President Of The Nkr Sent A Congratulatory Letter…


Azat Artsakh Daily
28 Jan 09
Republic of Nagorno Karabakh [NKR]

On 28 January President of the Nagorno Karabagh Republic Bako Sahakyan
sent a congratulatory letter to the newly elected Patriarch of Moscow
and All Russia Kirill. The letter reads as follows: "Your Holiness, On
behalf of the authorities and people of the Nagorno Karabagh Republic
I cordially congratulate You on being elected Patriarch of Moscow
and All Russia. Your personal qualities and experience, knowledge and
unshakeable faith create a firm foundation to carry out effectively
the difficult and important mission of the Head of the Russian Orthodox
Church. I hope that under your leadership the ties between the Russian
Orthodox and Armenian Apostolic sister churches will further deepen and
which will have a positive impact on strengthening Russian-Armenian
relations. I congratulate You once again and wish peace, happiness,
robust health and success in all Your God-pleasing undertakings".

Economy Minister Of Armenia Attends Roundtable Discussion On Develop

27.01.2009 16:40

The Minister of Economy of the Republic of Armenia, Nerses Yeritsyan,
participated in the roundtable discussion on the Investors into
Developing Markets in Zurich, Switzerland. The event precedes the
World Economic Forum in Davos.

More than 200 economic experts, representatives of famous companies
and organizations from different countries participated in the
roundtable discussion.

The discussions mainly focused on the influence of the global economic
crisis on developing markets. The events was aimed at revealing new
ideas, suggestions and projects within the framework of the short-term
and long-term programs targeted at resisting the challenges that came
forth as a result of the economic crisis.

Ukrainian Embassy Yerevan Team Wins Diplomats’ Cup


26.01.2009 15:15 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ On January 24 and 25, Yerevan hosted Diplomats’ Cup
first futsal tournament among diplomats from 9 embassies accredited
to Armenia and members of the RA Foreign Ministry.

In the semi-final, the team of the Georgian and Turkmen embassies was
defeated by the Armenian Foreign Ministry 5:6. The Ukrainian embassy
team scored a 5:4 victory over Kazakh diplomats and defeated the RA
MFA team in the final.

The Georgian and Turkmen embassies’ team came third, drubbing 14:1
the Kazakh team, which received Fair Play award.

The next tournament will be held in summer.

Tatul Manaserian: Hyperappreciation Of Dram Hinders Development Of P


Noyan Tapan

Jan 26, 2009

YEREVAN, JANUARY 26, NOYAN TAPAN. With the aim of reducing the
negative balance of Armenia’s foreign trade, it is necessary to develop
domestic production, to which, however, the current hyperappreciation
of the Armenian dram is not conducive, the economist Tatul Manaserian
stated at the January 26 press conference. "In the past 2-3 months
the Armenian dram has been the currency that has appreciated most
of all in the world, whereas the Russian ruble, the euro and the US
dollar are at the stage of depreciation," he underlined, adding that
by his calculations, the dram has appreciated by 27-30% as compared
with the indicated currencies.

In the words of T. Manaserian, the dram’s appreciation is the reason
why the foreign trade balance has been disturbed and domestic
production rates are declining. "Thus the Armenian goods are not
attractive in terms of their prices not only outside but also within
the country. People prefer cheaper imported goods of the same quality,"
he noted.

In order to overcome the current situation, according to him,
the level of appreciation of the dram should be reduced gradually:
"the economic and currency policies should be flexible and in line
with today’s conditions".

"The appreciation of the national currency is a great blow to the
Armenian population’s purchasing capacity, especially at the current
stage of the global economic crisis when the impact of the crisis will
soon be felt in the Armenian economy. I think this is a serious threat
to us so both the currency and economic policies need to be revised,"
T. Manaserian said.

It should be mentioned that by official statistics, exports from
Armenia fell by 7.8% to 1 billion 69 million USD, while imports grew
by 35% to 4 billion 411.7 million USD in 2008 on 2007. In 2008 the
average exchange rate of a US dollar made 305.97 drams (in 2007 this
index made 342.08 drams).

2 Physicians Accused Of Plotting Against Iran Sentenced

By Borzou Daragahi, [email protected]

Los Angeles Times
Jan 22 2009

The brothers get six- and three-year prison sentences. Iran says the
pair and two others were part of a U.S.-funded effort to foment unrest
and overthrow the Islamic Republic.

Reporting from Beirut — Two well-known physicians accused of taking
part in a plot to overthrow the Islamic Republic were given stiff
prison sentences Wednesday, their lawyer said.

Arash Alaei was sentenced to six years in jail and his younger brother
Kamiar got three years, attorney Massoud Shafaei told The Times,
adding that he would appeal the verdict within the 20-day limit.

Also Wednesday, human rights activists identified a third defendant
in the case: Sylvia Hartounian, 33, a reproductive medicine specialist.

Iranian authorities allege that the Alaei brothers, both pioneers in
the field of HIV/AIDS treatment in Iran, Hartounian and a fourth,
unnamed suspect were part of what they say was a $32-million
U.S.-funded "intelligence war" aimed at stirring civil unrest
and revolution in Iran. The suspects’ lawyer, relatives and other
supporters say the charge is blatantly false.

Iranian authorities have not announced the verdict against the
brothers, though an unnamed official leaked word on the case’s outcome
this week.

"It’s shocking to the worldwide scientific and medical communities
that they were ever arrested," said Jonathan Hutson, a spokesman for
the Cambridge, Mass.-based Physicians for Human Rights. "They are
not known to be politically active. . . . If they were engaged in
any kind of warfare, it was only to prevent and treat HIV/AIDS."

The charge against the doctors appears to stem from a 2006 medical
conference in Washington funded by the U.S. State Department that
included specialized topics such as "Pediatric Oncology and Child
Health" and "Infectious Diseases, Including HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis."

Rights activists say the Iranian government was fully aware of the
conference and that its small diplomatic outpost in Washington even
hosted a dinner for the conference’s Iranian health professionals.

"It was provided with full details of the participation of Iranian
physicians and researchers and the entire program was transparent,"
said a statement issued by the International Campaign for Human Rights.

The brothers and Hartounian, an Iranian Armenian national, were
arrested in Tehran in July. Hutson, citing sources close to the trial,
said the brothers were confined to Section 209, the infamous ward for
national security detainees at Tehran’s Evin prison, and suggested
that "the brothers were coerced during this period of intensive

Shafaei, the lawyer, said the brothers had regular visits by their

Hartounian also was subject to intense interrogation, rights
activists say. The International Campaign for Human Rights cites
a former prisoner who says that Hartounian suffers from severe
claustrophobia. After being held in solitary confinement for 10
days, she reportedly agreed to appear before a video camera and read
a statement "confessing" that Arash Alaei led a secret cell that
answered to the CIA and Pentagon.

Hutson cited sources close to the trial who said one of the brothers
had been told that if he agreed to read a confession prepared
by Iranian authorities in front of a video camera, both would be
released. It remains unclear whether either of the brothers have
appeared in taped confessions.

Iranian American scholar Haleh Esfandiari was released from prison
in 2007 after confessing to taking part in a U.S.-backed program to
foment unrest in Iran.

Rights activists say the current case so far hinges solely on taped
confessions by imprisoned suspects.

"The Iranian government has not produced a shred of evidence to back
these outlandish claims," Hutson said.

"My children are innocent," the brothers’ mother said in an interview
published Wednesday on the Persian-language news website Rooz, adding
that "it is possible that they tortured my children into making
filmed confessions."

Miatsum National Initiative Again Organizes Action Of Protest Near R


Noyan Tapan

Jan 20, 2009

YEREVAN, JANUARY 20, NOYAN TAPAN. The Miatsum national initiative
uniting all forces concerned with the Nagorno Karabakh settlement
current condition and the issue of return of liberated territories
organized a regular action of protest near the RA Foreign Ministry
building on January 20.

According to Zhirayr Sefilian, a member of the initiating group, the
former Commander of the Shoushi special battalion, the leader of the
In Defence of Liberated Territories initiative, a concession in any
liberated territory is dangerous. According to him, "the Armenian
people bears inside itself the idea of not ceding an inch from the
native land."

It was also mentioned that Deputy Foreign Minister Shavarsh
Kocharian gave a written answer after the previous action, which,
in particular, read: "We assure you that in the issue of Nagorno
Karabakh settlement Armenia’s authorities consider initial the issues
of providing NKR population’s security and recognition of the realized
self-determination right, thus our main principles on Nagorno Karabakh
settlement also remain unchanged."

The meeting with the Foreign Minister the initiative’s delegation
demanded did not take place today, either. The initiative members
organized a march up to Northern Avenue.

Aznavour May Be Appointed Armenian Ambassador To Switzerland?


20.01.2009 17:54 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Renowned French-Armenian singer Charles Aznavour
could be appointed as Ambassador of Armenia to Switzerland, freelance
French journalist Jean Eckian told PanARMENIAN.Net.

The singer’s impresario Levon Sayan made the announcement during a
MIDEM news conference in Cannes.

Charles Aznavour received this year the international music market’s
"Lifetime Achievement Award" for a career studded with over 800 songs
and sales of 100 million albums.

ANKARA: 2009: Russian Gas Policy – First Step Taken

Journal of Turkish Weekly, Turkey
Jan 17 2009

2009: Russian Gas Policy – First Step Taken

Rovshan Ibrahimov
Editor of USAK Energy Review

For the past few years, the New Year has begun with a tradition:
confrontation between Russia and Ukraine. The two countries celebrated
this New Year with differences in their views of Ukraine’s natural gas
price and a transportation fee for Russian gas to pass through Ukraine
territory to European countries. While in previous years these two
countries have been able to reconcile their differences before
resorting to confrontation, the situation this year has
changed. Russia and Ukraine have accused each other of suspending of
gas transportation, which has left European countries without gas.

Russian gas is normally transported through four export pipelines
traversing Ukraine. Recently, though, they have not carried natural
gas to their normal European markets, specifically Bulgaria, Romania,
Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Turkey,
Bosnia-Herzegovina, Greece, Macedonia, Serbia, in short all of Central
and Eastern Europe. These countries depend varyingly on Russian gas,
with the annual percentage of consumed gas supplied by Russia totaling
45% in Poland, more than 60% in Greece, Austria and Hungary, and more
than 80% in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic and Lithuania; Slovakia
depends entirely on Russian gas. In addition, many Western European
countries also import Russian gas. Approximately 43% of Germany’s
annual consumed gas comes from Russia, in Italy 20 %, in the
Netherlands 6%, and in Great Britain 4%. As such, the dispute between
Russia and Ukraine has affected many states in Europe.

It is noteworthy that Russia is the first large-scale gas owner and
uses this advantage as an instrument of pressure in foreign policy. It
is no secret Russia has long been trying to reap dividends from the
existing potential in order to secure a privileged position in the
export of natural gas to Europe. For the past several years, beginning
with an annual increase in gas prices, Russia has attempted to
pressure former Soviet states by giving a discounted price to the
countries allied with Russia and charging more to objectionable

If the policy of providing cheaper gas prices for its allies was to
provide Russia with a lever of pressure, then it has not been
successful. The reason is that the pro-Western regimes, formed after
the Velvet Revolutions in Georgia and Ukraine, have the opportunity to
import cheaper gas. Ukraine, in particular, has been able to import
cheap gas from Central Asia with Russia only responsible for its
transportation. Georgia, in turn, started receiving gas from
Azerbaijan, which by early 2007 sharply increased production , thereby
ensuring an adequate supply for both domestic and international demand
and saved Georgia from paying higher gas prices. But on the eve of
2009, Russia took a series of steps, in accordance with the leverage,
to become more efficient.

First of all, Russia has agreed to a sharp increase in prices for
natural gas imports from Central Asia, in order to prevent Ukraine
from acquiring cheaper gas from these countries and forcing the
country to pay a higher price. Moscow’s purpose is to prevent regimes
of Central Asia from seeking alternative routes to European markets,
as well as to fill the shortage of gas resulting from a decline in
production in Russia itself. It is no secret that the European
countries, especially the EU members, are considering Azerbaijan,
Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan as alternative gas suppliers
to their markets. In this case, European countries have proposed the
Nabucco pipeline project, in which gas from these countries would be
sent to Europe. By paying double the gas price to Central Asian
countries, Russia has succeeded in reducing the interest of these
countries to the Nabucco project ` dispelling a potential political

During President Medvedev’s expected visit to Uzbekistan on 22-23
January 2009, it is expected that Russia will offer a price of $326
per thousand cubic meters to import Uzbek natural gas. If so,
Ukraine’s hopes of acquiring gas at $201, as well as Russia’s original
offer of $250, are inconceivable. As the Prime Minister of Russia
Putin has said, the time of cheap gas has passed.

In addition, in 2008, Russia took a step towards the creation of a gas
OPEC, together with the other two largest holders of natural gas
reserves: Iran and Qatar. Although this plan is unfeasible as the
countries lack common interests on the issue of export of gas, the
psychological significance of the matter is still filed a response in
the international arena.

Due to the gas crisis between Russia and Ukraine, Russia expects some
promising payoffs in foreign policy. First of all, 2009 is an election
year in Ukraine, and this visible conflict with Russia could lead the
electorate in Ukraine, an industrialized country totally dependent on
outside energy supplies, to lose trust in its pro-Western
government. Ukraine, which after the Velvet Revolution switched to a
parliamentary system of government, could not recover from the
political crisis taking place between the two branches of the
executive branch, and within the coalition government. In addition,
the accession of Ukraine to the WTO, which was seen as a further step
in the integration into Euro-Atlantic space, has paralyzed several
sectors of the economy. The situation worsened after the recent
international financial crisis, which also adversely affected the
industrial sector. These events open the door for the rise to power of
the pro-Russian opposition, led by Yanukovich.

Secondly, the transit of Russian gas through Ukrainian territory will
be observed by international monitors. It’s no secret that Ukraine
from time to time siphoned certain volumes of natural gas from the
transit pipeline for domestic consumption. It should be noted that 80%
of the gas exported from Russia to Europe passes through Ukraine. In
this case, Russia has made possible an unhindered supply of gas to
Europe, even the parties do not agree on the price of gas, and Russia
stop sending gas to Ukraine.

Thirdly, the crisis in Ukraine once again prodded European gas
importers to search for alternative ways of receiving Russian gas. In
this case, the relevance of two Russian pipeline projects, Nord
Stream, which will be constructed on the floor of the Baltic Sea and
the South Stream, which is intended to be laid in the Black Sea, once
again increased. And if at times some countries have resisted the
implementation of these projects, expressing fears for various
reasons, ranging from environmental issues to the security, the lack
of heating could cool the zeal of the hottest skeptics on this issue.

Demand in Europe is constantly growing. By 2020, Europe will consume
720 billion cubic meters of gas. In this case, importing such
quantities of gas will require additional transport
routes. Particularly interested in the construction of the Nord Stream
pipeline is Germany, which will receive direct access to Russian gas
and will be able to play the role of a distributor to EU countries,
thereby strengthening its position in Europe? In addition, according
to the press information, despite the fact that the price of Russian
gas has already exceeded $400, Germany supposedly pays only
$280. Despite unconfirmed information, it brings to mind serious
questions regarding the Russian-German alliance to determine European
gas policy.

Fourthly, the situation with Ukraine allows Russia to develop new
foreign policy responses to events directly related to the interests
of the country. As the experience of confrontation with Russia by
Georgia during the August 2008 `five-day war`, Russia does not choose
from a wide range of options, particularly in conflict situations. As
a result of its use of force in Georgia, Russia had to recognize the
independence of the two entities on Georgian territory, which in the
long term may adversely affect the situation in the North Caucasus
autonomous republics of Russia. In this case, the Ukrainian experience
could become a kind of experiment in the development of alternative
instruments of pressure on other countries.

There is no doubt that the crisis in Ukraine could encourage European
countries to seek alternatives to Russian natural gas, as well as new
means of importation. In this case, the main alternative is the
Nabucco project, the implementation of which has perhaps been
stimulated by the crisis in Ukraine. However, the passivity of
European countries in realization of this project, as well as the
increase in gas prices from Russia for Central Asian countries, has
led to a situation in which the Nabucco is unlikely; the only country
that still could supply gas to Nabucco is Azerbaijan. But Azerbaijan,
which must deal with the Karabakh conflict, is trying to be more
cautious in its policy towards Russia, especially after the events in
Georgia. Besides, concerns of Azerbaijan about this are
unfounded. Moreover, Russia, despite being a co-chair of the OSCE
Minsk Group, created to resolve the Karabakh conflict, in late 2008
provided Armenia, which is in actual conflict with Azerbaijan, with a
variety of weapons at a total cost of $800 million dollars. This step
can be regarded as the actual pressure on Azerbaijan, which holds a
more independent energy policy, and has been increasing its military
capabilities. At the same time, Russia has proposed to Azerbaijan to
sell, at world prices, the entire additional amount of gas that the
country plans to export. Azerbaijan has not yet made a specific
agreement, but the pressure of Russia and the passivity of Western
countries in realization of Nabucco are likely to lead Azerbaijan to
agree to Russia’s proposal.

In general, it is possible to say that Russia has quite effectively
met the New Year, increasing its capacity in the management of energy
policy in the field of gas in the Eurasian space and the use of these
advantages as an instrument of foreign policy. Thus begins a new era
in which the energy power factor will be more effectively used by
Russia, prompting one to question how the European countries,
currently lagging far behind Russia, will respond. One thing is clear:
we will not have to wait long for an answer. Western countries, used
to various disasters in the field of energy, are not the first to look
for ways out of this situation. A new round of resistance in the field
of energy in the Eurasian space begins.

Saturday, 17 January 2009

"Statements of facts or opinions appearing in the pages of Journal of
Turkish Weekly (JTW) are not necessarily by the editors of JTW nor do
they necessarily reflect the opinions of JTW or ISRO. The opinions
published here are held by the authors themselves and not necessarily
those of JTW or ISRO.

Study Findings On Crystallography Are Outlined In Reports From H.A.


Technology News Focus
January 14, 2009

"The title compound, K+center dot C6H9N4O4-center dot H2O, crystallizes
with the K atoms located on special positions related by pseudocentres
of symmetry," scientists in Yerevan, Armenia report.

"Each K atom is coordinated by six O-atom donors. The N and water H
atoms are involved in inter- and intramolecular N-H center dot center
dot center dot O, N-H center dot center dot center dot N and O-H center
dot center dot center dot O hydrogen bonding," wrote H.A. Karapetyan
and colleagues.

The researchers concluded: "The data indicate inversion twinning."

Karapetyan and colleagues published their study in Acta
Crystallographica Section E – Structure Reports Online (Potassium
L-2-nitrimino-1,3-diazepane-4-carboxyla te monohydrate. Acta
Crystallographica Section E – Structure Reports Online, 2008;64(Part

For more information, contact H.A. Karapetyan, National Academy
Science RA, Molecular Structural Research Center, Azatutyan Avenue 26,
Yerevan 375014, Armenia.

Publisher contact information for the journal Acta Crystallographica
Section E – Structure Reports Online is: Blackwell Publishing, 9600
Garsington Rd., Oxford OX4 2DQ, Oxon, England.