Charles Aznavour Awarded With Nagorny Karabakh Republic Order


2009-05-18 11:29:00

ArmInfo. Famous chansonnier Charles Aznavour was in Nagorny
Karabakh Republic on May 17, ArmInfo correspondent to Stepanakert
reported. Charles Aznavour’s sister Aida and daughter Seda accompanied
him during the visit.

Charles Aznavour participated in the opening ceremony of the
Cultural Center named after him in the NKR. In honor of the great
singer, a concert was held in the Revival Square in the capital city
Stepanakert. Charles Aznavour visited Gandzsar Monastery (the 13th
century) in Martakert region, NKR.

The singer said he was going to visit Karabakh earlier and finally
he could make such trip. He expressed hope to visit the NKR also in
future. President of the NKR Bako Sahakyan awarded Charles Aznavour
with ‘Grerogy the Illuminator’ Order.

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia Edward Nalbandian arrived in
the NKR together with Charles Aznavour.

RA Police: We Keep Record Of Voters Every Day


15.05.2009 15:25 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The Armenian Police keep record of voters every
day but not on occasion of regular elections, according to lieutenant
colonel Norayr Muradkhanyan, head of passport and visa department of
RA Police.

"Police submits the lists of voters to the Central Electoral Committee
twice per year," he said.

He informed that as to April 20, 2009 the number of Yerevan residents
totaled 771 353. 2511 of them are not Armenian citizens

According To Sociometer’s Data, RPA’s Rating Among Voters Grows And


Noyan Tapan
May 14, 2009

YEREVAN, MAY 14, NOYAN TAPAN. According to the data publicized by
Sociometer sociological center’s head Aharon Adibekian on May 14, in
Yerevan Council of Elders elections the Republican Party of Armenia
(RPA) will receive 55% votes, the Bargavach Hayastan (Prosperous
Armenia) party 21%, the Armenian National Congress bloc 14%, and the
rest parties taken together over 10% votes. As A. Adibekian reported
at the May 14 press conference, these are the results of the surveys
conducted on May 8-9. The sociologist reminded that the previous
surveys were conducted on April 25.

According to A. Adibekian, comparison of current and previous indices
shows the following: BH’s rating has grown by 2%, RPA’s rating by
0.8%, and ANC’s rating has fallen by 5.5%. According to him, the
fall of ANC’s rating is conditioned by the circumstance that this
political force considered the May 31 elections purely political,
but fails to keep that thought bright in public consciousness.

Mentioning that ARFD’s rating is rather low, A. Adibekian made it
clear saying that ARFD coming out of the ruling coalition lost
pro-governmental citizens’ votes and has not managed to gain
opposition’s confidence yet.

BAKU: Mediators See Major Progress Following Talks


AzerNews Weekly
May 13 2009

Various reports about Thursday`s round of talks on settling the Upper
(Nagorno) Garabagh conflict between the Azerbaijani and Armenian
presidents in Prague have caused observers to conclude that the
discussions were extremely tense but the sides achieved rapprochement
on numerous key issues regarding the peace process. Nonetheless,
the fact that the reports are differently-worded, depending on the
source of information and, at times, even conflicting, makes it rather
challenging to express an unequivocal opinion about the outcome.

Following the meeting of Presidents Ilham Aliyev and Serzh Sarkisian,
the OSCE mediators brokering the conflict settlement told the press
that the talks were constructive and their outcomes were promising. The
co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group – Yury Merzlyakov of Russia,
Bernard Fassier of France, and Matthew Bryza of the United States –
said in a statement that "significant progress" had been achieved in
narrowing the differences between the parties and that the discussions
"had brought the sides closer to a breakthrough."

"The presidents welcomed the co-chairs` plan to further intensify
their shuttle diplomacy to assemble all the elements required for a
breakthrough," said the joint statement, released after the mediators
organized a meeting of Presidents Aliyev and Sarkisian at the residence
of the US ambassador in Prague.

"The co-chairs look forward to their next trip to the region and
to prepare a further summit, as proposed to the presidents, in
St. Petersburg [on the sidelines of an informal CIS summit] in early
June. The co-chairs expect that these coming meetings will allow for
the concrete realization of a breakthrough on the Basic Principles
by the end of the year," noted the joint statement, which was posted
on the OSCE`s website.

The Basic Principles for a negotiated settlement of the long-standing
dispute were submitted by the mediators to Baku and Yerevan in the
Spanish capital Madrid in November 2007. The principles include
determination of the final status of Upper Garabagh, an Azerbaijani
region currently under Armenian occupation, through a nationwide poll
to be conducted during the final stage of the peace process.

This is possible after confidence is built between the sides,
including the gradual pullout of Armenian armed forces from the
occupied Azerbaijani territories, pledges on non-use of force, the
return of Azerbaijani refugees displaced by the armed conflict in
the early 1990s, and the resumption of trade and communications. The
Basic Principles represent the outcome of numerous meetings between
the Azerbaijani and Armenian foreign ministers launched in the Czech
capital in 2004 and dubbed the "Prague process."

Azerbaijan and Armenia fought a lengthy war that ended with the
signing of a cease-fire in 1994, but Armenia continues to occupy
Upper Garabagh and seven other Azerbaijani districts in defiance of
international law. Azerbaijan is ready to grant the region the status
of a high autonomy within its territorial integrity, while Armenia
claims it should be granted independence.

US co-chair Bryza told Radio Liberty that the two countries` presidents
had agreed to the main ideas of a Garabagh settlement.

"Throughout my co-chairmanship in the Minsk Group, this meeting
was the most substantial one in terms of the essence of the issues
being discussed. Progress has been achieved in the past as well. But
this time – and the other co-chairmen agreed with me on that —
the presidents agreed on the main ideas of the complicated concept
of the basic settlement principles. In other words, the presidents
recommended that the co-chairs, jointly with the foreign ministers,
finalize work on detailing these ideas."

At the same time, the diplomat admitted that hard work on certain
details is still ahead to achieve a final agreement, as the two leaders
are adhering to a view that "so long as everything has not been agreed,
nothing is considered to have been agreed."

Further, Bryza emphasized that the Azerbaijani and Armenian presidents
are ready for mutual compromises. This, in his opinion, is clear from
their messages, which aim to shape public opinion about the conflict
resolution in their countries.

The Aliyev-Sarkisian talks lasted two and a half hours, though
previous meetings usually took three to four hours. This presidential
meeting was attended by Foreign Ministers Elmar Mammadyarov and
Eduard Nalbandian, the MG co-chairs, as well as Andrjej Kasprzyk,
the OSCE chairman`s special envoy. The broad talks were followed by
one-on-one discussions.

It is indicative that, amid outright optimism by the mediators,
a split has been observed in the conflicting sides` statements
regarding the outcome of the Prague talks. Yerevan believes that
their positions have drawn closer after the presidential meeting,
while Baku said no progress had been achieved.

"The presidents` meeting in Prague was prolific and brought the
positions of the sides closer on separate provisions of the Garabagh
settlement," the Armenian presidential statement claimed.

However, Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov told
journalists that "unfortunately, no advances were made at the meeting
of the Azerbaijani and Armenian presidents."

"I can`t say that any advances were achieved, and talks must be
continued. Discussions were held on complicated issues in Prague
but, unfortunately, Armenia, again, failed to be constructive,"
said Mammadyarov.

Novruz Mammadov, head of the Azerbaijan President`s Office
international relations department, has strongly criticized the
co-chairs, blaming them for spreading false information about the
current state of peace talks. He said Yerevan was very non-constructive
during the last presidential meeting.

"The Armenian side was unwilling to take even a step toward a
conflict settlement and once again demonstrated that it had claims
to Azerbaijani territories. Nonetheless, despite the lack of mutual
agreement, the co-chairs issued a statement supporting the position
of the Armenian leader, and, it turns out, that of their own, without
any prior consultations with the Azerbaijani president. Providing
erroneous information to the US president and secretary of state,
and the leaders of other states, they indicated that peace talks are
allegedly going very well and the positions of the sides are drawing
closer," Mammadov said.

"We don`t understand what the purpose of saying all this is. It seems
to me that all this once again shows that bias toward aggressor Armenia
persists and the process of defending its interests continues. On the
other hand, the co-chairs are interested in this process stalling,
for them to come and go on official trips and fulfill their duties,
as if this is their career. Or else, it could be that Mathew Bryza
[the US MG co-chairman], himself, has an interest in advancing his
career, his job, and so forth, by misinforming Hillary Clinton and
Barack Obama. That`s the only presumption that comes to my mind."

According to sources close to diplomatic circles, the two presidents`
talks proceeded in a very complex environment, as Yerevan failed to
display flexibility and, on the contrary, toughened its position.

During the talks, the Armenian side again put forth the formula for
a peace process that had been discussed two years ago and rejected
by Azerbaijan. The sources did not elaborate which formula was in
question, but one may presume that it pertains to the determination
of Garabagh`s status through a referendum among the current residents
of the region, i.e. Armenians.

French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner has confirmed that the latest
round of presidential talks proceeded in a complicated manner. The
Russian Echo Moskvi radio station quoted Kouchner as saying that a
number of misunderstandings remain between the conflicting sides.

"Each side is going its own way and reacts to the same pictures
differently. But this should not be a discouragement, as there is a
very long road ahead between Aliyev and Sarkisian."

Some Azerbaijani media have linked Yerevan`s toughening its stance
during the Prague talks with the recent Armenia-Turkey dialog. The
Armenian leadership`s stance on the Garabagh problem reportedly became
harsher after it had agreed upon a "roadmap" with Turkey, Azerbaijan`s
ally, with which it also faces long-standing tensions. This toughening,
as Azerbaijan has pointed out, is adversely affecting the peace

Of note, the Turkish media, which has been widely covering the
Prague meeting reported that, on the contrary, the Garabagh talks
made considerable progress and that the Ankara-Yerevan dialog is
moving the parties towards resolving the conflict.

The reports are based upon the meetings held by US mediator Bryza with
the Turkish foreign minister and deputy minister in Prague. Thus, the
co-chairman had informed Turkish diplomats about the course of Garabagh
talks following the Aliyev-Sarkisian meeting, while officials in Ankara
apparently leaked some information to the press after the meeting.

The Turkish reports suggest that the presidential meeting, despite
its being tense, was generally a round of talks that fostered some
rapprochement in the positions of Baku and Yerevan. Thus, the parties
reportedly considered, while in the Czech Republic, the future status
of Upper Garabagh, which has so far been one of the toughest sticking
points in the peace process. The reports claimed that the Azerbaijani
president had, for the first time, agreed to launch discussions on
how the status of the region will be determined. At the same time,
it was specifically emphasized that Baku did not mention the notion
of a referendum during the talks.

The Armenian president, in turn, agreed that after occupation of the
regions around Upper Garabagh ends, the status-quo will be maintained
in the region.

At the same time, Yerevan agreed to withdraw from five of seven
Azerbaijani districts it occupies in the initial stage and to pull
out of Kalbajar, another occupied region, five years after a peace
accord is reached.

As for Lachin, the remaining district around Upper Garabagh, this is
one of the two issues that are awaiting their solution in the course of
negotiations. This refers to an overland corridor that is to be created
to link Upper Garabagh with Armenian territory through Lachin. The
reports said that during further stages of the negotiating process
the parties are to strike a common ground on the status of the Lachin
corridor, its parameters and security. Further, the final and key part
of peace talks is to take place and a schedule is to be set for the
pullout of Armenian troops from the regions adjacent to Upper Garabagh
and the return of the displaced Azerbaijanis to their native lands.

BAKU: Mother Of Armenian-Captured Anar Hajiyev: I Heard On Televisio


May 12 2009

Goranboy. Teymur Zahidoglu – APA. "I heard on television that my son
had been captured," Naila Hajiyeva, mother of sergeant of Azerbaijani
Army Anar Khanbaba Hajiyev, who was captured by Armenian Armed Forces
on May 10, told APA’s Karabakh bureau.

Hajiyeva said she went to the military unit, where her son served,
but the leadership of the military unit did not receive her.

"We stayed in the rain for two hours and had to return without getting
information," she said.

Naila Hajiyeva said she talked to Anar over the phone some days ago,
her son did not complain of anything, the military service was normal.

"Anar said everything was normal, he did not complain of anything. He
only asked to send money for leave," she said.

Hajiyeva said she had visited her son twice within a year and
underlined that he never complained of the service.

Anar Khanaba Hajiyev, 19, was drafted from Goranboy region. He
was reportedly captured by Armenian Armed Forces at 9.45 on May
10. Armenian media writes that Anar voluntarily crossed to Armenia.

Anar’s parents have been divorced. His father Khanbaba Hajiyev lives
in Dashkesen.

Azeri, Armenian Leaders Have "Difficult" Talks In Prague


May 7 2009

The Azerbaijani and Armenian presidents had "difficult" talks at their
meeting in Prague on 7 May, the Azerbaijani television channel ANS
and news agency APA have reported, quoting unnamed diplomatic sources.

The 2.5-hour meeting between Ilham Aliyev and Serzh Sargsyan was held
"in a quite difficult environment", as Armenia had toughened its
position on the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict following the declaration
of a roadmap to normalise relations with Turkey, the reports said.

"Unfortunately, Armenia did not demonstrate flexibility and toughened
its position considerably," ANS quoted its source as saying.

APA said Armenia had once again demonstrated its "non-constructive"

NASDAQ OMX Armenia Lists Inecobank Bonds


11.05.2009 15:27 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Starting May 11, 2009, nominal bonds issued by
Inecobank closed joint stock company will be listed and included
in bond list of NASDAQ OMX Armenia. The issue comprises 7,000 bonds
with nominal value AMD 50,000, maturity 365 days and annual yield of
9.5%. The issue will be traded under ENECB1 ticker symbol, reported
the marketing service of NASDAQ OMX.

Inecobank CJSC was established in February 1996 and is currently
offering the full spectrum of banking services through its Head Office
and branches in Yerevan and regions of Armenia.

Among major foreign shareholders of the bank are KfW bank group
member German investment company DEG (Deutsche Investitions- Und
Entwicklungsgesellschaft). As of March 31, 2009, total capital of the
bank amounted to about AMD 9.36 billion, and total assets exceeded
AMD 48.4 billion.

Since February 2009, Inecobank CJSC is a member of NASDAQ OMX Armenia
with access to all exchange markets, including corporate and government
securities, REPO, and currency.

The NASDAQ OMX Group, Inc. is the world’s largest exchange company. It
delivers trading, exchange technology and public company services
across six continents, and with over 3,900 companies, it is number
one in worldwide listings among major markets. NASDAQ OMX technology
supports the operations of over 60 exchanges, clearing organizations
and central securities depositories in more than 50 countries.

In January 2008, Nordic exchange operator OMX Group acquired 100%
of shares of the Armenian Stock Exchange (Armex) and the Central
Depository of Armenia (CDA). After the combination of NASDAQ and OMX
in February 2008, Armex and CDA have become fully owned by the NASDAQ
OMX Group, Inc.

On January 27, 2009, Armenian Stock Exchange CJSC was officially
renamed as NASDAQ OMX Armenia OJSC.

Matthew Bryza: The Turning Point In The Negotiations On The Nagorno-


2009-05-11 11:23:00

ArmInfo. "A lot of work is before them. But on the other hand, they
are moving step by step. Maybe they have not done a turning point to
the end, but they made the foundation of this, and I hope that in a
month when they meet in St. Petersburg, the turning point is possible
in the end, "- Matthew Bryza said in an interview with radio station
"The Echo of Moscow".

Regarding the U.S. position on the issue of settlement of this
conflict, M. Bryza stressed that the final decision must be
"balanced" in terms of the principles of the Helsinki Act of 1975,
as "self-determination, territorial integrity and the exclusion of
force." "Maybe build a balance, but it is a very difficult task,
because of that those negotiations are continuing for so long," –
he said.

According to him, Russia and the United States are equally suited
to resolving the Karabakh conflict. "I always said that we have a
complicated relationship with Russia, which regards Georgia, our
relations are good and positive on Karabakh," – M. Bryza said.

Baku, Ankara should jointly protect their interests -Azeri deputy FM

Interfax, Russia
May 5 2009

Baku, Ankara should jointly protect their interests – Azeri deputy FM

BAKU May 5

Azerbaijan and Turkey should work together to protect their interests,
Azeri Deputy Foreign Minister Araz Azimov told journalists on Tuesday.

Commenting to journalists on Azeri President Ilham Aliyev’s statement
that there are a number of questions Azerbaijan had for Turkey, Azimov
said that he received some answers during his visit to Ankara. "Some
questions were answered, some should be clarified, but the main thing
is that we should arrange joint work together with Turkey so that the
interests of the two states are secured," Azimov said.

Azerbaijan and Turkey have the same interests: regional security
should be guaranteed and Armenia should recognize the territorial
integrity of neighboring states and liberate the occupied territories,
the deputy minister said.

Hillary Clinton: U.S. Is Interested In Strengthening And Development


MAY 6, 2009

RA Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian being in Washington on a
working visit met with U.S. State Secretary Hillary Clinton on May
5. The latter stated that the U.S. is interested in strengthening
and development of all-round relations with Armenia, and President
Obama’s administration is resolute to expand cooperation between the
two countries.

E. Nalbandian, in his turn, emphasized that Armenia attaching
importance to further strenthening of its relations with the United
States, will pursue development and deepening of friendly partnership
with the U.S. and expansion of cooperation.

The Foreign Ministers of Armenia and United States discussed a wide
range of issues regarding various spheres of bilateral relations,
possibilities of development and expansion of economic partnership,
touched upon the sitting of the Armenian-American Intergovernmental
Commission to be held in May in Yerevan, discussed a number of regional
and international issues.

Touching upon the process of normalization of Armenian-Turkish
relations, H. Clinton classed as historic the April 22 statement of
the RA and Turkish Foreign Ministries. She reaffirmed the position
of the United States to continue providing complete assistance to
normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations.

The latest developments in the Nagorno Karabakh settlement were also
discussed at the meeting. H. Clinton emphasized the necessity of
conflict’s peaceful settlement and said that the U.S. as a country
co-chairing in the OSCE Minsk Group will continue providing complete
support to reaching of agreements between the conflict sides and to
problem’s solution, which will create new possibilities for development
of the South Caucasian region, strengthening of stability and security.

The same day the RA Foreign Minister met with General James Jones, the
U.S. President’s National Security Adviser, at the White House. Issues
regarding various spheres of Armenian-American partnership, provision
of regional security were discussed at the meeting. J. Jones highly
assessed Armenia’s participation in peacekeeping actions and in
that context its important contribution in the issue of providing
international security. A detailed talk on the normalization process
of Armenian-Turkish relations and possibilities of Nagorno Karabakh
settlement took place at the meeting.

At the meeting with Howard Berman, the Chairman of the U.S. House of
Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs, E. Nalbandian presented
the main directions and priorities of Armenia’s foreign policy. The
interlocutors touched upon issues concerning stability and security
in the South Caucasus.

According to the RA Foreign Ministry Press and Information Department,
on May 4, E. Nalbandian visited U.S. Congress, where he met with
Congressional Armenian Caucus Co-chairs Frank Pallone and Mark Kirk,
Armenian Caucus members, Congressmen Anna Eshoo, Steve Rotman, and
Scott Garrett. The RA Foreign Minister thanking the Congressmen for
their pro-Armenian activity of many years, highly assessed the work
of the House of Representatives Armenian Caucus and its members’
role in strengthening Armenian-American relations.

At Congressmen’s request E. Nalbandian presented the latest
developments in normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations and the
steps to be undertaken to establish normal relations between the two
neighbor states in that sphere. The Congressmen expressed support
to the steps undertaken by the Armenian leadership to normalize the
relations with Turkey.

The Nagorno Karabakh settlement negotiations and their prospects were
touched upon at the meeting.

At the meeting with Rodney Bent, the head of the Millennium Challenge
Corporation, E. Nalbandian discussed issues related to continuation
of programs implemented by the Corporation in Armenia.

The RA Foreign Minister also met with representatives of the American
Armenian community in the capital city of the United States.

Completing his visit to Washington on May 5, E. Nalbandian left for
Prague, where he will participate in the Eastern Partnership Summit
as a member of the delegation led by the RA President.