According To Richard Giragosian, Today Armenia Is Weaker Than Ever A


Noyan Tapan
July 22, 2009

YEREVAN, JULY 22, NOYAN TAPAN. The meetings of the Armenian and Azeri
Presidents held on July 18-19 in Moscow were, of course, important
and memorable, however, in spite of the renewed foreign pressure in
the issue of Nagorno Karabakh settlement, it was obvious from the
very start that no real change is expected. Richard Giragosian, the
Director of the Armenian Center for National and International Studies
(ACNIS), expressed such an opinion on July 21 at the Hayatsk club.

In his words, not Madrid Principles’ being the basis of the
negotiations process is alarming, Madrid Principles also contain
points beneficial for Armenia. According to R. Giragosian, it is
much more alarming that today Armenia is weaker than ever and is
presented to the international community just that way. He explained
it by the circumstance that the Armenian authorities have a problem of
legitimacy and society is polarized in consequence of the political
crisis. R. Giragosian considers that Armenia should be stronger to
keep away from possible pressures in the negotiations process.

It was also mentioned that real danger threatens Armenia rather from
"friends’ betrayal," in particular, from a change of the Russian
foreign policy and not from Azerbaijan, the authorities of which have
again returned to threats of war.

In R. Giragosian’s affirmation, the Nagorno Karabakh problem cannot
be solved without participation of one of the conflict sides, NKR,
therefore in the negotiations process "Armenia should not reserve for
itself the monopoly of representing the NKR authorities elected on the
basis of democratic principles." In his words, the OSCE Minsk Group
has failed the peace process first of all because it did not involve
NKR as a side of the negotiations process enjoying full rights. The
other reason of the failure is the closed, non-public nature of the
negotiations process, which makes impossible involvement of the civil
society and results in misinformation. The ACNIS Director also gave
assurance that MG also realizes very well that any attempt to return
NKR under Azerbaijan’s jurisdiction will inevitably result in a war.

Nabucco Agreement May Provide Entry Point For Iran


Jul 21st, 2009

ANKARA (Today’s Zaman)-A long anticipated agreement on the Nabucco gas
pipeline project signed last week by the prime ministers of Turkey,
Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania includes provisions that
may open the way for Iranian involvement in the project, despite
US disapproval.

Ankara welcomed regional and international supporters on July 13 to
the signing of an intergovernmental agreement on the $10.3 billion
Nabucco gas pipeline, which seeks to free Europe of its heavy reliance
on Russia.

Although initially deemed an integral part of the Nabucco pipeline
project that aims to transport Caspian and Middle Eastern natural gas
to European markets through Turkey, Iran was left out of the signing
ceremony in Ankara.

Energy pundits say that Iran was advertently kept off the list of
the invited nations due to its deep clashes and adversity with the
US, especially over its uranium enrichment program, and having US
support for the project was vital to make it an effective alternative
to Russia’s pipelines.

However, some Nabucco officials claim that the agreement signed by
the prime ministers of Turkey, Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania
last week in a glamorous ceremony still included Iran, hidden in some
articles. Iran’s exclusion had caught international energy market
analysts by surprise since without the vast resources of Iran,
Nabucco’s target quantities would be extremely difficult to achieve.

Speaking to Today’s Zaman on the condition of anonymity, Nabucco
officials said the final decision on Iran will be shaped by
international developments.

Section Eight of Article 2 of the agreement defines the Initial Entry
Points as "the starting points of the Nabucco Project at any three
points on the eastern or southern land borders of the Republic of
Turkey as selected by Nabucco International Company, and, subject
to agreement by the Nabucco Committee in consultation with Nabucco
International Company, any other point at the eastern or southern
Turkish border. The exact location of the Initial Entry Points at the
respective borders is subject to the standard permitting and related
authorization procedures."

This article, officials say, points to Iran in its mention of three,
plus one optional, entry points but avoids naming them. A Nabucco
official said this sentence was intentionally devised to allow Iran
to enter the project later on, but it used the expression of "entry
point" instead of "supplier country" to dodge alluding to Iran’s
potential inclusion.

The 3,300-kilometer gas pipeline project will have a potential capacity
of 31 billion cubic meters of gas annually starting from 2015 and is
expected to cost $11 billion.

Although it has been officially invited to20be a supplier for the
pipeline several times, Russia has clearly rejected joining the project
and instead has accelerated the construction of a new alternative route
to transport its resources to Europe. Russia has also explored striking
gas purchase deals with several potential Nabucco suppliers around the
Caspian Sea. Iraq, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Egypt and Syria are so far
the only countries that have pledged to pump gas to Europe via Nabucco.

The state-owned Turkish Pipeline Corporation (BOTAS) currently has
pipelines for gas from Iran and Azerbaijan but must construct new
pipelines to access the resources of Iraq and Egypt.

Russia has the world’s largest natural gas reserves, with 47.65
trillion cubic meters of proven reserves. Iran comes second with 28.13
trillion cubic meters of gas beneath its soil, and then come Qatar
and Saudi Arabia, with 25.36 trillion cubic meters and 7.7 trillion
cubic meters of reserves, respectively.

The idea that Nabucco is destined to arrive stillborn without the
inclusion of major gas providers like Iran has been backed by the
statements of Nabucco officials and of partner countries. None of them
have publicly ruled out Iran as a gas supplier to the pipeline so far;
in fact, there have been numerous remarks claiming the contrary.

In an interview with Today’s Zaman last week, after the agreement
was signed, Reinhard Mitschek, the managing director of Nabucco
Gas Pipeline20International, said that Nabucco would not exclude
any potential source and will be open for the transportation of any
gas meeting quality requirements from every potential gas supplier,
including Iran and Russia.

"Nabucco has never, ever excluded any source. Bottom line, we have to
buy the gas. The national gas companies will evaluate the political
aspect, the commercial aspect, the technical aspect and then they
will decide to buy gas from Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Iraq, Iran and
Russia," said Mitschek.

Inflation Fixed At 2,7% In Armenia In January-June 2009


21.07.2009 13:57 GMT+04:00

Inflation was fixed at 2,7% in Armenia in January-June 2009, compared
with 2008 results. In accordance with state budget, 4% inflation is
planned in 2009 in Armenia.

According to RA National Statistical Service-provided data, deflation
of 0,3% was registered in June 2009 compared with May 2009 results

Armenian Wrestling Youth Team Starts At European Championship Today


21.07.2009 15:31 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Greco-Roman wrestling junior team of Armenia will
take part in the European Championship among cadets from July 21 to
27 in Serbia, Gagik Khachatryan, head coach of the junior team for
Greco-Roman wrestling told a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter.

"We are diligently preparing for this championship and will compete
for prizes. At the European Championship we will compete in the eight
weight classes instead of 10, since the fighters serving in the /
76 to 85 kg and are in bad shape," Khachatryan said.

Thus, the national team for Greco-Roman wrestling will be presented by
Ashot Khachatryan (weight class of 46 kg), Albert Vardanyan (weight
class of 48 kg), Ludwig Kocharyan (weight class of 50 kg), Sargis
Kocharyan (weight class of 54 kg) , Hayk Arshakyan (weight class
of 58 kg), Artur Petrosyan (weight class of 63 kg) Hayk Navasardaan
(weight class of 69 kg) and Vahe Simonyan (weight class of 85 kg).

In the tournament in wrestling under the leadership of coach Edward
Tunyants Armenia is represented by Artak Hovhannisyan (weight class of
42 kg), Ruben Karamyan (weight class of 46 kg), Vladimir Frangulyan
(weight class of 50 kg), Petros Tadevosyan (weight class of 54 kg ),
Walter Margaryan (weight class of 58 kg), Emin Gevorkyan (weight
class of 63 kg), David Apoyan (weight class of 69 kg), Edik Mkoyan
(weight class of 76 kg) and Vahe Tamrazyan (weight class of 85 kg )

CSTO members may decide on Kyrgyz military base in August

CSTO members may decide on Kyrgyz military base in August


ASTANA, July 21 (RIA Novosti) – Members of the Collective Security
Treaty Organization (CSTO) could agree on the opening of a military
base in Kyrgyzstan during an informal summit on August 1-2, a senior
Kyrgyz diplomat said on Tuesday.
The post-Soviet CSTO security bloc comprises Armenia, Belarus,
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan.
"The Russian proposal [on the base] is being discussed, and is likely
to be considered at the
CSTO informal summit on August 1-2 at the Issyk-Kul resort in
Kyrgyzstan," Kyrgyz ambassador to Kazakhstan, Dzhanysh Rustembekov,
told a news conference in Astana.
A Russian government delegation reportedly visited Kyrgyzstan in early
July, holding closed meetings with the republic’s leadership. A source
in the Kyrgyz government said the expansion of Russia’s military
presence had been discussed, in particular, the opening of a military
base in the south of the country.
The diplomat said Kyrgyzstan had agreed in principle to the deployment
of a Russian-led CSTO military base "to strengthen southern
"Why not agree [to the base deployment]? After all, Russia is our
strategic partner," he said.
Kyrgyzstan already hosts a Russian airbase in Kant and four other
Russian military facilities.
The airbase in Kant, some 20 kilometers (12 miles) outside the
capital, Bishkek, was opened in 2003.
Some 250 Russian officers and 150 enlisted personnel from Russia’s 5th
Air Army are deployed at the base, as well as Su-25 Frogfoot strike
aircraft and Mi-8 transport helicopters.
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev approved on June 16 draft changes to
an agreement with Kyrgyzstan on the lease of the Kant base, which
would specify a 49-year lease with an automatic extension every 25

Armenian `fruit’ juice recalled , New Zealand
July 20 2009

Armenian `fruit’ juice recalled

By ADRIAN CHANG – BusinessDay Last updated 13:45 20/07/2009

Yan drinks are being pulled from supermarket shelves after a Commerce
Commission investigation found drinks marketed as high-end "fruit
juice" actually contained no detectable fruit content.

The commission said today Armenian Imports Limited, trading as Super
Juice, imported various drink products from Armenia and sold them in
supermakets across the country under the brand name "Yan".

The commission said it tested products described as 100 percent
blackcurrant juice, 100 percent peach juice and 100 percent
pomegranate juice.

Other claims on the packaging were that the juices were free of added
sugar, preservatives, artificial flavours, colouring or sweeteners.

Tests revealed the blackcurrant and peach juice had few or no signs of
any fruit content, let alone what was stated on the package.

"Testing for the product claimed to be 100 per cent pomegranate juice
indicated that although it may contain some pomegranate juice, it is
unlikely that it is 100 per cent pure pomegranate juice.," said the

Another Yan product claiming to be 100 percent apricot juice had not
been tested.

The vitamin C levels reported on the packaging were also called into
question as they did not align with the levels associated with
blackcurrants, peaches or pomegranates.

Commerce Commission director of fair trade, Adrian Sparrow, said
testing clearly showed the labelling on the drink packaging was
incorrect and the distributor had agreed to recall the products until
further testing could determine "the exact nature of the products they
have imported".

"As the exact nature of the products is unknown there is not only
potential contravention of the Fair Trading Act but risk to
consumers," said Sparrow.

"Although at this stage of the commission’s investigation, there is no
evidence to suggest that these products are unsafe, given the
uncertainty as to the products’ ingredients, the commission advises
consumers to exercise caution if they have known allergies," he added.

Yan products have been stocked by around 30 stores and supermarkets
around the country and buyers can seek a refund from the place of
purchase with a receipt or packaging.

The products have been imported into the country since early 2007, but
a commission spokesperson told BusinessDay it was unclear how long the
products had been sold to the public.

Breaches of the Fair Trading Act can result in a maximum fine of
$200,000 for a company and $60,000 for an individual. The Commerce
Commission said the investigation is continuing.


ArmRosgasprom: consumption in armenia falls 4.2%

ArmRosgasprom: consumption in armenia falls 4.2% to 344.6 million cubic
meters in 2009

YEREVAN, July 17. /ARKA/. Gas consumption in Armenia fell 4.2% to 344.6
million cubic meters in 2009, ArmRosgasprom company reports.

Industrial companies consumed 116.8 million cubic meters in 2009 `
37.2% greater than their gas consumption a year earlier.

Energy sector’s gas consumption reduced 26.7% to 157.4 million cubic

According to ArmRosgasprom’s report, Armenia has received 938.8 cubic
meters of natural gas over six months of this year ` 14.8% less than
the 2008 volumes.

At the fist half of 2009, 867.7 million cubic meters of gas were
utilized ` 14% less than at the same period of the previous year.

ArmRosgasprom enjoys the sole right to import and distribute Russian
natural gas in Armenia.

The gas comes through Georgia’s territory.

ArmRosgasprom was established in 1997.

Russian Gasprom holds 80% of the company’s stocks.

The remaining 20% belong to Armenian Government. M.V.-0–

Serzh Sargsyan Signs Decree On Declaring July 16 Day Of Mourning In


Noyan Tapan
July 16, 2009

YEREVAN, JULY 16, NOYAN TAPAN. On the occasion of the crash of TU-154
plane travelling from Tehran to Yerevan RA President Serzh Sargsyan
addressed with a condoling speech to the population of the country,
which mentioned:

"Dear compatriots,

Today I apply to you on a sad occasion, some hours ago the
Tehran-Yerevan plane crashed. According to our information, all
passengers and the crew died in the crash. Our compatriots are also
among the victims.

We cannot retrieve the losses and express our condolences to the
relatives and friends of the victims. The Armenian authorities do
their best to help them at this hard moment.

It is hard to find words of condolence for the people who have lost
their relatives. I wish you strength of spirit and courage to overcome
this great tragedy."

On July 15, on the occasion of the crash of TU-154 plane which was
travelling from Tehran to Yerevan S. Sargsyan convened a special
meeting, during which the heads of the National Security Service and
General Department of the Civil Aviation presented the details of the
crash. It was decided to establish a governmental commision headed
by Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Territorial Administration.

According to the RA President’s Press Office, on the occasion of
death of many people in the crash on July 15, including citizens of
Armenia and Armenians by nationality, S. Sargsyan signed a decree on
declaring July 16 a day of mourning in the country.

Iranian Plane Crashes En Route To Armenia


AME Info
July 15 2009

Iran: Wednesday, July 15 – 2009 at 14:12 An Iranian aircraft has
crashed in the country’s northwestern province of Qazvin on a flight to
Armenia, state television has reported. All 168 aboard were believed
to be dead. The Russian-made Tupolev plane operated by Iran’s Caspian
Airlines came down 16 minutes after takeoff from Tehran’s Imam Khomeini
International Airport, Reza Jafarzadeh, a spokesman for the country’s
aviation agency, told Iran’s state-run Mehr news agency.

A New Social House Is To Be Built In Gyumri


July 14, 2009

YEREVAN, JULY 14, ARMENPRESS: In 2010 a new Social House is intended
to be built for the homeless lonely pensioners, as well as for refugee
families in Gyumri with the support of the Swiss government. Anahit
Gevorgyan, the Deputy Head of the department of the issues of
the old and disabled people of RA Ministry of Labor and Social
Affairs, told Armenpress that the project on the construction of
the Social House is in the discussion phase and is implemented by
the "Swiss Organization of Armenian Development" in collaboration
with the Ministry. At present a range of issues on the number of the
beneficiaries and the territory are being specified. By the initial
data the Social House will be accommodated for about 100 people, the
dwellings will be given to the most needy homeless families and lonely
pensioners by a contract only on a right for dwell. A. Gevorgyan noted
that in case the settled family doesn’t implement its obligations,
the organization is authorized to annul the contract. A suchlike
social house was built in the Republic on the initiative of the
Swiss government in Goris, where there are 24 dwellings, as well as
in Yerevan with 28 dwellings. "We greatly need such social houses,
the demand for them is great, as there is a great number of socially
insecure homeless people. A commission has been set up for the purpose
of the selection of such people for settling in the new Social House,
with the participation of the Ministry, Goris Governor’s Office and the
representatives of the "Swiss Organization of Armenian Development".