Armenian President: Artillery Was Used At The Front Line Long Ago


2008-03-06 10:10:00

ArmInfo. It is necessary to restore normal cease-fire regime along the
whole line of contact between the armed forces of Armenia, Nagornyy
Karabakh and Azerbaijan, Armenian President Robert Kocharyan said at
the press-conference today when commenting at certain tension at the
contact line.

He also added that according to the night information, one of the
front line posts of Nagornyy Karabakh was attacked on the night of
the 3/4 March. The post was occupied by subdivisions of Azerbaijani
armed forces. Then very fast and resolute answering actions took
place and status-quo was restored.

There are two wounded persons from the Armenian party – an officer
wounded in the hand and a serviceman wounded as a result of an
anti-personal mine explosion. The president also said that as a result
of talks they managed to reach an agreement on cease-fire. ‘There was
a moment when the positions were pounded by mine-throwers, especially
when they were taken back by defence forces of Karabakh. Artillery
was used at the front line long ago’, – Kocharyan said and added
that Armenian Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanyan and Defence Minister
Mikael Harutyunyan had a contact with OSCE personal representative
of OSCE chairman-in-office, envoy Andrzej Kasprzyk being in Baku at
the moment. ‘I think we can correct the incident. Normal cease-fire
regime along the entire contact should be restored. Maybe they thought
in Azerbaijan that the situation in Armenia remitted watchfulness of
the armed forces in Karabakh. Maybe they thought that big military
subdivisions were removed from Karabakh. I can say, this is not
so. Battle efficiency still remains at the needed level. And I do
not think that it is politically correct to use such situations for
other purposes’, – R.Kocharyan emphasized.

Armenian President Stated That Levon Ter-Petrosian Repeatedly Turned


March 5, 2008

Yerevan /Mediamax/. Armenian President Robert Kocharian stated in
Yerevan today that Levon Ter-Petrosian repeatedly turned down the
proposals of the authorities for a dialogue.

Mediamax reports that, speaking at a news conference in Yerevan
today, the President stressed that after the unrest, organized by the
supporters of Ter-Petrosian on March 1, "the process passed from the
political framework to the legal one".

Robert Kocharian reminded that at his rallies Ter-Petrosian rejected
any possibility of a dialogue with the authorities. The President
reminded that right after the elections, the newly-elected President
Serzh Sarkisian stated his readiness to cooperate with all the
political forces, "and everybody responded to the given proposal,
except for Ter-Petrosian".

The Armenian President described as "not corresponding to reality"
the statement of Levon Ter-Petrosian, according to which in the
evening of March 1 he held talks with the authorities, who refused
to fulfill his demands.

"Through the Head of State Protection Service Grigori Sarkisian Levon
Ter-Petrosian stated that he agreed to go and calm his supporters down,
who had gathered at the square in front of the City Administration,
if we fulfilled his conditions. The conditions were: he takes his
supporters through the center of the city to the Opera Square,
continues there the rally and gains guarantees of unhindered
realization of the rally for 15 days. That is to say, it was an
ultimatum", Robert Kocharian stated.

The President noted that by the time, when Ter-Petrosian voiced his
conditions, the crowd of his supporters already had burnt a few dozens
of cars and attacked policemen.

"Imagine what would happen, if we allowed that crowd to move to the
Opera Square through the center of the city", Robert Kocharian stated.

At that, the President noted that Ter-Petrosian was notified that
he was free to join his supporters without any limitations. "His
guards are officers of the State Protection Service, who could not
participate in an illegal event", Robert Kocharian stated.

Answering the question of Mediamax, Armenian President reminded that
Levon Ter-Petrosian did not let Catholicos of All Armenians Garegin
II into his house late March 1.

"The Catholicos called me and, stating his deep concern, stated that
he intends to pay a visit to Ter-Petrosian. I said that I could only
welcome such initiative. However, as you know, Ter-Petrosian did
not let him in. To tell the truth, I can hardly imagine a situation,
when an Armenian, wherever he is, would be able to not let into his
house the Head of the Armenian Church", Robert Kocharian stated.

BAKU: Russia Is Perplexed By Ceasefire Breach Between Azerbaijan And


Trend News Agency
March 5 2008

Azerbaijan, Baku, 5 March / corr. TrendNews S. Agayeva/ Russia is
perplexed by the ceasefire breach between Azerbaijan and Armenia. "We
are always perplexed by any ceasefire breach on the frontline of
the Azerbaijani and Armenian Armed Forces and yesterday’s breach
differs from previous ones with its intensity," Vasiliy Istratov,
the Russian Ambassador to Azerbaijan said to journalists on 5 March.

There has been an exchange of fire between the Armed Forces of
Azerbaijan and Armenia in the occupied lands of Azerbaijan starting
on the morning of 4 March.

Some 12 Armenian solders were killed and 15 seriously injured. Four
soldiers from Azerbaijan died and one was wounded during the exchange
of fire, the Defense Ministry of Azerbaijan said.

"It would be too early to make a statement about the cause of the
ceasefire," the Ambassador said. According to Istratov, it is important
to wait for the results of the monitoring to be held on the frontline
by OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe).

OSCE Calls For ‘Political Dialogue’ In Armenia


Radio Liberty
March 3 2008
Czech Republic

A senior diplomat representing the Organization for Security and
Cooperation in Europe said on Monday that both the Armenian government
and the radical opposition are to blame for the bloody post-election
unrest in Yerevan and urged them to embark on a "political dialogue."

But Heikki Talvitie acknowledged at the same time that such dialogue
is hardly possible now. "At the moment the relationship between
the government and [opposition leader Levon] Ter-Petrosian is such
that we have to wait for some time before the situation clarifies,"
he said in Yerevan.

Talvitie was speaking on behalf of the OSCE chairman-in-office, Finnish
Foreign Minister Ilkka Kanerva, who sent him to the Armenian capital in
a bid to end the standoff between the authorities and the Ter-Petrosian
camp. Talvitie held talks with departing President Robert Kocharian,
Prime Minister and President-elect Serzh Sarkisian and Ter-Petrosian
on Sunday and Monday. He confirmed that the latter has been kept under
"de facto house arrest" since the break-up on Saturday morning of a
non-stop opposition protest in Yerevan’s Liberty Square.

Kanerva, who had expressed hope for a peaceful end to the unrest
sparked by Armenia’s disputed presidential election, condemned the use
of force. But he stopped short of criticizing the Kocharian-Sarkisian
administration for their response to a fresh opposition rally in
another Yerevan square that began spontaneously later on Saturday. At
least seven protesters and one police officer died when security
forces tried to disperse more than 10,000 people who gathered there.

"Both sides had arms," Talvitie said, backing government claims that
riot police came under fire from the protesters. "I do not want to
say that only one side killed, while the other didn’t. I want to
say everybody is responsible for [the violence,]" he told a news

Both Kocharian and Sarkisian insisted in separate meetings with the
Finnish diplomat that security forces had no option but to shoot at
the angry protesters. Ter-Petrosian vehemently denied this on Sunday
as he spoke to foreign journalists in his house surrounded by security
forces. He said the authorities themselves provoked the violence to
have a pretext for declaring a 20-day state of emergency.

In Talvitie’s words, the lifting of emergency rule is one of
Ter-Petrosian’s two preconditions for beginning a dialogue with the
authorities. He said the former Armenian president also will not
negotiate with Kocharian and Sarkisian before the Constitutional
Court rules on his demands for a re-run of the election. The court
is scheduled to open hearings on Ter-Petrosian’s appeal on Tuesday.

The OSCE envoy said he the state of emergency, which bans any
demonstrations in Yerevan and places severe restrictions on local
media, should be lifted "as soon as possible." He said the Armenian
leaders assured him that this could happen before the end of the
20-day period "if the country is calm." But he said they also warned
that emergency rule will be extended beyond March 20 "if need be."

"Right now the basic thing is to calm down and to give space to the
kind of political situation where emergency rule could be dissolved
and normal political dialogue could be developed," Talvitie said,
adding that this is also the opinion of the European Union.

Incidentally, the EU’s special representative to the South Caucasus,
Peter Semneby, was also in Yerevan on Monday, holding talks with
Kocharian, Sarkisian and most probably Ter-Petrosian. Details of the
talks were not immediately made public.

Reports: Armenia’s Situation Under Control After Riots

Mu Xuequan


March 3 2008

MOSCOW, March 3 (Xinhua) — Authorities have fully resumed control
over the situation in the Armenian capital of Yerevan after police
cracked down on street protests that claimed eight lives, Russian
news agencies reported Monday.

Armenian President Robert Kocharian visited a square in front of the
Yerevan mayor’s office, which became the arena of clashes between
demonstrators and police, the press service of the city police was
quoted by the Itar-Tass news agency as saying.

He instructed the mayor to take measures to restore order and a routine
functioning of city services as soon as possible, said the report.

Healthcare Minister Artyom Kushkyan said 131 people, including 59
civilians, had been injured in the clashes.

Kushkyan confirmed that eight people had been killed in protests
staged by opposition parties over an alleged fraud in the Feb. 19
presidential election in the country.

Kocharian announced a state of emergency in Yerevan Saturday that
will remain in effect for 20 days.

Opposition supporters have been rallying in Yerevan to protest the
outcome of the presidential election, in which Prime Minister Serzh
Sargsyan won with 52.8 percent of the vote.

Opposition leader Levon Ter-Petrosyan, who got 21.5 percent of the
vote, claimed the vote was rigged and demanded a rerun of the election.

BAKU: Current Situation In Armenia Results From Unwise Policy: Azerb


TREND News Agency
March 3 2008

Azerbaijan, Baku, 3 March / corr Trend News A.Ismayilova / The
Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev stated on 3 March that the situation
in Armenian is very tense. "This is the result of unwise belligerent
policy and activities of politicians who have isolated themselves,"
the Azerbaijani President stated during his visit to Ganja as part
of his tour of the western region of Azerbaijan.

According to Aliyev, stability in the country is linked to
development. "Where there is satiability there is development and
vise versa," the president said.

The presidential elections in Armenia were held on 19 February and
Serj Sarkisyan, a candidate from the government won the elections
by polling 50% of the votes. Some nine candidates were nominated for
the presidential elections. Levon Ter-Petrosyan, the former President
of Armenia was second in the elections with 21.5% of the votes. The
Armenian opposition, dissatisfied with the outcome of the elections, is
already holding mass protest actions for the fourth consecutive day and
is on sit-down strike. They are demanding a live broadcast, punishment
to those who falsified the outcome and a re-run of the elections.

Armenia Assaulted by Orange Agents

Armenia Assaulted by Orange Agents

Perhaps the empire just doesn’t get it. They need to re-examine their
despicable, foolish and devious scheme to bring an orange scenario to an
embattled, besieged Armenia. Under blockade by neighboring Turkey and
Azerbaijan, Armenia continues to prosper despite some instances of
corruption and economic isolation. Armenia is not fertile ground for any
sort of orange scenario. Armenians are generally politically astute,
pro-Russian and not easily swayed. They are also acutely aware of the fact
that there is no future for them as vassals of the empire.
Armenian history is said to be 12,000 years old, and Mt. Ararat is the
historic scene where Noah`s Ark is said to have rested, a revered and
treasured Armenian landmark. An archeologist’s dream come true, Armenia is a
land of quaint churches and elaborately and meticulously carved khatchkars
(Orthodox crosses).
Constant and reliable, the centuries old friendship and alliance with Russia
is unshakable. Most Armenians are aware of the fact that there probably
would be no Armenia if not for Russia. No plots or schemes by the empire are
going to change that reality.
The empire also wins no friends among Armenians for its consistent policy of
Genocide denial. These policies go beyond the geo-political considerations
given as an excuse, such as the US base in occupied Western Armenia, under
control of Turkey and their alliances with Armenian enemies Turkey, Israel
and Azerbaijan. And then there are the oil pipelines…constructed to bypass
Armenia, a country in a strategic position between east and west, a
crossroads as it were.
As a result of the Armenian Genocide of 1894-1923, Armenians lost most of
their homeland and over 1.5 million Armenians were murdered in the most
horrendous and brutal fashion imaginable and unimaginable. To this day, no
Nuremberg trials, no compensation or apology have occurred. Therefore, the
memory of this tragedy in an ongoing issue of importance to Armenians.
In Armenia, Levon Ter-Petrosian is generally despised for his corrupt
ruinous policies while President of Armenia. He is also despised for
proffering the notion that the recently liberated Armenian land of Artsakh
(Nagorno-Karabakh) should be returned to Azerbaijan. Artsakh is now an
independent country. The US regime is financially backing Ter-Petrosian and
causing trouble in the background. Ter-Petrosian had the strange idea that
he had a snowball’s chance in hell of winning an election to be President.
Fat chance. Now he sends agitators to do his bidding, a la Soros funding,
all the best agitators money and the empire can buy.
On Public Armenian Television, Armenian Parliament Speaker Tigran Torosian
told the following of his knowledge of events:
`These people decided who the winner is five minutes after the election.
This is their characteristic feature. I learned about my alleged resignation
>From journalists. Levon Ter-Petrosian and his team-mates have exhausted the
sources of lies which exceed all possible borders,’ the speaker said. `They
spread lies about all and offense all those who are not with them. They are
filled with hatred and revenge,’ he said.
"OK, let’s say all the grenades, pistols and automatics were planted by the
regime, what do you have to say about all those hooligans with rods and
sticks, beating the police, throwing bricks and stones, burning cars
including busses and an ambulance, looting shops and supermarkets?"
According to various local reports, 8 persons were killed in orange
demonstrations as the Army was called in to restore the peace. They also
report that Opera and Republican Square are swarming with army troops and
military police armed to the teeth with AK-47s, belt-fed battle rifles and
there are dozens of light tanks in both locations. In addition to that,
there are troops scattered in posts all over the city and on all the roads
into the city. One hundred and thirty-one persons were reported injured in
the March 1 disturbances.
An on the scene observer sent this report:
"Hi, this morning I walked from the Opera House until Mashtoz Underpass.
Everything was just fine. Police closed the underpass toward city hall and
near the French embassy where they made a mess. My friend 8:30 at night went
everywhere with the exception of closed areas and found calm…all shops are
open and traffic is normal, 8 people got killed and about 30 people got
arrested for looting, all young guys."
Interior troops and police officers suffered bullet wounds and injuries in
the March 1 clashes with rioters in Yerevan. On his visit to the hospital,
President Kocharian was accompanied by police chief Hayk Harutyunian and
other officials. Kocharian went from one hospital ward to another and spoke
to officers and servicemen. Hospital chief, Arthur Petrosian, said they
admitted 33 wounded officers and servicemen on March 1 until 8.30 pm and 27
others after 9 pm. He said 11 received bullet wounds, eight were
hospitalized with heavy symptoms of gas poisoning, 2 received knife wounds.
Seven servicemen went to their quarters after receiving first aid and 11
others were operated on. The chief of the hospital said their condition is
satisfactory now. At the end of February, prior to the breakout of violence,
a vehicle was apprehended trying to enter the country loaded with weapons
and ammunition.
On March 1, 2008, Armenia’s President Robert Kocharian declared a 2-day
state of emergency in compliance of article 55.6 of the RA (Republic of
Armenia) Constitution (threat to state and population security).
Fortunately, anti-terrorist, anti-orange scenario joint exercises were held
by Armenia and Russia in anticipation of such occurrences. Meanwhile the
empire is mouthing duplicitous, hypocritical words about `excessive use of
Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Terry Davis said, `The state of
emergency suspends the application of several rights and freedoms protected
by the European Convention on Human Rights. Under Article 15 of the
Convention the Armenian Government must inform me of the measures which it
has taken and the reasons therefore. I expect that they will do so without
any delay,’ the Council of Europe press division reports.

The recent presidential elections in Armenia saw Serzh Sarksyan, Kocharian’s
number two man, elected as President of Armenia. The voting result was
unmistakable: Serzh Sarkisyan – 862,369 (52,82%) votes, Levon
Ter-Petrosian – 351,222 (21,5%).votes.
The February 19th presidential elections were not only characterized as
`free and fair’ by the CIS observers, but also received the positive
assessments of the Western observation missions. The observation mission of
the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, which stands out in terms of its strict and
meticulous attitude towards the electoral processes held in former USSR
territories, clearly recorded that, `The presidential elections held in
Armenia on February 19 were mostly in line with the commitments to the OSCE
and the Council of Europe.’ But this didn’t satisfy the orange agitators.
Kocharian, throughout his term as President, has had a warm, brotherly
relationship with his counterpart in Russia, Vladimir Putin. Like the
outgoing president, Robert Kocharian, Mr. Sarkisyan is from Artsakh
(Nagorno-Karabakh). Both men were commanders in the war.
The newly elected Armenian President released this message to the people:
`Dear Compatriots,

In consequence of the recent events, our people suffered great losses. There
are casualties among policemen, who performed their duty, and among
protesters, who fell under the influence of a group of people. Hundreds of
civilians suffered from illegal acts of the radical opposition.

Leaders of the co-called `movement’ made targets of their own supporters and
policemen to suit their own ends. The initiators of disorders must answer
for their deeds before the law, history and generations. With pain, I
conceive that our compatriots fell victim to blind hatred of some
individuals. I share your grief and wish you courage and strength to
overcome this tragedy…’
As the cleanup crew mitigates the after effects of the recent lawlessness,
one can only hope that the street sweepers will also sweep away the trash
known as orange agent provocateurs and leave this proud, struggling nation
in peace.

Oppositionists Went All Limits


02.03.2008 00:56 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Participants of the opposition rally went all limits,
RA President Robert Kocharian said.

"Eight policemen were injured. State and private property was badly
damaged," he said. "The names of the initiators are known and they
will be called to account."

The President called on citizens to demonstrate restraint, respect
the law and contribute to establishment of order.

International Organizations Condemn


03-03-2008 13:53:34

Terry Davis, Secretary General of CoE, is worried by the evens in
Armenia and condemns the crackdown on the demonstrators. He said he
was also troubled that the presidential candidate, the first president
of Armenia is under house arrest. He said Levon Ter-Petrosyan should
be released immediately. He said if he is accused of a crime, the
accusations should be put up in accordance with the law, and in a
democratic country there cannot be willful detention of political
opponents, the secretary general stated, Arminfo reports.

The CiO of the OSCE, foreign minister of Finland Ilkka Kanerva
condemned violence on peaceful demonstrators on March 1 in Yerevan. He
called the government for maximum restraint and release of the

The security force dispersed the meeting of opposition on March 1,
7 am local time, which lasted for ten days on the Square of Freedom.

Nevertheless, by midday people gathered near the embassy of France
and Armenia.

Armenian opposition plans rallies in regions

Armenian opposition plans rallies in regions

Interfax News Agency, Russia
Russia & CIS General Newswire
February 29, 2008 Friday 12:00 PM MSK

YEREVAN Feb 29 — Supporters of losing candidate for the Armenian
presidency, former Armenian President Levon Ter-Petrosian are going
to stage protest actions across various regions.

"Our goal is to paralyze the Serzh Sargsyan authorities," Nikol
Pashinian, the head of Ter-Petrosian’s electoral headquarters and
editor-in-chief of the Aikakan Zhamanak (The Armenian Times) newspaper,
said at a rally on Liberty square in Yerevan.

A protest with the demand to invalidate the results of the presidential
election has already taken place in the town of Noyemberian, he said.

"Such actions should ‘proliferate’ to all other regions in the
country," he said.

Sargsyan won the February 19 presidential election in Armenia however
Ter-Petrosian supporters are unhappy with the election results and
demand to invalidate them.