Armenian Consulate in LA announces Trade Conference

Consulate General of the Republic of Armenia
Contact: Consulate General of RA, (310) 657-6102 x 225
AACC, (818) 247-0196


The Consulate General of the Republic of Armenia (RA) in Los Angeles
and the Armenian American Chamber of Commerce announce a conference
"Doing Business with Armenia," which will be held on Tuesday,
September 16th, 2008 at the World Trade Center in Long Beach,

The event will aim at promoting bilateral trade and investments
between Armenia and California by bringing together a wide range of
participants including business leaders, corporate executives, and
government officials. The event will focus on three sectors of
Armenia’s economy: tourism, banking/finance, and pharmaceuticals. The
Conference is organized under the auspices of the Consulate General of
the Republic of Armenia in Los Angeles, and co-sponsored by the US
Department of Commerce, Ministry of Economy of the Republic Armenia
and Armenian American Chamber of Commerce. Event affiliates include
Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce, Los Angeles Port Authority,
ArmenianDevelopment Agency, Chamber of Commerce of Armenia, and Union
of Manufacturers and Entrepreneurs of Armenia.

ANKARA: `I long for opposition with realizable dreams, not fears’

Today’s Zaman, Turkey
May 25 2008

`I long for opposition with realizable dreams, not fears’

Politician Murat Mercan has apparently given considerable thought to
what he would nowadays do if he was a member of the main opposition
Republican People’s Party (CHP) instead of the ruling Justice and
Development Party (AK Party).

He has eventually reached an answer which he shared in an interview
with Sunday’s Zaman this week; he would like to see an effectively
active opposition party pushing the ruling party to make more
progressive reforms within the country’s European Union membership
process. The modernization project is a goal of the Turkish state, he
notes, and should not be limited to a particular party. Mercan, a
founding member of the AK Party, is currently head of Parliament’s
Foreign Affairs Commission. During the previous parliament, he led the
delegation representing Turkey at the Council of Europe Parliamentary
Assembly (PACE).

Regarding the issue of reactions, particularly those from opposition
parties, to statements by officials from international bodies, most
notably the European Union, concerning an ongoing closure case against
the ruling party, he said: "I have long given thought to what I would
do if I was instead [a member] of the CHP; that’s possible, we may
well be in opposition one day, that’s a necessity of democracy. I
would definitely work to be more influential for encouraging the AK
Party to act more progressively concerning Turkey’s EU membership
process. Because this modernization project is truly a project of the
state. These are not projects that could be appropriated or
personalized by Ahmet, Mehmet or the AK Party. Our people appreciate
who has made the biggest contribution to this process, and the 47
percent of the vote gained in the July 22 elections by our government
was basically about the realization of certain expectations by our
party," Mercan said.

"In other words, I would prefer to produce realizable dreams for the
future instead of creating fears, if I were in the CHP’s
situation. However, the CHP is unfortunately creating fears stemming
from the past instead of hopes for the future, and I don’t believe
that this is a sustainable way of making politics. Perhaps the CHP
could do much better than we have done, why not?" he continued.

In late March, Turkey’s Constitutional Court decided unanimously to
hear an appeal from a top prosecutor to close Prime Minister Recep
Tayyip ErdoÄ?an’s AK Party on charges that it had become a
"focal point for anti-secular activity." The prosecutor has also
sought a five-year ban from party politics for 71 politicians,
including ErdoÄ?an and former AK Party member President Abdullah

>From the outset, a number of international bodies and foreign
politicians have criticized the case, urging respect for the rule of
law and European standards. This criticism was too much for some, who
suggested that it amounted to interference in domestic affairs and was
thus disrespectful vis-à-vis Turkey’s national sovereignty and

"We have to be consistent within ourselves: Turkey has not displayed
the will to become an EU member due to external pressure, and when
this will was first displayed back in the 1960s, the AK Party didn’t
even exist," Mercan said, in an apparent reference to the fact that
the relationship between Ankara and Brussels dates back to 1963, when
the Ankara Agreement was signed between Turkey and the then-European
Economic Community (EEC).

"Following the first application, this will was reaffirmed several
times, most recently during the EU summit in Helsinki in 1999, when
there was a coalition government in power which represented almost all
the political actors of today," he said. Turkey was given EU candidate
country status at the Helsinki summit in December 1999, when it was
also noted that it would be required to meet the same conditions for
accession as other countries.

Turkey started an expansive reform process after the summit in order
to meet the EU criteria and has been continuing this process ever
since. The then-coalition government under Prime Minister
Bülent Ecevit abolished the death penalty in 2002 as a historic
step toward the EU. The Copenhagen summit on Dec. 12-13, 2002, also
moved Turkey closer to the EU. The council finally decided that
negotiations would start without delay if Turkey met the Copenhagen
political criteria by the December 2004 summit.

"The EU is basically a coordination mechanism and has certain
conditions; one cannot demand to be treated according to one’s own
specific conditions. One either accepts these conditions or not; and
if one accepts, later one becomes a member. But if these certain
conditions change in time; one can say that he does not accept these
new conditions and depart from the bloc," Mercan said. "But displaying
the will to become a member and at the same time criticizing constant
conditions is a contradiction."

"It is natural for one to be annoyed with the criticism from
international bodies; there is also some criticism with which I’m
annoyed. For example I’m uneasy with some particular styles or, for
example, with some unfair rebukes by the EU concerning the so-called
Armenian genocide. But what I say at this point is this: You may be
annoyed with certain things, you may not agree with these things —
then there are two things to do, either you persuade your counterpart
by displaying that his view is incorrect, or you reach a point where
you say I’m out of this."

Nowadays, there is one thing concerning the CHP that pleased Mercan:
news reports concerning the CHP’s plans to open a representative
bureau in Brussels. "All of us should work for the rightful perception
and a true image of Turkey. There is a need for the opposition’s
contributions as much as there is a need for those of the governing
party within the EU process. Their contribution is extremely important
for the creation of dialogue and for image. If one is unhappy about
the EU’s stance, what one must do is obvious, as long as there is
sincerity in this uneasiness: It is opening dialogue, there is no
other healthy way."

25 May 2008, Sunday

Catholicos of All Armenians congratulates graduates of schools



Armenians Karekin II congratulated the graduates of
the Armenian schools.
Press service of the Holy See told Armenpress that
in his message the Catholicos particularly said, -From
the Holy See of St. Etchmiadzin we send our love and
blessing to you, dear graduates, on the occasion of
ending the school period.
During the study years you received knowledge from
your devoted teachers stepping on the path of wisdom.
Today you are going to enter new period of life and
hopes of your parents, our people and homeland are
tied with you.-
In his message the Catholicos wished the graduates
new achievements, happiness and success.

Circumstances against Armenia in Karabakh issue, RA ex- FM says


Circumstances against Armenia in Karabakh issue, RA
ex-Foreign Minister says
24.05.2008 17:41 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The process of the Nagorno Karabakh
conflict settlement can be divided in four stages:
1991-1994, 1994-1998 and 1998-up to present day,
Armenia’s former Foreign Minister said.

-There are four basic factors which influence on
resolution of all conflicts. These are the trends of
international development, regional interests of world
powers, internal political situation in the
conflicting countries and diplomatic potential of the
sides,- Vartan Oskanian told a conference dedicated to
20th anniversary of the Karabakh movement.

Assessing the first stage, Mr Oskanian remarked that
immediately after the USSR decline the international
principles worked against Armenia. -Recognizing
appearance of new states, the international community
did not allow parts of these states go exercise their
right to self-determination, fearing of domino effect.
The interests of world powers were not clearly
outlined; the situation in the conflicting countries
was shaky. The international community attempted to
resolve the conflict through total dissemination of
democratic principles and engagement of the
conflicting sides in national projects. However, all
this led to a lingering war. In 1994-98 the
international community started questioning its
approaches to conflicts. The accents were changed,
giving way to professional diplomacy. Conflicting
counties recovered and world powers came to form their
interests in the region,- he said.

With the shift of power in Armenia 1998, international
tendencies have changed. Thanks to matured diplomacy,
a document clearly mentioning of the right of
Karabakhi people to self-determination was developed.
Ten years after, the circumstances are against
Armenians. After recognition of Kosovo, the
international opinion tends to oppose the right to
self-determination. Announcements that Kosovo should
never become a precedent will be an obstacle in our
way. Besides, confrontation between Russia and the
U.S. will have a negative impact on our region.
Furthermore, the current domestic situation in Armenia
has never been so shaky for past 20 years. The forth
factor, diplomacy, acquires huge importance under the
circumstances. The new President and Foreign Minister
have already announced that the previous policy will
be continued. However, I do not see exact accents. I
think that the document at the table is the best and I
am hopeful Azerbaijan won’t reject it,- Mr Oskanian
resumed, KarabakhOpen reports.

NKR President Anticipates Specific Recommendations For NK Settlement


DeFacto Agency
May 23 2008

STEPANAKERT, 23.05.08. DE FACTO. The international conference entitled
"Karabakh Movement: Realities and Perspectives" devoted to the
movement’s 20th anniversary started in Stepanakert today.

The Nagorno-Karabakh Republic President delivered welcoming address
to the conference’s participants. He mentioned peculiar significance
and urgency of the issues referring to the current process and
perspectives of settlement of the Karabakh conflict, as well as of
other ethno political conflicts on the post Soviet territory to be
discussed at the conference.

"The discussions of the issues under current complicated geopolitical
conditions should imply not just consideration of the real situation in
the process of settlement of conflicts, in part, the Nagorno-Karabakh
one. I believe the conference should elaborate specific theoretical
and practical recommendations for the Karabakh conflict settlement
taking into consideration current realties, as well as historical and
legal grounds for the establishment of NKR’s independent statehood,
modern tendencies of international law’s development", the NKR
President underscored.

Bako Sahakian expressed hope that during the process of constructive
exchange of opinion the conference’s participants would put forward
interesting ideas and initiatives. "The conference should find
its continuation in practical activity of the representatives of
corresponding state structures, scientific and expert communities, as
well as of all those, who are sincerely interested in the settlement
of the Karabakh conflict and establishment of stable and long-lasting
peace in our region", the NKR President stated.

The representatives of political, scientific and expert circles
from Russia, the U. S., Germany, Greece, Belgium, Iran and Armenia,
as well as those representing non-recognized republics of Abkhazia,
South Ossetia and Transnistria participate in the conference.

Draft Concept Of Information Technology Sector Developmemt To Be Dis


Noyan Tapan

Ma y 23, 2008

YEREVAN, MAY 23, NOYAN TAPAN. After a year’s interruption, on May
26, a sitting of the IT Development Support Council (ITDSC) chaired
by the Armenian prime minister will be held in order to discuss the
draft concept of development of the Armenian IT sector. The director
of the E-Content Association of Armenia (ECA) and chairman of the
IT Foundation Garegin Chugaszian announced this at the May 23 press
conference held jointly with the chairman of Bi Line company Hayk
Khanjian and the director of Center of Information Technologies (CIT)
company Gagik Karapetian.

In the words of G. Chugaszian, last week a consultation to discuss the
concept was held with the participation of the minister of economy
Nerses Yeritsian, and the disagreement and criticism voiced at the
consultation was not covered by the press. He said that the process
of developing the concept was not a transparent one: the names of the
members of the working group to have prepared the draft concept were
not published, while the draft was submitted to the government without
being discussed by the ITDSC, the RA National Academy of Sciences
and authoritive respresentatives of the sector, whereas during a
consultation conducted by the former president of Armenia Robert
Kocharian in April 2004, the president instructed that the draft shall
be discussed by the ITDSC before being submitted to the government.

These questions remained unanswered at the consultation with the
participation of N. Yeritsian in charge of the concept’s development.

Besides, G. Chugaszian expressed concern about the fact that
N. Yeritsian has proposed submitting comments on the draft concept
within 6 days, while a new consultation will be held in 10 days, and
"the issue will be closed".

"It is incorrect to take not serious approach to the busy people who
have waited for a year so that the concept will be discussed by the
working groups of the ITDSC," G. Chugaszian noted.

H. Khanjian said that the draft concept does not address properly the
problems of Armenian e-content development, whereas the society uses
ITs to make e-content accessible. According to G. Karapetian, the draft
concept did not take into account the necessity to ensure continuity
of projects and work done in Armenia’s IT sector in the past.

TORONTO: Coloroso’s Publisher Weighs In


May 23 2008

Over the past week, the Toronto District School Board’s decision
to pull Barbara Colorosoââ~B¬â~D¢s Extraordinary Evil from a
Grade 11 course has continued to draw criticism from the literary
community. Yesterday, Coloroso’s publisher ââ~B¬" Penguin Canada
president David Davidar ââ~B¬" joined in the condemnations.

Here is an open letter from Davidar, addressed to the Toronto District
School Board’s director of education Gerry Connelly:

Dear Mr. Connelly,

As the publisher of Barbara Colorosoââ~B¬â~D¢s Extraordinary
Evil: A Brief History of Genocide, we regret the Toronto District
School Boardââ~B¬â~D¢s decision to drop the book from its list of
resources for a Grade 11 course called Genocide and Crimes Against
Humanity. Board documents describe Ms. Coloroso as a ââ~B¬Å"renowned
edu catorââ~B¬Â~] and the bookââ~B¬â~D¢s inclusion in the reading list
in the first place attests to its value as a legitimate contribution to
the study of genocide. Dropping the book from the list is apparently
based on vociferous objections by segments of the Turkish Canadian
population who reject the ââ~B¬Å"genocide&#xC 3;¢â~B¬Â~] designation to
describe the atrocities committed against Armenians in 1915, and who
dispute Ms Colorosoââ~B¬â~D¢s credentials as an historian. In fact, Ms
Coloroso has never claimed to be an historian and in the Introduction
to her book, she emphasizes that she is writing ââ~B¬Å"as an educator,
a parent, and a former nun. All three of these influence and colour
this text.ââ~B¬Â~]

We suggest that the Board follow the philosophy outlined in the April
29th Review Committee Report, which states ââ~B¬Å"Grade 11 students
can appreciate ââ~B¬" and, more importantly, should appreciate ââ~B¬"
that history is a contested area without suggesting that everything
is relative. ââ~B¬Â¦ Genuine historical controversies do belong in
a high school curriculum and can be beneficial in giving students an
in-depth understanding of complex events and in teaching students
critical thinking.ââ~B¬Â~] While we laud the Boardââ~B¬â~D¢s
dec ision to implement such a course, and to continue to include the
Armenian genocide as part of that course, we urge you to reinstate
Ms. Colorosoââ~B¬â~D¢s book onto the course reading list. Many
voices have been recorded on the tragedies of various genocides,
the voices of historians, eyewitnesses, novelists, human rights
groups, social scientists, journalists and even Canadian generals. Ms
Colorosoââ~B¬â~D&#xA2 ;s voice should be among them.


David Davidar President and Publisher Penguin Group Canada


Glendale Stabbing Death Ruled Self-Defense

By Jason Wells

Glendale News Press
May 21 2008

Two men previously arrested are freed after the D.A.’s office weighs
in on killing at Del Taco.

GLENDALE — Two men arrested on suspicion of murder Saturday in the
stabbing death of a 30-year-old Glendale man in a Del Taco parking
lot were released Tuesday after authorities decided one acted in
self-defense and that there was not enough evidence to charge the
second with a crime.

Avetis Barnasyan, 24, will not face murder charges for stabbing Hayk
Torosyan in the chest Saturday during a physical altercation in the
parking lot at 2101 W. Glenoaks Blvd., Los Angeles County district
attorney’s office spokeswoman Shiara M. Davila said.

The second man arrested, 40-year-old Brian Herbert of North Hollywood,
will not face charges for taking part in the physical altercation
after investigators determined "there was no evidence he had committed
a crime," she said.

Barnasyan and Herbert were scheduled to be arraigned Tuesday if the
district attorney’s office had decided to pursue murder charges.

Torosyan had reportedly been trying to track Barnasyan in the days
leading up to the stabbing in order to confront him over a woman they
both knew.

Torosyan and Herbert confronted Barnasyan in the Del Taco parking
lot at 2:15 a.m. and a fight ensued, police said.

Barnasyan broke free and retrieved a knife, Glendale Police Sgt. Tom
Lorenz said.

The two men caught up with him, and Barnasyan struck Torosyan in the
upper chest with the knife and fled the scene, returning later to
cooperate with Glendale Police, Lorenz said.

Torosyan was found bleeding in his car and was taken to Los Angeles
County-USC Medical Center, where he was later pronounced dead.

Herbert stayed at the scene after the stabbing.

The Los Angeles County coroner’s office on Tuesday determined
Torosyan’s official cause of death to be from a single stab wound to
his heart.

"It just so happened that it was a well-placed stab wound that
unfortunately took his life," Lorenz said.

Torosyan’s death is Glendale’s second homicide this year, Lorenz said.

That leaves 20-month-old Mikea Lim as the city’s only murder this year.

The baby was taken off life support in March after she was found to
be brain-dead from severe head injuries allegedly sustained at her
grandparents’ home in Glendale.

Her mother, Anna Regina Lim, has been charged with murder.

Robert Kocharian Did Not Attend ARF Congress


[04:24 pm] 21 May, 2008

Today the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) convened its 30th
Congress in the conference hall of the Armenian Government. All the
three coalition partners /Orinats Yerkir, Bargavach Hayastan and
Republican parties/ were invited to the Congress. AZhM Leader Vazgen
Manukian, AZhK Leader Shavarsh Kocharian, Zharangutiun MP Vardan
Khacahatrian and Raffi Hovannisian’s father Richard Hovannisian were
also among the invitees.

Serzh Sarkissian’s addressing speech was read by the President’s
Adviser Manuk Topuzian. The President hopes that together with a
reliable partner – the Armenian Revolutionary Federation – they will
manage to build a more democratic, defended and firm state.

Representative of the ARF Bureau Hrant Margarian referred to
the deeply-rooted corruption, shadow economy, poverty, unequal
opportunities for economic competition and privilages of the upper

Prime Minister Tigran Sarkissian found the answers to all problems. He
had come to the Congress to familirize the ARF delegates with the
Government programme once more. At the end of his speech the Armenian
Premier said, "We urge you to seize the historic moment and become a
key participant of the programme. We shall secure all grounds for it."

Tigran Sarkissian left the conference hall immediately after his
speech. He was escorted by the ex and acting foreign ministers.

BHK Leader Gagik Tsarukian noted that the ARF is an old and experienced
party. Today the "political sphere is rather tense and requires
speedy decisions." He expressed hope that the coalition will manage
to solve the problems the country is facing today and they will have
a prosperous country.

OYK Leader Heghine Bisharian said that the OYK has been cooperating
with the ARF since its foundation.

The collaboration is aimed at thriving the Republic of Armenia
as country’s interests prevail over interpersonal and interparty
ones. The party has always acted for the sake of the country. She
hopes their partnership will be fruitful.

Hrant Margarian informed A1+ that HZhK leader Stepan Demirchian had
also been invited to the Congress.

Asked why Robert Kocharian didn’t attend the Congress, Margarian said
the former President is in England.

The Congress will continue its work in Tsakhkadzor.

RA President Appoints New Assistants

16.05.2008 17:58

According to RA President Serzh Sargsyan’s order, Armen Abelyan
and Sevak Lalayan were appointed Assistants to the President of the
Republic of Armenia.

According to another presidential order, Aram Ananyan was appointed
RA President’s Aide, President’s Press Office reported.