A. Bozhko: Armenian Genocide Should Not Be Forgotten



This event should not be forgotten, Ukraine’s Ambassador to Armenia
Aleksander Bozhko told reporters in Tsitsernakaberd today. He said
they have come to pay tribute to the innocent victims of the Armenian
Genocide, as well as support their Armenian brothers and sisters. The
event should be always remembered, not only on April 24 and not only
in Yerevan, Ambassador highlighted.

A. Bozhko said Kiev is hosting a conference these days with Ukraine’s
scientists, historians and political figures to discuss the lessons of
this tragic event since this a matter when not only Armenian people
are concerned but all the humanity. "The world is very complex and
there are different approaches. It is very important to understand.

Another thing that comes of importance is that the issue is a center
of attention," the Ambassador said.

Panorama.am recalls that Turkey has traditionally rejected the mass
killings of 1,5 million Armenians carried out early in the 20th
century and took the criticism of the West painfully.

Note that the following states have recognized and condemned the
Armenian Genocide carried out in the Ottoman Turkey: Uruguay (1965),
Cyprus (1982), Argentina (1993), Russian Federation (1995), Canada
(1996), Greece (1996), Lebanon (1997), Belgium (1998), Italy (2000),
Vatican (2000), France (2001), Switzerland (2003), Slovakia (2004),
the Netherlands (2004), Poland (2005), Germany (2005), Venezuela
(2005), Lithuania (2005), Chile (2007), Sweden (2010).

AAA: President Obama Commemorates Armenian Genocide Anniversary

Armenian Assembly
April 24, 2010
Contact: Press Department
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (202) 393-3434


-Calls for Advancement in Turkish Reconciliation to the Facts-

Washington, DC – In his April 24, 2010 statement just issued,
President Barack Obama commemorated the victims of the Armenian
Genocide, reiterated that his view on the Armenian Genocide has not
changed, expanded on his 2009 statement, and again used the Armenian
term for the Armenian Genocide Meds Yeghern, reported the Armenian
Assembly of America (Assembly).
( c/pdf_1/2009_Q1/Roll_Call_Ad.pdf)

April 24 of each year marks the date when the Ottoman Turkish Empire
began the elimination of Christian Armenians in the first genocide of
the 20th century. In today’s statement, President Obama said `I have
consistently stated my own view of what occurred in 1915, and my view
of that history has not changed. It is in all of our interest to see
the achievement a full, frank and just acknowledgment of the facts.
The Meds Yeghern is a devastating chapter in the history of the
Armenian people, and we must keep its memory alive in honor of those
who were murdered and so that we do not repeat the grave mistakes of
the past.’ The full statement is reproduced below.

This statement was issued in the environment of an increasingly
widespread well-funded denial campaign by the Turkish government,
Prime Minister Erdogan’s threat to deport Armenians living in Turkey,
and the suspension of signed agreements to normalize Turkish-Armenian
relations because of Turkey’s non-compliance with the Swiss brokered
deal heavily supported by the United States, Russia, France and the
European Union.

Earlier this month, the Armenian General Benevolent Union, the Diocese
of the Armenian Church (Eastern), the Diocese of the Armenian Church
(Western) and the Assembly in a joint statement urged President Obama
to use the English term rather than employ the Armenian term for the
Armenian Genocide in his April 24 statement. President Obama’s
reaffirmation of the Armenian Genocide, the joint statement also said
can only help to heal the wounds of denial, and bring Turkey one step
closer toward true reconciliation. In March, the House Foreign
Affairs Committee under Chairman Howard Berman’s (D-CA) leadership
passed the Armenian Genocide Resolution, which sets the stage for
passage by the full House. ()

`We have long stated that U.S. affirmation of the Armenian Genocide
should not be held hostage to Armenia-Turkey relations. In 1981,
President Reagan clearly reaffirmed the U.S. position when in his
April 22 Proclamation, he used the English term–Armenian Genocide,’
stated the Assembly’s Executive Director Bryan Ardouny. `Unequivocal
affirmation of the Armenian Genocide will also further the cause of
genocide prevention worldwide and be more faithful to American
principles,’ Ardouny continued.

Other Presidents have used dictionary definitions of genocide or
incorporated the term Armenian Genocide by reference, but have yielded
to Turkish threats and refrained from being as explicit as President

President George W. Bush, for example, described the Armenian Genocide
as `forced exile, murder, and annihilation,’ and incorporated the term
Armenian Genocide by reference, while President Bill Clinton used `the
senseless deportations’ and `massacres.’ President George H. W. Bush
talked about the U.S. response for the victims `of the crime against
humanity’ and President Jimmy Carter said `there was a concerted
effort made to eliminate all the Armenian people, probably one of the
greatest tragedies that ever befell any group’
( ategory.4/affirmation_list.html).

The Obama statement also included the following: `The indomitable
spirit of the Armenian people is a lasting triumph over those who set
out to destroy them," which is yet another way of covering the intent
element of the crime by indicting the architects of the Genocide who
`set out to destroy’ an entire race.

In January 2008, then-Senator Obama stated: "As President I will
recognize the Armenian Genocide." In October 2008, President Obama
reiterated his views, "I believe that the Armenian Genocide is not an
allegation, a personal opinion, or a point of view, but rather a
widely documented fact supported by an overwhelming body of historical
evidence." President Obama not only incorporated those statements,
but again used the Armenian term `Meds Yeghern,’ over the objections
of Turkish officials. Earlier this week, one of Turkey’s leading
Genocide deniers, Member of Parliament and former Ambassador to
Washington wrote an open letter critical of a prior statement by
President Obama, stating `Although your statement omitted the highly
charged word `genocide,’ you twice employed the expression `metz
yeghern’ (Meds Yeghern), which is the exact translation of `genocide’
in the Armenian language.’
( 57/-opinion-an-open-letter-to-u-s-president-barack -obama.html).

The President’s reference to Turks who saved Armenians and to those
Turks who want their country to reconcile was also significant: `I
salute the Turks who saved Armenians in 1915 and am encouraged by the
dialogue among Turks and Armenians, and within Turkey itself,
regarding this painful history. Together, the Turkish and Armenian
people will be stronger as they acknowledge their common history and
recognize their common humanity.’

Established in 1972, the Armenian Assembly of America is the largest
Washington-based nationwide organization promoting public
understanding and awareness of Armenian issues. The Assembly is a
501(c) (3) tax-exempt membership organization.


Editors Note: Obama’s April 24th Statement Below


Office of the Press Secretary

_______________________________________ _____________________________

For Immediate Release
April 24, 2010

Statement of President Barack Obama on Armenian Remembrance Day

On this solemn day of remembrance, we pause to recall that ninety-five
years ago one of the worst atrocities of the 20th century began. In
that dark moment of history, 1.5 million Armenians were massacred or
marched to their death in the final days of the Ottoman Empire.

Today is a day to reflect upon and draw lessons from these terrible
events. I have consistently stated my own view of what occurred in
1915, and my view of that history has not changed. It is in all of our
interest to see the achievement a full, frank and just acknowledgment of
the facts. The Meds Yeghern is a devastating chapter in the history of
the Armenian people, and we must keep its memory alive in honor of those
who were murdered and so that we do not repeat the grave mistakes of the
past. I salute the Turks who saved Armenians in 1915 and am encouraged
by the dialogue among Turks and Armenians, and within Turkey itself,
regarding this painful history. Together, the Turkish and Armenian
people will be stronger as they acknowledge their common history and
recognize their common humanity.

Even as we confront the inhumanity of 1915, we also are inspired by the
remarkable spirit of the Armenian people. While nothing can bring back
those who were killed in the Meds Yeghern, the contributions that
Armenians have made around the world over the last ninety-five years
stand as a testament to the strength, tenacity and courage of the
Armenian people. The indomitable spirit of the Armenian people is a
lasting triumph over those who set out to destroy them. Many Armenians
came to the United States as survivors of the horrors of 1915. Over the
generations Americans of Armenian descent have richened our communities,
spurred our economy, and strengthened our democracy. The strong
traditions and culture of Armenians also became the foundation of a new
republic which has become a part of the community of nations, partnering
with the world community to build a better future.

Today, we pause with them and with Armenians everywhere to remember the
awful events of 1915 with deep admiration for their contributions which
transcend this dark past and give us hope for the future.


An Exhibition Entitled "The Armenian Genocide On The First Pages Of


APRIL 22, 2010

YEREVAN, APRIL 22, ARMENPRESS: An exhibition entitled "The Armenian
Genocide on the First Pages of the Foreign Press" opened today in the
Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute. It presents the history of the
19-20th century Armenian people – beginning from peaceful every-day
life and working environment till 1894-1896 Sultan Hamid massacres,
the Cilician massacres of 1909 and the genocide of 1915-1922.

"The exhibition is peculiar, for here are exhibited the publications,
images and photos of the leading foreign magazines. It gives an
opportunity of fairly confronting all those who deny the genocide,"
director of the museum Hayk Demoyan noted. According to him, the
compiled and partially presented facts are an undeniable proof that
the topic of the Genocide is up-to-date.

Leading English, Russian, American and Italian magazines have referred
to the topic abroad. There have been paintings next to the publications
and since 1893 – also photos, picturing the massacres of the Armenians
in Turkey, their dislodging, the situation in the Ottoman Turkey.

The exhibition finishes by presentation of Lenin-Ataturk sovereigns.

"These were two tyrants who laid a basis for two states," H. Demoyan

According to him, this will be one of the moving exhibitions; the
originals will be kept in the museum, and the copies will be exhibited
in different countries.

ANC Refrains From Commenting On Statement Issued By Ruling Coalition


April 22, 2010 – 18:12 AMT 13:12 GMT

Coordinator of the Armenian National Congress Levon Zurabyan refrained
from commenting on the statement issued by the ruling coalition forces
on freezing of the process on ratification of the Armenian-Turkish
protocols by the RA National Assembly. "The Armenian National Congress
will express its opinion only after Serzh Sargsyan’s address to the
Armenian people," Levon Zurabyan told a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter.

"As Turkey refrains from ratifying the Protocols without any
preconditions within reasonable terms, the ratification of Protocols by
the Armenian National Assembly becomes senseless. In our opinion, the
process should be frozen and the discussion of these documents should
be withdrawn from the parliament’s agenda, until Turkey agrees to
continue the process without preconditions," reads the statement issued
by the political majority of the RA National Assembly on April 22.

Gel Du Processus Turquie / Armenie – Reaction De l’Association A.R.A


23 avril 2010

La decision annoncee aujourd’hui, par la coalition au pouvoir en
Armenie, de geler le processus de ratification des protocoles avec
la Turquie n’est pas une surprise.

En effet, de nombreux signes avant-coureurs ont precede ce choix.

Depuis octobre 2009, la Turquie s’est obstinee a rajouter des
preconditions qui n’existent pas dans les protocoles.

Aujourd’hui encore, le Premier ministre turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan a
declare que " le succès de ce processus dependait des progrès entre
l’Armenie et l’Azerbaïdjan dans le conflit du Haut-Karabakh ".

Pour l’association pour la recherche et l’archivage de la memoire
armenienne (ARAM), le choix de la coalition en Armenie est une
decision logique.

La balle est maintenant dans le camp d’Ankara mais le retard que prend
le processus rapproche un peu plus la Turquie d’une echeance majeure
: les elections generales en 2011. Ce qui pourrait expliquer que la
situation se fige pour un certain temps.

" L’etablissement des relations normales entre les deux Etats est
une necessite. Rien n’est perdu et tout reste a faire " a confie le
president de l’association Jacques Ouloussian.

Nazar and Artemis Nazarian Fund Levon and Claudia Nazarian Radiology

AGBU Press Office
55 East 59th Street
New York, NY 10022-1112
Phone: 212.319.6383, x118
Fax: 212.319.6507
Email: [email protected]


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Nazar and Artemis Nazarian Fund Levon and Claudia Nazarian Radiology
Center in Yerevan and New Chancellery Building in Etchmiadzin

AGBU Trustee and distinguished philanthropist Nazar Nazarian and his
wife Artemis traveled to Armenia recently to attend the opening of the
Levon and Claudia Nazarian Radiology Center and the new chancellery of
the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin. This American-Armenian couple helped
fund and establish these two buildings through the AGBU Nazar and
Artemis Nazarian Fund.

A Modern Radiology Center

On March 31, 2010, the Levon and Claudia Nazarian Radiology Center
opened at Yerevan State Medical University (YSMU). The ceremony and
official ribbon-cutting of the prestigious center was attended by
President of the Republic of Armenia Serge Sargsyan, AGBU President
Berge Setrakian and his wife Vera, Armenian Health Minister Harutyun
Kushkyan, YSMU Rector Gohar Kyalyan, AGBU Trustee Karnig Yacoubian, AGBU
Central Board members Vasken Yacoubian and Aris Atamian, and a
delegation of other dignitaries. The symbolic ribbon was cut by Nazar
and Artemis Nazarian and Rector Gohar Kyalyan.

Construction of the Levon and Claudia Nazarian Radiology Center was
initiated by YSMU three years ago. The highly advanced radio-diagnostic
and therapy center is equipped with modern, high-tech devices, while its
new staff underwent professional training in some of the best clinics
around the world. The AGBU Nazar and Artemis Nazarian Fund contributed
$1.7 million towards the construction of the new YSMU center. "I am very
happy to be in Armenia again. We are pleased to have assisted in
founding the center. Through such philanthropic initiatives we continue
to stay connected to our homeland," said Mr. Nazarian.

As a sign of gratitude, the Academic Council of the YSMU named the new
center after Nazar and Artemis Nazarian’s son, prominent
American-Armenian radiologist Dr. Levon Nazarian, and his wife Claudia.
The new building is expected to become a place of regional significance.
"The center is the only one in Armenia," said Kyalyan. "It is a unique
place, where thanks to state-of-the-art equipment it will be possible to
determine the correct diagnosis of various vascular disorders and other
conditions, reducing the risk of stroke."

Guests of the opening ceremony were introduced to the new center and its
staff. AGBU President Berge Setrakian applauded the new facility’s
potential. "The Medical University is an important institution, as it
will educate new generations. I believe this center will occupy a
significant place in the medical field of Armenia."

A New Chancellery in Etchmiadzin

Mr. and Mrs. Nazar Nazarian were the guests of honor at the April 5th
opening ceremony of the new chancellery building of the Mother See of
Holy Etchmiadzin, which was funded by them. His Holiness Karekin II,
Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, led guests in a
blessing service for the new building. Present at the ceremony were
members of the clergy and members of the AGBU Central Board, including
AGBU President Berge Setrakian and his wife Vera.
Following the blessing, children from the Etchmiadzin Youth Center
presented a short performance in the assembly room of the chancellery.
President Setrakian introduced Mr. and Mrs. Nazarian and commended their
continuation of the 400-year-old Nazarian family tradition of supporting
the Armenian Church, the homeland and various diasporan communities.

His Holiness Karekin II extended his appreciation to the honored
benefactors, reflecting on the benevolent work of the Nazarian family.
In his remarks, he stressed the importance of the newly built
chancellery. "We are happy that we have a devoted progeny of the
Armenian nation who can dedicate and donate the benefits received from
God to the nation, the homeland and the Armenian Church. The Mother See
of Holy Etchmiadzin and our national life prosper and flourish, thanks
to those children."

His Holiness expressed his gratitude to the many people who made the
construction of the new building possible, including Armand Avakian of
the United States, who was the chief architect of the building, and
Gagik Galstian, president of the construction company Horizon-95, which
was hired to build the chancellery. He also thanked all the board
members of the Architectural Department of Holy Etchmiadzin. As the
ceremony came to a close, Nazar and Artemis Nazarian expressed their
heartfelt feelings to His Holiness and to all guests in attendance.

Established in 1906, AGBU () is the world’s largest
non-profit Armenian organization. Headquartered in New York City, AGBU
preserves and promotes the Armenian identity and heritage through
educational, cultural and humanitarian program, annually touching the
lives of some 400,000 Armenians around the world.

For more information about AGBU and its worldwide programs, please visit


Armenian Genocide Documentary Screening Attracts 170 In Alabama

Armenian Genocide Documentary Screening Attracts 170 In Alabama

Apr 21st, 2010

MOBILE, Alabama – Over 170 students and members of the Mobile community
attended the screening of the critically acclaimed PBS documentary
"The Armenian Genocide" directed by Andrew Goldberg. The event
was organized by a group of students at the University of Southern
Alabama including Narine Karapetyan, Chase Krebs and Rachel Logan. The
successful event included the recent "60 minutes" clip on the Armenian
Genocide and a question and answer session led by a professor in the
History department at the University.

Karapetyan is part of a handful of Armenian families in Alabama.

"Being personally aware of how few people even know where Armenia is,
I found it much more alarming that even fewer had even heard of the
Armenian Genocide. Therefore, to combat this lack, or rather absence,
of knowledge about this crucial part of history, we thought that
Andrew Goldberg’s documentary "The Armenian Genocide" was a great
place to start," said Kareptyan, who has inspired many of her friends
to help educate the Alabama community on the Armenian Genocide.

Alongside the lack of education on the Armenian Genocide in the
state comes a lack of political support for recognition. Alabama
is one of the few states remaining that has not recognized the
Armenian Genocide. Not a single House Representative or Senator from
Alabama has cosponsored the Armenian Genocide Resolution during this
congressional session. Additionally, the controversial Turkish-based
Gulen movement continues to grow in Alabama. Many local elected
officials and professors at the University continue to be offered
free trips to Turkey.

"Although I was initially anxious of how the community at large would
receive this information, I decided that this was not an issue about
political affiliation. Nor was it an issue about race, religion,
or disputed details. This was an issue that transcends every aspect
of society and deals with morality. We decided to set an example by
organizing this event," said Krebs.

Attendees at the event filled out letters provided by the Armenian
National Committee of America (ANCA) to their congressional
representatives. Logan, helping in this effort, had already received
a response from Senator Sessions (AL-R) earlier in the month. "The
introduction of this resolution has already strained our diplomatic
relationship with Turkey. Should this resolution be adopted, it could
have further detrimental effects, with no positive palpable effect,"
Sessions stated in an electronic response to Logan.

"It is clear from Senator Sessions’ response that the gag rule which
Turkey imposes on the United States Congress is in effect in Alabama.

I commend the work of these students at the University of Alabama
Mobile to educate their community on such critical issues" said Stephen
Mesrobian, Chair of ANCA – Eastern Region. "They are continuing a long
and proud history on our college and university campuses of fighting
for human rights and social justice".

With the success of the event, organizers pledged to continue their
work on these issues. "We don’t plan to stop here. We are going to
move this state and nation to action," said Krebs.

OSCE MG Co-Chairs’ Proposals Do Not Meet Azerbaijan’S Expectations



"It’s been certain period of time since the principle of
self-determination to Nagorno-Karabakh people was set as formula for
Nagorno-Karabakh settlement process, conducted by the Minsk Group,"
Armenian National Assembly ARP deputy Gagik Minasyan told Panorama.am
referring to Azerbaijan’s statements on changes of the OSCE MG format.

According to the deputy, Azerbaijan has many times mentioned that the
Minsk Group process does not lead to the realization of Azerbaijan’s
goals and Azerbaijan cannot feel contented with the current process.

"Baku often condemns the Co-Chairing states. Once he blames France,
then Russia, the recent condemnations were addressed to the US.

Azerbaijan does everything possible to take the settlement of the
issue out of the Minsk process," G. Minasyan said.

Referring to Panorama.am inquiry why Azerbaijan is trying to take
Nagorno-Karabakh issue to another platform, G. Minasyan said: "I can
see one thing clearly: the OSCE MG Co-Chairs’ proposals do not meet
the disposition and the expectations of the Azerbaijani party."

Azerbaijan suggests discussing the Karabakh issue in the UN, then in
the EU and in the PACE. As the deputy said, this can mean a single
thing: the processes underway in the frames of the Minsk Group do
not logically satisfy Azerbaijan at all.

Iran Foreign Minister Discuss Ties With Armenian Energy Official


Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA)
April 18 2010

Tehran, 18 April: Armenian Energy Minister Armen Movsisyan, who is in
Tehran to attend the first International Conference on Disarmament and
Non-Proliferation, conferred with Foreign Minister Manuchehr Mottaki.

According to the report of the Foreign Ministry Media Department on
Saturday [17 April], the two sides discussed developments in bilateral
ties as well as regional developments.

They also underlined acceleration in implementation of projects and
facilities for transportation of citizens of both nations.

The two ministers also exchanged views on joint projects and plans
like Aras Dam and the execution of a third line for power transfer.

Movsisyan, who is Armenian head of joint economic commission, called
Tehran conference very important and praised the way of holding such
a conference.

A two-day conference dubbed as Tehran first International Conference
on Disarmament and Non-Proliferation started its work on 17 April
2010 in Tehran.

Bank VTB Armenia Joins Affordable Housing For Young Families Program


April 19, 2010

Russia-owned Bank VTB Armenia has joined a new program of the Armenian
government designed to spur mortgage lending in the country and help
hundreds of young families buy apartments.

A press release by the bank said VTB Bank Armenia began offering
mortgage loans to young families wishing to buy homes. It said loans
are provided in Armenian national currency Dram at 9.5%-10% interest
rate, 2% of it is subsidized by the government. The maximum repayable
period is 20 years, the maximum amount of a loan is 16 million Drams
and the down payment is 30%.

‘We are happy to join the initiative of the Armenian government and
support young families living in Armenia to buy apartments. VTB Bank
Armenia will join all such projects because we are sure that this way
we are making our contribution to development of Armenia’s economy
and improvement of social conditions of its people,’ the bank’s CEO,
Valery Ovsyanikov was quoted as saying.

The program was approved by the government in late January. According
to it, the Central Bank of Armenia provides 3 billion Drams ($8
million) to finance the first phase of the program which is supposed
to benefit up to 300 young couples lacking adequate housing. Ppublic
funds will also be used for "subsidizing" housing loans borrowed from
commercial banks.