EU to provide additional 3 million euros in Karabakh aid

Feb 18 2021

by Reuters
Thursday, 18 February 2021 16:07 GMT

YEREVAN, Feb 18 (Reuters) – The European Union said on Thursday it had decided to allocate an additional 3 million euros ($3.62 million) in humanitarian aid to civilians affected by the brutal fighting last year over the Nagorno-Karabakh region.

Fighting erupted between Azerbaijan and ethnic Armenian forces on Sept. 27 and ended on Nov. 10 when a Russian-brokered peace deal ushered in a ceasefire. Thousands died in the most bloody fighting over the region since the early 1990s.

The EU has now allocated a total of 6.9 million euros in humanitarian assistance since September, it said.

According to an EU statement on its website, the new aid will help provide food, shelter, winter items, essential health services and psychosocial support, as well as cover other basic needs.

"It will help provide emergency supplies to those most in need," Commissioner for Crisis Management Janez Lenarčič said in the statement. ($1 = 0.8283 euro) (Reporting by Nvard Hovhannisyan; editing by Tom Balmforth)

Armenpress: Putin, Erdoğan discuss implementation of agreements over Nagorno Karabakh

Putin, Erdoğan discuss implementation of agreements over Nagorno Karabakh

 17:45, 18 February, 2021

YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 18, ARMENPRESS. Russian President Vladimir Putin held a telephone conversation with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. The sides discussed various issues, including the implementation of the agreements over Nagorno Karabakh, ARMENPRESS reports the press service of the Kremlin informed.

The Presidents of the two countries recorded with satisfaction the launch of the works of the joint Russian-Turkish center for observing ceasefire in Nagorno Karabakh.

Turkey: “We’re not going anywhere either”

Amnesty International

 – Activists pledge
solidarity with prominent human rights defender

Feb. 15, 2021

Responding to the conviction and sentencing of veteran human rights
lawyer, Eren Keskin to six years in jail on absurd grounds of
‘membership of an armed terrorist organization’, Amnesty
International’s Turkey Campaigner, Milena Buyum, said:

“Today a human rights lawyer who has spoken out against injustice for
more than three decades, has become the victim of injustice herself.

“Eren Keskin has dedicated her life to defending the rights of women,
prisoners and fought for justice for the families of the disappeared.
This verdict is yet another shocking example of anti-terrorism laws
being used to criminalize legitimate, peaceful activities.

“’I have been prosecuted many times and jailed for my thoughts. I’m
still here. I’m not going anywhere,’ Eren Keskin tweeted after she was

“We are not going anywhere either.”


Eren Keskin is a prominent human rights defender and lawyer in Turkey.
She is the Co-Chair of the Human Rights Association (İHD).

Today, four defendants in the case concerning Özgür Gündem, a daily
newspaper that was shuttered in 2016, received prison sentences on
"terrorism-related" charges.

The court sentenced Zana Kaya, the newspaper's editor-in-chief to one
year and 13 months in prison for "making propaganda for a terrorist

The newspaper's grant holder Kemal Sancılı, managing editor İnan
Kızılkaya and attorney Eren Keskin have been sentenced to six years
and three months in prison for "being a member of an armed terrorist
organization." They remain at liberty pending their appeals.


ANC International Criticizes Foreign Minister for Remarks on Turkey

February 11,  2021

Armenian National Committee-International

The Armenian National Committee-International on Thursday issued a statement criticizing Armenia’s Foreign Minister Ara Aivazyan, who in remarks on Wednesday said that “Turkey no longer had a reason to keep its borders closed.”  The ANC International also voiced concern about the dangers such a policy might pose to the not only the security of Armenia but also the unresolved issues stemming from Turkey’s continued denial of the Armenian Genocide.

Below is a translation of the ANC International statement.

On February 10, 2021, during a question-and-answer session between the National Assembly and the Government, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia made statements that caused serious concern to the Central Council of the Armenian Cause.

Specifically, the Minister stated. “Turkey, under pressure from the international community, must gradually return to the normal process. As you are aware, the blockade—the closure of the border—was the result of the Nagorno-Karabakh status quo, which has changed through the use of force. Turkey, therefore, no longer has any reason to keep its border with Armenia closed. At the moment, no process underway, but Armenia and our diplomacy will make active efforts in order for a favorable environment to exist around us for strengthening Armenia’s security. I repeat that the security atmosphere contains many elements.”

From this extremely problematic statements we can make the following assertions:

1. The Government of Armenia is planning to come to terms with the status quo that was created throughout the use of force by the Turkish-Azerbaijani axis against Artsakh that resulted in the occupation of a large part of Artsakh, deportation and ethnic cleansing. In this instance, the Armenian government, is essentially relinquishing its responsibilities as the guarantor of Artsakh’s security.

2. Effectively, the Armenian government believes that there are no other pressing issues in attached to Armenia-Turkey relations than the Karabakh issue. Specifically, there is no reasonable doubt that the Armenian government is going to forget the policy of international recognition of and reparations for the Armenian Genocide, as well as other issues related to the Armenia-Turkey interstate border.

It is not clear how the Armenian government envisions the normalization of Armenia-Turkey relations, when only a few months ago, with the full and overt support of Turkey, a part of our homeland was subjected to aggressive attacks, coupled with war crimes. At the same time, the representative of the Armenian government speaks about the prospects of normalization of relations with Turkey at a time when large-scale Turkish-Azerbaijani military exercises are taking place near the Armenian border, which coincide with the statements of high-ranking Turkish and Azerbaijani officials about Armenia’s sovereignty.

Even at time when there have been fundamental disagreements with the Armenian authorities, the ANC International’s worldwide network not only did not retreat from its positions of defending the interests of the Republics of Armenia and Artsakh, but also continued close cooperation with embassies in different countries and Armenian representations within international organizations.

However, the minister’s statement yesterday, threatens to create a serious ideological divide between the network of organizations that function in dozens of countries as conduits of Armenia’s diplomacy, and Armenia’s Foreign Ministry.

The fact of the matter is that Turkey has not given up on the other preconditions it has been advancing for 30 years in regards to establishing diplomatic relations with the Republic of Armenia and the lifting the land blockade that include the process of the international recognition of the Armenian Genocide, and demanding Armenia to make concessions on the Armenia-Turkey legal border. Turkey maintains its hostile attitude toward Armenia and the Armenian people, which manifested itself with its overt participation in Azerbaijan’s attacks unleashed on Artsakh on September 27, 2020, and the continuous anti-Armenian measures taken by the Turkish authorities inside and outside Turkey. Until Turkey fundamentally changes its anti-Armenian policy, any attempt by Armenia to enter into dialogue with the latter will be used by Turkey to achieve its aforementioned goals. Especially on the eve of the anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, it will be an opportunity for Turkey to take advantage of it.

The Armenian government’s criminal ineptitude and its inability to serve the vital interests of Armenia are nothing new for us. We anticipate, however, that Armenia’s Foreign Ministry—one of the government institutions that have not been completely destroyed—will demonstrate the resolve to not give in to Turkey’s deceitful policies. The primary precondition for strengthening the security of Armenia, as well as Artsakh, is a fundamental change in Armenia’s domestic situation, which can begin only with the removal of the person who led the country to defeat and has been clinging to his position as Armenia’s Prime Minister. Only then it will be possible to fathom, plan and act in order to create ‘a favorable atmosphere to strengthen Armenia’s security.”

Armenian Republican Party spokesman: There is demand for Nikol Pashinyan’s resignation, not snap elections

Panorama, Armenia
Feb 12 2021

The roadmap, strategy and plan of the opposition Homeland Salvation Movement remain unchanged. This is what Spokesperson of the Republican Party of Armenia Eduard Sharmazanov said during today’s press conference.

“This plan consists of the following three actions: resignation of land giver Pashinyan, formation of an ad-hoc anti-crisis government and holding of snap elections without Nikol Pashinyan as Prime Minister. I refer to this as the second Karabakh movement. This must become and will become a pan-national uprising,” Sharmazanov said.

According to him, none of the political parties of the Movement has planned snap elections with Nikol Pashinyan as Prime Minister. “I agree with the My Step faction and say that yes, there is no demand for snap elections, but there is a demand for Nikol’s resignation. Nikol must resign. With Nikol in power, going to snap elections will lead to more turbulence, more problems and more clashes in Armenia. We need to concentrate our efforts, exert pressure and make Nikol resign.”

As for second President of Armenia Robert Kocharyan’s statement that he will participate in the elections organized by the incumbent authorities and win, Sharmazanov said Kocharyan expressed his opinion and he has nothing to say about it.

54 Senators send bipartisan letter to Biden criticizing human rights in Turkey




YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 12, ARMENPRESS. A bipartisan coalition of 54 US Senators addressed a letter to President Joe Biden, expressing their concern over a deteriorating human rights record in Turkey. The letter cited Turkey’s recent trends towards authoritarianism, in particular the jailing of journalists that oppose the government and its military involvement in Syria and Armenia, Massis Post reports.

According to the Senate letter, since the failed coup against him in 2016, Erdogan has been cracked down on domestic opposition, by systematically “[silencing] or [coopting] critical media outlets, [purging] independent judges and [replacing] them with party loyalists and [jailing] scores of journalists.

The Senators do specifically mention Turkish involvement in Azerbaijan’s aggressions against Nagorno Karabakh. “This war is just one piece of Turkey’s broader geopolitical goals in the region. Turkey and Azerbaijan are closely allied, in part due to their shared ethnic histories as Islamic Turkic nations. Armenia is the oldest Christian nation in the world, and sits directly in between Turkey and Azerbaijan, hindering the unification of the two Turkic nations”, as quoted by Massis Post.

The Senators hope that the United States will be able to bring an end to these abuses in Turkey.

COVID-19: Armenia reports 154 new cases over past day




YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 12, ARMENPRESS. 154 new cases of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) have been confirmed in Armenia in the past one day, bringing the total number of confirmed cases to 168,830, the ministry of healthcare said today.

168 more patients have recovered in one day. The total number of recoveries has reached 160,838.

3 more patients have died, raising the death toll to 3138.

2893 tests were conducted in the past one day.

The number of active cases is 4066.

The number of people who had been infected with COVID-19 but died from other disease stands has reached 788 (2 new such cases).

Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan

Armenian Ombudsman under organized Azerbaijani media attacks



 18:35, 9 February, 2021

YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 9, ARMENPRESS. The Azerbaijani media organized attacks against the Human Rights Defender of Armenia Arman Tatoyan in the recent days with the involvement of also MPs, ARMENPRESS reports Arman Tatoyan informed.

‘’The attacks are accompanied by announcements on starting a process of releasing him from duty, extreme insults against him, threats and hatred.

In addition, the Human Rights Defender received threats also by personal messages.

Those attacks are connected with the Defender's statements related to human rights violations in the process of determining the borders of the Republic of Armenia, the appearance of Azerbaijani soldiers (flags and signs) in the Syunik region of the Republic of Armenia and Azerbaijani provocations against civilians.

Moreover, the statements of the Defender are openly falsified, after which they are subjected to manipulative speculations.

For example, the Human Rights Defender speaks about the inadmissibility of the presence of Azerbaijani servicemen, flags and placards in Syunik, he speaks about Azerbaijani war crimes, threats of war, ethic cleansings and state-sponsored Armeniaphobia, while the Azerbaijani media presents this as ‘’hysteria’’, ‘’so-called Syunik’’.

The Human Rights Defender of Armenia considers absolutely condemnable these manipulative attacks of the Azerbaijani media, which are carried out with the participation of politicians, personal correspondence and falsify the real statements of the Defender, provoke new hostility and hatred against Armenians.

Chess: Armenia’s Aronian to face Azerbaijani Teimour Radjabov in Opera Euro Rapid

Panorama, Armenia
Feb 8 2021

Armenian GM Levon Aronian on Monday will face Teimour Radjabov of Azerbaijan in the preliminary round of the Opera Euro Rapid tournament, which is the third event of the Meltwater Champions Chess Tour.

The preliminary stage is a single round robin event. From Saturday until Monday, the participants are playing five games per day to find out which eight players move on to the quarterfinals, reports.

The tournament features a $100,000 prize fund, with $30,000 for first place.