OPINION: How we lost Swat

Daily News, Pakistan
March 9 2009

OPINION: How we lost Swat

‘Nasir Abbas Mirza

The loss of Swat is not the end of it. It is just another battle lost
by us. This battle, and the many more to come, can only be won with
more liberties, more freedom and more rights. And a state with a will
to protect these at all costs. That’s the real battlefront of this war
against terror and extremism

We have worked long and hard at losing Swat. We lost it in hundreds of
little battles fought over the last 35 years.

Since the mid-seventies, religious extremists have been chipping away
at our liberties, our rights and our freedom. Bit by bit they have
demolished, and continue to, all attempts to create a modern civil

We lost Swat the day we made discriminatory laws based on sectarian
and religious divisions. I am reminded of a Jewish parable. An old
Jewish man was on his deathbed and his entire family stood around
him. The old man kept saying, `Take care of the Armenians; take care
of the Armenians.’ His son asked, `But we are Jewish; why do you keep
saying take care of the Armenians?’ The old man replied, `Because if
they get to the Armenians, you will be next.’

We let them get one sect and now they are in the process of getting
the Shias (non-protesting spectators include Mr Nawaz Sharif and Qazi
Hussain Ahmad); next would be other sects and religions ‘ Ismailis,
Parsis, Barelvis and so on until, as Dr Pervez Hoodbhoy calls it, the
Saudi-isation of Pakistan is complete.

We lost Swat when we banned alcohol. It’s banned but readily
available. Anyone can have it and everyone has it. Smugglers and
bootleggers laugh their way to the bank and the imbibers take it as a
cocktail of sin, guilt and crime.

We lost Swat when the state abdicated its right to educate its people,
leaving it to the private sector. For every modern school, the private
sector gave us a thousand madrassas.

We lost Swat when we let the movie industry die and banned theatre,
singing and dancing; when we banned Basant and everything else that
can be termed entertainment (including cricket). Soon we will have the
same fond memories of cricket as we have of kite flying.

There is as much drinking, gambling and fornication going on in this
country as in any other country. But hypocrisy triumphs every day. We
have been living a lie for the last 35 years. Google would tell you
the largest number of visitors to porn sites are from Pakistan and
Saudi Arabia.

We lost Swat when we permitted the Islami Jamiat-e Tulaba to terrorise
our universities; when we inserted the religion column in our
passports; when shalwar-qameez became our national dress; when we
created women’s police stations.

It was a sad day when traders of Hall Road, Lahore, burned CDs after
receiving an anonymous letter threatening to bomb them for selling
adult CDs. Nobody is there to protect them. That’s how it started in
Swat. Next in line are girls’ schools. Is Lahore ready for a bomb at
any of the girls’ schools? Is there a plan?

We lost our way when we set up parallel systems with all kinds of
Islamic councils and courts. Our society today is dominated by
mullahs, pirs and bazurgs. A man today is known by the pir he
keeps. The merit of a man is not his education and ability but the
façade of religiosity. A man with beard is better than a man
without one; a man who fasts is good, a man who drinks is bad. Rich
man, bad; poor man, good. Can anything be more tribal than this?

It was at the peak of General Zia-ul Haq’s Islamisation that writers
like Ashfaq Ahmad made an industry out of it. Glorifying the pir and
the faqir, he promoted ruhaniat and praised otherworldliness. At prime
time, on the state-owned television channel, Mr Ahmad vilified the
rich and the successful while equating poverty with piety. How
simplistic and fateful can one get?

The brilliant physicist Richard Feynman used to make fun of such
philosophies, joking about a posteriori conclusions ‘ reasoning from
known facts back to possible causes. `You know, the most amazing thing
happened to me tonight,’ he would say. `I saw a car with the licence
plate ARW 257. Can you imagine? Of all the millions of licence plates
in the state, what was the chance that I would see that particular one
tonight? Amazing!’

His point, of course, is that it is easy to make any banal situation
seem extraordinary if you treat it as fateful. Read it again; this is
taken as serious philosophy in Pakistan and such `miracles’ are the
favourite topic of discussion among the educated.

The industry based on fatalism and extremism is the only one thriving
in Pakistan today. From Zia-ul Haq to Mian Nawaz Sharif to Dr Aamir
Liaqat to Inzamam-ul Haq to Farhat Hashmi, the list of the captains of
this industry is too long to reproduce here. Those who spent their
youth during Zia’s days have come of age and are at the helm of
affairs in this country. After 35 years of mass duplicity, we have at
hand a completely distorted society.

We lost Swat when someone in this country decided that our cultural
and religious sentiments would be irreparably hurt if a man were to
kiss a woman on screen. On the other hand, that same someone decided
that repulsive violence was all right to be screened to audiences of
all ages.

The rot started in the seventies because it took us nearly 30 years
after independence to completely distort, dismantle and destroy
whatever the British had given us. In tatters you would find the
education system, the justice system, the irrigation system, the
railway system, good governance, law and order, a military that
cannot, or refuses to, fight subversive tribesmen, the merit system
and everything else that could remotely be called civil or
modern. Mind you, at the time, each one of the listed systems was the
best in the world.

If it weren’t for British rule, how different would we have been from
Afghanistan? We would still be facing marauding hordes of barbarians
from the north who used to come down regularly to loot, rape and
plunder. That’s our history, at its most concise. Six decades after
1947 we are once again facing those hordes. Swat they have pillaged
and conquered. How far away are we from Swat?

The sad part is that while doing all of the above, we felt good about
it. Now we know that we took a wrong turn in the mid-seventies. Every
day we hear about `going back to the 1973 constitution’. What we don’t
hear is `we need to go back to 1973′.

The loss of Swat is not the end of it. It is just another battle lost
by us. This battle, and the many more to come, can only be won with
more liberties, more freedom and more rights. And a state with a will
to protect these at all costs. That’s the real battlefront of this war
against terror and extremism.

The writer is a freelance columnist



Winners of Linares Tournament

15:53 09/03/2009


26th Spanish Linares Tournament finished. Former World Champion Garry
Kasparov became Linares champion for 9 times. This is the highest
rate. Armenian GM Levon Aronian became Linares champion once in
2006. See the list of Linares champions below.

1978 Jaan Eslon
1979 Larry Christiansen
1981 Anatoly Karpov
1983 Boris Spassky
1985 Ljubomir Ljubojevic
1988 Jan Timman
1989 Vassily Ivanchuk
1990 Garry Kasparov
1991 Vassily Ivanchuk
1992 Garry Kasparov
1993 Garry Kasparov
1994 Anatoly Karpov
1995 Vassily Ivanchuk
1997 Garry Kasparov
1998 Viswanathan Anand
1999 Garry Kasparov
2000 Vladimir Kramnik / Garry Kasparov
2001 Garry Kasparov
2002 Garry Kasparov
2003 Péter Lékó
2004 Vladimir Kramnik
2005 Garry Kasparov
2006 Levon Aronian
2007 Viswanathan Anand
2008 Viswanathan Anand

Source: Panorama.am

Vladimir Hakobyan wins first victory at European Individual Chess


Vladimir Hakobyan wins first victory at European Individual Chess
Championship 07.03.2009 13:43 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The first round of the 10th individual Chess Europe
Championship starting March 6, in Budva (Montenegro) has come to its
end. The start for the four Armenian players was successful. The
Olympic players, Vladimir Hakobyan, Artashes Minasyan and also the
grand masters, Tigran Kotanjyan and Zaven Andreasyan started the game
with attacks. Armenia’s champion Arman Pashikyan and grand master
Tigran Petrosyan ended their rounds in a draw. Arthur Chibukhchyan,
the International master, suffered a defeat letting a grand master
from Holland, Ivan Sokolov, take over him.

In the second round of European Championship Vladimir Hakobyan will
compete with a grand master from Croatia, Ivan Sharich. Another
Olympic champion, Tigran Petrosyan, will compete with a Turkish chess
player Mustafa Yilmaz, who in the first round split with peace with
the champion of Armenia, Arman Pashikyan.

It should be mentioned that 310 chess players will participate this
year in the Championship of Europe, of which the Armenian chess player
Vladimir Hakobyan has the highest rating.

The tournament consists of 11 rounds and will pass under the Swiss
system. The game dates of the tournament are scheduled for March
6-17. March 13 is the day off. The closing ceremony of European
championship is scheduled to take place March 18.

RA MFA: US State Department Report Justified But Not Objective


05.03.2009 22:02 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The annual report by US State Department on
human rights gives a justified report regarding the human rights in
Armenia. But it is obvious that the conclusions in the report were
made on the basis of one-sided sources. The report did not consider
the fixed dynamics of the processes nor the positive tendencies in
the country, the head of MFA press department, Tigran Balayan said to
PanARMENIAN.Net. We have announced a number of times that irrespective
of the reports and their contents, the authorities in Armenia are
decisive in carrying out the reforms in the country since it is the
conscious choice made by the people of Armenia.

Creating A Database


[05:36 pm] 05 March, 2009

The Diaspora Department of the RA National Academy of Sciences is
creating a database of Armenian NAS members abroad and scientists
working on research and scientific-technical projects in foreign
countries. The academy’s site will include information on the
Diaspora Armenians’ current workplace, posts, membership in research
organizations abroad, as well as contacts.

The department is currently organizing the participation of foreign
members in the annual meeting of the academy.

As Head of the Diaspora Department of the RA National Academy of
Sciences, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Vanya
Barseghyan informed, foreign members of the academy will come with
their reports, discuss possibilities for conjunct investigations,
as well as issues relating to training and preparation of young

The Diaspora Department of the National Academy of Sciences was founded
in 2008 by the decision of the General Board of the RA National Academy
of Sciences. On 2008 October 10 President of the RA National Academy of
Sciences Radik Martirosyan and RA Diaspora Minister Hranush Hakobyan
signed a cooperation plan, according to the information of the news
service of the NAS.

More Steps To Recognize Armenian Genocide


21:35 05/03/2009

The Minister of Diaspora Hranush Hakobyan participated in the
activities of Armenian Assembly of America, reports the press and
public relations department of the Ministry of Diaspora.

The focus of the conference was to contribute to the recognition of
Armenian Genocide by the USA. Famous Armenian and American political
figures, experts on genocide issues, scientists took part in the
conference. It is important to mention that the congressmen mentioned
that the new US Administration and the President of the country are
ready to recognize Armenian genocide.

Armenia Has Already Made Its Concessions

Lilit Muradyan

05.03.2009 17:06

"Arantsk" analytical center organized discussions on the Karabakh
issue at the "Narekatsi" educational foundation today. Main speakers
at the discussion were General Arkady Ter-Tadevosyan, historian Samvel
Karapetyan and political scientist Stepan Grigoryan.

The reason for the discussion was the visit of the OSCE Minsk Group
Co-Chairs to the region and their opinion that the resolution of the
issue is impossible without the consent of NKR and its people.

Political scientist Stepan Grigoryan said such working style of the
Minsk Group Co-Chairs is unacceptable, noting that two visits to the
region within a month defames their activity. "I would advice them
not to visit the region as frequently and make optimistic statements,"
he said.

According to Arkady Ter-Tadevosyan, "the slightest change of the
border will bring to negative results. "It’s not permissible to make
any concessions, since we have already lost part of Martuni, Artsvashen
and other lands, and our concessions already belong to our enemy."

According to historian Samvel Karaetyan, our mistake is that we
do not know our motherland well. "These are things that weaken our
positions, and we should delete the expression "mutual concessions"
from our brain," he said.

BAKU: Armenia’s Political Ambitions Threat Economic Tragedy For Whol

Elmira Tariverdiyeva, commentator at the Trend European Desk

March 4 2009

Yerevan must be ready for worsening of the economic situation after
"black Tuesday" when the Central Bank of Armenia’s announcing floating
rate of the American dollar provoked a panic in the country. The
resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, which has turned the
country into a social outcast, is the only chance to save Armenia’s
collapsing economy

Armenian is violating international norms and principles and
Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity to the detriment of the Armenian

Yesterday everything fell into place. The exchange rate was 305-306
dram to dollar and dollar was sold at 309 dram at early morning
of Tuesday while these indicators reached 350 and 390 respectively
later that day. Armenian currency’s sharp depreciation was followed
by a price rise on medicaments. Some drug stores in Yerevan closed
down a day before and today. The drug store workers say the price on
medicaments will increase 20-30 percent once they are opened.

Price on fuel, sugar, oil and other essential goods saw a rise as
well. Some shops have closed down for the time being. These are
just preliminary consequences of the financial crisis in one country
which has been isolated from the two neighbor countries due to its
political ambitions.

The International Monetary Fund says Armenian economy will further
fall 1.5, the IMF permanent representative in Armenia Ninke Omes
said on March 3. IMF forecast came after fall in prices on metal,
Armenia’s key export item and fall in remittance to the country,
ArmInfo reported.

Omes attributed fall in remittance to the hard economic situation
in Russia from where Armenia receives great part of remittances. She
also noted drop in direct investments coming mainly from Russia who
handles financial crisis with difficulty itself.

Moreover, delivery of cargo from Russia to Armenia via Georgia has
been complicated in wake of the August war in Tskhinvali due to
Tbilisi’s unwillingness to transit Russian goods via its territory.

Considering options for reconciliation between Baku and Yerevan on the
basis of Azerbaijan’s conditions, it is clear that this would give a
strong impetus and enormous benefits to Armenia’s pulling down economy.

For the first time over the last 15 years, Armenia could have restored
the communication with Turkey and Azerbaijan that would increase
Yerevan’s trade turnover. Now, Armenia has open border only with two
countries of the region.

Ankara has repeatedly stated that the Armenia-Turkey ties could only
be improved through regulation of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

Yerevan depends on Iran due to lack of economic relations with Ankara
and Baku. And Iran lays out tariffs on fuel and energy resources in
favor of the country.

Opening of the borders would have ensured resumption of trade with
two neighbors, which would secure Armenia of "Black Tuesdays".

Another "enduring pain" of Yerevan is its isolation from all the
transport and energy projects the region.

If Yerevan to make concessions to Baku in resolving the
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, then railway between Azerbaijan and Armenia
will operate that may benefit Armenia’s economy.

The railway communication with Ankara will simplify the export and
import of goods to Europe, compared to the current transport through
the Georgian port of Poti.

Its is time for Armenia to prevent collapse of economy through giving
up its political ambitions and liberating the occupied territories
of Azerbaijan.

TBILISI: Stabilization Credit For Armenia


The Messenger
March 4 2009

Russia has promised to issue USD 500 million to Armenia as a
stabilization credit, but only after the Russian Federation adopts
its state budget. Russian PM Putin stated this at a meeting with his
Armenian counterpart Tigran Sarkisian, who thinks that this amount
will assist his country to overcome its crisis. Sarkisian says that
this amount will facilitate the positive functioning of enterprises
active in Armenia and financed by Russian capital.

Putin assessed 2008 as a successful year. trade turnover between
Russia and Armenia increased by 10% to USD 900 million. Russia has
already invested USD 1.8 billion in Armenia.

The credit of USD 500 million will be issued for 15 years and Armenia
will start repaying it four years after receiving it.

Armenia: CSTO Secretary Discusses Rapid Reaction Forces In Armenia


Public Television of Armenia
March 2 2009

Secretary-General of the Collective Security Treaty Organization
(CSTO) Nikolay Bordyuzha has discussed setting up rapid reaction
forces with the Armenian president and defence minister in Yerevan.

Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan and Nikolay Bordyuzha of CSTO
discussed the legal issues stemming from the decisions passed in
Moscow on setting up the rapid reaction forces, Armenian Public TV
"Haylur" news reported at 1700 gmt 2 March.

Bordyuzha briefed Sargsyan on the work carried out by the CSTO
secretariat and experts on the subject. The CSTO chief also discussed
the issue with Armenian Defence Minister Seyran Ohanyan, the Public
TV said. Bordyuzha then was quoted by the Armenian Public TV as
saying that the CSTO rapid reaction forces will consist of two parts;
a military unit and a special unit.

Bordyuzha said that Russia will allocate an air-borne paratroopers
division and a fighter brigade to the military component of the rapid
reaction forces. He added that the military component will operate
in war time and border conflicts.

The special unit component will have specialist from special services
of law enforcement agencies to fight terrorism and drug trafficking. "I
hope that the rapid reaction forces will be set up by June and be
ready to operate," Bordyuzha was shown on Public TV as saying.