Contest for Armenian fonts to be summed up June 28-29

Contest for Armenian fonts to be summed up June 28-29

YEREVAN, June 28. /ARKA/. The results of a contest for the best
Armenian fonts ` Granshan 2008 ` will be summarized June 28-29.

`We have received 15 bids with 42 types of fonts from six countries `
Armenia, USA, Great Britain, Russia, Ukraine and Germany, ` Minister of
Culture Hasmik Poghosyan told reporters June 28.

She said it is the non-government organizations that undertook the
development of Armenian fonts. Later the Ministry took charge of the

Prizes will be awarded in six nominations, a member of the jury, Edik
Gabuzyan, said. In addition to Armenian fonts, the nominations include
best Latin fonts and Cyrillic, as well as free display fonts.

`The winner fonts will be used in software for computers and Internet,
as well as in school text-books,’ he said.
Many young people are participating in the contest this year though a
few years ago those working on Armenian fonts were very few and over

100,000 AMD will be awarded to the grand prix winner, 70,000 AMD to the
first-prize winner and 50,000 to the second-prize winner. The contest
was announced in November 2007. ($1 ` 302.06 AMD). –0′

ANC-WR Activist Jack Hadjinian Elected As Chairman Of Montebello’S C

26.06.2008 10:38

The Armenian National Committee – Western Region (ANC-WR) has learned
that Jack Hadjinian will serve as the next Chairman of the Board of
Montebello’s Chamber of Commerce. The Montebello Chamber of Commerce
installed Jack Hadjinian as its third Armenian and youngest person,
at the age of 30, to serve as Chairman of the Board in its 96 year

Jack Hadjinian, a Realtor with the office of Coldwell Banker 1st
Class Realty will serve a one year term as Chairman beginning July
1, 2008 until June 30, 2009. Jack Hadjinian was elected to the
Board of Directors in 2006, and Secretary on the Executive Board
in 2007. Dr. Judy Chu Chairwoman of the California State Board of
Equalization installed Hadjinian.

"This is truly an honor for me to be nominated as Chairman and to bring
my leadership skills to the more than 400 businesses that make up the
Chamber, many of our members have been in business longer than I have
been living," stated Hadjinian. "My goal is to get every Armenian
business in Montebello involved in civic activities," he added.

In addition to his involvement with the Chamber he also serves on
the Board of Trustees of the Holy Cross Armenian Apostolic Cathedral,
he previously served on the City of Montebello Investment Committee,
and is a proud member of the Armenian National Committee of America.

"We are tremendously proud of Jack," stated ANC-WR Executive Director
Andrew Kzirian. "Jack’s leadership, activism and commitment to the
local community will serve the needs of Montebello in exemplary
fashion," he added.

The Montebello Chamber of Commerce represents over 400 businesses in
Montebello and surrounding cities and is ranked in the top 100 Chambers
in the State of California. The Armenian community of Montebello is
very active in the Chamber of Commerce and there is a substantial
number of Armenian Businesses that are members.

Conference "Cinema As Means For Intercultural Dialogue" To Be Held I



JU NE 24

The conference "Cinema as Means for Intercultural Dialogue" will
be held on the days of the fifth "Golden Apricot" International
Film Festival, to be held in Yerevan between July 13 and 20. The
objective of this conference to be held by the assistance and on the
initiative of the Council of Europe is to discuss the role of cinema
and cinematography in the establishment of the dialogue.

According to the information provided to a Noyan Tapan correspondent
by Susanna Haroutiunian, the Artistic Director of the festival,
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova and the Ukraine will take part
in the conference. In her words, the intercultural dialogue is a
primary program for the Council of Europe as it is considered to be
a source of mutual enrichment for the European states in religious
and political terms.

Susanna Haroutiunian mentioned that a number of famous European
structure officials, producers, festival organizers from Armenia and
abroad involved in cinema will take part in the conference.

System Of A Down Interested In Eurovision 2009

June 23 2008

After Armenia received its best result ever this year with Sirusho,
the world-famous rock band System of a Down shown a keen interest in
representing the country in Russia next year. However, the soloist
of the American band, Serj Tankian, has openly stated in a recent
visit in Finland that this will be under one condition: if they will
be able to use Eurovision as a way to make the much-debated Armenian
Genocide issue known. "Esc would be an excellent way to make this theme
known. We must seriously think of this." said Tankian in response to
a question posed by Finnish News Agency.

System of a Down is very politically active and are noted for
the liberal political views expressed in their songs, tackling
myriad subjects including the War on Drugs, religion, drug use, and
especially censorship. They have actively campaigned to get Turkey
to recognize the controversial Armenian Genocide and the subject is
often-tackled in their songs. They are also a part of the Axis of
Justice, a non-profit political activist organization fighting for
recognition of the polemical issue, believed to have taken part in the
early 20th century. Ironically, the band has many Turkish fans as well.

Previously similar themes have been tried at Eurovision with mixed
success. In 1976 Greece sent the song Panaghia mou, Panaghia mou
about the invasion of Cyprus, in 1993 Bosnia-Herzegovina performed
Sva bol svijeta about the war in the region, and it is also believed
by experts that the 1996 United Kingdom entry Ohh Ahh Just a little
bit also has a hidden message about genocide.

With previous song titles such as Violent Pornography, This Cocaine
Makes Me Feel Like I’m On This Song, Peephole and Fuck the System,
System of a Down would perhaps be censored by the EBU rule about bad
language that previously forced Silvia Night to officially change the
lyrics of her song, while the EBU would probably choose to believe
the political message was a reference to ancient Armenian bedtime
stories or an ending relationship.

Debate On Functioning Of Democratic Institutions In Armenia Put On P


23.06.2008 15:52 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ A debate on the functioning of democratic
institutions in Armenia was included in the agenda of PACE summer

"A proposal to deprive Armenia of vote can also be presented," said
Davit Harutyunian, head of the Armenian delegation to PACE.

The RA delegation departed for Strasbourg in full composition – 8
parliament members. Davit Harutyunian, Avet Adonts, Armen Rustamian
and Raffi Hovannisian have already signed up to address the session,
IA Regnum reports.

Earlier, there was a proposal to hold an urgent debate on the
functioning of democratic institutions in Armenia – but only if the
Assembly’s co-rapporteurs judge, after visiting the country on 16-17
June, that the Armenian authorities have made insufficient progress
in fulfilling the Assembly’s demands following the February 2008
post-electoral violence.

Next Opposition Rally Due On July 4


21.06.2008 13:47 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The opposition rally finished in Yerevan late on
June 20 evening.

Opposition leader, Armenia’s first President Levon Ter-Petrosyan
announced a minute of silence in commemoration of ten victims of
March 1 events and conferred them the rank of national heroes, for
"they died in the name of democracy and independence."

The rally had two objectives: first, to show that the national spirit
is not subdued and second, to prove that the nation doesn’t recognize
Serzh Sargsyan as legitimate President, according to Ter-Petrosyan

"Today’s rally is the evidence that people stand firm to protect
their rights. Armenia’s image is not damaged, but the prestige of
the authorities is questioned," he said. "The opposition is ready
to establish a dialog with the authorities but it will never be a
haggling. We do not need posts, we have them thanks to our people."

Ter-Petrosyan reminded about several conditions PACE set before the
Armenian government, namely independent investigation into March 1
events, annulment of amendments to the law restricting conduction of
rallies and release of political prisoners. "I call on the authorities
to fulfill the third and the most important condition," he said.

Ter-Petrosyan promised to call on PACE not to impose sanctions
on Armenia if all political prisoners are released before the
Assembly’s summer session. He also called on the demonstrators not
to believe rumors about "escape of the movement’s leaders from the
republic." "Believe me, I will be the last person to give up the
struggle," he said, IA Regnum reports.

The next opposition rally is scheduled for July 4.

Serzh Sargsyan: Armenia Will Eventually Ensure That Its Democratic G


21.06.2008 15:03 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Armenia made European headlines for two reasons
in the past few months – one bad and one good, according to the
Armenian President.

"The first was unrest in our capital after presidential elections in
February; the second was a meeting between myself and my neighboring
Azerbaijani counterpart on June 7. Both emphasize that Armenia is very
much a country in transition, within Europe’s neighborhood. Despite
the numerous obstacles in our way, however, Armenia is deepening its
reforms and strengthening its democratic institutions as part of a
path toward sustainable good governance," Serzh Sargsyan said in an
interview with RFE/RL.

"Post-election disagreements among parties led to an opportunity for
me to work to bring together a wide political coalition, incorporating
four of the five factions represented in parliament. An important part
of that coalition’s mission are the large-scale democracy-oriented,
social, and economic reforms we are implementing at the moment. We are
working together to comply with the letter and spirit of Resolution
1609 of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE)
on the functioning of democratic institutions in Armenia," he said.

"Tangible reform steps in line with international standards include:
amendments to liberalize the Law on Conducting Meetings, Assemblies,
Rallies and Demonstrations; broadening the rights of the parliamentary
opposition through concrete legislative changes, guaranteeing an
inclusive role in the political system and decision-making processes;
the drafting of a comprehensive amendment package to the electoral
code in line with Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe
recommendations, which includes provisions for participation of intra-
and extraparliamentary parties; significant legislative changes to the
TV and radio law. All of these reforms are conducted with positive
expert assessment by the Council of Europe’s Venice Commission,"
President Sargsyan said.

"These are, by any measure, decisive steps towards long-term reforms
that will address the discontent that emerged after recent elections
and guarantee more freedoms for the people of Armenia. We welcome any
proposals from the European Union and the upcoming French presidency
on supporting this reform process and ensuring that it is implemented
effectively," he continued.

Commenting on independent findings, the Armenian President said,
"Above and beyond PACE recommendations, we have embarked on major
law enforcement reform, and a parliamentary ad hoc committee that
includes all factions of the National Assembly has been established
to investigate the tragic circumstances of post-electoral events. This
committee will have the widest possible involvement to study all facts
and come up with its own independent findings. Extraparliamentary
groups, civil society institutions, and independent international
experts are encouraged to participate in these efforts.

We, along with PACE’s Monitoring Committee, have observed important
progress to date, but there is still much work to be done. Fortunately,
the political will exists within our coalition to carry through with
our ambitious plans. We recognize that our attractiveness as a partner
for Europe and the broader international community is at stake.

History has been cruel to Armenia. Our people have overcome enormous
difficulties, both in the distant and very recent past. But we
are determined that our country will not remain stuck in permanent

Taking our cue from the U.S. civil rights movement, I am confident in
saying that, despite the challenges ahead in terms of our democratic
development, we shall overcome.

As an enthusiastic member of the European neighborhood, Armenia will
eventually ensure that its democratic governance is irreversible."

Seyran Ohanian And Nikolay Bordyusha Discuss CSTO System Development


DeFacto Agency
June 18 2008

YEREVAN, 18.06.08. DE FACTO. On June 17 a meeting of the RA Defense
Minister Seyran Ohanian with Secretary General of the Collective
Security Treaty Organization Nikolay Bordyuzha and leadership of the
CSTO joint headquarters was held in Moscow.

According to the RA MoD Press Office, in the course of the meeting
the parties discussed the issues referring to the development of
the CSTO system, peacemaking activity within the CSTO frames and
the issues of military, military-technical and military-educational
cooperation. The interlocutors also considered the issues on the
agenda of the forthcoming sitting of the Council of ministers of the
CSTO member countries. This time chairmanship in the Council will
pass to Armenia.

The parties also touched on the issues referring to the creation and
activity of the United Military System.

Ter-Petrosyan’s Team – Not The Only Representative Of The Opposition

Lilit Poghosyan

Hayots Ashkhar Daily
Published on June 17, 2008

On Friday, the Executive Body of the Republican Party of Armenia made
a decision to nominate Hovik ABRAHAMYAN as a parliamentary candidate
in constituency No. 17. What is such decision accounted for and hasn’t
it given rise to controversies between the "old and new" Republicans,
as claimed by some people?

In response to our questions, RPA Press Secretary EDUARD SHARMAZANOV
presents his comments.

"The issue has been speculated in the press many times. I must say
that those rumors do not correspond to the reality. Discussions and
even controversies inside a party are always possible, and this
is normal. But as regards the issue of nominating a candidate in
constituency No. 17, there was no controversy here.

You are aware that there was a vacancy in the constituency in
connection with Henrik Abrahamyan’s assuming a new post. And as
an active participant in the political processes and a member of
the political coalition, the Republican decided to propose its own
candidate considering that there are a lot of unresolved problems in
that constituency like in many others.

In this particular case, that candidate is Hovik Abrahamyan, member
of the RPA council. In its session, the executive body unanimously
proposed Mr.

Abrahamyan’s candidacy, considering his authority and experience as
well as the activities implemented in the region."

"According to the scenarios circulated in the press and behind the
curtain, Hovik Abrahamyan ‘is going’ to replace Tigran Torosyan in
the post of the NA Speaker. According to another scenario, there’s
going to be a ‘castling’, i.e. Hovik Abrahamyan will assume the post
of the Head of the faction and Karen Karapetyan will be appointed as
the Head of the presidential staff."

"I am the Press Secretary of the party, and I can never make
assumptions; I make my statements based on facts. And the fact
is that the party did not discuss any other issue apart from the
nomination of Hovik Abrahamyan’s candidacy. Neither the issue of
changing the NA Speaker nor anything else of the kind was included
in the agenda. We work in a transparent manner, together with our
public and our colleagues from the press, and should anything of the
kind be discussed, the mass media will be the first to know about it."

"Not satisfied with the ‘March 1’, the opposition declares of its
intention of ‘seizing’ the Freedom Square and then coming to power
at any price, regardless the decision of the Mayor’s Office. How do
you estimate this objective?"

"Let’s note first of all that Ter-Petrosyan’s team is not the only
representative of the opposition. There is an opposition inside
the Parliament, and there is an opposition outside the Parliament
which, by the way, supports neither the ideas of Mr. Ter-Petrosyan
nor the activities of his team. So, let’s not consider them merely as
representatives of the opposition. They may be labeled as an extremist
opposition or revanchists, i.e. a group of people who are striving
for a revanche.

There is only one way in the civilized world. That is, to initiate
reforms in a normal way, through evolutions. All the reforms should be
implemented in compliance with the Constitution and our international

If our colleagues from the opposition camp are striving for a shift of
power, they may achieve that through elections. And if they consider
that they should hold demonstrations by all means, they are free again;
they may exercise those rights in accordance with the Constitution
and the law recently adopted by the National Assembly.

As recently mentioned by the President of the Republic, elections
to the local self-government bodies are really going to be held in
autumn. Let them have their participation, win and work. After all,
democracy is the power of the majority which takes into consideration
the views of

the minority. The President and the ruling coalition have announced
many times and proven by their deeds that they are ready to vest
certain authorities in the opposition. The Parliament will soon
discuss the issue, and certain positions will soon be offered to our
colleagues belonging to ‘Heritage’ faction as well.

Head Of ARFD Faction: Everything Should Be Done To Hold Diaspora A P


2008-06-16 17:53:00

ArmInfo. As compared with the Russian, Ukrainian and Polish Diaspora,
the Armenian Diaspora wasn’t created as a result of political
migration. It was created as a result of the Armenian Genocide in 1915,
and the intolerable financial living standards during Armenian first
president Levon Ter- Petrosyan’s term in office at the end of the 20th
century contributed to the Diaspora’s expansion, Vahan Hovhannisyan,
the chairman of the ARF Dashnaksutyun Party’s faction, a member of
the ARFD Bureau, told ArmInfo correspondent.

He said that Armenia should do its best to hold Diaspora a part
of Armenianhood. He noted that the genocide continues as every
day hundreds of Armenians can’t resist difficulties in different
countries. He added that Armenians face even political pressure in
some countries. "We should suppress such phenomena which are the
result of the Genocide, we should unite Diaspora’s representatives
around Armenia", the MP said. He stressed that before the past
few decades it was possible to address the issue of maintenance of
Armenian communities due to ARF Dashnaksutyun, Armenian Apostolic
Church and other organizations. "Today, however, there is a Republic
of Armenia, and it is our state that should address this issue. In
this connection, the Ministry of Diaspora’s Affairs should carry out
much work", he stressed.

Hovhannisyan pointed out that the minister of Diaspora’s Affairs should
be non-partisan as Diaspora’s Armenians have some discrepancies in
this matter.

"I am sure than an ARFD representative could have solved these problems
fairly. We intend to take an active part in this ministry’s work. I
think that the Armenian Diaspora’s representatives, which know
Armenian communities perfectly, may be appointed deputy ministers
of Diaspora’s Affairs", Hovhannisyan said. According to him, the
ministry of Diaspora’s Affairs will contribute to addressing the
issue of recognition of the Armenian Genocide.

To note, the Ministry of Diaspora’s Affairs will be set up in
October 2008.

As ArmInfo correspondent was told by a parliamentary source, Hranush
Hakobyan, the chairwoman of the parliamentary standing commission
on education, science, youth and sport, a member of the Republican
Party of Armenia, will be appointed the minister of Diaspora’s Affairs.