Cheney To Shoot Caucasian Troubles


RIA Novosti
16:51 | 03/ 09/ 2008

MOSCOW. (RIA Novosti political commentator Andrei Fedyashin) –
U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney started a Caucasian-Ukrainian tour
yesterday. His challenging task is to promise weapons to Georgia and
NATO membership to Ukraine, and to convince Azerbaijan to accept the
Nabucco pipeline project.

He will talk with the Azerbaijani president in Baku on September 2 and
3, reaffirm American support for the Georgian president on September 4,
and later in the day go to Ukraine.

The weeklong trip was planned long ago. In fact, Cheney intended to
stop over in Tbilisi and Baku on his way to the Ambrosetti Forum,
Italy’s own annual mini-Davos set next to Lake Como. Kiev was added
to his itinerary at the last moment.

Although visits to Azerbaijan and Georgia were planned long before
the conflict over South Ossetia erupted, they have since acquired
special meaning. Cheney’s trip to the Caucasus and Ukraine is
possibly the last attempt by the Bush Administration to set up a
Black Sea-Caucasian cordon on Russia’s southern border as a gift to
the next administration.

Cheney seldom goes abroad without a bulky portfolio of proposals and/or
warnings to U.S. allies, potential allies, or countries unenlightened
about the benefits of friendship with Washington.

Richard Bruce Cheney, 67, is a politician with terrific punch and
the main author of the current U.S. foreign and military policies
(perhaps better described as military policy with a minor diplomatic
slant). Cheney is a man in his own league and the main ideologist of
the neoconservative policy of the Republican administration and the
country as a whole.

He is the epitome of American conservatism, having served as chief
of staff under President Gerald Ford, defense minister for President
George Bush Sr. and vice president of President George Bush Jr.

In 1997, Cheney teamed up with Donald Rumsfeld, William Kristol
and others to establish the Project for the New American Century, a
neoconservative U.S. think tank whose self-stated goal is to "promote
American global leadership." The project’s ideas have been implanted
in all the foreign policy programs of the Bush Administration.

Cheney says his foreign policy teacher Bradford Wesferfield, a
Yale political scientist, helped to shape his hard-line approach to
foreign policy, but an article in The Nation in 2004 reported that
Dr. Westerfield came to regret the hard-nosed lessons Mr. Cheney said
he had learned.

Dr. Westerfield characterized the current Bush Administration as
overly confrontational, calling that "precisely the wrong approach."

Cheney orchestrated the U.S. invasion of Panama, Operation Desert
Storm in the Middle East, the anti-Iraqi policy and, some say,
the molding of Mikheil Saakashvili, described as the United States’
main ally in the Caucasus.

Wherever Cheney goes, he always makes clear what the U.S. wants and how
best to fulfill its wishes and, by implication, avoid the unpleasant
consequences of non-compliance.

In Tbilisi, he will offer "friend Michael" U.S. support and rearmament
of the Georgian army with U.S.-made weapons.

In Kiev, he will assure President Viktor Yushchenko that Ukraine will
definitely enter NATO, which is not quite true, of course, but will
help Cheney, who has always seen military ties as the main instrument
of U.S. foreign policy, to promote military cooperation with Ukraine.

His task in Baku will be more difficult. He must cajole President
Ilkham Aliyev into approving the Nabucco gas pipeline, which Baku,
along with much of Europe, is coming to view with growing mistrust.

The nearly 2,000-mile pipeline, which the United States has been
advocating, would connect Azerbaijan with Central Europe. It will run
across Georgia (bypassing Armenia and Russia) towards Erzurum in Turkey
and on to Austria’s Baumgarten via Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary.

In fact, there are plans to add a trans-Caspian extension to Nabucco,
to pump gas from Turkmenistan to Europe.

Nabucco has already had its share of problems. The geopolitical
rationale for the project – to bypass Russia – has increased spending
from $3 billion to $4.9 billion, and the cost now stands at $7.9
billion. Construction should begin in 2010 and the pipeline is to
come on stream in 2013.

To turn a profit, the pipeline should annually pump 30 billion cubic
meters (1.06 trillion cu f) of gas. Azerbaijan can supply only 8
billion, and that only after it commissions the second phase of the
Shah Deniz deposit in the Caspian Sea.

So, there is not enough gas for the pipe, which will make its gas
very expensive indeed.

The Caucasian conflict has scared the European gas and energy block,
which thinks in cubic meters or feet. The European and Azerbaijani
energy and gas processing companies are alarmed at the prospect of the
pipe being controlled by such an unbalanced politician as Saakashvili.

The State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR) has started
sending oil to Europe bypassing Georgia. This year, it will pump
between 300,000 tons (2.2 million bbl) and 400,000 tons (2.9 million
bbl) of crude, initially delivered along the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan
pipeline, through the Baku-Novorossiisk pipe. It made the decision
on August 7, when Georgia started bombing South Ossetia’s capital,

Azerbaijan is also negotiating the transit of additional gas to Europe
via Russia.

"Baku’s new interest [in Russia] may stem from a desire to protect
the relationship with Moscow, or a sense that Nabucco is less likely
than ever to materialize," writes the Eurasia Group, British energy
consultants who offer analysis on developments in Russia and the CIS,
Central Asia and the Caspian.

Europeans have started talking about the need to involve Russia in the
Nabucco project to make it viable. Russia alone can provide enough gas
to make the pipeline profitable by rerouting its gas from Blue Stream.

Interestingly, Russian energy giant Gazprom holds a 50% stake in
Austria’s Baumgarten, the terminal for the Nabucco pipeline.

"This goes against the whole concept of Nabucco, that it would not
be either Russian or Russian-controlled gas," says Zeyno Baran, an
energy and Central Asian expert at the conservative Hudson Institute
in Washington and the wife of Matthew Bryza, U.S. Deputy Assistant
Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs.

Mr. Bryza covers the Caucasian region and has been actively lobbying
for Saakashvili. Some even say he was his direct political mentor.

The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s and do not
necessarily represent those of RIA Novosti.

BAKU: Turkish Leader’s Planned Visit To Armenia Fuels Controversy


AzerNews Weekly
Sept 3 2008

Turkish President Abdullah Gul is likely to visit Armenia at his
counterpart Serzh Sarkisian`s invitation in the coming days, reports
say, despite the lack of formal confirmation by Ankara.

Turkish officials stopped short of confirming the reports, though
Foreign Minister Ali Babacan said a group of diplomats is due to
leave Turkey for Yerevan shortly. The delegation will be headed by
the Foreign Ministry`s deputy undersecretary and Turkey`s former
ambassador in Baku, Unal Cevikoz.

President Sarkisian has invited his Turkish counterpart to attend a
2010 World Cup qualifying football match between the two countries`
national teams in Yerevan on Saturday. Yerevan sees the visit as a
good chance to forge ties between Armenia and Turkey.

The diplomats are to hold talks with Armenian officials on President
Gul`s planned visit as well as Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip
Erdogan`s recent proposal to set up a five-nation union called the
Caucasus Peace and Cooperation Platform, which followed a brief
war between Russia and Georgia last month. Turkey has already held
preliminary talks on the issue with Georgia and Azerbaijan.

Turkish officials have held secret meetings with their Armenian
counterparts in the past. In July, Cevikoz headed a delegation of
Foreign Ministry officials that held talks in Bern, Switzerland for
several days.

President Sarkisian is expected to receive the Turkish delegation,
reports say. During the meeting, the Turkish leader`s message will
be conveyed to the Armenian president. Additionally, Ankara will
underscore that good chances are emerging to defuse tension in
the volatile Caucasus region. Cevikoz is also expected to invite
Sarkisian to attend a football match between the two countries`
teams due in Istanbul.

Turkish officials insisted that no final decision has been passed on
the visit to Armenia. President Gul said Monday he had not decided yet
if he would visit Yerevan. Foreign Minister Babacan confirmed this
but added: "If the visit takes place, this will be done not because
Turkey is under pressure to do so, but in order to contribute to
peace and stability in the region."

Turkish media reported that Ankara has laid out five pre-conditions to
Yerevan for the visit to be materialized. Akhsham newspaper said the
demands include ensuring that no public protests will be held during
the visit and security will be properly provided. Turkish analysts
say that President Gul`s visit will not be announced until the last
minute given the tremendous importance of security.

Omer Lutem, head of the Armenian studies department at the Turkey-based
Eurasia Strategic Research Center, has told Radio Liberty that Ankara
has not specified the date and program of the visit in order not to
add an official nature to the visit.

According to Turkish newspapers, Gul is due to hold a brief meeting
with Sarkisian at the airport upon arrival, after which the two are
to head to the Razdan stadium to watch the football game.

Gul`s visit to Armenia has drawn divergent responses at
home. Opposition leader Deniz Baykal, who chairs Turkey`s Republican
People`s Party (CHP), said he would "favor going to Baku to watch the
match, not Yerevan." Meanwhile, 30 parliament members representing
Turkey`s ruling Justice and Development Party (JDP) have asked the
party leadership to grant permission for their trip to Yerevan to
watch the match. However, the party declined the request at its broad
meeting on Tuesday.

Omer Lutem said while commenting on the Turkish president`s planned
visit that his setting foot on Armenian soil would not solve all
outstanding problems between the two neighboring countries "but would
open a door for negotiations."

Lutem said the problems between Turkey and Armenia are
three-fold. First of all, Armenia is lobbying for Ankara`s recognition
of the Armenian genocide that allegedly happened in Ottoman Turkey
in the early 20th century. Secondly, the South Caucasus republic,
which has been independent for over a decade, has not yet formally
recognized Turkey`s territorial integrity and levels territorial
claims against its neighbor. Thirdly, Ankara calls on Yerevan to end
its policy of occupation against Azerbaijan.

The border between Armenia and Turkey has been closed since 1993.

Hrayr Tamrazian, head of Radio Liberty`s Armenia service, says that
Armenian nationalist Dashnaktsutyun party has announced it would hold
a peaceful rally in the capital on the day the football match will
be held. The party opposes establishing relations with Turkey due to
the differences over the alleged genocide and a territorial dispute.

Although Azerbaijan`s government has yet to formally respond to
President Gul`s intended visit, Azeris living in fraternal Turkey
have launched protests.

Azeri Turks living in the city of Izmir and adjacent regions are
against any dialog between Turkey and Armenia and have conducted a
signature collection campaign to counter this. The very first day of
the campaign was marked by activeness, with Turks joining the efforts
of Azeris. The document they have prepared will be submitted to the
Turkish government soon. It says that any cooperation with Armenia
is out of the question until it withdraws its armed forces from the
occupied territories of Azerbaijan and relinquishes its baseless
claims against Turkey.

"On the contrary, we should make an effort to protect and further
develop the historic friendship between Turkey and Azerbaijan,"
it said.

ANCA: Yovanovitch Sworn In as U.S. Ambassador to Armenia

1711 N Street NW
Washington, DC 20036
Tel: (202) 775-1918
Fax: (202) 775-5648
Email: [email protected]


For Immediate Release
September 3, 2008
Contact: Elizabeth S. Chouldjian
Tel: (202) 775-1918
Email: [email protected]


WASHINGTON, DC — U.S. Ambassador to Armenia Marie Yovanovitch was
officially sworn in at a September 2nd State Department ceremony
during which the new Ambassador stressed her commitment to stronger
U.S.-Armenia relations and working to ensure peace and stability in
the Caucasus, reported the Armenian National Committee of America

Video from Ambassador Yovanovitch’s swearing in ceremony is posted
on the ANCA YouTube Channel ()

The Senate approved the Yovanovitch nomination, last month,
following extensive questioning led by Senate Foreign Relations
Committee Chairman Joe Biden (D-DE), Bob Menendez (D-NJ) and
Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and several requests for clarification of the
State Department’s position on the Armenian Genocide.

Facing strong pressure and the prospect of a Senate "hold," Matthew
Reynolds, Acting Assistant Secretary of State for Legislative
Affairs, wrote to Chairman Biden to formally affirm that: "the
Administration recognizes that the mass killings, ethnic cleansing,
and forced deportations of over one and a half million Armenians
were conducted by the Ottoman Empire." The complete text of the
State Department letter is at:

Commenting on the State Department’s letter, ANCA Executive
Director Aram Hamparian had noted that "although clearly falling
short of America’s moral responsibility and national interest in
recognizing and condemning the Armenian Genocide, [the letter] did
mark a step in the direction of distancing U.S. policy from the
dictates of the Turkish government. While we, of course, remain
troubled by the President’s refusal to properly characterize the
Armenian Genocide – as reflected in Ambassador Yovanovitch’s
responses – we were gratified to see that, as a result of pressure
from Senators Biden, Boxer, and Menendez, the Department of State
has retreated from its most offensive and factually unsupportable
assertions calling into question the historical fact of Ottoman
Turkey’s destruction of its Armenian population."

Following Senate approval of Amb. Yovanovitch’s nomination, ANCA
Chairman Ken Hachikian, Executive Director Aram Hamparian, and
Government Affairs Director Kate Nahapetian met with Amb.
Yovanovitch at the ANCA national headquarters in Washington, DC to
discuss a broad range of U.S.-Armenia policy concerns.

President Bush’s previous nominee as U.S. Ambassador to Armenia,
Richard Hoagland, was subject to two legislative holds by Sen.
Menendez and was ultimately withdrawn by the Administration,
following the nominee’s statements denying the Armenian Genocide.
The ANCA led the Armenian American community campaign opposing
Hoagland’s nomination, stating that a genocide denier could not
serve as a credible and effective U.S. spokesperson in Armenia. The
last U.S. Ambassador to Armenia, John Marshall Evans, was fired by
the State Department for properly characterizing the Armenian
Genocide as ‘genocide.’


ARF-Dashnaktsutyun: Public Rally and Declaration on the 17th


Mher Lazarian 12/1, Yerevan, Armenia
Mailing Address: P.O.Box 123 – Yerevan, Armenia 0010
Tel.: (37410) 52-18-90, 52-19-66 – Fax: (37410) 52-14-53
E-mail: [email protected]   Website:

Public Rally Marks the 17th Anniversary of the Republic of Mountainous



YEREVAN, 2 Sept. 2008, ARF Press Office — The Armenian
Revolutionary Federation-Dashnaktsutyun rallied several thousand supporters
in Yerevan on today to mark the 17th anniversary of the establishment of the
Republic of Mountainous Karabakh.
The MC was Hrayr Karapetyan, member of the ARF-Dashnaktsutyun
Supreme Body of Armenia and Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly of
The first speaker was Arthur Aghabekyan, Chairman of the
parliament’s Standing Committee on Defense, National Security and Internal
ARF-Dashnaktsutyun Bureau member and Leader of the ARF Parliamentary
Faction Vahan Hovhannesyan spoke next.
He was followed by ARF-Dashnaktsutyun Bureau members Levon Lazarian
and Aghvan Vardanyan.
The concluding remarks were delivered by Armen Rustamyan,
ARF-Dashnaktsutyun Supreme Body of Armenia Representative and Chairman of
the parliament’s Standing Committee on Foreign Relations.
With the backdrop of the recent war and subsequent events in the
South Caucasus, the speakers focused on the regional developments, Artsakh’s
right to self-determination, Turkish-Armenian relations and Armenia’s
internal situation.
At the end, the rally adopted a declaration (see below).
The rally was held at the footsteps of Yerevan’s Matenadaran (museum of
ancient Armenian manuscripts), in scorching weather.


On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Artsakh movement and on the
17th anniversary of the establishment of the Republic of Mountainous
Karabakh, we, the participants of the public rally organized by the
ARF-Dashnaktsutyun and held in Yerevan on 2 September 2008, assert:

– The recent war and developments in the South Caucasus have created a
new situation in our region;
– It is evident that if from now on the international community is not
able to prevent the use of force, then the unforeseen developments could be
calamitous. What happened also demonstrated that how dangerous it is to
apply double standards.
– The OSCE Minsk Group co-chair countries by recognizing, together or
alone, the independence of Kosovo, Abkhazia and South Ossetia have
underlined the primacy of the principle of peoples’ right to
self-determination in international law;
– The international community’s respect of the right of the people of
Artsakh to self-determination and freedom has no alternative. The people of
Artsakh have repeatedly expressed their will to live independent of
Azerbaijan. The people of Artsakh have exercised their right to
self-determination based on the principles of international law and the
Constitution of the Soviet Union. Mountainous Karabakh has never been part
of independent Azerbaijan. Azerbaijani domination over Mountainous Karabakh
ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union.
– In the Karabakh-Azerbaijan war, Azerbaijan was the aggressor.
Artsakh defended its right to live securely and was successful; Azerbaijan
is responsible for launching the war and for its consequences;
– For seventeen years, the Republic of Mountainous Karabakh exists as
a democratic state, with its relevant state structures and local
self-government bodies;
– Azerbaijani ambitions to re-conquer Artsakh by force are doomed to
failure and will lead the region to more unforeseen upheavals;
– Having de facto recognized the Republic of Mountainous Karabakh and
having signed with it economic and other cooperation agreements, Armenia has
refrained from de jure recognizing the RMK solely because of its stand to
remain true to the spirit of resolving the conflict peacefully through
– Escalation of EU-RF-USA relations to a confrontational level cannot
be beneficial for the region; it is imperative to find ways to resolve all
outstanding problems through dialogue. Armenia can and should contribute to
these efforts.

Furthermore, we assert that:

1) The negotiations to resolve the Artsakh conflict can bear results
and promote peace only when Azerbaijan signs a legal document with the
Republics of Armenia and Mountainous Karabakh not to use force or the threat
of force;
2) The Republic of Armenia should sign a treaty with the Republic of
Mountainous Karabakh undertaking to act as the guarantor of the independence
and security of the Republic of Mountainous Karabakh;
3) The authorities of the Republic of Armenia should anticipate the
official recognition of the Republic of Mountainous Karabakh if Azerbaijan
continues to consider the military route as an acceptable means to resolve
the issue, or if through its actions endangers the negotiation process.

We declare:

a) Armenia and Artsakh shall not relinquish their security guarantees;
b) Regarding the security of Armenia and Artsakh, the Armenian people
is unified and united; no internal political issue should threaten the
existence and security of our statehood;
c) The best guarantee to consolidate the Armenians and to be defended
from external dangers is the irreversibility of internal reforms, the
advancement of democracy and the establishment of justice.

Participants of the Rally of
2 September 2008
Yerevan, Armenia

Armenia-Turkey Relations Shouldn’t Depend On Third Country’s Interes


01.09.2008 14:39 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Presidents and people of both Armenia and Turkey
should take the opportunity provided by the FIFA draws to overcome
the deadlock in bilateral relations, Armenian MP Armen Ashotyan told
a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter.

"Bilateral relations should never depend on a third country’s
interests. Our position is unchangeable: we stand for dialog without
preconditions. Establishment of relations will have a positive impact
of social and economic life in both countries. Given the increasing
tensions in the region, the Armenian-Turkish relations should transform
from latent confrontation to dynamic development," he said.

In a sign of readiness to normalize ties, Armenian President Serzh
Sargsyan invited his Turkish counterpart Abdullah Gul to a World Cup
qualifying match between Armenian and Turkish teams due on September
6. The invitation is likely to be accepted.

Turkey cut its diplomatic ties and closed its border with Armenia
over the Nagorno Karabakh conflict in 1993.

BAKU: Azerbaijan Not Interferes Into Turkey’s Affairs: Azerbaijani F


TREND News Agency
Aug 29 2008

Turkey, Ankara, 29 August / Trend News corr. T.Aliyev / Official Baku
considers that Turkish President Abdullah Gul’s visit to Armenia to
participate in a football match is Turkey’s interior affair.

"This is the matter of Turkey and we are not going to interfere
into it," Elmar Mammadyarov, the Azerbaijani Foreign Minister, told
journalists when he arrived in Ankara.

Earlier the Armenian President Serzh Sarkisyan invited Gul to the match
between the Turkish and Armenian National football teams to be held in
Yerevan on 6 September. Communities of Azerbaijan, Turkey and Armenia
attentively follow whether Gul will accept the Armenian President’s
invitation, with whom Turkey does not have diplomatic relations.

Armenia and Turkey do not have diplomatic relations and the Armenian
and Turkish border has been closed since 1993. Ankara urges Armenia to
refuse from policy of the international recognition of the Armenian
genocide in Ottoman Empire, to recognize borders of Turkey, as well
as to free occupied territories of Azerbaijan in order to establish
bilateral relations.

The Azerbaijani Foreign Minister arrived in Ankara with one-day visit
to discuss situation in Caucasus after developments in Georgia, as
well as issues on Caucasus stability and co-operation platform with
the Turkish leadership. The Turkish Premier Rejeb Tayyib Erdogan
initiated this platform.

Counterfeit Plastic Card Users Ring Inflicts No Loss To Banking Syst


Aug 29, 2008

YEREVAN, August 29. /ARKA/. Armenia’s banking system has not incurred
losses in transactions with counterfeit plastic cards effected by an
international criminal ring, Executive Director of "Armenian Card"
Processing Center Shahen Hovhannisyan told ARKA Agency. As the cards
had been stolen, Armenian banks will receive compensation from issuing
banks with no preconditions, he said.

"This is not the first case. Similar groups are detected and
detained in many countries. Our National Security Service and
the law-enforcement bodies solve the issue at a proper level,"
Hovhannisyan said.

On August 27, Armenia’s National Security Service detained an
international criminal ring involving three Romanians and a Latvian. In
August the group cashed about 263,000 U.S. dollars with counterfeit
plastic cards through ATMs of branches of VTB (Armenia), Anelik,
Unibank and Conversbank in Yerevan and the regions of Armenia.

The National Security Service found 160 counterfeit plastic cards,
a lot of foreign currency and Armenian Drams in hotel rooms of the
group members.

US Policy On Cyprus Won’t Change After Elections =?x-unknown?q?_elec


Cyprus Mail
27 Aug 08

WHILE all Greek Cypriot commentators welcomed the news that Senator Joe
Biden would stand as Barack Obama’s vice-presidential running mate,
all were quick to temper their joy with a note of caution. They had
been disappointed in the past, after pinning big hopes on presidential
candidates who had spoken out in favour of Greek Cypriot positions,
and had no intention of making the same mistake again. It was very
much a case on the proverbial once bitten, twice shy.

Commentators all recalled how Greek Cypriots celebrated Jimmy Carter’s
victory in 1976, given his pre-election declarations on Cyprus. They
all pointed out that Carter failed to deliver on his promises, which
was not strictly true. In 1978 a framework for a settlement had been
presented to the two sides – with much more favourable terms for the
Greek Cypriot side than are on offer now – but the then president
Kyprianou, with the encouragement of AKEL, rejected it.

Senator Biden had consistently taken a stand against the Turkish
occupation of Cyprus and had repeatedly called on Ankara, in his
capacity as head of Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee, to improve
its human rights record. Back in 1999 he had reportedly threatened
to block a $5 billion US aid package to Turkey in an attempt to make
the Ecevit government work towards a Cyprus settlement. A frequent
guest at the conferences of the Greek and Cypriot lobbies in the US,
Biden had also fallen out with Ankara over its treatment of the Kurds
and the Armenian issue.

It is an impeccable record, as far as the Greek side is concerned
but the Turks, predictably, do not share this view. Their media has
already carried articles expressing disappointment at his selection
and listing examples of his anti-Turkey positions. Of course Biden
would only be vice-president and that is assuming Obama would win
the November elections. And the truth is that the new administration
would have much more important and pressing problems to deal with
than the Cyprus issue, which would be handled, as always, by State
Department officials.

US policy on Cyprus will remain the same whoever wins the
November elections and nothing spectacular should be expected. The
administration would offer support to UN-brokered direct talks, which
should be in progress by then, and encourage the Turkish government
to adopt a constructive stance. If the two sides reach an agreement,
the US would give its full blessing to it, but if they do not, the
administration, with or without Biden as vice-president, is unlikely
to be overly concerned, so long as its ties with Turkey remain intact.

For the US the Cyprus problem is an issue of low importance and as
such is unlikely to ever command the attention of the president or
the vice-p resident. So we should not expect a change of US policy
even if the Obama-Biden ticket is successful.

Lessons Of The Caucasus Conflict

By Anton Caragea

World Press Review

Aug 24 2008

What Did the U.S. Really Know About Georgia’s Intentions?

Six days of war in the Caucasus (a war that started without a
declaration and ended without a peace treaty) has transformed the
geopolitical map of Europe and maybe the world. The implications
of the war transcend well beyond the region of the Caucasus. Many
questions still need answers. Was it possible for President Mikheil
Saakashvili of Georgia to launch an attack into South Ossetia without
the knowledge of the United States?

This is highly unlikely. According to independent sources in Georgia,
there are American military advisers, political trainers, and civil
contractors–more than 1,000 people–all well placed and connected
to Georgian political decision makers. In the last five years, the
United States has invested more than $180 million in Georgian military
compatibility with NATO standards and more the 100 top-level officers
from the Georgian army and security services have received training
in the United States.

This high level of involvement in the Georgian political landscape
makes it improbable that the United States did not know that Georgia’s
military had concentrated troops and prepared a massive attack against
South Ossetia.

It is clear that the Russian reaction surprised the United States. It
is possible that many in Washington had felt that Russia would have
the same reaction as in the Kosovo crises: inflammatory remarks,
strong language, and political pressure but no military response. In
this case, this was a severe miscalculation.

Why Did Russia Intervene Militarily?

For Russia, there was no option but a strong military reaction. If
South Ossetia had fallen to Georgian troops, the unfolding of the
events would have being very clear: Georgia’s next move would be to
send troops to Abkhazia (international observers in the region had
reported an important Georgian military buildup for this next phase
of the operations).

The fall of Abkhazia and South Ossetia would have undermined the
entire Russian geopolitical plan in the Caucasus.

In the next stage, the pro-American power in Baku, Azerbaijan, would
send troops in a similar operation against Armenia and Russian-backed
separatists in Naghorno Karabah. After such a blow the pro-Russian
government in Yerevan, Armenia, already under strong pressure, would
reorient his policy toward Russia. The Caucasus would then be lost
for a long period to Russian influence. This scenario could not be
tolerated by Moscow and will not be tolerated in the future either.

What Are Russia’s Next Options?

Russia has already sketched the next steps here: internationalization
of the problem of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, organizing local
referendum to decide for independence and to recognize the independence
after the Kosovo model. Serghei Lavrov, the Russian foreign minister,
has already explained that Russia recognizes only the sovereignty of
Georgia not its territorial integrity–a very clear message that it
supports South Ossetia’s and Abkhazia’s bids for independence.

If Russia’s position is very clear, the conflict in Georgia has
also drawn further diplomatic lines in Eastern Europe and Central
Asia. Even as the war raged in Georgia, the Baltic States, Poland,
and Ukraine took a strong position condemning Russian military
reactions and going to Tbilisi to offer moral and political support
to Saakashvili. So in the former sphere of influence of the Soviet
Union, we see the building of a new entente to keep Russia out of the
region. Also, Central Asian countries such as Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan,
and Uzbekistan supported Russian actions and condemned Georgia as
provocative, a signal that they will remain allied with Russia. The
closing of the confrontation with Georgia marks the opening of a new
chapter in the fight for predominance in Eastern Europe: Ukraine.

Ukraine: The Second Chapter of the Drama?

Like Georgia, Ukraine is a very vulnerable ally of the United
States. Ukraine has an important Russian minority (almost 20 percent
of the population) and a massive pro-Russian alliance of political
parties. The sovereignty over Crimea is disputed and the possibility of
a civil war is very high in Ukraine offering to Russia the possibility
to use this liability for its involvement in the region. The Georgian
drama will be just a prelude to a Ukraine one if the leadership in
Kiev is not able to reach a compromise with Russia over Ukraine’s
bid to join NATO.

What Are the Conclusions of the Six-Day War in the Caucasus?

Russia is ready to use not only political pressure but also military
means to protect what it calls an integral part of its sphere of
protection: the Caucasus, Ukraine, Belarus, and Central Asia. Any
further interference in this region will mean the restart of the cold
war–an eventuality that I hope no one wants.

Also, Russia has adopted a new diplomatic doctrine that must be
seriously taken in account: the right for intervention in any former
Soviet area if it is required to protect the lives and dignity of
Russian citizens (as announced by President Dmitry Medvedev). This
concept will further be used to pressure Ukraine.

The diplomatic pressure being applied by the United States is clearly
directed at dissuading Russia from any further intervention in Ukraine
and any further use of this Russian citizen protection doctrine. The
effect of this pressure on Russia remains to be seen.

The Georgian crisis has dramatically changed the map of Eastern Europe
and caused Russian-American relations to descend to a level not seen
in the last 20 years.

The Project For A New American Humanitarianism

Swans, CA
Aug 24 2008

The Project For A New American Humanitarianism
Olympian Ambitions from Darfur to Tibet and Beijing

by Michael Barker

(Swans – August 25, 2008) This essay examines the role of the Project
for a New American Humanitarianism in the ongoing human rights
offensive that is currently being waged against China. While there is
some awareness, in progressive circles, of the work of antidemocratic
think tank and neoconservative Project for a New American Century
(PNAC) the majority of the public remain in the dark about its
machinations. Another equally sinister, but highly visible group that
obtains little critical coverage — in even the alternative media —
is a coalition that might be loosely referred to as the Project for a
New American Humanitarianism (PNAH). (1) Both groups promote America’s
imperial interests, but their activities differ in critical
respects. PNAC favours military domination, or militaristic
imperialism, which has been zealously promoted by a three-part
coalition comprised of "aggressive nationalists…, Christian Zionists
of the religious Right, and Israel-centred neo-conservatives." In
contrast, the loose collection of concerned activists that coalesce
within the Project for a New American Humanitarianism help sustain
imperialism by both providing it with "moral cover, and sanctioning
the abandonment of the rule of law in the purported interest of human
rights." Ironically PNAH, like PNAC, is well supported by

The Project for a New American Humanitarianism’s current focus on
China’s human rights abuses — in the context of the Olympics (2) —
centres around three primary issues, highlighting the Chinese
government’s ongoing involvement in the repression and murder of: 1)
Falun Gong practitioners, 2) Tibetan peace activists, and 3) the
people of Sudan. In the case of each of these three concerns a common
rallying cry of the New Humanitarians acts to equate the Chinese
government’s actions with those of Hitler’s Nazis. Thus, the vice
president of the European Parliament observes that the "Falun Gong
are to the Chinese what the Jews were to the Nazis. And that’s an
understatement." In 2002, Samdhong Rinpoche, accused China of
engaging in "a kind of cultural genocide" in Tibet; while in 2004,
Secretary Colin Powell famously noted that "genocide has been
committed in Darfur and that the Government of Sudan and the
Jingaweit bear responsibility — and that genocide may still be

Of course, while there are other genocides that have exceeded the
scale of the Nazi Holocaust, (3) it is the Hitler example that is
regularly invoked as a powerful propaganda tool to act in the service
of so-called human rights activists. However, as Ward Churchill

Far less recognized is the fact that the ugly enterprise of Holocaust
denial has a flip side — indeed, a mirror image — which is equally
objectionable but which has been anything but marginalized by the
academy, popular media, or the public at large. This is the view
advanced by a much larger group of writers that the Nazi genocide not
only happened, but that it 1) is the only such occurrence in all of
human history and 2) that it somehow happened uniquely and exclusively
to its Jewish victims. (4)

The alleged genocide in Sudan is particularly interesting in this
regard as the main groups spearheading the persistent calls for a
humanitarian intervention overseas are the same Zionist organizations
that are busy promoting ethnic cleansing of Palestinians at
home. Likewise, Zionists have been vocal in their support of the Falun
Gong, thus Annette Lantos, the wife of "super-Zionist Congress-person"
the late Tom Lantos (Democrat, California) — who posthumously
received the misnamed National Endowment for Democracy’s 2008
Democracy Service Medal — serves on the advisory board of the Friends
of Falun Gong USA. Similarly with regard to Tibet, as Uri Avnery
points out, the difference in the mainstream media’s coverage of the
plight of Tibetans and Palestinians means that "the Palestinians are
suffering from several cruel strokes of fate," as not only are the
"great majority" of the Palestinians Muslims, but:

The people that oppress them claim for themselves the crown of
ultimate victimhood. The whole world sympathizes with the Israelis
because the Jews were the victims of the most horrific crime of the
Western world. That creates a strange situation: the oppressor is more
popular than the victim. Anyone who supports the Palestinians is
automatically suspected of anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial.

Given that the modus operandi of the Project for a New American
Humanitarianism and PNAC are at odds, it is very significant that the
membership of both groups’ interests overlap in that they are home to
numerous key Zionists and leading neoconservatives. Consequently, this
essay seeks to explore these crossover relationships in an attempt to
document the tactics employed by the new humanitarian warriors facing
off with the Chinese government.

Falun Gong: Only Calisthenics and Meditation?

As noted in an earlier article, Heather Kavan provides an alternative
narrative concerning the Falun Gong’s apparently apolitical and
harmless nature. Kavan also demonstrated how the media coverage that
the Falun Gong have obtained in Australian and New Zealand newspapers
is surprising positive for a religious cult. However, in response to
my critique of the Falun Gong I received a polite e-mail from Caylan
Ford (who identified herself as the editor for the Falun Dafa
Information Center), who took issue with my "description of an alleged
love affair between the Western media and Falun Gong." Ford went on to
note that she had "recently coauthored a (yet-to-be-published) study
of the New York Times coverage of Falun Gong, which found strong
anti-Falun Gong biases, both quantitatively and qualitatively."
Furthermore, she pointed out that this study also "found that Falun
Gong has been grossly under-reported since the summer of 2001;
coverage dropped off immediately following a meeting between NY Times
editors and then-Chinese president Jiang Zemin." Although Ford noted
that the aforementioned study was not yet available she attached
another similar academic study published by fellow Falun Gong
practitioner, Leeshai Lemish, who has recently published a series of
articles about the Falun Gong in the New Statesman. (5) Here it is
interesting to quote Lesshai Lemish’s New Statesman article —
published on August 20, 2008 — which recounts how:

For a year Ethan Gutmann (author of Losing the New China) and I have
been travelling the world conducting interviews for his forthcoming
book [on China]. We’ve received research grants from Earheart
Foundation and Sweden’s Wallenberg family, and keep our budget low by
sleeping on floors and eating instant noodles. But we’re too
embarrassed to complain, considering the stories [of human rights
abuses] we hear morning to night.

While most readers will be unaware of the controversial background of
Lemish’s travelling companion, it turns out that Ethan Gutmann is a
former visiting fellow at Project for the New American Century, and he
presently serves as an adjunct fellow at the neoconservative
Foundation for the Defense of Democracies (a group whose work is
closely tied to that formerly undertaken by PNAC). In addition,
Gutmann’s 2004 book, Losing the New China, was published by the
well-known neoconservative publisher, Encounter Books; while the
Earhart Foundation, which is supporting the production of Lemish and
Gutmann’s collaborate book project, is an infamous neoconservative
funding body. Lemish also mentions a seemingly innocuous funding
connection to Sweden’s Wallenberg family, which, as it turns out is no
ordinary family, as the even the mainstream BBC has referred to the
Wallenberg "business dynasty" as the "Royal Family of Swedish
Business." Here it is important to point out that perhaps the most
famous member of the Wallenberg dynasty is the late Raoul Wallenberg,
an individual whose life was commemorated in "prominent Hollywood
Zionist" Steven Spielberg’s movie "Schindler’s List." (6)

Regardless of differences in interpretation of the Falun Gong’s media
coverage — between scholars like Heather Kavan on the one hand, and
Falun Gong advocates like Caylan Ford and Lesshai Lemish on the other
— it is significant that Falun Gong has recruited allies amongst the
West’s power elite. (7) Thus it is intriguing to note that the
aforementioned Caylan Ford, who e-mailed me in her capacity as the
editor for the Falun Dafa Information Center, also acts as a
spokesperson for an elite-supported group known as the Friends of
Falun Gong. In addition, in 2008, Ford also acted as the news
coordinator for the Canadian edition of The Epoch Times, and as a
spokeswoman for New Tang Dynasty Television. These latter links are
significant because writing in 2005, Patsy Rahn noted that in the
preceding year, "questions [had] began to arise over whether certain
Western-based organizations, such as newspaper group The Epoch Times
and New Tang Dynasty Television (NTDTV), [were] actually [Falun Gong]
organizations." Rahn adds, that: "According to a report in the Far
Eastern Economic Review, prominent FLG spokespeople serve as a
director for NTDTV and on the board of The Epoch Times; both
organizations give the [Falun Gong] prominent coverage. In addition,
both organizations are staffed by volunteers, often [Falun Gong]
followers, whose main jobs are unrelated to journalism."

Recently Ford represented Friends of Falun Gong at a press conference
held at the National Press Club (on July 18, 2008) that was
co-organized by Friends of Falun Gong, the North Korea Freedom
Coalition (see note 31), the NED-funded advocate of religious freedom,
the China Aid Association (which has received annual NED grants since
2004), (8) the Christian ‘human rights’ group Open Doors USA, (9) the
Uyghur American Association (whose president, Rebiya Kadeer, talked at
a 2006 conference organized by the NED-funded Laogai Research
Foundation alongside speakers that included the president of the NED),
and the American Tibetan Alliance. Thus given Friends of Falun Gong’s
links to various important democracy manipulators the following
section of this article will provide the first critical examination of
the elite behind the US branch of Friends of Falun Gong.

Friends of Falun Gong USA describes itself as a human rights group
that was formed in November 2000 by "Americans concerned about the
persecution of Falun Gong," and which to date, has organized
"large-scale rallies in Washington D.C., lawsuits against the
architects of the persecution, and smaller, targeted projects
counteracting the Chinese government’s massive propaganda campaign."
(10) Their Web site proudly observes how once formally established,
the first person to join their board of directors was former US
Ambassador Mark Palmer, an individual who went so far as to
(over)state that the Falun Gong is "the largest nonviolent movement
since Gandhi in India." The Friends of Falun Gong USA Web site even
draws attention to the key role that Palmer has fulfilled for the US
democracy manipulating establishment, by pointing out his affiliation
to Freedom House (where he serves as vice-chair of their board) and to
the National Endowment for Democracy (where he acts as a founder, and
current board member).

Although not mentioned by Friends of Falun Gong USA, Palmer’s integral
placement in the US’s democracy manipulating establishment is further
bolstered by his affiliations to the following groups, the Council for
a Community of Democracies (vice president), the US Secretary of
State’s Advisory Committee on Democracy Promotion (member), the
International Centre for Democratic Transition (board member), the
Democracy Project (advisory board), and the Center for Democracy and
Human Rights in Saudi Arabia (board member). His links to the last
group are particularly noteworthy, as its ties to elite interests are
not as demonstrable as those of the other organisations he is involved
with. This is because the founder (in 2004) and executive director of
the Center for Democracy and Human Rights in Saudi Arabia, Ali Alyami,
previously acted (from 1977 to 1983) as the Director of the
educational peace program for the progressive American Friends Service
Committee in San Francisco. This link would appear incongruous, yet
since leaving the American Friends Service Committee in the early
1980s, Alyami’s work has become increasingly entwined with that
undertaken by democracy manipulating groups. This is perhaps most
evident from his service as the US representative for the Arab
Organization for Human Rights (from 1990 to 1996), a group that was
founded in 1983 by Saad Eddin Ibrahim, an individual who is presently
a board member of the Canadian equivalent of the NED, Rights and
Democracy, and whose work appears tied to the broader neoconservative
democratic agenda. (11)

Another noteworthy person serving on the seven-strong board of the
Center for Democracy and Human Rights in Saudi Arabia is Lindsay
Mattison, who for over a quarter of a century has served as the
executive director of the US-based foreign policy group, International
Action — whose current focus is on providing humanitarian aid to
Haiti. Before joining International Action, Mattison served as
assistant to Admiral Gene R. La Rocque at the Center for Defense
Information (where he acted as president), an individual who later
went on to act as an advisor for the controversial democracy
manipulator, the Albert Einstein Institution. More importantly,
however, is the fact that Mattison presently serves on the advisory
committee of the Washington Kurdish Institute.

Other people of interest serving on the 34 person strong advisory
committee of the Washington Kurdish Institute include Mike Amitay (who
is a senior policy analyst for the Middle East, North Africa and
Central Asia at George Soros’s Open Society Policy Center, and
formerly served as the Institute’s executive director from its
founding in 1996 until 2005), Project for a New American Century
booster Morris Amitay (who is the former executive director of
American Israel Public Affairs Committee, and is vice chair of the
Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs), Raymond Helmick (who
serves on the executive board of the US Interreligious Committee for
Peace in the Middle East), Max Kampelman (who amongst various other
"democratic" posts has served as the vice chairman of the US Institute
of Peace), Laurie Mylroie (who is an adjunct fellow at the American
Enterprise Institute, and a former research fellow at the
AIPAC-affiliated think tank the Washington Institute for Near East
Policy), and Lionel Rosenblatt (who formerly served as the president
of Refugees International throughout the 1990s). (12) Finally, it is
interesting that Lord Eric Avebury also serves on the Washington
Kurdish Institute’s advisory committee, as his affiliation to the
Institute illustrates how closely the work of such "humanitarian"
groups is linked to progressive activists. This is because Lord
Avebury also serves as the honorary president of another group called
the Kurdish Human Rights Project, a group whose most prominent
progressive patrons are Noam Chomsky and Harold Pinter.

Returning to Friends of Falun Gong USA, other than Ambassador Palmer,
another fascinating member of their current eight person strong
advisory board is Annette Lantos who formerly worked full-time with
her late husband, the "super-Zionist" Congressman Tom Lantos (who also
formerly served on the board of overseers of the Henry
Kissinger-connected International Rescue Committee), and as executive
director of the Congressional Human Rights Caucus.

Another prominent advisor of Friends of Falun Gong USA whose
background is worth exploring is former Congressman Benjamin Gilman,
owing to his links to Israel and to various groups ostensibly
promoting Tibetan human rights. Critically, Gilman served as chairman
of the House International Relations Committee from 1995 until 2002,
and is a member of the US Holocaust Memorial Museum’s council. (13)
Here it is poignant to briefly reflect upon the backgrounds of the
three current executives of the Holocaust Museum, Fred Zeidman (the
father of Jay Zeidman), Sara Bloomfield, and Joel Geiderman.

¢ Fred Zeidman is a member of AIPAC’s executive committee, serves
as the vice president of their associated think tank the Jewish
Institute for National Security Affairs, and sits on the board of the
Republican Jewish Coalition (a group that has been described as a "big
money pro-Israel lobby group linking Jewish-American neoconservatives
to the Christian Right and Israel’s Likud government").

¢ Sara Bloomfield, who is a board member of the International
Freedom Center, and who has worked with the NED-linked Iraq Memory

¢ Joel Geiderman is a board member of the aforementioned Republican
Jewish Coalition.

The Holocaust Museum also provides a home to other key members of the
Project for a New American Humanitarianism consortium, and their
Committee on Conscience is chaired by none other than Tom Bernstein,
the former president (now just board member) of Human Rights
First. (14)

Gilman maintains other links to key Israeli elites through serving on
the board of the Humpty Dumpty Institute, (15) because this group’s
vice chair, Michael Sonnenfeldt is the past chair of the Israel Policy
Forum — a group whose executive director, David Elcott, in turn
serves as the Director of US Interreligious Affairs for the American
Jewish Committee. (16) Likewise, the president of the Humpty Dumpty
Institute, Ralph Cwerman, formerly served as Director of Research at
Israel’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations, and as a senior aide
to Ambassador Benjamin Netanyahu; while another important board member
of the Institute is the "closet Zionist" Richard Holbrooke.

Finally, Gilman’s links to Tibetan issues derive from his being a
member of the Committee of 100 for Tibet. This organization was
founded in 1992 and aims to "bring the plight of the Tibetan people to
the attention of the U.S. public." Many of the individual members of
the Committee are linked to the democracy manipulating establishment,
so it is not surprising that the Committee’s chair, Tenzin Tethong, is
also connected to two NED-funded groups: as he is the founder of the
Tibet Fund, and serves on the advisory board of the International
Campaign for Tibet. Gilman himself is also indirectly linked to the
International Campaign for Tibet, because in 2003 he was the recipient
of their annual Light of Truth Award. (17)

The final noteworthy member of the advisory board of Friends of Falun
Gong USA is Ashok Gangadean, who is the cofounding Director of the
Global Dialogue Institute. Working alongside Gangadean at the Global
Dialogue Institute is the other cofounding Director of this
Institute, Leonard Swidler, who formerly served on the advisory board
of the American Center for Democracy — a group that was founded (in
2003) and is currently headed by the neoconservative Zionist Rachel
Ehrenfeld. Significantly, the well-known neoconservative Zionist
Daniel Pipes — who heads up the notorious right-wing Zionist think
tank the Middle East Forum — serves on the Global Dialogue Institute
board of trustees: Pipes is also accompanied on the Institute’s board
by the founder of the Middle East Forum, Albert Wood. This of course
does not mean that the Global Dialogue Institute is simply a
neoconservative Zionist project, which it is far from the truth, but
it does mean that at the very least it is unlikely that the Institute
will be able to work towards fulfilling its mission of "developing
and promoting…authentic dialogue."

Returning to Friends of Falun Gong USA advisor, Ashok Gangadean, taken
at face value, in contrast to his Global Dialogue Institute, it does
appear that his other work is geared towards promoting peaceful
cooperation by virtue of the fact that it does not include the work of
any rabid right-wing Zionists. Indeed, Gangadean recently founded a
Web-based project called ((Awakening Mind)), whose Web site notes that
((Awakening Mind)) is…

…intended to be an introduction to the global worldview and the idea
that the key to our survival as a species is the discovery of a
universal dialogue through which we can learn to understand and
communicate with one another. This universal dialogue, or Logos, is
comprised of the inherent threads of commonality which we all possess.

Although this self-descriptor sounds harmless, it is easy to see how
the search for one single "universal dialogue," if successful, would
have tragic consequences for cultural diversity. Instead we should aim
to celebrate difference, not merely tolerate it, and should strive to
understand others by recognizing our unique and multidimensional
traits along with their inherent weaknesses and strengths. This idea
has been beautifully argued by Soenke Biermann, the project
coordinator for the Australian-based Thinking Diversity — Beyond
Tolerance Project (pdf). (18)

Calls for the creation of a single "universal dialogue" appear to mesh
well with the demands of the totalizing homogenizing processes of
corporate/elite forced globalization. Moreover, attempts to create
such a one-size-fits-all dialogue are in keeping with the openly
internationalist agenda of liberal elites. Take for example, the
Rockefeller family, whose internationalist activities have been widely
critiqued by conservatives (especially ultra-conservatives), (19) but
for the most part ignored by the Left. David Rockefeller himself noted
in his recently published memoirs how some people characterize the
Rockefeller family "as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with
others around the world to build a more integrated global political
and economic structure — one world, if you will." His response: "If
that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it." (20)

On top of his work with the Global Dialogue Institute and ((Awakening
Mind)), Gangadean is co-convenor of the World Commission on Global
Consciousness and Spirituality — a group that was formed in 1998 and
"brings eminent world leaders together in sustained deep dialogue to
cultivate global vision and wisdom for the new millennium." The
ambitions of the World Commission are in turn closely related to the
work undertaken by the Club of Budapest — an "informal international
association [that was formed in 1993 and is] dedicated to developing
a new way of thinking and a new ethics that will help resolve the
social, political, economic, and ecological challenges of the 21st
century." (21) All three co-chairs of the World Commission, Ervin
Laszlo, Robert Muller, and Karan Singh, (22) are members of the
latter group, with Laszlo acting as the founder and president of the
Club of Budapest. (23) In addition, Ervin Laszlo and Karan Singh are
both connected to the Indian-based project known as Auroville, which
describes itself as the "world’s first (pdf) and only internationally
recognised community [composed of approximately 1,900 adults and
children drawn from 40 different countries, including the UK, that
has been] established for research in human unity, practically
researching into humanity’s future cultural, environmental, social
and spiritual needs": Laszlo is a former member of their
international advisory council, while Singh — who is a former Indian
Ambassador to the United States, and is the international chairman at
the Temple of Understanding at the United Nations — serves as the
chair of the Auroville Foundation. This is interesting because much
like the aforementioned ((Awakening Mind)) project, the World
Commission, the Club of Budapest, and the Auroville Foundation appear
to be working to attempt to promote a form of spirituality that can
overcome all geographic and cultural divides. This work is ostensibly
carried out in the name of peace, but as mentioned earlier, such a
project appears well suited to other homogenizing globalizing
tendencies, which might explain why the Auroville Foundation receives
such strong financial support from corporate and political elites
from all over the world.

Zionists for Human Rights in Sudan (but please don’t mention

Writing in February 2008, James Petras notes that (what he refers to
as) the Zionist Power Configuration (ZPC) not only "directly
influence[s] US policy against Palestine, Iraq and Iran" but has also
"extended its campaign against ‘third parties’, countries like China
which have economic relations with Sudan (a Muslim nation with an
independent foreign policy which supports Palestinian rights)."
Moreover, Petras adds: "To an overwhelming degree, the propaganda
campaign behind the so-called ‘Darfur genocide campaign’ is the
Israeli state and its political apparatus in the U.S., namely the
ZPC." (24) Consequently, building upon earlier critical analyses, the
following section of this essay will investigate the backgrounds of
many of the New Humanitarians pushing for an intervention in Sudan.

The leading member of the Project for a New American Humanitarianism,
with regards to Sudan, is the Save Darfur Coalition. (25) Cofounded in
2004 by the aforementioned US Holocaust Memorial Museum’s Committee on
Conscience and the international development organization, American
Jewish World Service, the Coalition states that they aim to "raise
public awareness and mobilize a massive response to the atrocities in
Sudan’s western region of Darfur." It should be noted here that the
president of the American Jewish World Service, Ruth Messinger, in
addition to serving on the board of the Save Darfur Coalition, had
until recently (early 2007) served as a board member of InterAction, a
key US-based democracy manipulator. (26) Furthermore, in 2006,
Messinger ran for a seat in the World Zionist Congress on the
left-liberal "Hatikva" (Progressive Zionist Coalition) ticket. Not
surprisingly, Messinger is also linked to two other groups that are
calling for the need for a humanitarian intervention in Sudan, as she
sits on the advisory committee of Olympic Dream for Darfur, and is
listed as a supporter of the work of Investors Against Genocide (for
more on these groups see later).

The chair of the Save Darfur Coalition, Rev. Gloria White-Hammond, is
a particularly pertinent Coalition member owing to the numerous links
she maintains to related "humanitarian" groups. (27) Thus
White-Hammond is the founding co-chair of the Massachusetts Coalition
to Save Darfur, and the cofounder of My Sister’s Keeper — "a
women-led, women-focused, humanitarian action group" whose creation
was catalysed after White-Hammond was invited by Christian Solidarity
International "to travel to southern Sudan to take part in a slave
redemption mission" (in July 2001). In addition, White-Hammond serves
on the boards of both Christian Solidarity International and the
American Anti-Slavery Group, and like Messinger, White-Hammond also
sits on the advisory committee of Olympic Dream for Darfur, and is
listed as a supporter of the work of Investors Against
Genocide. Finally, White-Hammond serves as a board member of the
US-based Darfur Peace and Development Organization, where she sits
alongside Salih Mahmoud Osman (who is a director of the Sudan
Organization Against Torture, a group that received NED-funding in
2003, also "currently serves as a member of the Sudanese Parliament,"
and in 2005 received the Human Rights Defender Award from Human Rights
Watch, and in 2007 was awarded the "European Union’s top human rights
award, the Sakharov Prize"), (28) and the US talk radio host Joe
Madison (who played a key role in the launching, in 2000, of "The
Sudan Campaign, " an NED-linked campaign that arose "in response to
Secretary of State Albright’s challenge [to Charles Jacobs ] that
suffering in Sudan has not been ‘marketable’ to the American
people"). Joe Madison’s work for The Sudan Campaign is particularly
interesting because this group was initiated by Charles Jacobs of the
American Anti-Slavery Group, and John Eibner, the head of Christian
Solidarity International. (29) Notably, Jacobs, a committed Zionist,
now heads The Sudan Campaign, and is also the founder of the Committee
for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America and the David
Project, and is a member of the advisory board of the neoconservative
Foundation for the Defense of Democracies — many of whose key
principals were formerly associated with the Project for a New
American Century. Jacobs’s work can also be indirectly linked to the
Falun Gong’s cause, as New York attorney Carey R. D’Avino, who
formerly represented the Falun Gong, presently serves on the board of
American Anti-Slavery Group. (30)

The second cofounder of The Sudan Campaign, John Eibner, similarly
serves as a board member of the American Anti-Slavery Group, but also
acts as an expert for the neoconservative Zionist think tank, the
Middle East Forum, and has been the chairman and CEO of Christian
Solidarity International (USA) since 1990 — a group that describes
itself as "a Christian human rights organization for religious liberty
helping victims of religious repression, victimized children and
victims of disaster." Given the key role played by Eibner at Christian
Solidarity International, it is not surprising that this group should
play a critical role as a member of the Project for a New American

Christian Solidarity International is also a member of the Coalition
for the Defense of Human Rights, a coalition whose other members
include the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, and the Middle
East Intelligence Bulletin — a monthly publication jointly produced
by the Middle East Forum and the pro-Israel US Committee for a Free
Lebanon. The secretary-general of the Coalition for the Defense of
Human Rights, Rev. Keith Roderick, serves as Christian Solidarity
International’s representative in Washington, D.C., and presently acts
as the executive director of The Sudan Campaign. (31) It should be
pointed out that the British branch of Christian Solidarity
International, which since 1997 (when it "decided to separate from the
founding body") has been known as Christian Solidarity Worldwide, was
formerly headed by Baroness Cox of Queensbury (who now serves as a
patron of the organization). As mentioned, Baroness Cox presently
serves as a member of the Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of
Falun Gong in China, but, as her role at Christian Solidarity
Worldwide suggests, she has also been highly active in Sudanese
issues. Thus she serves on the board of reference of Servant’s Heart,
a group that "provides pastor training, pastoral and congregational
support to help build up the Christian church in south Sudan." (32)

The three other members of Servant’s Heart’s board of reference all
also serve on the advisory board of The Sudan Campaign, and are
Congressman Tom Tancredo, former NED board member Congressman Donald
Payne, and Senator Sam Brownback (who is also a member of the
executive committee of the neoconservative/Zionist stronghold, the
Jerusalem Summit). Critically, Baroness Cox serves alongside Senator
Brownback as a member of the Jerusalem Summit’s five person executive
committee, where they also sit alongside the infamous neoconservative
Zionist Daniel Pipes. (33) Also of interest, Daniel Pipes’s father,
Richard Pipes, serves with Baroness Cox on the advisory board of the
Andrei Sakharov Foundation, alongside Human Rights Watch president,
Robert Bernstein, and liberal philanthropist extraordinaire George
Soros amongst many others.

In 1983, Jim Jacobson launched a group known as the Christian Freedom
International as the US branch of Christian Solidarity International,
(34) however, CSI-USA eventually decided it wanted Jacobson’s group to
be independent of Christian Solidarity International (a procedure that
eventuated in 1998). Jacobson has noted that: "This step (pdf) was and
is important in that it allows CFI [Christian Freedom International]
to go to places without the permission of international treaties,
etc." One especially significant member of Christian Freedom
International’s board is the ultra-conservative Michael Farris, who
has been a member of the secretive Council for National Policy, and is
the founding president of Patrick Henry College — where he sits
alongside fellow board member, Janet Ashcroft, who is the wife of the
neoconservative former US Attorney-General John Ashcroft, who
presently teaches at Pat Robertson’s Regent University (Robertson is a
well-known Christian Zionist). Furthermore, until recently, Erik
Prince, the founder and CEO of the notorious private military
contractor Blackwater USA, serves on the board of Christian Freedom
International. This link is intriguing, because in June 2008, the
Financial Times (UK) reported that Mia Farrow, a representative for
the human rights group Dream for Darfur, had "asked Blackwater, the US
private security company active in Iraq, for help in Darfur after
becoming frustrated by the stalled deployment of a United Nations
peacekeeping force." Here it is important to recall that Rev. Gloria
White-Hammond, who is a board member of Christian Solidarity
International, serves alongside Mia Farrow on the advisory committee
of Olympic Dream for Darfur, and both are listed as supporters of
Investors Against Genocide; consequently, I now introduce these two

Olympic Dream for Darfur, which was launched in June 2007, is "an
initiative" of a group called Public Interest Projects — a project
that was established in 1983 to bring "together the work of
philanthropic institutions, nonprofit groups and other public interest
organizations who share a vision and commitment to creating a just
society." The founder of this project, Donald K. Ross, presently
serves as the chair of GreenPeace USA, and in the 1970s acted as a
consumer attorney, and then as director of Ralph Nader’s Citizen
Action Group: however, more importantly from 1985 through 1999, he
directed the activities of an important democracy manipulating liberal
foundation, the Rockefeller Family Fund. (35) Jill Savitt serves as
the executive director of the Olympic Dream for Darfur, and prior to
taking up this position she was based at the aforementioned Human
Rights First, where she acted as their Director of Public
Programs. Savitt also serves as a board member of the Save Darfur
Coalition. While at Human Rights First, Savitt supervised their HOPE
for Darfur campaign, so it is not surprising that Nicky Lazar, who was
the campaign manager for this campaign, went on to become the
international director for the Olympic Dream for Darfur. (36) One
individual serving on the 13 person strong advisory committee —
alongside the aforementioned Mia Farrow, Rev. Gloria White Hammond,
and Ruth Messinger — is Gayle Smith, who "served as Special Assistant
to the President and Senior Director for African Affairs at the
National Security Council from 1998-2001, and as Senior Advisor to the
Administrator and Chief of Staff of the US Agency for International
Development from 1994-1998." Amongst her other various affiliations,
Smith serves as a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and on
the board of the Africa-America Institute (which received NED funding
in the early 1990s), where she sits alongside key members of the power
elite, like Rosalind Kainyah (who is the Director of Public Affairs,
USA, for the mining group De Beers), and George Kirkland (who is the
vice president of the oil giant, Chevron Corporation). (37)

Investors Against Genocide is a project of the not-for-profit
Massachusetts Coalition to Save Darfur, and was originally publicly
launched on January 26, 2007, (International Holocaust Remembrance
Day) as the Fidelity Out of Sudan Campaign (referring to their efforts
to get the Fidelity investment firm to avoid or divest holdings of the
Chinese oil company PetroChina). The project was renamed Investors
Against Genocide in September 2008, and although they continue to work
against Fidelity, they extended their campaign to include the other
major holders of PetroChina. Their mission statement notes that they

…a non-profit organization dedicated to convincing mutual fund and
other investment firms to change their investing strategy so as to
avoid complicity in genocide. In particular, we want investment firms
to avoid or divest holdings of PetroChina (Chinese), Sinopec
(Chinese), ONGC (Indian), and Petronas (Malaysian), the four major oil
companies that are partnering with the Government of Sudan and helping
to fund the genocide in Darfur.

Investors Against Genocide was cofounded by Darfur activists Eric
Cohen (who also serves on the advisory committee of Olympic Dream for
Darfur), Susan Morgan, and Bill Rosenfeld. Their Web site also
provides a list of prominent people who support their campaign, and
these include Mia Farrow, Joe Madison, Ruth Messinger, Rev. Gloria
White-Hammond, Sudan analyst Eric Reeves (for a critique of his work,
see here), Charlie Clements (who is president, Unitarian Universalist
Service Committee, and heads their Drumbeat for Darfur campaign, and
is vice-chair and secretary of EarthRights International — a group
that obtains funding from the American Jewish World Service, and
Rights and Democracy), (38) Samantha Power (whose recent book, A
Problem from Hell: America and the Age of Genocide, was awarded the
Council on Foreign Relations’ Arthur Ross Prize for the best book in
US foreign policy, and whose service as a New Humanitarian has been
outlined by Edward Herman), (39) John Prendergast (former Director for
African Affairs at the National Security Council, Clinton
administration, former executive fellow of the US Institute of Peace,
senior advisor to the International Crisis Group, and board member of
the Save Darfur Coalition), US Congressman Michael Capuano
(Democrat-Massachusetts) (who serves on the congressional advisory
board of the Humpty Dumpty Institute), and 46 other Massachusetts

Dismantling the Project for a New American Humanitarianism

The Project for a New American Humanitarianism has sought to wage
"humanitarian" warfare on enemy states, in this case China. (40) Given
the imperialism-friendly outcomes of the dedicated activism undertaken
by the New Humanitarians it is not surprising that some important
aspects of their work intersects with neoconservatives and
Zionists. Together these groups demonize China, the rival capitalist
superpower, encouraging the view that China abuses the human rights of
Falun Gong practitioners, represses Tibetan freedom activists, and
trades with the genocidal Sudan. At the same time, the United States,
the faltering capitalist superpower, sinks to the bottom of the New
Humanitarians’ discourse on human rights, despite regularly abusing
the human rights of its own citizens (incarcerating many of them),
repressing the activities of all progressive activists who seek to
challenge US hegemonic interests, supporting genocides when it sees
fit (e.g., Indonesia and East Timor), and supporting well known ethnic
cleansers — i.e., Israel.

The connections that exist between the disparate members of the
Project for a New American Humanitarianism, neoconservatives, and
Zionists, are alarming. However, they should not be considered
evidence of a secretive conspiracy. Instead these "humanitarian"
networks should be considered akin to those that exist between the
neoconservative movement and the Israel Lobby. On this point, John
Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, in their seminal book, The Israel Lobby
and U.S. Foreign Policy (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2007), note that:
"Many neoconservatives are connected to an overlapping set of
Washington-based think tanks, committees, and publications whose
agenda includes promoting the special relationship between the United
States and Israel." They go on to add though, that while the…

…interrelated affiliations within the neoconservative movement…may
seem to some like a shadowy conspiracy (or even a "right-wing cabal")
[it] is anything but. On the contrary, the various think tanks,
committees, foundations, and publications that have nurtured the
neoconservative movement operate much as other policy networks do. Far
from shunning publicity or engaging in hidden plots, these groups
actively court publicity for the explicit purpose of shaping public
and elite opinion and thereby moving U.S. foreign policy in the
directions they favor. The neoconservative network is both undeniably
impressive and similar to networks that have arisen in other policy
areas, such as tax reform, the environment, or immigration. (p.131)

Unfortunately, like most other foreign policy analysts, Mearsheimer
and Walt fail to document the "humanitarian" ventures of the Israel
Lobby, and so ultimately provide only a limited critique of its
activities by focusing on militarily enforced domination, rather than
on the Lobby’s ties to the Project for a New American
Humanitarianism. (41) These "humanitarian" networks are not a shadowy
conspiracy, instead, as demonstrated here, the members of the Project
for a New American Humanitarianism organize their activities openly
and publicly, and they are highly visible.

It is patently clear that concerned citizens need to divert more of
their time and resources to helping other activists discard the
rose-tinted glasses that presently obscure their vision of the
regressive nature of many of the activities of the members of the
Project for a New American Humanitarianism. This is a difficult task,
and it is made harder by the Left’s prevailing sympathy for, and
involvement in, many of the human rights campaigns that have been
waged by the groups discussed here. But as Gross reminds us in his
prescient book Friendly Fascism: "If you can’t see that you’re part of
the problems, then you’re standing in the way of attacks on them."
(42) Thus if we, the people, are to break the feel-good chains that
imperial elites have enticed many of us into embracing, in the name of
human rights, then it is necessary for us (as concerned individuals
working collectively) to document and analyse the modus operandi of
both our aggressive and "humanitarian" adversaries.


1. The name Project for a New American Humanitarianism was inspired
by Edward S. Herman and David Peterson’s work on The New Humanitarian
Crusaders. (back)

2. Despite the focus on the forthcoming Olympics little mention is
ever made of the well documented antidemocratic nature of the
Olympics, which facilitate human rights abuses all over the world. For
further details see, Brian Martin, "Ten Reasons to Oppose All Olympic
Games," Freedom, August 3, 1996. (back)

3. Ward Churchill writes in his book, A Little Matter of Genocide:
Holocaust and Denial in the Americas 1492 to the Present, that in
preparing for the 1992 Columbus quincen-tenniary, then-director of the
National Endowment for the Humanities "Lynne Cheney, in collaboration
with the United States Senate… refuse[d] to fund any film production
which proposed to use the word ‘genocide,’ even in passing, to explain
the subsequent liquidation of America’s indigenous population."
(pp.4-5) (back)

4. Ward Churchill goes on: "In other words, no previous attempt to
obliterate an entire people – not Cortes’s butchery of an estimated
20,000 Mexicas (Aztecs) per day, ultimately putting to the sword more
than 300,000 as he set his men to systematically reducing all evidence
of their civilization to rubble; not the Spanish system of forced
labor (encomiendo) under which entire American Indian populations were
worked to death, not the transatlantic slave trade which cost millions
of African lives, depopulating vast expanses of the ‘Dark Continent’;
not the Virginia Colony’s extermination of the Powhatans during the
1620s nor the Puritans’ campaign to utterly eradicate the Pequots in
Massachusetts a decade later; not Lord Jeffrey Amherst’s 1763
instruction that his subordinates use smallpox to ‘extirpate’ the
Ottawas nor the U.S. Army’s replication of the tactic against the
Mandans in 1836; not the 1864 orders of both civil and military
authorities in Colorado for the total extermination of Cheyennes and
Arapahoes nor the actual extermination of entire aboriginal
populations in Tasmania and Newfoundland; not the 1918 Turkish
slaughter of well over a million Armenians; not the charnel houses of
Indonesia, Katanga, and Biafra in the 1960s nor those of Bangladesh
and Burundi in the 1970s; not Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge nor even
the more current horrors in East Timor, Bosnia, and Rwanda. Nothing
qualifies as being ‘truly’ genocidal except the Holocaust, or Slzoah,
as it is known in the Jewish tradition." A Little Matter of Genocide,
p.63-4. (back)

5. On his New Statesman blog, Conservative politician Brian Coleman
wrote (in July 2007) a piece titled "Falun Gong is a constant reminder
of Chinese oppression," in which he noted how the "wholesale
persecution of Falun Gong has gone largely unreported in the West."
Here it is noteworthy that Coleman is also a "member of Conservative
Friends of Israel, a group whose Parliamentary Group secretary, David
Amess, serves on the board of reference of Christian Solidarity
Worldwide (see later). The political director of Conservative Friends
of Israel, Robert Halfon, who was also a signatory of the Henry
Jackson Society’s statement of principles (international patrons of
this group include many well-known neoconservative Zionists – e.g.,
Richard Perle), and Halfon is also a board member of the Centre for
Social Justice. The latter group was formed (in 2004) by the former
British Conservative party leader, Iain Duncan Smith, and is currently
headed by Philippa Stroud, who was a former staffer at a group called
Christian Action Research and Education. The executive chair of the
latter group, Lyndon Bowring, also happens to serve on the board of
reference of Christian Solidarity Worldwide. Returning to Coleman, it
is significant to note that in October 2007 "Deputy Chairman of the
London Assembly Brian Coleman and Vice-President of the European
Parliament, Edward McMillan-Scott" (who is also a member of the
Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong in China, see
next) were involved in lighting the Human Rights Torch as part of a
relay that "was set up by rights groups with the mandate to show that
it is against the principles of the Olympic charter for the Games be
held in China whilst human rights abuses continue."

Leeshai S. Lemish, "Falun Gong and Media Bias: Representation of Falun
Gong-Related News in AP, Reuters, and AFP Reports," International
Association for Intercultural Communication Studies, Chinese Culture
University, Taipei, Taiwan, July 6-8, 2005. (back)

6. Significantly, "Steven Spielberg resigned as artistic adviser to
the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, in protest at China’s failure to
distance itself from genocide and human rights abuses in Darfur."

According to Raoul Wallenberg’s online biography: "Several tens of
thousands of Jews were that way saved by Wallenberg or by the
embassies of neutral countries inspired by Wallenberg’s work."
Wallenberg’s online biography goes on to note that: "One of his
helpers, future Congressman Tom Lantos, accompanied Raoul Wallenberg
to the trains, where Jews were being packed together like animals for
their journey to a certain death, and helped the Swede pull people
off." Here it is also interesting to note that the first book
published by Kati Marton (who is the wife of the "closet Zionist"
Richard Holbrooke), was a biography of Raoul Wallenberg titled
Wallenberg: Missing Hero (Random House, 1982). Marton serves on the
national advisory board of the Raoul Wallenberg Committee of the
United States alongside people like Elizabeth Moynihan (who is the
widow of the former leading neoconservative Daniel Patrick Moynihan),
Jerome Shestack (who is the founder of Human Rights First, for further
details see note 14), and Elie Wiesel (who was the founding chairman
of the US Holocaust Memorial Council in 1980, and amongst various
other "humanitarian" affiliations serves on the international council
of advisors of the International Campaign for Tibet). In a similar
vein, the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation, which was founded
by Baruch Tenembaum, can also be linked to the Project for a New
American Humanitarianism via their China representative, Xu Xin, who
also serves on the academic committee of the Jerusalem Summit (see
later). Finally, another related group of interest is the Raoul
Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, which can
be linked to various democracy manipulating groups by Lena
Hjelm-Wallen who serves on their board of trustees. (back)

7. In an informative radio interview conducted by KPFA Radio in
November 2006 with Samuel Luo (who runs the website
), and David Ewing (who is a co-chair
of the US China Peoples Friendship Association), Ewing suggested (at
39 min) that when relations between the US and China are problematic
there is "more official interest on the part of the US government in
groups like Falun Gong," but when diplomatic relations are less
adversarial, then the coverage that the Falun Gong’s cause receives
diminishes. Ascertaining the friendliness of political relations
between the US and China is, of course, not straight forward, as
although many members of the Project for a New American
Humanitarianism are busy highlighting China’s human rights abuses,
other US elites are simultaneously making huge profits from their
rising investments in China’s booming economy, particularly in China’s
repressive internal (in)security market (for further details, see
Naomi Klein’s excellent article "China’s All-Seeing Eye"). Indeed,
Israel would appear to be a prime exporter of such tools of repression
to China, because as Klein notes in an earlier article, many of
Israel’s "most successful entrepreneurs are using Israel’s status as a
fortressed state, surrounded by furious enemies, as a kind of
twenty-four-hour-a-day showroom — a living example of how to enjoy
relative safety amid constant war. And the reason Israel is now
enjoying supergrowth ["with a roaring stock market and growth rates
nearing China’s"] is that those companies are busily exporting that
model to the world." (back)

8. China Aid Association is a "charter member" of Religious Liberty
Partnership, a group whose leadership team is made up from
representatives from Christian Solidarity Worldwide, Christian
Solidarity International (Switzerland), World Evangelical Alliance
Religious Liberty Commission (Finland), Open Doors International
(Holland), and Voice of the Martyrs (Canada). The China Aid
Association advisory board is home to many neoconservatives the most
significant of which is former TIME Beijing Bureau Chief, Dr. David
Aikman, who has written the biography of the Christian evangelist
Billy Graham, was a former senior fellow at the neoconservative Ethics
and Public Policy Center, and is a regular contributor to The Weekly
Standard. (back)

9. The president of Open Doors USA is Carl Moeller whose biography
boasts that he is an "authority on religious freedom issues and has
appeared on many radio and television shows, including Hannity &
Colmes, [and Pat Robertson’s ultra-conservative] Christian
Broadcasting Network." His biography notes that: "Before joining Open
Doors USA, Moeller, 45, served as a Pastor in Membership at Saddleback
Church (Lake Forest, California)." This is significant because
Saddleback Church was founded in 1980 by Pastor Rick Warren, one of
whom’s "most important role models, he says, [has] been Billy Graham."
In addition, Pastor Warren was recently recruited to serve on Tony
Blair’s Faith Foundation where he sits alongside people like
Rev. David Coffey (who serves on the board of reference of Christian
Solidarity Worldwide), Anantanand Rambachan (who is on the advisory
board of The Pluralism Project), Rabbi David Rosen (who formerly
served as the Anti Defamation League’s Director of Interfaith
Relations in Israel, and serves a principal of the American Jewish
Committee), and Rabbi Sir Jonathan Sacks (who is the honorary
president of United Jewish Israel Appeal). (back)

10. Another prominent example of a Falun Gong group that receives
support from various elites is provided by the Coalition to
Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong in China. This broad-ranging
international group was launched in 2006, and significant members of
the Coalition with "democratic" ties include:

¢ former Canadian Secretary of State David Kilgour, who is a member
of the Committee of 100 for Tibet, and a director of the key US-based
democracy manipulator the Council for a Community of Democracies.

¢ former President of the Czech Republic Vaclav Havel, who is also
a member of the Committee of 100 for Tibet, received the NED’s
Democracy Service Medal in 2007, and serves on the international
council of advisors for the NED-funded International Campaign for
Tibet (for further criticism see here).

¢ member of the British House of Lords Baroness Caroline Cox, who
also serves on the advisory board of the Andrei Sakharov Foundation
alongside individuals like George Soros and the president of Human
Rights Watch, Richard Bernstein.

¢ vice-president of the European Parliament Edward McMillan-Scott,
who founded the European Democracy Initiative in 1992, and serves as
the chairman of the European Democracy Caucus that was established in

The latter two British members of the Coalition to Investigate the
Persecution of Falun Gong in China also happen to serve as members of
the important democracy manipulating group the International Committee
for Democracy in Cuba, a group that was founded by Vaclav Havel in
2003. The Coalition’s three US members are all Republicans:
Congressmen Thaddeus McCotter (Michigan), Congressman Dana Rohrabacher
(California), and Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (Florida). (back)

11. In 2002, Freedom House created a Bette Bao Lord Prize for Writing
in the Cause of Freedom, whose first recipient was the Egyptian
"prodemocracy" activist Saad Eddin Ibrahim. While Ibrahim’s links to
the darker side of the democracy manipulating lobby have not played
out in the international media, one part of his life that has been
well covered in the media was his arrest in June 2000, and his
subsequent imprisonment for illegally receiving foreign funding
(European Union grants) for his democracy work at the Ibn Khaldun
Center (which he founded in 1988 in Egypt. Interestingly, the Ibn
Khaldun Center only received its first NED grant in 2005 to "establish
and maintain" a new Egyptian Democracy Support Network. Ibrahim’s 2000
arrest pricked the world’s attention, and the Bush administration went
as far as withholding a "supplemental aid package for Egypt" until he
was released from prison in August 2000. However, Ibrahim’s ties to
the democracy manipulators are longstanding, as in 1983 he founded the
Arab Organization for Human Rights, of which the IFEX member and NED
recipient the Egyptian Organization for Human Rights (EOHR) is a
member. This makes it less surprising that the secretary-general of
EOHR, Hafez Abu Saada, was arrested on similar charges to Ibrahim in
December 1998, and was likewise released from prison as a result of
international pressure. Ibrahim’s ties to Freedom House and the NED
hint at his neoconservative credentials, which are confirmed by his
listing on the books of Benador Associates, a well-known
neoconservative public relations agency." (back)

12. George Soros is emeritus director of Refugees International, a
group whose mission statement notes that it provides "humanitarian
assistance and protection for displaced people around the world and
works to end the conditions that create displacement." Other
"democratic" emeritus directors at Refugees International include
Trish Malloch Brown (who served as a program officer for the Soros
Foundation in Eastern Europe from 1989 to 1992, and is married to
"democratic" notable Mark Malloch Brown), Robert DeVecchi (who is a
board member of the Foundation for a Civil Society), Judy Mayotte (who
is a member of the executive committee of the International Rescue
Committee), and Frank Wisner, Jr. (who formerly worked for the US
Agency for International Development in Vietnam during the 1960s, and
is a trustee of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund — also see here).

The current president of Refugees International is Kenneth Bacon, who
prior to his appointment in 2001 had worked for seven years as
assistant secretary, public affairs, at the US Department of Defense
— Bacon also represents Refugees International on InterAction’s board
of directors, and in 2001 took over the presidency from Lionel
Rosenblatt, who had served as president of Refugees International for
ten years. Refugees International’s vice president for policy, Joel
Charny, is co-chair of InterAction’s Protection Working Group, and is
also a member of the National Committee on North Korea. The chairman
of Refugees International’s board of directors is Farooq Kathwari, who
is also a trustee of Freedom House, and has received numerous awards
including the American Jewish Committee’s National Human Relations
Award, and the Anti-Defamation League’ s Humanitarian Award. Other
interesting directors of Refugees International are Elizabeth Bagley
(who served as a senior advisor to secretary of state Madeline
Albright from 1997 to 2001, and is now a director of the core NED
grantee, the National Democratic Institute), Constance Milstein (who
is a director of the National Democratic Institute), Richard Holbrooke
(who a director of the NED, and is married to Kati Marton, who serves
on the board of Human Rights Watch and the International Rescue
Committee), and Mary Ellen Glynn (who has recently served as the
spokeswoman for Richard Holbrooke — for a longer discussion of his
antidemocratic career see here). (back)

13. The US Holocaust Memorial Museum is located on Raoul Wallenberg
Place. (back)

14. Human Rights First (formerly known as the Lawyers Committee for
Human Rights) is a non-profit international human rights organization
based in New York and Washington DC that was founded in 1977 by Jerome
Shestack. Their website notes that to maintain their independence,
they "accept no government funding," this however, has not prevented
them from taking money (albeit a small amount) from the largest arms
manufacturer in the world, Lockheed Martin. Major donors ($100,000 and
above) of their work, however, include the likes of the Ford
Foundation, the MacArthur Foundation, and the Open Society Institute
(see Annual Report 2005/2006, pdf).

Human Rights First’s founder, Jerome Shestack, has recently served as
the president of the American Bar Association (1997-8), has "chaired
the International League for Human Rights since 1981 and is currently
its honorary president," is a commissioner of the International
Commission of Jurists, and a director of the Franklin and Eleanor
Roosevelt Institute. In 2006, Michael Posner became the president of
Human Rights First after serving 28 years as their executive
director. Posner’s most controversial previous affiliation was to the
National Coalition for Haitian Rights (in the early 1980s) of which
Human Rights Watch’s Jocelyn McCalla is the current executive
director. Maureen Byrnes moved into Posner’s vacated position as Human
Rights First’s new executive director, having previously served at the
Pew Charitable Trusts in Philadelphia as Director of Policy

Human Rights First has held a Human Rights Awards Dinner annually
since 2001, at which they honor the work of two or three human rights
activists. This is particularly remarkable because some of these
activists have been strongly linked to the democracy manipulating
community. Thus in 2002, the two award winners were Saad Eddin Ibrahim
(whose work is closely linked to the NED, see note 11) and Sima Samar
(who is now the chair of the Afghan Independent Human Rights
Commission — a group that has collaborated with USAID, is listed as a
partner organization of the International Center for Transitional
Justice, and includes the former Afghan country director for the
National Democratic Institute, Hossain Ramoz, on their board of
commissioners). In 2003, Xu Wenli was one of the recipients of the
Human Rights Award: Wenli is currently a senior fellow at the Watson
Institute, and on May 4, 2006, he spoke at a conference organized by
NED aid recipient the Laogai Research Foundation. The following year
(2004) Mehrangiz Kar received the Human Rights First Award — she
again is ‘democratically’ connected as between 2001 and 2002 she was a
Reagan-Fascell Democracy fellow at the NED, in 2002 she won the NED
Democracy Award, between 2005 and 2006 she was a fellow at the Carr
Center, and she is presently a program advisor for the Women’s
Learning Partnership. None of the other Human Rights First award
recipients appear to be obviously linked to "democratic"

The current chair of Human Rights First’s board of directors is
William Zabel: in 2000 (at least), Zabel was a director of Human
Rights Watch and a legal advisor for the Soros Foundations, and he is
presently also a director of the Winston Founation. Other
‘democratically’ linked Human Rights First directors include Louis
Henkin, Harold Hongju Koh, M. Bernard Aidinoff, Gail Furman, Scott
Greathead (who is a founding member of Human Rights First, and a
director of the NED-funded Human Rights in China), Juliette Kayyem
(who is an advisor for Americans for Informed Democracy), Kerry
Kennedy (who is an international advisor for the International
Campaign for Tibet, and a board member of the NED-funded China
Information Center), and Philip Lacovara (who is on the national
advisory board of the right-wing Center for the Community Interest, an
organization whose founder Roger Conner went on to serves as the
executive director of Search for Common Ground between 2000 and
2004). Two Human Rights First directors without "democratic" ties are
still linked to Human Rights Watch, these are Steven Shapiro (who is
the legal director of the American Civil Liberties Union, and a member
of both Human Rights Watch’s U.S. Advisory Committee and Asia Advisory
Committee), and Robert D. Joffe (who is a member of Human Rights
Watch’s Africa Advisory Committee). Finally, "democratic" Human Rights
First’s national council members include Human Rights Watch founder
Robert L. Bernstein, Helene L. Kaplan, Abner J. Mikva (who is a member
of the senior advisory committee of the National Democratic
Institute), and two HRW Americas Advisory Committee members Bruce Rabb
and Rose Styron. (back)

15. The Humpty Dumpty Institute was created in 1998 and their website
states that it "forges innovative public-private partnerships to find
creative solutions to difficult humanitarian problems" — which it
does by working closely with various departments of the US government.

16. The Israel Policy Forum was formed in 1993 and is a "non-profit
organization whose mission is to promote the Middle East peace process
in order to strengthen Israeli security and further US foreign policy
interests in the region." (back)

17. Benjamin Gilman was formerly a trustee of the Meridian
International Center — a nonprofit that was founded in 1960, and as
their website notes, is "dedicated to advancing international
understanding through public diplomacy and global engagement". Major
financial supporters of the Meridian International Center’s work
include Lockheed Martin, ExxonMobil, and General Motors. (back)

18. Soenke Biermann, "Found in Translation: Differences, Tolerance
and Enriching Diversity," Refereed paper presented to Activating Human
Rights and Peace: Universal Responsibility, Byron Bay, Australia, July
1-4, 2008. (Conference proceedings will be published online on
December 15, 2008.) (back)

19. Emanuel M. Josephson, Rockefeller, ‘Internationalist’: The Man
Who Misrules the World (Chedney Press, 1952); Griffin, G. Edward, The
Fearful Master: A Second Look at the United Nations (Western Islands,
1964). (back)

20. David Rockefeller, Memoirs (New York: Random House, 2002),
p. 405. (back)

21. According to their website: "The idea of the Club of Budapest was
developed in 1978 in a discussion between Aurelio Peccei, founder and
first president of the Club of Rome, and Ervin Laszlo, systems
philosopher and also member of the Club of Rome at that time."
Honorary members of the Club of Budapest include the Dalai Lama,
Vaclav Havel and Elie Wiesel. (back)

22. Significant members of the World Commission include Desmund Tutu,
Robert A.F. Thurman and Rodrigo Carazo Odio: all three of whom serve
as members of the Committee of 100 for Tibet, and on the international
council of advisors for the NED-funded International Campaign for
Tibet. (Desmund Tutu also acts as a member of Human Rights Watch’s
Arms Advisory Committee.) Two other World Commission members who are
linked to the Tibetan cause are Betty Williams (who is a member of the
Committee of 100 for Tibet), and The Dalai Lama. (back)

23. Earlier this year, the BBC provided a sensationalist extremely
limited critique of Auroville which only focused on the links between
child abuse and Auroville (see related BBC article). (back)

24. Petras points out that the Conference of the Presidents of Major
American Jewish Organizations "has focused on the Darfur ‘genocide’
because by doing so it favors the brutal separatists in southern
Sudan, armed and advised by Israel, as a means of depriving
pro-Palestinian Sudan of a large oil rich region in the south of the
country. The Darfur campaign deliberately and systematically excludes
any mention of the Israeli Supreme Court’s approval of Israel’s food
and fuel blockade and deliberate prevention of the movement of medical
personnel in Gaza and the West Bank, its approval of Israel’s practice
of torture (‘forceful interrogations’), armed assaults on the vital
infrastructure and civilian population centers of Gaza." (back)

25. United Jewish Communities is an organizational member of the Save
Darfur Coalition, and a member of IsraAID — which was founded in 2001
and describes itself as a "coordinating body of Israeli and Jewish
NGOs (non governmental organizations) and other interested parties
based in Israel that are active in development and relief work and
concerned about global issues (‘Tikkun Olam’)." In 2002, Henry
Elkaslasi, the head of The Humanitarian Fund of the Kibbutz Movement,
became chair of IsraAID. Elkaslasi presently also serves as the
co-chair of the Israeli Coalition for the Refugees of Darfur and Sudan
(also known as Israel for Darfur). Israel for Darfur is listed as a
campaign of the blogging group, Darfur Awareness, which in turn is a
project of a group called Mideast Youth. This latter group was founded
by Esra’a Al Shafei — who also cofounded the Middle East Interfaith
Blogger Network — and in June 2007, she received an award from
free-market Atlas Economic Research Foundation for her Mideast Youth
project. (back)

26. According to their website, InterAction, which was formed in
1984, is the "largest alliance of US-based international development
and humanitarian nongovernmental organizations." In 2005, their total
annual revenue was just over $5.4 million, of which a sizable amount
($1.4 million) came from the US government, and an array of liberal
foundations like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Ford
Foundation. Former presidents of InterAction include Julia Taft, 1992
to 1997 (who is a former NED director, and former director of the
Office for US Disaster Assistance at USAID), Jim Moody, 1998 to 2000
(who now serves as a director of Relief International, and serves on
the advisory board for the NED-funded National Iranian American
Council), and Mary McClymont, 2001 to 2005 (who previously had worked
for 12 years with the Ford Foundation, and is now a director of both
Global Rights, and Physicians for Human Rights). In 2005, Mary
McClymont was replaced by InterAction’s first ever foreign-born
president, Mohammad Akhter, who also serves as the executive director
of the American Public Health Association. In February 2006, with no
irony apparently intended, Dr. Akhter observed that: "The United
States expresses its greatness in a variety of ways, but perhaps none
is more important than the humanitarian and development assistance we
provide overseas." (back)

27. Other notable ‘humanitarian’ board members of the Save Darfur
Coalition include Jill Savitt (who is the director of the Olympic
Dream for Darfur), John Prendergast (who was the former Director for
African Affairs at the National Security Council for the Clinton
administration), and James Zogby (who is the founder and president of
the Arab American Institute, is a member of the Council on Foreign
Relations, serves on the Human Rights Watch Middle East Advisory
Committee, acts as an advisor for Americans for Informed Democracy,
and serves on the national advisory council of the US Interreligious
Committee for Peace in the Middle East). Incidentally, given the Save
Darfur Coalition’s links to the elite-friendly Human Rights Watch
through James Zogby, it is noteworthy that an international human
rights group called Crisis Action (which has offices in Berlin,
Brussels, London and Paris) coordinates the Globe for Darfur
coalition. This is interesting because Crisis Action — which has
obtained support from the Save Darfur Coalition — works in
partnership with many New Humanitarian NGOs, and is headed by
individuals who represent, or have represented, groups which include
Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, the International Crisis
Group, and Oxfam International. (back)

28. The winner of the 2006 Sakharov Prize was Alexander Milinkevich,
the Belarussian opposition leader; while the 2005 winners were Ladies
in White (a "pro-democracy group in Cuba"), the key democracy
manipulator, Reporters Without Borders, and Hauwa Ibrahim (a Nigerian
human rights attorney). (back)

29. In addition to Christian Solidarity International and the
American Anti-Slavery Group, other members of The Sudan Campaign
coalition included the American Jewish Committee (DC Branch), and the
NED-funded Sudan Human Rights Organization (Cairo) amongst
others. Members of the Campaigns advisory board included Freedom House
representative Nina Shea, three Republicans: Senator Sam Brownback
(Kansas) who serves on the board of reference of Servant’s Heart, and
is presidium of the Jerusalem Summit; Tom Tancredo (Colorado) who also
serves on the board of reference of Servant’s Heart; and Frank Wolf
(Virginia) who is a director of Bread for the World; and three
Democrat Congressman: Gregory Meeks (New York) who is a board member
of the NED, and serves on the Congressional advisory board of the
Humpty Dumpty Institute; Eleanor Holmes Norton (District of Columbia)
who is a former board member of the Rockefeller Foundation; and Donald
Payne (New Jersey) who serves on the board of reference of Servant’s
Heart, is a former NED board member, a board member of Bread for the
World, serves on the Congressional advisory board of the Humpty Dumpty
Institute, and is co-chairman of the Alexis de Tocqueville
Institution. (back)

30. Another significant board member of the American Anti-Slavery
Group is Jesse Sage, who formerly served for seven years as associate
director of the Group before joining the neoconservative American
Islamic Congress (a group whose work is closely linked to that of the
Foundation for the Defense of Democracies). Sage’s background provides
an indicative representation of the close ties that are maintained
between progressive groups and the democracy manipulating community,
as he also acts as the treasurer of the Human and Civil Rights
Organizations of America, a group that has provided funding to the
progressive media watchdog Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, three
NED-funded groups (Human Rights in China, the International Campaign
for Tibet, and the Center for Victims of Torture), and various
pro-Israel group’s like the Anti-Defamation League, the International
Fellowship of Christians and Jews, the Jewish Fund for Justice, and
the New Israel Fund. (back)

31. Rev. Roderick also serves on the advisory board of the American
Council for Kosovo, and is a member of the North Korea Freedom
Coalition. The latter group was formed in 2003, and their executive
committee is chaired by Christian Solidarity International board
member, Suzanne Scholte. Thus it appears that Korea is certainly
considered to be a major target for the New Humanitarian
community. Fittingly Scholte is also president of the Defense Forum
Foundation (whose board of directors include former NED board member
and Project for a New American Century signatory, Fred Ikle), and she
serves as the treasurer of the US Committee for Human Rights in North
Korea (whose board is home to many Project for a New American Century
signatories, and the NED’s president, while the Committee itself is
headed by Debra Liang-Fenton, who formerly directed the US Institute
of Peace’s Human Rights Implementation initiative, and has been a
project officer of the International Forum for Democratic Studies at
the NED). For further background on the democracy manipulating
community’s interest in North Korea, see Stephen Gowans,
"Understanding North Korea," What’s Left, March 3, 2007. (back)

32. In 2003, Baroness Cox founded the British-based Humanitarian Aid
Relief Trust, whose board of trustees includes Anthony Peel (who is
also a trustee of Christian Solidarity Worldwide), and Nicholas Mellor
(who is the co-founder of Medical Emergency Relief International,
whose board of trustees is chaired by Lord Jay of Ewelme, an
individual who "was Tony Blair’s personal representative to the G8
Summits in 2005 and 2006"). Baroness Cox also formerly served as a
trustee of Medical Emergency Relief International. (back)

33. For a critical review of the First Jerusalem Summit (held from
October 12-14, 2003), see Syed Shahabuddin, "A New World Order in the
Making: An Alliance of Israeli Zionists, Americans, Neo-Cons and World
Jewry", The Milli Gazette, September 2004. Also see, Habib Siddiqui,
"Jerusalem Summit: What Are The Neocons Cooking?," Media Monitors
Network, October 29, 2005. (back)

34. Jim Jacobson launched Christian Freedom International (CFI) after
visiting Burma, on the prompting of Ambassador Faith Whittlesey, who
had asked Jim to "spearhead a program to assist persecuted
Christians." (pdf) (Whittlesey currently serves as a board member of
CFI.) Jacobson’s biography notes that before creating CFI he "served
as a policy analyst in the Reagan White House, a political appointee
in the George Herbert Walker Bush administration"; it also notes that,
"At the invitation of First Lady Laura Bush, Mr. Jacobson participated
in The Dialogue on Burma, a roundtable discussion conducted during the
September 2006 U.N. General Assembly that allowed activists and
government officials to speak openly about the severe humanitarian
crisis that has plagued Burma for decades." For further details on the
democracy manipulating communities interests in Burma, see Michael
Barker, "People Power or Political Puppetry?", The Fanonite, January
16, 2008. (back)

35. For a detailed critique of the influence of liberal philanthropy
on the evolution of the environmental movement, see Michael Barker,
"The Liberal Foundations of Environmentalism: Revisiting the
Rockefeller-Ford Connection," Capitalism Nature Socialism, 19, 2,
15-42. (Part of the article is also summarized here.) (back)

36. Nicky Lazar was also a producer on Michael Moore’s two most
recent films "SICKO" and "Fahrenheit 9/11." (back)

37. The president of the Africa-America Institute, Mora McLean,
formerly served as deputy director for Africa and Middle East programs
at the Ford Foundation, and is a former board member of the NED’s
sister organization, the US Institute of Peace. (back)

38. The co-founder and executive director of EarthRights
International, Ka Hsaw Wa, is a member of the Karen ethnic nationality
of Burma, and since 1995 EarthRights have "worked in Burma to monitor
the impacts of the military regime’s policies and activities on local
populations and ecosystems." Two notable members of EarthRights
eight-person strong board of directors include Kumi Naidoo (who is the
secretary-general and CEO of CIVICUS: the World Alliance for Citizen
Participation), and Rebecca Rockefeller (who is a trustee of the
Rockefeller Family Fund). (back)

39. Samantha Power is a board member of the International Rescue
Committee, and the PNAC-linked US Committee for Human Rights in North
Korea (see note 31). (back)

Gross also highlight that "the operating rules of modern capitalist
empire require ascending rhetoric about economic and social
development, human rights, and the self-effacing role of transnational
corporations in the promotion of progress and prosperity. The more
lies are told, the more important it becomes for the liars to justify
themselves by deep moral commitments to high-sounding objectives that
mask the pursuit of money and power. The more a country like the
United States imports its prosperity from the rest of the world, the
more its leaders must dedicate themselves to the sacred ideal of
exporting abundance, technology, and civilization to everyone
else. The further this myth may be from reality, the more significant
it becomes — and the greater the need for academic notables to
document its validity by bold assertion and self-styled statistical
demonstration." p.5, p.205. (back)

40. An early example of this phenomenon is provided by Richard Brown
(1980) who described how liberal philanthropists (like the Rockefeller
Foundation) and other missionaries under the guise of promoting
medical technologies overseas "wrapped imperialism in cloaks of
humanitarianism." He points out that such "humanitarians" certainly
did not lack humanitarian feeling: "Rather, their humanitarianism was
shaped by their ethnocentrism, their class interests, and their
support for the imperialist objectives of their own country." Brown
thus suggests that: "By the time their humanitarianism was expressed
in programs, it was so intertwined with the interests of American
capitalism as to be indistinguishable." However, he is correct to
recognize, like Mearsheimer and Walt, that such humanitarian "programs
were the result not of dark conspiracies, but of simple recognition
and articulation of the [ir proponents]… class interests."
E. Richard Brown, "Rockefeller Medicine in China: Professionalism and
Imperialism" in Robert F. Arnove (Ed.) Philanthropy and Cultural
Imperialism: The Foundation at Home and Abroad (Indiana University
Press, 1981), p.139.

Similarly Edward Berman noted how liberal philanthropists exporting
western eductional systems to Africa have long portrayed themselves as
"disinterested humanitarians" by "emphasi[zing] on the provision of
acommodity which ostensibly has no political overtones and which is in
great demand." However, as Berman demonstrated, "there was little
humanitarianism in these foundation attempts to develop educational
systems in Africa, despite the proclivities of random foundation
personnel in this direction. Education was perceived as the opening
wedge ensuring an American presence in those African nations
considered of strategic and economic importance to the governing and
business elite of the United States." Edward H. Berman, "The
Foundations Role in American Foreign Policy: The Case of Africa, post
1945," in Robert F. Arnove (Ed.) Philanthropy and Cultural
Imperialism: The Foundation at Home and Abroad (Indiana University
Press, 1981), p. 225. (back)

41. With regard to charitable activities and their relation to the
Israel Lobby, Mearsheimer and Walt note that "private donations to
charities in most foreign countries are not tax deductible, but many
private donations to Israel are, due to a special clause in the
U.S.-Israel income tax treaty." (p.29) In addition, they add, "because
Israeli charities operate beyond the reach of U.S. tax authorities,
donations from Jewish and Christian evangelical organizations are hard
to monitor once they are transferred to Israel. In practice,
therefore, the U.S. government cannot easily determine the extent to
which tax-exempt private donations are being diverted for unauthorized
purposes." p.30 (back)

42. Gross also highlight that "the operating rules of modern
capitalist empire require ascending rhetoric about economic and social
development, human rights, and the self-effacing role of transnational
corporations in the promotion of progress and prosperity. The more
lies are told, the more important it becomes for the liars to justify
themselves by deep moral commitments to high-sounding objectives that
mask the pursuit of money and power. The more a country like the
United States imports its prosperity from the rest of the world, the
more its leaders must dedicate themselves to the sacred ideal of
exporting abundance, technology, and civilization to everyone
else. The further this myth may be from reality, the more significant
it becomes — and the greater the need for academic notables to
document its validity by bold assertion and self-styled statistical
demonstration." p.5, p.205. (back)
