Czechs Pass Presidency To Swedes

By Benjamin Cunningham

Prague Post
July 1, 2009

EU leadership stint criticized for political infighting

The collapse of the Topolanek government cast an overwhelming pall
over the Czech European Union presidency, say experts, so much so
that concrete accomplishments are likely to go unnoticed.

As Sweden takes the EU helm July 1, a panel of political analysts
universally cited the March vote of no-confidence as the key event
of the six-month presidency. After being pressed in interviews,
most moved on to lukewarm general reviews of the Czech performance,
citing diplomatic competence, the start of formal talks with countries
on the EU’s eastern periphery and a successful compromise with the
Irish in preparation for an autumn referendum on the Lisbon Treaty.

"Overall, it was a failure of the Czech political elite and a
sign of immaturity," said Petr Drulak with the Prague Institute
for International Relations. Going one step further, and turning
conventional wisdom on its head, Drulak placed blame for the collapse
very much on the doorstep of former Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek
and his Civic Democratic Party-led coalition, as opposed to frequently
blamed opposition leader Jiøí Paroubek.

Levon Aronyan Improved His Positions In FIDE Rating List


02.07.2009 15:50 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ World Chess Federation (FIDE) has published
the rating list of the world’s leading chess players as of July 1,
2009. Second player in the list was Armenian grand master Levon Aronyan
who improved his position by rising from the 6th horizon to the 4th.

In comparison with FIDE’s previous rating list published in April,
the top three positions remained unchanged, with Vaselin Topalov
(grand master Bulgaria), Viswanathan Anand (grand master, India)
and Magnus Carlsen taking the first, second and third places
respectively. Teimour Radjabov (Azerbaijan) fell from the 5th to the
8th horizon and Vladimir Kramnik (Russia) – from the 4th to the 6th
horizon. Israeli grand master Boris Gelfand appeared in the top ten,
leaving behind Russian player Alexander Grischuk.

Another leading Armenian chess player was Vladimir Hakobyan who took
the 25th place instead of the 34th recorded in April.

Top ten players in FIDE’s April 2009 rating list were: 1. Topalov,
Veselin (Bulgaria) – 2813 2. Anand, Viswanathan (India) – 2788
3. Carlsen, Magnus (Norway) – 2772 4. Aronyan, Levon (Armenia) – 2768
5. Jakovenko, Dmitry (Russia) – 2760 6. Kramnik, Vladmir (Russia) –
2759 7. Leko, Peter (Hungary) – 2756 8. Radjabov, Teimour (Azerbaijan)
– 2756 9. Gelfand, Boris (Israel) – 2755 10. Morozevich, Alexander
(Russia) – 2751 The following Armenian representatives were included
in the top 100 players’ list 25. Vladimir Hakobyan (Armenia) – 2712
64. Gabriel Sargsyan (Armenia) – 2667 84. Arman Pashikyan (Armenia)
– 2650.

Is Egypt In For "Date" Revolution?

Karine Ter-Sahakyan

30.06.2009 GMT+04:00

In any event, no matter how bloodlessly the change of power occurs
in Egypt, there may be staged the already approved scenario, when
opposition beforehand blames authorities for falsification.

On June 30 an oppositional Egyptian newspaper reported that soon
President of Egypt Hosni Mubarak, after 28 years of presidency, will
send in his resignation, proposing to his post instead of himself his
son, Deputy Chairman of the ruling National-Democratic Party Gamal
Mubarak. The news, let us say, is rather unexpected, if we consider
the prevalent traditions of "eastern democracy". The resignation of
Mubarak, if it actually occurs, can change the configuration of the
Great Near East, though in short term outlook.

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Hardly will Gamal Mubarak carry out a policy
different from that of his father’s, especially as far as it concerns
the relations with Israel. The impending change of power in Cairo
can further develop in two or several directions, one of which may
be directed against the regulation of the Palestinian problem. One
ought not to forget that Egypt is the only Arab country with which
Israel holds diplomatic relations. In the course of the last 28 years,
after the assassination of President Anwar Sadat, Egypt considered it
for his good to maintain more or less normal relations with Tel Aviv,
at the same time remembering her co-religionists. But, it is also
true that only with the help of his iron hand did Mubarak suppress
the activity of all Islamic groupings in the territory of his country.

If we take as a version the invariability of foreign policy of Cairo
in relation to both her neighbors and the basic allies, i.e. France
and Russia, it is possible to say that under such distribution, the
changes in the region will concern exclusively the Palestinians. Let
us note that, in a wider sense, the independent Palestinian state
is necessary to no one, and first of all it is not necessary to the
Arabs themselves, as it is extra concern. The invariability of the
foreign policy of Egypt is suitable for Israel too, especially if
we take into consideration the recent close ties of Mubarak with the
White House administration, especially after the sensational lecture
of Barack Obama at the Cairo University. But policy is policy. It
is possible to say that Egypt to a certain extent imitates Syria in
the issue of assignation of the "throne". The same was done also by
late Hafez Assad, the former President of Syria. And friends were the
same – Russia, i.e. the USSR and France. Nine years has passed since
the death of Assad Sr. but Syria is only now ready to introduce some
changes in her policy in the region: be it withdrawal of forces from
Lebanon, attempt of having a dialogue with Israel and full restoration
of relations with the USA at the level of ambassadors.

In this plan, of course, Egypt has fewer concerns, but what will become
of the country in case the president is changed? Usually, and it is
already becoming a rule, the successor of a tough leader very often
finds himself in a more unfavorable position, which may generate just
another tension in the region, where besides traditional players there
will also be Turkey, Iran, and possibly the same Syria. We do not even
consider the basic players: the USA, EU, Russia and Israel. In any
event, no matter how bloodlessly the change of power occurs in Egypt,
there may be staged the already approved scenario, when opposition
beforehand blames authorities for falsification. Iranian events should
serve as an example for the entire Near East.

Early parliamentary elections in Egypt are due in September 2009. As
for presidential elections, they are to be held in 2011. And presently
it remains obscure whether they will be changed onto an earlier date
too, or Gamal Mubarak will bear the responsibilities of the Egyptian
President until the date of regular elections.

Thus, we may witness one more, this time "date" revolution, analogous
with the "orange" or the "green". However, the outcome of this
revolution in Egypt might be more pessimistic than in Iran. But
it may also be different. The USA or, to be more exact, the Jewish
lobby, simply will not bear instability on the border with Israel and
they will do their best to ease the dissatisfaction of the Egyptian

There is one more possible scenario – the exact settlement of the
Palestinian conflict on conditions convenient for Israel. The key
to this scenario is the untraditional for the East resignation of
the state leader. In this case Tel Aviv solves the problem, using
the principle of "compulsion to peace", the precedent of which
already exists in the international practice. The only question is
what the Great Near East will benefit from it: just another war and
establishment of the state of Palestine without Jerusalem or certain
equilibrium, a special kind of Camp David Accords.

Polish Institute Of International Affairs Prepared Report On South C


02.07.2009 01:33 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The Polish Institute of International Affairs
prepared a report on "South Caucasus: The Case for Joint Commitment
of Turkey and the EU" which underlined the strategic importance of
the region for the EU and Turkey, Today’s Zaman reports.

"The South Caucasus is significant for the EU for similar reasons,"
the report said.

In its report, the institute said the region played a crucial role
in EU energy security because it contributed to the diversification
not only of energy resources, but also of delivery routes.

The institute said both Turkey and the EU shared similar goals of
stability and security in the South Caucasus.

"These include, the peaceful settlement of the "(un-) frozen"
regional conflicts in South Ossetia, Abkhazia and Nagorno Karabakh; the
establishment of good governance in those states whose state-building
processes are still ongoing so as to assure that the region will
not become a threat in the areas of international organized crime,
terrorism or drug trafficking," the report said.

Also, the report said the prospect for engagement in the
Armenian-Azerbaijani peace process appeared slightly more promising,
and some sort of resolution of the Nagorno Karabakh dispute would
pave the way for normalization of Turkish-Armenian relations.

In the report, the institute recommended the "EU countries to
differentiate between Armenia and the Armenian Diaspora."

The Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM) is a foreign
policy think-tank based in Warsaw, Poland. It provides unbiased
research in international relations for policy makers, academics and
the Polish public.

Baku: Azerbaijan Is An Attractive Country For France To Make Investm


02 July 2009 [10:39]

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has today received French
ambassadors accredited in CIS countries.

President Ilham Aliyev said Azerbaijan-France relations are
successfully developing. According to Azerbaijani leader, the good
relationship between the two countries in the economic, energy fields
as well as high-level political ties are the major factors for regional
development. Azerbaijan is an attractive country for France to make
investments in, the President underlined.

The Head of State noted Azerbaijan achieved huge accomplishments in
terms of economic development. He pointed out Azerbaijan does not
rely on foreign aid unlike some former Soviet republics.

Azerbaijani Leader said Azerbaijan has become gas exporter for the
past two years.

On the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, the Head of State noted joint efforts
of France, as OSCE co-chair, and international community will result
in resolution of the problem.

President Ilham Aliyev went on to say that peace will be established
in the region after occupied territories are liberated from aggressive

"Aggressive policy left Armenia isolated from regional development,
transportation routes and energy cooperation," he said.

"Some attempts to solve some regional problems proved to be
unsuccessful without resolution to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The
reality lies in taking into consideration Azerbaijan`s stance
and opinion. Regional development is useless without Azerbaijan`s
involvement. Of course, we never support any attempts to solve some
regional problems without finding a solution to the Nagorno-Karabakh
conflict. These attempts have no future without our support", President
of Azerbaijan said.

Representative of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs Eric Miller
said Azerbaijan and France have well-developed relations. He hailed
President Ilham Aliyev`s contribution to achieving this level of
development of bilateral ties.

"Azerbaijan is an important partner of France," said Eric Miller.

President Ilham Aliyev added national leader Heydar Aliyev made
his first visit to France. France was also the first country to
visit by President Ilham Aliyev in 2003. Azerbaijani leader noted
Azerbaijan is persistent in strengthening partnership relations with
the European Union.

Following the meeting, French ambassadors had their photo taken with
President Ilham Aliyev.

Turkey’s 1-Month Presidency At UN Ends On Tuesday


01.07.2009 12:46 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Turkey’s 1-month presidency at the United Nations
Security Council will end on Tuesday. Turkey’s Permanent Representative
at the United Nations, Ambassador Baki Ilkin, will chair the meeting
of the Security Council for the last time today.

As a temporary member of the UN Security Council in 2009-2010, Turkey
is expected to become a term president for one month again next year.

During Tuesday’s meeting, the situation in Afghanistan and UN’s
Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) will be discussed at the
Security Council.

Ambassador Ilkin will host a reception to mark the end of Turkey’s
term presidency on Tuesday at the Turkish House in New York.

Ilkin will retire in July, 2009, AA reported.

Fund-Rasing Marathon To Be Organized For Acquiring Entertainment Cen


JUNE 30, 2009

A fund-rasing marathon will be staged at Aram Khachatrian Concert Hall
in Yerevan on July 8 within the framework of Our Right of Pastime
program. The proceeds will go to the purchase of an entertainment
center for disabled young people of Armenia.

The spouses of Armenia’s second and current presidents Bella
Kocharian and Rita Sargsyan, RA Minister of Diaspora Hranush Hakobian,
representatives of other ministries and more than 20 NGOs have been
invited to the event.

In parallel with the fund-rasing marathon, an exhibition-sale of
handicrafts made by disabled persons and a concert of disabled and
healthy young people will be held. At the conclusion of the event,
Armenian stars will give a charity concert.

The marathon has been organized by We Will Make Our Village Prosperous
and International Community of Human Rights NGOs. According to the
organizers, the donations made during the fund-rasing marathon will
be transferred to ArmEconomBank’s respective account which will be
open in the future as well.

Armenian Government Takes A Decision On Allocation Of Budgetary Cred


2009-06-29 17:38:00

ArmInfo. The Armenian government took a decision to allocate budgetary
credit guarantees worth a total of 6.6 mln USD to three construction
companies. The decision was taken during the guest sitting of the
government in Kapan. "Levon Amirkhanyan" LLC was provided a guarantee
worth 960 mln AMD to receive a loan from Prometey Bank, "M.G.Housing"
LLC was provided 3 mln USD to receive a loan from Inecobank, "Hermek"
LLC – guarantee worth 1 mln USD to receive a loan from VTB Bank
Armenia. All the guarantees were provided for 3 years. The specified
companies are carrying out construction in multi-functional buildings
in the center of Yerevan. The construction companies will pawn the
land plots where the construction is being carried out. To recall,
earlier Glendale Hills company, which is implementing construction
work in the disaster area, received a budget guarantee worth 2 bln AMD.

Dmitry Medvedev Congratulates Serzh Sargsyan On 55th Birthday Annive


2009-06-30 14:20:00

ArmInfo. President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev congratulated President
of Armenia Serzh Saqrgsyan on the 55th Anniversary.

In a phone talk with Serzh Sargsyan, Dmitry Medvedev wished his
Armenian counterpart health and implementation of the government
plans, www. reported. The two presidents briefed on the prospects of
mutual contacts.

The Russian president also sent a congratulation message to the
Armenian president wherein he, particularly, says: ‘As a responsible
political figure you are doing so much for social and economic
development of Armenia as well as to increase its international

Your consistent steps towards strengthening of the strategic
partnership of our states and development of the multi-aspect
cooperation are highly appreciated in Russia. I have good memories of
the recent meetings with you in Moscow and Saint Petersburg that were
in very constructive and trustful atmosphere as always, which once
more proved the big future of the Russian-Armenian relations. I am
sure such good atmosphere will further promote the political dialogue
and cooperation of Russia and Armenia for the welfare of our states
and nations, as well as for peace and stability in the region’.

BEIRUT: Premier-Designate Hariri Vows to Form ‘Homogeneous’ Cabinet

NaharNet, Lebanon
June 27 2009

Premier-Designate Hariri Vows to Form ‘Homogeneous’ Cabinet

Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri vowed on Saturday to form a
homogeneous and consensus government that is able to function away
from obstruction.

We "will safeguard the constitution, (state) institutions,
sovereignty, independence and the project of the building of the
Lebanese state," Hariri told reporters at Baabda palace after
President Michel Suleiman designated him Lebanon’s premier and tasked
him with forming a new cabinet.

He vowed to form a "homogeneous" and "consensus" government that is
able to remain united and "make achievements away from obstruction" in
cooperation with the president.

Hariri also promised to keep strife and "foreign and economic" dangers
away from Lebanon.

Suleiman on Saturday designated Hariri Lebanon’s premier after the
majority of parliamentarians nominated the politician to the post.

"According to the constitution and after the president consulted with
the speaker of parliament and parliamentarians, he (Suleiman) summoned
Saad Hariri and tasked him with forming a new government," a
presidential statement said.

The decree issued by Suleiman came after Hariri received 86 votes of
approval by lawmakers following two days of consultations. Hariri got
the approval of 71 MPs from his own majority alliance, plus Parliament
Speaker Nabih Berri and his bloc of 12 legislators and two Armenian

This would be Hariri’s first designation to the premiership following
the June 7 legislative elections in which the March 14 coalition won
71 out of the 128 seats in parliament.

The 39-year-old is to succeed outgoing Prime Minister Fouad Saniora, a
member of Hariri’s al-Mustaqbal movement.

>From Baabda palace, Hariri headed to downtown Beirut and prayed at
his father’s graveside along with Saniora and other members of his

Hariri now faces the difficult task of negotiating with other
political factions to form a government. The process can take days or
even weeks.

On Sunday, he will visit former prime ministers and kick off
consultations with parliamentary blocs on cabinet formation on Monday

As news broke up about his nomination, celebratory gunfire shook
Beirut and its suburbs. However, Hariri urged citizens in a statement
not to fire in the air.

Around 12 people were injured from celebratory gunfire on Thursday,
when parliament reelected Berri.

Beirut, 27 Jun 09, 14:47