borders should not be
opened until the Nagorno-Karabakh problem resolved," Babayev said.

ANC-PAC Endorses Marcy Winograd in Race Against Jane Harman

ANC-PAC Endorses Marcy Winograd in Race Against Jane Harman

17.10.2009 15:28

The Armenian National Committee – Political Action Committee (ANC-PAC)
has officially endorsed the campaign of Democrat Marcy Winograd, who
is challenging genocide denier Jane Harman in a primary race next year
in California’s 36th Congressional District. Unlike Harman, Winograd
has pledged her full support on a variety of issues important to her
prospective Armenian American constituents. Jane Harman made national
headlines two years ago when she secretly wrote a letter in opposition
to the Armenian Genocide resolution to the Chairman of the House
Foreign Affairs Committee, while still being listed as a "cosponsor"
of the human rights legislation. The Los Angeles Times and others
harshly criticized Harman for flip-flopping on the genocide
resolution. California’s 36th Congressional District covers a portion
of the South Bay in Los Angeles County, including the cities of
Redondo Beach, Manhattan Beach, Torrance, El Segundo and Venice.

"We are proud to be endorsing somebody who is honest and smart,"
remarked South Bay activist Shant Baboujian. "Marcy Winograd is a
model citizen. The Armenian American community looks forward to making
her Congresswoman Winograd," added Baboujian.

On October 11, 2009 a number of Armenian American leaders in the 36th
Congressional District met with Marcy Winograd in Torrance,
California. The meeting provided an opportunity for community members
to interact with Winograd and learn about her positions on issues
ranging from education, healthcare and foreign policy matters.

Winograd will be challenging Jane Harman in the Democratic Party
primary slated to be held on June 8, 2010. Winograd challenged Harman
in 2006 and gave the incumbent a strong run, despite being
dramatically outspent by Harman, who is one of the richest members of
the U.S. Congress. Winograd is the co-founder of the Los Angeles
chapter of Progressive Democrats of America.

Winograd has strongly endorsed the Armenian Genocide resolution
pending in the 111th Congress. She has stated, for the record, "I will
not only co-sponsor a resolution to recognize the Armenian genocide, I
will work to bring other lawmakers on board as co-sponsors. History
should never be revised to suit the needs of current geopolitical
considerations; to rewrite history or to deny genocide not only
insults the victims and their families, but suggests we are doomed to
repeat the same crimes of ethnic cleansing and mass murder because we
never fully explore the root causes of genocide." Winograd has also
expressed her clear support for continued U.S. developmental and
humanitarian aid to Nagorno-Karabagh. She believes that the Armenians
of Nagorno-Karabagh deserve the support of the United States. She also
believes that the United States must intervene in Nagorno-Karabagh to
ensure the safety and security of Armenians. Lastly, she believes in
the right of self-determination for the Armenians of Nagorno-Karabagh.

BAKU: Ankara assures Azeris border opening ruled out

AssA-Irada, Azerbaijan
October 12, 2009 Monday


The embassy of Turkey in Baku on Monday repeated Ankaras assurances
that reopening of the countrys border with Armenia is not negotiable
prior to a pullout of the Armenian armed forces from the occupied
territories of Azerbaijan. The embassy said in a statement that it is
disappointed with the reports about opening of the Turkish-Armenian
border circulated by the Azerbaijani media following Saturdays signing
of two protocols on mending ties between Ankara and Yerevan.

Ankara thereby appealed to the Azerbaijani public, saying that as
repeatedly noted by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the
Turkish-Armenian border, which closed after the occupation of Garabagh
[an Azeri region under Armenian occupation], will not reopen before
the occupation of Azerbaijani territories ends, and this cannot be
even a subject of discussions. The statement also said that, as stated
by Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, no relations can be more
important than Turkey-Azerbaijan cooperation. It said opening of the
border with Armenia is a long process which requires liberation of
Azerbaijans occupied land. The embassy added that we expect the
fraternal Azerbaijani people to confide in Turkey and not to trust
false and deliberate reports. Turkey and Armenia face decades of
enmity. Turkey closed its border with Armenia in 1993 due to Armenian
occupation of Azerbaijani territory and Yerevans claims on the World
War I-era genocide in the Ottoman Empire. However, there have lately
been signs of normalization in Ankara-Yerevan ties. The two
governments signed a historic agreement to establish diplomatic
relations and reopen their borders on Saturday. However, the signed
protocols require the approval of both countries parliaments to be
considered valid. Ankara has repeatedly pledged that the border will
not open until the Garabagh conflict has been fairly resolved.

Catholicos Aram I: Unity Of Our People Must Become "Sanctum Sanctoru


Noyan Tapan
Oct 13, 2009

ANTELIAS, OCTOBER 13, NOYAN TAPAN. Late October 10 when the
Armenia-Turkey protocols were being signed in Zurich, numerous Lebanese
Armenians gathered at Mayravank in Antelias to say once again "No"
to these protocols, vowing to remain faithful to the holy behest of
the Genocide martyrs.

The Catholicos of Cilicia Aram I addressed those present, emphasizing
the inseparable unity of the Armenian Church and the people. At this
crucial moment, he appealed to them to remain faithful to the behest
of the 1.5 million martyrs and to assert the infringed national rights.

"Today, our people is at a decisive point of its modern history. The
Armenian life is in a state of ferment everywhere: all sections of
the Armenian people reject the Armenia-Turkey protocols being signed
at this moment in Switzerland. Despite the explanations given in this
respect, in fact, our people has not been persuaded," Aram I stated.

Catholicos of Cilicia also said in his speech: "We say "No" to all
those lines of action which try to cause a split in our communities by
alienating the Diaspora from Armenia and estranging Armenia from the
Diaspora – just as the genocide perpetrator Turkey is trying to do it
through its president and prime minister. Despite the difference in
opinions, the unity of our people must become a "santum sanctorum"
for each Armenian. Being different does not mean not being united:
being different does not mean not putting the supreme interests and
sacred values of our nation and homeland above any considerations
and temporary gains".

On behalf of the Catholicosate of Cilicia, Aram I called upon the
people "to carry on a united struggle for our fair rights". He stated
that "remaining true to its religious mission and national role, the
Catholicosate of Cilicia with a renewed faith and resolution must be
on our people’s side for the assertion of its fair rights".

According to a report received from Mayravank in Antelias, this rally,
as well as all the meetings held in Lebanon in this connection were
organized by the ARF, the Ramkavar Azatakan Party, and the Social
Democrat Hunchak Party.