Armenia Registers Air Companies Without Fees


24.09.2009 00:13 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Air companies in Armenia are registered free of
charge, Chairman of Controls Chamber Ishkhan Zakaryan told today a
news conference. "Armenia’s current legislation does not stipulate
for any duties or fees for air company registration," he said.

Armenia has 12 registered air companies, of which 9 operate abroad and
3 – in Armenia. In that connection, Zakaryan noted that registration
of such air company might cost $ 382 million in UAE and over $ 1
billion in Britain. According to him, none of companies operating
abroad duly paid taxes in 2007-08. Thus, Taron air carrier which
exploited 1 airline in 2007 and 4 airlines in 2008 worked without
income in the above period and paid no taxes. "Tax payments of those
9 air companies totaled AMD 37.2 billion for 2007-08," he said.

As regards air carriers operating in Armenia, Armavia exploited 7
airlines in 2007 and 8 airlines in 2008 and paid taxes in the amount
of AMD 1.3 million. Air Armenian which exploited 5 airlines in 2007-08
paid AMD 212 million, while Armairo which possesses only 1 helicopter
paid a total sum of AMD 41.3 million, which exceeds the tax payments
of the above-mentioned 9 companies. "There are serious problems in
the sphere, so it is necessary to amend the relevant legislation,"
Zakaryan noted.

Bodyguards Of Obama And Erdogan Brawl In New York


23.09.2009 14:57 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Bodyguards of US President Barack Obama and Turkish
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan started a dispute over Premiers’
security issue, which escalated into a brawl.

As Cumhuriyet Turkish newspaper reported, the dispute started over
bodyguards’ disagreement on necessary security measures. Premiers’
bodyguards were not provided with radio communication. As a result,
Erdogan had to cancel his address at "G20 and its influence on global
issues" summit, organized by Bill Clinton and return to Sheraton
Plaza hotel.

Erdogan himself interfered in the fight, while one of US bodyguards
pushed him out of the scramble.

AYF: Over 800 Protest For Justice; Oppose Armenia-Turkey Protocols

Armenian Youth Federation
Eastern United States
80 Bigelow Ave
Watertown, MA 02472
[email protected]


September 22, 2009


New York, NY – Over 800 people turned out for the Protest for Justice
organized by the Armenian Youth Federation – YOARF Eastern Region USA on
Saturday, September 19 in front of Armenia’s Permanent Mission to the United

Displaying Armenian flags and signs protesting the announced protocols for
diplomatic relations between Turkey and Armenia, the crowd chanted slogans
in support of the independence of Artsakh , recognition of the Armenian
Genocide by Turkey and demanding reparations and restitution of land.
Justice Not Protocols was the resounding message.

`We came in the name of Justice. The protocols ask Armenia and the Armenian
Nation to give up on what is rightfully theirs; what was taken away from
them during the Genocide. These protocols are not only a step backwards for
the Armenian Nation but also sets a dangerous precedent at the international
stage,’ said Lauren DaSilva, AYF-YOARF Eastern USA Central Executive

The protocols are just the latest manifestation of a continued Turkish
genocidal policy towards the Armenian Nation. It is obvious that Turkey,
which imposes an illegal blockade and whose geographic existence and
economic prosperity were founded upon the losses of Armenians, is using its
advantage to convince the Armenian state to concede any possibility of
restorative justice.

These concessions span beyond the authority of the Armenian government. They
have no legitimate right to speak on behalf of the eight million diasporan
Armenians. Worse, discussions on normalization were held secretly, in the
dark, with no participation from the citizens of Armenia. Furthermore,
unlike Armenia’s concessions, Turkey’s `concessions’ are deferred,
reversible, vaguely worded.

`I am absolutely disgusted with the foreign policy of the
Sargsyan-Nalbandian regime,’ Said Hrag Arakelian, Chicago Ararat Chapter
Executive Member. `They have either sold out on the Armenian Cause for
their own personal self interest or are just incapable of making sound
policy decisions,’ continued Arakelian.

Coming from as far away as Racine and Chicago, people of all ages boarded
buses early in the morning from Boston, Providence, Worcester, Philadelphia
and Washington, DC to participate.

The protest began with the singing of Mer Hairenik by Nina Froundjian.
Dikran Khaligian led a program which included speeches by Lauren Da Silva on
behalf of the Central Executive of the AYF, Antranig Kasbarian and George
Aghjayan on behalf of Central Committee of the eastern USA Armenian
Revolutionary Federation, Mourad Topalian, Levon Attarian, Hovig
Charchaflian and Hrag Arakelian.

The rally ended with the symbolic presentation of a letter to the Armenian
mission from the AYF on behalf of Protest for Justice (see below for text).

For more information, visit


Ambassador Garen Nazarian
Permanent Mission of Armenia to the United Nations
119 East 36th Street
New York, NY 10016

We have come here today, from Massachusetts to Florida, from Chicago to
Philadelphia, to demand justice.

For centuries, Armenian people have lived in servitude to Turkey. However,
the normalization of relations between Turkey and Armenia must be based on
equality, not capitulation.

The independence of Artsakh must be guaranteed. The Armenian genocide must
be accepted by the Turkish government as a crime against humanity with
justice requiring reparations and the restitution of land.

These demands are non-negotiable.

The announced protocols aim to extinguish the rights of Armenians
everywhere. We find this unacceptable. In the name of our ancestors who
sacrificed so much and generations yet to come, we demand Justice Not

AYF Protest for Justice
September 19, 2009

Armenian Businessman Concerned Over Domestic Production


Information-Analytic Agency
Sept 22 2009

A concept worked out by the Union of Home Producers will be submitted
to the finance and budgetary commission of the Public Council of
Armenia, Chairman of the Union Vazgen Safaryan told reporters today. He
pointed out that the concept provides for a number of measures to
protect local producers’ interests and enhance competitiveness in
case the Armenian-Turkish border is reopened.

"We must be not only a consumer, but also producer and exporter
country. It must become our principal strategy," Safraryan said.

Safaryan presented some of the Union’s initiatives. "Low-interest
and long-term credits to local producers must become one of the first
steps. Second, customs bans on products that can be manufactured in
Armenia," he said.

The Union proposes revision of Armenia’s tax and tariff policy. "When
gas tariffs are too high (imported at U.S. $154, sold to the population
at U.S. 266) the water price rises as well. The result is that the
cost of production is higher than on other markets, but our products
are not competitive. If this policy is not revised, cheap Turkish
products will flood the Armenian market, and the local producers will
go bankrupt," Safaryan said.

In this context he pointed out the importance of creating conditions
for developing domestic production.

Vardan Oskanyan: It May So Happen That We Will Face Fait Accompli In


2009-09-22 19:22:00

ArmInfo. It may so happen that we will face fait accompli in the
Nagorno-Karabakh process as well, ex Foreign Minister of Armenia,
chairman of Civilitas Foundation Vardan Oskanyan said during a
press-conference today.

Oskanyan says that the Armenian-Turkish protocols will most
probably be signed before the Turkey-Armenia FIFA 2010 qualification
match. Oskanyan does not know if any agreement on Nagorno-Karabakh
is being prepared for signing for the moment but he says that this
is also possible.

Oskanyan criticized the Armenian authorities. He called their
methods "night diplomacy" and pointed out that the publicity of the
Armenian-Turkish rapprochement process was the biggest enemy.

Erdogan To Discuss Protocols At G-20 Summit


Information-Analytic Agency
Sept 21 2009

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan intends to discuss
Armenia-Turkey Protocols at September 24-25 Summit of G-20 in
Pittsburgh, Turkish Hurriyet daily reports.

Prime Minister will present the case of Turkish Dogan Media Group
that is to pay U.S. $2.5 m tax penalty, as well as inter alia touch
upon the democratization process in Turkey.

Miklos Haraszti, OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, has
recently expressed concern with penalty rate.

Historians Cannot Provide A Political Assessment, Says Turkologist


Sept 21 2009

"I think that even if the Armenian Genocide issue must be discussed in
the Armenian-Turkish sub-commission of historians, then the discussions
must be directed not to recognizing and characterizing the 1915
Armenian Genocide, but to the consequences of Turkey’s denial and of
the Armenian Genocide’s international recognition. If Turkey wishes
to enjoy Armenia’s trust, then it must acknowledge the Genocide. It’s
obvious that without recognizing that fact, it will not be worthy of
Armenia’s trust," Turkologist Hakob Chakrian stated in his interview

The press recently circulated information on those individuals who
will be included in the commission of historians. It is important
to note that on the list of possible names published by the paper is
Hakob Chakrian’s name. The Turkologist told us it was the first time
he heard about his inclusion in the commission and added that in the
mentioned intergovernmental commission, historians have nothing to do.

"Historians may investigate and come to conclusions, but they cannot
give political assessments, since the recognition of the Armenian
Genocide is a political issue, and thus, the discussions held within
the commission must not be directed toward questioning the fact of
the Genocide. It is a fact, and it has already been recognized by
22 countries, in some cases at the parliamentary level," said the

As for the talks on concessions, Chakrian noticed that Armenia’s
president and foreign minister have continuously stressed Armenia’s
position on the Genocide issue, and accordingly, the fact of Armenian
Genocide is unquestionable for Armenia.

World Marks The International Day Of Peace

21.09.2009 11:53

On September 21 the world marks the International Day of Peace
(Peace Day).

It was established by a United Nations resolution in 1981 to coincide
with the opening of the General Assembly. The first Peace Day was
celebrated in September 1982.

In 2002 the General Assembly officially declared September 21 as the
permanent date for the International Day of Peace.

By creating the International Day of Peace, the UN devoted itself to
worldwide peace and encouraged all of mankind to work in cooperation
for this goal.

International Day of Peace is also a Day of Ceasefire – personal
or political.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon issued a statement on the
International Day of Peace. The message reads: "The International
Day of Peace is a global call for ceasefire and non-violence.

It is a time to reflect on the horror and cost of war, and on our
duty to resolve disputes peacefully.

Most of the victims of conflict are powerless. Innocent
civilians. Fathers, mothers, children.

Without peace they have little hope of improving their lives. Little
hope of escaping poverty.

Often, those who work on behalf of the powerless are also targets.

Journalists, medical professionals, humanitarian workers, United
Nations staff and peacekeepers have all found themselves under attack.

Combatants, warlords, arms suppliers and=2 0their sponsors continue
to display a cruel disrespect for life.

On this International Day of Peace, I remind all of them that there
is another way. A better way. The path of peace.

We should be encouraged that war between nations is happening less

Diplomacy and negotiation are becoming a more frequent choice.

And even where States are torn by internal strife, history shows that
peace can prevail if there is sufficient will.

There are many examples where the advocates of peace have successfully
subdued the voices of hate.

I also draw hope from the renewed engagement of the international
community on the issue of nuclear disarmament.

That is why I have launched the WMD-WeMustDisarm! Campaign. As long
as such weapons exist, no-one is safe.

On this International Day of Peace, I have a simple message for all:
We Must Disarm! We must have peace.

I appeal to people throughout the world to join in this effort. Support
the United Nations, and do your part for peace."

No 100% guarantee that normalization will not fail – Prez Sargsyan

Trend News Agency , Azerbaijan
Sept 20 2009

There is no one 100% guarantee that the process of normalizing
Turkish-Armenian relations will not fail – President Sargsyan

20.09.2009 11:59

There is no one hundred percent guarantee that the process of
normalizing Turkish-Armenian relations will not fall through, said the
President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan in the interview on the Russian TV
channel ", Novosti-Armenia reported.

The President of Armenia considers that the linking process of
normalization of relations to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict will
aggravate the situation.

Serzh Sargsyan also reiterated Armenia’s position on normalization of
Armenian-Turkish relations without preconditions.

"I believe that normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations is useful
not only for Armenia and Turkey, and in the future for Azerbaijan
too," – noted Sargsyan.

Turkish Armenians Observe RA-Turkish Rapprochement Process With Care


18.09.2009 17:28 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Armenian society is more ready to normalize
RA-Turkish ties than Turkish is, Turkologist Ruben Melkonyan told
a news conference in Yerevan. "Armenians are more tolerant than
Turks. Certain social classes in Turkey are categorically opposed
to RA-Turkish rapprochement and opening of borders," the Turkologist

Turkish Armenians are observing RA-Turkish rapprochement process
with careful optimism. "Parties’ establishing diplomatic relations
will have a positive effect on Turkey’s Armenian Diaspora. Besides,
as a result, many of "concealed Armenians" will openly speak of their
heritage," he stated.