HSBC Bank Armenia Opens Business Phone Banking Center In Yerevan


June 12, 2009

YEREVAN, June 12. /ARKA/. The HSBC Bank Armenia CJSC has opened a
business phone bankingcenter in Yerevan.

Speaking at the presentation of the center, Tim Slater, CEO, HSBC Bank
Armenia, said that this is the first phone bankingcenter in Armenia.

He said that the bank’s clients will from now on be able to effect
transactions by means of the center in conformity with international
security standards. He reported that 6,700 clients have wished to
use the center’s services.

Mr. Slater pointed any cashless transaction can be effected by means
of telephone banking, particularly effect money transfers, obtain
balance information on all accounts held and get foreign exchange
and interest rate information. He reported that clients can effect
cashless transactions by dialing 515-000.

Mr. Slater said that the HSBC Bank was the first to introduce business
phone bankingin Great Britain, and Armenia is the last country the
bank has introduced this service in.

Mr. Slater also said that phone bankingis part of the bank’s strategy,
namely, the second stage of the program. The installation of ATMs
was the first stage, and internet banking will be the third.

He stressed that clients can choose business types most suitable for
them and get in touch with the bank when necessary.

Mr. Slater also said that telephone and internet banking services
ar e available not only to residents of Armenia, but also Armenians
living abroad, which can consolidate the ties between Armenia and
the 10-milliong-strong Armenian Diaspora.

He pointed out that projects like this are in line with the RA
Government’s policy of transforming Armenia into a regional banking

Speaking of the plans, Mr. Slater said that the bank plans to introduce
a package of long-term savings. With this end in view, the bank will
pay much attention to its reliability.

Clients trust their bank, and the bank must do its best for those
wishing to have long-term savings, Slater said.

The business phone bankingcenter has an 11-member staff. It will
operate without days off – from 8:00 a.m. to 23:00 p.m. on workdays,
and from 11:00 a.m. to 20:00 p.m. on nonwork days.

The HSBC Bank Armenia CJSC, a subsidiary of the HSBC Bank plc. It was
incorporated on September 25, 1995. HSBC Bank plc holds 70% of the HSBC
Bank Armenia CJSC stock, with 30% held by Armenian investors abroad.

The HSBC Bank Armenia CJSC has ten branches, a head office in Yerevan
and 44 ATMs.

"Planet Of Peace" Performance In Lernago


June 10, 2009

YEREVAN, JUNE 10, ARMENPRESS: The community of Lernagog recently hosted
a "Planet of Peace" performance in the premises of a newly renovated
village school with the aim of contributing to the protection of
children’s rights and raising children’s and their parents’ awareness
and consciousness on child protection issues.

An official from the Children of Armenia Fund (COAF) told Armenpress
that through civic education activities, the local youth acquires
knowledge and builds capacity on human rights and the rights
and responsibilities of citizens, civil society formation and
the children’s role and participation in these processes. Apart
from civic education, the club has also other directions including
healthy lifestyle, agribusiness, ecology, logics and journalism/public

The event was organized by the members of the local "YES" youth club
established by Heifer Project International in close cooperation with
COAF and experts from Development Principles NGO.

Lernagog is one of the numerous communities included in Comprehensive
Rural Development Program, initiated and implemented by the COAF in
Baghramyan Region of Armavir District of Armenia since early 2006.

Philip Gordon: There Must Be No Pre-Condition In The Matter Of Norma


2009-06-09 16:33:00

ArmInfo. There must be no pre-condition in the matter of normalization
of the Armenian-Turkish relations, US Deputy Secretary of State on
Europe and Eurasia Philip Gordon said at today’s press-conference
in Yerevan.

He also added this is a separate process and should not be
connected with other processes including Nagornyy Karabakh settlement
process. The Armenian-Turkish relations should be established within
the reasonable terms, he said and added that normalization of the
relations will be beneficial to both states as well as to the region
in general.

NKR: Meeting At The NKR Foreign Affairs


Ministry of Foreign Affairs
2009-06-09 16:19
Nagorno-Karabakh Republic

NKR Deputy Foreign Minister Vardan Barseghian received June 8 a
delegation headed by Vice Speaker of the British Parliament House
of Lords Caroline Cox, which had paid a familiarization visit to

On the guests’ request, Vardan Barseghian introduced the history
of the NKR MFA creation and the basic directions of its activity,
also dwelling on the activities of the NKR Permanent Missions abroad.

The meeting participants touched upon the Azerbaijani-Karabakh conflict
settlement process. In particular, it was noted that Azerbaijan
used all its resources for conducting anti-Armenian propaganda
and distorting the core of the Karabakh issue, which should be
aggressively counteracted. Thereupon, it was proposed to issue in
different languages and to distribute corresponding books and other
informational materials basing on real facts and exposing Baku.

Vardan Barseghian noted that conducting an independent foreign
policy and seeking its international recognition, the Nagorno
Karabakh Republic aimed at establishing good-neighborly and friendly
relations with its international partners, states, organizations,
and individuals.

In her turn, Baroness Cox stated that she tried to involve new persons
in her delegation with each trip, in order to expand the circle of
NKR’s friends, hoping that they would become Artsakh’s "ambassadors"
and would facilitate the resolution of the Karabakh issue.

At the end of the meeting, the guests were granted prepared-by-the
NKR MFA CDs "Crimes Without Punishment" producing Azerbaijan’s crimes
against the peaceful Armenian population during the current stage of
the Artsakh National-liberation Movement.

Istanbul-Based Armenian Ari Edirne Appointed Samsun Opera’s Main Ten


JUNE 8, 2009

Saint King choir’s tenor Ari Edirne has been appointed the main tenor
in Istanbul State Opera for a period of one year. According to the
Marmara daily, the talented singer has recently played the leading
part in La Boheme in Samsun and Guler Sabanc has had a solo concert
at the Art Center. Traviata will soon be staged at the Samsun opera,
where Ari Edirne will play the leading part.

Synopsys, MIET Prolong Cooperation Agreement


08.06.2009 16:56 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology (MIET)
and Synopsys have prolonged the agreement on master’s educational
program envisaging training of specialists for development of
integrated circuits.

On October 6, 2006 Synopsys, Inc. (Nasdaq:SNPS), a world leader in
semiconductor design software, announced the signing of a Cooperation
Agreement establishing a joint educational program at MIET. With
Synopsys’ assistance, MIET established a modern Masters program
providing advanced education in microelectronics, based on the Synopsys
tool suite and curriculum. MIET also received 20 software licenses for
Synopsys’ comprehensive, industry-leading electronic design automation
(EDA) University Tools Package.

Under the program, Synopsys was providing financial support for
establishing educational courses, a new computer laboratory in MIET’s
educational center, curriculum by Synopsys Armenia Educational
Department, Foundry Technology Kit, training of MIET professors,
teaching to MIET students, supervision of Master theses, and technical
support. Two groups of 20 students studied in the Master’s program.

Electronic design automation leader Synopsys entered Armenia under
the RA Government’s proclamation to make information technologies a
high-priority field in Armenia. Since the establishment of Synopsys
Armenia CJSC in 2004, Synopsys’ activities in Armenia have become
well-known. A key activity for the company is assisting in the
development of educational programs in Armenia in cooperation
with State Engineering University of Armenia (SEUA), Yerevan State
University (YSU) and American University of Armenia (AUA).

Real Medicine Foundation Changing Lives In Armenia

By Karine Chakarian

Jun 5, 2009

The images are arresting; A great-grandmother cradling her toddler
grandson, the rolling of bread dough, the sheer force of the baker’s
movements felt through the photographer’s lens, a cross resting on
a grave.

On June 12, 2009, the humanitarian organization Real Medicine
Foundation, will present A Journey to Armenia, a photography exhibit
fundraiser featuring the work of Sara Anjargolian, Vahe D’Ala and
Sevag Vrej. The artists’ images will be on display for one night
only. Proceeds will benefit major renovations of a primary care clinic
in Shinuhayr, one of the most poverty stricken areas in the Syunic
region in Armenia.

Founded in May 2005, Real Medicine Foundation (RMF) began as
pediatrician Dr. Martina Fuch’s mission to help the tsunami victims
of Southeast Asia, and has grown to become an emergency relief
organization with clinics and projects in fourteen countries around the
world. Its mission is all encompassing, focusing on the individual as
a whole by providing long term medical, social, economic and support.

Below The Poverty Line

Nairy Ghazourian was first introduced to Dr. Fuchs in April of
2008. Moved by the amount that had been accomplished in the brief time
that the organization had been established, she approached her with
the idea of establishing a primary care clinic in a rural village in
Armenia. "She [Dr. Fuchs] had built the Foundation based on passion
and a keen drive to improve the lives of mankind throughout the world,"
Ghazourian, who is now RMF’s Country Director for Armenia, states. "If
you can inspire people to believe in a cause and feel the same passion
toward it as you do, then you are able to create an army of great
ambassadors, and the work will get done and the project will succeed
no matter how great the challenges or obstacles life throws at you."

The challenges with the clinic in Shinuhayr are monumental. The
decision to focus on the rural town near the border of Karabakh,
where 90 percent of the population lives below the poverty line,
was congruent with Real Medicine Foundation’s mission.

As a direct result of their extreme poverty, Shinuhary’s clinic and
the residents it serves do not have access to pivotal resources such
as drugs, medical supplies and even the most rudimentary of medical

According to Ghazourian, an assessment of the country was the catalyst
for the decision to focus on Shinuhayr.

Expert observation found that patients of the village who are in need
of specialized care are forced to make a five to seven hour drive to
Yerevan, Armenia’s capital, because of the clinics current state of
disrepair and lack in resources. Besides the time commitment required
for the trip, the trek is virtually impossible for a number of reasons,
including expense, and potentially dangerous road conditions due to
harsh winters.

The renovated clinic will serve the town’s population of 3,000, as well
as act as a referral site for the additional 5,000 residents from its
neighboring seven villages. Immediate plans for the 14,000 square foot
clinic are to rebuild the roof, which show signs of hazardous mold. In
addition to roof reparations, other vital expenditures will be applied
towards repairing the damaged foundation, floors, and installing
water, gas and sanitation systems, as well as the provision of basic
medical supplies and pharmaceuticals, training of health care staff,
implementation of community health education outreach programs and the
addition of an ambulance that word transport critically ill patients.

Images Of An Ancient Civilization

Lord Byron once wrote, "It was in Armenia that the flood first abated
and the dove alighted." To the volunteer fundraising committee of A
Journey to Armenia it seemed fitting that captured moments preserved
in time of life in Armenia would provide a glimpse into this world
described by Lord Byron. And it is this ancient land and its people
that is captured poignantly through the lens of photographers
Anjargolian, D’Ala and Vrej.

The photographer’s eclectic backgrounds, and unique but complementary
visual style, depict stories of the crossroads between old and
new; an elderly woman tends her sheep near an ancient graveyard,
a grandfather walks in the hills with his young grandson, mist and
fog shrouding them, a sea of colorful sun dried laundry blow like
flags against a clear blue sky.

Photographer Sara Anjargolian’s inspiration for contributing to the
exhibit stemmed from her exposure to the state of Armenia’s health
care system while living there for several years during the early
part of the decade. Woman with Rooster, her image of an elderly
woman sitting alone on a bench in a church courtyard, a rooster in
her arms, perhaps most starkly captures the dire circumstances of
the people who live within the region. The photo was shot in the
town of Meghri in the Syunik region, the exact area that the primary
clinic will serve. Anjargolian states that the rooster was the woman’s
sacrificial offering to God for the sick granddaughter that awaited
her at home. "When I consider what’s going on in the image… I can’t
help but consider whether this woman would be sitting there had she
and her grandchild had access to a primary health-care clinic in
their region," says Anjargolian.

Champagne, Celebrity and Cause

On the evening of June 12, the doors of A&I Photography Gallery
will open to a champagne reception and hors d’oeuvres catered by Mi
Piace, Sandella’s Cafe and Felafel Arax. Guests will mingle with the
photographers, dignitaries and celebrities like actor Ken Davitian
(Borat, Get Smart). "For $500 you get a picture worth a thousand
words," Davitian says with a smile. "And I’ll take a picture with
the picture. Now you’ll have two pictures that are worth 1000 words,
each for 500, which makes the original picture only $250."

Davitian trades on his trademark humor to honor a cause that is close
to his heart. The exigent need for healthcare in these poverty stricken
areas is a matter he is all too familiar with. His father was raised
in a rural village in Armenia where poverty ran rampant.

It is the alleviation of this poverty which Real Medicine Foundation
is working towards accomplishing. "Our goal with this project is
not just to build a primary care clinic but to empower the people
of Shinuhayr and its surrounding villages," states Ghazourian. "To
equip them with all the tools necessary so that they can continue to
provide for themselves and sustain what we help them build."

EBRD To Earmark 500,000 EUR For Armenian Araratbank For Implemetatio


June 5, 2009

YEREVAN, June 5. /ARKA/. The European Bank for Reconstruction
and Development will provide Armenian Araratbank with 500,000 EUR
for implementation of reconstruction program in accordance with
international standards, the bank’s Chairman of the Executive Board,
CEO Ashot Osipyan told reporters on Friday.

According to him the program will be implemented together with National
Bank of Canada and a corresponding agreement is planned to be signed
early in July.

"As soon as the agreement is signed we will set to implementation of
the program which will contribute to bringing the bank to international
standards," Osipyan said.

He also noted the program designed for 18 months and will launch on
July 15.

Araratbank OJSC, legal successor of Armsvyaz Bank, was established
on September 2, 1991 and licensed (N4) on October 31, 1996.

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) holds 25%
shares of Araratbank.

The 74.1% of the bank’s authorized capital belongs to principal
shareholder, businessman and owner of Flesh Company Barsegh Beglaryan.

By March 31, 2009, the banks assets had reached 28bln AMD, with capital
being 7.6bln AMD, liabilities 20.3bln AMD, credit investments 14.4bln
AMD and net loss 14mln AMD in January-March 2009.

On January 30 2009 Araartbank joined NASDAQ OMX Armenia stock exchange.

Currently the bank has 25 branches operating throughout Armenia. ($1-

MP Appealed To Prosecutors


08:52 pm | June 04, 2009


A criminal case was brought up at the RA Special Investigative Service
based on the reports drawn up by MP Anahit Bakhshyan on the electoral

The RA Special Investigative Service received an appeal from MP Anahit
Bakhshyan on June 4. The appeal referred to the reports drawn up for
people engaged in the electoral commissions at the 9/28, 5/25, 8/06,
9/20 and 10/20 polling stations and the #5 precinct, particularly the
impediments against proxies and observers and electoral fraud under
the name of others.

Taking into account that the materials include the indications of
crime foreseen by the RA Criminal Code and that it is necessary to
investigate the facts, a criminal case was brought up at the RA Special
Investigative Service based on indications in Part 1 of Article 149
and sections of Articles 150 and 153 of the RA Criminal Code.

The Special Investigative Service will inform about further results.