AW: “Write what should not be forgotten.”

Write what should not be forgotten.
— Isabel Allende 

The Armenian community deals with its fair share of bad news. I wanted my column to tell the stories of our triumphs.

Last month marked the one year anniversary of my Armenian Weekly column, Hye Key. To say that this has been a life-changing experience would be an understatement. Growing up, I always knew I wanted to work in journalism in any capacity. I combined my passion for journalism and my inextinguishable fire for Armenian issues and took on an opportunity to be a blip in the legacy of this historic publication. My role as a Weekly columnist has been an honor and something I hope to do for a long time. 

Over the course of this past year, I have had the pleasure of personally speaking to:

Darone Sassounian – Armenian DJ, selector and producer
Sonia Maral Ohan – Vocalist, multi-instrumentalist and mixing engineer
Lara Karamardian – Founder of Achki Chop
Hovig Kazandjian – Director and creative producer
Nora Martirosyan – Director and writer
Bedouine – Musician
Raz and Shaunt Tchakmak – Founders of Vokee
Justin Mayfield – Musician and audio engineer
Arno Yeretzian – Owner of Abril Books
Michael Srourian – Founder of armenia.jpg
Stella Grigoryan – Founder of Yerevan Café and Market

Each of their unique stories has impacted my life in more ways than one. With a variety of skill sets and personalities, I found myself astounded at the wide range of diversity within the Armenian people and simultaneously, the interconnected nature of it all. We all know that the Armenian community is rich with intellect and creativity. All I wanted to do is provide a platform, a place for their work to be appreciated by a broader audience. 

I wholly resonate with the quote by Allende that appears at the beginning of this article, especially in connection to this newspaper. A country with a history so well documented on and off the pages of the Armenian Weekly, telling the tales of the modern Armenian and ensuring its preservation is vital. This newspaper is a patchwork quilt of who we have been, who we are and what we are becoming.

I also wanted to make sure that I recognize the strong women behind this operation. Editor Pauline Getzoyan and assistant editor Leeza Arakelian graciously welcomed me with open arms to this publication all the way from California and have constantly and consistently pushed me out of my comfort zone, whether it be attending the multimedia performance Azad and taking notes or touching on controversial topics within our community and in the grander political sphere. The lessons I have learned are incalculable. Thank you Pauline and Leeza – from the bottom of my heart. 

And finally, thank you all for reading!

Melody Seraydarian is a writer from Los Angeles, California. She is an active member of the AYF Hollywood “Musa Ler” Chapter. Melody also interns for the Armenian Bar Association and volunteers for various political causes and campaigns, while working on other writing and design projects.

Armenian government plans to open 5-8 tuition-free universities by 2030



 13:15, 28 July 2022

YEREVAN, JULY 28, ARMENPRESS. The 2030 Education Development Program bill envisages internationally-acceptable unified, licensing and accreditation standards in accordance to infrastructure, total area, management and other criteria, the Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport Artur Martirosyan said at the Cabinet meeting.

“It is planned to create an equal competitive arena for the universities, namely to develop a unified organizational-legal form for universities, and create the same management system. Special attention will be paid to curriculum, based on the demands of the job market,” he added.

Institutional mechanisms of mid-term and long-term planning for state-order (government-funded education) will be introduced.

It is expected that every graduate will have internationally-recognized professional qualification in line with the job market demands.

“In the process of fundamental reforms the consolidation of state universities with scientific-research institutes must be pointed out, which is done for higher research quality and competitiveness. Five to eight universities with 100 percent state funding [tuition-free] will be created, at the same time not ruling out the possibility of paid education. Through targeted government support, a concrete number of universities in Armenia will be given the chance to significantly improve our positions in conditions of international competition. As a result, by 2030, four Armenian universities will be included in the list of top 500 universities worldwide,” Martirosyan said.

Azeri troops open fire at Armenia border positions



 15:47, 28 July 2022

YEREVAN, JULY 28, ARMENPRESS. Azerbaijani Armed Forces opened fire from various caliber firearms around 12:00, July 28 in the direction of Armenian military positions deployed in the eastern section of the Armenian-Azerbaijani border, the Armenian Ministry of Defense said.

The Azeri fire was suppressed with countermeasures.

There are no casualties on the Armenian side.

Sports: Otubanjo fires Armenian club ahead in UEFA Champions League qualifiers

Nigeria –

Former Nigeria U17 international Yusuf Otubanjo scored twice for Armenian club Pyunik to beat F91 Dudelarge 4-1 to qualify them to the next round of UEFA Champions League qualifiers 4-2 on aggregate.

Otubanjo equalised for his side 1-1 in the 24th minute.

He then made it 3-1 in the 76th minute.

Otubanjo lasted for 87 minutes when he was replaced with Gevorg Najaryan.

The forward has played in Austria for LASK, Red Bull Salzburg, FC Blau WieB Linz and Rheinorf Altach.

He also played for Atletico Madrid (Spain), MSK Zilina (Slovakia) and Ararat Armenia (Armenia).

Azerbaijani ruling family tightens control over central bank
July 25 2022
Ulkar Natiqqizi Jul 25, 2022

With a recent series of personnel shakeups, Azerbaijan’s central bank has come under ever tighter control of the country’s ruling family.

A changing of the guard at the bank began in April, when President Ilham Aliyev appointed a family loyalist, Taleh Kazimov, as chairman of the Central Bank of Azerbaijan.

Kazimov, 38, had since 2015 held senior executive positions at Pasha Bank, which is owned by Aliyev’s daughters Arzu and Leyla Aliyeva, together with their grandfather Arif Pashayev, Aliyev’s father-in-law. 

The move was unexpected: The previous chairman, Elman Rustamov, had held the position since 1995 and had been reappointed in April 2020 to a five-year term. But in April, Aliyev proposed to parliament that Rustamov be removed, without offering any justification, and the legislature quickly rubber-stamped the move and appointed Kazimov. Rustamov was then appointed as an adviser to Prime Minister Ali Asadov, but nothing has since been heard from him and he does not appear on the website of the cabinet of ministers.

The bank is by law politically independent, and many observers saw Kazimov’s appointment as a sign of Aliyev’s tightening control of the banking system.

“The banking sector had already been under the control of Pasha Holding. Now the Pashayevs have gained complete dominance,” economist and opposition politician Gubad Ibadoglu wrote on Facebook. 

That appointment turned out to be only the beginning.

In May, Kazimov named a new advisor, Farhad Valiyev, another senior Pasha Bank official. Before his time at Pasha, Valiyev worked at Premium Bank and Silk Way Holding, both of which also are connected to the ruling family. 

Then on June 1, another senior Pasha Bank official, Gular Pashayeva, also was appointed as an adviser to Kazimov. 

And on July 22, Kazimov promoted Pashayeva to the post of the general director of the central bank. The same day, the director of human resources at the central bank was replaced by Oksana Ismailova, who had held the same position at Bravo Supermarket, one of the largest companies under Pasha Holding, the holding company that brings together all the family’s firms.

“The central bank has officially become a branch of Pasha Bank. Long live Pasha Azerbaijan!” one Facebook user commented on the most recent appointments. Satire news site Hamam Times covered the story by speculating on what it might mean for the national currency, the manat. 

“In summary, from now on the fate of the national currency of Azerbaijan is in the hands of the former Pasha Bank employees, or ‘Pashayev's people,’” Hamam Times wrote. “In your opinion, which would benefit Pashayev more – a strong manat, weak manat, a fixed rate or a floating manat?”

Ulkar Natiqqizi is an Azerbaijani journalist.

Conflicting and intertwined interests of major players: What should Armenia do?
Armenia –

A week ago, the leaders of Russia, Iran and Turkey held a summit in Tehran, where the Syrian issue was mainly discussed. The South Caucasus region was not left out of the discussion, which Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei touched upon during his meeting with President Erdoğan of Turkey, making it clear that the Armenian-Iranian border could not be changed.

According to Shahan Kandaharian, editor-in-chief of the Aztag newspaper in Lebanon, Turkey has failed to advance on these two issues (Syria and South Caucasus).

U.S., Russia and Iran oppose Turkey's moves

Kandaharian is convinced that the security zone in the territories bordering Turkey, especially in Syria, will not be formed as Ankara wishes despite certain border actions, which have been and are still being observed.

At the trilateral meeting, it became clear that neither Iran nor Russia had agreed to such plans from Turkey.

Çavuşoğlu responded by saying Ankara does not need anyone's permission to launch military operations. Tehran and Moscow's position is that they will not give the "green light" and will not tolerate military intervention. Moreover, Russia officially stated that the Syrian government forces must control the entire border of Syria and ensure the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country. These are all counter-responses to Turkey's outbursts.

"Many are fixated on the fact that for Turkey there is a U.S. restraining position on the issue of Syria, but the ban by Iran and Russia is also important. In fact, the positions of the U.S., Russia and Iran on this issue are convergent.  

The issue of establishing communication between Nakhijevan and Azerbaijan through Syunik was of no small importance during the trilateral meeting in Tehran. Tehran also clearly stated that no changes in the Armenian-Iranian border are acceptable in this issue," Kandaharian told

As previously reported, last week, as a result of the Turkish Armed Forces' shelling of a resort area in the north of Iraq, 9 civilians, including children, were killed and more than 20 people were wounded. Iraq then recalled its chargé d'affaires from Ankara, which instead of apologizing, disowned the actions.

Baghdad accused Turkey of expansionism and sent a complaint to the UN Security Council with more than 22,000 Turkish violations and the names of the victims of the attack. Yesterday, the media reported that a missile fell near a Turkish military base near Bashik in Iraq.

According to Kandaharian's assessment, there is still no possibility of a large-scale war in Syria or Iraq at the moment. But it does not rule out cross-border warfare, as exemplified by Turkey's attacks on the Kurds in Iraq. What Erdoğan failed to achieve in the matter of Syria, he decided to compensate by shelling Kurdish fighting positions in Iraq and to balance the Syrian failure. However, this will not cause any serious reshuffle and will not lead to a loss of control of these territories by the Kurds.

"It is possible that all these actions are aimed at Turkey's domestic audience, given that elections are just around the corner. Erdoğan's political, diplomatic and military moves may contain attempts to influence his potential electorate," the editor-in-chief of Azdag noted.

Pushing the West out of the South Caucasus

Kandaharian expressed the view that both Russia and Iran want to push the West out of the South Caucasus by involving Turkey in joint processes. This is also confirmed by Moscow's statements on the dissolution of the OSCE Minsk Group, which envisages the establishment of a new status quo in the South Caucasus with the consent of Turkey and Russia and puts an obstacle to the West's involvement in the region. The interest in the West's withdrawal from the region has created a precondition for launching negotiations in "3+3" format.

The issue of Georgia's inclusion in the format has so far caused difficulties. It turns out that the component of the second troika (South Caucasus countries) does not work fully, if we take into account that the conflicting Armenia and Azerbaijan are also included.

"Yerevan in the context of all this should conduct a balanced policy, despite increased dependence on Russia after the 44-day war. The West's activity in the region will continue, and the statements about the resumption of the OSCE Minsk Group activities speaks about the desire of the U.S. and France (as the EU representative) not to fall behind in the race for the role of mediator in the Armenian-Azerbaijani processes," he added.

U.S. Secretary of State Blinken reminded Azerbaijani President Aliyev that, "The United States has been co-chairing the OSCE Minsk Group since 1994 and is committed to bilateral cooperation and engagement with like-minded partners to help Armenia and Azerbaijan find lasting, comprehensive peace.

Kars 2

Turkey and Azerbaijan closely link the Karabakh issue to the negotiation process between Turkey and Armenia, as evidenced by Ankara's statements that it will coordinate every step with Azerbaijan.

"From the very beginning, our 'red line' has been Azerbaijan. We stated that we will open "our doors" after the resolution of the Azerbaijani issue. We are serious and determined in the process of normalizing relations with Armenia," Erdoğan said recently.

Kandaharian believes there has been a change in preconditions on Turkey's part, which linked talks with Armenia to the delimitation of the Armenian-Azerbaijani border, then they started talking about the "Zangezur corridor" together without end. We should not forget about Ankara's wish to delimit the Armenian-Turkish border which is equal to Kars-2 (Kars treaty). That is, the traditional preconditions have changed, but the targets Ankara and Baku are trying to hit have not.

Despite statements about the absence of the Karabakh problem, but in fact Baku and Ankara have only changed the wording to the process of delimitation and demarcation of the Armenian-Azerbaijani border.

Armenia must not suffer from the Turan bridge

The ninth point of the statement of November 9, 2020, according to the journalist, is not only to establish a cease-fire, but to unblock communications throughout the region. Attention is constantly focused on the road from Nakhijevan to Azerbaijan via Syunik, although the issue should be considered more broadly, since Turkey gets the road to Azerbaijan, from there to Russia, and further to other Turkic-speaking countries (Central and Central Asia).

"This suggests that the trilateral statement of November 9 may create a Turanian bridge," Kandaharian explained.

As for the Armenian-Turkish border, it was closed by Turkey, but in case it is opened, Armenia should also have its say.

"Yerevan must carry out preparatory work, first of all, in the legislative sphere, creating favorable conditions for Armenian producers, introducing price control, developing and applying a new tax policy. All of this is needed so that Armenia's economy is not hit by Turkey in case the border is opened," he said. 

Aram Danielyan

Jerusalem Armenian Patriarchate chancellor on Biden: Greatness of leaders lies in their modesty 
Armenia – July 18 2022

After meeting US President Joe Biden, I was once again convinced that the greatness of leaders lies in their modesty. Fr. Koryoun (Hovnan) Baghdasaryan, Chancellor of the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem, wrote this Facebook—and regarding his talk with Biden, who had visited the Armenian Church at the Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem.

"During his visit to the Basilica of the Nativity Bethlehem, Mr. Biden simply approached me as well, shook hands, and gave [me] an opportunity to talk. I told him that I am the grandson of Sassoun immigrants who survived the Armenian Genocide, and I thanked him on my behalf as well for recognizing the Armenian Genocide," Fr. Baghdasaryan added.

Lake Sevan in Armenia turns bright green

July 19 2022




The water pearl of Armenia, the high-mountain lake Sevan, “bloomed”. The water has turned bright green and smells specific, announced “MIR 24”. This phenomenon has been observed for more than a year.

According to experts, the reason for this is the heat and low water levels, as a result of which the algae begin to bloom. According to the Center for Hydrometeorology and Monitoring, in early July, the water level in the lake dropped by three centimeters at once.

This figure is five centimeters lower than last year, which leads to an imbalance in the lake's ecosystem.

Why would those who slaughtered the elderly steal cattle and kidnap shepherds?

Armenia –

SOCIETY 14:00 22/07/2022 ARMENIA

Finally, the public armies are mixed up. After Thursday’s media reports and the denial of the Aragatsotn regional administration that "… the news is absolutely false. Not a single Turk has entered Aragatsan and not a single shepherd has been captured", the public became united and again divided in a new way, this time not into groups of Nikol’s supporters and detractors.

According to the regional administration, the shepherds accidently crossed into the neutral zone between the Armenia-Azerbaijani border, which is controlled not by Armenian border troops, but by the Russians. The latter closed the gates, the shepherds remained in the neutral zone until the gates were opened to let them back into the homeland.

The public reactions were something like:

1. What have we come to? The Turks have now reached Aragatsotn.

2. Aren't you ashamed of yourself for writing something like this? How could a Turk enter Armenia and capture a shepherd?

It reminds me of a joke: an old man is walking down the street, shuffling in a strange way, and two students are following him and discussing: one says he has rheumatism, the other insists on arthritis. They make a bet and approach the old man:

– Tell me something: I insist that you have rheumatism, but my friend says you have arthritis.

– You're both wrong: I had a stomachache and didn't have time to …

The possibility of the Turks’ incursion into Armenia cannot be ruled out, as they have already invaded and advanced deep into Armenian territory amid the whining of the authorities. Cases of kidnapping people and seizing their cattle have also been recorded. Why shouldn't you believe it?

Look at what they have done to Syunik. The Azerbaijani flag is installed at the Kapan airport, while the same people accompanied by "Russian peacekeepers" enter supermarkets to do shopping.

"But what can you do?" say the residents.

Well, you are right, there is nothing we can do.

So, why should not we believe that it has happened again? How can we be sure of it? By the following logic: "Why would those who slaughtered the elderly steal cattle and kidnap shepherds?"

P.S. The photo above shows Azerbaijanis gunning down Armenian civilians during the recent war. Look for footage of beheadings of Armenian prisoners on the TikTok pages of the Azerbaijanis, should you have forgotten about them. 

By Anahit Voskanyan