Expert: Refusal From ‘Armenian Issue’ Is Fatal Flaw


2009-10-08 15:22:00

ArmInfo. Refusal from the "Armenian issue" by Armenia is a fatal
flaw, as the country’s future depends on it, Head of Modus Vivendi
Center, ex- Ambassador of Armenia to Canada Ara Papyan said at today’s
conference in Yerevan titled "Initialed Protocols and Armenian-Turkish
Relations. National and State Interests and Challenges".

"The initialed protocols on the Armenian-Turkish relations are called
to secure the border between the two states and, so, Turkey wants
to put a period to the "Armenian issue". There will be no way back
in the issue of borders after signing of these protocols, as it is
determined by the international law. So, we recognize the Turkish
borders once for all", Papyan emphasized.

There Are Concerns, But They Cannot Become Obstacles, Serzh Sargsyan

14:27 07.10.09

On October 6, Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan met with more
than 100 representatives of national large Armenian communities,
organizations and structures of the Near East, Egypt, Iran and the
Persian Gulf States.

Before the meeting, His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Great
House of Cilicia, visited Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan.

Sargsyan and His Holiness Aram I Catholicos had a talk on issues
related to the establishment process of Armenian-Turkish relations
and the presigned Protocols.

In Beirut, Sargsyan made a speech at the beginning of the meeting
referring to the key viewpoints and concerns voiced on the
establishment process of the Armenian-Turkish relations and the
presigned Protocols. As announced by the Armenian president’s press
office, there was a lively and open dialogue, after which Sargsyan
answered participants’ questions.

Touching upon concerns regarding the establishment process of
Armenian-Turkish relations, the Armenian president emphasized: "I
also have concerns. In many circumstances I myself try to compare
my emotions with the emotions of those who are pessimistic, who,
emerging from the experience of a bitter past, consider that under no
circumstances should one talk or negotiate with Turkey. This is all
objective. On the other hand, are there concerns? Of course there
are. But can those concerns be a reason to hinder the establishing
of relations?"

President Sargsyan also thoroughly referred to all the main concerns to
the establishment of Armenian-Turkish relations, and gave additional
clarifications. "We have numerously stated that the recognition of
the Armenian Genocide is not only a matter of reinstating justice,
but also an important factor for the security of Armenia and the
Armenian people," Sargsyan stated.

Sargsyan also noted that as a result of the Armenian-Turkish process,
in the past year, mentions of the Armenian Genocide and broadcast
coverage in lea antially.

Referring to the concern that as a result of the process, Turkey
can assume a role in the settlement process of the Nagorno-Karabakh
conflict, Sargsyan said, "The Mountainous Karabakh conflict will be
resolved only when we see that we have that for which our nation has
struggled since 1988."

Any Attempt To Return Nagorno Karabakh To Conditions Of 1988 Fraught


Noyan Tapan
Oct 6, 2009

STEPANAKERT, OCTOBER 6, NOYAN TAPAN. On October 2, President of the
Nagorno Karabakh Republic Bako Sahakian met Co-chairs of the OSCE
Minsk Group Robert Bradtke (USA), Yuri Merzliakov (Russian Federation)
and Bernard Fassier (France) and officials accompanying them who
arrived in Artsakh on the same day. A wide range of issues related
to the settlement of the Azerbaijan-Karabakh conflict and regional
processes were discussed at the meeting.

The Head of the State once again underlined the necessity of
restoring the full-fledged negotiation format stating that it
would be impossible to reach the final settlement of the conflict
without full participation of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic. Bako
Sahakian underlined that for the comprehensive settlement of the
conflict it is necessary to look ahead instead of being guided by the
past. According to the President, any attempt to pull back Nagorno
Karabagh to the conditions of 1988 both in the terms of status and
administrative-territorial division are fraught with unpredictable
consequences and will bring the process to impasse.

The President drew the attention of the Co-chairs to the need of
activating efforts aimed at strengthening mutual confidence between
the societies, since for the resolution of the conflict the readiness
of the parties to settle disputable issues through sincere dialogue
is a necessary condition.

Artificial acceleration in this case is inadmissible. Bako Sahakian
underlined that militant and policy of Azerbaijan is among the most
important obstacles of the peace process.

Touching upon the Armenian-Turkish relations, the President noted
that this process does not have any relations to the settlement of the
Azerbaijan-Karabakh conflict and welcomed the joint statement by the
Minsk Group Co-chairs concerning this very issue made the day before.

According to the Central Information Department of the Office of the
NKR President, issues related to the situation along the contact-line
were also discussed at the meeting held with participation of NKR
Foreign Minister Georgy Petrosian and Personal Representative of the
OSCE Chairman-in-Office Andrzej Kasprzyk.

Square To Remain Closed For Another Year


04:55 pm | October 06, 2009 | society

Freedom Square has been closed down since last October for underground
parking construction. The construction site is closed so that nobody
will see anything. What is going on behind the gates and when will
the deep hole be closed?

"The Opera Square will be open in a year. The Yerevan city council is
following up on the construction and at the present, we are not behind
schedule," said first deputy director of the "Investment program for
construction" Felix Afyan.

According to him, builders are working in two sites. In the first site,
they have reached the high floor and in the second, construction of
the first floor is still underway. Felix Afyan told "A1+" that the
underground section will be ready in early 2010 and then construction
will begin on the top section of the square, which implies the "return"
of the statues of Hovhannes Tumanyan and Alexander Spendiaryan.

Let us remind that the construction began in October 2008 with the
project by "ArmProject" and funding by the Italian "Renco" company. The
three-story parking lot is foreseen for 500 cars. There will be
valet parking. According to the agreement with the Italian company,
there will be underground parking lots at the Aznavour, Shahumyan,
Myasnikyan streets and the French Square with the purpose to ease
the pile-ups in the center of the city.

Memorial Service Held For Kevork Hovnanian at St. Vartan Cathedral

Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern)
630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
Tel: (212) 686-0710; Fax: (212) 779-3558
E-mail: [email protected]

October 6, 2009

Memorial Service Held for Kevork Hovnanian at St. Vartan Cathedral

Over one thousand mourners came to New York’s St. Vartan Armenian Cathedral
on Saturday, October 3, braving periodic thunderstorms, to attend a memorial
service for Kevork S. Hovnanian.

Mr. Hovnanian, a world-class business leader, founder of the Fund for
Armenian Relief (FAR) and its longtime chairman, and a major benefactor of
numerous Armenian concerns, including the Armenian Church, passed away on
Thursday, September 24 at age 86.

In his eulogy on October 3, Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the
Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern), reflected on Mr.
Hovnanian’s legacy, recalling a poignant moment he shared with him in the
autumn of 1991 when Mr. Hovnanian was invited by His Holiness Vasken I, of
blessed memory, to serve as the godfather of the blessing of the Holy Muron.
The occasion was the first time the ceremony was performed in an independent

"What Catholicos Vasken saw in Kevork Hovnanian was a man who could stand as
an example to future generations, of the very best our heritage had to
offer," said the Primate.

"Kevork Hovnanian was a man who could be rightly called ‘a leader of his
people.’ A man whose wisdom you would trust in the most extraordinary
circumstances. A man who would never abandon you – even during the times of
greatest trouble, of deepest despair."

Mr. Hovnanian had served as godfather for the Primate at his episcopal
ordination in 1990.

The Primate noted Mr. Hovnanian’s accomplishments in all aspects of his
life; in business, philanthropy, family, and in his dedication to the
Armenian Church and people.

"In Armenia, there are thousands upon thousands of people, whose lives are
better today because of Kevork Hovnanian’s presence in this world," said the

Mr. Hovnanian’s influence extended beyond Armenians and Armenia.

"In America, there are people who could never have afforded homes; who would
never have obtained an education, or treatment for an illness – were it not
for Kevork Hovnanian’s business, and his philanthropy."

The Primate also touched upon Mr. Hovnanian’s commitment to his family,
especially his devotion to his wife Sirvart, who "was quite simply the
inspiration for everything Kevork Hovnanian did."

Highlighting Mr. Hovnanian’s contributions to the Armenian Church and
people, Archbishop Vicken Aykazian, Legate of the Eastern Diocese, noted
that Mr. Hovnanian was one of the founders of FAR and a long-standing
chairman of the organization.

"Mr. Hovnanian had a strong sense of patriotism, love for his homeland, and
dedication to the church," said Archbishop Aykazian.

Dr. Tavit Najarian, Mr. Hovnanian’s son-in-law, introduced Ara Hovnanian and
Arthur Greenbaum, who shared personal reflections on the life of Kevork

Ara Hovnanian, Kevork’s son and the president of K. Hovnanian Enterprises,
said his father arrived in the United States penniless, with limited
English. He was nonetheless determined to build a new life in his adopted

He eventually founded K Hovnanian Enterprises, which became a Fortune 500

"My father led a full life," said Ara Hovnanian, who began working with his
father 30 years ago. He said that his father was an integral part of his
daily life.

"We grew up in a very, very loving household," said Ara Hovnanian, noting
the importance of family to his father. He said he would miss the habit of
calling his father every day and seeking his counsel.

Ara Hovnanian also paid tribute to the tender relationship between his
parents. His father’s world "revolved around her epicenter," Ara Hovnanian
said of his mother, Sirvart.

In his memorial remarks, Arthur Greenbaum recalled that "Nothing was too
difficult for Kevork to take on." A board member of K. Hovnanian until his
recent retirement, Mr. Greenbaum met Kevork Hovnanian in 1959, and remained
a close friend thereafter.

"Another unique trait that was so profound was his humility," recalled Mr.
Greenbaum. "His humbleness never waned."

During the memorial service Dr. Najarian also read a condolence letter from
Serge Sargsyan, the President of the Republic of Armenia.

Born and raised in Iraq in 1923, Mr. Hovnanian was successful in his own
right as managing partner in one of Iraq’s largest road building companies.
Following the revolution in the country, Mr. Hovnanian immigrated with his
wife and three children to the United States.

Partnering with his brothers, he started Hovnanian Corp., Engineers and
Builders. Soon thereafter, Mr. Hovnanian established a new construction
company, K. Hovnanian Enterprises-currently the eighth largest homebuilder
in the nation with operations in 19 states.

Mr. Hovnanian’s charitable organizations and contributions were
far-reaching. He built the St. Stepanos Church of Elberon, N.J., in 1988.
Later that same year, the earthquake struck Armenia, and Kevork Hovnanian,
along with then-Primate Archbishop Torkom Manoogian and Dr. Edgar Housepian,
founded the Diocesan relief organization that would eventually be known as
the Fund for Armenian Relief. As chairman of FAR from its inception through
2005, Mr. Hovnanian was a hands-on leader who shaped FAR into the
pre-eminent relief organization working in Armenia.

In addition to his efforts with FAR, he renovated the 130-year-old Kevorkian
Seminary at Holy Etchmiadzin in Armenia. Mr. Hovnanian was also chairman of
the Armenian Church Endowment Fund, and served on the Diocesan Board of

In 1992, Kevork and Sirvart Hovnanian renovated and donated a Manhattan
townhouse to serve as the Republic of Armenia’s Mission to the United
Nations. The property was the first holding of the new republic off of
Armenia’s soil.

For his efforts and contributions to the Armenian Church, His Holiness
Vasken I conferred upon Mr. Hovnanian the "St. Gregory the Illuminator

Outside of the Armenian community, Mr. Hovnanian built a children’s hospital
at the Jersey Shore University Medical Center and funded the Emergency Care
Center at the Riverview Medical Center in New Jersey. He also established
the Cardiology Floor at the New York Presbyterian Hospital, which is
currently under construction.

His accomplishments have led to an array of honors including Harvard
University’s Dively Award for leadership in Corporate Public Initiatives, a
listing among Rutgers University’s 25 top New Jersey Business leaders of the
century, the Ellis Island Medal of Honor Award, Man of the Year awards from
the New Jersey Council for Christians and Jews, as well as recognition from
the Diocese of the Armenian Church of America for his assistance to
earthquake victims in Armenia.

Mr. Hovnanian is survived by his wife, Sirvart, five children and thirteen


Photo attached: Kevork S. Hovnanian.

Armenian Prime Minister Satisfied With Dynamic Development Of Armeni


05.10.2009 17:23 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Armenian Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan received
the Chairman of the Regional Council of Provence-Alpes-Cote d’Azyur,
a member of the National Assembly of France, Michel Vauzelle and his
delegation, press service of the government reports.

Welcoming the guests, the Prime Minister expressed his satisfaction
with the dynamic development of Armenian-French relations. Tigran
Sargsyan presented the program of the Armenian government, touching
upon the possibility of bilateral projects.

During the meeting the officials touched upon issues of cooperation
between Armenia’s Lori region and the province of Provence-Alpes-Cote
d’Azyur, particularly in the areas of education, science, health and
information technology.

Tigran Sargsyan assured that the government will promote the program
in Lori region of Armenia, and expressed hope that ongoing projects
will be relevant and consistent to long-term priorities of the
RA Government, aimed at concurrent development of all the regions
of Armenia.

List Of 2009 Nobel Medicine Laureates Available


05.10.2009 19:04 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ American scientists Elizabeth Blackburn, Carol
Greider and Jack Shostack have this year won Nobel Prize for
discovering the mechanism for protecting chromosomes by telomeres
and telomeraza enzymes.

This year’s Nobel laureates have managed solve the greatest problem
in biology, i.e. they have established the changes in cell fission
process and their protection from degradation.

Such scientific discovery is greatly significant for searching new
ways of treating cancer and realizing aging process.

Total award sum to be shared by 3 laureates will be an equivalent to
USD 1.42 million.

Galaxy Heart Emits Gamma Rays


3 October 2009, 11:13 CDT

Quite a few distant galaxies turn out to be cosmic delivery
rooms. Large numbers of massive stars are born in the hearts of
these starburst galaxies, and later explode as supernovae. In the
remnants they leave behind, particles are accelerated to very high
energies. Astrophysicists have now used the H.E.S.S. telescopes
to make detailed measurements of the gamma rays from the NGC 253
galaxy. As predicted, these high-energy rays originate from the region
of maximum supernova activity close to the center. (Science Express,
September 2009)

At a distance of some twelve million light years away, NGC 253 is one
our closest spiral galaxies outside the so-called local group of our
Milky Way and its companions. Observations in the visible light as
well as in the infrared and radio frequency ranges had already shown
there was a small region at the center of NGC 253 which gave birth to
a very high number of stars. This region exhibits a very high density
of interstellar dust and gas.

The high-mass stars born in this region use up their nuclear fuel
relatively quickly and stagger into an energy crisis at the end of
their life. The nucleus collapses while the star destroys itself in
one final explosion. Such a supernova suddenly flares up a million
or even a billion times brighter than before. The charged particles
accelerated to very high energies in the remnants of such explosions
react with the surrounding medium or with electromagnetic fields to
generate extremely high-energy gamma quanta.

Between 2005 and 2008, astrophysicists used the H.E.S.S. telescope
system in Namibia over a total observation period of 119 hours to
detect the expected gamma rays at energies exceeding 220 GeV (billion
electronvolts). The source of these rays lies precisely at the optical
center of NGC 253 and appears as a point to H.E.S.S. This makes it
the weakest source discovered to date in the very high-energy gamma
radiation range.

The flux of radiation f of NGC 253 measured by H.E.S.S. implies an
enormous cosmic ray density – more than 1,000 times higher than at
the center of the Milky Way. Moreover, the high gas density makes
the conversion of cosmic rays into gamma rays around one order of
magnitude more efficient. Accordingly, the central region of NGC 253
shines around five times as brightly in the light of gamma rays as
all the rest of the galaxy together.

The four H.E.S.S. telescopes, each with a mirror area of 108 square
meters, observe weak bluish and extremely short flashes of light. This
so called Cherenkov radiation is emitted by showers of particles
created when high-energy gamma quanta collide with molecules in Earth’s
atmosphere. H.E.S.S. stands for High Energy Stereoscopic System and
has been in operation since the beginning of 2004. Since this time it
has made many important discoveries, such as the first astronomical
image of a supernova remnant in the high-energy gamma radiation range,
or the detection of galaxies with active nuclei in the light of
gamma rays. The fifth, much larger telescope that is currently under
construction will significantly improve the sensitivity of the system
and extend the observable energy range. The H.E.S.S. collaboration
under the overall lead management of the Max Planck Institute for
Nuclear Physics involves more than 150 researchers from Germany,
France, Great Britain, Poland, Czech Republic, Ireland, Austria,
Sweden, Armenia, South Africa and Namibia.

Turkish President Gul due to France


05.10.2009 16:06 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Turkish President Abdullah Gul will travel to
Paris on Wednesday. Gul will attend activities within the scope of
"Season of Turkey" in Paris.

"Season of Turkey" began in France on June 30 and it will last about
nine months. More than 300 art and culture events promoting Turkey will
take place in Paris, Lyon, Marseille, Strasbourg and some other French
cities during the "Season of Turkey" organized with a 30 million Euro
budget, AA reported.

France will host 42 exhibitions during the season, which is sponsored
by leading French companies including AXA, Areva, Total, EADS, BNP
Paribas Bank, Groupama insurance company and Renault.

A total of 880,000 French people visited Turkey last year, and almost
400,000 Turkish citizens are living in France.

New York Armenians welcome president Sargsyan with protest

New York Armenians welcome president Sargsyan with protest
05.10.2009 11:18 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Armenian Americans in the eastern United States
formed a
picket line across the street from the New York Palace Hotel, where
Armenia President Serge Sargsyan was scheduled to meet with
representatives of Armenian American organizations to discuss the
controversial Armenia-Turkey protocols.
Blockades and guardrails contained picketers who held signs
`Don’t compromise Armenia’s future!’ =80=9CArmenians Want Justice!’
`Turkey Accept the Genocide!’ and `No to the Protocols!’

Picketers held small Armenian flags and chanted, `Sargsyan, can’t you
see? You can’t sell our legacy!’ and `No more protocols, No more
lies!’ A large banner directed to Sargsyan declared, `Do Not Betray
the Armenian Nation!’ From the picket’s start the mood was serious and
the demonstrators were indignant and angry. The atmosphere quickly
grew intense with chants of =80=9CTurkey is guilty! Turkey must pay!’.

Sargsyan and meeting attendees were already in the hotel when the
picket began at 4 p.m. The meeting was scheduled to start at 5
p.m. and last for over two hours.
The area inside and outside the hotel was heavily guarded by New York
City police officers and plain-clothed agents, as well as Sargsyan’s
own security guards.
In the hotel, a small group of protesters representing the Association
of Concerned Young Armenian Americans attempted to deliver a letter to
Sargsyan expressing their opposition to the protocols. They were met
with resistance. During a heated discussion with members of the
president’s security team, they demanded to deliver their letter
personally to Sargsyan, saying that too much discussion on the
protocols was occurring behind closed doors and challenging Sargsyan
to honor his earlier promises to hear all opinions on the protocols
during his tour of major diasporan cities.

Security permitted one of the young people to enter the secure area
near the meeting room to deliver the letter, only if the others left
the building. The association’s representative was told to wait until
Sargsyan’s meeting concluded to deliver the letter. After waiting for
over three hours to deliver the message from Armenian American
youth-with no response from Sargsyan -the representative departed with
the letter in hand.

At around 7 p.m., as the picket entered its final minutes, dozens of
picketers moved from the picket area across the street to assemble
directly in front of the Palace Hotel’s entrance, where they chanted
and sang Armenian patriotic songs. Police moved in to force picketers
out of the area and back across the street from the hotel, where they
remained until dispersing, reported.