Parliament Opp and Ruling Majority divided over their Sargsyan recor

Armenian parliament opposition and ruling majority divided over their
assessments of president Serzh Sargsyan’s two-year term in office

YEREVAN, April 9. /ARKA/. Armenian parliament members from the
opposition and the ruling majority were divided today in their
assessments of the first two years of president Serzh Sargsyan’s rule.
President Serzh Sargsyan was inaugurated two years ago on April 9.

Stepan Safarian, head of the parliamentary faction of the Zharangutyun
(Heritage) party, said Sargsyan’s two-year presidency brought no
positive changes. `I did not pin hopes on his presidency, never
supported him and therefore I am not frustrated by his failure to
fulfill his promises,’ he said.

Another member of the faction, Armen Martirosian, said nothing was
done to reform the country’s judicial system, no economic reforms were
implemented and the authorities failed also to find and punish the
people responsible for 2008 March 1-2 bloody events in Yerevan.

Artsvik Minasian from the Armenian Revolutionary
Federation/Dashnaktsutyun, said two years of Sargsyan’s presidency
have only raised tension in the country’s foreign policy leading to a
division between Armenia proper and its vast Diaspora because of the
process he initiated in a bid to improve relations with Turkey.

However, Heghine Bisharian from the Orinats Yerkir (Country of Law)
party, a member of the ruling coalition, disagreed with these
assessments arguing that Sargsyan succeeded in mitigating domestic
political tension and achieved serious progress in foreign policy.
Naira Zohrabian from another coalition member party, Prosperous
Armenia ,underlined the significance of the Armenian-Turkish process
and progress in the efforts to settle the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

Galust Sahakian, a deputy chairman of Serzh Sargsyan’s Republican
Party, said Sargsyan made the international community look deeper into
Armenian problems and realize them. -0-

Turkey Ready To Continue Normalization Process With Armenia


April 7 2010

Ankara is ready to continue taking measures to normalize relations
with Yerevan, Turkey’s special envoy Feridun Sinirlioglu said at
a meeting with Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan. Sargsyan agreed
to meet with the Turkish official at the request of Turkish Prime
Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan."Sargsyan said that Armenia expected
Turkey to take effective steps that would guarantee resolute progress
in the process aimed at normalizing relations without preconditions,"
the Armenian president’s press service told Interfax on Wednesday.

"Speaking on behalf of the Turkish authorities, the special envoy
assured the president of Armenia that Turkey is ready to ensure
progress in the normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations," the
press service said. The envoy also asked the Armenian president
whether he could meet with the Turkish prime minister in Washington,
it said. Sargsyan is due to leave for Washington on April 11 at the
invitation of U.S. President Barack Obama.

U!COM – Direct Access To Innovative Telecommunications


2010-04-09 16:02:00

ArmInfo. Armenian subscribers of U!COM will get an opportunity to
enjoy innovative technologies shortly: IP Television, Internet and VoD.

U!COM Director Hayk Yesayan told media on Friday that company ensures
unprecedented high Internet bandwidth capability due to fiber-optic
cable. He said that launching sales in Dec 2009 the company has
already increased Internet speed 8 times. In Dec 2009 128 kbit/s
Internet cost 8,000 drams, whereas now for the same price the final
users receive 1Mbit/s (1024 kbit/s). For his part, Aram Barseghyan,
U!COM Sales Manager, said the company will further reduce tariffs
with the downward price trends in the market.

In the region Armenia yields to Georgia but leaves behind Azerbaijan
by the quality and bandwidth capability of Internet, U!COM Director
said. He assured that the company will keep on increasing the speed and
quality of Internet and settle the problems with hosting of Armenian
websites. It is known that 76% of Armenian websites registered in
the rating system "" are hosted in abroad, which hinders
development of local hosting. Therefore, the company has opened a
data-transfer station to host Armenian websites in Armenia.

Besides Internet services, U!COM is actively developing in the sphere
of IP Television and alternative fixed-line telephony. "Thanks to
cooperation of U!COM and Ericsson, the next- generation fixed line
services are available to Armenian subscribers. As for IP-Television,
the users can enjoy 76 world and local channels," Hayk Yesayan said.

ANKARA: Turkey Sends Envoy To Armenia For High-Level Talks


April 7 2010

Feridun Sinirlioglu, undersecretary of the Turkish Foreign Ministry,
will meet with Armenian President Serge Sarkisian, pictured above. AFP

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has sent Turkey’s top diplomat
to Armenia to discuss snags in reconciliation efforts between the
two estranged neighbors, Turkish officials said Wednesday.

Feridun Sinirlioglu, undersecretary of the foreign ministry, was to
meet Wednesday with Armenian President Serge Sarkisian and Foreign
Minister Edward Nalbandian, a Foreign Ministry source said.

He was to discuss disagreements holding up a historic deal that Turkey
and Armenia signed in October in a bid to end decades of hostility,
establish diplomatic ties and open their border.

Sinirlioglu "will reassert Turkey’s commitment to the [reconciliation]
process but will also convey our concerns," the official, who requested
anonymity, told AFP.

The envoy will also discuss "steps that need to be taken to ensure
that the process moves forward," said a senior diplomat, who also
declined to be named.

He will also explore the possibility of arranging a meeting between
Erdogan and Sarkisian on the sidelines of a nuclear security summit
in Washington next week, the sources said.

The Turkish-Armenian deal — comprising two protocols — needs
parliamentary ratification in both countries to take effect, but the
process has been held up by mutual accusations that the other side
is not truly committed to the terms of the agreement.

Ankara is irked by a January ruling of Armenia’s constitutional court
that upheld the legality of the protocols but said they could not
contradict Yerevan’s official position that the mass killings of
Armenians under the Ottoman Empire was genocide — a label Turkey
fiercely rejects.

Yerevan, for his part, has protested Ankara’s position that the Turkish
Parliament is unlikely to ratify the accord without progress in the
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan, a close
Turkish ally.

The peace process has been marred also by resolutions adopted last
month by a U.S. House of Representatives committee and the Swedish
parliament that branded the World War I massacres of Armenians as
genocide, infuriating Ankara.

FIDH 37th Congress-Forum ‘Justice: New Challenges’, Kicked Off In Ye


2010-04-06 15:07:00

ArmInfo. FIDH 37th Congress-Forum ‘Justice: New challenges’, kicked
off in Yerevan today, started with a row.

As ArmInfo correspondent reported, the mob of participants in the
picket, activists of Armenian National Congress, gathered near the
Opera Theatre building, where the forum is being conducted. Young
people participants in the picket were wearing prisoner’s stripes and
chained with one chain first. The names of 14 political prisoners,
accused of the mass disorder on 1 March 2008, were fixed at the stripes
of the activists. The mob was chanting and demanding release of the
political prisoners and resignation of the president Serzh Sargsyan.

Representatives of FIDH met participants in the picket. They were met
with applause. The participants in the picket were delivering envelops
containing the materials about human rights state in Armenia to FIDH
representatives and participants in the forum.

To note, International Federation of Human Rights (FIDH) President
Souyer Belassen said at today’s press-conference that Armenia has
made certain progress in the human rights sphere. The forum, entitled
"JUSTICE : New Challenges – the Right to an Effective Remedy before an
Independent Tribunal" is held in Yerevan from 6th to 8th April. This
forum, organized in partnership with the Civil Society Institute (CSI),
FIDH member organization in Armenia, within the framework of the 37th
FIDH Congress, will indeed constitute an opportunity to work on the
different remedies available to victims of human rights violations in
the course of their struggle for truth, justice and reparations on a
national, regional and international level, and to look into the issue
of the prevention of international crimes, on the basis of the exchange
of experiences between participating NGOs from every continent.

First President Of Armenia: Serzh Sargsyan Is Facing A Crucial Decis


2010-04-06 20:32:00

ArmInfo. "Serzh Sargsyan is facing a difficult and crucial choice:
either to sign the proposed agreement on Karabakh, whoch will lead
to cession of 5 regions to Azerbaijan and cause his own people’s
anger or refuse it and thereby cause the international community’s
disapproval",- Levon Ter-Petrosyan, the first president of Armenia,
leader of the oppositional Armenian National Congress (ANC), said at
today’s rally of his supporters.

The ANC leader thinks the paradox of the situation is that in both
cases Serzh Sargsyan will undoubtedly lose the power.

If the Armenian President signs the agreement, he will be dethroned by
internal forces, including the former and present coalition partners,
if he refuses, he will be dismissed by the world community, which has
lots of compromising materials against him – from electoral fraud to
the events of Mar 1 2008 and Oct 27 1999. This is proved by the last
harsh reports of the US State Department and OSCE/ODIHR

Ter-Petrossyan believes that Sargsyan will still sign the agreement
and will cede the five districts to Azerbaijan. He will do it so as to
be sure that the international community will guarantee his personal
immunity (if not power) and will give him Nobel Prize and shelter –
something he will not have otherwise.

Easter celebrated in Jerusalem

Easter celebrated in Jerusalem

Sunday April 04, 2010

Source: Reuters

Worshippers hold candles as they take part in the Christian Orthodox Holy
Fire ceremony at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem’s Old city
Bells, drums, ecstatic chants and flaming candles lit from the tomb of Jesus
brought Easter to a joyful climax in Jerusalem on Saturday for Palestinians
and thousands of Orthodox Christian pilgrims from around the world.

Sectarian tensions were, as ever, in evidence at the Church of the Holy
Sepulchre for the ceremony of the Holy Fire, which symbolises the
resurrection of Jesus after his death on the cross. But, under a heavy
Israeli police presence, there was none of the factional violence that has
seen rival clergy trade punches – and even a stabbing – in the past few

A mass influx of Russian and other visitors from the former Soviet bloc, and
the absence of many Palestinians denied permits from Israel to enter the Old
City, confirmed the changing face of Christian rites in Jerusalem since the
fall of Communism.

The coincidence of the Easter calendars of the Eastern and Western churches
has prompted ecumenical gatherings during Holy Week, notably among the
dwindling Christian communities in the West Bank, where Israeli occupation
and more militant Islam have fostered emigration in recent years, local
church figures said.
Roman Catholics and Protestants, however, eschew the Holy Fire rite; Western
visitors have for centuries scoffed at the ceremony in which the Greek
Orthodox patriarch of Jerusalem produces a lighted candle from the sealed
and empty tomb – without the aid of matches or other, visible, terrestrial
At times, terrible stampedes have left worshippers injured or even killed.
Several hundred died in a crush in 1834.

For thousands of locals and foreigners packed in the many corners of the
ancient church around the ornate stone tomb on the traditional site of the
crucifixion and resurrection, the ritual progressed much as it is must have
done for a millennium

For hours, competing chants, singing and processions marked out areas of the
church dominated by the Greek Orthodox and the Armenians, congregations
which, with Roman Catholics, have the main rights to the Holy Sepulchre
through an arrangement drafted under 19th century Ottoman Turkish rulers
anxious for calm.
Colourful, noisy groups from other denominations, including Copts from Egypt
and Syrian Orthodox, added to the throng.

A couple of dozen teenagers in uniform red T-shirts from one church group,
Roman Catholic monks observing with detachment from the upper balconies, and
a preponderance of heavy-set young men in clerical garb at the forefront of
the main Greek and Armenian delegations lent an air of sporting competition.
But fears of a showdown between the two denominations, whose clergy engaged
in a widely televised bout of fisticuffs inside the church less than 18
months ago, proved unfounded.

The Greek patriarch and a senior Armenian cleric both emerged from the tomb
bearing the holy fire for their followers.

In seconds, light spread around the darkened chapels as the delighted
faithful lit one bunch of candles from flaming others.

"This is the greatest joy of my life," said 64-year-old Suhair Amin, who had
travelled two days by bus from Egypt and said many of her Coptic fellows
were denied entry to the church.

Competition for places has become particularly intense with Israel’s opening
of visa-free travel for Russians, tens of millions of whom have embraced the
Orthodox Christianity long frozen out under Communism. One Russian attending
on Saturday said he had paid $700 for a pass given by one denomination.

Asked whether it was worth it, as the candle flames raced around the church,
he was speechless, simply beaming in reply.

Members of smaller but hitherto influential denominations in Jerusalem, like
the Greeks and Armenians, are wary of the surge in numbers and money coming
from Russia – and of Israel’s potential to use its control as a diplomatic
bargaining chip with Moscow, at the expense of smaller churches.

Armenian Side Will Deliver Azerbaijani Captives To Azerbaijan On Apr


April 2 2010

On Saturday, April 3rd, the Armenian side will hand over to
the Azerbaijani side the captive military man and bodies of two
Azerbaijanis who have been on the armenian territory since the March
incident, the Armenian Defense Ministry said.

"On the humanitarian initiative of the Armenian side and through
the International Committee of the Red Cross, bodies of two
Azerbaijanis that were in the territory of Armenia as a result of
the March 3 incident will be handed over to Azerbaijan through the
Erashavan-Sadarak section of the Armenian-Azerbaijani border at 10:00
a.m. on Saturday," the ministry said.

Eldar Heydar Tagiyev, arrested on Dec. 28, 2009, will also be handed
over to the Azerbaijani side.

/Novosti Armenia/


In February 2010 Monetary Base Of Armenia Declined By 2,5%



ArmInfo. In February 2010 the monetary base of Armenia grew by 13%
as compared with February 2009. According to the preliminary data of
the Central Bank of Armenia (CBA) provided to ArmInfo, over February
2010 the monetary base declined by 2.5%, having totalled 446.8 bln AMD
($1.2 bln) by 1 March.

In the structure of monetary base, cash funds outside CBA increased by
0,04% in February 2010 and by 11,8% as compared with February 2009,
having totalled 283.3 bln AMD by March 1 2010. The share of legal
AMD reserves in the total monetary base made up 6,1% or 27.5 bln
AMD, having declined by 7,9% in February. The share of legal foreign
exchange reserves made up 29,5% or 132 bln AMD, having declined by 8%
in February (the annual growth being 11.8%).

According to the source, foreign reserves (privatization funds
exclusive) declined by 5,3% in February to 477.6 bln AMD (60,4%
annual growth). The share of internal assets amounted to negative 30.8
bln AMD in February 2010, having increased by 33% as compared with
January. In the structure of internal assets, the liabilities before
the government amounted to negative 161.7 bln AMD, having increased by
7% in February (over twice growth as compared with February 2009). In
the total volume of internal assets, 50.3 bln AMD fell on banks,
having declined by 9.2% in February (annual decline being 37.3%).

The volume of REPO agreements grew by 40.2% in February (over 5 times
decline as compared with February 2009).

Turkish, Armenian Intellectuals To Meet For Closer Dialogue

02.04.2010 14:53

Turkish and Armenian intellectuals will meet in Ankara on April 24
and 25 to discuss the events of 1915 and attempt to improve dialogue
between the two nations in an event organized by the Ankara Freedom
of Thought Initiative.

"We believe the problem between the two nations will be solved
only by dialogue," Sait Cetin, a writer, human-rights activists and
one of the organizers of the forum, told the Hurriyet Daily News &
Economic Review.

"Matters that concern us in the first degree are being discussed in
the capitals of the world because we cannot manage to talk [about
them] ourselves. The sincerity of the West is arguable, and Turkey
has an attitude of denial," Cetin added.

Participants in the forum will talk about the events leading up to
the 1915 killings, as well as their political implications. Topics of
discussion are set to include "The Armenian issue from a historical
perspective," "From [the Committee of] Union and Progress to
Kemalism – official ideological denial and termination of the issue,"
"The Turkification of the capital" and "The Armenian issue: How to
handle it?"

Writer Temel Demirer underscored the importance of such dialogue in
order to ensure a more peaceful future, saying that the official
ideology in Turkey has tried to cover history up. "We, as Turkish
intellectuals, want to face the truth," he told the Daily News in
an interview.