Reading The Tea Leaves

Alemayehu G. Mariam

April 13 2009

The first chords of Pax Obama (Obama’s offer of peace to the word)
restore not only much needed sanity to U.S. foreign policy, but
also erect new pillars that will support America’s future engagement
with the rest of the world: Respect for American democratic values,
respect for Muslims and the Islamic faith, respect for human rights
and the rule of law, mutually shared respect among friends, and even
respectful agreement to disagree with foes.

The speech was vintage Obama- sincere, uplifting, full of symbolism,
hope and promise. It was particularly inspiring to defenders
of freedom, democracy and human rights. The President charted the
general course of U.S. foreign policy and framed the contemporary
global challenges and humankind’s options in stark terms: "The choices
that we make in the coming years will determine whether the future
will be shaped by fear or by freedom; by poverty or by prosperity;
by strife or by a just, secure and lasting peace." The Turks,
he said, have made the right choices because they have "pursued
difficult political reforms" which have resulted in the "abolition
of state-security courts and expanded the right to counsel, reformed
the penal code, and strengthened laws that govern the freedom of
the press and assembly." He urged them to maintain their momentum:
"For democracies cannot be static – they must move forward. Freedom
of religion and expression lead to a strong and vibrant civil
society…. An enduring commitment to the rule of law is the only
way to achieve the security that comes from justice for all people."

The President Against "All Genocides" and For Human Rights

Obama could not have made his stand on human rights more clear. He said
there is no justification for human rights violations. He declared it
is un-American to engage in torture, denial of fundamental due process
to those accused of crimes, or to engage in arbitrary actions that
defy international law and human rights conventions. "Every challenge
that we face is more easily met if we tend to our own democratic
foundation. This work is never over. That is why, in the United States,
we recently ordered the prison at Guantanamo Bay closed, and prohibited
– without exception or equivocation – any use of torture." He openly
acknowledged America’s own burdensome legacy of slavery and injustice:
"The United States is still working through some of our own darker
periods… And our country still struggles with the legacy of our
past treatment of Native Americans [and slavery]". Earlier in his
campaign, he had promised to be a steadfast voice against genocide:
"The Armenian genocide is not an allegation, a personal opinion,
or a point of view, but rather a widely documented fact supported
by an overwhelming body of historical evidence. America deserves a
leader who speaks truthfully about the Armenian genocide and responds
forcefully to all genocides. I intend to be that president."

Obama’s vision — his dream — of the future is based on giving a
higher priority to human need than slavishly promoting corporate greed:
"We want to help more children get the education that they need to
succeed. We want to promote health care in places where people are
vulnerable. We want to expand the trade and investment that can bring
prosperity for all people." He said, "In the months ahead, I will
present specific programs to advance these goals. Our focus will be on
what we can do, in partnership with people across the Muslim world,
to advance our common hopes, and our common dreams. And when people
look back on this time, let it be said of America that we extended
the hand of friendship."

Clenched Fist of Dictatorship and the Open Hand of Friendship

Last Summer, we announced the imminent arrival of a new "sheriff"
in town. We offered the following admonition:

Petty Dictators: America Stands for the Ideals of Freedom, Democracy
and Human Rights! When Barack talks about ‘where and what America
stands for’, he is talking about the American ideals of democracy,
freedom and human rights guiding American foreign policy in a world
menaced by a motley crew of nasty tin-pot dictators, petty tyrants
and bloodthirsty thugs.

It seems we read the tea leaves just right.

The days of "If you’re not with us, you’re our enemy; if you’re with
us, even if you have blood on your hands, you’re our friend" are
gone. Obama’s message is: "We will offer you a hand of friendship;
but if you clench your fist to hide the blood that soaks your hands,
you are not America’s friend." Obama aims to put America front and
center in leading a global human rights revolution. It promises to
be a new day — a new era- for freedom, democracy and human rights
throughout the world.

What is Good for the Goose is Good for the Gander!

Will a president who emphatically opposes torture, arbitrary denial
of due process and reaches back in history to criticize the injustices
inflicted on the slaves and Native Americans lend a hand of friendship
to support torture, crimes against humanity and war crimes in Ethiopia?

Will a president who zealously condemned genocide committed nearly
a century ago in Armenia condone the genocide committed in Gambella,
the Ogaden and Amhara regions in Ethiopia just a few years ago?

Will a president who shutdown Guantanamo and a network of CIA
"security" prisons supply hard-earned American tax dollars to keep
open the stinking dungeons (which the U.S. State Department in 2008
described as "harsh, life-threatening and overcrowded") that warehouse
hundreds of thousands of political prisoners in Ethiopia?

Will a president who benchmarks democratic progress in terms of the
"abolition of state-security courts and expanded the right to counsel,
reformation of the penal code, and strengthening laws that govern the
freedom of the press and assembly" coddle outlaws who have managed to
criminalize civic society institutions and NGO’s, and jail, persecute
and exile journalists?

Will a president – a former civil rights lawyer and constitutional
scholar – who declares his "enduring commitment to the rule of law"
embrace a malignant dictatorship that uses "courts" and the "law"
as weapons of persecution and oppression? We say, "HELL, NO!"

It all boils down to a simple proposition: What is good for the
goose is good for the gander. If the rule of law and protection
of human rights are good for America, Turkey and the rest of the
world, we say they are good for Ethiopia too. If genocide, torture,
arbitrary arrests and detentions, secret security courts and prisons
are bad for America, Turkey and the rest of the world, we say they
are bad for Ethiopia too. We ask for nothing more or less than what
all civilized societies are entitled to have: A government that
is freely elected by the people (and elections are not stolen) and
governs by respecting the human rights and liberties of its citizens;
a government that is accountable to the people for all of its official
actions and omissions; a government free of corruption and jealously
guards the public treasury from fraud, abuse and waste; a government
that respects the sovereignty of its neighbors and refrains from naked
aggression, displacement of the civilian population and commission of
war crimes; a society that is founded on the rule of law where no man
or woman has the right or opportunity to seize the law for political
and/or private economic advantage; a society where courts serve the
interests of justice and not the interests of crooked and corrupt
official profiteers; a justice system that relentlessly pursues known
and suspected human rights violators, war criminals and others who
have committed crimes against humanity, and leaves no stones unturned
to free innocent individuals, opposition leaders and dissidents who
have been locked up for years because they oppose dictatorship.

Putting Out Fires With Flames

President Obama hearkened to an old Turkish proverb in his speech:
"You cannot put out fire with flames." Of course, the President knows
only too well that you can put out the fire when you let "justice rush
down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream". But when
your house is on fire, you don’t need flames to put it out. You need
firefighters. In Ethiopia we need strong firemen and firewomen to put
out the wildfires of ethnic divisions, and now stoked-up and smoldering
religious antagonisms. President Obama is right. These fires can not
be put out with flames of anger, hatred, and revenge. But they can be
put out by flames of justice that sear the consciences of good men and
women; they can be doused by the righteous indignation of patriotic
men and women who commit to the defense of their motherland against
mercenary soldiers of fortune. To paraphrase the lyrics of Billy Joel:
"We didn’t start the fire/ No we didn’t light it/ But we got to fight
it." That is exactly what we said two years ago :

There are fire brigades rising up all over the Diaspora. Everyday we
see courageous firefighters coming to the frontlines. They no longer
want to be frightened spectators jabbering about what somebody else
should do, could do or needs to do. They have decided to act, and you
see them flying around carrying their droplets of water to put out the
fire. These Diaspora firefighters do not fight fire with fire; no,
they fight fire with water. Like water on fire, these firefighters
spray hope and optimism over the despair and misery inflicted upon
our brothers and sisters; they sweep the wreckage of repression and
tyranny with the broom of democracy and human rights; they plant
the seeds of freedom and liberty on a land charred and ravaged by
political violence, corruption, savagery and lawlessness.

The dictators in Ethiopia know the GAME IS OVER! They are out of lies,
out of cash, out of gas, out of ideas, out of hope, out of order,
out of control, out of the shadows, out of luck and out of time! They
are out of their freaking minds because they are OUT OF BUSINESS! A
verse of advice:

Saddle up tin-pot dictators, ‘Tis time to ride out before the big

The new sheriff and posse are in town, You better scram before sundown!

Scram Before Sundown!

[2] hummingbird-and-forest-fire-diaspora.html

ANKARA: Obama Visit A Big Story, Says Parris


April 13 2009

ISTANBUL – When U.S. President Barack Obama invoked his country’s
treatment of Native Americans in discussing the "events of 1915"
before the Turkish Parliament, it was a first for a U.S. leader, says a
retired American diplomat. To former Ambassador to Ankara Mark Parris,
Obama’s visit to Turkey was a big story. Parris shared his thoughts
of the event in an interview with Sevim Demiray, from daily Milliyet.

According to Parris, it was Obama’s responsibility during the
visit to avoid words and deeds that could derail the sensitive
and promising negotiations underway as Turkey and Armenia seek to
normalize relationships. "The President’s point, of course, was that
ultimately nations are better off confronting the dark chapters they
all have in their pasts," Parris said. "I think he should be taken
at his word when he says he has not changed his views on the events
in Turkey’s Ottoman past that he has called ‘genocide.’"

Parris said the Obama administration takes Turkey very seriously
and that the revival of a U.S.-Turkey partnership that goes beyond
rhetoric would be an important development throughout the region
and the world. He said the main reasons for Obama’s visit could
be categorized under five main topics: Afghanistan-Pakistan, Iran,
Russia and strategic energy issues, Israeli-Arab relations and overall
U.S. relations with the Muslim world.

Negative impression Replying to a question about the comments made
by some Western observers, who have said that Prime Minister Recep
Tayyip Erdogan’s reactions at Davos and to Anders Fogh Rasmussen’s
NATO candidacy had hurt the Turkish leader’s image, Parris said,
"I think the Davos incident made a negative impression on American
audiences… As for the Rasmussen affair, most Americans are
probably unaware that there was one. The only people inclined to draw
conclusions about the Prime Minister from that episode were those
who had done so before Rasmussen became an issue."

Parris also emphasized that although Erdogan’s performance –
as conveyed by the media – made a strong, and generally negative
impression on U.S. audiences, "predictions that Davos would destroy
Turkish-Israeli relations or undercut Turkey’s regional influence
were clearly exaggerated." "My impression is that the damage to
Turkish-Israeli relations has in fact been contained," the former
ambassador said. "Even if Israeli confidence in Turkey’s impartiality
has suffered – and it probably has – Israeli leaders value their
strategic relationship with Turkey."

Influence on Af/Pak border Turkey has been a big help, and still
could aid in the U.S. war in Afghanistan, Parris said, adding that one
major reason for the visit was an awareness of Turkey’s long-standing
influence on both sides of the Afghan-Pakistan border (as reflected
in the trilateral meeting President Abdullah Gul convened just before
Obama arrived), the role the country has played in the International
Security Assistance Force, or ISAF, and the kind of "soft power"
Turkey could bring to this effort.

Defining these vital contributions as the Obama administration got its
Afghanistan/Pakistan, or Af/Pak, strategy underway, Parris added that
even if Turkey says no to the U.S. request to send combat troops to
Afghanistan, it would not be a threat to the potential partnership,
as other types of contributions to the effort would be welcomed.

In response to a question about Nagorno-Karabakh, a region that is
the subject of a longstanding dispute between Armenia and Azerbaijan,
Parris said the U.S. would be prepared to encourage both countries
to show the necessary flexibility to reach an agreement. "That’s what
‘full support’ implies," he said.

Parris also answered a question about Obama using the term "Kurdish
minority" in a discussion with students in Istanbul, saying it was a
slip of the tongue. The former ambassador said the Kurdistan Workers’
Party, or PKK, would remain on the U.S. terrorism list and that the
U.S. would continue to cooperate with Turkey in its effort to defeat
the PKK.

Mark Parris was the American ambassador to Ankara between 1997
and 2000 and was known as the architect of a major expansion of
relations between Turkey and the United States, culminating in
President Clinton’s designation of Turkey as a "strategic partner" in
November 1999. Parris played a pivotal role in defining and advancing
U.S. objectives with respect to the Baku-Tiblisi-Ceyhan oil-export
pipeline and an associated gas pipeline.

Kiro Manoyan: Opening Of The Armenia-Turkey Border Invaluable Withou

Anan Nazaryan

13.04.2009 16:33

The opening of the Armenian-Turkish border is first of all a political
issue for Armenia: it should be accompanied by the establishment of
diplomatic relations, Head of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation
(ARF) Bureau’s Hay Dat and Political Affairs Office Kiro Manoyan told
a press conference today.

He noted that the opening of the border would be invaluable without
the establishment of relations.

"Armenia-Turkey relations will once be established, the important
thing for Armenia is not to sacrifice its interests in the talks. We
should not allow any point in the agreement that would question the
reality of the fact of the Armenian Genocide and prevent Armenia from
pursuing its objectives.

By the end of the month ARF Dashnaktstyun will present an analysis
of economic consequences of opening of the Armenian-Turkish border.

Until now the Armenian diplomacy has managed to leave the Nagorno
Karabakh issue out of the Armenian-Turkish negotiations, although
Azerbaijan is doing its best to have the Karabakh issue discussed
during the Armenia-Turkey negotiations. If Turkey yields to Azerbaijani
threats and if the talks produce no result soon, the Armenian side
will discontinue the negotiations, according to Kiro Manoyan.

Turkey entered the process, proceeding from its own inter ests,
trying to play a greater role in the region, become more influential,
which is important without relations with Armenia. Kiro Manoyan
is confident that on April 24 US President Barack Obama will, most
probably, use the word "genocide" on April 24.

President expresses content with level of Armenia’s cooperation

Armenian president expresses content with level of Armenia’s
cooperation with IMF

2009-04-11 16:33:00

ArmInfo. During April 11 meeting with Masood Ahmed, the newly-appointed
director of the IMF Middle East and Central Asia Department, Armenian
President Serzh Sargsyan expressed content with the level of Armenia’s
cooperation, the Armenian presidential press-service told ArmInfo.

The meeting covered a number of issues related to overcoming the
consequences of global economic crisis. The president stressed that the
Armenian authorities will do their best to most efficiently spend the
available financial means and opportunities in the economy spheres
which most of all suffered from the crisis.

For his part, Masood Ahmed informed the president of the agreements
reached at the G-Twenty Summit on April 2 and assured Sargsyan of the
International Monetary Fund’s willingness to support Armenia in
overcoming the consequences of the crisis.

Unibank announced deposit types: `Unistream-Express’ and `Stability’


Unibank announced two new deposit types: `Unistream-Express’ and `Stability’
11.04.2009 19:03 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Unibank announced two new deposit types today:
`Unistream-Express’ and `Stability’. The main peculiarity of
`Unistream-Express’ deposit is the fact that the deposit is formed and
replenished only at the expense of money transfers by `Unistream’
system. The term of the deposit is unlimited, the depositor may at any
moment recall the means and receive the interest sum. The deposit is
accepted both in AMD and in currency. The annual interest rate for AMD
`Unistream-Express’ deposit makes 12%, in currency ` 10%. The given
type of deposit also allows partial withdrawal of the sum, if the
minimal remainder of the deposit is preserved.
Concerning `Stability’ deposit, in case of pre-term interruption of
the deposit agreement, the customer of paid high interest rates (up to
14%) according to the number of factual days the sum was in the
bank. The annual interest rates for `Stability’ deposit make 14% for
AMD deposits and 10% for deposits in currency. Replenishment of the
deposit may be realized without any limitations. Provision of
overdraft at the volume of 90% of the deposit sum is also planned for.

Inga and Anush Arshakyans Lead `Eurovision-2009′ Rating Table


14:12 11/04/2009

Inga and Anush Arshakyan sisters who are nominated to present Armenia
in `Eurovision-2009′ international song contest are on the first
horizontal collecting 10.6% of preliminary voting rates. According to
the official web site of `Eurovision-2009′ song contest the
representative from Azerbaijan received 10.5 points, Russian singer is
in the list of top three and Norway, Greece, Ukraine, France,
Lithuania, Sweden, Great Britain follow them. World famous `Uilyam
Hill’ bookmaker company diagnoses that Norwegian representative will
become the champion of the contest.

European Parliamentarians Get Free Access To Armenian Prisoners


Apr 8, 2009

YEREVAN, April 8. /ARKA/. European parliamentarians held meetings with
the prisoners involved in the March 1-2 case without any obstacles,
Marie Anne Isler Béguin, the head of the European Parliament
delegation for cooperation with Armenia told reporters.

She pointed out that during a number of meetings the European
parliamentarians listened to the prisoners’ points of view of the
March 1-2 events and of hearings of their cases.

The Armenian political opposition forces led by Armenia’s first
president Levon Ter-Petrosyan held rallies in Yerevan from February
20 to March 1, 2008, protesting the results of the February 19
presidential election in Armenia. On March 1-2 the actions of protest
developed into riots and clashes with law-enforcers, which claimed
ten lives, leaving over 200 casualties.

About 100 people have been arrested.

Marie Anne Isler Béguin pointed out that the prisoners’ conditions
in the places of confinement are among the most topical issues
during European delegations’ visit to Armenia. She is informed of
the construction of new penitentiaries with much better conditions
in Armenia.

The European parliamentarian said that the issue of prisoners involved
in the March 1-2 case must be settled, and the authorities are taking
relevant steps.

Marie Anne Isler Béguin called for drawing lessons from the Marc h
events and preventing rallies that may claim human lives. She stated
she is for peaceful rallies that are not followed by riots.

Obama’s Views Unchanged


07.04.2009 12:52

Yerevan (Yerkir) – US President Barack Obama’s stance on the Armenian
genocide has not changed. The Radio Liberty has reported that answering
a question by the Chicago Tribune, Obama said: "Well, my views are on
the record and I have not changed those views, "I want to focus not
on my views right now, but on the views of the Turkish and Armenian
people. If they can move forward and deal with a difficult and tragic
history, then I think the entire world should encourage that."

Obama made the same point when he addressed the Turkish parliament
later in the day. "I know there are strong views in this chamber
about the terrible events of 1915, and while there has been a good
deal of commentary about my views, it is really about how the Turkish
and Armenian people deal with the past," he said. "And the best way
forward for the Turkish and Armenian people is a process that works
through the past in a way that is honest, open, and constructive."

Western Prelacy News – 04/10/2009

April 10, 2009
Press Release
Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America
H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate
6252 Honolulu Avenue
La Crescenta, CA 91214
Tel: (818) 248-7737
Fax: (818) 248-7745
E-mail: [email protected]


On the Feast of the Glorious Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ,
on Sunday, April 12th, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, will
celebrate Divine Liturgy and deliver the sermon at St. Mary’s Church in
By the ordinance of the Prelate, H.E. Achbishop Yeprem Tabakian will
celebrate Divine Liturgy and deliver the sermon at Holy Martyrs Church in
Encino, Very Rev. Fr. Barthev Gulumian at Holy Cross Cathedral in
Montebello, Very Rev.Fr. Muron Aznikian at the North Hollywood Parish,
Archpriest Fr. Mesrob Tashjian will be at the Las Vegas Parish, and Rev. Fr.
Ashod Kambourian will celebrate services at the Colorado Parish.


On Monday, April 13th, the Prelate will preside over Easter Memorial
Day requiem service at Forest Lawn in Hollywood Hills. The service begins
at 10:00 a.m. and will take place at the Hall of Liberty.
Services will also be offered at the Church of the Recessional at
the Glendale Forest Lawn.


On the morning of Friday, April 17th, the Prelate will preside over
Easter Divine Liturgy at Ararat Home in Mission Hills. Prelacy clergy
members will participate in the Divine Liturgy, which is celebrated each
year on this occasion.
Clergy members will visit the nursing facility at 10:00 a.m.,
followed by Divine Liturgy at the Chapel which will be celebrated by Pastor
of St. Garabed Church Archpriest Fr. Vicken Vassilian.


On Thursday, April 9th, Maundy Thursday services were conducted in
commemoration of the Last Supper, the washing of the disciples’ feet by
Jesus, and His betrayal and arrest.
In the morning, Divine Liturgy was celebrated in all Churches. In
the afternoon, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, officiated
over the Washing of the Feet service at St. Garabed Church in Hollywood, and
conveyed to the faithful the message of the day’s services, starting with
the commemoration of the Last Supper during which Jesus Christ established
the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist when He shared bread and wine with His
disciples symbolizing His body and blood. The Washing of the Feet service,
he continued, is a reminder of His humility, love, and service, and commands
us to be mindful of the fact that we were all created in His image and pride
tarnishes that image, thus he urged the faithful to be humble, to serve in
His example, and to ready ourselves spiritually for the salvation and
eternal life promised to us by Jesus Christ. Reminding the faithful that
this year is dedicated to the youth, the Prelate concluded by appealing to
parents and grandparents to cultivate in our youth awe of the Lord and
prepare them to be our leaders of tomorrow.
Later on in the evening, the Prelate presided over the solemn vigil
service, commemorating the betrayal and arrest of Jesus Christ, at Holy
Cross Cathedral in Montebello. In his address to the faithful, the Prelate
spoke of the implications of Jesus’ last few days on earth and the extent of
His love for us as he took on our sins and died for our salvation. In this
regards, the Prelate asked how we, as Christians, reciprocate that love and
express our love for Him. Thus, he concluded by calling on the faithful to
obey the Lord’s commandment to love by loving one another and living our
lives free of hate and hateful influences.


On the evening of Tuesday, April 7th, 2009, Holy Tuesday services,
in commemoration of the Parable of the Ten Virgins, took place in all
Prelacy Churches.
H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, officiated over the
service and conveyed his message to the faithful at St. Mary’s Church in
Glendale. Sunday School teachers and students participated in the service
representing the ten virgins.
The Prelate explained the meaning behind the parable and urged the
faithful to follow in the example of the wise virgins by being resolute in
our faith and spiritually ready at all times to receive eternal life.


On Sunday, April 5th, 2009, Palm Sunday, H.E .Archbishop Moushegh
Mardirossian, Prelate, celebrated Divine Liturgy and delivered the sermon at
Holy Martyrs Church in Encino. Following Divine Liturgy, the Children’s
Procession took place, and subsequently the Opening of the Portals ceremony.

Among the hundreds of faithful in attendance were Consul General of
Armenia the Honorable Grigor Hovhannisyan, Central Executive member Mr.
Khajag Dikijian, and Executive Council members Mr. Garo Avakian and Mr.
Khatchig Yeretzian.
Prior to delivering his sermon, the Prelate thanked God for the
opportunity to celebrate the triumphant entry of Jesus Christ into
Jerusalem. He then greeted the faithful on this joyous occasion and
specifically the Consul General, thanking him for his service and asking him
to convey his well wishes to the leadership of Armenia and Artsakh.
The Prelate’s sermon focused on the message of Palm Sunday which is
the spiritual blossoming and preparing to celebrate the Glorious
Resurrection of our Lord on Easter. He stated that there were three types
of people who greeted Jesus during His entry into Jerusalem; those who
heard, listened, and believed in His promise of salvation, those who heard
His message but did not abide by His message, and those who opposed Him and
would later condemn Him to death. He urged the faithful to relive the
atmosphere of that first Palm Sunday and affirm that we belong to the group
who heard, listened, and believed that He is our Lord and Savior Who shed
His blood for our salvation, to faithfully follow His commandments, invite
Him to live in our hearts, as we proclaim "Hosanna, blessed are You Who
comes in the name of the Lord". The Prelate continued that as pilgrims of
this special day, we must pray to the Lord to save us from our weaknesses
and strengthen us in our faith, we must renew ourselves and grow
spiritually, and furthermore we must plant the seeds of faith in our
children and youth to prepare them to be our leaders of tomorrow.
The Prelate was then led from the altar to the church courtyard for
the Children’s Procession, where the children and faithful were lined up to
receive his blessings.
The Prelate and faithful returned to the hall where the Prelate
conducted the Opening of the Portals ceremony, after which he beseeched
Almighty God to bless the Godfather Gary Nareg Berberian and all the youth
and lead them on His righteous path.
The services concluded with the collective singing of the Cilician
and Armenian anthems.

Readout Of The President’s Call With President Aliyev Of Azerbaijan


Targeted News Service
April 7, 2009 Tuesday 10:10 PM EST

The White House released the following news release:

The President had a good conversation with President Aliyev. He
reaffirmed U.S commitment to a strong relationship with Azerbaijan and
to supporting progress toward a resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh
conflict. The President also underscored the importance of
Turkish-Armenian reconciliation, which will lead to greater peace
and security in the region.