Foreign Minister Of Armenia Ready To Hear Ex-Foreign Minister, But N


2008-10-30 17:16:00

ArmInfo. Foreign Minister of Armenia Edward Nalbandyan takes positive
view of advices and recommendations including of his predecessor
Vardan Oskanyan.

Minister Nalbandyan made this statement at a press conference Thursday
when commenting on Vardan Oskanyan’s criticism of the country’s
foreign policy.

However, Edward Nalbandyan thinks it wrong commenting on the advices
made via media. The minister thinks it wrong also to tell Minister
Oskanyan what he should and what he shouldn’t have done over the ten
years of his activity. Nalbandyan said he is in constant contact with
his predecessor and if Oskanyan decides to make an advice to him he
will hear him.

RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan’s Address To Joint Session Of RA N


Fri day, 24th of October, 2008

Honorable President of the National Assembly,

Dear Members of Parliament,

In accordance with Article 90 of the Constitution of the Republic of
Armenia, the Government of the Republic of Armenia is hereby submitting
to the National Assembly the FY2009 State budget bill. This bill is
based on the government program as approved earlier this year by the
National Assembly, which was developed based on the key provisions
of the RA national security strategy and poverty reduction strategic
paper, as well as on the electoral programs of the RA President and the
coalition parties and the basic provisions of the political agreement.

Through consistent implementation of the provisions and actions
specified in the aforesaid documents, it will be possible to provide
for high rates of economic development and improved living standards
in the country, as well as to meet the threats coming from outside
the country. The Republic of Armenia is on the path of comprehensive
reform. The reforms tend to higher level of democracy, public sector
efficiency, independent and unbiased judiciary, developed system of
local self-government and strengthened fight against corruption.

For 5 years now, State budget laws in Armenia have been designed on
the basis of medium-term public expenditure programs of strategic
relevance. The FY2009 State budget bill was developed based on
Republic of Armenia’s medium-term public spending program for the
period 2009-2011, which is a comprehensive document covering all the
sectors of Armenia’s economy.

Therefore, the 2009 State budget bill reflects the following strategic
directions of development:

Firstly, the 2001-2007 growth rates in Armenia (13% on average)
made it possible to double the per capita GDP in the Republic. The
government has set the task of ensuring an annual real GDP growth
of 8-10% in 2008-2012, and we expect to maintain the past few years’
high rates of economic growth, with the real GDP due to increase by
9.2% next year. Macroeconomic stability is highly prioritized from
the perspective of ensuring sustained growth rates in the country,
and the government will continue with its fiscal policies aimed at
maintaining the level of macroeconomic stability and economic growth.

Secondly, the planned macroeconomic policy implies low inflation
and budget deficit, a reasonable that is economically safe level of
public debt, floating exchange rates. In particular, the 12-month
inflation target is estimated at 4.0% /-1.5%, with a 1% ratio of
budget deficit/GDP ratio. The gap will mainly be covered through
borrowed funds consisting of both domestic resources and foreign
loans contracted on preferential terms. Under these conditions, the
overall level of Armenia’s public debt will rise to USD2210.3mn as
of late 2009, which makes 16.1% of the GDP (against 17.6% expected
for late 2008). The share of foreign indebtedness will be 81.5%
or 13.1% of the GDP (against 14.9% expected in late 2008). Here,
it should be noted that as a whole the foreign indebtedness-related
qualitative indicators will not be higher than the ones characteristic
to countries with low or medium debt burden.

Thirdly, the State will continue building up its financial
capacity. The projected increase in the level of revenue collection in
2008-2012 is among the fiscal priorities of the government program. An
average annual increase of 0.3-0.4% in tax revenue/GDP ratio will be
achieved without having to raise the tax rates. Therefore, as in the
previous years, a progressive pace of revenue collection against the
GDP rise will be achieved in 2009 (revenue collection will be up 21.4%
in 2009 against the stated level of 2008 as compared to the planned
18.4% growth of the nominal GDP). The FY2009 budget resource package,
projected in accordance with the previous years’ methodology, will
be funded chiefly through enhanced revenue collection.

Taxes and duties will be collected to the amount of AMD726.0bn next
year, which exceeds the actual receipts of 2008 and 2007 by AMD128.9bn
and AMD225.3bn respectively. A 17.4% projected tax revenue-State
duties/GDP ratio will be achieved in 2009 against the projected 17.0%
in 2008 and the actual 15.9% of 2007. The stated increase in revenue
collection will be brought about by corresponding macroeconomic
developments and the government’s administrative arrangements in the
fiscal sector.

Fourthly, State budget expenditure policies will keep on focusing on
the rise in the share of welfare spending, development of economic
infrastructures, enhanced national security and public governance
efficiency, higher funding for local self-government, as well as will
help build up an image of a reliable borrower for Armenia.

The minimum wage will continue upwards in the Republic of Armenia. It
will be up 20% to AMD30.000 in 2009, as compared to this year’s level.

Spending in the following sectors will prevail on the expenditure
side of the FY2009 State budget with an aggregate share of 74.3%,
which is broken down as follows: social sector (education, health
care, public welfare) – 47.2%; defense, law enforcement and national
security – 22.4%; official grants to community budgets – 3%; public
debt service – 1.7%.

Under the strategic programs aimed at curbing poverty, improving the
population’s living standards, achieving social equity, eliminating
social polarization, modernizing the system of schooling and research,
ensuring broader access to education, the Government intends to make
sizeable investments (up to 10.7% of the GDP) in the social sector
inclusive of education – 3.0%; social security – 6.1%; health care
– 1.6%.

These branches will be funded (less the administrative costs) to the
amount of AMD441.0bn, or 68.9 billion drams (18.5%) more than this
year’s level. In FY 2009:

a) State budget allocations to education (less the administrative
costs) will rise to AMD 126.4bn, or 23.0 billion drams (22.2%) up
this year’s level. This will allow us to increase average monthly
wages in the sphere of general education for the teaching, managing,
maintenance and service staffs. As a result, teachers’ average
monthly wages (for the full rate inclusive of extra remuneration)
will be 116.3 thousand drams (against today’s 89.6 thousand drams),
managing staff’s average monthly wages will be 176.1 thousand drams
(currently 136.0 thousand drams).

b) State budget funding for the health care sector (without the
administrative costs) are projected at the level of AMD64.9bn, or
11.5 billion drams (21.1%) more than in 2008.

Outpatient services remain a chief priority in the health care
sector. Free outpatient services will be administered to the whole
population without age and social status restrictions, safe the dental
care-related services which will be free only for the vulnerable
groups, children below 8, the elderly over 65, as well as for all
12-year-old children.

Under this bill, average monthly wages for the medical staff of
outpatient clinics will be 92.4 thousand drams against today’s
AMD77.000, wages at the intermediate level will reach the mark of
59.2 thousand drams (49.3 thousand drams as of 2008).

Medical staff at in-patient establishments will get a monthly average
of 66.4 thousand drams in estimated wages against 51.1 thousand drams
this year. Wages at the intermediate level will rise to 52.0 thousand
drams (40.0 thousand drams in of 2008).

c) State budget funding for the social sector (without the
administrative costs) will stand at AMD249.7bn, or 34.4 billion drams
(16.0%) above the target of 2008.

Average monthly benefits for those households registered with the
family allowance system will be 23.6 thousand drams against today’s
21.1 thousand drams which is an increase of 12.0%.

The lump-sum benefits as granted on the birth of a third or more
children will reach 430.000 drams instead of 300.000 drams in 2008
(up 43.3%).

Starting from 2009, these sums will be administered to all eligible
beneficiaries, while only those households registered with the system
of family allowance have been entitled so far.

AMD181.8bn worth of funding will go to the pensions system next year
or 14.8% more than this year. The average monthly rate of retirement
pension will be 25.5 thousand drams in 2009 against 21.8 thousand in
2008 (a 17.0% rise).

Average monthly pensions payable to retired army officers and their
families will total 47.0 thousand drams in 2009, or 10.5% above the
2008 target.

Non-commissioned staff and their families will be entitled to 20.000
drams of average monthly pension, or 13.2% above this year’s level.

In compliance with Article 10, paragraph 9 of the RA law "On FY
2006 Republic of Armenia State Budget," those citizens registered as
depositaries of VTB-Armenia Bank CJSC will continue to be refunded
next year against such savings as were made with the former SU Savings
Bank before June 10, 1993. In 2009, AMD1.6bn will be earmarked to
this end against 1.3 billion drams as planned for 2008.

Allocations will likewise be made to:

-provide housing or improve housing conditions for 350 homeless
families of killed (dead) or first, second and third group invalid
servicemen to the amount of AMD3.0bn;

-offer housing certificates, purchase new housing or fund the
construction of homes for homeless families in the earthquake zone
to the amount of AMD4.4bn

52.2 billion drams will be spent to cover the public administration
maintenance costs, or 7.5 billion drams (16.9%) up the amounts
allocated under the finalized FY2008 State budget. Additional 2.2
billion drams will be allocated for the repair of administrative
buildings and the purchase of embassy premises.

Adequate funding is envisaged for the maintenance of defense, law
enforcement, national security, penitentiary establishments and
rescue services.

To achieve enhanced level of safety in the energy sector, sustained
development of transport systems, food security, wildlife reproduction
and management in the Republic of Armenia, the government will continue
to design and implement programs aimed at maintaining and expanding
infrastructures in the power engineering, transport, agriculture,
water management sectors along with a wide array of projects in the
fields of nature protection, SME development etc.

To strengthen the financial base of local self-government, next
year communities will get 30.5% more funding in budget allocations
as a result of subsidies provided on a financial leveling basis
in accordance with the adopted laws, as compensation for revenue
losses. Such allocations will rise to AMD27.8bn in 2009.

To safeguard the country’s image as a reliable borrower, adequate
sums will be earmarked for both domestic and foreign debt service.

As a guarantor for the security of the NKR population, the RA
Government is committed to extending economic assistance to the
Nagorno-Karabakh Republic.

Here, I would like to note that the amount of the interstate loan to
the NKR will be up 15.7% next year.

Esteemed President of the National Assembly,

Dear Members of Parliament,

One cannot overestimate the State budget’s instrumentality in ensuring
sustained development for the whole nation. Therefore, in conclusion
of my message, I would like to tell you that we look forward to your
commitment and constructive approach in the forthcoming debates so
as to pave the way for fruitful joint efforts towards finding the
best possible budgetary solutions.

Newly Appointed Ambassador Of Nigeria Hands His Credentials To RA Pr


Noyan Tapan
Oct 28, 2008

YEREVAN, OCTOBER 28, NOYAN TAPAN. Mohammadu M. Abubakar Cika, the
newly appointed Ambassador of Nigeria to Armenia (residence Tehran),
handed his credentials to RA President Serzh Sargsyan on October
28. Congratulating the Ambassador on the occasion of assumption of
the post, S. Sargsyan gave assurance that his appointment will become
a start for development of Armenian-Nigerian relations. He said that
many-sided information need to be exchanged between the two countries
to clear up possible spheres of cooperation. Formation of a proper
legal-contractual field for cooperation was also considered important.

According to the report provided to Noyan Tapan by the RA President’s
Press Office, during the meeting the sides also touched upon issues
of deepening partnership between Armenia and Nigeria at international
instances, in particular, within the framework of UN.

Two Years Of ENP: Progress, Challenges And The Future" Conference In

28.10.2008 17:49

"Two Years of ENP: Progress, Challenges and the Future" international
conference is underway in Yerevan. The conference features celebrated
experts and officials from Armenia, Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova and
Romania, as well as representatives of the European Union, the OSCE,
the Council of Europe and NATO.

The Secretary of the National Security Council of Armenia Arthur
Baghdasaryan noted in his welcome speech that the program Armenia
intends to accomplish with the European Union in 2009-2010 will be
soon presented.

Artur Baghdasaryan assured that the reforms are rather inclusive and
are divided into six main directions.

Without going into detail, Arthur Baghdasaryan assured that the
implementation of reforms will greatly contribute to the expert
support program finally coordinated with the European Union.

Taking as a basis the cooperation with the European Union and the
two years of the program, the Secretary of the National Security
Council assures that a great work has been done and Armenia should
undertake a new process of reforms. Arthur Baghdasaryan considers
that the Action Plan of the European Neighborhood Policy and the
new suggestions provide an opportunity to implement all the reforms
envisaged. He added that the program will allow organizing joint
discussions on the process of European integration and other topics.

According To Marie Yovanovitch, U.S. Thinks Whether Osce Minsk Group


Noyan Tapan
Oct 27, 2008

YEREVAN, OCTOBER 27, NOYAN TAPAN. The "football" diplomacy initiated
by Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan is the evidence of the fact that
Armenia keeps to the positions of peace and cooperation in the South
Caucasian region. Artur Baghdasarian, the Secretary of the RA National
Security Council, stated at the October 27 international conference
organized in Yerevan. According to him, the RA authorities consider
that when looking for a solution to any issue they should take the
way of a dialogue.

Marie Yovanovitch, the Ambassador of the U.S. to RA, in her turn,
said that by Turkish President’s visit to Yerevan on September 6
"indeed a brave, a very strong step" was taken. "It can be compared
with the warming of American-Chinese relations in the 1970-s," the
Ambassador added. According to M. Yovanovitch, it is obvious that
there is also certain progress in the Nagorno Karabakh settlement,
in particular, the sides speak about a concrete document. However, as
she mentioned, the U.S. thinks "whether the OSCE Minsk Group remains
viable, is it worthy continuing the negotiations by the very format."

According to the estimation of Peter Semneby, the EU Special
Representative for the South Caucasus, the South Caucasian region is
of much importance for EU. Touching upon Armenian-Turkish relations,
he said that the opening of the general border of Armenia and Turkey
will have a positive significance for both countries. P. Semneby also
stated that EU defends the activity of the Minsk Group and strives
for persuading the conflict sides to come to an agreement.

4th International Festival Of Children’s Films Being Held In Artsakh


Noyan Tapan
Oct 22, 2008

Bako Sahakian received a group of theatrical figures led by Armen
Medvedev, tbe Chairman of the Rolan Bykov Foundation, who had arrived
in Artsakh from Russia, the Ukraine, and Armenia within the framework
of the 4th International Festival of Children’s Films.

As Noyan Tapan was informed by the General Information Department
of NKR President’s Administration, a wide range of issues regarding
development of cinematography in Artsakh was discussed during the
meeting. Both sides mentioned the necessity to expand mutual visits
and cooperation, as well as to shoot films about Artsakh.

The guests welcomed NKR President’s proposal to hold a film festival
in Artsakh, which will greatly contribute to development of that
sphere in the republic.

WiMax Broadband Wireless Internet Service Launched In Armenia


Armenian Reporter
October 25, 2008

Dimitry Medvedev and Serge Sargsian at WiMax.

Comstar – United TeleSystems (a component of AFK Sistema) Armenian
project – a national telecom network, Comstar-OTS was launched in
Yerevan with the participation of Russian President Dimitry Medvedev
and President Serge Sargsian on October 21. According to company
officials the network will offer WiMax broadband wireless Internet
service in Yerevan and another 18 cities throughout Armenia. This
telecommunication system is beneficial to countries like Armenia
which has difficulty with access to services because of its geographic

According to Mediamax, president of Comstar-OTS, Sergey Pridantsev at
a news conference said that this network is not only unique in Armenia
but "one of the first telecommunication networks of its kind in the
world." The company has already invested $4.6 million in Armenia for
this service.

According to the company, 24 multisectoral base stations have been
installed to assure the communication. Airspan Networks Company
(U.S.) is the supplier of the network equipment. The network is
intended to provide a full spectrum of telecommunications services to
both companies and private residences, including services in data
transfer, digital telecommunication, high-line Internet access,
organization of corporate networks (IP VPN), etc.

The company currently has 600 clients and is expected to welcome
another 400 by the end of the year.

Comstar is the biggest communication operator in Moscow based on
financial indicators and subscriber base.

"Tranquil" Negotiations


Hayots Ashkhar Daily
23 Oct 2008

Turkish Foreign Minister Aly Babajan announced that the negotiations
between Armenia and Turkey would be "tranquil".

"The diplomatic contacts with Armenia started last year. By the visit
of Turkish President Abdullah Gyul to Armenia these contacts turned
into a political dialogue. Because it is a really sensible issue for
both societies, it will continue without hullabaloo."

In response to the question whether or not the Foreign Ministers of
the two countries will meet in the framework of the Black Sea Economic
Conference to take place in Tirana, Babajan said, if Armenian Foreign
Minister participates in the conference, it is not excluded that they
will meet.

"There is no longer any obstacle for similar meetings," Turkish
Foreign Minister added.

Courts Of Independence: Amaseia 1921

By Anastasia Rentou, [email protected]

American Chronicle

ndex.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=9 8&Itemid=40
October 23, 2008

Australian Macedonian Advisory Council




The first part of the 20th century has been stigmatised by three major
genocides: the Jewish, the Armenian and that of the Greeks of Pontus,
Asia Minor and Thrace. However the genocide of the Greeks of Pontus has
the following particularities. As opposed to the genocide of the Jews,
the genocide of the Greeks of Asia Minor and in particular the genocide
of Pontus, a vast array of extermination methods were employed.(1)
Also, the genocide in Pontus became a holocaust. In other words,
this minority knowing full well the cruelty and satanism of the
Turk, didn’t transpire into an ´easy’ genocide. The Pontus Greeks
resisted vigourously, and therefore the genocide eventuated into a
holocaust. (2)

The undisputable crime of the Genocide of the Greeks of Pontus took
place between the years 1914 and 1923. The extermination of the
Christians of Asia Minor was made official with the confidential
documents of the Minister of Internal Affairs Talaat towards Vali’s
(prefectures) of Anatolia, the first victims being the Armenians:
"There is to be a complete forfeit of the right in work and in general
life of all Armenians living within the Turkish territory. The
government has the complete and exclusive responsibility for this
issue. Not even the children are to be excluded.".

Even more explicit was another written document which was saved in it’s
entirety to evidence this. . It was an order which was dispatched on
the 14th of May 1914, undersigned by the Minister of Internal Affairs
Talaat Pasha and the Director of of the same ministry Hilmi Bey. The
objective now, wasn’t the Armenians but the Greeks. In the meantime
the Neo Turks had the following to say "The Greeks in many regions
constitute the majority, which may turn out to be dangerous. They must
be forced to abandon their homes and be transported to the prefecture
of Erzerum, Erntitzan and elsewhere. . This is imposed for military
but also political reasons. If they refuse to vacate their regions,
give directives and use all means unbecoming".

In other parts of the document which gave ´directives’ on how the
genocide would be accomplished, it was boldly stressed that: "Before
they abandon their regions, force the Greeks to sign certificates in
which they declare that they are abandoning their residences willingly,
and at their own initiative. This is necessary, so that they don’t
have any political rights at a later date". (3)

Having taken into account therefore the likely repercussions from
the International community, the Turks decided that by this means,
they could cover up the crimes they were soon to commit..


>From 1914 onwards, there was a declaration for the mobilisation of
Christians, which resulted in the "placement of Christians in separate
unarmed military units, the "work battalions". The primary aim of
these battalions was to do hard labour primarily in the building of
roads and other such work, however the work continued only as far
as the body and the mind allowed it to" (4). At the same, the death
marches to the interior were initiated. The pretext used was that they
were for superior military reasons. As a result they were termed the
"white deaths". As the Metropolite Germanos Karavaggelis recounts
"… after the extermination of the Armenians… the time now came
for the Greeks. Since however the news of the deportations soon
reached the European and American press… the Turks did not in the
beginning dare to proceed with the massive slaughters, but continued
with the deportations/white deaths (le massacre blanc). In 1916 the
displacements of the Greeks began with its primary aim being death
from hunger and hardship". The first phase of the genocide thus ceases
with the end of the First World War, however the Kemalist period that
began in 1919 and which signalled the arrival of Kemal Ataturk at
the port of Samsunda (Samsun) on the 19th of May of the same year,(5)
still proves to be harder and more inhumane. The slaughters henceforth
become part of everyday routine, and the exiles continued.

In the period 1920-1921, Pontus is ravaged by death and despair to
such a degree, the deportations and massacres having intensified to
such a degree and with such intensity, that "the entire scheme
of ethnic cleansing had openly taken the form of a complete
genocide. It’s important to note the fact that the crimes committed
by the Turks between 1920-21, were admitted by seniors in the Ottoman
Administration,who had direct knowledge of exactly what was happening
in Pontus."(6)

The following reports paint a harrowing picture as to the dire
seriousness during this time period:

"Throughout the entire Spring of 1920 the slaughters had become a
daily occurrence".(7)

"On the 30th of April the Kemalists attacked the village Kioseli,
in the province of Tokat. The leader of the large gang was
Karamistich. This evil man was a convict in the prisons of Tokat,
serving a life sentence. Along with 10 other criminals, he had been
released 5 months earlier, by the direct command of Kemal Ataturk
himself. The Kemalist powers have turned all their criminal towards
the defenceless Greek villagers of the region".(8)

"Those unfortunate Greeks who in certain regions had survived the
previous orders to leave their towns and villages, now found death
in their own homes, where they were now being set upon by raging

"On the15th of June 1921 the main executioner of the Pontian Greeks,
Topal Osman invaded the villages of Erpaa, slaughtering the entire
unarmed Greek population."(10)

"On that fateful summer, 5 groups of unarmed civilians departed on
course to their eventual death, from Trapezounta and Kerasounta. Each
group being marched out in long columns made up of 500 civilians
each. Their destination was far away Malateia which was located in
the interior of Anatolia, a place which they arrived at in December
of 1921. Very few survived these death marches. In the same period,
over 7000 Pontian Greeks had died of hunger and exposure in Harpout. A
document which was sent to the Greek administration in Smyrna on
the 30th of December of the same year (1921), made mention that the
Labor Batallions had ended; of the 3000 Pontian Greek who were in
Harpout, only 30 survived. And in Sebasteia, of the 8000 lives there,
approximately 300 survived. A similar situation existed in the whole
of Anatolia.".(11)

And while the population of Pontus was being massacred in numerous
ways, the anti-Greek sentiment amongst the Turks who were perpetrating
this crime was being supported by the religious, the intellectual
and also the political leadership. George Kandilaptis-Kanis, a
schoolteacher and journalist who lived through the tragic moments of
the Genocide, recalls the following: "When the cowardly English and
French troups abandoned Anatolia and the Greeks raised the blue and
white flag at the bastions of Eski-Sehir and Ousakiou, the barbaric
and dishonest Turkish Government began employing its centuries
old program. That of the extermination of Anatolian Hellenism. It
commenced the Independence Courts in Amaseia with the pretext of
destroying the initiators of the Pontus question, but primarily its
aim was to destroy the flourishing Greek communities of Pontus, in
other words the tradesmen, the lawyers, the doctors, the pharmacists,
school teachers, priests and journalists".(12)

to be continued….


(1) Tsirkinidis, Genocide p. 125

(2)Tsirkinidis, Genocide p68

(3) Karkaletsis, The Pontian Freedom Fight p.17

(4) Tsirkinidis, Genocide p.88

(5) Karkaletsis, The Pontian Freedom Fight p.25

(6) Karkaletsis, The Pontian Freedom Fight p.26

(7) Karkaletsis, The Pontian Freedom Fight p.27

(8) Karkaletsis, The Pontian Freedom Fight p.27

(9) Karkaletsis, The Pontian Freedom Fight p.28

(10) Karkaletsis, The Pontian Freedom Fight p.30

(11) Karkaletsis, The Pontian Freedom Fight p.32

(12) Kandilaptis, Miscellanies p.38-39


Woman Sets Herself Afire On Threat To Deport Partner From France


Agence France Presse
October 18, 2008 Saturday 5:49 PM GMT

A woman suffered serious burns Saturday after setting herself on fire
to protest threats to repatriate her partner from France to Armenia,
police said.

Josiane Nardi, 60, was being treated for third-degree burns at a
hospital in Tours, central France, after dousing herself with a
flammable liquid in front of a detention centre in nearby Le Mans,
regional officials said.

"We are very worried about her state of health," regional administrator
Michel Camux told reporters.

Nardi had arranged to meet local media about the fate of her
companion. But they said they were unaware of her intention to set
herself alight and unable to prevent her from doing so.

One reporter was taken to hospital suffering from shock, another with
slight burns to a hand.

"She took out a bottle of alcohol, and when we approached her, it
was too late," said a witness.

An illegal immigrant, Nardi’s 31-year-old partner Henrik Grujyan had
been serving a two-year jail sentence for different crimes before
being transferred Saturday to a pre-deportation centre.

His expulsion has been delayed by at least 48 hours owing to Nardi’s