Dashnaktsutyun’s Hovannisian Blasts Former, Present Governments

By Ruben Meloyan

Radio Liberty, Czech Republic
Jan 31 2008

Vahan Hovannisian, the presidential candidate of the Armenian
Revolutionary Federation (Dashnaktsutyun), lashed out at Armenia’s
present and former leaderships on Thursday, saying they are both to
blame for the country’s socioeconomic woes.

Hovannisian attacked the two mutually antagonistic forces as he
campaigned in economically depressed areas south and east of Lake
Sevan one day after they were visited by former President Levon

In a speech before more than a hundred people in the local town of
Martuni, the deputy speaker of parliament said Armenia’s economic
slump of the early 1990s was the result of "illiterate privatization"
and other economic policies implemented by the Ter-Petrosian
administration. "They privatized whatever they could for nothing, they
sold off machines and other equipment of our plants, they operated
nothing, they closed jobs," he said.

"They are now again rising up. He [Ter-Petrosian] came here again and
tried to pour poison into your ears. They are signing the song of the
former authorities. But we won’t be deceived by that," Hovannisian told
the crowd, which was much smaller than the one pulled by Ter-Petrosian
the previous day.

Hovannisian was also highly critical of the economic track record of
the current Armenian government in which his party is represented
by three ministers. He said Armenia’s double-digit economic is not
broad-based and has been largely confined to the capital Yerevan.

"Have you felt the 12 percent growth on your skin?" asked the
Dashnaktsutyun leader. "Are you better off by 12 percent? Has the
[state] budget has been quadrupled? Yes, it has. Bravo! But have your
living standards quadrupled? No."

Speaking in the nearby large village of Vartenik, Hovannisian said
that he, if elected president, will make sure that "huge investments"
flowing into the Armenian economy are more evenly distributed all over
the country. He also pledged to "reconsider terms" of controversial
and repeated privatizations of Armenia’s largest gold mines located
in the area.

Operations at the Zod mines, which employ hundreds of poorly paid
local residents, all but ground to a halt in January last year amid
a serious dispute between their Indian owner, Vedanta Resources,
and the Armenian government. Vedanta was forced to sell them to a
Russian financial-industry group after being accused of large-scale
fraud by the government.

Hovannisian would not say if he has serious misgivings about this
deal and, if so, whether he would try to have it renegotiated.

The prolonged hiatus in Zod’s operations aggravated the already
difficult socioeconomic situation in a region where a large part of
the male population has to work in Russia on a permanent or seasonal
basis. High unemployment is in turn fuelling voter apathy about the
approaching presidential election and political life in general.

"There are no jobs here," said one man in Martuni. "We are barely

"We want jobs and nothing else," agreed another. "I have three sons
aged between 20 and 25 and they all sit at home. Only I work."

U.S Provides Demining Equipment To Armenian Demining Unit


Jan 28, 2008

YEREVAN, JANUARY 28, ARMENPRESS: Mine detection and disposal equipment
provided by the United States arrived at the Armenian Humanitarian
Demining Unit this week, timed to correspond with the arrival of
U.S. Kansas National Guard soldiers who are working to familiarize
the Armenian unit with their new equipment.

A press release by the U.S. embassy in Yerevan said the U.S. mine
detection and explosive protective equipment, valued at about
$300,000.00, will be used by the Armenian unit to support their
humanitarian demining mission in Armenia.

The equipment will also support their deminers that deploy from Armenia
to work with the Coalition Forces in Iraq, where they conduct demining
and mine disposal missions.

The delivery of the mine detection and disposal equipment marks
the start of a larger program of U.S. assistance to the Armenian
Humanitarian Demining Unit in 2008.

The unit, which was initially funded in 2003 through a USAID program,
will receive additional training and equipment to enhance their
capability, through the US Embassy’s Office of Defense Cooperation

The ODC will team up with the U.S. Humanitarian Mine Action (HMA)
office based in the U.S. European Command in Germany to provide the
training in March, while the additional equipment will be provided
throughout this year.

The U.S. Office of Defense Cooperation in Armenia works to foster
U.S. government and industry assistance to Armenia in the defense
sphere. The office operates under the authority of the U.S. Chief
of Mission in Armenia and the U.S. European Command, located in
Stuttgart, Germany.

Statement of NKR National Assembly Committee of Foreign Affairs

The statement of the NKR National Assembly Committee of Foreign Affairs

28-01-2008 11:20:19 – KarabakhOpen

On January 22 information was posted on that
according to the Turkish newspaper Cumhuriyet, the deputy foreign
minister of Armenia Arman Kirakosyan stated in the rumors on `existence
of PKK bases in Nagorno-Karabakh’ had been spread by the British media
4 years ago.

According to Cumhuriyet, the Armenian deputy foreign minister said the
areas described as bases are in reality villages of Kurds and Yezidis
in the region.

Proceeding from Arman Kirakosyan’s statement, the Azerbaijani newspaper
Zerkalo concludes on January 25 that Armenia admits the existence of
PKK military bases in Nagorno-Karabakh.

Considering that the Azerbaijani media are inclined for offering
desirable information instead of the truth, and that the main source of
information of the Zerkalo is the president administration and the
ministry of national security of Azerbaijan, we nevertheless doubt that
the Armenian deputy foreign minister Arman Kirakosyan could make such a

We suppose that the Turkish newspaper Cumhuriyet extracted some words
by Mr. Arman Kirakosyan from the context.

We would like the ministry of foreign affairs to comment officially on
the statement ascribed to Mr. Kirakosyan, which we think will bring
clarity into this sensitive issue.

NKR National Assembly Committee of Foreign Affairs
January 26, 2008


PACE Mission To Arrive In Armenia January 28


25.01.2008 16:40

On January 28 the members of the pre-election mission of the PACE ad
hoc Committee on Monitoring of the Presidential Election in Armenia
headed by John Prescott will arrive in Yerevan.

On January 29 the delegation will have meetings with the Special
representative of the Council of Europe Secretary General Bojana
Urumova and members of the OSCE/ODIHR Observation Mission. At the
National assembly they are expected to meet with NA Speaker Tigran
Torosyan and members of the Armenian parliamentary delegation to PACE.

The same day members of the mission will be received by the President
of the Constitutional Court of Armenia Gagik Harutyunyan and President
of the Central Electoral Commission Gargein Azaryan. The delegation
will also meet with Ambassadors of CoE member states accredited
in Armenia.

January 30 individual meetings with presidential contenders are

These will be followed by roundtable discussions featuring
representatives of non-governmental organizations and mass media. The
same day the delegation will be received by RA President Robert

January 31 the PACE delegation will meet with members of the National
Committee of the Television and Radio Company and the Council of
Public Television and Radio Company of Armenia. The delegation will
be received by RA Foreign Minister Vartan Osknaian and Chief of Police
Hayk Harutyunyan.

The same day the PACE delegates will again meet with CEC President
Garegin Azaryan.

The visits of the pre-election mission of the PACE ad hoc Committee
in Monitoring of the Presidential Election in Armenia will be summed
up with a press conference at the National Assembly.

The delegation will leave Yerevan on February 1st.

Unpublished Interview With Hrant Dink, October 2006.

Alin Ozinian


"I am the one who understands his nation’s pains and bears that burden"

It was in the middle of October, 2006. We arranged to meet with Hrant
Dink at his office in the "Agos" newspaper. I have taken interviews on
the theme "Mental and spiritual atmosphere in Turkey about the Armenian
Problem" with 30 Turkish academicians, journalists, politicians and
intellectuals. Hrant got me acquainted with many of them. Now it was
his turn to answer the questions.

It was warm atmosphere at the office and we easily started the talk.

Sometimes we switched off the recorder during the friendly talk and
he expressed his worries. I did not take them serious but the stupid
scenery comes true just two months later. After the interview both
of us was sure we did a real contribution for the existing situation:
Me with my questions and he with his responds. We were quite happy.

Last time I talk to Hrant on 16 January 2007 when I was in Yerevan. I
wanted some points of view to realize the project into a book. The
talk was short.

He said to me, "Come to Istanbul, we will talk face to face". I went
to Istanbul for many times after our talk but we never talked face
to face.

– Will you tell me how, why and whose idea was to found the "Agos"?

– The foundation of the newspaper was a difficult task as it was
decided to publish the "Agos" according to the needs of Turkey’s
Armenian community. But the "Agos" was published contrary to some
negative reactions. Up to then some questions were raised: it was not
enough in the community to publish only in Armenian, as the majority
of people came from Anatolia and they were Turkish speaking. There
was a serious lack of information in the community as people can
not read the Armenian press. And then enclosed society itself causes
difficulties, it needed to get accustomed to. We had to struggle. The
Turkish society accepted the Armenian community in other way. The
word Armenian was considered to be an abuse; the Turks connected the
Armenians with the Kurdish Worker Party (PKK) or with ASALA. There
was a great anxiety and trouble in the community when the Karabagh
problem was discussed in Turkey.

We lived like a worm. We heard what was on TV but could do nothing. We
apposed, cried, told that all these were lie but could not speak
loudly. We need to break the wall, it was necessary. One day the
Patriarch Ghazanchyan invited us and told that there was a photo
of an Armenian priest and Abdullah Odjalan in the "Sabah" newspaper
and there was written under the photo "Here is the fact of Armenian
and PKK collaboration". Then His Holiness stated that it was a lie,
the priest was not an Armenian. He asked me and my friends who were
with me at that time what we thought about all that. I expressed my
point of view and suggested that it’ll be meaningful if we invite
a press- conference. It was a brave action, all the local and
international press came and it was a great success. The impression
was indescribable. After the meeting I suggested that it was nonsense
to invite a conference on every occasion, we had to take definite
steps. And I suggested publishing a newspaper.

We were running it with my friends. Later they left and I was the
one to run it. By using the newspaper we also wanted to create an
intellectual cuisine youth to grow sociologists and intellectuals.

– What problems did you come across during foundation and after it?

– The first problem was to subdue the community conservatism. We felt
anti-sympathy by local Armenian press. There were people who thought
we would work for months or in the best case for a year but it is 10
years that we have been working.

Some people thought it was a regress to be published in Turkish. But
we tried to do a good thing, by using the Turkish language for the
community. I am sure they have already been persuaded.

– When you founded the newspaper did you think it would be better for
Turks to read the press and get some news about the Armenian community?

– Our main objective for this society was to be a window to a large

I think this is our success: the two societies started to penetrate
into each other.

We managed to discuss our own problems equal to Turkey’s problems. We
think that only through Turkey’s democratization it was possible to
solve the problems. Soon the community also started to show interest
towards the main problems of society. The Armenian society together
with the "Agos" struggled braver for its identity; felt the patronage
started not to fear.

– Will you tell about the peculiarities of being an editor, publishing
a newspaper especially for a minority in Turkey? Please introduce us
your viewpoints on freedom of the press in Turkey.

– There is no special difficulty in publishing a newspaper for the

If you are not an editor with principle, if you do not have a certain
political motivate, if you are interested more often in illustrated
news then you have no professional difficulties. But if you are a
journalist of certain ideas, sure you will have difficulties.

Recently we have had some common difficulties connected with freedom of
the press, in accordance with Turkey’s criminal new code and the Press
law there is some control over us. We also suffered: the newspaper
was confiscated for several times.

I think we get more than we deserve and the only reason is our attitude
toward the Armenian problem. I am sure this is the reason but we have
not repudiated yet, aside we will go on.

– Let’s talk on European Union role for Turkey. Is it necessary for
Turkey to become a member of EU?

– This is an irrevocable process for Turkey. It is necessary to
understand Turkey’s reason to enter EU it is not a simple desire. The
real reason is the fear. It’s the reason why this process moves so
slowly. Why Turkey fears? It is the fear of instability and fear is
mutual. Because of this fear this process is continuing and there is
no way to go back.

If military in Turkey definitely had been rejected entering EU, the
process will not come to this level. If we do not become a member of
EU, one day we will also have to leave the NATO. The process goes
so slowly because of the reason that there is no great desire to
become a member of EU. I do not think it will be possible to stop the
process. We may slow it, sometimes freeze it, but can not cancel it.

If we observe the history of the state there are three important
periods influencing into Turkey’s interact process. The first was
Cold war period when the country had some problems with leftist
movements and abolished them. The second period was when clerical
forces came into office in Iran. Islamists of Turkey demanded their
participation in country’s administration and today they came into
power. The third period is EU membership process and so far nothing
had influenced Turkey so much. The process left no group homogeneous
in Turkey. Today, there are powers among soldiers, bureaucrats,
academicians and media who speak against EU.

– What is the greatest problem in the process of Turkey’s
Europeanization and modernization?

– Opposing reactions coming from the lower class by the upper
class. The laws of the upper class. Тhese are the first problems. The
second great obstacle is fear of the upper class. Turkey occupies
less area unlike the Ottoman Empire, this is the reason of not to
lose more. This can be also called "a syndrome of Sevres". Every
change causes fear and doubt in Turkey. This is the reason why the
changes in Turkey moves so slowly.

Turkey is both a crossroad and a border between West and East. I
think Malatia is the border in Turkey. East and West of Malatia are
quite different worlds.

In effect Turkey is a country of strategic importance but depends at
the same time on East and West. Depending on the situation it will be
injustice to wait quick adaptation from Turkey. One of the greatest
reasons that changes do not occur easily is the new building built
in Turkey which is the upper identity created and was obliged to
whole society. That’s why they are afraid to get to know their real
history. Every other historic comment has an effect of an earthquake
for the identity. This earthquake is also a threat for Europe. The
identity may pull down but over whom this is uncertain…

– May reformations take place in the sphere of democracy and human
rights in the process of corresponding EU demands?

– I have no doubt but it is a difficult process. Laws may be passed
but while putting them into forces there will be opponents…

Change of thinking is necessary, democracy will sufficiently change
the way of thinking. The more the way of thinking is changed the
quicker democratization will be.

– However trouble of people in some situations is observable,
For instance, freedom of thought is considered to be high treason
(Turkey’s criminal code, article 301), and freedom of religion,
conscience (head scarf) may be accepted as regress. What is the
reason? In effect are people ready for those reformas?

– Today people are speaking about the raise of the nationalism but I
do not believe that nationalism increases but it is being increased
by some people.

It became more obvious in the last two years. Those people do their
best to model coming elections in Turkey.

They make plans to throw down the party "Justice and Development".

However they have no reason neither economic, nor democratic. We are
only to inspire nationalists and it is done everywhere at funerals
of martyrs, against EU or while welcoming the Pope.

I think the whole pain of those responses is the coming elections. They
do not want to give sits to the Islamists in the government. We will
see what will happen…

– Do you agree that there are differences in Turkey based on ethnic

Can you speak about reasons provoking it and consequences following it?

– As for ethnic roots, no doubt there are various attitudes. A simple
example, today not only Muslims but also Christians, Armenians
should have been in main headquarters, military powers, police,
various official government offices and ministries. The main reason
provoking it is security.

Turkey has evaluated the contest of minorities in conception and
takes it as a matter of security.

I say facts, there are mathematical data. Out of 300000 Armenians at
the Lausanne period today 60000 is left and the Turkish population
is increased from 13 million up to 70 million. When one increases how
it happens that the other is decreased? It was necessary to decrease
the number of minorities.

Some crucial points appeared, for instance the law for property tax,
September 6, 1955 but what happened is already past. Besides, the
Armenians for being safe and sound left Turkey because of economic
and moral problems.

There is one more fact as well. You will not find anything connected
with minorities especially the Armenians in any textbooks. There are
facts on minorities only in the textbook of the National Security. In
the elementary school there is not even a sentence like "Ali gives
the ball to Hakob"; Ali will always give it to Veli. When we observe
them we are nowhere.

Only in the textbooks of National Security you may find the word
"Armenians" which will take place in the unit of unprofitable groups
which play bad tricks with Turkey.

– How can you estimate relationship between Turkey and Armenia?

– We may speak about non-existing relationships. I do not see any
relationship after Armenia gained its independence. First the USA
attempted to make some steps then EU but in vain. Desire exists but
it is very weak.

Turkey has not yet got accustomed to the thought that Armenia is an
independent country in the Caucasus. There is a state, a neighbor,
Turkey should comprehend this and start relationship.

When state policy fails public policy takes its place. There are some
attempts to establish non-governmental relationship from to sides,
but they are very weak, very few.

– What do you think the 1915 events should be called?

– I have no doubt. It was genocide.

– What do you think of diplomatic relations without preconditions
suggested by Armenia and the committee of historians proposed by

– I do not think Turkey’s attitude an honest one. The Armenian side
is more sincerely.

– Why? Do you have any doubts that the committee of historians will
be of any use?

– Yes, everybody thinks that the committee of historians will be of
no use.

Policy like always will go on without relations and results. This
is the way which Turkey loves: no relations. I think Azerbaijan also
obliges such policy to Turkey. The Armenian side is more reasonable
and desirous.

– What is your opinion about the third state to interfere the problem
and bills on genocide accepted in parliaments?

– My point of view in these bills may be considered a very romantic
one, but I have not denied it. I think also the world like Turkey
takes double-faced position in the process of accepting the Armenian
genocide. The world is aware of the reality for a long time; they
had their role and influence on those times. Nowadays France accepts
it after decades. It is not like moral attitude, because the case is
used as trump card in relations with Turkey.

It is very painful for me as an Armenian when my tragedy is used as
political trump card on international arenas. I can not stand it,
I oppose against it. I am indifferent towards third states. I think
the problem should be solved between Turkey and Armenia. But it should
be solved not through punishing bills but morality. We do not need
punishing bills in morality, our conscience is enough.

I believe that these two states may overcome but I do not want to
predict anything.

– Do you divide Armenians between those who live in Armenia, in abroad
and in Turkey, while speaking about the Armenian question?

– Not only in connection with that matter but in general I think
so. Turkey is a far and irresistible state for Diaspora but for
Armenia it is a neighboring state and keeps Armenia independence. For
the Armenians living in Turkey, Turkey is their motherland. Though
I say such things I do not want to separate Armenians and accept the
Turkish point of view.

Turkey should establish good relations with every state. But these
two states should come into conclusion and solve the problem. I do
not think that Armenians living in Turkey must be involved in the
talks as they are citizens of Turkey.

– As a citizen of Turkey are you worried about the Armenian-Turkish
closed border? What is your estimation on Turkey’s policy towards
Armenia that accepts Azerbaijan’s problems as its own, and sets
preconditions in the relations with Armenia?

– During the Demirel’s government good relations were established
between Turkey and Azerbaijan. Turkey attempts to make relations with
Armenia taking into account the Armenian-Azerbaijani relations. Frankly
saying Turkey does not want to annoy Azerbaijan negotiating with

Azerbaijan does not allow Turkey to negotiate with Armenia using the
Karabagh problem.

Any nationalistic power will solve this problem in anti-Azerbaijani

Turkey also takes this side and does not consider Armenia as its
neighboring country.

First Turkey exterminated the Armenian question, but as Armenia gained
its independence the question again resurrected. Turkey suddenly saw a
phantom and the same question raised how to do with Armenia. Turkey was
in a desperate situation but the Karabagh problem emerged and clung to
it with its four hands, rejoiced it and ran for help. Turkey thought
that it would take a long time. This is the continuation of policy…

– According to you is the Republic of Turkey the continuer of the
Ottoman Empire in the history…

– I do not expect apology or responsibility from anybody. I am the one
who understands his nation’s pains and bears that burden. I do not
think of financial compensation or returning of lands. For me it is
important to repair relations broken in the past, to know who and what
circumstances played role. European states may also have a positive
effect, compensate their guilt and try to soften the disagreement
founding economical and cultural advantageous platforms to make the
two states become closer.

– May we state the role of the "Ittihat ve Terraki" is great in
this matter?

– Not only one group is in charge, there were assistants who promoted
and closed their eyes on it. Today, also existing people who are
reluctant that reality may come into world.

If you seek responsibility there are many of them, each one has its
share but I am not the one to remind of this. Presumably it sounds
very romantic but every one should admit his guilt.

– Let’s try to analyze what are the main problems of the two states?

-There are disappointments, unwillingness; enmity and fear…

Today some new fears exist. The Armenians also fear we need to pay
attention to them. The Armenians are subdued between Azerbaijan and
Turkey. There are two states suppressing from right and left. Fear
and insecurity is an important handicap it needs to be inoculated.

We need to explain fairly that Turkey may be a friend of
Armenia. The Armenian side should be reasonable, should see the
present situation. There is an independent Armenia with two states
around carrying out an embargo.

Armenia may relax only in the south but there is mullah administration
which is not clear how long it may go on.

Diaspora should ponder on this. Armenia should settle good relations
with its neighbors and to become a member of EU. If Armenia were
a member of EU today Turkey will subject to embargo not Armenia
but Europe.

Instead of passing bill in parliaments of different states it will
be better for Diaspora to persuade those states to accept Armenia
into EU. They should be reminded of their history, responsibilities
as they have their share of guilt in today’s situation. Diaspora at
least should be able to say to carry out that. This is my formula to
go ahead and we should demand from the Europeans for the steps taken
in the past.


Special Group Set Up At Prosecutor General’s Office Of Armenia To St


2008-01-23 12:28:00

ArmInfo. A special group has been set up at the Prosecutor General’s
Office of Armenia to study information on possible violations during
the upcoming presidential election. Investigation supervisor Koryun
Piloyan heads the working group and Solicitor General Aram Tamazyan
coordinates the activity of the group.

Prosecutor General’s press-service reports the group was set up by
the instruction of Prosecutor General Aghvan Hovsepyan. The group
will prepare draft information and methodical proposals based on the
investigation in the criminal cases on the facts of violations.

Moreover, A. Hovsepyan proposed Head of the Special Investigation
Service A. Mirzoyan and Head of Chief Investigation Department of
Armenian Police H. Hambartsoumyan to create special investigation
groups for preparation of materials and investigation of criminal
cases on possible facts of violations during the election.

No Meeting Of Armenian And Azerbaijani Delegations In PACE Special C


2008-01-23 14:30:00

ArmInfo. Meeting of the Armenian and Azerbaijani delegations of
PACE in the ad hoc Committee on Nagorno Karabakh is not envisaged
during the current session in Strasbourg, chief expert of the Foreign
Relations Department of RA Parliament, Armenia’s representative to
PACE permanent Secretariat Estera Mkrtumyan told ArmInfo.

"Order of PACE Bureau, in which this special committee was created,
or the initiative of the Committee Chairman Lord Russel-Johnston is
necessary to hold such a meeting. Since no relevant order or initiative
was received, there was no issue of organizing such a meeting in the
current session agenda". E. Mkrtumyan said.

BAKU: Azerbaijan Submits Official Position On PACE Co-Rapporteur’s V


Trend News Agency
Jan 23 2008

France, Strasburg, 23 January / Trend corr. A.Maharramli/ The position
of Official Baku on the visit of Edward O’Hara, the PACE co-rapporteur
to the Nagorno-Karabakh, in order to study the cultural heritage in the
South Caucasus, was disclosed during the meeting of the parliamentary
delegations of Azerbaijan and Armenia in Strasburg on 23 January,
MP Arif Mammadov, the head of the Azerbaijani representative at the
Council of Europe, reported Trend.

Edward O’Hara, the British MP’s had been planning to visit Armenia
and Azerbaijan, since summer 2006. The visit was postponed due to the
disagreement of the route of the visit to the Azerbaijani occupied
territories. Azerbaijan stated about the possibility of the visit
by PACE co-Rapporteur to Nagorno-Karabakh only via the Azerbaijani

The Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry called on the representatives
of international community, not to pay visit to the Azerbaijani
occupied territories through the territory of Armenia. However,
still the representatives of the international organizations visited
Nagorno-Karabakh and the other occupied territories of Azerbaijan
via Armenia.

During the meeting the Armenian representatives stated that in spite
of the conflict, the study of the cultural heritage of the region is
necessary. The meeting was attended by the heads of the Azerbaijani
and Armenian parliamentary delegations to PACE, Samas Seyidov and
Ovanes Ovenasyan, as well as Kristtofer Greyson, the chairman of the
Council of Europe, and Arif Mammadov, the Ambassador.

The conflict between the two countries of the South Caucasus began
in 1988, due to the Armenian territorial claims against Azerbaijan.

Since 1992, the Armenian Armed Forces have occupied 20% of Azerbaijan,
including the Nagorno-Karabakh region and its seven neighbouring
districts. In 1994, Azerbaijan and Armenia signed a ceasefire
agreement which ended the active hostilities. The Co-Chairs of the
OSCE Minsk Group ( Russia, France, and the US) are currently holding
the peaceful negotiations.

In January 2005, PACE passed a resolution on the Nagorno-Karabakh
conflict which reflects the fact of occupation of the Azerbaijani
territories by Armenia and proposes a peaceful settlement of the

ANCA: Joe Biden Cosponsors Armenian Genocide Resolution

Armenian National Committee of America
1711 N Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036
Tel. (202) 775-1918
Fax. (202) 775-5648
[email protected]

January 23, 2008
Contact: Elizabeth S. Chouldjian
Tel: (202) 775-1918


— Influential Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman
Adds New Energy to Adoption of Anti-Genocide Legislation

WASHINGTON, DC – The highly regarded and influential chairman of
the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Senator Joseph Biden (D-
DE), a longtime supporter of U.S. recognition of the Armenian
Genocide, officially announced his support yesterday for the
Armenian Genocide Resolution (S.Res.106), reported the Armenian
National Committee of America (ANCA).

"Armenian Americans – and all those committed to forever ending the
cycle of genocide – welcome Chairman Biden’s principled support for
Congressional reaffirmation of the Armenian Genocide, and thank him
for his years of leadership in helping to put America back on the
right side of this compelling moral and foreign policy issue," said
ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian.

Chairman Biden has long been a supporter of proper U.S.
reaffirmation of the Armenian Genocide, cosponsoring legislation in
successive sessions of Congress. Last year, he introduced
legislation "condemning the murder of Turkish-Armenian journalist
and human rights advocate Hrant Dink and urging the people of
Turkey to honor his legacy of tolerance." The resolution,
S.Res.65, noted that Dink was "subjected to legal action under
Article 301 of the Turkish Penal Code for referring to the 1915
massacre of Armenians as genocide." Chairman Biden also led Senate
Foreign Relations Committee efforts to uncover the circumstances
surrounding the firing of former U.S. Ambassador to Armenia John
Evans, for properly characterizing the Armenian Genocide as a clear
case of genocide.

The Armenian Genocide Resolution calls upon the President to ensure
that the foreign policy of the United States reflects appropriate
understanding and sensitivity concerning issues related to human
rights, ethnic cleansing, and genocide documented in the United
States record relating to the Armenian Genocide. Senator Biden’s
decision yesterday brings the official Senate cosponsor list to 34.

Introduced by Assistant Majority Leader Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Sen.
John Ensign (R-NV), the legislation has the support of key Senate
leaders including Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and
presidential candidate Hillary Clinton (D-NY). Earlier this week,
Senator Barack Obama (D-IL), called for Congressional adoption of
the legislation. "America deserves a leader who speaks truthfully
about the Armenian Genocide and responds forcefully to all
genocides. I intend to be that President," noted Sen. Obama.

Similar legislation in the U.S. House (H.Res.106), spearheaded by
Rep. Adam Schiff along with Representative George Radanovich (R-
CA), Congressional Armenian Caucus Co-Chairs Frank Pallone (D-NJ)
and Joe Knollenberg (R-MI), Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-CA) and Rep. Brad
Sherman (D-CA), has over 200 cosponsors and was adopted by the
House Foreign Affairs Committee in October 2007, despite Turkish
threats, the strong opposition of the Bush Administration and
personal lobbying by the President.

Over the past year, Armenian Americans and human rights advocates
have joined with Members of Congress in educating their colleagues
about the Armenian Genocide and the importance of proper
recognition of this crime against humanity. The ANCA has mounted
several national grassroots initiatives including the highly
successful "Click for Justice" and "Call for Justice" campaigns as
well as the "End the Cycle of Genocide" Advocacy Days, cosponsored
with the Genocide Intervention Network.


PHOTO CAPTION: Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Joe
Biden (D-DE) with ANCA Government Affairs Director Kate Nahapetian
and Legislative Affairs Director Raffi Karakashian.


Armenians, Assyrians And Greeks Commemorated Hrant Dink And Fuad Den


22.01.2008 15:31 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Events in commemoration of Agos editor Hrant Dink
were held in Moscow January 19 on initiative of the Youth Union of
the Armenian Apostolic Church and a number of youth organizations.

A liturgy in memory of Christians slaughtered in Turkey was chanted
in Surb Harutyun Church.

A picket with participation of the Armenian, Assyrian and Greek
communities of Moscow was organized at the Turkish Embassy. The
demonstrators lit candles at the portraits of Hrant Dink and Fuad
Deniz, a historian of Assyrian descent who was killed last December
in Sweden.

During round table discussions the youth organizations adopted a
resolution calling on Turkey to repeal article 301 and drop prosecution
of publisher Ragip Zakaroglu. The resolution also calls on the U.S.

Congress to recognize the Armenian Genocide as a precondition for
Turkey’s accession to the EU and condemn the genocide of Armenians,
Assyrians, Jews and other national minorities in the Ottoman Empire
to prevent future crimes against humanity, Genocide.ru reports.