Armenia hopes best solutions will be found for benefit of Lebanon’s further stability – MFA spox

Armenia hopes best solutions will be found for benefit of Lebanon’s further stability – MFA spox




YEREVAN, OCTOBER 30, ARMENPRESS. Spokesperson of the Armenian Foreign Ministry Anna Naghdalyan commented on the ongoing developments in Lebanon.

Armenpress presents the spokeswoman’s comment:

Question: What are the Armenian foreign ministry’s key approaches to the ongoing events in Lebanon?

Answer: Lebanon is a friendly country with which Armenia has warm and multi-layered ties, and we are full of hope that the best ways and solutions will be found in these domestic political processes for the benefit of the further stability and prosperity of Lebanon and its people.

The Armenian Embassy in Lebanon operates on a heightened mode amid the developments in Lebanon and is one of those embassies, the consulate section of which continued the receptions during this entire period and provided its daily services to the Armenian citizens.

As you know, our embassy issued a statement calling on the Armenian citizens who made a temporary visit to Lebanon to avoid visiting public places.

As for the Armenian community of Lebanon, it is represented in the country’s state structures by the constitution and deals with the ongoing domestic political processes as a normal participant and role-player in the country’s political life.

The Armenian Embassy in Beirut is in touch with both the leaders of community structures and the respective representatives of the Lebanese leadership.

Edited and translated by Aneta Harutyunyan

Senate should recognize the Armenian Genocide now – US Senators

Senate should recognize the Armenian Genocide now – US Senators




YEREVAN, OCTOBER 30, ARMENPRESS. US Senators Chris Van Hollen and Elizabeth Warren commented on the US House passage of the resolution recognizing the Armenian Genocide.

“Last night's overwhelming vote in the House of Representatives—405 to 11—to recognize the genocide of 1.5 million Armenians by the Ottoman Empire is long overdue. It's time for the Senate to do the same. Acknowledging history is the first step towards not repeating it”, Senator Chris Van Hollen representing Maryland said on Twitter.

In her turn Elizabeth Warren representing Massachusetts said on Twitter: “I join the Armenian American community in MA and the rest of the Armenian diaspora in celebrating the House passage of a resolution recognizing the Armenian Genocide. I cosponsored S.Res.150 to recognize this tragedy. The Senate should pass it now”.

Edited and translated by Aneta Harutyunyan

Artsakh President attends exhibition dedicated to 150th anniversary of birth of Hovhannes Tumanyan

Artsakh President attends exhibition dedicated to 150th anniversary of birth of Hovhannes Tumanyan



 16:32, 25 October, 2019

STEPANAKERT, OCTOBER 25, ARMENPRESS. Artsakh Republic President Bako Sahakyan on October 25 attended an exhibition dedicated to the 150th birthday anniversary of Hovhannes Tumanyan held at the Stepanakert Center of Children and Youth Creativity, the President’s Office told Armenpress.

Edited and translated by Aneta Harutyunyan

Sharmazanov on FM interview: He does not even mention that Artsakh is historic Armenian territory, Armenia
Oct 26 2019
Sharmazanov on FM interview: He does not even mention that Artsakh is historic Armenian territory Sharmazanov on FM interview: He does not even mention that Artsakh is historic Armenian territory

12:04, 26.10.2019

While the Armenian FM of the Pashinyan government does not even mention that Artsakh is a historic Armenian territory on BBC air, Ilham Aliyev once again said in Baku yesterday that Nagorno Karabakh is a historical Azerbaijani territory and the issue must be resolved within the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, spokesperson of the Republican Party of Armenia Eduard Sharmazanov wrote on his Facebook. 

In order to have a historical territory, first of all, one must have a history of statehood, Sharmazanov noted reminding that Juventus Turin was founded 21 years earlier than the Azerbaijani state.

“International recognition of the Artsakh independence should have no alternative,” he added.

‘We Must See Ourselves: as Armenians in Pursuit of A National Agenda,’ Say ANCA-WR’s Nora Hovsepian

ANCA-WR Chaiperson Nora Hovsepian

In her remarks during this year’s Armenian National Committee of America-Western Region banquet, the organization’s chairperson Nora Hovsepian, Esq. put forth a compelling agenda for advancing the Armenian Cause and called on all Armenians to come together to pursue our just national aspirations. She said: “We must see ourselves: as Armenians in pursuit of a national agenda to seek justice for the Armenian Genocide, support for Armenia and Artsakh.”

Below is the complete text of Hovsepian’s remarks.

Welcome to the ANCA Western Region’s 2019 Annual Gala Banquet!

I want to start first by thanking our Banquet Committee Chair Marie Filipian and the entire Banquet Committee for their dedication and hard work. Only those who have done it know how challenging it is to handle nearly 1000 guests and cover every detail in an event of this magnitude.

On behalf of our ANCA-WR Board of Directors, I also want to express our gratitude to our wonderful staff, a stellar team led by our new Executive Director Armen Sahakyan, who has literally been working 24/7 to ensure the success of this weekend and of everything we do, from regional road trips to multi-state advocacy days, organizing legislative trips to Armenia to building coalitions, managing our internship programs to working with our committees and local chapters, collaborating with public agencies to meet the needs of our community, to everything in between. We are proud of this generation of young leaders and we thank them for rising to the challenge every day.

To each of our donors, supporters, and distinguished honorees: thank you for being here, thank you for your generous contributions, and thank you for your encouragement. You truly provide the inspiration that fuels our work. And to each of the elected officials who join us tonight, all good friends to our community, thank you for being here to feel the love of our community.

In addition to U.S. officials, we are proud to have representatives from three other countries join us tonight: from the Republic of Armenia, High Commissioner for Diaspora Affairs, former ANCA-WR Board member, former mayor of the City of Glendale, and son of our community, Zareh Sinanyan. From the Republic of Artsakh, Deputy Foreign Minister Armine Aleksanyan; and from Japan, Consul General to Southern California and Arizona, the Honorable Akira Muto. Welcome to all of you!

Our major banquet sponsors, Gevik & Peter Baghdassarian and their families, have admirably continued the philanthropic legacy of their beloved father, Hacop Baghdassarian, setting an example for all of us to promote with our own children, so that they understand the importance of giving back to the community that has so tenderly raised them in Armenian churches, schools, organizations, and families, instilling in them a sense of national duty and pride. We are deeply grateful and thank you for the confidence you have shown by taking on this massive responsibility.

The Sepetjian Family, led by Sarkis and Nune, quietly offer their most benevolent support year after year, for which we are eternally grateful.

Varant and Hoori Melkonian, pillars in our community, have generously supported the ANCA-WR and so many other organizations for so many years, that a mere thank you seems wholly inadequate. We greatly value your passion, your faith, your wisdom, and your exemplary philanthropic spirit.

Special thanks and sincere gratitude this year and every year for the consistent support from community leaders and benefactors: the Chraghchians, Eshgians, Ghailians, Karapetians, Manjikians, Fermanians, and the Trustees of the George Ignatius Foundation.

I also want to highlight the contributions of David & Laura McKenzie and their wonderful daughter Elizabeth, recipients of our Excellence in Media award last year, who spare no effort to assist us in every possible way. Most recently, David generously provided professional guidance and logistical assistance to help us launch our newest initiative: the Impact Media Institute, which will serve as a media watchdog to uphold and promote fundamental human rights for all people, to fight against hatred, bigotry, intolerance and historical revisionism in all forms of media, and to cultivate media relationships to ensure the proper coverage of our issues. Thank you David and Laura, and stay tuned for exciting developments on this front in the coming weeks and months.

It is also important to acknowledge some significant milestones this year. It’s our birthday! One hundred years ago in 1919, the American Committee for the Independence of Armenia, precursor to the Armenian National Committee of America, was founded by Vahan Cardashian. Serving on the frontlines of Armenian-American advocacy for decades, the ANCA’s Western Region was established fifty years ago in 1969. Sadly, these milestones are punctuated by the fact that we just lost one of our true leaders from those historic times, a visionary who served as the California Director of the ACIA in the 1950’s and then as founding chairman of the ANCA Western Region. Hagop Manjikian was a true soldier of the Armenian Cause and leaves a lifetime of service that we can only aspire to match, tirelessly advocating till the end for community unity to strengthen our voice against those who oppose us. He will be missed, but his legacy lives on through our continued work.
And as our work has continued for many decades, we have stood on the shoulders of Hagop Manjikian’s generation. Just this weekend, we had our 5th biennial Grassroots Conference which brought together hundreds of activists of all ages to gain insight from our esteemed panelists on a wide range of diverse topics: Artsakh, Western Armenia and the aftermath of the Genocide, Turkey’s recent invasion and ethnic cleansing in northern Syria, Azerbaijan’s cultural genocide in Djulfa. We listened with pride to successful Armenian women in media. We explored avenues for civic engagement with high ranking government officials, and we learned ways to define the role we play in inter-relations between Homeland and Diaspora.

Our community has been through a lot of ups and downs over the years. And while there are naturally inherent divisions among us, ranging from place of birth to political preferences to organizational loyalties, it is vital to scratch below the surface and focus on all that we have in common in order to move forward as effectively as possible. We must reject any person or entity, from outside our community or from within, who tries to exploit that which may divide us. We must have zero tolerance for anyone who tries to weaken us.

For it is no longer just about simply surviving as “good” Armenians, as my friend and colleague Antranig Kasbarian likes to say. It is about being proactive collectively as “effective” Armenians. This is our challenge of the present as we navigate changing roles for Homeland and Diaspora, trying to find a balance to move forward as one entity to assert our national demands and aspirations.

Decades of work have shown, unequivocally, that if it weren’t for our civic engagement as an organized Armenian-American community, if it weren’t for the consistent, persistent, focused advocacy for the Armenian Cause by each generation, our issues would never have made their way onto the American political agenda. This is the victory of our community, and this is the strength we can continue to offer to our Homeland.

For when our enemies come after us, literally or figuratively, they don’t ask whether we are Eastern Armenian or Western Armenian, Tashnag or Ramgavar, Republican or Democrat, parishioners of the Mother See of Etchmiadzin or the Holy See of the Great House of Cilicia, because it doesn’t matter. They see us first and foremost as we must see ourselves: as Armenians in pursuit of a national agenda to seek justice for the Armenian Genocide, support for Armenia and Artsakh, and to assert our collective will to effectuate positive change in US policy toward our Cause.

So let’s move from the philosophical to the practical, because we have work to do. In the coming year, we must collectively focus on mobilizing every single Armenian-American to do two things: (1) write in the word “Armenian” under “Other” in the 2020 Census so we can be accurately counted; and (2) vote in the March primary and November general election for incumbents and candidates who support our Cause and value our community. And if they don’t, then vote them out!

Can we do it? If we mobilize and continue our collaboration to promote our national agenda, we most certainly can. And when we do, there is nothing that can stop us.

So let’s get to work, and we will see you in the trenches!

RFE/RL Armenian Report – 10/11/2019


Aliyev, Pashinian Trade Barbs, Talk At Ex-Soviet Summit (UPDATED)

Turkmenistan -- Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian (L) and Azerbaijan's 
President Ilham Aliyev attend a summit of the Commonwealth of Independent 
States in Ashgabat, .

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian 
discussed the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict after trading barbs during a summit of 
former Soviet republics held in Turkmenistan’s capital Ashgabat on Friday.

Aliyev started the tense verbal exchange at a plenary session of the summit of 
the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) by accusing Armenia of “glorifying 
fascists.” He noted that the former Armenian government erected in Yerevan the 
statue of Garegin Nzhdeh, an Armenian nationalist statesman who had fought 
against the Bolsheviks and later collaborated with Nazi Germany.

Pashinian responded by accusing Aliyev of distorting the history of Armenia and 
the Second World War.

“Ilham Heydarovich’s speech leaves one with a sense that [Adolf] Hitler played 
a secondary role and that the Nazi movement was led by Garegin Nzhdeh,” he 
said. “Yet the truth is that Garegin Nzhdeh fought against Turkish occupation 
of Armenia, against the genocide of Armenians and … also commanded, together 
with many Russian officers, a very important section of the frontline during 
the Armenian-Turkish war in 1918.”

“I think it’s inappropriate to use this [CIS] format for distorting history and 
adding some tension to the atmosphere of this important meeting,” added 

Despite the public recriminations, Pashinian and Aliyev spoke with each other 
at a dinner in Ashgabat hosted by Turkmenistan’s President Gurbanguly 
Berdymuhamedov for fellow CIS leaders later in the day.

Pashinian’s spokesman, Vladimir Karapetian, told the Armenpress news agency 
that the two men discussed the Karabakh conflict and, in particular, 
“possibilities of reducing tensions” and “upcoming steps” in the negotiating 
process mediated by the United States, Russia and France. The conversation 
lasted for about two hours, said Karapetian.

Aliyev and Pashinian held five face-to-face meetings between September 2018 and 
May 2019, raising hopes for a settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. 
Their first meeting was followed by a significant decrease in ceasefire 
violations in the conflict zone. There have been no signs of further progress 
in Armenian-Azerbaijani peace talks in the last few months.

Armenia - The statue of Garegin Nzhdeh is unveiled in Yerevan, 28May2016.

Born in the Russian Empire in 1886, Nzhdeh was one of the prominent military 
leaders of an independent Armenian republic formed in 1918. In 1920, he mounted 
armed resistance against the republic’s takeover by Bolshevik Russia in Syunik, 
a mountainous region in southeastern Armenia.

Nzhdeh was one of several exiled Armenian leaders in Europe who pledged 
allegiance to Nazi Germany in 1942 with the stated aim of saving Soviet Armenia 
from a possible Turkish invasion after what they expected to be a Soviet defeat 
by the Third Reich.

Nzhdeh surrendered to advancing Red Army divisions in Bulgaria in 1944 after 
reportedly offering Josef Stalin to mobilize Armenians for a Soviet assault on 
Turkey. In 1948, a Soviet court sentenced him to 25 years in prison on charges 
that mainly stemmed from his “counterrevolutionary” activities in 1920-1921.

Speaking at the Ashgabat summit, Pashinian portrayed Nzhdeh as a victim of 
Stalin’s political repressions. “Nzhdeh died in the Vladimir prison [in 1955,]” 
he said. “Many prominent Soviet figures died in the Vladimir prison and [writer 
Aleksandr] Solzhenitsyn was in the Gulag. Do we consider everyone imprisoned 
from 1937 through the 1950s political prisoners?”

Nzhdeh was rehabilitated in Armenia after the republic’s last Communist 
government was removed from power in 1990. He is widely credited with 
preserving Armenian control over Syunik. He is also revered by many Armenians 
as the founder of a new brand of Armenian nationalism that emerged in the 1930s.

Former President Serzh Sarkisian’s Republican Party of Armenia (HHK) has 
espoused his Tseghakron ideology, which puts the emphasis on armed self-defense 
and self-reliance, ever since it was set up in the early 1990s.

Senior HHK representatives, who are highly critical of the current Armenian 
government, were quick to praise Pashinian’s reaction to Aliyev’s remarks. 
“Nikol’s response was appropriate,” the former ruling party’s deputy chairman, 
Armen Ashotian, wrote on Facebook.

Former Defense Minister Not Charged Despite Criminal Case

        • Naira Nalbandian

Armenia - Defense Minister Vigen Sargsian (C) visits a military base in 
northern Armenia, 15 March 2018.

Vigen Sargsian, a former Armenian defense minister and the opposition 
Republican Party’s top candidate in last year’s general elections, has not been 
charged with abuse of power despite criminal proceedings launched against him, 
his lawyer said on Friday.

The Investigative Committee claimed on September 25 that while in office 
Sargsian violated government rules for the distribution of government-funded 
housing to Armenian army officers and their families. It said it has 
“sufficient evidence” to indict him and will send the case to another 
law-enforcement body, the Special Investigative Service (SIS), for further 

Sargsian, who now lives and studies in the United States, rejected the 
accusations as politically motivated.

The SIS, which is tasked with prosecuting serving and former senior officials, 
reportedly clarified afterwards that no criminal charges have been formally 
leveled against the former minister.

Sargsian’s lawyer, Amram Makinian, confirmed this when he spoke to RFE/RL’s 
Armenian service on Friday. He said the SIS has notified him in writing that 
“Mr. Sargsian is not prosecuted.”

Meanwhile, a prosecutor overseeing the controversial investigation ordered the 
SIS to send the case back to the Investigative Committee. A spokeswoman for the 
Office of the Prosecutor-General said the committee must take additional 
“investigative and judicial actions.” She did not elaborate.

Makinian said this means that the prosecutors believe the case against his 
client is seriously flawed. The lawyer insisted that the corruption allegations 
made by the Investigative Committee “have nothing to do with reality.”

Armenia - Vigen Sargsian, the Republican Party's top election candidate, speaks 
to reporetrs outside a polling station in Yerevan, December 9, 2018.
Sargsian, 44, worked as a top aide to former President Serzh Sarkisian before 
being appointed as defense minister in October 2016. He was widely regarded as 
the latter’s potential successor.

The former president was forced to resign in April 2018 amid nationwide 
anti-government street protests led by Nikol Pashinian. Vigen Sargsian stepped 
down immediately after Pashinian was elected prime minister in May 2018.

Sargsian was named the first deputy chairman of Serzh Sarkisian’s Republican 
Party (HHK) in November and topped the party’s list of candidates in the snap 
parliamentary elections held the following month. Pashinian’s My Step bloc won 
the polls by a landslide, while the HHK narrowly failed to clear a 5 percent 
vote threshold to enter Armenia’s new parliament.

Yerevan Ready To Accept More Armenian Refugees From Syria

        • Astghik Bedevian

SYRIA -- Smoke rises over the Syrian town of Ras al-Ain, 

Armenia is ready to help evacuate ethnic Armenian residents of northern Syria 
affected by Turkey’s military operations conducted there, a senior official in 
Yerevan said on Friday.

The Armenian government on Thursday condemned the Turkish incursion into the 
area largely controlled by Kurdish militias and discussed its repercussions for 
thousands of Syrian Armenians believed to live there.

Armen Grigorian, the secretary of Armenia’s Security Council, briefed lawmakers 
on potential government actions at a meeting held in the National Assembly 
behind the closed doors. Grigorian said afterwards that Yerevan stands ready to 
take in ethnic Armenian refugees from the area attacked by Turkish troops.

“We have not yet made an official proposal,” Grigorian told reporters. “As you 
know, not only is the issue at the center of the government’s attention but 
also our embassy and consulate [in Syria] are in touch with leaders of the 
[Armenian] community. If there is such a desire [to relocate to Armenia] we 
will definitely take all measures and provide all necessary means.”

But he added that none of the local Syrian Armenians has so far expressed a 
desire to take refuge in Armenia.

The precise number of Armenians remaining in Syria’s Kurdish-controlled regions 
is not known. A senior Armenian Foreign Ministry official said on Thursday that 
around 3,000 of them live in the northeastern town of Qamishli close to the 
Turkish border.

“The only town [in northern Syria] where there are Armenians now is Qamishli, 
and our focus is on it,” said Grigorian. “We are communicating with Armenians 
of Qamishli and their spiritual leaders. We are trying to understand what their 
needs are.”

According to government estimates, more than 22,000 Syrian Armenians have fled 
to Armenia since the outbreak of the bloody conflict in Syria 2011. Some of 
them have migrated to Europe and North America for mainly economic reasons.

Armenian, Uzbek Leaders In ‘Historic’ Talks

Turkmenistan -- Armenia’s Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian (L) and Uzbekistan’s 
President Shavkat Mirziyoyev meet in Ashgabat, .

Armenia’s Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian Uzbekistan’s President Shavkat 
Mirziyoyev met on Friday for first-ever official negotiations between the 
leaders of the two former Soviet republics.

Pashinian described as “historic” the talks held on the sidelines of a 
Commonwealth of Independent States summit in Turkmenistan.

“It may seem strange but the leaders of Armenia and Uzbekistan have never held 
an official meeting before. This was the first such meeting,” Pashinian wrote 
on his Facebook page. He said he and Mirziyoyev exchanged invitations to visit 
each other’s capitals.

A Central Asian country of 31 million, Uzbekistan maintained lukewarm relations 
with Armenia when it was run by strongman President Islam Karimov from 1989 
until his death in 2016. The two states were only nominal allies during 
Uzbekistan’s membership in the Russian-led Collective Security Treaty 
Organization (CSTO) from 2006-2012.

In 2010, for example, Karimov skipped an informal CSTO summit held in Yerevan. 
One month later he visited Baku and voiced support for Azerbaijan’s territorial 
integrity in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev 
praised Karimov’s “principled, consistent and firm position.”

An Armenian government statement said that Mirziyoyev and Pashinian agreed to 
expand relations between their nations. In that regard, Mirziyoyev proposed the 
creation of an Uzbek-Armenian intergovernmental commission on economic 
cooperation. Pashinian welcomed the idea.

The Uzbek leader, who succeeded Karimov as president in 2016, also spoke of his 
“positive impressions of the large-scale reforms going on in Armenia,” 
according to the statement.

Uzbekistan is home to the largest and oldest Armenian community in Central 
Asia. Between 40,000 and 70,000 Armenians are believed to live there at 
present. Pashinian was reported to praise the Uzbek government’s “caring 
attitude” towards them.


Press Review speculates that Turkey may eventually regret its military incursion 
into Syria criticized by many countries. The publication says the operation is 
part of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s efforts to shore up his 
domestic political positions. It says this is creating both new challenges and 
opportunities for Armenia.

“Haykakan Zhamanak” comments on retired Karabakh General Vitaly Balasanian’s 
latest verbal attacks on Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian. In particular, 
Balasanian said earlier this week that the Sasna Tsrer party, whose members 
seized a police station in Yerevan in 2016, is a terrorist organization which 
is now acting as Pashinian’s “military wing.” He threatened to “physically 
destroy” Sasna Tsrer if it attempts to attack “me, our people, our state, 
statehood, borders and Artsakh’s authorities.” The pro-government paper says 
that Balasanian presented “inaccurate facts” and drew “inaccurate conclusions” 
from them and that his threats were primarily addressed to Pashinian.

“Fortunately, the dominant view in Armenia and Artsakh is that the main 
guarantee of the security of the two Armenian states is our unity and any 
attempt to undermine it must be prevented in the most resolute way,” the paper 
goes on. This is why, it says, Armenia’s National Security Service (NSS) is 
“dealing with this issue.”

(Lilit Harutiunian)

Reprinted on ANN/Armenian News with permission from RFE/RL
Copyright (c) 2019 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, Inc.
1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036.

Asbarez: Homenetmen ‘Hrashq’ Kicks Off 2019-2020 Season

A team huddles at the end of practice. Go Hrashq!


Homenetmen “Hrashq” officially kicked off the 2019 to 2020 season over the weekend. The first practice of the season took place on Sunday, September 15 at the Pacific Community Center and Park in Glendale.

The practice started off with a coaches meeting in which Head Coach and Athletic Director Dave Beard presented the volunteers with his expectations for the practice session, and the season as a whole. Coach Beard also introduced the idea of implementing a word of the day, an encouraging word to be incorporated throughout the course of each practice. This week’s word was Hrashq.

Each practice day is separated into two sessions. The first session takes place from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. and focuses on the younger athletes, while the second session, starting at 12 and ending at 1 p.m., focuses on the older athletes. Both sessions follow the same practice schedule, with slight modifications made in the second session in order to further challenge the older athletes.

A group 1 athlete successfully dunks a basketball

This week’s practice was all about reintroducing the different sports to the athletes and getting them excited for the upcoming season. The gym was separated into three different stations, each station representing, basketball, track & field, and soccer. While at the basketball stations, the athletes were tasked with shooting drills, had to run from cone to cone at the track & field station, and had to kick the ball into the goal as many times as they could in ten minutes.

There are currently 45 athletes of all ages and abilities enrolled in the program. Homenetmen “Hrashq’s” mission, from the beginning, has been to provide a space for children with special needs with various diagnoses including autism, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, intellectual disability and others, to participate in athletic competitions within the Armenian community, with the hopes of removing the stigma attached to these diagnoses and encourage acceptance and inclusion.

In order to better achieve their mission, Homenetmen “Hrashq” has developed an inclusion model for this season, in which middle school and high school volunteers will be able to practice alongside their special needs peers.

The Kaham game competitions will also follow the inclusion model by allowing a few of the “Hrashq” athletes to compete with their neurotypical peers from Armenian schools, as well as by holding the “Hrashq” competition event at the same time as the other Armenian schools.

Homenetmen “Hrashq” members and parents working together for a common cause

The Kaham games are only a few weeks away so practices in the future will be focused on preparing the athletes for competition.

Prospective volunteers or athletes may contact the Homenetmen Western Region’s office by calling 323.344.4300 or by emailing Nanor Kabakian.

UAE-based Mubadala investment company looking into setting up venture funds in Armenia

ARKA, Armenia
Oct 7 2019

YEREVAN, October 7. /ARKA/. The UAE-based Mubadala Investment Company is looking into the possibility of setting up venture funds in Armenia, Khomein Al Shimmari, the head of the Aviation and Engineering Services Division at Mubadala Investment, said today at a meeting with the Prime Minister of Armenia, Nikol Pashinyan, in Yerevan.

"We have good impressions of the technological sector of Armenia and we are interested in cooperation, in particular, in the formation of venture capital funds," the press service of the Armenian government quoted Al Shimmari as saying.

It said the sides exchanged thoughts on the prospects of partnership in the IT sphere. Pashinyan was said to have spoken about political changes in the country, noting that serious steps are being taken to overcome systemic corruption with the aim of raising the investment attractiveness of the Armenian economy.

"Our strategy is to develop the technological sphere, which has huge potential. The IT sector in our country is developing dynamically, we have created the Ministry of High Technology Industry and the possible cooperation with your company is interesting to us," Pashinyan noted.

Representatives of Mubadala Investment Company are in Armenia to attend the World Congress on Information Technology (WCIT-2019), which is being held in Yerevan on October 6-9.

In Armenia, in April 2019, an agreement was signed between the United Nations Development Program and Granatus Ventures on the establishment of the Granatus Tech4SDG venture capital fund. –0-

Sports: Armenian separatists claim responsibility for drone

RTL Luxumburg
Oct 4 2019
Armenian separatists claim responsibility for drone

Thursday night's match between F91 Dudelange and Qarabag was interrupted by a drone, shortly after the visitors scored their second goal, in an apparent political gesture.

The appearance of the drone caused a delay to the game, as well as unnerving some Qarabag supporters.

Officials paused the game when the drone appeared over the pitch and sent both teams to the dressing rooms. Fans of the home team stormed the pitch, in spite of security which struggled to contain the Azerbaijani supporters.

Shortly after the match, the separatist group "First Armenian Front /FAF ultras/" published an image on Facebook explaining the origins of the action. According to the group, "the action was led by the young people of Belgium thanks to Spartak J".

Through this gesture, the group wanted to convey the message that Qarabag does not belong to Azerbaijan. The football club originated in the city of Agdam, until they were forced to move to the capital, Baku, as a result of the Nagorno-Karabakh War.
According to the instigators of the movement, Qarabag is an independent city with its own flag. They claimed on Facebook that the football club has no connection with the name of the city which, according to them, has been used wrongly.

Minister of Sport Dan Kersch presented his apologies in the name of the government for this provocation. Although the match was interrupted, play resumed after almost 20 minutes.

Police also reported that a number of cars had been broken into during the match, in a car park near the stadium.

Police: 80 cases of crime detected over the past day in Armenia

Panorama, Armenia
Sept 27 2019

According to the operations reports of Police of Armenia, 80 cases of crime were detected by officers of various police subdivisions in the territory of the republic from September 26 to September 27, 5 of which were earlier committed crimes.

In particular, 13 cases of fraud, 12 cases of infliction of bodily harm, 11 cases of personal theft, 10 cases of burglary and squandering or embezzlement were among the most common crimes  detected.

2 wanted persons have been detected, 1 missing person has been allocated, 5cases of voluntary surrender of arms and ammunition have been registered, the source said.

Over the past day, 16 accidents have been registered in the country: 20 people received bodily injuries of different levels of severity.