Serzh Sargsyan Received The President Of The German Constitutional C

23.09.2008 15:15

President Serzh Sargsyan today received the President of the
Constitutional Court of the Federal Republic of Germany Hans-Jurgen
Papier and his delegation.

The President emphasized with satisfaction the active political
contacts between Armenia and Germany and their continuous nature.

Stressing the importance of cooperation with celebrated establishments
like the Constitutional Court of Germany, President Sargsyan expressed
confidence that it will contribute to the improvement of constitutional
justice in our country.

"Our objective is to have the constitutional justice guaranteed and
human rights respected in Armenia," President Sargsyan said and added,
"We need your experience and wish to use it to reinforce our state

The President of the German Constitutional Court concisely presented
the activity of the Court and its 60-year activity. Noting that they
are impressed by Armenia’s aspiration to look at the outer world,
to learn the new, Hans-Jurgen Papier said they are ready to share
experience with their Armenian counterparts.

Serzh Sargsyan turned to Armenian-German relations, stressing that
those are successfully developing in all spheres. Germany is the
second donor country for Armenia, as well as the second trade partner
in the EU. There are considerable German investments in=2 0Armenia.

Obama Marks Armenian Independence Day

22.09.2008 11:02

Presidential candidate Barack Obama joined with Armenian Americans in
celebrating Armenian Independence day in statement that noted Armenia’s
first modern instance of independence in 1918 and congratulated all
Armenians on Armenia’s rebirth in 1991 as an independent state after
70 years of Soviet rule, reported the Armenian National Committee of
America (ANCA).

Senator Obama has, at several points during the campaign season, shared
his views on Armenian American issues, including in a statement this
April dedicated to the remembrance of the Armenian Genocide. In January
of this year, in a statement on the eve of the California primary, he
outlined his views on a broad array of Armenian American concerns. The
Illinois legislator, who was then facing Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY)
for his party’s nomination, called for Congressional passage of the
Armenian Genocide Resolution (H.Res.106 & S.Res.106), and pledged
that, as president, he will recognize the Armenian Genocide. He also
reaffirmed his support for a strong "U.S.-Armenian relationship that
advances our common security and strengthens Armenian democracy,"
and promised to "promote Armenian security by seeking an end to the
Turkish and Azerbaijani blockades, and by working for a lasting and
durable settlement of the Nagorno Karabagh conflict that is agreeable
to all parties, and based upon America’s founding commitment to=2
0the principles of democracy and self determination."

In yesterday’s statement, which again cites the Armenian Genocide,
Senator Obama noted that "after centuries of living in the Persian,
Russian, and Turkish empires, Armenians first achieved their modern
independence in 1918 and regained it after 70 years of Soviet rule
in 1991. Their struggle continues, but in the years of renewed
independence they have been able to guide their own destiny through
years of war and economic dislocation."

"On this day, September 21, Armenians and friends of Armenia everywhere
celebrate the independence of the Republic of Armenia, and I extend my
warmest and best wishes on this happy occasion. Throughout their long
history, a spirit of independence, self- reliance, and survival defines
the Armenian people. After centuries of living in the Persian, Russian,
and Turkish empires, Armenians first achieved their modern independence
in 1918 and regained it after 70 years of Soviet rule in 1991. Their
struggle continues, but in the years of renewed independence they have
been able to guide their own destiny through years of war and economic
dislocation. Even in the face of genocide, the pain of the past has not
defeated the Armenians, either in Armenia or the far-flung Diaspora.

America has benefited tremendously from the vigor and talents of the
Armenian people. Armenian-Americans have made enormous contributions
to American life – to our20arts and academia, to business, science, and
politics – while still maintaining strong ties to their ancestral home.

Recent events in the Caucasus region remind us of both the importance
of rededicating ourselves to peace, and the possibility of progress
even where there is a long history of alienation. The conflict in
Georgia shows the danger that lurks when rising tensions are ignored
and the United States pursues a diplomatic strategy of neglect. But
in recent days we have also seen the hopeful step – taken by the
Presidents of Turkey and Armenia – to restart dialogue that could,
in time, bring a welcome normalization of relations and offer Armenia
more diversified opportunities for trade, transport, and energy
supplies. American policy must build on this step, to ensure that
Armenia enjoys a future not merely of independence but of partnership
and cooperation with the U.S. and its allies," Senator Obama stated.

ARF Dashnaksutyun Does Not Intend ‘To Return’ RA Ex-President Robert


2008-09-18 14:38:00

ArmInfo. The ARF Dashnaksutyun Party is not planning ‘to return’ the
Armenian ex- president Robert Kocharyan to politics as prime minister,
Head of ARFD faction Vahan Hovhannisyan said at the National Press
Club, Thursday.

Robert Kocharyan is a free politician, he may return to politics
whenever he likes, V.Hovhannisyan said. Touching upon the activity
of the ruling coalition, which includes Prosperous Armenia Party,
Republican Party of Armenia, ARF Dashnaksutyun and Orinats Yerkir
Party, Hovhannisyan noted: ‘I don’t think that all the political
forces included in the coalition properly discuss the external
relations inside the party’. As regards Speaker of the Armenian
National Assembly Tigran Torosyan’s resignation, Hovhannisyan said:
‘If the ARFD Party took a decision to change the speaker of parliament
and the latter failed to accept the party’s decision, he would be
expelled from ARFD in 2-3 minutes’.

"Any Three-Fold Bargain Is Inadmissable"


[08:41 pm] 17 September, 2008

"Any three-fold "bargain" in view of the Karabakh issue without NKR’s
participation is nonsense as Karabakhi people should be involved in the
talks. They possess the required military, human and economic potential
to solve their problems themselves. Armenia simply supports Karabakh in
this issue. Actually, the three-side meeting-Armenia-Turkey-Azerbaijan
will not have a tangible outcome," said Academician Ara Sarkissian,
member of "Academy on Geopolitical Affairs."

"How can you bargain over something which does not exist?" Ara
Sarkissian said with regard to the authorities’ intention to surrender
the occupied territories.

During the war Turkey assisted Azerbaijan in everything. The country
dispatched instructors and military specialists to Azerbaijan.

Ara Sarkissian thinks "Iran can become a real mediator between the
conflicting sides as the liberated territories border on the country
and are within the realms of Iran’s geopolitical interests."

Currently, Armenia’s authorities are doing their best to improve
relations with Turkey. One shouldn’t go to self-sacrifice for a
country which doesn’t even recognise Armenia’s genocide, which has
Article 301 and which takes every possible measure to force Armenia
to knees. This is simply inadmissible. Yes, it would be nice if we
bettered our relations with our neighbors, opened the borders but not
through self-sacrifice. This shouldn’t be done at the expense of our
history or geopolitical cards-the occupied territories.

"The USA is surely interested in the improvement of the
Armenian-Turkish ties. If the country weren’t interested in the
negotiations, the meeting wouldn’t be fixed in Washington. On the
other hand, if the USA is really that interested in the bilateral
ties it could have opened the border over the past 15 years."

It’s Time To Resolve Conflicts In South Caucasus, U.S. Says


16.09.2008 14:16 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The events in Georgia proved once again that it is
time to settle the conflicts, existing in the region, said Anne Derse,
the U.S. ambassador to Azerbaijan.

"U.S. vice president Dick Cheney said during his visit to Azerbaijan
that it is the most favorable and important moment for the resolution
of Nagorno Karabakh conflict. He announced the U.S. supports the
territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and that the conflict should be
settled on the basis of this principle, but naturally, considering
international and diplomatic experience", she told reporters Tuesday.

The ambassador noted that the United States will continue its
activities for resolution of the conflict.

"As you know, U.S. co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group, Matthew Bryza
is visiting the region, tomorrow he will arrive in Baku to hold talks
to that end", said Derse.

She also noted that independent and sovereign states in the Caucasus
have are entitled to determine their future independently. This is a
"long-term position of the United States, which remains changeless."

"Official Washington wants to see the Caspian and South Caucasus
regions as developing, stable and democratic regions," she said.

Touching upon the Caucasus Security & Cooperation Platform, the
diplomat said that "this idea is in process of formation and we are
just watching this process," reports.

Armenia, Azerbaijan should join EU to resolve Karabakh conflict


Armenia, Azerbaijan should join EU to resolve Karabakh conflict,
Lithuanian ex-President says
13.09.2008 15:55 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The European Union can resolve the Nagorno Karabakh
conflict, member of European Parliament from Lithuania Vitautas
Landsbergis said.

`Only the EU can reconcile Azerbaijan and Armenia,’ said Landsbergis,
who took part in 18th economic forum in Polish city of Krynitsa.

Landsbergis sees the way out of the long-drawn conflict in the
admission to EU. `If Azerbaijan and Armenia will join EU, there will
be no problems as in fact, there will be no borders between the two
countries,’ Landsbergis, ex-president of Lithuania said.

He said, however, admission of Azerbaijan and Armenia to EU will not
take place any time soon.

`But Russia will not let such a resolution. It contradicts to Russia’s
interests,’ he said in seminar EU-South Caucasus: Perspective Spheres
of Economic Cooperation held within the framework of forum, Trend
Azeri news agency reports

ANKARA: Turkey Foremost in Utmost Care For Azerbaijan Interests

Turkish Press
Sept 13 2008

Turkey Is One Of Foremost Countries That Display Utmost Care For
Azerbaijan’s Interests, President Gul

Published: 9/13/2008

ANKARA – Turkish President Abdullah Gul said Wednesday that Turkey is
one of the foremost countries that display utmost care and make
efforts for Azerbaijan`s interests.

Speaking to reporters prior to his departure for Baku at Ankara`s
Esenboga International Airport, Gul stressed that no one should doubt
Turkey`s utmost care for Azerbaijan.

"We pay high attention to exchanging viewpoints with Azerbaijan on
bilateral, regional and international developments," Gul said.

"Turkey is a country that shows care and make efforts for the
interests of Azerbaijan. This approach has been a part of our foreign
policy. My second foreign trip, after having become the Turkish
president last year, took place in Azerbaijan. This shows the
importance I attach to Azerbaijan," Gul noted.

Gul`s first trip abroad, as the Turkish president, was made to the
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC).

"With this understanding, we have conducted high level visits between
our two countries. During the days of tension in the region recently,
our prime minister paid a visit to Baku along with the Turkish foreign
minister on August 20th, 2008. On August 29th, the foreign minister of
Azerbaijan came to Turkey to hold talks. The last time I met with the
Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev was during the foundation laying
ceremony of the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars Railway Project in July," Gul said.

"During my talks with Aliyev (today), we would hold talks on our
region following the incidents in Georgia last month. One of the
topics we would discuss is Turkey`s proposed `Caucasus Stability and
Cooperation Platform`," Gul said.

"Naturally, I would convey to Aliyev my impressions on my recent visit
to Yerevan, Armenia. Furthermore, I would find an opportunity to
discuss issues related to our two countries in the region with
Aliyev," Gul said.

Asked if he expects feelings of offense from Azerbaijan on his recent
trip to Yerevan, Gul said that he does "not expect such a reaction
from Azerbaijan. Every country has independent policies. As I stated
earlier, Turkey is a country that supports Azerbaijan in related
matters. No one has any doubts on this."

Gul would be paying a one-day working visit to Baku on Wednesday. He
would return back to Turkey later on Wednesday night.

Karsh print $10,000; Black and white portrait of scowling Churchill

Windsor Star (Ontario)
September 13, 2008 Saturday
Final Edition

Karsh print worth $10,000; Black and white portrait of scowling
Winston Churchill

by John Sewell, Special to The Windsor Star

Q: I inherited this black and white portrait of British Prime Minister
Winston Churchill from my late grandfather.

It’s 36 cm by 28 cm and is signed "Y. Karsh, Ottawa" in white ink on
the print, which is still in the original mat and frame. My
grandfather was an industrialist who served Canada during the Second
World War as one of C. D. Howe’s "Dollar a Year Men" at the newly
created Federal Department of Munitions and Supply. Churchill came to
Ottawa in 1945 and while there he addressed the division heads at a

He paid tribute to their efforts and presented each of them with one
of these signed portraits. — Dean, Belwood, Ont.

A: This is the photo that put Yousuf Karsh on the map and some argue
it’s the best portrait of anyone ever taken. Karsh (1908-2002) was a
famous Canadian portrait photographer of Armenian heritage. In his
lifetime he took over 15,000 portraits, many of which were some of the
20th century’s most famous movie stars, artists, scientists and

He once said his art was a combination of observation and
intuition. He had studios in New York and London and for more than 20
years he operated out of a studio in the Chateau Laurier Hotel in

The story behind this portrait is really interesting. Apparently
Churchill wasn’t too happy about being asked to pose for a photo and
offered only two minutes of his time.

He puffed on a cigar while Karsh prepared.

Just before snapping the shot, Karsh took the cigar away from him.

The intense scowl on Churchill’s face may have been all about the
cigar, but it also offered a glimpse into the depth of character and
conviction that helped win the war. As you probably know, Dollar a
Year Men, were Canadian executives who volunteered their time,
expertise and resources to help the war effort.

Signed photographs by Karsh are both rare and valuable.

According to Susan Robertson, Fine Art Specialist at Waddington’s
Auctioneers & Appraisers in Toronto, this print is worth at least
$10,000 – possibly more.

Tiny match box looks like a little wooden book

Q: My wife and I found this little wooden box made to look like a book
when we were going through my mother’s things after she died in
Glasgow, Scotland in 1989. It’s covered in leather, decorated with
gold leaf, and the hollow interior is lined with tin. The title on the
spine is Sleepers Alarm. On the front it says "Robert Cheap, 1853."(My
father’s name was Robert Cheape Lawson and why the "e" is absent on
the box spelling we don’t know.) This tiny case measures 5.5 cm by 8.5
cm (about two by 3.5 inches). We’re wondering if it was used for
snuff. – Norman, Belleville, Ont.

A: This isn’t a snuff box; it’s a personalized, dated match box – or
vesta case, as they used to call them. It’s a true book of
matches. (Sorry, I couldn’t resist.) Striking matches made for common
use, including smoking, first appeared in the 1820s and were called
Lucifers by their promoter Samuel Jones, who was not the actual
inventor, but an opportunist. This is a cute and collectible
piece. It’s a tiny thing that fits in a pocket, as well as something
that appears to be one thing when it’s actually something else. As
such, I think it’s worth about $275.

Cocoa pot made in Japan called Royal Nippon by collectors

Q: This cocoa pot originally belonged to my great-grandmother who
passed away in about 1940 at age 86, which was before I was born. It’s
in perfect condition, stands 20 cm tall (eight inches) and there are
no markings of any sort on it. – Dorothy, Brantford

A: These pieces are virtually never marked but I know this
hand-painted pattern is commonly called Royal Nippon by
collectors. This stuff was made in Japan from about 1890 to 1920 and
the pattern appeared on all sorts of other porcelain pieces, including
dinner sets, jardinières and vases. In fact, great quantities of it
were shipped to Canada and to a lesser degree the United States. This
isn’t a rare pattern, but a cocoa pot is one of the better
pieces. Value-wise, it should be worth roughly $375.

– – –

John Sewell is an antique and fine art appraiser. To submit an item to
his column, go to the ‘Contact John’ page at
Please measure your piece, say when and how
you got it, what you paid and list any identifying marks. A
high-resolution jpeg photo must also be included. (Only email
submissions accepted.) Appraisal values are estimates only.

Turkey Sees Opportunity To Resolve Karabakh Dispute


Reuters AlertNet
Sept 11 2008

BAKU, Sept 11 (Reuters) – Turkish President Abdullah Gul said late
on Wednesday he saw "a new opportunity" to resolve the fate of
Azerbaijan’s Armenian-backed breakaway region of Nagorno-Karabakh.

Gul spoke after meeting Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev, four days
after becoming the first Turkish leader to visit Armenia and raised
hopes of a thaw in relations in the energy-vital region. "We think
there is a new opportunity for the resolution of the Karabakh issue,"
Gul said in comments broadcast by Azeri state television.

An Armenian-populated region, Karabakh fought a war in the early 1990s
to break away from Azerbaijan. Its separatist authorities claim full
independence, but the region is not recognised internationally.

Gul said last month’s war in Georgia, with Russia sending in tanks
and troops to repel an assault by Tbilisi to retake breakaway South
Ossetia, had served warning against letting ‘frozen conflicts’ fester.

"After the events in Georgia, we as statesmen, as leaders must analyse
the situation in the right way, and express firm political will,"
Gul said. "It is necessary to better assess the new opportunity,
not to allow frozen conflicts to continue but to solve them."

Turkey closed its border with Armenia in protest at Yerevan’s backing
for the Karabakh separatists, deepening a century-old rift over the
question of whether ethnic Armenians killed by Ottoman Turks during
World War One were victims of systematic genocide.

A solution to the Karabakh dispute is seen as crucial to any move to
establish diplomatic ties between Turkey and Armenia.

A breakthrough could have huge significance for Turkey’s role as a
regional power, for energy flows from the Caspian Sea and for Western
influence in the South Caucasus region.

Turkish Foreign Minister Ali Babacan said on Wednesday he was planning
a meeting with his Armenian and Azeri counterparts this month at the
United Nations.

Azeri leader Aliyev said he was "looking to the future with increasing

"I’d like to believe that thanks to the efforts of Turkey, Azerbaijan
and Armenia, as well as other countries, we will secure peace in the
region," he said. (Reporting by Lada Yevgrashina; writing by Matt
Robinson; editing by Matthew Jones)

Construction Of Iran-Armenia Gas Pipeline Completed


Noyan Tapan

Se p 11, 2008

YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 11, NOYAN TAPAN. The construction of the
Iran-Armenia gas pipeline has been completed. According to Azg daily,
the Armenian minister of energy and natural resources Armen Movsisian
announced this during a briefing with reporters. In his words, it
remains to complete the work on increasing the carrying capacity of
the Kajaran-Yerevan section of the gas pipeline, which will be done
by November of this year. The test of the pipeline will start soon,
after which it will be possible to use it in full operation.

A. Movsisian said that the gas pipeline will allow to import up
to 2.3-2.5 billion cubic meters of gas into Armenia annually. To
what extent the pipeline will be used depends on demand. The
Iranian gas will be used in parallel with Russian one – in case of
necessity. "Under various force majeure circumstances, this will
allow to ensure normal gas supply and avoid shocks in the country,"
the minister said.