Genocide Forum Omits U.S. Violations


University Wire
February 11, 2008 Monday

The three-day human rights forum kicking off today at Cal State Long
Beach is welcomed, needed and long overdue. While the event will
inform and address atrocities perpetuated on a global level, a focus
on U.S. human rights violations should be built into the program.

Certainly, California’s own history of allowing and condoning genocide
and human dignity violations should be offered as visible components.

With no doubt in mind, the Holocaust in 1930s and 40s Germany is a
crucial topic that will always be locked in human memory. Genocides
in Africa, Europe, Asia and the Middle East will surely be repeated
if knowledge of their existences is not continuously shared.

Existing evidence of humanity’s inhumanity to other humans on an
international scale is more than enough to have presentations on
Darfur, Rwanda, Armenia and practically every corner of the globe where
one group attempts – and often succeeds – in eradicating another group.

The reasons one race, ethnicity, class regime, political power,
religion or other symbolic brute-of-the-month employ to justify
wiping other humans out of existence might seem inconsequential to
the average college student, but genocide is learned behavior.

Human rights horrors are not just phenomena that happen someplace
else; it’s not only "others" who are victimized, raped, tortured and
murdered, who are stripped of family, language, culture, identity
and property. It happens on a cyclical basis on our own turf.

Enslaving blacks who were dragged here on ships was an act of
genocide. The European "discovery" of the "Land of the Free," and
consequential planned extermination and decimation of Native American
populations, was genocide.

The U.S. genocides wer recognized by the United Nations in the 2007
Declaration on Rights of Indigenous Peoples, a document the U.S.,
Australia, New Zealand and Canada blatantly refused to accept.

Our historically male-dominated country incorporated women’s rights
violations into its social doctrine and continues the practice.

California’s mistreatment of Latinas/os, Native Americans, Chinese
and many others seems as if it’s on a generational rotation. Yet
we continue to marginalize by depriving fellow humans of access to
education and critical economic resources.

People who come to our country seeking a better way of life are met
with hostility and violence.

In California, we’ve seen a constant and continuous trend of wanting
people from Mexico to do our grunt work, only to be criminalized and
deported when deemed a burden on the economy.

We as a nation are equally to blame on an international level for
practicing patterns of racism, hegemony and ethnocentricity toward
any human group unlucky enough to be in a minor capacity.

Many of these issues are either overlooked, underrepresented or
absent in the planned presentations during the President’s Forum on
International Human Rights.

When a society refuses to acknowledge its complicity in perpetuating
assaults on human life and dignity, it essentially condones the

The current events at CSULB are vital in keeping the social conscience
alert. Finger-pointing needs also to be directed inward to include
the U.S. and our own state’s responsibility and complicity.

Too many wounds are still open to infection.

Hopefully, this forum is merely the beginning.

Levon Ter Petrosian In Moscow


AZG Armenian Daily


According to the received information, RA presidential candidate Levon
Ter-Petrosian left for Moscow on February 11. He is accompanied by
businessman Khachatur Sukiasian.

The aim of Levon Ter-Petrosian’s visit to Moscow is not evident yet.

To the question of "Azg" daily if the information corresponds to
reality, Press Secretary of Levon Ter-Petrosian’s campaign office
Arman Musinian stated that he wouldn’t comment on the information.

According to some ANM sources, Levon Ter-Petrosian’s meeting with
Russian President Vladimir Putin is scheduled.

If the information corresponds to reality, it will be interesting to
know the initiator of the visit.

Armenian folk highly evaluated in international show business

14:47 08/02/2008


Armenian singer Hamlet Gevorgyan became the most
interesting singer in the world since November last
year. Many became interested in his sings in
famous web site. Today Samvel
Amiraghyan, the director of `Armenian Music Center’
held a meeting and announced that Armenian folk became
famous. `It is already four month he is a leader,’ he

Nobody from Russia or Caucasus managed to become
famous in the international show business in this way.
`He managed to struggle the difficulties and provide a
path for others,’ he said. But this is not only due to
Hamlet Gevorgyan, as many Armenian singers passed this

According to him, Gevorgyan is under `Folk’s King’
title with Armenian flag next to it in the above
mentioned web site. `It is a time to evaluate Armenian
singers not only in Armenia but also abroad,’ said
Hamlet Gevorgyan.


With waging war, Azerbaijan will be thrown out of all international


With waging war, Azerbaijan will be thrown out of all
international organizations
07.02.2008 15:00 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ South Caucasus and Middle East may
partner to form a regional security system, Armenian
National Assembly Speaker Tigran Torosian said at
Caucasus and Middle East: Possible Partners in
Formation of Regional Security System international
conference in Yerevan.

According to him, Germany and France, which appeared
strong enough to normalize relations after WWII, can
serve as an example.

`To bring these two regions to cooperation a unified
system of values is essential. However, what we
witness is just the opposite. I mean Azerbaijan’s
ongoing groundless threats in address of Armenia.
Azerbaijan does know that the outcome of a new war
will be the same as in 1994,’ he said adding that
waging a war Azerbaijan will be thrown out of all
international organizations.

Cemal Usak: The Horrible Events Of 1915 Were A Tragedy For Armenians


2008-02-07 20:40:00

ArmInfo. The horrible events of 1915 were a tragedy for Armenians and
the result of nationalism. It was a tragedy not only for Armenians
but also for Muslim Turks as the former had lost their homeland
while the latter – good hard-working neighbors, the general secretary
of the Inter-Cultural Dialogue Platform, the vice president of the
Journalists and Writers Foundation of Istanbul Cemal Usak said during
the international scientific conference "States of the Caucasus and
the Middle East as Possible Partners in the Process of Formation of
Regional Security System" which is being held in Armenia Marriott
Hotel Feb 7-8.

Usak said that conflicts and hostility are often based on
religion. "Why can’t we pave the way to peace and friendship by
finding universal features in religion," he said.

Usak believes that Armenians and Turks should focus on the things they
have in common and solve political problems by means of inter-cultural

U.S. Administration Proposes $24 Million Aid For Armenia In FY 2008


05.02.2008 18:41 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Given Armenia’s support in the global war against
terrorism as well as the ongoing attempts by Turkey and Azerbaijan
to isolate Armenia, the Armenian Assembly of America today expressed
its opposition to the Administration’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2009 Budget.

As in years past, the Budget proposal calls for asymmetrical military
assistance to Azerbaijan and Armenia. The Administration’s spending
plan recommends $3 million in Foreign Military Financing (FMF) to
both countries, but Azerbaijan is slated to receive $600,000 more
than Armenia ($300,000) in Military Education and Training (IMET)

Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev recently proclaimed that "Armenia
did not win the war. The war is not over. Only the first stage of the
war has been completed." He added that Nagorno Karabakh will never
be independent.

"Given Azerbaijan’s increased war rhetoric, I have strong concerns
with giving any military aid to Azerbaijan, and we definitely should
not give them more than we’re providing Armenia," stated Armenian
Caucus Co-Chair Joe Knollenberg (R-MI).

"I will work with my colleagues to ensure that Armenia has the
resources needed to continue to strengthen its democracy as well as
ensure its security," continued Knollenberg.

The FY 2009 Budget also calls for $24 million in economic assistance
to Armenia, the lowest request to date made by the Administration. The
figure represents $34 million less than what Congress approved last
year, and $11 million less than the Administration’s request in
FY 2008.

Assembly Executive Director Bryan Ardouny echoed Congressman
Knollenberg’s concerns, stating: "President Bush missed an important
opportunity to demonstrate that his Administration is serious about a
policy of regional cooperation and economic integration in the region."

"Azerbaijan’s continued threats to resume war, undermines
U.S. objectives in the region and I am confident that Congress will
reject this approach," Ardouny added. "In a budget that calls for
over $39 billion in the International Affairs account, $24 million
for Armenia is woefully inadequate. Rather than reduce funding to
Armenia, we urge the Administration to work with Congress to end the
dual blockades imposed upon her by Turkey and Azerbaijan."

The announcement is the first step in a lengthy budget process. The
next step is for the House and Senate to review the Administration’s
request through committee hearings.

Rupel: Kosovo Phenomenon Unique


05.02.2008 17:44 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The Kosovo phenomenon is unique and can’t be eyed
as precedent for conflicts within Georgia, Slovenian Foreign Minister
Dimitrij Rupel told reporters in Tbilisi today.

"We have repeatedly stated that the Kosovo phenomenon is unique and
can’t be viewed as precedent. I do not see any connection between
Kosovo and Georgia’s inner conflicts in Abkhazia and South Ossetia,"
Mr Rupel said, Novosti Georgia reports.

ANTELIAS: Delegation representing German churches visits Antelias

Catholicosate of Cilicia
Communication and Information Department
Contact: V.Rev.Fr.Krikor Chiftjian, Communications Officer
Tel: (04) 410001, 410003
Fax: (04) 419724
E- mail: [email protected]

PO Box 70 317

Armenian version: nian.htm


His Holiness Aram I received Saturday a delegation of 30 representatives
>From the various churches in Germany. The purpose of the delegation’s visit
was to become closely acquainted with the Christian face of the Middle East.

Greeting the delegation the Pontiff welcomed their initiative with respect
to the status of Christianity in the Middle East today. "The existence of
Christianity in the Middle East should not be apprehended in its usual
meaning. The Middle East is the birthplace of Christianity. Christianity’s
light shined upon the world from the Middle East. Bethlehem and the
Resurrection- the basis of Christian faith- exist here. It is also true that
the divisions within Christianity started from the Middle East and that
Christianity has had a conflict-ridden history in this region. However, the
churches remain strongly attached to their roots, traditions, rights and
especially their God-given mission," said the Catholicos.

His Holiness also outlined the importance of Christian-Muslim dialogue. "The
Christian Muslim dialogue in the Middle East in the Middle East is one of
the important field’s of Christianity’s existence and mission in the region.
It is part of our daily life. Our life is a life of dialogue. It can not
exist otherwise. Dialogue should neither be thought of as a move away from
our roots nor the return of others to Christianity. This is a wrong approach
to dialogue. Christians and Muslims should live together within the
framework of mutual understanding and respect," he observed.

Speaking about the Armenian Church’s presence in the Middle East, the
Pontiff said: "The Armenian nation and Church have grown roots in the Middle
East throughout the centuries. We form an indispensable part of the region’s
history. We have our own unique culture, values and beliefs, but we fully
share the dreams and challenges of the region’s population. It is true that
the Armenian Church is one of the oldest churches, but it is always in the
course of renewal. It actively participates in the Ecumenical Movement as
well as the inter-faith dialogue and cooperation that aims to overcome the
challenges of the current world."

The Catholicos also talked in detail about the Armenian Genocide,
emphasizing the Armenian nation’s right to demand its rights.

View the photos here:
The Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia is one of the two Catholicosates of
the Armenian Orthodox Church. For detailed information about the history and
the mission of the Cilician Catholicosate, you may refer to the web page of
the Catholicosate, The Cilician
Catholicosate, the administrative center of the church is located in
Antelias, Lebanon.

Armenian Genocide Center To Be Opened In Decines, France


2008-02-01 13:50:00

ArmInfo. Armenian Genocide Center will be founded in Decines, France.

Armenian Foreign Ministry press-service reports, Armenian organizations
in France met on January 28 in Marseilles and on January 28 in
Lyon. Local authorities, senators, mayors of the two cities, statesmen
and political figures attended the meetings.

Ambassador of Armenia to France Edward Nalbandyan said a number of
new programs will be implemented soon. Particularly, Armenian Genocide
Center will be opened in Decines, one of the schools in Provence Alpe
Cote d’Azur will be renamed after Manushyan, a square after Hrant Dink
will be opened in Marseilles. Addressing the Armenian organizations
in Paris, Lyon and MarseillesÐ~N Ambassador Nalbandyan said he hopes
the current year will become a year of unification of the Coordination
Council of Armenian organizations in France.


Overall Balance Capital Of Armenian Commercial Banks Grows By 43% In


Noyan Tapan
Jan 31, 2008

YEREVAN, JANUARY 31, NOYAN TAPAN. As of December 31, 2007, 22
commercial banks with 347 branches operated in Armenia. According to
data of the Central Bank of Armenia (CBA), as of the indicated date
the actual authorized capital of these banks made 116 bln 486 mln
544 thousand drams (over 340 mln 524 thousand USD), growing by 45.4%
in a year and by 18.4% in the fourth quarter of 2007. The overall
balance capital of the banks made 171 bln 813 mln 689 thousand drams
as of December 31, 2007, growing by 43% in a year and by 15.8% in
the fourth quarter of 2007.

The overall liabilities of Armenian commercial banks amounted to
592 bln 576 mln 251 thousand drams as of December 31, 2007, growing
by 46.6% in a year and by 14.9% in the fourth quarter of 2007. The
same indices with respect to overall assets made 764 bln 389 mln 939
thousand drams, 45.7% and 15.1%.

As of December 31, 2007, standard credist and debts made up 97.6%
of the commercial banks’ overall credits and bill receivable of a
total of 480 bln 300 mln 286 thousand drams.

The total amount of credits, deposits, sums provided by leasing and
factoring by banks to residents made 434 bln 461 mln 634 thousand drams
as of December 31, 2007, growing by 78.5% in a year and by 16.1% in
the fourth quarter of 2007. Sums of 56 bln 267 mln 153 thousand drams
were allocated to industry, they grew by 43.3% in a year and by 2.8%
in the fourth quarter of 2007; sums of 22 bln 374 mln 428 thousand
drams were allocated to agriculture, they increased by 57.6% in a year
and by 17.8% in the 4th quarter of 2007; the same indices with respect
to construction made 22 bln 33 mln 520 thousand drams, 90.9% and 26.7%
respectively; the indices with respect to transport and communication
made 5 bln 848 mln 986 thousand drams, 49.3% and 32.6% respectively.

Sums provided by Armenian banks to the trade sector in 2007 made 86
bln 791 mln 176 thousand drams, growing by 75.1% in a year and by
14.9% in the 4th quarter of 2007. Sums of 22 bln 298 mln 105 thousand
drams were provided to the financial sector of the economy, they grew
by 45.4% in a year and by 7.2% in the 4th quarter of 2007. Consumer
credits amounted to 123 bln 606 mln 735 thousand drams, growing by
80.7% in a year and by 19.9% in the 4th quarter of 2007. The same
indices with respect to mortgage crediting made 53 bln 367 mln 307
thousand drams, 124.5% and 16.1%; the indices with respect to other
sectors made 41 bln 874 mln 224 thousand drams, 140.2% and 38.1%.

As of December 31, 2007, the gross incomes of the commercial banks
made 114 bln 222 mln 447 thousand drams – against 86 bln 511 mln 114
thousand drams as of the same date in 2006. As of the indicated dates,
the gross expenditures made 87 bln 738 mln 734 thousand drams and
65 bln 470 mln 356 thousand drams respectively; the net profit – 21
bln 98 mln 710 thousand drams and 16 bln 870 mln 490 thousand drams,
the undistributed profit – 21 bln 43 mln 710 thousand drams and 16
bln 290 mln 499 thousand drams respectively.