Republic Of Armenia MFA Refuted Reports That Turkish Proposal On Kar


02.10.2008 17:52 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The Armenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs refuted
Azeri media reports that "Turkey’s proposal on resolution of the
Nagorno Karabakh conflict is on the table."

"The talks are continued on the basis of OSCE Minsk Group’s Madrid
proposals," Tigran Balayan, head of the RA MFA media relations
division, told a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter.

According to Azeri media, Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan, Elmar
Mammadyarov, said Turkey submitted an interesting proposal on the
Nagorno Karabakh conflict peaceful resolution. The proposal ‘is
already on the bargaining table’, according to him.

"During our trilateral meeting we found the initiative interesting and
constructive and capable to bring stability and peace to the region,"
Mammadyarov said.

Baku: Azerbaijani Parliament Ratified Friendship And Partnership Dec

[email protected]

Trend News Agency
02.10.08 15:50

Azerbaijan, Baku, 2 October/ TrendNews, corr I. Alizade/ The
Azerbaijani Parliament ratified Declaration on Friendship and
Partnership between Republic of Azerbaijan and Russian Federation
in autumn session of the parliament on 2 October. The document was
signed by President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and Russian President
Dmitry Medvedev in Baku on 3 July 2008.

The Declaration says that the parties will continue comprehensive
development of full right, mutually beneficial and constructive
relations of strategic nature.

"The parties will deepen dialogue in all spheres and concerning
international and regional problems. The parties state the importance
of enhancing cooperation," declaration said.

The declaration said parties appreciate efforts of OSCE Minsk Group
co-chairmen and Russia to solve Nagorno-Karabakh conflict soon by
peaceful means.

"Azerbaijan and Russia state importance of resolution of
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict under international principles, sovereignty,
territorial integrity and inviolability of borders and complying
with the resolutions of UN Security Council and OSCE decisions,"
Declaration said.

The parties stated wish to strengthen and deepen technical
cooperation. The document said parties will help CIS increase

Baku: Joseph Shagal: "Both Economic Associations And Military Allian


02 October 2008 [13:09] – Today.Az

Day.Az interview with Joseph Shagal, deputy of Israeli Knesset and
chairman of the Israel-Azerbaijan interparliamentary group.

– Mass medias have recently reported that in line with an existing
bilateral agreement, Israel will supply Azerbaijan with ammunitions
for hundreds of millions of shekel. This includes advanced missile
systems, communication means, military facilities and equipment,
produced by concerns "Taasiya tsvait" and "Tadiran". Do you consider
this information reliable or is it a lie, aimed at consumption in
some countries of the region?

– Except for the announcement of the Gaarets newspaper, you are
referring to, I do not have any official confirmation or denial of
this information either from Israeli or Azerbaijani official sources.

– The same Gaarets newspaper states that the contacts between Jerusalem
and Baku have intensified due to the Iranian threat. Do you consider
that such threat is possible against Azerbaijan?

– I can answer positively to the first part of your question: the
political, economic and cultural contacts between Jerusalem and Baku
are really active and fruitful, which is, naturally, encouraging for
the supporters of the Azerbaijani-Israeli cooperation, whose number
is not small in our and, I hope, your country.

As for the second part of the question, it should be put to the
leadership of Azerbaijan, which has its own vision of the strategic
situation in the region.

The fact that you do not ask me whether there is an Iranian threat
for Israel evidences that this question does not raise any doubts
in you. As for Israel, we are confident that the accelerated rates
of the Iranian nuclear program and stubborn ignoring of the demands
of IAEA controllers are a real threat not only for Israel, but also
for the whole civilian world.

– The information about possible supplies of advanced weapon to
Azerbaijan by Israel via Turkey appeared in press several years
ago. The possible creation of the military alliance of these two
countries was also spoken of. Is this idea real?

– It is real. But the question is: how much it corresponds to the
state and national interests of each of the three countries.

I would remind that the idea of creation of such a alliance when needed
is not new. The analysts’ proposal of the reality of the strategic
axle Baku -Ankara – Jerusalem first appeared in western press more
than a decade ago, almost, simultaneously with the encapsulation of
the Karabakh conflict and occupation of a large part of Azerbaijan by
Armenians. The idea appeared due to the balanced position of Baku,
which did not allow to launch a large scale war in the Caucasus
region. In other words, Azerbaijan, in the last years of the 20th
century, declared himself to be a serious player, which avoids military
and political adventures and maximally uses all opportunities for
the peaceful resolution of the conflict. To my mind: both economic
associations and military alliances can be created with such a partner
– if there is a need and a direct interest of the Azerbaijani Republic.

– During the recent conflict in Georgia, some representatives of
Moscow, accused Israel of "illegal armament of Georgia". Do you admit
the possibility of such dark sides in the Georgian-Israeli military

– I do not quite understand the phrase "illegal armament of
Georgia". Has the world community imposed embargo on the supplies
of weapons to Georgia, which Israel, by example of the same Iran,
supplying weapons to religions fans of Hizbullah and HAMAS, has

This is an absolutely legal trade of arms, which, as you know, is one
of the main articles of Iranian export. I would also like to note that
Israeli military supplies to Georgia were absolutely "transparent"
and limited by quite an "easy" complex of ammunitions, including
shooting guns, some kinds of artillery, explosives, missile defense
and communication means, reconnaissance pilotless jets and shells. As
is seen, we did not supply any advanced jets, or tanks or attacking
missile complexes to Georgia (despite persistent requests of Tbilisi).

Moreover, after the first attacks on Tskhinvali, Israeli stopped
its military supplies to Georgia and withdrew all representatives of
the firms, supplying arms to Georgia, from this country, which was
positively assessed even in Moscow. As you see, there are no "dark"
sides in the Georgian-Israeli military cooperation.

– Before the aforementioned events around South Ossetia Moscow was
speaking much of the active use of pilotless jets of Israeli production
by Georgia. On the whole, which military technique and ammunitions,
produced in Israeli, can be the most urgent in the South Caucasus

– I think you know that Israeli military industry is producing almost
the whole range of advanced highly technological ammunitions. We do
not conceal it from anyone. On the list of the countries- the world
exporters of arms, Israel retains the place among the five leaders,
which is, undoubtedly, the remarkable achievement of the Israeli

On the other hand – I have partially spoken of it, answering the
previous question – Israel is a democratic country, where export of
arms is under stiff control of the state. Israel will never supply
arms to a country, if this may affect the security of neighbor
states, destabilize the political situation in a definite region
or have a negative impact on the Jewish community of this country,
even theoretically.

Though I’m not a specialist in the sphere of armament and I have no
idea of which Israeli military technique or weapons may become urgent
in the South Caucasus region, I do not doubt that in any case the
issue will be settled not by the countries, which need these arms,
but by Israel, which has these arms…

– Which of the South Caucasus countries is the most perspective
military partner of Israel?

– As a historian, I remember that military cooperation is impossible
without a political one. Israel, due to its unique geopolitical
location, is always ready to expand the circle of its friends, which
envisions the positive attitude of a partner towards Israel and the
Jewish community in this country.

Israel really needs friends, partners and states, with whom it can
build mutually profitable relations on a long-term basis. I hope you
understand that such relations are created on the basis of stable
political, economic, diplomatic, scientific and cultural cooperation
on all levels and only after it, when cooperation grows into stable
friendly relations, the issue of partnership in the sphere of defense
can be raised.

Considering my experience, based on 40 years of living in Baku, I hope
that Azerbaijan has everything for becoming such a partner to Israel.

Armen Grigorian Elected President Of World Committee Of Pan-Armenian


Noyan Tapan

Se p 29, 2008

YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 29, NOYAN TAPAN. A general assembly of the
World Committee of the Pan-Armenian Games took place in Yerevan on
September 29.

10 issues were on the agenda. The committee president, former foreign
minister of the RA Vartan Oskanian summarized the work done over the
past 4 years.

Then an election was held, as a result of which the RA minister of
sport and youth issues, secretary general of the National Olympic
Committee of Armenia (NOCA) Armen Grigorian was elected the president
of the World Committee of the Pan-Armenian Games. Hrant Bardakchian
(Canada) and Stepan Der-Petrosian (Lebanon) were re-elected the vice
presidents. Robert Janibekian, the head of a NOCA’s unit, was elected
the secretary general.

The composition of a 25-member executive committee was approved,
and some amendments were made to the regulations. The program of
basketball and football matches to be held every second year under
the 2009 Program of Pan-Armenian Games was approved.

Wake Up Kurdistan!

By Axin Arbili

28/09/2008 00:00:00

There is no change for the better; there is no turning point in our
history: The anti-Kurdish forces of the past are the anti-Kurdish
forces of today. Despite the end of Saddam’s dictatorship five years
ago, there is still no freedom for the Kurds, no free Kurdistan
even in so-called liberated Iraq. Our enemies are busy, as ever,
with maintaining the status quo in the Middle East, and they are
successful. In return for Kurdish efforts of reconciliation and
goodwill, Arabs, with the help of the Turks, have stopped the
referendum in Kerkuk and are now doing everything to abolish that
constitutional requirement and right. The Kurdish city and especially
the oil there are still regarded "Arab patrimony", and under Saddam
this meant Anfal: large-scale ethnic cleansing, deportations,
displacement, genocide.

The Kurdish genocide; the murder of more than 350,000 people, the
displacement of millions; the depopulation and destructions of the
Kurdish landscape seems to have quietly disappeared from collective
conscious, from the collective memory and public political discourse;
it has almost become irrelevant to our leaders. Nobody remembers
the referendum in which the Kurdish people in the south declared
their will for self-determination and independence; today we do
not see the implementation of the only legitimate will, but we see
the instructions and will of Washington, Baghdad, Damascus, Tehran,
Ankara being implemented. The Kurdish leaders in Iraq have become
collaborators and clients of US global empire.

The question to be asked and answered is thus: What did the Peshmerga
actually fight for in "Operation Iraqi Freedom"? Did they really fight
for Kurdish freedom or did they risk their lives so that instead of
Sunni Arabs their Shiite kin get the opportunity to rule Baghdad
and thus Kurdistan? The answer is quite clear. We missed a unique
opportunity to tell our enemies and the world that we don’t want to
be part of that criminal and hated creation of British imperialism
called Iraq; that we want the sanctity of our homelands recognized
under international law, that we want a free and sovereign Kurdish
society, protected by a Kurdish state and army; that the insults,
intimidations, threats, aggressions, crimes against us must end for
once and all. Instead of doing the right thing, the Kurdish leaders
decided to become presidents and foreign ministers of that terror
state of Iraq; we see how they listen to our enemies and follow
imperial instructions; we see that there is no progress and peace
for our nation. In the political and cultural realities of the world,
we do not even exist. We are called Iraqis; south Kurdistan is just
northern Iraq in the eyes of the "international community" and others.

The scale of racial hatred against any form of Kurdish independence
or even a Kurdish city administration is unimaginably deep and
egregious when we compare that the Arabs already have 22 (twenty-two)
independent sovereign countries with tens of thousands of rich cities
and a population of 350 to 400 million; that there are 7 (seven)
independent sovereign Turkic states, 16 (sixteen) Autonomous Turkic
republics, with a Turkish/Turkic population of more than 200 million;
that the combined Arab und Turkish land masses represent a vast area
stretching from the Atlantic Ocean to Central Asia and beyond; that
Turks and Arabs fully enjoy all human and ethnic rights monitored under
international law. Despite all of their territorial and material wealth
(including the largest oil reserves), despite their numerous states,
and despite calling themselves compassionate Muslims, Turks and Arabs
are not willing to allow the Kurds, who have no other allies or kin,
let alone friends, to exercise the same human and ethnic rights,
to have their historical, moral, legal rights for self-determination
and for their own sovereign country realised.

The "international community" couldn’t care less. Arab oil and
Nato-membership of Turkey are too precious for the West to jeopardize
by supporting the despised, poor and powerless Kurds. Consequently
and historically the USA/EU/NATO have supported their client states
rather than supporting democracy and justice in the region. Outside
the western spheres, there is no such thing anyway. There are only
vital strategic and material interests. There is no right or wrong,
moral or immoral for the West when it comes to its vital interests;
there is only the will and force to achieve the objectives by all
means, at any costs, including genocides. In the Middle East, these
are access and control of the energy reserves and expansion of control
to yet uncontrolled regions (Iran, Caucasus, Central Asia, etc.). In
the new strategy paper of the US military for the 21st century, it is
now explicitly and officially stated what has been US foreign policy
practice for decades and centuries: continuous warfare for depleting
energy, food and water resources together with their European kin
and local puppets. Since these resources are in other countries and
belong to other peoples/races, the US military officially declares to
continue targeting the indigenous populations whenever necessary; it
other words, there is no distinction between civilian and military;
the other culture as a whole is an enemy of the US if it’s in the
way. Freedom? Democracy? Only the most naïve and manipulated can
still believe in a benevolent Uncle Sam.

So while the Arabs are attacking us in "legal" ways and/or by using
terror to prevent Kerkuk becoming part of Kurdish administration; all
of the Kurdish territories are under constant attack by the Turkish
air force to kill as many "Kurdish terrorists" (= free Kurds) as
possible. The Turks are assisted by the Iranian army, and the actions
of both the Turkish and Iranian military are approved and supported
by the USA/West! On the one side Kemalists and Mullahs are conducting
warfare against a defenseless people in open violation of all rules
and conventions; on the other there is the "international community"
deliberately looking away and allowing crimes against humanity. The UN
general meeting demonstrated this once again openly and directly when
representatives, including Ahmadinejad, delivered their speeches. He
was talking about God, justice, beauty, harmony, brotherhood of man,
while at the same time the Iranian army is carrying out its war against
the Kurdish population; and the "international community" is wondering
whether or not Iran has peaceful intentions toward the West. These are
satanic double standards and they show unambiguously that the West
is not bothered about the Kurdish situation and fate. The barbarism
of the Turkish/Iranian military is matched by the selfish brutality
of the West. While some delegations were absent; the foreign minister
of Iraq, who is a Kurd, was present and listening. And not only was he
present and listening, he actually applauded when this prophet of evil
finished his deceitful speech. It was like a scene from a nightmare
or directly from hell. I could only feel shame and anger as there
can be no understanding let alone justification for such disgraceful
behaviour. How can you, as a Kurd, applaud him when this man only
has murderous contempt for you and your people. He is the head of a
state which is determined to crush Kurdish rights, which imprisons,
tortures and kills Kurdish intellectuals and human rights activists;
which has been cooperating with the Turks for centuries in occupying
and exploiting Kurdish lands; which has always been anti-Kurdish in
theory and practice. Knowing all of this, how can you just sit there
comfortably, listen and applaud this false prophet when you could,
in your position as foreign minister, inform the world public of
Iranian and Turkish atrocities?

Our enemies will not take us serious with such figures, they can only
laugh at us and do what they like. No wonder that the world has no
clue about our tragedy, that the only thing they can relate Kurds to
is either terrorism or that we are just plain stupid or masochistic.

The Turks have been demonstrating their contempt for centuries. While
we are begging for some democracy; their "constitutional court"
is considering the closure of the only Kurdish party in Turkey just
because this party wants a free and democratic society with equal
rights for every one and, above all, because it is a Kurdish party
that represents the Kurds. For the military rulers in Ankara, Kurds
representing Kurds and insisting on Kurdish right is just another
form of terrorism that needs to be eradicated. As all the previous
Kurdish parties were shut down, it is more than likely that this
one will also have the same fate. Even if it is not shut down now,
it will be reminded of the Turkish sword hanging over its head,
ready to be used at any time the party/Kurds say anything different
than Kemalist state slogans.

We need to wake up and understand: Democracy is not in the interest
of the ruling elites as it would mean the end of Kemalism/Turkish
supremacy. Consequently there is no real democracy, all these Turkish
parties, the parliament, the courts, the government only a facade
for the "international community". Behind the scenes, the US-backed
generals pull the strings and make these puppets move as they wish. If
one of them dares to get out of line, there is always the threat
and possibility of a military coup to re-arrange and re-install the
Kemalist order even more brutally. But as the Turkish society has
been thoroughly Kemalized by the Kemalofascist military, bureaucracy,
and judiciary for almost a century, and as it has also been thoroughly
Islamized by the their Muslim leaders, with their strong economic base;
there is no danger of any form of subversion from the Turkish people
against the status quo or any wish for real democracy. As long as
there is Western support and financing of the Turkish fascist order,
as long as the Kurds have no voice and are powerless slaves of Western
and local forces; the Turks, Arabs, Iranians, Westerners are quite
content and happy with the status quo called "Middle East".

Given these global, geostrategic, socio-political realities, any talk
of democratization of such societies becomes ridiculous, absurd if
not pathological. And it is absolute and utter hubris to believe,
let alone to suggest that Kurds, as freedom fighters or as political
fighters, could democratize Arab or Turkish societies in any way. Not
only that Kurds don’t have the means, but they also don’t have the
right to attempt any such mad thing. If these societies or states
prefer a Kemalist, Baathist, Islamist system or whatever system they
want, it is their decision and choice. These are separate societies,
separate peoples, separate states. Even Israel, the nuclear and
industrial superpower of the region, makes no claim or has a plan
of democratizing the Palestinian Arabs or any other Arabs for that
matter; how can Kurds talk about democratizing others?! This form of
thinking is purely idealistic, wishful, delusional and thus a total
waste of time. It will not help our cause in any way, it has just
hindered it and blocked real progress, and thus it only has played
into the hands of our enemies.

But we have no more time to lose. We are dealing with hostile barbaric
forces which only have contempt for us if we try to civilize them
with democratic rhetorics and plans. They insult us, spit into our
faces, torture and kill us in return to demonstrate that there is no
such thing as Kurdish rights. Look around, animals even have more
rights in Turkey, Iran, Syria and in the world than Kurds. They
make it absolutely clear and act upon the understanding that it’s
in nobody’s interest that we exist.. The Turks, Arabs, Iranians have
been carrying out physical and cultural genocides against the Kurdish
nation without any action, even without any real protest from that
"civilized international community". Although on legal and moral
basis, these states ought to be sanctioned, boycotted and punished;
you see how they are officially recognized and welcomed at every
international forum and in every organization.

Wake up and understand; begging for democracy will not bring us
anywhere. Has it brought us the freedom of our language, the freedom
of speech, freedom for education in our native language; are there
any Kurdish institutions, universities? Where are the Kurdish names
for our children, towns, landscapes? While we should be demanding our
right for self-determination and independence, we don’t even dare to
ask for some form of autonomy. The Kemalist and Islamist Turks will
not accept even the basic human and ethnic rights; and the democratic
Turks are only a few and totally powerless. What they are selling as
democratic reforms is meaningless in practice or simply a show for
the entertainment of the EU.

Wake up and understand: The Turks are afraid of real democracy. They
instinctively know that it would mean losing more or even all of their
conquered lands. They are not the indigenous people of this region
and thus feel insecure in foreign territory. 500 years of occupation
of Anatolia has not changed this fundamental reality in the Turkish
psyche. They are descendants of conquerors and occupiers and there is
no way back. As the Ottoman Empire was created and maintained with the
Turkish sword, so today physical force remains the only instrument
to maintain what is left. With the end of their empire, there is
only one remaining target: the Kurds. As long as there are Kurds,
they will be reminded that they are illegal occupiers; that it is
not their country; that they are intruders; thieves, murderers. Real
democracy will necessarily lead to acknowledgement of these facts,
recognition of the Assyrian, Greek, Armenian, Kurdish genocides,
and to compensation. Therefore, real democracy is not in the interest
of the Turkish people as a principle, and it will never happen under
such conditions.

Wake up and understand: A peaceful, equal, democratic co-existence
between the Turkish and Kurdish peoples within the same borders is
impossible as the Turks don’t accept the Kurdish nation. Therefore,
it is wrong to think and irresponsible to suggest that as Kurds we do
not need our own protective state when history clearly demonstrates
and teaches that peoples and populations were massacred and genocided
precisely because they did not have their own protective states,
precisely because they did not have borders to protect them from
genocidal assault.

Has mankind changed meantime? Do we now live in a world of brotherhood
and justice? Have we overcome our barbaric instincts of attacking and
destroying other cultures, of conquering other countries and enslaving
native populations? Do warfare and ethnic cleansing belong to the
past? Do cultures and countries fully and harmoniously cooperate
to overcome their problems? Has the fighting and murdering for
resources stopped, has the desire for imperial world dominion ended,
are conflicts now being finally settled peacefully?

No, nothing has changed and the US and their "allies" are making sure
that nothing will change and business continues as usual.

Democracy is not their language, so it should not be the one to use
when confronted by them. This is a life or death confrontation, it is
literally about survival or total annihilation. There is no time for
illusions and self-delusions, we finally need to wake up and do what
is possible and necessary. Let’s be clear and remember: In the Turkish
and world media, in the propaganda of Western real-politics, we are
terrorists whatever we do or say; the Turks and others make sure that
our legitimate demands are officially regarded as terrorism and fought.

We need to focus on the task ahead: It is to fight for the liberation
of Kurdistan, for the creation of a united Kurdish state. This is our
right and obligation – and it is justified historically, morally,
legally! This must be our only goal and it must be the goal of all
Kurds under foreign occupation. An independent sovereign state is not
a theoretical concept, it is essential to the life and culture of a
people; it is the home, shelter, protector of the people. It is the
only guarantor of its future! How can one deprecate the importance of
a state? How can one suggest that it is an ideological entity; that it
is a bourgeois invention or plot? That is absolutely irresponsible and
the propaganda of the enemy. Our only chance is a clear understanding
of our situation and determined implementation of a strategy leading
to the declaration of the state of Kurdistan. Otherwise there will
be no freedom, no security, and above all, there will be no dignity,
no honour for the Kurdish nation. Without our own state; the Kurdish
people will continue being in slavery, will remain at the mercy of
hostile, aggressive powers, and will be constantly at risk of total
physical annihilation by these powers at any time.

There is no other way but absolute liberation. The West has and
will not help. On the contrary, with the Baku-Ceyhan pipeline,
running through ancient Armenian and Kurdish territories, the
American-Turkish-Israeli-Georgian alliance has been cemented for
good. We must now seek for some kind of cooperation based on the
principle that the enemy of your enemy is your friend. In our case,
our enemies’ enemies are Russia and China. The US and Nato have
plotted new strategies to harm these countries and keep them out
of the central Asian oil and gas markets. Two new power blocks
are forming now, the NATO plus local clients led by the USA/EU
on the aggressive-imperial side and the SCO (Shanghai Cooperation
Organization) and CSTO (Collective Security Treaty Organization)
led by Russia and China on the defensive side. We are right in the
middle of this confrontation, which seems to be inevitable and could
lead to global wars. It will be impossible to remain neutral and if
we don’t want to be crushed by both, we need to decide now where we
will stand to achieve our goal of a free recognized Kurdistan.

–Boundary_(ID_2DHot5+KeJMJeodBQRMhiQ) —

AGBU NYSEC’s "Debut Concert" at Carnegie Hall Sells Out, Raises $50K

AGBU Press Office
55 East 59th Street
New York, NY 10022-1112
Phone: 212.319.6383, x118
Fax: 212.319.6507
Email: [email protected]


Friday, September 26, 2008

AGBU NYSEC’s "Debut Concert" at Carnegie Hall Sells Out, Raises $50,000
for Scholarships

On Saturday, September 20, 2008, "A Debut Concert" attracted an audience
of 300 and raised over $50,000 for AGBU Performing Arts scholarships.
Organized by the AGBU New York Special Events Committee (NYSEC), the
concert at Weill Recital Hall of New York’s Carnegie Hall showcased the
talent of 16 young artists who have benefited from AGBU’s performing
arts scholarships.

The evening was a celebration of music, both Armenian and Western. The
program included a world premiere of Tigran Martikyan’s "The Dance of
Spring" and the U.S. premiere of Kevork Andonian’s "Rhapsody for String

Pre-event efforts raised over $50,000 from AGBU donors, whose support
will ensure that the scholarship endowment for performing artists
continues to grow and support artistic excellence. The evening’s
performing artists included seven pianists: Hayk Arsenyan (NY), Dr.
Sarkis Baltaian (LA), Tigran Martikyan (NY), Sofya Melikyan (NY), Mariam
Nazarian (Boston), Vardan Ovsepian (Boston) and Karine Poghosyan (NY);
two violinists: Aroussiak Baltaian (LA) and Cecee Pantikian (NY); four
cellists: Ani Kalayjian, Lilit Kurdiyan, Hrant Parsamian and Kevork
Parsamian (all of NY); a singer: mezzo-soprano Solange Merdinian (NY); a
French horn player: Raffi Dimoian (NY); and three composers: Kevork
Andonian (LA), Tigran Martikyan (NY) and Vardan Ovsepian (Boston).

The program was under the artistic direction of two of the performers,
Solange Merdinian and Ani Kalayjian, who dedicated countless hours to
the evening’s success. The event was organized by the AGBU NYSEC
committee, which includes Anita Anserian, Carol Aslanian, Betty
Cherkezian, Nila Festekjian, Maral Hajjar, Hilda Hartounian, Maral
Jebejian, Gacia Mangassarian, Vesna Markarian, Sossy Setrakian and Vera
Setrakian, with invaluable support from Hripsime Roupen, Administrator
of the AGBU Scholarship Program.

NYSEC committee member and AGBU Central Board Member Carol Aslanian
noted the importance of the concert in raising awareness about AGBU’s
Scholarship Program. "The professionalism of our students was
remarkable. Everyone was impressed with the quality of the performances
and the program of music. Given my longtime involvement with AGBU’s
Scholarship Program, I was so pleased to see the Armenian-American
public recognize the importance of our commitment to these students, who
are representative of the best world-class young musicians."

In addition to its mission to raise awareness among the public, the
event also offered a rare opportunity for performers to reconnect with
their cultural roots and meet fellow musicians. "I was thrilled to
rehearse and play with all these other young performers; everyone was so
kind and open," says violist Aleksander Nazaryan, who originally hails
from Armenia. "It was a rare occasion where I could really enjoy being
Armenian and performing in a foreign land. I appreciate AGBU’s
organization of this event, which brought us all together. Hopefully we
can have more events in the future where we can celebrate being Armenian
through music."

Another musician, Sarkis Baltaian, who is originally from Bulgaria but
currently lives and works in Alabama, shared the sentiment: "I enjoyed
being part of the great musical celebration AGBU organized. It was a
real pleasure collaborating with all AGBU artists who were superb!"

For many decades, AGBU grants have been awarded to hundreds of talented
and qualified students of Armenian descent, who are studying in the
performing arts and have demonstrated excellence in their chosen fields.
These awards enable recipients to achieve their potential, laying the
foundation for their future, as they celebrate their heritage and
identity. Past recipients have studied at distinguished conservatories
and universities worldwide, such as The Juilliard School, Manhattan
School of Music, Komitas State Conservatory, Yale University, Mannes
College of Music, the Royal Northern College of Music, and the Vienna

Those who would like to a make a contribution to sustain and support the
AGBU Scholarship Program for Performing Arts students may contact AGBU
by phone, 212-319-6383, or email, [email protected].

Established in 2003, NYSEC is committed to upholding AGBU’s mission to
preserve and promote the Armenian identity and heritage in the Greater
New York region through educational, cultural and humanitarian programs.

For more information about AGBU and its worldwide programs, please visit

Homage To The Fromage

By Andrea Girardin

Cornell University The Cornell Daily Sun
September 26, 2008 – 12:00am

The French like to say that "a meal without cheese is like a beautiful
woman with only one eye." Cyclops phobia aside, I’ve never said no
to the fromage. Ever. Ask the jeans I wore in Paris.

James Joyce, on the other hand, called cheese the "corpse of milk."

No offense, Jimbo, but it’s so much more than that.

Milk does not become cheese to die. Milk becomes cheese to transcend,
well, everything.

Cheese ferments at the delicate intersection of culture and
politics. It is essentially the culinary equivalent of Jesus.

It has long staved off famines and soothed weary travelers. In modern
times, legions of housewives, pizzerias, and Mexican restaurants
everywhere have melted it into comfort food sainthood. Devout cults
have formed in some countries to worship the various incarnations of
the dairy nectar.

It has been, across time and place, the great unifier and divider.

Andrew Jackson, the 7th President of the United States, was famously
sent a 1,400-pound wheel of cheese by a New York dairy farmer in
1835. He left it to age in the White House entrance hall for two years
(the smell must have been delightful). Jackson then held an open party
and invited the public to come and eat this cheese. It was gone in
a mere two hours.

Andy Jackson understood that cheese was a vehicle by which politicians
could reach the people. He had 1,400 pounds of cheese and a reputation
to uphold. They were hungry. It all worked out.

Fast-forward a century to June 1940. Winston Churchill was certain
that France would be on the winning side of the war because "a country
producing almost 360 types of cheese cannot die."

His old buddy Charles De Gaulle, in his later attempts to rein in
a distinctly vivacious Fifth Republic, expressed his exasperation,
asking how one "could be expected to govern a country that has 246
kinds of cheese."

They weren’t exactly strong on the math, but they were on to
something. Cheese is to France as money is to Wall Street. The two are
inextricably and often frustratingly linked in their roller coaster
ride across history.

In 2008, France produces more than 1,000 distinct varieties of
cheese and is the world’s largest cheese exporter. The EU’s Common
Agricultural Policy covers many French cheeses through a Protected
Designation of Origin, which means that traditional specialties are
immune for all of bureaucratic perpetuity.

In this cocoon of legislative security, the French population consumes
more cheese per capita than any other nation on Earth (except Greece,
their feta be damned). And, as attested by the number of gorgeous
two-eyed Parisian women, every meal ends with the tangy hardness of
a Comté, the redolent stench of a ripe Pont-l’Ã~Ivêque, the buttery
cream of a Brie-de-Meaux, or the nuttiness of a Tomme de Savoie.

To the French, anything pasteurized and packaged in plastic represents
a callous affront to the collective psyche of the nation.

I discovered the hard way that even REFRIGIRATION proves scandalous.

I had a colleague in Marseille (let’s call her Martine) who loved to
impart her French ways upon my heathen North American soul. She used to
invite me to her apartment for elaborate Sunday eating marathons. One
week, I went into her kitchen before the 17th course and noticed the
unmistakable stench of Brie emanating from under a clear plastic case
on the counter. I made the mistake of asking her why she didn’t put
her cheese in the fridge.

"But Andréa, you never put zee fromage in zee fridge! You kill zee
cheese! KILL! It must ripen and evolve like all living zhings!"

To this day, Martine refuses to believe that I would commit the crime
of refrigeration.

For her and her people, the Kraft Single goes beyond ultimate
insult. It is the stuff of freaky science fiction.

Yet the nation that birthed the Kraft Single is just as deeply marked
by le fromage.

The United States ranks as the world’s foremost cheese producer. Total
output was a whopping 9.67 billion pounds in 2007.

That says as much about America as Brie does about France.

Even more telling is cheese’s role as the American wedge issue par

In a now-famous 2007 campaign stop, Arugula Obama was born in Iowa
causing, as we say in Québec, "a storm in a water glass." Thus, while
visiting Philadelphia this April, he was viciously criticized for his
elitist sampling of artisanal goat cheese and Spanish ham that retailed
at $100 per pound and his failure to chow down a Philly cheesesteak.

And for extra-sharp distinction, while Obama made stellar photo-op
stops in the Middle East on July 23rd, the media caught up with John
McCain in a supermarket in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. He held a press
conference about his misstatements on the troop surge — in front of
an aisle of hanging processed cheese.

Meanwhile, during some free Sargento airtime in America, cheese rocked
its culinary Jesus role on the other side of the world. On May 14th,
a giant round of "Caucasian cheese" was unveiled in Armenia by a
group of Turks and Armenians. They hoped that their "regional peace
cheese" could act as a symbol of their desire to reopen the sealed
Turkish-Armenian border. Then, on September 6th, Turkey’s president
traveled to Armenia, making the first visit by a Turkish leader in
the nations’ complicated history.

Take that, James Joyce.

Andréa Girardin is a senior in the College of Arts and Sciences. She
can be contacted at [email protected]. Raisin d’être appears alternate
Fridays. The Sun thanks Prof. Isaac Kramnick, government for the De
Gaulle reference.

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Armenia To Strive For Increasing Csto Efficiency In Period Of Its Ch


Noyan Tapan

Se p 24, 2008

YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 24, NOYAN TAPAN. In conditions of contradictory
geopolitical interests and international terrorism danger each
individual country’s security can be provided only thanks to
collective efforts. CSTO gives such a possibility to its member
seven countries. Hrayr Karapetian, the RA NA Vice-Speaker, said at
the sitting of Commission on Issues of Defence and Security of CSTO
Interparliamentary Assembly held on September 24 at the RA National

According to him, besides cooperation in military-technical,
military-economic, and military-educational spheres, joint fighting
international terrorism, illegal circulation of drugs is very important
in CSTO activity. Besides, creation of information security system
is in the focus of attention today.

The NA Speaker attached importance to activity of CSTO parliamentary
structure, which should ensure the legal side of organization’s

Touching upon Armenia’s role in CSTO, H. Karapetian quotted the words
of CSTO Secretary General Nikolay Bordyuzha, according to which Armenia
is a reliable partner proved by time and plays a leading role in the
military contingent of CSTO in the Caucasion region.

The NA Vice-Speaker reminded that many events and visits were
held in 2008 in Armenia within the framework of CSTO, Rubezh-2008
joint trainings were also held, and on September 5 Armenia assumed
chairmanship in CSTO. He also reminded the statement of RA President
Serzh Sargsyan that in the period of its chairmanship Armenia will
exert all efforts for increasing efficiency of organization’s activity.

Congress Of Canadian-Armenians Supports Three Candidates In Coming E


Noyan Tapan
Sep 24, 2008

Armenians (CCA) today declared its support for the candidacy of
Stéphane Dion, Agop Evereklian and Eleni Bakopanos in the Canadian
general election that will be held on October 14, 2008.

"The CCA does not in any way endorse any particular political party"
said Taro Alepian, Chairman of the CCA. "However, we have decided
to support these three individual candidates in the Montréal-Laval
region because they have proven through their actions over many years
to be friends of our community, and because they have declared their
intention to continue to promote several issues that are important
to Armenians."

This is the first time that the CCA has declared its support for
individual candidates in an election. In future elections, it will
selectively extend this support to candidates in other regions of
the country where there are significant Armenian communities.

The CCA encourages all eligible members of the Armenian community to
exercise their democratic right to vote on October 14.


Anna Melikyan In Oscar 2008

20:59 23/09/2008

Armenian Russian film director and writer Anna Melikyan’s "Mermaid"
film will be presented in Oscar 2008 film festival organized by
American film academy. 8 nominee films were to take part in Oscar
2008 but after open discussions and close voting "Mermaid" has been

The film is about a girl living near sea. She is careless for her life
and never fights for anything. She always matches with the changing
conditions and historic events. Coming to Moscow she gets acquainted
with a man who changes her life.