Nagorno Karabakh Resolution Unlikely In Immediate Future, Rice Says


13.03.2008 17:41 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice expressed
doubt that the Nagorno Karabakh conflict can be solved soon, saying
there are problems on both sides.

Rice spoke at a Capitol Hill hearing after two lawmakers expressed
concern about the possibility of another war in the Caucasus region
and asked why the Bush administration was seeking more military aid
for Azerbaijan than Armenia.

"In the immediate future I don’t know that Nagorno Karabakh can get
solved," Rice said at the House appropriations subcommittee hearing
on the State Department’s budget.

"We have been close several times," Rice said. "And so we’ll continue
to try to work that. But I just have to emphasize, we have problems
on both sides right now, and we’re trying to make sure that both
sides act responsibly."

Rice said a state of emergency in Armenia, imposed recently after
rioting against the results of a presidential election, had made it
necessary to suspend some U.S. programs there.

But Rep. Adam Schiff, a California Democrat, complained that the
Bush administration had proposed several times as much U.S. aid in
one category of military assistance to Azerbaijan as Armenia in the
coming year, which he said broke a tradition of parity in assistance
for the two countries.

"The Azeri government, in particular, President Aliyev, have been
ratcheting up anti-Armenian rhetoric over the past few months in
Nagorno Karabakh," said Schiff.

Michigan Republican Joe Knollenberg said he would favor discontinuing
military aid to Azerbaijan. "I strongly believe that, instead of using
this funding to help in the war in terror, they’re gearing up for,
as they say, a regional war," he said, Reuters reports.

Amendments In The Presidential Decree On "Declaring A State Of Emerg

13.03.2008 10:24

On March 13 RA President Robert Kocharyan signed a decree on
implementing amendments in the presidential decree dated March 1, 2008.

According to the ruling, point 4.4 of the decree on "Declaring a
state of emergency" will read as follows

4. Mass media are prohibited from publicizing or disseminating
obvious lies connected with state and domestic issues, destabilizing
information, calls to participate in illegal arrangements.

Point 4.5 loses its force.

The decree comes into force from March 14, 2008.

ANKARA: Veteran Actor-Director Kenan Pars Laid To Rest


Today’s Zaman
March 13 2008

Actors, fans and artists gathered yesterday at several ceremonies
to bid farewell to Kenan Pars, a renowned actor of Turkey’s cinema
history who passed away at the age of 88 on Monday.

Film director and actor Pars had been undergoing treatment for lung
cancer complicated by the flu for the past month.

At the first ceremony held yesterday morning for Pars, or Kirkor
Cezveciyan, his actual name, held at the Bakýrkoy Artists Association
(BASD) building, family, friends, fans and artists held a minute of
silence for the actor. In a speech she made during the ceremony, his
wife Dikran Uhi Cezveciyan thanked his fans who came to the ceremony.

The speakers emphasized Pars’ personality and his continuous struggle
to make his living environment and surroundings a better place for
the people around him. Bakýrkoy’s Regional Administrator (Kaymakam)
Dursun Ali Þahin also attended the ceremony and said in a speech
that Pars visited his office at least twice a week. He praised Pars,
saying he had dedicated his life to improving their neighborhood.

Bakýrkoy Mayor Ateþ Unal Erzen also praised Pars’ contributions to
the Bakýrkoy area.

Actors Ustun Asutay and Cihat Tamer, in separate speeches, said Pars,
an ethnic Armenian, had filled an important place in Turkish cinema,
adding he would never be forgotten. A second ceremony was held for
Pars in the afternoon at the Yunus Emre Culture Center. Muþfik Kenter,
another veteran thespian and an old friend of Pars, said in a eulogy
that he was very sorry for never having had the chance to play in
the same movie with the actor. Pars was laid to rest after a funeral
service at the Bakýrkoy Armenian Church.


Yerevan Unhappy With U.S. Diplomat’s Comments On Latest Developments


Interfax News Agency
Russia & CIS
March 12 2008

The Armenian Foreign Ministry has dismissed as unfounded the comments
made by U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Matthew Bryza on
the actions of the Armenian leadership against the opposition.

"In that case, labeling the reaction of the government as ‘a crackdown
on opposition protests’, or qualifying it as ‘harsh and brutal’ is
wrong. This was not at all an attack by policemen on civilians,"
says a statement issued by Tigran Balayan, the head of the Press
Division of the Armenian Foreign Ministry, on Wednesday.

"We’re astonished that even after his visit to Yerevan, after meeting
with and hearing from various official and unofficial sources Mr. Bryza
could make such arbitrary statements," it says.

"The number of wounded law enforcement officers – part of them
wounded by firearms and hand grenades – clearly demonstrates that
rioters were in possession of firearms and explosives. That coincides
with the operative information of law enforcement agencies, which had
informed the public about all this days before the events of March 1,"
Balayan says.

The radical opposition led by former presidential candidate Ter-
Petrosian held rallies and processions in central Yerevan starting
on February 20 in disagreement with the outcome of the February 19
elections won by Prime Minister Serzh Sargsyan. On March 1, the protest
actions degenerated into rioting and clashes between protesters and
law enforcement officers, leading to eight dead and about 180 injured.

Armenian President Robert Kocharian introduced a state of emergency
in Yerevan for a period of 20 days.

NKR President Introduced Position Of Stepanakert To OSCE Ambassador


2008-03-10 12:32:00

ArmInfo. On March 7, NKR President Bako Saakyan received Personal
Representative OSCE Chairman-in-Office Andrzej Kasprzyk. As the
Chief Information Department under the NKR president told ArmInfo,
the parties discussed the cases of cease-fire violation on the
contact line of the NKR and Azerbaijani Armed Forces, as well as
a number of issues related to the forthcoming monitoring of OSCE
MG on the contact line. The parties also emphasized importance of
maintaining the cease-fore regime and inadmissibility of the situation
destabilization attempts. The meeting participants touched upon the
present situation and the prospects of Karabakh conflict settlement
process. The NKR president confirmed, once again, the NKR authorities’
position, peaceful settlement of the conflict.

Armenia after riots

Armenia after riots

09. 03.2008

Andrei Areshev

After the state of emergency was introduced in Armenia, the situation
in the country somewhat normalized. The police arrested the instigators
of March 1 riots which caused tragic consequences. Four members of the
Armenian parliament, Akop Akopyan, Myasnik Malkhasanyan, Sasun
Mikaelyan and Khachtur Sukiasyan, faced the deprival of deputy
immunity. The country`s Prosecutor General`s Office accused them of
rendering support to former President Levon Ter-Petrosyan, who headed
the opposition movement. In accordance with the Article 56.1 of the
Constitution of the Republic of Armenia, `President of the Republic can
be brought to responsibility after he leaves office for actions not
related to his status’.

The Armenian national television demonstrated pictures of March 1
events, featuring that those were exactly `peace marchers’ who
initiated the clashes with the police, while plans to hold meeting near
the Matenadaran were hampered by Nikola Pashinyan, Ter-Petrosian
closest ally. According to official data, the clashes resulted in 48
injures among the civilians and 117 among the police officers- quite
impressive statistics.

The authorities are very likely not to repeat the mistakes. The
country’s defence and law enforcement agencies made quite a plain
statement. In a televised address, the Armenian Police Chief, Colonel
Gegam Petrosian, called on people `not to hold another protest
campaign’ and warned that `the whole police staff is on the alert to
repel any illegal actions’.

In this way the authorities reacted to the rallies organized by
Ter-Petrosian and his allies. When the former president addressed his
supporters after it was reported about the first victims of the
clashes, he asked them to end the protest campaign until the state of
emergency expired 20 days later. But one may imagine that the situation
may become even worse after March 20 as Levon Ter-Petrosian is
notorious for his `surprises’. According to the Head of the Center for
Strategic Analysis `Ararat’, Armen Aivazyan, the political situation in
Armenia remains very tense. `It does not necessarily mean that
immediately after March 20 the opposition will hold new riots, but
Saturday events can repeat in this or that way. And that would mark the
decline of the Armenian statehood’. Some of the ongoing processes
verify the guess. Yet the opposition leaders have not shown even a sign
of regret about the March 1 events. It makes us think that from the
very beginning these people have more `serious’ plans and expected more
than 8 dead and hundreds injured¦

Now the instigators use the approved tactics of disseminating rumors,
aimed at dividing the society into numerous hostile groups. They also
disseminate misinformation about corpses in the center of the city and
about `the Karabakh special task forces’, who beat pregnant women and
children. They told people that robberies in Yerevan were committed by
the prisoners who had been released especially for the operation.
According to the opposition, the number of peace marches was up to
300,000¦Rumors as an instrument of subversive activities proved very
effective in times of instability as peoples` minds become more
vulnerable to persuasion.

Despite some restrictions imposed by the current state of emergency,
the group of instigators do not waste time and try to use all available
means to control the information. They try to present the information
from Yerevan in a way they would like to see it and try to seize
control over the Armenian department of the Radio Liberty. The
opposition continues the dissemination of false information by means of
SMS messaging and Internet. They try to neutralize every sources of
information which do not meet the interests of the opposition party.
The Western news agencies and the so-called `human rights activists’
provide Ter-Petrosian`s party with external information support by
regularly reporting on the authorities` alleged attitude towards `peace

However, Ter-Petrosian failed to seize control of the Internet: the
information which had already been made public proves that the
opposition party had undertaken an attempt of an armed riot. The
`peaceful’ character of protests on the Freedom Square demonstrated in
full that the leader of the radical opposition party had no intentions
to behave in a strict accordance with the law, as members of the
Armenian Liberation Movement (AOD) insisted. On the contrary, they
wanted to destroy a `pyramid of power’ as soon as possible, and the
former president used to say this before. In an interview given to the
journalist V. Dubnov and later published in Yerevan, Levon
Ter-Petrosian said: `I do not agree that our party of opposition failed
to undermine the vertical of power in Armenia¦ the March 1 events and
the fact that many deputies, diplomats and defence ministry officers
backed our position- isn`t it convincing enough? Those were very
serious events. Finally we are witnessing the collapse of the state
machine’. But when it became clear that all these declarations were
just the figment of the mind of an `outstanding scientist’, the events
immediately resulted in a tragic outcome.

Ambassador Heikki Talvitie, the Special Envoy of the OSCE
Chairman-in-Office, was surprised to know that the protesters had been
holding their campaign for 9 days running without having an official
permission and not being disturbed by the authorities. However, Mr.
Talvitie also thinks that `since the opposition in Armenia possessed
arms, it was impossible to avoid riots’. Mr. Talvitie did not elaborate
on the issue and won`t say where those `peace marchers’ could obtain
the weapons. However, he has already concluded that both sides are to
blame for the tragedy of March 1.

Many western experts were inspired by the events in Yerevan and started
playing the roles of mediators between the authorities and its radical
opponents. Probably, Ter-Petrosian and his supporters sought such kind
of mediation and deliberately caused clashes between the civilians. Mr.
Talvitie, who believes that in light of the recent events in Yerevan
the presence of foreign observers from the OSCE is absolutely
necessary, is not the only Western envoy urgently send to Yerevan.
Peter Semnebi, a special representative of the EU for South Caucasus
and Head of EC Mission in Armenia Raul Lutzenberger have already
arrived, while the US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European
and Eurasian Affairs Matthew Bryza is on his way to Yerevan.

Javier Solana and Terry Davis have also displayed their concern over
the situation in Armenia. Washington appeals calls on the opposing
sides to hold a dialogue, and it seems that Mr. Bryza is expected to
monitor the process. According to the statement made by the US
Department of State, Bryza`s visit to Yerevan should not be interpreted
as Washington’s `official mediation’ between Armenian authorities and
the opposition.

Although the goals sound quite reasonable, it seems that they are
needed to press on Robert Kocharyan and Serzh Sarkisyan to release the
arrested protesters to let them complete their `mission’. A recent
statement made by the Slovenian authorities on the behalf of the whole
EU reflects this very thought.

Many countries have experienced that the organizers of the `color
revolutions’ achieve their goals if the authorities, having lost the
support of the majority of the population, start looking for allies
outside the country and thus become the hostages of external powers.
This is what we are witnessing in Armenia today.

For instance, in his statement, Secretary General of the Council of
Europe Terry Davis emphasizes that the investigation into the riots
should be carried out in accordance with the law and not be used to
pursue the political opponents. And then Mr. Davis presents a standard
list of demands where just the only is left behind: the necessity of
`international investigation’ as it was in 2005 after the riots in
Uzbek Andijan. Keeping such standard in mind, any instigator can be
called `a political opponent’ and then `a political prisoner’ or `a
prisoner of consciousness’, and thus the opposition may receive another
lever to go on with political pressure, blackmail and attempts to
control home processes in whatever country¦

Being Armenia`s major political and military ally, Russia could have a
serious influence on the ongoing process. Moscow is interested in
stability in Armenia and in nearby regions.

It must be mentioned that the West displayed its `theatrical’ concern
over Armenia on March 4, when a big armed clash took place in the
Mardakert region in Nagorno-Karabakh. According to the Armenian Foreign
Minister Vartan Oskanian, the Azeri side used armored vehicles and
special task forces. Armenia’s retaliatory measures helped to maintain
the status-quo.

As it was suggested earlier, Azerbaijan will try to use unstable
political situation in Armenia to strengthen its positions in the
region. On February 26 Baku proposed a UN General Assembly draft
resolution headlined `Situation on the Azeri occupied territories’,
demanding to confirm its borders and its claim to Nagorno-Karabakh.
Amid the riots in Yerevan, the announcement made by the Caucasus
Project Director of the International Crisis Group, Sabine Freizer was
left unnoticed. Ms. Freizer said that Armenia and Azerbaijan had
practically reached a territorial accord, although yet failed to agree
on the width of the corridor linking Nagorno-Karabakh with Armenia and
on the mechanism of voting in Nagorno-Karabakh. Ms. Freizer again
thought of the situation in a wishful sense. However, another conflict
on the Karabakh-Azeri border, especially in view of Mr. Bryza`s visit
to Baku, serves as an additional `message’ to Armenia to be more
flexible towards the demands of the West.

Now the most important task is to overcome the crisis within the
country and punish the instigators of the March 1 riots. To enter a
brand new era of development, Armenia must get rid of tribal
corruption, which took roots during Ter-Petrosian`s presidency. If the
authorities fail to do this, Armenia will face hard times.

NKR MFA calls on Azeri leadership to refuse from violating the truce

NKR MFA calls on Azeri leadership to refuse from the attempts to
violate the truce
07.03.2008 11:53

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic today
reported about accumulation of Azerbaijani armed units near Levonarkh
village, where the Azerbaijani forces violated the cease-fire on March

The NKR Ministry of Foreign Affairs has called on Azerbaijani
leadership to refuse from the attempts to violate the truce. `Once
again we call on Azerbaijani leadership to refuse from the attempts to
violate the cease-fire regime and warn that any assault of the armed
units of Azerbaijan will receive an equivalent response from the NKR
Defense Army.

`We do not consider ourselves responsible for the possible aggravation
of tension at the contact lien because of the non-constructive actions
of official Baku, which, unfortunately, did not receive a proper
evaluation by mediators,’ reads the statement of the NKR Ministry of
Foreign Affairs.

Mutual Recriminations After Karabakh Clash

Institute for War and Peace Reporting, UK
March 7 2008

Mutual Recriminations After Karabakh Clash

Some ask whether front-line skirmish was connected with political
turmoil in Armenia.

By Karine Ohanian in Stepanakert, Samira Ahmedbeyli in Baku and Seda
Muradyan in Yerevan (CRS No. 434, 07-Mar-08)

As the dust begins to settle from a firefight between Azerbaijan and
Armenian forces earlier this week, their respective politicians have
reverted to verbal warfare as international mediators work to contain
the damage to longer term prospects for peace.

Accounts differ as to who fired first. But all agree it was the most
serious breach of the ceasefire in a decade, and one that could have
alarming consequences if it were repeated.

The uneasy ceasefire on the frontline held by Armenian forces from
Nagorny Karabakh and the Azerbaijani military was broken early on
March 4.

Azerbaijani defence ministry spokesman Eldar Sabirogli said Armenian
units broke the ceasefire by firing on Azerbaijani positions near the
villages of Cheliburt, Talish and Gapanli in the Terter district, and
the Tapgaragoyunli settlement in neighbouring Geranboy district. Both
districts are to the north and east of Nagorny Karabakh.

Armenian sources confirmed that the fighting was in this general
area, adjacent to the Mardakert district of Nagorny Karabakh.

Sabirogli said four Azerbaijani soldiers were killed and two
civilians injured.

Senor Hasratian, spokesman for the defence ministry of the
unrecognised Karabakh government, also cited a figure of four
Azerbaijani dead and said two Armenian soldiers were injured,
although in neither case were the wounds life-threatening.

He dismissed the accusations coming out of Baku, saying, `They are
deliberately distorting things. If we had launched an attack, the
bodies of the four Azerbaijani soldiers who died would not be lying
on territory held by the army of Nagorny Karabakh.’

The two sides agreed on these casualty figures, although according to
Reuters, the Azerbaijanis also claimed that the Armenians lost 12
soldiers, which Hasratian denied.

The defence ministry of Armenia itself, which treats Nagorny Karabakh
as a separate and independent entity, came out with a statement
blaming the Azerbaijanis for starting the firefight.

Ministry spokesman Colonel Seyran Shahsuvarian said Azerbaijani
forces seized an important defensive position held by the other side,
which then responded with gunfire, regained the territory, and forced
their opponents back to their original lines.

Major Hachik Tavadyan, one of those injured on the Nagorny Karabakh
side, confirmed this account of events from his hospital bed, adding,
`I was there and I know how it started. I cannot tell a lie – they
attacked us first.’

Anar Mamedkhanov, a member of Azerbaijan’s parliament, told IWPR that
President Ilham Aliev was visiting that part of the country, so it
would hardly have made sense to launch military operations near to
where he was.

`Basic human logic would tell you that for reasons of security, it
wouldn’t have been in the interests of the Azerbaijani armed forces
to mount a provocation that day, since the president was in a
neighbouring region that day. Why create a risk to his life?’ asked

The incident was undoubtedly the most serious of its kind in many
years. Since a truce was signed in 1994, leaving Armenian forces in
control of Nagorny Karabakh, there have been sporadic shooting
incidents but the ceasefire has by and large held. The OSCE, the
international mediating group, operates a limited monitoring mission
which visits the front line periodically.

The OSCE’s `Minsk Group’ of international diplomats has tried
repeatedly to broker an end to what is effectively a frozen conflict,
but has found it impossible to devise a formula acceptable to all.

The Nagorny Karabakh authorities, along with Yerevan, say their de
facto independence should be recognised by the international
community. Azerbaijan insists that it has been deprived of control
over large swathes of territory within its international boundaries,
and that sovereignty must be restored as a precondition for
discussions on autonomy for the Armenians there.

Predictably, this week’s skirmish gave rise to belligerent talk from
officials on both sides.

`The Azerbaijani army is responding to the Armenians as they deserve,
and we are fully capable of defending our country’s independence,’
Lieutenant-General Najmeddin Sadigov, chief of the Azerbaijani
general staff, told ANS television.

Nagorny Karabakh’s foreign ministry said, `The Azerbaijani side has
sought to use such incidents of this kind to destabilise the
situation in the entire region as well as on the [front] line of
contact,’ and warned that Armenian forces would respond to such
actions robustly.

The ministry demanded that the OSCE mission conduct `a thorough
investigation into the causes and circumstances of the incident’.

OSCE monitors were due to visit the line of fire on March 7, but the
trip was postponed.

The international community was quick to call on all sides to avoid a
repetition of the violence.
Finnish foreign minister Ilkka Kanerva, the OSCE Chairman-in-Office,
who had visited the region only the week before, urged everyone
concerned to `exercise maximum restraint, and observe the terms of
the ceasefire".
`At this critical juncture in the negotiations to find a peaceful
solution to the Nagorny Karabakh conflict, any action leading to a
destabilisation of the line of contact can only have a negative
impact on the overall situation,’ he said. `I urge the parties to
avoid actions that could lead to further unnecessary loss of life."
He noted that the OSCE chairman’s representative for the Karabakh
conflict, Andrzej Kasprzyk, was currently in the region and was `in
close contact with the parties".
A senior OSCE official told IWPR that "the situation is very
dangerous; there is a risk of escalation", calling this `the worst
incident in the last ten years’.
"Fortunately, on this occasion, there was a political decision not to
escalate," he said. "The worry is that this kind of skirmish could
become a common occurrence."

The United States, one of the co-chairs of the Minsk Group, also had
a senior diplomat – Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Matt Bryza –
talking to top politicians in the region

In Washington, State Department spokesman Tom Casey told reporters
that the US was concerned about the incident, which only served to
underline the need for a negotiated settlement.

He noted, `There has not been a repeat of the incident and we hope
that continues.

Azad Isazade, a defence expert at the Institute for War and Democracy
in Baku, said ceasefire violations were fairly common at this time of
year, when the snow melted and it became easier to move around. `Of
course, on this occasion the shooting was on a larger scale,’ he
said. `But I don’t think it will lead to full-scale war.’

Other commentators in Azerbaijan, Nagorny Karabakh and Armenia tended
to identify internal political factors which might have prompted the
opposing side to deliberately seek a confrontation.

David Babayan, a political analyst in Nagorny Karabakh, speculated
that the Azerbaijani leadership might have been probing their
opponents’ defences at a time when Armenia itself is in political

A second possibility, he suggested, was that Baku was seriously
concerned that Nagorny Karabakh’s aspirations for independence had
moved a step forward following the declaration of independence by
Kosovo, another former autonomous territory within a Communist state.

`Azerbaijan is seriously worried about the right of nations to
self-determination, and it chose to react by using force,’ he said.

A common theme among analysts across the region was that the exchange
of gunfire was in some way connected with the domestic political
strife in Armenia, where opposition protests over the results of the
February 19 presidential election ended in bloodshed on March 1.
Eight people were reported dead after running battles between police
and demonstrators in the capital Yerevan.

Azerbaijani political scientist Rasim Musabekov believes the
administration of outgoing president Robert Kocharian and his elected
successor Serzh Sarkisian stood to gain from creating a diversion to
distract attention from their own problems.

Armed forces chief of staff Lt-Gen Sadigov made a similar point,
saying the ceasefire was a direct consequence of Armenia’s internal

Armenia’s foreign minister Vardan Oskanian, meanwhile, accused Baku
of `taking advantage of the exacerbation of the internal political
situation in Armenia".

Despite the exchange of recriminations between Azerbaijan and
Armenian politicians, and the flurry of international efforts to
smooth over the crisis, not everyone was so exercised about it.

In Baku, Zamin Haji of the opposition Yeni Musavat fulminated about
what he said was the `disgusting’ disregard that Azerbaijani
television stations showed for the clash by showing light
entertainment rather than breaking news on the fighting.

In Stepanakert, the capital of Nagorny Karabakh, economist Ruzanna
Petrosyan was dismissive of the media coverage of the fighting.

`I read on the internet that military activities had resumed. That’s
all down to you journalists – you make a world war out of a
common-or-garden clash, anything to be sensational,’ she complained
to IWPR. `It’s all untrue. As you can see, life goes on as normal.’

Karine Ohanian works for the Demo Newspaper in Stepanakert. Samira
Ahmedbeyli is an IWPR contributor in Baku. Seda Muradyan is IWPR’s
editor in Yerevan.

While every effort has been made to use neutral language in this
language, the terminology here was chosen by IWPR editors in London
and may not reflect that preferred by the authors.

Saroyan’s mood in 2008

14:51 07/03/2008


UNESCO announced 2008 the year of William Saroyan’s
100 anniversary. The year has already been started in
Armenia and the US. According to Karine Khodikyan, the
deputy minister of culture said that to hold the year
with high quality a governmental committee has been

`The Ministry of Culture plans to organize a range of
events. Since last year state budget provided
financial means to publish Saroyan’s literature,’ said
the deputy minister.

According to the official source, with the support of
UNESCOan international conference will be organized
devoted to Saroyan and `Bitlis’ cartton movie will be
created. The year will be active with numerous events:
lectures, classes devoted to him, televised programs
and films are also planned.


BAKU: Azeri DM warns Armenia against provocation on front line

Azad Azarbaycan TV, Azerbaijan
March 7 2008

Azeri defence minister warns Armenia against provocation on front

[Presenter] The national army has given a worthy response to the
Armenian army which violated the cease-fire. Defence Minister Safar
Abiyev who visited Tartar District said that the violation of the
cease-fire by Armenia was aimed at diverting attention from the
domestic political situation in that country.

[Correspondent] The Armenian armed forces attempted to launch an
offensive in the Tartar District sector of the front line on 4 March.
This attempt was foiled, Safar Abiyev who visited Tartar District
said while commenting on the cease-fire violation. The enemy’s army
was also prevented from using military hardware on the front line.

[Safar Abiyev] The Armenians launched an offensive, and as soon as
they launched it, they got their response. They tried to concentrate
hardware there, and we did not allow them and responded to them. We
did not allow them to use hardware.

[Correspondent] Linking the cease-fire violation to the domestic
political situation in Armenia, Safar Abiyev said that in this way,
Armenian officials are trying to eliminate the chaos inside their
country and divert attention to Nagornyy Karabakh.

[Abiyev] The situation in Armenia is very tense, and they are trying
to divert the attention of the whole Armenian people to Nagornyy
Karabakh. That’s it.

[Correspondent] At the same time, Safar Abiyev warned the Armenians.
If Armenia tries to carry out another provocation, it will get an
even more effective answer, end quote.

Irada Mammadova, Hafiz Huseynoglu, Eldaniz Valiyev, "Son Xabar",