Yuri Khachaturov Appointed Head Of RA Armed Forces General Headquart


Noyan Tapan
April 15, 2008

YEREVAN, APRIL 15, NOYAN TAPAN. By the April 15 decree of RA President
Serge Sargsian Lieutenant-General Yuri Khachaturov has been appointed
Head of the General Headquarters of the RA Armed Forces – First
Deputy Minister of Defence, being relieved of the post of the RA
Deputy Minister of Defence.

According to the information provided to Noyan Tapan by the RA
President’s Press Office, Yuri Khachaturov has been decorated with the
military rank of a Colonel-General with another decree of the same day.

Armenian Elected Chairman Of Municipal Assembly Of One Of Moscow’s R


Noyan Tapan
April 14, 2008

a deputy of Municipal Assembly of intra-town municipal formation of
Yakimanka in the city of Moscow, was unanimously reelected for the
new term during the regular election of the Municipal Assembly.

According to the Yerkramas newspaper of Armenians in Russia, Aram
Manukian is a well-known entrepreneur, patron, and public figure. He
has been awarded the higher public award of Russia For Work in
Favor of the Homeland, the badge of St Alexander Nevski Order, the
orders Patron of Russia and Peter the Great, the medal of the 850th
anniversary of Moscow for construction of social institutions of the
region of Yakimanka, many official documents of military and public
organizations of Russia. Aram Manukian also takes an active part
in the life of the Armenian Diaspora of Moscow. In particular, he
contributes to development of various educational and youth programs.

RA President Starts Consultations On Government Formation


2008-04-14 09:28:00

ArmInfo. RA President Serzh Sargsyan started consultations on
government formation with representatives of the political coalition.

S. Sargsyan met "Orinats Yerkir" party leader Artur Baghdasaryan,
"Prosperous Armenia" party leader Gagik Tsarukyan, representative
of ARF "Dashnaktsutyun" Bureau Hrant Markaryan and representative
of ARFD Supreme Body Armen Rustamyan, the presidential press service
told ArmInfo today.

To recall, according to the Constitution of Armenia, just after the new
president’s inauguration on April 9, the incumbent government handed
in resignation. After acceptance of the government’s resignation
by the president, the Cabinet members keep on discharging their
duties until formation of a new government. RA president appointed
Chairman of Armenia’s Central Bank Tigran Sargsyan the country’s prime
minister. Now, in a 10-day period after acceptance of the government’s
resignation, the new Cabinet is formed during 20 days after the new
PM appointment.

No Doctrine, No Consistent Work


Hayots Ashkhar Daily
Published on April 12, 2008

Interview with SHAVARSH KOCHARYAN, Head of the National Democratic Party

`After the March 1 events, Azerbaijan took an unprecedentedly tough
stance on the Karabakh issue. Did such exacerbations coincide with the
revolutionary maneuvers of `Levon’s witnesses’ by accident or, were
they different elements of the same chain?’

`Obviously, it wasn’t accidental. Azerbaijan’s taking a tougher stance
and addressing a challenge to the Minsk Group was not accidental
either. All that happened on the Armenian-Azerbaijani contact line was
an operation called `reconnaissance in force’. The United States’
pressures and the Co-Chairs’ statements (where the territorial
integrity of Azerbaijan was actually touched upon for the first time)
were not accidental either. It was quite clear that all those things
were interrelated.

The fact that Turkey and Azerbaijan have set up a joint group
consisting of senior military officials with the purpose of `conducting
studies’ and `elaborating a program’ aimed at eliminating the PKK bases
in the territory of Artsakh should also be viewed as a component of the
same chain. The White House, as we know, has included PKK in the list
of terrorist organizations. That’s to say, certain preparatory work is
being done for creating prerequisites of direct military intervention,
and if the situation in our country does not move towards
stabilization, those symptoms will be more salient and painful for

`In that regard, how do you estimate the statement introduced by the
Parliament in connection with the settlement of the Karabakh conflict?
Do you think it may curb Azerbaijan’s desires and impart a more
`initiatory character’ to the Armenian diplomacy?’

`It’s obvious that we have very serious omissions in the negotiation
process. The first omission is that our foreign policy has never been
the first to launch attack. We, more frequently, responded to
Azerbaijan’s steps. This has given rise to a situation which is quite
beneficial to Azerbaijan. That is, it’s a territorial dispute between
Armenia and Azerbaijan and a part of Azerbaijan’s territory is under
the Armenian control; therefore Armenia is an aggressor. Whereas, the
self-determination of Karabakh has prefect legal bases, but the
Armenian side keeps silent in that regard.

Otherwise, it would be definitely perceived that Karabakh rather than
Kosovo should become a precedent.

Now, they are trying to create an anti-precedent by speculating the
name of Karabakh. Why? Because in that case it is always possible to
say that if the independence of Karabakh is not recognized, the others
have absolutely no right to speak about it.

There is another important factor which, at first sight, bears no
relationship with the negotiation process but shows what initiatory
policy could mean. In particular, I mean the barbaric destruction of
the cross-stones of Jugha. Surprising though it is, the issue never
became a subject of public discussions in any high international

Whereas, Azerbaijan made the fictitious issue of fires in the `occupied
territories’ subject to discussion in the UN Tribunal. Of course, the
fires were not fictitious; they existed everywhere, both in the
territory of Armenia and in Spain, Portugal etc. But profiting by the
occasion, Azerbaijan forced its way towards achieving the recognition
of the term `occupied territories’.

What comes out? We cannot be consistent in preserving our historical
and cultural values, while Azerbaijan voices concern over alleged fires
from the highest tribunals.

Why do I say this? Because it’s really time for Armenia to clarify its
attitude and review its passive policy. From this point of view, I
consider the current parliamentary discussions useful. As to the
adoption of the statement, I consider it necessary but not useful. The
next step shall involve signing an interstate agreement between Armenia
and the Nagorno Karabakh Republic.’

`Many parliamentarians believe that it’s time to insist on Karabakh’s
full participation in the negotiation process.’

`Insisting is not enough; it’s necessary to bring specific facts. What
do I mean? If there is an agreement which says that the RA authorities
are entitled to present the interests of Karabakh (which also refers to
the negotiation process), the Armenian representatives may always say,
`Sorry, I am not authorized to act on behalf of Karabakh as much as
this matter is concerned.’ In such situation, the party which has
relevant competences shall be involved in the process, no matter
whether or not it is desires to do so.

By the way, we shouldn’t try to estimate the recent statements of the
West and especially, the United States as conspiracy directed against
the Armenian parties. They should be viewed in the context of the
American and Western pragmatism. They want the issue to be settled. And
there are two options for settlement: mutual concession and conflict
settlement at the expense of one of the parties. Why not take advantage
of the situation if one of the parties is weak? Recently there seemed
to be an impression that Azerbaijan was strong; strong in terms of its
oil resources, in terms of its armament, bellicose posture and active
work in different international tribunals. Armenia’s passive behavior
naturally created a temptation to check to what extent the Armenian
party was ready to resist the diplomatic pressures.

If, in the outcome of the developments, we don’t grow weaker but, on
the contrary, overcome the situation as a strong party and show that we
are stronger than they even think us to be, we will immediately change
the attitude of both the international organizations and the states
which take a real interest in the solution of the problem but think
that Armenia is weakened as a result of the post-electoral developments.

`Recently, the experts have been more frequently speaking about the
possibility of resuming the military operations. They even express
viewpoints that the war is inevitable. Do you think there is such
prospect threatening us?’

`There is no such threat in the near future. But there is an important
factor that should be born in mind. During the elections, the
ex-President received 350 thousand votes which is quite a high
percentage. If he had received 35 thousand or even 3.5 thousand votes,
that would again be too much. Although those votes were mainly cast in
favor of the candidate who harshly criticized the authorities, the
interested circles interpret it otherwise; they say society in Armenia
is split and ready for concessions with regard to the Karabakh issue.

This is a factor Azerbaijan will try to make use of and why not, be
tempted into solving the problem through military operations.’

Armenia’s First President Called On His Supporters To Stop Hunger St


11.04.2008 16:08 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Armenia’s first President Levon Ter-Petrosyan called
on his supporters to stop hunger strike, take care of their health
and demonstrate resoluteness and iron will for further struggle,
Ter-Petrosyan’s headquarters reported.

"On April 9, one leader of the ruling regime replaced the other. The
shift was exercised by means of mass violations and violence against
peaceful demonstrators. Western countries did not go beyond severe
but empty and irresponsible statements, which actually served the
purpose of the authorities," Ter-Petrosyan said. "The European
structures applied double standards and instead of supporting the
Armenian people, who struggled for democracy and freedom, took the
side of the illegal power."

"To weaken Armenia’s positions in the Nagorno Karabakh settlement
process, western powers prefer weak and vulnerable dictatorship rather
than a power that enjoys confidence of the nation," Ter-Petrosyan said.

"Skirmishes" As Reported By Azerbaijani Media Outlets: Absolute Cana


April 9, 2008 Wednesday

Azerbaijani media outlets have a field day on regular violations of
the cease-fire regime by the Armenians. Practically every episode
reported by the local media and repeated by foreign outlets ends in
the optimistic assurance that the Azerbaijanis "returned fire and
silenced the enemy. No casualties were reported."

All reports on the subject came from the Teter district once, but no
more. Azerbaijani war correspondents report skirmishes in the Tovuz,
Fizuli, and Agdam districts, these days. These reports "on the Armenian
villainy" have appeared every day for nearly a month now.

The Armenian Defense Ministry denounced every such report as false.

Armenia ascribes the distribution of this patently false information to
the forthcoming presidential race in Azerbaijan. Baku in the meantime
has stiffened its stand on the Nagorno-Karabakh issue. It even demands
dismantlement of the OSCE Minsk Group that has been grappling with
the problem these last four years and insists on elevation of the
matter to the UN level.

New President Calls For Better Armenia, Pledges Peaceful Karabakh So


Public TV
April 9 2008

Armenia’s new president Serzh Sargsyan spoke about the country’s
development as well as economic andpolitical issues after he was
sworn in as the third president at a special session of parliament
on 9 March, ArmenianPublic TV has carried live the ceremony.

The inauguration coincided with the 40th day of the 1 March clashes
between the opposition protesters and thesecurity forces, which
resulted in eight deaths.

Let us destroy a wall misunderstanding

Sargsyan vowed to uphold the constitution completely. He said
he takes an oath in the name of a better future for thecountry,
development, democracy, supremacy of laws and a stronger and more
prosperous Armenia.

After taking his oath, Sargsyan said: "Dear compatriots,
honourable friends, I understand that I have beenassigned a great
responsibility" adding that "I guarantee that I will not avoid this
responsibility. Irealized the extent of this responsibility when I
joined the Republican Party of Armenia [RPA] and said that I would
runfor president if the RPA wins the majority in the [parliamentary]

Sargsyan expressed his gratitude to the people who voted for him in
the election and assured them that "we areable to jointly change life
in our country for the better." Sargsyan said he is "making a call
forchange" and added that "everyone should be ready for changes from
himself or herself".

Sargsyan said that "we should not split, we should not divide our
people. We should not be indifferent to oneanother’s concerns and
pains". Sargsyan added that "If there is a wall of misunderstandings
between us,let us destroy this wall".

Outgoing president to remain in Armenian history

Sargsyan thanked outgoing President Robert Kocharyan, saying "I would
like to express my gratitude to ArmenianPresident Robert Kocharyan –
a man who has a permanent place in the Armenian history. During his
ten-year presidency,the country has had significant achievements.

"Sargsyan attached great importance to Kocharyan’s role inestablishment
and defence of Nagornyy Karabakh.

Pledges a peaceful settlement to Karabakh problem

Sargsyan thanked his opponents for competition in the election,
especially those "who accepted their failurewith honour" and
those who accepted the offer for cooperation. Sargsyan said he
would deliver on all hispre-election promises, adding "we will
carry them out together. We will build an Armenia which will unite
allArmenians." Sargsyan promised to "carry out a proactive and dynamic
foreign policy and to do everything inorder to achieve a fair and
peaceful settlement" to the Karabakh issue. He also promised to
build a strong,democratic country where "everyone is equal before
the law". Sargsyan said he will be the president "who will bring
peace and stability to the country," and added that he would seek
"boundaries of cooperation withall political forces". Among his
promises, Sargsyan said his efforts would be aimed at coordinating
the interestsof different social groups and changing attitudes toward
science and education in Armenia.

Call for unification

Sargsyan said that "this ceremony is taking place about a month after
the painful events [1 March]," adding"the wounds of those events"
caused pain to everyone. He called upon the people to seek a way for
unification.While referring to the post election events, Sargsyan said
that "unlimited freedom can lead to clashes between the interests
of society and interests of other people. In order to prevent the
possibility of such clashes and tocoordinate various interests and
rights with one another, the state has the right to intervene in the
implementation of some basic rights". Sargsyan said that in restricting
basic rights, including the right to peaceful assembly"they should
find a balance between, on the one hand, public order, the protection
of rights and freedoms of other people and the right to peaceful
assembly on the other hand". He said that along with other laws,
they need toamend Armenia’s law on demonstrations soon. "Aiming on
the one hand to ensure implementation ofeveryone’s right to peaceful
assembly according to European standards and to exclude public events
that are notpeaceful or ones with unlawful goals on the other hand".

To recap, Sargsyan said the five-year presidential term is too short to
"attend to everyone’sexpectations".

Serzh Sargsyan Receiving Congratulations On Assuming President’s Off


10.04.2008 16:30 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Heads of state and government sent congratulatory
addresses to Serzh Sargsyan on occasion of assuming the office of
President of the Republic of Armenia.

Congratulations were received from Germany’s President Horst Keller,
Italy’s President Giorgio Napolitano, India’s President Pratibha Patil,
Israel’s President Shimon Peres, Finland’s president Tarja Halonen,
Romania’s President Traian Basescu, UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown,
Japan’s Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda, President of European Commission
Jose Manuel Barroso, NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer.

BAKU: Azerbaijan Demonstrates Great Tolerance Amongst Representative


TREND News Agency
April 10 2008

Russia, Moscow, 10 April / TrendNews corr. R.Agayev / Azerbaijan should
and does demonstrate a good example of tolerance regarding traditional
religions, the Russian Orthodox Patriarch Alexy II stated after an
informal meeting with Sheikh-ul-Islam Haji Allahshukur Pashazadeh,
Chairman of the Caucasus Muslims Clerical Port.

The Patriarch noted that the religious climate in Azerbaijan is normal
with relations amongst representatives from different religions being
tolerant of each other thanks to the well-defined position of the
Chairman of the Caucasus Muslims Clerical Port.

Alexy II highly appreciated the meeting with Pashazadeh and noted
that such meetings were always like fellowship and camaraderie. "We
would like that the voice of religious people be heard by everyone
including politicians. In this respect, the religious summit that
was held in Moscow in 2007 was very relevant," Alexy II said.

Alexy II supported Pashazadeh’s initiative to hold a similar summit –
a meeting of CIS religious people in Baku. "It will be an important
meeting when religious people meet and discuss issues regarding
maintaining moral and spiritual values which are our common task. I
have witnessed tolerance and good relations towards representatives
of different religions in Azerbaijan," Alexy II stated.

Touching upon solution of Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict over
Nagorno-Karabakh, Alexy II said several meetings were held dedicated
to the issue. "Politicians do not listen to us all the time," Russian
Orthodox Patriarch Alexy II noted. "Our meeting always produces
fruitful results," Pashazadeh said.

One of the key issues of the discussion was the settlement of the
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict through peaceful means. "I would like
religion to have a position in the UN. There are many influential
religious citizens and sometimes decisions taken by politicians do
not coincide with religious principles. Religious citizens should
have the right to express their thoughts. The current meeting could
create significant planning possibilities," Pashazadeh stated.

Allahshukur Pashazadeh added that he would attend the important
meeting of the UN Secretary-General and religious officials in
Moscow. Pashazadeh stated that he would like to demonstrate the
potential of Azerbaijan internationally during the meeting. "All is the
real fruits of the foundation laid down by the former President Heydar
Aliyev. We are witnesses to the invaluable benefits in all spheres
including religion. I would very much like that such meetings have a
positive effect on all religions and nations to strengthen friendship
and brotherhood between our countries," Allahshukur Pashazadeh said.

Sheikh-ul-Islam Haji Allahshukur Pashazadeh met with Alexy II
in Svato-Danilov monastery where they discussed inter-religious
cooperation. The meeting was attended by Polad Bulbuloglu, Azerbaijani
Ambassador in the Russian Federation, the the Bishop of Baku and the
Near-Caspian region, Alexander.

Armenia’s Ruling Party Nominates Bank Chief For PM


Agence France Presse — English
April 8, 2008 Tuesday

Armenia’s ruling Republican Party has nominated the ex-Soviet
republic’s central bank chief as prime minister in president-elect
Serzh Sarkisian’s new government, a party leader said Tuesday.

"We have decided on the candidacy of Tigran Sarkisian based on his
experience and knowledge," Republican Party Deputy Chairman Galust
Sahakian said in televised remarks.

Serzh Sarkisian, the current prime minister, will be inaugurated
as Armenia’s new president on Wednesday following a poll victory in
February marred by post-election violence that left eight dead.

He will have 10 days following the inauguration to appoint a
replacement prime minister, who will then have 20 days to form new

Tigran Sarkisian, who has been Central Bank chief since 1998 and is
not related to the president-elect, could not be reached for comment.

The Republican Party controls a majority of seats in Armenia’s
parliament, giving it the power to push through any government nominee.

Armenia’s opposition claims authorities rigged the election to ensure
victory for Serzh Sarkisian, outgoing President Robert Kocharian’s
hand-picked successor.

Thousands of supporters of opposition candidate and former president
Levon Ter-Petrosian rallied for 11 days against the result of the
vote before riot police moved to disperse them on March 1, sparking
violent street unrest.

The mountainous country of about three million people — wedged between
Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran and Turkey — has seen repeated political
violence and post-election protests since gaining its independence
with the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.