Aliyev Threatens With Deeper Isolation Of Armenia


14.10.2008 13:28 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Baku will continue its policy of isolation of
Armenia unless the latter abandons the Azeri lands, Azerbaijani
President Ilham Aliyev said when addressing a government session.

"We will not give up our economic, transport, military, political and
propagandistic pressure as long as our lands are occupied," he said,
adding Azerbaijan will do everything in its power to isolate Armenia
from all regional projects unless the conflict is settled.

"To resolve the Nagorno Karabakh conflict as soon as possible,
Azerbaijan strengthens its army. $4,5 billion was invested in the
country’s defense sector during past five years," Aliyev said.

"Living in a state of war, we should first of all strengthen our
military potential. During the next several years, the major part
of budget will cover our defense expenses," he said adding that
Azerbaijan’s growing might strengthens its positions in talks.

"It is gratifying to know that Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity is
not questioned. Our position in unchangeable: the conflict should be
resolved in the framework of the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan,"
Aliyev said, Interfax Azerbaijan reports.

Secretary Of ‘Heritage’ Party Faction Considers Exclusion Of Armenia


2008-10-10 13:51:00

ArmInfo. Secretary of "Heritage" oppositional party faction
Stepan Safaryan called exclusion of the Armenian delegation in the
Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe from poll upon the
results of PACE winter session real.

At today’s press-conference in "Hayatsk" club he especially touched
on the assessments Armenia will be given during PACE winter session
on fulfillment of PACE Resolutions N 1609 and 1620 by Armenia. "The
assessment will be rather principal", the MP said and added that
even if an amnesty is announced with respect to those convicted on
the case of March 1 events, the assessment of the Council of Europe
will be severe. "I would like to recall that many political prisoners
have already claimed they need no amnesty as they do not consider
themselves guilty in anything>, the MP said.

When asked if Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement by the incumbent
Armenian authorities is possible in prejudice of Armenia, S. Safaryan
emphasized he considers no one in Armenia a betrayer on the national
interests. ‘I can only blame the authorities or someone personally in
illiterate and politically unjustified steps, and if something happens
in prejudice of Armenia, this is a result of the mistakes we made", the
MP said. He thinks the work, carried out by the Interim Parliamentary
Commission on investigation of March 1 events, unsatisfactory as
"Levon Ter-Petrosyan blames Robert Kocharyan for his order to shoot
at the people, while R.

Kocharyan, for his part, blames L. Ter-Petrosyan for instigation to
mass disorders and the attempts of unlawful seizure of power. Moreover,
neither Kocharyan nor Ter-Petrosyan have been examined by the
Commission so far", the MP said.

IMF Forecasts 9.4% Inflation In Armenia In 2008


Oct 10, 2008

YEREVAN, October 10. /ARKA/. The International Monetary Fund (IMF)
forecasts 9.4% inflation in Armenia this year. Inflation is expected to
go down to 5% by next year, the IMF World Economic Outlook presenting
the IMF staff’s analysis of global economic developments.

IMF expects higher inflation rates in the CIS (15.6% in 2008 and 12.6%
in 2009). Kazakhstan is expected to post 17.6% inflation this year and
9.8% in 2009. The fund expects Russia’s inflation to be 14% and 12%
in 2008 and 2009 respectively. Belarus is expected to record 15.3%
(2008) and 9.6% (2009) inflation. IMF forecasts 13% (2008) and 12%
(2009) inflation in Turkmenistan.

Ukraine is likely to face a harsh economic situation with 25.3%
(2008) and 18.8% (2009) inflation.

IMF has made gloomy forecasts for Azerbaijan with 22.4% (2008)
and 20% (2009) inflation. Kyrgyzstan is expected to post 24.5%
(2008) and 12.2% (2009) inflation. Georgia is likely to record 10%
(2008) and 7.6% (2009) inflation. IMF forecasts 13.7% and 9.7%
inflation in Moldova. Tajikistan is expected to record 21.6% and 15.5%
inflation. The fund forecasts 11.1% and 10.6% inflation in Uzbekistan.

To curb inflation pressure, the CIS members should change taxes and
import prices of first-priority goods, reduce domestic taxes and
offer government subsidies for foodstuffs and fuel, as well as set
benchmarks for exports and quotas, IM F says in the report.

As a result of the four-year hike in prices for foodstuffs and fuel
and the forced cut in output, global market saw record-high inflation,
according to IMF.

The developing economies suffered most as a result of price hikes.

The mains reasons for record-high inflation are the lion’s share
of food supply in the consumer’s basket, still high economic growth
rates and ineffective inflation expectations.

IMF experts say the countries that adhere to the inflation targeting
policy (Armenia was the first country in the CIS to adopt inflation
targeting policy in January 2006 – ARKA) recorded lower inflation. The
increase in unused capacities and stabilization of stock markets will
help curb inflation.

IMF expects 2% reduction of inflation in developed countries next
year. As a result of the latest global financial turmoil, inflation
rate is expected to gradually go down in developing economies.

At the same time, IMF specialist say global growth could come in
below their forecasts.

Armenia is expected to record 4% (±1.5%) inflation this year. The
country posted 3.7% inflation between August and September. Prices
went down 0.7% between July and August.


President Of The Court Of Appeal Meets Czech Deputies

09.10.2008 17:38

President of the Civil Court of Appeal of the Republic of Armenia
Edward Muradyan received the delegation of the Commission on
Constitutional and Legal Issues of the Chamber of Deputies of the
Czech Republic headed by Vice-Speaker Jan Kasal.

The President of the Court of Appeal presented the structure of
Armenia’s court system, the activity of the newly created specialized
courts that have been operating since January 2008, and spoke about
the structure and staff of the Civil Court of Appeal. Mr. Muradyan
presented the changes referring to the Judicial Council. He said that
today it actually consists of judges, and the judges and the court
system are responsible for any decision.

Among others, the interlocutors turned to issues of training of judges
and the Judicial School.

International Peace Conference To Be Held In Tbilisi


AZG Armenian Daily


International Peace Conference is to start October 9 in Tbilisi. The
conference is going to be held on the initiative of the leader of
Georgian Orthodox Church Ilya II and with the assistance of the
authorities of the country.

Delegations from the USA, Great Britain, Armenia, Germany, Italia,
Holland, Russia, Poland, Czechia, Bulgaria and Litvania will
participate in the conference, according to the representative of
the Georgian patriarchate.

The Third International Science Conference will be held in the
framework of the International Peace Conference under heading "Dialogue
of civilizations; education and upbringing as means of cooperation
between the sides".

On Expiry Of George Bush’s Term The USA Will Finally Leave Iraq And


2008-10-06 22:20:00

ArmInfo. On expiry of George Bush’s term the USA will finally leave
Iraq and the South Caucasus, independent analyst Richard Kirakossyan
told ArmInfo correspondent.

Actually, the USA is already leaving the Caucasus for many reasons.

Historically Russia has always been and will be in the Caucasus,
and the USA has always been a long way from the region and will keep
staying at a distance, he said. "I think when the 8-year term of Bush
Jr. expires, Americans will finally leave both Iraq and the South
Caucasus", Kirakossyan said.

As for the Turkish initiative of creation of "the Caucasus Platform",
the analyst doesn’t consider the USA to be the real initiator of
the platform.

The USA has never objected to Armenia-Iran relations, it is Turkey
that really comes out against Iran’s participation in the program,
as Turkey’s first natural enemy is not Russia, but Iran.

On the other hand, Turkey wants to assume the role of a country
consolidating other countries of the region, and then as a strong
regional country to deal with Iran, Kirakossyan stressed. In early
August Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan suggested creating a
"Caucasus Platform of Stability and Security" implying participation
of Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Russia, the USA and Turkey.

Eastern Prelacy: Press Release – 110th & 50th Anniversaries

Press Release
Eastern Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America
138 East 39th Street
New York, NY 10016
Tel: (212) 689-7810
Fax: (212) 689-7168
Email: [email protected]
Contact: Iris Papazian

October 6, 2008



NEW YORK, NY—–Extensive preparations are underway for the 50th
anniversary celebration of the establishment of the Prelacy of the Armenian
Apostolic Church in America, under the Catholicosate of Cilicia. This year
also marks the 110th anniversary of the establishment of the Armenian Church
in America, named the Prelacy by Catholicos of all Armenians Khrimian

The gala event will take place on Saturday evening, October 25, at the
Marriott at Glenpointe in Teaneck, NJ, with the reception starting at 7
P.M., and the dinner at 8 P.M. Accompanying the reception will be an
exhibit, and DVD presentation of the Prelacy’s history during the past half

"We are celebrating 50 years of spiritual growth and service, not the
split," states Prelate Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan. "We are celebrating
the spirit of bringing people around the church, and the strengthening of
the family. We are an axel around which revolve all of our sister
organizations working together.

In addition, the Prelacy has sponsored concerts, commemorative events,
publications, and symposiums. These have all been constructed with the
goal of "keeping the Christian faith alive, promoting Armenian identity, and
passing onto the next generation the knowledge of their future, and keeping
the Armenian cause alive," Archbishop Choloyan relates.

Part of the celebration will feature a book, detailing the history of the
Prelacy from its beginnings. "This will be like an art catalog, leaving a
legacy for the future.
We want to relay an inspirational message with the wording." Already
prepared is a traveling exhibition which depicts the Prelacy’s 50-year
history, with two huge panels accompanied by a DVD. In addition to the
national event, parishes will have their own local celebrations, the Prelate


Archbishop Choloyan is currently in his third term as Prelate of the Eastern
Prelacy. In a previous interview, he declared, "Our past, of course, is
important. We must know it, study it, learn from it. But the past is not
our capital. We must always focus on the future, with emphasis on the
education of our children, encouraging them to reach their greatest
potential, but never forgetting their roots."

He credits the former Prelate, Archbishop Mesrob Ashjian who served as
Prelate for 20 years, with the enormous progress that the Prelacy has made.
But he is concerned about the absence of previously active people within the
church. The top priorities for Archbishop Choloyan have been clergy
recruitment and education, parish development, and Christian education. In
this regard, he is ever mindful of using modern technology to reach the

When first elected Prelate in May 1998, Archbishop Choloyan’s first visited
each one of the parishes, and parish development became a priority. He
saw that strong and creative leadership was a necessity. "A religious
community is only as strong as the clerical leaders ministering to it. A
strong pastor makes a strong parish," and thereby the recruitment and
education of young men for the clergy was crucial.

Always looking forward, he acknowledges that reforms are needed. "We need
to embark on a study of self-evaluation and begin a process of renewal. We
need to explore liturgical issues as well as ethical and moral issues that
are so much a part of modern life."

The 50-year history of the Prelacy is "an impressive story of keeping and
transmitting our faith, safeguarding our traditions, keeping the youth
attached to the church, and keeping our community strong and active. Unity
is a noble and lofty goal, even imperative. However, unity is a process
which must be followed if unity is to become a reality. Imposing unity
will not work. We have to prepare the groundwork, and learn to love,
understand, and respect one another. If this is done, then unity will surely


Born in Aleppo, Syria in 1947, young Manoog Choloyan received a strong
ethical and faith-filled foundation from his grandmother, parents, godfather
and uncle. Receiving his primary education at Aleppo’s Haikazian School, he
entered the Seminary at age 13, though he had been singing in the local
church since he was five years old. "The Church was such a constant and
strong part of our early family life," he has said, and recalls that he and
his brothers would "play church".

Accepted into the Cilician See’s Seminary in Antelias in 1960, he was
ordained a deacon in 1964, a celibate priest in 1967, Bishop in 1994, and
Archbishop in 1998. He recalls fondly that during his time in the Seminary,
he never felt homesick. "I was at home in the Seminary."

The Prelate’s illustrious career includes teaching in the Mardigian School,
the Karen Jeppe Jemaran in Aleppo, attending the American University of
Beirut, and the Princeton Theological Seminary where he earned two Master’s
degrees. As a Princeton student, then-Prelate Archbishop Karekin Sarkissian
used his talents throughout the many churches in the Prelacy. He became
locum tenens of the Eastern Prelacy in 1977, returned to Lebanon to teach at
the Seminary in 1979, and was appointed pontifical legate to Kuwait and the
Arab Emirates in 1980. For the 1700th anniversary of Christian Armenia, he
was assigned as co-chairman of the central committee.

One of his most ambitious programs became the translation of the Bible into
western Armenian which he worked on with his closest friend Archbishop Zareh
Aznavourian of blessed memory. With the completion of the New Testament,
regarded by the Bible Society as one of the best translations, they embarked
on the Old Testament, left incomplete due to the illness and death of
Archbishop Aznavourian. As a fitting memorial to the Archbishop, he is
committed to completing the project with the aid of the Bible Society and a
group of new translators.

He regards as his greatest contribution the preparation, with Archbishop
Aznavourian, of five volumes of Armenian sharagans, most not available on
paper, and only passed through from one generation to the next through oral

On the 50th anniversary of the Prelacy, Archbishop Choloyan’s eloquent
message to every Armenian is, "Do not just stand on the sidelines. Come
into the arena, be active, be a participant, always with the goal of
building the Church and making it stronger for the glory of God."

Formation Of "Armenian World" To Help Increase It Potential Of Armen


Oct 6, 2008

YEREVAN, October 6. /ARKA/. Formation of "Armenian world" will
allow increasing IT potential of Armenia by ten times and may
become Armenia’s advantage as compared with competitor-countries,
the country’s Premier Tigran Sargsyan said at the opening of the
second Armenian Technology Congress (ArmTech).

Information technologies have become a field of cooperation for all
Armenians, and the first ArmTech held in California in 2007 gave a
serious impetus to development of IT sector and raising specialists’
and investors’ interest in Armenia, the Premier said.

Earlier Sargsyan said that only "Armenian world" uniting Armenia,
Nagorno-Karabakh Republic and Armenian communities abroad can be a
global competition entity in the modern world.

The second Armenian Technology Congress ArmTech opened in Yerevan

About 250 representatives of IT sectors from the USA, Russia, France
and other European countries, Middle Asia and South America participate
in the congress.

Not Right and Not Fair


Hayots Ashkhar Daily
04 Oct 2008

According to Hrayr Karapetyan: `The court procedures have not yet
started. Only the inquest is in process. All the cases are handed over
to the courts. So it is too early to say whether or not there are
political prisoners in our country. One thing we should all understand:
it is impossible to grant amnesty to everyone. Ten people died.
Hundreds were injured and became invalids. Massive disorders have been
organized. So there are guilty ones, and we shouldn’t pretend that
nothing has happened and everyone should be released.

CIS IPA Secreta General Visits Armenian Parliament


[04:54 pm] 03 October, 2008

On October 3 Speaker of the National Assembly of Armenia Hovik
Abrahamian received the Secretary General of the CIS Interparliamentary
Assembly (IPA) Mikhail Krotov.

During the meeting Mr. Krotov conveyed to NA Speaker the
congratulations of the President of the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly
Sergey Mironov and the President of the CSTO Interparliamentary
Assembly Boris Gryzlov on the occasion of his election to the post
of Chairman of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia.

The parties attached importance to the role of the CIS
Interparliamentary Assembly over post-Soviet area. NA Speaker Hovik
Abrahamian underlined that Armenia has been one of the founding members
of the CIS IPA and actively works in the organization. Mr. Abrahamian
expressed willingness to continue actively participating in the works
of the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly, contribute to the raise of
its role as an important and significant organization.

Reference was made to issues on the agenda of the 31st plenary session
of the CIS IPA to be held in Saint Petersburg November 24-25. Hovik
Abrahamian assured the National Assembly delegation will participate
in the sitting.