BAKU: Oskanyan: Armenia will not hurry with recognition of Kosovo

Today, Azerbaijan
Feb. 25, 2008

Armenian Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanyan: "Armenia will not hurry
with recognition of Kosovo’s independence"

25 February 2008 [15:23] – Today.Az

Armenia will not hurry with recognition of Kosovo’s independence.

The due announcement was made by Armenian Foreign Minister Vardan
Oskanyan at a press conference on Monday.

"The issue is currently being discussed and the Armenia’s resolution
will be declared when necessary", the Minister noted.

It should be noted that Kosovo parliament voted for adoption of a
declaration of independence on February 17 of 2008. 108 deputies
voted for the declaration. Serbian parliamentarians, represented by
10 seats in the parliament, did not attend the ceremony.

The declaration of Kosovo’s independence caused a wave of numerous
demonstrations in support and against the said resolution throughout
the world.


ANKARA: Gul gives message to Armenian leader

Sabah, Turkey
Feb. 22, 2008

Gül gives message to Armenian leader

President Gül sent a message to Armenian leader Sarkisyan: "let
relations be as they were before, let’s make effort for this."

Gül sends congrats message to Sarkisyan

After the Prime Minister Erdoðan’s suggestion to found a common
history committee was not responded to, President Abdullah Gül sent
messages of peace to the new Armenian leader Serj Sarkisyan. Gül sent
a congratulations message to the leader including the statement "let
relations be as they were before, let’s make effort for this." Gül’s
congratulations message was communicated to Erivan, which is
recognized by the Turkish government, and not communicated directly
via the Tiflis embassy.

Gül stated: "I hope that your new role will provide opportunities for
normalizing the relations between Turks and Armenians, who have
proved being able to live in peace and harmony for centuries. I
candidly hope that our common efforts will contribute to the peace
and well-being in our region and will create an atmosphere based on
mutual trust and cooperation."

RA President: opposition’s activities amount to coup d’etat attempt


RA President: opposition’s activities amount to coup d’etat attempt
23.02.2008 18:05 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Armenian President Robert Kocharian
held a special meeting with leaders of the National
Security Council, the President’s press office said.
The participants discussed the situation in the

Assessing the opposition’s activities as an attempt of
coup d’etat, President Kocharian said that the
response will be drastic and sharp.

`Stability of the state can’t be an article of
commerce,’ he said.

The National Security Council leaders assured the
President that all units are on alert and are ready to
follow the instructions issued by him.

$130 Million To Be Invested In Construction Of Armenian Zvartnots Ai


Feb 22 2008

YEREVAN, February 22. /ARKA/. Armenia – International Airports Company
intends to invest $130 million in the construction of Zvartnots
airport’s second terminal, Armenian State Aviation Department Chief
Artem Movsisyan said Friday presenting Zvartnots exploitation master
plan at a governmental briefing.

"Another $26 million will be spent for fire protection in the airport",
he said.

Movsisyan said that the construction is prompted by growing number
of passenger carriage.

The national aviation chief also said that Zvartnots served 1.4 million
passengers in 2007 though it was planned to reach this result only
in 2015.

"The new passenger terminal will be constructed in front of the old
round terminal being exploited now. The terminal’s area is 25 000
square meters, of which 3 600 will be a new passenger registration
hall. The area of the old terminal’s hall is 900 square meters",
Movsisyan said.

He said that the number of registration points from present 21 to
future 42 and checkpoints from 12 to 25. Two baggage carriers will
operate instead of one functioning g now.

He said special attention will be paid to fire protection and seismic
protection in the building construction.

Zvartnots Airport was handed over to Armenia – International Airports
CJSC for 30-year concession management. The agreement between the
company and Armenian government was signed in 2001.

The company owner is a New York holding. 100% of this holding’s
shares belong to Eduardo Eurnekian, Argentine entrepreneur of Armenian

Total Amount Of Orders For Primary Distribution And Redemption Of Tr


Noyan Tapan
Feb 22, 2008

YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 22, NOYAN TAPAN. The RA state securities registration
and calculation system issued 2,044 orders of the total amount of 101
bln 972 mln drams (about 298.1 mln USD) for primary distribution and
redemption of state (treasury) securities in 2007, which is more by
40.5 bln drams than in 2006 (payments for distribution of securities
made up 50% of this growth).

According to the press service of the Central Bank of Armenia (CBA),
transfers of 52 bln 585 mln drams for state bonds purchased during
the primary distribution were made by banks, and transfers of 49 bln
387 mln drams for redemption of state securities were made by the
Treasury, including payments of 1 bln 779 mln drams made by "Treasury
Depository" system for state securities, including payments of 652
mln drams for securities distribution and 1 bln 127 mln drams for
securities redemption.

The above mentioned system issued 1,467 orders of 261 bln 826
mln drams for primary distribution and redemption of the CBA’s
own securities. During the primary distribution of the indicated
securities, commercial banks made transfers of 134 bln 953 mln drams
for purchase of the CBA’s own bonds and transfers of 126 bln 873 mln
drams for redemption of the CBA’s own securities.

The operations with securities carried out in the secondary market
by participants in the state securities registration and calculation
system grew 1,8fold in 2007 on 2006 and made 1 trillion 69 billion
drams by the nominal value, including sales of purchases of 878 bln
drams and free supply of 191 bln drams. Pledge-related operations
amounted to 25 bln drams by the nominal value. 498 bln drams was
paid for 3,631 purchase and sale operations done by the DVP system
allowing to make instant payments for bonds.

Armenian Gdp Grows By 9.9% In January 2008 On Same Month Of 2007


Noyan Tapan
Feb 21, 2008

YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 20, NOYAN TAPAN. Armenian GDP made 101 bln 207.9
mln drams (about 329.85 mln USD) in January 2008, exceeding by 9.9%
the index of the same month of the previous year. According to the
RA National Statistical Service, GDP index-deflator made 6.5%.

The total amount of industrial production made 51 bln 726.2 mln drams
in January 2008, growing by 0.1% as compared with the previous year,
idustrial production without diamond production made 50 bln 720.9
mln drams, growing by 1.9%. The gross agricultural output made 13
bln 747.9 mln drams (0.2% growth), while construction amounted to 7
bln 35.9 mln drams (79.7% growth).

Retail trade turnover made 57 bln 835.7 mln drams in January 2008,
increasing by 10.7% as compared with January 2007, while services
amounted to 37 bln 95 mln drams, growing by 7.4%.

The consumer price index made 106.6%, while the index of prices of
manufacturers’ production – 107.1% in January 2008 on the same month
of 2007.

The number of officially registered unemployed made 72.3 thousand,
declining by 14.5% as compared with January 2007.

The average monthly nominal salary made 84.353 thousand drams in
Armenia in January 2008. The same index with respect to employees of
budgetary institutions made 61.239 thousand drams (22.6% growth),
with respect to employees of nonbudgetary institutions – 104.297
thousand drams (25% growth).

The foreign trade of Armenia made 336.9 mln dollars, or by 29.4% more
than in January 2007. The same indices without diamond trade made 319.7
mln dollars and 36.6% respectively. Exports amounted to 61 mln dollars,
growing by 2.4%, exports with diamond export made 52.7 mln dollars,
growing by 12.7%. Imports made 275.9 mln dollars, growing by 37.4%,
imports without diamond import made 267 mln drams, increasing by 42.6%.

The average exchange rate of the Armenian dram against the US dollar
made 306.83 drams in January 2008 – as compared with 342.08 drams in
whole 2007.

RA Deputy Defense Minister Joined Opposition?


21.02.2008 20:05 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ RA Deputy Defense Minister, general Manvel
Grigoryan and his assistant Gagik Melkonyan joined the opposition,
Levon Ter-Petrosyan told a rally in Yerevan on Thursday. According
to the ex-President, he personally met with gen. Grigoryan yesterday.

"At the moment we are holding talks with General Staff Chief Seyran
Ohanyan. I am convinced that the army will join Grigoryan and
Melkonyan," he said. "Manvel Grigoryan and Gagik Melkonyan are the
guarantors of the people’s security and the army should serve for
their interests."

Meanwhile, RA Defense Minister’s Spokesman, colonel Seyran Shahsuvaryan
said "he can’t comment on nonsense." "To announce support of
Levon Ter-Petrosyan, the officials mentioned above should hand in
resignation. I do not possess any information on their resignation,"
he said, Novosti Armenia reports.

MPS Of Zharangutiun Faction Strictly Condemn February 19 Elections


Noyan Tapan
Feb 20, 2008

YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 20, NOYAN TAPAN. The event, which took place on
February 19, cannot be considered as elections in any way. This
statement was made by Stepan Safarian, a member of the Zharangutiun
(Heritage) faction of the National Assembly, at the press conference,
which was held on February 19.

According to her, this time the authorities made use of the whole
arsenal of the electoral falsifications they possessed: stuffings,
acts of violence, kidnapping of people, electoral bribe, open
ballot, to name but a few. "I have not seen such elections yet,
this is the greatest and the latest disgrace of our authorities,"
Stepan Safarian declared.

Zaruhi Postanjian, another MP of the Zharangutiun faction, declared
that the most important reason of the acts of violence and mass
violations, which took place in the elections, is the illegal campaign,
which lasted over a month, and had a very heavy influence on the
elections: "Central Electoral Commission Chairman Garegin Azarian
has committed a criminal crime, as he has not prevented that illegal
electoral campaign," Zaruhi Postanjian declared.

The latter also stated that violence has been implemented towards
her and the other members of the Zharangutiun faction by the Chief
of the Police of Erebuni in Polling Station 13/16 of Erebuni. The MPs
have clashed with the policemen when the MPs noticed and videoed the
latters interfering in the electoral processes.

It was also stated at the press conference, that there have been
stuffings in Polling Stations 9/8 and 7/25: in the latter a group
of 50-70 people, who broke into the polling stations, stuffed
the ballot-boxes with ballot papers on the order of RA MP Samvel
Alexanian. All over Vardenis they have given out electoral bribe and
there have been cases of stuffings in all the five polling stations
of Vardenis.

RA FM hopes for presidential election in country to be held successf

RA FM hopes for presidential election in country to be held successfully

2008-02-19 12:09:00

ArmInfo. RA Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanyan expressed hope that
the presidential election in Armenia will be held ‘well’, he told
journalists today after voting at the election precinct 9/11.

"I hope that these will be good election and a legitimate president
will be elected upon their results. An election plan, election
campaign, election day and a post-election day exist for me. The
people put in two cents worth the election day and we shall open a
new page the day after the election, and I hope that everyone will
congratulate the winner", RA FM said. Nevertheless, V. Oskanyan
refused to tell who he voted for. "I could say who I voted for,
but, later, you can blame me for voting openly. I vote for peace,
security and development of Armenia. I am sure that I made a right
choice", RA FM said. Asked about the number of the election rounds, V.
Oskanyan said that it would be desirable, however, the people will
decide. If the second round takes place, we must be ready for that",
V. Oskanyan said. As for his earlier-expressed apprehensions regarding
possibility of negative post-election processes, V. Oskanyan said
that these apprehensions still exist. "I hope that I am mistaken in
this issue. Let us hope that the election will be held normally and
we shall congratulate the new president", V. Oskanyan resumed.

Armenia votes for new President

Armenia votes for new President
19.02.2008 08:15

Armenia is electing its President today. These are the fifth
presidential elections in the history of independent Armenia. Nine
candidates are running for President.

All 1,923 precincts of the Republic were opened at 8
a.m. sharp. 2,328,320 citizens are enfranchised to vote in the
elections. According to the data of the Central Electoral Commission
(CEC), 19 thousand people are included in additional lists.

In compliance with the Electoral Code, the number of ballots printed
is equal to the number of voters plus 3%, i.e. 2,390,000.

More than 600 international observers will follow the elections in
Armenia. The Mission of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions
and Human Rights (OSCE/ODIHR) is comprised of 316 observers, the
OSCE Parliamentary Assembly – 53, the Parliamentary Assembly of the
Council of Europe – 40, the European Parliament – 6. 166 observers
represent the CIS, 39 are from the CIS Interparlaimentary Assembly.

The elections will be observed also by 39 local NGOs. The total
number of local observers exceeds 14 thousand. The "Choice is yours"
NGO has the largest mission, comprised of 4,010 observers.

For the first time in Armenia a seal will be put in passports to
exclude double voting.

The Central Electoral Commisison will provide information on voter
turnout every three hours. The election will continue until 8
p.m. Within 24 hours following the election the CEC will issue the
preliminary results. The final results will be publicized within
seven days.

The candidate, who receives more than 50% of the votes, will be
elected the President of the Republic of Armenia. If no one receives
the necessary number of votes, the second round will be held in a
fortnight. Two candidates having the greatest number of the ballots
will participate in the run-off. The one who gets more votes will
win in the second round.

Armenia’s Prosecutor General Aghvan Hovsepyan stated today that
"not a single violation of law on the day of elections will remain

Aghvan Hovsepyan reminded that there is a working group set up within
the department, which will be operatively reacting to and suppressing
any violation of the electoral legislation.

Aghvan Hovsepyan stated that those who try to hinder the free will of
the citizens and the work of the electoral commission, or falsify the
results of the elections, as well as people, who enter the polling
stations armed, will be called to criminal responsibility.

"Our legal system has the determination and the will to combat
the possible violations of the electoral process, to protect the
public order and the constitutional system. I assure that not a
single violation of law will remain unpunished" Armenian Prosecutor
General stated.