Deputy Director Of Matenadaran Storage Of Ancient Manuscripts Releas


2008-07-24 17:57:00

Measure of restraint to deputy Director of Yerevan Institute-Storage
of ancient manuscripts Matenadaran Arshak Banuchyan has been changed
for recognizance not to leave, the press service of RA Special
Investigation Service told ArmInfo.

According to the message, Head of the Investigation Group satisfied the
petition of Banuchyan’s interests defender on change of the measure
of restraint guiding by the fact that it has become unnecessary to
retain him in custody.

Hranush Hakobian Discusses Issues On The Activity Of Diaspora Minist



The head of the Armenian Foreign Ministry’s Diaspora Ties State
Committee Hranush Hakobian paid her first working visit to Moscow
July 21-23 where she met with the representatives of the Union of
Russian Armenians and other community institutions.

Foreign Ministry press service told Armenpress that during the meeting
the sides exchanged thoughts over the Diaspora Ministry and main
directions of its activity.

The participants of the meeting greeted the creation of the Diaspora
Ministry and considered it as a natural step taking into consideration
the vast Armenian Diaspora.

In that pre-context Hranush Hakobian noted that Armenia’s president
highly underscores the uniting of the potential of all Armenians and
according to his proposed program the state will carry out serious
policy to support the issues on preserving Armenian identity in
Diaspora and in using the whole potential of Diaspora for making
Armenia stronger.

H. Hakobian said that the preservation of Armenian identity is one of
the most important issues of Diaspora and underscored the important
role of the state support in it. At the same time she underscored the
active participation of Diaspora in the implementation of economic
development programs in Armenia.

Ararat Zurabian Hospitalized


23 July, 2008

Chairman of the HHSh Board Ararat Zurabian who is presently in
detention has recently suffered from headaches, blood pressure
and heartbeats. A1+ has just been informed that upon the order
of RoA Prosecutor General Aghvan Hovsepian a prosecutor studying
administration of punishments and compulsions visited Ararat Zurabian
to learn the latter’s health state.

According to Sona Truzian, Speaker for the General Prosecutor’s
Office, Zurabian was thoroughly examined by specialists. Doctors set
a diagnosis of ischemia, stenocardia and hypertonic. Zurabian needs
inpatient treatment.

Today Ararat Zurabian was taken to the Cardiological Research
Centre after L. Hovhannissian. Law-enforcers were assigned to ensure
Zurabian’s safe transportation.

USA Can Make Gul Arrive In Yerevan And Have Aliyev Sign A Treaty Of


19.07.2008 GMT+04:00

If Turkey agrees to negotiations, which will lead to normalization
of Armenian-Turkish relations and result in opening of the border,
Baku will lose its sole ally.

To all appearances American diplomacy in the South Caucasus produced
the first results: negotiations on the probable normalization of
Armenian-Turkish relations launched, secretly though. As usual,
information leak is traced to the Turkish press, which once more
convinces countries of the region of the fact that, in spite of all
her statements on her right to implement her own policy, Ankara obeys
the USA.

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ However, USA’s controlling the Turkish policy
is temporary. On August 12 the Constitutional Court of Turkey will
announce the verdict of the Prosecutor’s General claim against the
ruling Party for Justice and Development (AKP). This means that on
September 6 the President of Turkey will be either in jail or in
Yerevan. And Washington, even if it cannot interfere in the affairs
of the Constitutional Court of Turkey, will at least influence the
General Staff, which has been directing the Turkish policy for more
than 70 years.

But secret negotiations are not a novelty. Still at the beginning
of the current year Armenian and Turkish diplomats secretly
met in Vienna, but neither of the Foreign Ministries elucidated
the meeting. And according to diplomats, it is now time to work
more openly. As Turkish Daily News reports, during the past three
months Armenian and Turkish officials have conducted two rounds of
negotiations in Bern, Switzerland, which is considered an impartial
country. Undersecretary of Turkey’s Foreign Minister Ertugrul Apakan
headed the Turkish delegation during the first round (held in May) and
his deputy Unal Cevikoz was the delegation leader at the second round
(held in July). According to Turkey’s Foreign Minister Ali Babacan,
such contacts are important for normalization of relations. "We still
have disagreements over the events of 1915, but we favor a constructive
approach and are eager to have a dialogue on solving the problems,"
he said.

The information on Abdullah Gul’s arrival in Yerevan set Azerbaijan
on panic. However, it is quite explicable – if Turkey agrees to
negotiations, which will lead to normalization of Armenian-Turkish
relations and result in opening of the border, Baku will lose its sole
ally. Though, it should be admitted, that Ankara is not so reliable
an ally. Ankara is eager to be a transit of Azerbaijani oil and gas,
and cherishes the idea of establishing the Great Turan state, which
is not at all favourable to Baku. Still, the Azerbaijani Mass Media
are discussing the possible consequences of Abdullah Gul’s arrival
in Yerevan. According to analyst Rasim Aghayev a question arises
whether Turkey will agree to "exchange" Nagorno Karabakh for Armenia’s
rejection to conduct a campaign for the recognition of the Armenian
Genocide across the world. "I think Turkish leadership may undertake
this step. But this will be Turkey’s mistake, as concessions in
Nagorno Karabakh conflict will be immediately followed by concessions
of Armenia in the issue of 1915 Genocide, which implies concessions
in the issues of compensations to the genocide victims and in the
issues of territorial claims by Armenia to Turkey," Aghayev believes.

Chief of Department of Armenian Studies of the Turkish Institute
of History Kemal Cicek, commenting to APA Turkish bureau on the
secret meetings between Armenian and Turkish officials, stated:
"Within various initiatives we’ve been meeting with Armenians in
different European cities – in Oslo, in Salzburg. We proposed to
establish joint commission for investigation of historic events,
but have not received positive response yet. We cannot achieve the
opening of Dashnak archives in Boston. No results have been achieved
at these meetings so far. Let our Azerbaijani brothers not worry. Any
step against our brothers is out of the question at the meetings held
by the Foreign Ministry and our institute as well. There is no room
for concern. The meetings may be even assessed as exerting pressure
on Armenians through our demands". We get the impression that instead
of the Turkish scientist it was an Azerbaijani analyst who answered
the question of APA Turkish bureau. By the way it is not the first
time that the Azerbaijani Mass Media have distorted the information
to their own benefit.

>>From all the Azeri analysts Zardusht Alizade turned out to be the
most sober. He declared that Azerbaijan should not panic in case the
Armenian-Turkish border is opened. "The rumours that Azerbaijan might
cede Nagorno Karabakh to Armenia are obviously untrue. The Nagorno
Karabakh conflict can be settled only through Azerbaijan’s effective
policy. Only we can solve this problem. The situation is changing in
the region and in the whole world, but our authorities are reluctant
to notice the change. Oil dollars do not decide everything in the
world. Sometimes we must look around and weigh the situation. The
West made Turkey establish relations with Armenia and it will make
Azerbaijan too. Soon the day will arrive when Azerbaijan will open
its borders to Armenia. But in order to achieve it, Armenians have
to give up their misleading policy and stop living in the world of
myths," Alizade noted, reports. It is quite reasonable –
Alizade represents the opposition, and unlike other Azeri "political
analysts" can afford the truth or at least, the half-truth.

Meanwhile Editor-in-Chief of the Californian Courier Harut Sasunyan
is sure that even if the parties are able to overcome the main
disagreements, no doubt, there will be no end to controversies between
them. They will have arguments on selecting the staff and participants
of the perspective Armenian-Turkish commission, on deciding the scope
of investigation, on gaining access to the archives, and even on the
size of the table round which they are going to sit. "And, of course,
the side that will be quicker in smoothing away the controversies
will win the PR-war and will blame the other side for collapsing the
commission," Sasunyan said, reminding that the RA President had agreed
on forming a commission only after the Armenian-Turkish border would
be opened.

"In case the President of Turkey or any other authority leader arrives
in Yerevan on September 6, the Armenian authorities should follow the
protocol of visiting the memorial to the Genocide victims and lay
flowers to perpetuate their memory. But the problem is if Turkish
officials will agree to it. On April 21, 1993 former President of
Armenia Levon Ter-Petrossian left for Ankara and obeyed the protocol by
visiting the mausoleum of Ataturk. Unfortunately the highly emotional
and sentimental issue of the Armenian Genocide is transformed into
political football. No one has the right to make political deals at
the expense of recognition of this atrocious crime! The Armenian
issue must not be subject to manipulations neither by the Turks,
nor by the Armenians," Sasunyan stated.

"Golden" And "Silver" Apricots Of "Golden Apricot"

19:44 21/07/2008

"Golden Apricot" festival of world wide famous films and films
directors and producers is finished. Although the members of jury
say they had difficult experience in defining the winners, they
are announced.

In three competitive rounds: Feature films, Documentaries and "Armenian
Panorama" 53 films have been applied.

11 films were presented in Feature Films part and Russian director
Anna Melikyan received the Golden Apricot for her "Mermaid" film. In
documentary part Maira Asheri from Netherlands receieved the Golden
Apricot for her "Women see much". And finally American Armenian film
director Erik Nazaryan received Golden Apricot for his "Blue Time"
film presented in "Armenian Panorama".

Armenian And Turkish Officials Have Been Always Communicating

19:49 21/07/2008

Common sense must be adopted in normalization of Armenian-Turkish
relations, President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan said at a press
conference, today. He said trends towards healthy discussions of
problems are observed in the Armenian and Turkish society.

The President said that the possible visit of the Turkish president
to Armenia may have positive impact on the discussion of the issues
which concern the two countries’ public.

As S. Sargsyan said, when the matter concerns a neighboring country,
one should not talk of the terms "but wait as much as required". He
added that healthy discussion of the existing problems is already
marked both in Turkey and Armenia. Commenting on the fact of meeting of
the Armenian and Turkish diplomats, the president said that contacts
among the officials have never stopped, and there is nothing strange
that representatives of Armenia met their Turkish counterparts in
Switzerland. He emphasized that both Armenia and Turkey will only
win having established the relations.

Abdullah Gul Will Send Neighboring Armenia A Conciliatory Message

21.07.2008 14:50

President Abdullah Gul will send neighboring Armenia a conciliatory
message wrapped in a warning over regional isolation when he visits
the Turkish-Armenian border next week.

Gul will visit Ani, an uninhabited medieval Armenian city in the
province of Kars on the Armenia border, on July 23, during a visit
to the region to attend a ceremony to inaugurate the construction
of the Turkish part of a regional railway passing through Turkey,
Georgia and Azerbaijan; the line excludes Armenia. The presidents of
Azerbaijan and Georgia will also attend the inauguration ceremony,
scheduled for July 24, Today’s Zaman reported.

Despite Turkish efforts to deepen cooperation with other regional
countries at the expense of landlocked Armenia, Gul’s visit to Ani
is a sign of readiness to improve ties with Yerevan. Armenia wants
Turkey to restore medieval churches in Ani and Turkish authorities
began renovation works in the city early this year.

The president’s visit to Kars comes as the two estranged neighbors
exchange warm messages, raising hopes for dialogue. Foreign Minister
Ali Babacan appeared to confirm a report in the Turkish media that
Turkish and Armenian officials had secret talks in Switzerland earlier
this month. The report in the Hurriyet daily said the officials met
for a few days starting on July 8 and that a senior Foreign Ministry
official headed the Turkish delegation.

"Such talks are held from time to time," Babacan told reporters. In a
statement, the Foreign Ministry also said there had been occasional
contacts between Turkey and Armenia – noting that Turkey had
recognized the neighboring state since it declared independence from
the now-defunct Soviet Union in 1991 – but warned that no specific
conclusion should be drawn from them. "Meetings between members of the
foreign ministries of the two countries are part of these contacts. We
believe no different meaning should be attributed to these meetings."

"We have problems about current issues and disagreements about the
1915 events. It is essential that these problems are handled through
dialogue," Babacan said.

Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan proposed "a fresh start" in relations
with Turkey in an article published in The Wall Street Journal earlier
this month. "The time has come for a fresh effort to break this
deadlock, a situation that helps no one and hurts many. As president
of Armenia, I take this opportunity to propose a fresh start – a new
phase of dialogue with the government and people of Turkey, with the
goal of normalizing relations and opening our common border," he said.

Sargsyan also invited Gul to a World Cup qualifying match between
Armenian and Turkish teams in Septe mber. Officials say the invitation
is still under consideration and that the president will decide
according to developments.

Sargsyan’s call to Turkey to launch "a fresh start" in relations
between the estranged neighbors has been met with a positive response
in the Turkish capital.

Armenia lauds Iran for boosting regional friendship

Mehr News Agency, Iran
July 19 2008

Armenia lauds Iran for boosting regional friendship

TEHRAN, July 19 (MNA) ` Armenian chief diplomat Eduard Nalbandian
praised on Friday Iran’s `goodwill’ and `constructive interactions’
for creating an `atmosphere of friendship’ between neighbors and
regional countries.

Nalbandian made the remarks in a telephone conversation with his
Iranian counterpart Manouchehr Mottaki.

Voicing his contentment over the recent positive developments between
Turkey and Armenia, Mottaki hoped these developments will help
strengthen peace and friendship among neighboring and regional

Mottaki and Nalbandian also discussed mutual ties.

Banking Network To Make Financial Services Available In Armenia’s Re


July 17

A banking network in Armenia will make financial services available in
the country’s regions, RA Minister of Economy Nerses Yeritsyan stated
at the 2nd annual conference "Developing Armenia’s rural communities".

He pointed out that financial services will thus become less expensive
for residents of borderline villages, who will not have to pay
transportation costs.

In this context, Minister Yeritsyan stressed the importance of
establishing a PostBank in Armenia. The bank is supposed to have 900
branches throughout the country.

The formation of a postal service system in Armenia’s regions is a
good initiative aimed to make services available in the country’s
remote regions, Yeritsyan said. He expressed a hope that the services
will be available in 5-10 years.

The Minister pointed out that Armenian banks are actively expanding
their branch networks in the regions and broadening the range of
e-services. The developing portals allow businessmen to sign business

"What remains is to form culture of receiving business services by
means of Internet, which will ensure rapid development," Yeritsyan

Twenty-two commercial banks operating in Armenia have 355 branches.

PostBank (Holland) plans to launch activities in Armenia. With this
end in view, it sub mitted the necessary documents to the Central
Bank of Armenia last year.

PostBank is expected to render financial and insurance services
throughout Armenia.

NKR MFA Facilities The Conduct Of The OSCE Monitoring


DeFacto Agency
July 16 2008

The NKR Ministry for Foreign Affairs has expressed its readiness to
facilitate the conduct of monitoring near the settlement of Yusufjanly,
Aghdam region, scheduled for July 16, and to ensure the OSCE mission
pledging of security.

The NKR MFA has given its consent to the OSCE representative to
facilitate the conduct of monitoring after getting confirmation of
pledging of security from Azerbaijan, taking into account the fact
that the last 2 monitorings on the contact line of the armed forces
of Armenia and Azerbaijan were frustrated by the Azerbaijani side,
which had not provided the monitoring mission the pledging of security.