BAKU: US DoS: Turkish-Armenian normalization process has stalled

APA, Azerbaijan
April 17 2010

Assistant Secretary of State Philip J. Crowley: Turkish-Armenian
normalization process has stalled from last fall when the countries
signed the protocols on normalization

[ 17 Apr 2010 11:28 ]

Washington. Isabel Levine – APA. `The United States are supporting the
Minsk process regarding Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh’, Philip J.
Crowley, Assistant Secretary of State said at the Daily Press
Briefing, Washington, DC, on April 16.

According to APA’s Washington correspondent, speaking of Azerbaijan’s
concerns over the Turkey-Armenian normalization, the representative of
State Department said:

`We continue to work to see how we can ` I mean, there are things that
both countries have committed to do. There are difficult processes
working with their respective parliaments. We have the same experience
in this country where the Executive Branch can make a commitment that
has to work with Congress in terms of implementing that or getting
ratification of that. We know this is a difficult process. We know it
involves emotion on both sides, risk on both sides, and we will
continue to work constructively with Armenia and Turkey to try to see
this process through.

Answering to a question about Turkish-Armenian normalization process
developments, Mr. Crowley stated the following.

`The process has stalled from last fall when the countries signed the
protocols on normalization. We want to see Turkey and Armenia ratify
those protocols, normalize relations, open borders. That has
significant benefits for both countries. And we continue to work with
both to see if we can find the right formula, the right timing to see
ratification and the benefits that come with ratification.

BAKU: Azerbaijani Politicians Condemn US Support For Armenia – POLL


April 16 2010

Baku. Elnur Mammadli – APA. "We have expectations from the US as
a Minsk Group co-chair. If the US considers us a strategic ally,
we call on it to be just in Nagorno Karabakh issue," vice-speaker of
Azerbaijani parliament Ziyafat Asgarov said while commenting on the
position of the US in Nagorno Karabakh problem, APA reports.

Ziyafat Asgarov says Armenia even backtracks on the issues it had
agreed before.

"It means that direct support of the US and other co-chairing
countries of Minsk Group caused this. We are not satisfied with the
situation. We demand from the Minsk Group co-chairs once more to be
fair, assess the issue objectively and give up exerting pressure on
Turkey. Erdogan said the borders were closed in 1993, Armenia occupied
Azerbaijani territories. Pressure is exerted on Turkey for opening the
border, Armenia can continue its criminal actions there. What does
it mean? I regret that the US, France and Russia do not demonstrate
fair position. We are pursuing an independent policy. Azerbaijan will
cooperate with the states, which will not take steps contradicting
Azerbaijan’s national interests. If the policy contradicting our
national interests is pursued, someone tries to give orders to us,
we will certainly react strongly," he said.

Deputy chairman of New Azerbaijan Party (YAP), parliamentarian Ali
Ahmadov says there have been a number of initiatives to settle Nagorno
Karabakh conflict and the issue on opening of the borders has also
been brought to the agenda.

"The US and a number of western states support it. Principally,
the opening of the borders between the two states depends on the
relations between the two countries. But despite this, western states
and especially US exert serious pressure on Turkey for opening the
borders. Though the US is one of the co-chairs of the Minsk Group, it
is against the linking of the opening of borders and Nagorno Karabakh
problem. With this the US makes two significant mistakes. First,
it interferes in the relations between the two states, exerts
pressure on one side, it is not right in terms of the norms of the
international law. Secondly, the US as a co-chair of Minsk Group
does not fulfill its mission. The US shows that it is not going to
profit by the opening of Armenia-Turkey border within the stipulation
of the solution to Nagorno Karabakh conflict. With this the US shows
that it does not intend to help solve the conflict. If it had such an
intention, it would exert pressures on Armenia first of all. Taking
this into account the US’ position, which is unfair, contradicts the
norms of the international law, is an example of double standards,
causes protest of every citizen. This in general casts shadow on the
mediation mission of Minsk Group," he said.

Chairman of the parliament’s committee for legal policy and statehood,
MP Ali Huseynov says though Azerbaijan – US relations has little
history, they have great importance.

"These relations base on political, economic roots and have strategic

Unfortunately, the new US administration pursues a policy damaging
these relations. Those people who are forming this policy are not
able to correctly value the economic and geopolitical position of
Azerbaijan in the region. Turkish Foreign Minister’s statement on the
latest developments showed that this is not only our idea. A number
of European officials are also thinking so. The US administration
should know that Azerbaijan would not suffer from this relation. It
doesn’t concern us. The time will come US will understand that it
suffers from this relation if they correctly analyze the situation".

Chairman of the Great System Party Fazil Mustafa called the
developments as a continuation of the US policy. "The US attitude is
against us. We have to resist to that".

Chairman of the All Azerbaijan Popular Front Party MP Gudrat
Hasanguliyev said he condemned US efforts to pull out Armenia from
the current situation. In his opinion, that US actions stimulate the
separatism in the world and serve violation of peace and stability.

"This is a sign of US double-standard policy. Sometimes US allies in
NATO also acknowledges that their policy contribute to the tensions in
the world. I think that Azerbaijan should strongly express protest. We
have to strongly condemn the US policy today. The United States should
be a guarantor of international law, but not to violate it".

Political analyst Mubariz Ahmadoglu told APA that Armenia was a source
of tension in the region. "Armenia is a source of separatism in the
region. If the United States supports Armenia, it means it advocates
for tensions, separatism and economic problems in the region".

Chairman of the Azerbaijan Democratic Reforms Party MP Asim Mollazadeh
related the latest developments to the US domestic problems. "Obama
promised many things to the Armenian Diaspora during the election
campaign, but he can not fulfill it because it is against the national
interests of the United States. The United States will hold the
elections to the Congress this year and public opinion polls predict
defeat of democrats. They pressure on Turkey to serve the Armenians.

But it is against the national interests and security of the United
States. I think we have to be capable of great endurance. Azerbaijan
and Turkey should continue their way, to protect their fair position
in the world and to take joint actions. I don’t think that it is
possible to force Turkey to do something under the pressure.

Azerbaijan is also able to defend its fair national interests".

Vikram Sampath Pays Tribute To Gauhar Jaan, The First Indian Musicia


The Hindu
April 16 2010

Gramophones may have lost the battle with technology, but there
are some voices — heard and unheard — etched on them. In a world
characterised by such forgetfulness, a book on the songbird Gauhar
Jaan is staggering. Gauhar Jaan, a tawaif who was born to an Armenian
father, lived in Calcutta in the late 19th Century. She was the first
Indian musician to sing on the gramophone (1902), and, in that sense,
a pioneer.

Vikram Sampath, author of the recently released My Name Is Gauhar
Jaan! The Life And Times Of A Musician, stumbled upon this grand
songster of regal bearing, when he was researching in the Mysore
Palace Archives for his earlier book, Splendours Of Royal Mysore:
The Untold Story Of The Wodeyars.

"Her name had an interesting ring, and the fact that she was the
first musician to sing on the gramophone fascinated me," he says.

On the Gauhar trail

While on the Gauhar trail, he was shocked that there was practically
no information on this amazing singer who was patronised by the Mysore
Maharajas. She, in fact, died in Mysore in 1930.

"All I got in my first few attempts were bits and pieces of stories
that were passed off as history." People who lived in her times were
long dead and gone. Despite these impediments, Gauhar Jaan didn’t stop
haunting Vikram. "Whatever little I learnt was anecdotal in nature:
‘She threw a party when her cat littered’, ‘She had an entourage
of 111 people’ and more. The paucity of information was worrying,"
recalls Vikram, thinking of how people went into raptures about her
fair complexion, her paan-stained lips, her immaculate dressing sense
— which was for them, the sum total of Gauhar Jaan.

Vikram, an engineer with HP, travelled extensively in the North,
and managed to lay his hands on many legal documents connected to
the birth and life of Gauhaar Jaan and her mother Malka Jaan.

For instance, the birth of Gauhar registered at the Protestant Church
in Allahabad, a declaration that said she was Chagganji’s mistress
and long court proceedings with her maid’s son who was trying to
usurp her wealth.

All this spoke of a woman with enormous conviction; in fact, this
conviction gave her the status of an unparalleled star in the world
of music.

Gauhar Jaan was a phenomenal talent — she could condense the
reflective khyal into three minutes for the gramophone and could also
remarkably package the romantic thumri. "In those male-dominated times,
the number of women who sang on gramophones outnumbered men.

These remarkable women were hugely tech savvy and achieved what male
musicians had shied away from," explains Vikram.

The book cleverly walks the line of biography and period history. It
juxtaposes Gauhar Jaan’s life with the Raj, the freedom movement,
and the coming of the gramophone to India. It steers clear of an
anthropological vision and brings alive the enormous hardships of
the women of those times.

Strong and vulnerable

The manner in which Gauhar Jaan bargained for her remuneration, the
way she captured her audience, her highly adaptable musical skills and
her unflagging self-esteem say a lot about the woman’s intelligence.

But she was also vulnerable — she was moved by goodness and great
music, and her loyalty towards those she loved was unflinching.

"They were so learned and highly liberated. But, it is tragic that
they were all branded as just tawaifs.

Vikram started work on the project with many disadvantages — he was
male, not familiar with Bengal and the language, did not understand
the nuances of Hindustani music… "I have struggled to understand
the woman that she was, the life that she lived… to feel and think
like her…," says Vikram. "Sometimes, I wondered if Gauhar Jaan’s
extravagance was a mask to hide her troubled life."

Working Meeting Of ‘Armenia-Turkey’ Cinema Platform Held In Istanbul


2010-04-15 16:54:00

ArmInfo. The working meeting of "Armenia-Turkey" cinema platform
took place in Istanbul on 8-10 April. The meeting was initiated by
international film festival "Golden Apricot" and "Anadolu kultur"

As art-director of the festival Susanna Harutyunyan said at today’s
press-conference a short-film consent was announced in Armenia and
Turkey on the topic of future and present of the Armenian-turkish
relations. As a result, the Armenian party got 15 films and the
Turkish one – 40, 10 of which were selected – five from each country.

She also added that all short films were by the joint efforts of the
Golden apricot, Anadolu kultur and US embassy in Armenia.

Armenia, Turkey Reached Tacit Agreement On Common Border, Heritage

April 14 2010

One issue remains open in the Armenian-Turkish process – the issue
of illegal recognition of borders, which is clearly stated in the
protocols, the RA Parliament member of the Heritage Party Larisa
Alaverdyan told reporters on April 14.

According to her, both the Armenian and Turkish authorities
consider the issue settled. "The Armenian-Turkish protocols, which
are exclusively aimed at settling the bilateral relations, are not
supposed to include border-related issues. The border-related points
are unnecessary and irrelevant," Alaverdyan said. She pointed out that
the sides must have reached a tacit agreement on the recognition of
the border.

The Heritage Party is sure that the Armenian Parliament must not
ratify the Armenian-Turkish protocols in their present form.

Alaverdyan regard as unacceptable the point on a committee of
historians and the Turkish side’s statements on the Nagorno-Karabakh
peace process. "I knew from the very beginning that the protocols
would result in a stalemate. By means of the documents Turkey wants
to resolve the following three problems: the borders, end to the
process of recognition of the Armenian Genocide and Nagorno-Karabakh,"
Alaverdyan said. She stressed that Turkey is "enviably consistent"
in the matter.

Alaverdyan voiced the opinion that the Armenian-Turkish negotiations
must be re-launched "in a clearer field, with a clearer content of
the protocols." "Armenia must pursue a proactive policy, as being
passive will cause harm to us," she said.

Obama Recoit Sarkissian Pour Evoquer L’Avancee Des Protocoles

par Marion

mercredi14 avril 2010

Le president americain Barack Obama a discute avec son homologue
armenien, Serge Sarkissian, des perspectives de normalisation
des relations turco-armeniennes et de la resolution du conflit du
Haut-Karabagh, lundi, a Washington.

Cet entretien a eu lieu en marge du sommet de la securite nucleaire
organisee par Obama. Elles sont percues comme une tentative de dernière
minute pour sauver les protocoles turco-armeniens signes par Ankara
et Erevan en octobre dernier.

" Le president a felicite le president Sarkissian pour ses efforts
courageux visant une normalisation des relations entre l’Armenie et la
Turquie, et l’a encourage a poursuivre cette promesse de normalisation
au profit du peuple armenien ", a declare la Maison-Blanche dans
un communique.

L’Armenie et la Turquie devraient ainsi " ne menager aucun effort "
pour faire avancer le processus de normalisation, a declare Obama,
selon le communique.

Le service de presse presidentiel de Sarkissian est reste quant a
lui très evasif sur ce qui s’est dit. Il a seulement indique que les
dirigeants ont evoque les relations armeno-turques, le processus de
paix au Karabagh et " les perspectives de developpement des relations
bilaterales americano-armeniennes ".

La secretaire d’Etat americaine Hillary Clinton, et le ministre
des Affaires etrangères armenien, Edouard Nalbandian, ont egalement
participe a l’entrevue.

Sarkissian et d’autres dirigeants armeniens ont maintes fois
fait l’eloge de l’administration americaine pour leur soutien
a une application inconditionnelle et sans delai des protocoles

Ils ont ainsi menace de se retirer des accords si les Turcs continuent
a lier leur ratification parlementaire a un règlement acceptable du
Karabagh pour l’Azerbaïdjan. Les responsables americains n’ont pas
encore publiquement reagi a ces menaces.

La participation de Sarkissian au sommet et sa rencontre avec Obama
reflètent le fort soutien de Washington a sa politique de conciliation
avec la Turquie qui a suscite la polemique en Armenie et au sein de la
diaspora. Sarkissian est le premier chef d’Etat armenien a rencontrer
un president americain depuis neuf ans.

New Developments Can Appear In May, Says Arman Melikian


April 13 2010

Ex foreign minister of Nagorno Karabakh Arman Melikian said he
considers Sargsyan-Erdogan meeting in Washington to be significant
for both sides.

"This was another meeting of significant importance, but its tactical
goals were different for each side," said Arman Melikian at the
press conference.

"The meeting between Armenia’s President Sargsyan and Turkey’s Prime
Minister Erdogan was considered by Armenian side as an approach to
achieve benefits, while Turkey and the United States had more global
objectives," pointed politician.

"New developments can appear in May; however, I think the process
of normalisation of Armenia-Turkey relations may be significantly
fastened down, claiming new elements," he said pointing that Sargsyan
and Erdogan didn’t make a joint statement following the meeting.

"It’s symbolic that after meeting with Erdogan, Armenia’s President
attended Grave of the 28th president of the United States Woodrow
Wilson, as it was him who delineated boundaries of the Armenia we
had dreamed about and haven’t reached yet.

"Paying a tribute to Woodrow Wilson, Armenian authorities, perhaps,
tried to send a message to both Turkey and Armenian public that they
would maintain strong positions," stressed Arman Melikian.

Letter To Calgary Herald, Canada

Sandra Engstrom

April 13 2010

April is a time to remember Rwanda, too

April 12, 2010 Re: "Spring saddest time of year for Armenians,"
Christopher Hitchens, Opinion, April 7.

With all the discussion surrounding the anniversary of the Armenian
genocide, I am surprised and disappointed that there has been no
coverage of the anniversary of the Rwanda genocide. Between April
and July of 1994, Rwandans experienced and witnessed some of the most
violent acts of human behaviour in recent history.

Yet, they also experienced some of the strongest cases of resiliency
and strength in the acts of the survivors.

I would like to acknowledge and congratulate the Calgary Rwandan
community that has put on a touching and emotional memorial for the
past three years that I have been able to attend. They are a community
of strength, beauty and courage, that shines whenever they walk into
a room.

The numbers in attendance have increased each year, but there is
still room to grow.

Hopefully, over time, other Calgarians will come together to remember
these events in a quest to truly become global citizens and stand
behind the phrase "never again."

Sarkissian Minimise Les Interventions De Kotcharian


lundi12 avril 2010

Le president Serge Sarkissian a minimise, vendredi, les critiques
recentes de sa politique economique exprimees par son predecesseur,
Robert Kotcharian.

Sarkissian a rejete les rumeurs sur le retour en politique de
Kotcharian. " Je pense que M. Kotcharian a toujours ete present dans
la vie politique, et je trouve la reaction des milieux politiques très
etrange a chacune de ses interventions, qu’il s’agisse d’une visite
[a l’etranger] ou d’une prise de position publique. "

" Je considère qu’il est normal que Kotcharian exprime son opinion
sur tel ou tel sujet. Il n’y a rien d’etrange a cela ", a-t-il ajoute.

Kotcharian a quant a lui affirme jeudi qu’il n’a pas encore decide
de revenir sur la scène politique. " Si je decide de revenir dans
le jeu politique, je le declarerais ouvertement et directement ",
a-t-il declare.

Le mois dernier, Kotcharian a alimente les speculations sur son desir
de retourner au pouvoir, en critiquant la gestion de la crise par le
gouvernement. Certains commentateurs ont suggere que l’ex-president
avait des vues sur le poste de Premier ministre, actuellement occupe
par Tigran Sarkissian.

Sarkissian a fait une evaluation positive de la reponse du gouvernement
a la crise mondiale et semble continuer a soutenir le Premier ministre
reformiste. " Je ne vais pas changer de gouvernement ou de Premier
ministre ", a-t-il ainsi assure.

7 employees of Ardshininvestbank’s Goris branch accused

7 employees of Ardshininvestbank’s Goris branch accused of legalizing
incomes received in criminal way

YEREVAN, APRIL 9, NOYAN TAPAN. The Investigation Department of the RA
National Security Service has completed an investigation into the
criminal case opened in connection with the fact of embezzling
fraudulently a particularly large sum of money and legalizing the
incomes received in a criminal way by the manager of
Ardshininvestbank’s Goris branch. The prosecutor who controls legality
of the investigation into the criminal case has confirmed the

The investigators revealed and substantiated that in 2006-2009 H.
Bakhshian, the manager of Ardshininvestbank’s Goris barnch, issued
false loans of a total of 918,789,604 drams to 95 natural persons and
5 juridical persons. The sum was disbursed under loans and embezzled
to meet the manager’s personal needs and the needs of the companies
owned by this person, while the remaining sum was spent to repay the
false loans and interest on them. According to the investigators,
through these actions H. Bakhshian concealed and distorted the real
nature and sources of origin of 496 million 863.5 thousand drams
embezzled previously and legalized the incomes received in a criminal
way. As a result, damage of 693,808,812 drams was done to

The press service of the Office of the RA Prosecutor General reported
that based on evidence obtained by the investigators, charges have
been brought against 7 employees of Goris branch, including the
manager, the chief accountant, the teller, and employees of the
accounting and credit units. In particular, the manager H. Bakhshian
is charged under the RA Criminal Code’s Article 179 Part 3 Point 1 and
Article 190 Part 3 Point 1, while other employees of the branch are
charged under Article 38-179 Part 3 Point 1. The criminal case has
been sent to the Syunik regional court of first instance.