ANKARA: Discontinuity of Russia’s Policy: Kosovo and South Ossetia

Journal of Turkish Weekly, Turkey

Discontinuity of Russia’s Policy: Kosovo and South Ossetia
Mirzet Mujezinovic

Saturday , 16 August 2008

Even if they do not have anything in common, Kosovo and South Ossetia
became closer in last two weeks that they were ever before. Kosovo
declared independence from Serbia in February 2008 that is recognized
by about 45 world countries. Russia, backing Serbia in this issue,
strongly opposes this independence arguing that such act creates
precedence for every separatist region all around the world,
especially mentioning those in Georgia; Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

Almost half a year after the Kosovo’s declaration of independence,
Georgia Army Forces suddenly attacked South Ossetia trying to
reestablish control over the breaking province. South Ossetia declared
independence from Georgia within collapse of Soviet Union, which was
not recognized by any state, including Russia. From that time until
present South Ossetia (together with Abkhazia and Nagorno-Karabakh)
represent a so-called `frozen conflict’.

What was the real reason of suddenly Georgian military operation and
did Mikheil Saakashvili had Western (namely the US) support is not
very important, since small countries were and will always be an
element in the foreign policies of big ones. What is important is that
Saakashvili made a terrible political and strategic mistake by using a
military option for resolving a political problem. Russian reaction
against prospective NATO member presents her standpoint regarding
NATO’s further enlargement toward Russia.

Russia’s respond against Georgian military operation was incredible
fast and brutal. Bombing all Georgian military assets around whole
country forced Georgian Army to withdraw. First military operation
outside the Russian Federation completed with totally success. As
every winner, Russia dictates peace criteria. The most interesting
statement made by Russian officials was statement of Russian President
Dmitry Medvedev, who said that Russia supports the position of
Georgia’s separatist South Ossetia (and Abkhazia) region in talks on
their future status. Vladimir Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister also
argued that no document or agreement that includes words as
`territorial integrity of Georgia’ will be accepted by his
country. All this means that Russia strongly supports secession of
Georgia’s breakaway provinces which is in serious contradiction with
Russian stand regarding Kosovo.

Such Russian standpoint puts Serbia in a difficult position, since
Serbia still counts on Russian support in UN Security Council. So, if
Russia raises her voice for South Ossetia’s independence from Georgia,
Serbia will lose her most important ally and stay absolutely alone in
her fight against Kosovo’s independence. On the other hand, Russian
encouraging of the independence declaration of the Georgian provinces
and their recognition will verify widely accepted opinion that Russian
support to Serbia on Kosovo issue was just a continuation of Putin’s
`confrontation policy’. Mirzet Mujezinovic USAK/ISRO Balkan Studies

U.S. Intentions Unclear; Israel Lobby Presses for War

OpEdNews, PA

August 16, 2008 at 13:15:52

U.S. Intentions Unclear; Israel Lobby Presses for War

by bhwhite

U.S.-Iran War: U.S. Intentions Unclear; Israel & Israel Lobby Press for War

Mixed Signals

After months of increasing expectations that the Bush Administration
was preparing to attack Iran, a series of events in the last few weeks
indicated a possible shift in strategy. The central question about
these events, listed below, is whether they represent a genuine shift
away from intended war making, or are just repositioning designed to
enhance conditions for the long-planned attack on Iran?

Among those events in question:

· Resolution of the Lebanon’s latest internal conflict, initially
trigged by a failed effort to seize Hezbollah’s communications
infrastructure, apparently inspired and backed by the Bush
administration, after which Lebanon’s government and Hezbollah reached
an accommodation, left those facilities intact and strengthening
Hezbollah’s already dominant military and political position;

· Israel and Syria initiated and acknowledged ongoing negotiations,
despite the objections by the Bush administration;

· Iraqi factions agreed to halt the US-back offensive against Sadr
City in Baghdad, allowing Iraqi troops, but not US troops, to patrol
the district;

· Israel and Hamas, using Egypt as a go-between, negotiated the
extension of a developing de facto cease-fire in Gaza;

· Preparations by the Bush administration to give up power at the end
of their legal term of office, indicating an acceptance of such a

· Iraq’s government indicating, in the face of White House pressure,
that it wants a US withdrawal time table; and

· US participation in "direct talks" with Iran and possible
establishment of a U.S. interest section in Tehran.

Prediction Error

While it is clear that speculation about the future is particularly
prone to error, we think it important to acknowledge such
misjudgments, as we do now by noting our April 2008 conclusion about a
likely US attack on Iran by the end of June:

"Since we continue to believe the attack will likely come before the
end of May, or, at the latest June, we think it is likely the attack
will come between May 11, 2008 and June 30, 2008. If not, then with
near certainty before the US elections in November. Should the attack
not come before Bush leaves office, the chances of a major attack on
Iran would be greatly diminished, no matter which of the three
remaining major candidates takes office in his place, even if
potential war provoking incidents between the US and Iran were to
occur. And this is why the Israel Lobby is pressing Bush to act before
it is ‘too late’." ~ April 30, 2008.

Covert Acts of War

Nevertheless, acts of war by the U.S. against Iran are occurring. The
Bush Administration, with Congressional approval, has undertaken
covert acts of war against Iran. These ongoing actions, funded by
Congressional appropriations for operations within Iran meant to
destabilize Iran enough to provoke either regime change or policy
modification, include bombings and assassinations. While one could
argue that the U.S.- Iran war on a covert level has already begun,
these actions, while provocative, have not created within the present
government in Tehran a provocation of sufficient magnitude to warrant
a state of war, which would presumably result in Iranian attacks on
US naval and ground forces in the region, if not wider attacks
elsewhere – attacks the Bush Administration appears to be inviting,
perhaps with the expectation that the resulting losses and
counter-attacks would generate public support for the administration
and the Republican presidential candidate. Recent Events Undermine
Support for War with Iran

Advocating a war between the U.S. and Iran suffers from the widely
held judgment that the last attempt to contain Iranian influence by
war-making, the Israeli attacks on Hezbollah in Lebanon, resulted in
exactly the opposite outcome. In addition, increased Iranian
influence is one of the few unambiguous results of the U.S. invasion
of Iraq.

Economic and political climates have changed from the time of the
U.S. invasion of Iraq, wherein unintended economic consequences of the
Iraq war and large U.S. deficits have undermined the U.S. corporate
support for Bush and Cheney. A U.S. war with Iran now is seen as bad
for "business as usual", a grave, if not fatal, flaw for any
U.S. policy initiative. While some of the same companies that
supported and profited from the invasion of Iraq stand to gain from an
U.S.-Iran war, a far larger portion of corporate interests see this
new conflict as a significant danger to the general economy and their
overall interests. Despite repeated assertions about success in Iraq,
the Iraq invasion is widely considered have been a strategic blunder
with vast costs and few, if any, benefits. Now, with many of the same
advocates of the Iraq invasion pressing to attack Iran, the
U.S. military establishment has move from caution to alarm about
undertaking a conflict with a potentially more difficult opponent for
equally dubious objectives, including the suspicion an attack on Iran
may be an ill advised effort to correct problems created by the Iraq
invasion and a way to avoid admitting a mistake. These concerns add
to widely held doubts about Bush’s competence and judgment to
undertake such war, even if it were otherwise consider a viable

Israeli and Bush Administration claims about Iranian nuclear weapons
development appear a red herring on the same order as the Weapons of
Mass Destruction claims advanced prior to the invasion of Iraq. Only
now, having learned from the Bush Administration’s characterizing
Whitehouse cherry picking intelligence before the Iraq invasion as
institutional "intelligence mistakes", the U.S. intelligence community
made clear its skepticism about administration claims of an Iranian
nuclear weapons program in its November National Intelligence
Estimate. European Union and NATO support for an attack on Iran is
nonexistent, with the latest conflict between Russia and Georgia
raising additional concerns about provoking armed conflict with Iran,
a country that receives military equipment and training from Russia
and shares its northern borders with former Soviet Union republics
Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Turkmenistan.

Evidence of increasing resistance to the right-wing AIPAC’s dominance
within the Israel Lobby can be found in the emergence of an
alternative, the pro-peace, pro-Israel J Street Lobby that opposes a
war with Iran and calls for Israel’s withdrawal from the Occupied
Territories as part of regional peace agreement. A recently reported
poll among American Jews indicating diminished support for Senator
Lieberman (I-Conn), a leading war advocate increasingly seen as
advancing extremist right-wing Israeli interests in the Middle East
for which no sacrifice of blood and treasure by the U.S. seems too

Israeli Government and Israel Lobby Press for U.S.-Iran War

Given wide opposition to an attack on Iran, why is it being considered
at all?

Apart from whatever inclinations Bush/Cheney may harbor to attack
Iran, the main advocacy appears to be a coordinated effort by both the
Israeli government and its Israel Lobby in the U.S. to maneuver the
U.S. into a war with Iran.

Israel sees a U.S.-Iran war strengthening its grip on the Occupied
Territories by weakening Iran, whatever its costs to the U.S. Most
fundamentally because Iran is the critical source of support for those
forces most effectively challenging Israel’s regional territorial
ambitions: Hezbollah in southern Lebanon; Syria on the Galan Heights;
and most especially, Hamas’ resistance to occupation and incremental
annexation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem as well as to the
maintenance, with Egypt, of the Gaza Strip as essentially the world’s
largest prison/concentration camp. By contrast, Iranian’s nuclear
program is a more distant concern, but a far more acceptable pretext
for war than territorial expansion. It would not do for Israel and
its lobby to demand U.S. blood and treasure to make the West Bank
safer for Israeli "settlements" or to tap the waters of the Litani
River in Lebanon

Israel’s war-provoking effort appears to be divided into two major
elements: a U.S. domestic political campaign; and, Israeli military
and intelligence programs:

Israel’s U.S. domestic campaign’s most conspicuous component is the
Israel Lobby effort, led by AIPAC, introducing on May 22, 2008
concurrent resolutions (H. Con. Res. 362 and S. Res. 580) in both
houses of the U.S. Congress, calling on the Bush Administration to
take certain actions against Iran. Despite a massive lobbying effort
and wide nominal congressional support, with 220 co-sponsors in the
House and 32 in the Senate, the resolution may have been a tactical
blunder, because it over-reached in two critical areas:

Some of the resolution’s whereas assertions have been widely
discredited as being false; and,
· A provision calling for the U.S. to enforce an embargo against Iran
is, in the opinion of many, a virtual declaration of war by the
U.S. on Iran.
So, despite a near blackout in corporate media reporting about this resolution and it being advanced under rules reserved for "non-controversial" matters in the House by Speaker Pelosi, the resolution has come under increasing criticism. As a consequence, some of its most influential sponsors have withdrawn their support. In addition, there is a concomitant effort led by Lieberman to build grass roots political support for a U.S. war with Iran, using such allies as Pastor John Hagee, a "leading right-wing Christian Zionist."

The Israeli military and intelligence programs, publicly centered
around preparations for an attack on Iran, appear to be designed to
augment Israel’s pressure on the U.S. to attack Iran instead as well
as to cover secret preparations for a possible false flag attack on
U.S. interests by Israel to be blamed on Iran. The clear intent is to
provoke an immediate shooting war between the U.S. and Iran.

An attack on Iran by Israel itself is unlikely, because it would have
limited impact on Iran’s nuclear program, military forces, and
national infrastructure, while potentially resulting in substantial
Israeli naval and air force losses, and therefore ultimately
threatening Israel’s political establishment. Clearly, Israel wants
to avoid war against its most substantial opponents, Egypt or Iran,
when its current territorial interests can be satisfied by attacking
its immediate, less capable abutters Lebanon and Syria, especially if
Iran is less able to assist them. Given increasing U.S. military
resistance to Israel’s efforts as well as many elements among the
U.S. political and economic establishment opposing a U.S. war with
Iran, a false flag attack on U.S. interests may be Israel’s last, best

Given Israel’s and the Israel Lobby’s central role in, and success at,
helping start Bush’s Iraq War, this effort to start a U.S.-Iran War is
considered among the most serious threats to U.S. national security by
those who believe such a war both gravely dangerous and manifestly
contrary to U.S. national interests.

Likely Future Events

Whether the U.S. will become involved in war with Iran is unclear.
What is likely is a set of events or non-events over the next few
weeks, indicating the current intensions of the Bush Administration
and Israeli governments toward Iran and each other.

So what might happen? It seems likely that if Bush is going to start
a war with Iran, one would expect the ramp-up PR effort and
accompanying threats shortly after the end of August, beginning with
complaints about "diplomacy not working", followed by new "evidence"
of Iranian nuclear weapons development and perhaps an Iranian hand in
killing American troops in Iraq, then building to "final warnings" as
well as "last chances to come clean" etc., before hostilities in
October. There may be a naval confrontation and some other casus
belli, real or contrived. This timing would give McCain the best
possible advantage from the bounce expected when the shooting first
starts, especially if Obama is blamed for Iran’s supposed
intransigency. If McCain looks to win, then Bush may wait until after
the election to strike; if Obama is ahead or the race is too close to
predict, then Bush may strike before the election in the hopes of
changing McCain’s fortunes.

vAmong possible war-starting event sequences would be a limited
U.S. attack on Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps facilities near the
Iraq border, followed by an Israeli false flag attack on a
U.S. vessel, with Bush Administration turning a blind eye to evidence
of Israeli evolvement, possibly ignoring warnings about such an
attack, and then ordering wider ranging attacks on Iran in "defense"
of U.S. forces, resulting in a rapid series of escalating military
exchanges between the U.S. and Iran.

An early indication of such a new PR effort came from Secretary of
State Rice, a leading Iraq war advocate. After the U.S. attended a
much publicized, single meeting with Iran, Rice charged Iran was not
serious, when attending Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs
William Burns, under her orders, was to say nothing to the Iranian
delegation. This ludicrous claim about failed diplomacy is not a good
sign. Neither is evidence of a continued build-up of U.S. naval forces
in theater. Despite its reputation for secrecy, the Bush
Administration is much like a giant transparent clockwork, whose
movements are often apparent.

If this pre-war event sequence begins to develop, then there may be
additional push-back from military-corporate interests against a war
with Iran, which would manifest itself in Congress and the corporate
media. However, barring highly unlikely multiple resignations at the
highest command levels, military objections would be very dependent on
support from the U.S. Congress, which is not expected to play any
significant role in the decision to go to war. Whatever reluctance
the U.S. Congress might manage in the face of current Israel Lobby
demands for passage of its war starting resolution, congressional
Democratic leadership would likely bow immediately to Bush
Administration requests for a "show" of support once a confrontation
with Iran develops. This is especially true if the Democratic
leadership sensed that failing to go along would present any risk to
its immediate election prospects, easily triggered by even a hint of
criticism from qRepublicans. Such a show of support would likely be
similar to the Iraq War resolution, which the Bush Administration
could claim, while unneeded, supports military action, and the
Democrats could later deny intending to do so, should the war’s
consequences be as disastrous as many expect.

So, from the Bush Administration’s likely perspective, it would be
best that a crisis and demands for congressional support occur before
the election, with the timing of the attack before or after the
election, based in part on McCain’s fortunes as the election nears.
Bush is able to control the timing, provided Israel does not attack or
otherwise provoke a conflict, because, as in the U.S. invasion of
Iraq, a U.S.-Iran war would be a war of choice, decided by the U.S.
In the new American Homeland, all is a matter of the will of the
imperial decider.

On the other hand, should the Bush Administration not attack Iran,
then chances of war between the U.S. and Iran would be greatly

Please Contact Us with comments at: Comments, especially if you have
information that contradicts our data or assessments.

Copyright © 2008 William H. White All rights are reserved; except,
permission is granted for anyone to copy and distribute this document
on the WEB. ~ The author asks that links in the text be retained.

Baku: Azerbaijan’s Position Regarded With Favor By Official Moscow


Azeri Press Agency
13 Aug 2008 15:25

Baku. Lachin Sultanova – APA. "We hope that after the recent
developments proper conclusion will be made up in the region and
outside the region, decision satisfying the parties will be made at
the end," asked in what direction the negotiations on South Ossetia
would continue, Russia’s ambassador to Azerbaijan Vasili Istratov
said at the press conference, APA reports. The ambassador said that
there was no alternative to the negotiations and added that the talks
had already been restored.

Asked on what bases 80 percent of South Ossetia’s population became
Russian citizens, the ambassador said Russia’s law on citizenship
made it available for the former citizens of USSR to receive Russian
citizenship after the collapse of USSR.

"Azerbaijani citizens also made use of it," he said.

Asked how many Russian citizens there were in Nagorno Karabakh at
the moment and whether Russia could repeat the operation carried out
against Georgia, in case Azerbaijan wanted to restore its territorial
integrity, the diplomat said he did not know how many Russian citizens
lived in Nagorno Karabakh. The ambassador said Russia had carried out
operations in South Ossetia to protect its citizens and peacekeepers,
noted that Russian citizens lived in any country of the world and
did not want to draw comparison.

Taking a stance on Azerbaijan’s position during Russia-Georgia
confrontation Vasili Istratov said Azerbaijan’s position, as well as
the statements were regarded with favor by official Moscow.

Some ArCa ATMs To Be Out Of Operation On August 12, 13 And 14


Aug 13, 2008

YEREVAN, August 13. /ARKA/. Armenian Card – ArCa processing center
informs all cardholders that some ATMs belonging to payment system
member banks will be out of operation on August 12, 13 and 14 because
of repair of ArmenTel Telecommunication Company’s cables.

Shahen Hovhannisyan, executive director of Armenian Card, said 15%
of Yerevan’s ArCa ATMs will be out of operation.

He also said that all those wanting to carry out operations with cash
can do it in bank offices.

ArCa member banks issue ArCa Debit, ArCa Classic, ArCa Gold, ArCa
Business, ArCa Affinity, ArCa Co-branded and ArCa Platinum cards.

Armenian Card Company is a full member of MasterCard Europe. It also
operates the processing of VISA (Third Party Processor).

Liao Wins 69kg Weightlifting Gold


2008/08/12 13:42:59 GMT

China’s Liao Hui added to the host nation’s gold medal tally by
winning the men’s 69kg weightlifting title.

Liao snatched 158kg and lifted 190kg in the clean and jerk for a
total of 348 kg, 10kg more than France’s silver medallist Vencelas

The Frenchman secured his medal with his first 187kg lift in the
clean and jerk for a combined total of 338kg.

Armenia’s Tigran Martirosyan won bronze, also with a 338kg total,
but weighed more than the Frenchman.

Dabaya-Tientcheu made a late bid for gold with an attempted 197kg
lift in his second clean and jerk.

But he failed in his first attempt and, with silver assured, decided
not to have a third lift.

"I saw how he lifted 187kg easily and realised that he was a very
strong opponent. I was indeed worried," said the 20-year-old Liao of
Dabaya-Tientcheu’s attempt at 197kg.

"I was in a disadvantageous position because my second lift was
inferior. I was really nervous and was waiting for something to

China’s Shi Zhiyong, who won gold in the 62kg in Athens four years
ago, pulled out of the competition for unknown reasons after lifting
152kg in the snatch.

House Resolution Commemorates 1958 Azorean Refugee Act

By Michael Doyle

McClatchy Washington Bureau
August 12, 2008

WASHINGTON — John F. Kennedy helped populate the San Joaquin Valley
with Azoreans. Now, the Valley’s lawmakers offer a belated thanks.

In a commemoration that’s also a rich political lesson, six House
members are honoring long-ago congressional efforts on behalf of
Azoreans displaced by a 1950s volcano. The volcano subsided, but the
consequences of Kennedy’s efforts can still be felt today.

"We understand the 50th anniversary is an important milestone,"
Rep. Jim Costa, D-Fresno, said Tuesday.

Costa recently introduced a resolution commemorating the
half-century-old Azorean Refugee Act. The legislation and its
successors welcomed thousands of refugees fleeing the Capelhinos
volcano, which boiled the island of Faial between September 1957 and
October 1958.

"Everywhere within a four-mile radius the lava and ash spread fear and
destruction," Kennedy declared on the Senate floor on June 30, 1958.

The new commemorative resolution, in turn, is the kind of symbolic
shout-out that proliferates in a Congress highly attuned to ethnic
voting blocs.

Costa and his Valley co-authors, Reps. Devin Nunes, R-Visalia, and
Dennis Cardoza, D-Merced, all represent sizable Portuguese-American
constituencies. Costa himself had one grandfather who emigrated from
Portugal in 1899, and another who came in 1904.

The three other Democratic co-sponsors come from Rhode Island
and Massachusetts, which are likewise well-populated by

In a similar expression of all-politics-is-local, Fresno-area
lawmakers whose districts include tens of thousands of
Armenian-American constituents have long championed an Armenian
genocide resolution. The Valley’s politically vocal Hmong refugees
convinced Rep. George Radanovich, R-Mariposa, to denounce the socialist
Laotian government. The Valley’s significant Sikh population persuaded
former Rep. Gary Condit of Ceres to opine on internal Indian politics.

The 2000 census identified 1.1 million Portuguese-Americans living in
the United States, including about 330,000 in California. Many are
concentrated in certain regions, a trend that typically amplifies
business and political clout. The new resolution, for instance,
asserts that roughly half of the San Joaquin Valley’s dairy farms by
the 1970s were owned by Portuguese-Americans.

"There are still a lot of living immigrants who came as a result of
that (1958) legislation," noted Nunes’ chief of staff, Johnny Amaral,
whose own grandparents and father immigrated from Faial.

Costa and his colleagues introduced the Azorean Refugee Act
commemoration July 31. Costa and Nunes shortly thereafter departed
for the Azores, a cluster of islands 900 miles west of Portugal,
where they visited relatives and helped island residents commemorate
the volcanic eruption.

"The eruption of the Capelhinos volcano led to a wave of Portuguese
immigration that brought more than 175,000 Azoreans to the United
States between 1960 and 1980," the resolution states.

The resolution glosses over some politically instructive details.

The initial moving force behind the Azorean Refugee Act was Sen. John
O. Pastore, a Rhode Island Democrat who introduced the measure June 4,
1958. The legislation authorized 1,500 visas for Azoreans affected
by the volcano.

Kennedy, a Massachusetts senator still two years away from his 1960
presidential bid, came on board three weeks later. So did others
attentive to Portuguese-American voters.

"In the district which I represent in California are a great many
families of Portuguese extraction," then-Rep. John McFall, a Democrat
from Manteca, declared Aug. 22, 1958 House. "These people have earned
the reputation as fine, hardworking, law-abiding citizens."

The 1958 political maneuvering took some familiar-sounding turns.

Other senators including New York Democrat Jacob Javits said they
wanted "comprehensive" immigration legislation. Senate leaders,
though, warned the Azorean refugee bill would die if anyone hijacked
it as a vehicle for broader immigration reform.

"I know it is not an idle threat," a frustrated Javits declared, adding
that "it should be made clear that far more inclusive immigration
action in the interest of the United States is urgently required."

But in the kind of side deal that often lubricates legislation,
lawmakers did add several thousand additional visas for Dutch
nationals. The initially limited Azorean visa program then expanded
in future years, until quotas were lifted altogether.

Aronian In Leaders’ Staff

20:09 12/08/2008

After the 12th round of FIDE Grand Prix tournament being conducted
in Sochi Armenian GM Levon Aronian is in the leaders’ staff. He has
6 points and shares first four horizontals with Azerbaijani Teimur
Rajabov, Vugar Hashimov and Wang Yue. The information is available
on the official web site of the Chess Federation of Armenia.

After the 12th round the competition schedule is as followed: 5-7
horizontals are shared by Cheparinov, Kamski, Kariakin, these chess
players have 5.5 points on their accounts. Grishchuk, Iakovenko,
Ivanchuk share the next three horizontals having 5 points. Gelfand
Svidler, Navara and Al Modiah follow them.

Defense Minister: "We Protected Our History Via Power"

20:48 11/08/2008

Today 4500 anniversary of pure Armenian chronology has been
celebrated. Official ceremony was held near Hayk Nahapet monument
where Minister of Defense Seyran Ohanyan was present.

Remind that 4500 years ago Hayk Nahapet has founded Armenian State
shooting an arrow on Bel from Babelon.

"In that very war kindness, and truth struggled against evil, love
towards liberty – violence. Few nations can be proud of a history that
Armenia has," said the Minister. According to him Armenians built
their state to prove the world that they are a complete part of it,
and that they can struggle and develop like others.

"We managed to keep our history via power and now we are following
the direction of civilization and development as it is the demand of
modern world," said S. Ohanyan.

According To NKR MFA Spokesman, Azerbaijan Intends To Create New "Li


Noyan Tapan

Au g 11, 2008

STEPANAKERT, AUGUST 11, NOYAN TAPAN. Baku’s yet another misinformation
about construction of Nargistepe settlement – allegedly for refugees –
in the occupied territory of Martuni region of the Nagorno Karabakh
Republic obvioulsy has some propaganda aims. According to the head
of the NKR MFA Information Department Marsel Petrosian, it is no
accident that this information was immediately refuted by the Azeri
side, however, as is usually done in Azerbaijan, some parts of this
information were revived and presented to the public in a different

A question arises: why is Nargistepe settlement founded in Aram Desert,
2-3 km from the contact line, in an area that, according to reports of
the same Azeri side, is often under fire and is not fit to live in. In
the words of M. Petrosian, Baku has decided to organize a next-in-turn
army political provocation: to found an enclosed settlement for 5-6
thousand compulsory migrants (this is the number of refugees from
Nagorno Karabakh remaining in Azerbaijan) and to create new occasions
for accusing the Karabakh side.

M. Petrosian said that during the Azeri-Karabakh war, there were
frequently cases when the Azeri authorities urgently populated some
place or other and then turned this place into a military fulcrum,
in fact, forming a "live barrier" for Azeri soldiers and endangering
civilians. Being more concerned about the fate of its former Azeri
citizens, the Karabakh side expresses regret that in the past 20
years the Azeri authorities have not taken steps to bring closer the
two peoples estranged from each other.

"We hardly doubt it and want to warn the public that in the near
future Azerbaijan’s propaganda machine will include this settlement
in reports of the foreign ministry as a settlement under constant
fire of the NKR defence army," M. Petrosian stated.

Boxing: Pavlik vs. Abraham: Who wins?

East Side Boxing
Aug 10 2008

Pavlik vs. Abraham: Who wins?
By Ted Sares:

Abraham is going to be shocked in his American debut.

–Edison Miranda

I want to fight the best. People talk and ask about why I am fighting
Bernard Hopkins. You’ve got a legend right here. I don’t know about
Calzaghe ` I guess I would have to shoot him in the foot to get him to
stop running from me. All I can tell you is that I will train as hard
as I can to get in the best shape that I can be in ` for Bernard

–Kelly Pavlik:

Boxing is dangerous.

–Arthur Abraham

Someone’s `O` must go if these two meet in a big-money showdown,
assuming, of course, they get by Bernard Hopkins and the very capable
Raul Marquez, respectively, in October. Of course, the bigger
assumption is they will face off against one another even if they both

Arthur `King Arthur’ Abraham, whose real name is Avetik Abrahamyan, is
an Armenian born middleweight who fights for Germany and carries duel
citizenship. His record is 27-0 and he has a KO percentage of
81.48. Germany fell in love with him when he had his jaw broken in two
places against Edison Miranda but continued to fight despite being in
great pain. He could not close his mouth and there was blood running
down his chin. Still, Abraham toughed it out and won. He was spitting
blood, swallowing blood, and seemingly not giving a damn–and that`s
when the love affair with German fans commenced.

Fighting mostly in Germany, `The King’ has been an equal opportunity
brutalizer beating tough Americans, Australians, fellow-Armenians,
Colombians, Canadians, Ghanaians, Nigerians, Slovakians, Argentineans,
Uruguayans, fighters from Guyana and the U.K, Poles, Heck, in his
first bout, he even beat a German. His recent slaughter of `Pantera’
was his American debut and it quickly put him on the radar as an
exciting and fan friendly fighter.

Abraham is extremely strong who, while an economic puncher who starts
slowly and sometimes gives the false impression of fighting
uninspired, launches sudden and explosive bursts that are pure
malicious in their intent. His left hook can stop any middleweight (as
his recent icing of Miranda and his 12th round KO of American Elvin
Ayala showed) and his body work is both punishing and relentless.


By now, the incoming pressure style of orthodox bomber Kelly Pavlik
(34-0 with a KO percentage of 88.24) has been well chronicled. How his
strong straight right (which often follows his long jab as a lethal
one-two) will fare against Abraham remains to be seen. `The Ghost’ has
never fought anyone like Arthur. Jermain Taylor was/is a strong
orthodox boxer with a solid jab, fast hands, and a total command of
ring skills. Edison Miranda was/is a bomber who was dismantled by
Pavlik, but who gave Abraham fits in their first fight, albeit with
multiple head butts, low blows and other assorted mayhem.

Both Hopkins and Marquez will be tough tests for these two
Champions. But I see Pavlik getting by Hopkins in an ugly fight (does
Hopkins engage in any other kind?) and Abraham brutally stopping the
aging Marquez on cuts.

Who wins?

Both have brutal power, solid chins, and have fought excellent
opposition, but like Margorito-Cotto (or even the scheduled
Katsidis-Diaz fight), the classic paradox of an immovable object
meeting an irresistible force may well be present. I see `The
Ghost’maintaing his composure, applying more pressure, being busier
and even hurting Arthur with his patented right. Whether he can take
him out, however, is questionable (if not doubtful) since Abraham is
extremely durable and covers up very well. A close UD for Pavlik seems
the more likely scenario, but if Arthur should floor Kelly like Taylor
did, the fight will end because Abraham does not let his opponents off
the hook.

Yes, someone’s `O’ will go (unless it’s a draw) and if the fight is in
either Atlantic City or Las Vegas, I believe it will be Arthur
Abraham’s undefeated record that will be marred. But if, somehow, the
fight takes place in Germany, I see the opposite happening. Normally,
I don’t place that much importance on location, but this fight is
excruciatingly difficult to call (at least for me).


How Abraham and Pavlik perform in their October bouts can change the
above analysis, which is another way of saying Pavlik and Abraham
should get it on now..