Asbarez: Armenia to Host International Forestry Summit in October

“Forest Summit: Global Action and Armenia” will tackle a number of issues presented by the Paris Agreement, including Armenia’s commitment to increase its forest cover to 20 percent by 2050

YEREVAN—Last month, Armenia Tree Project and the American University of Armenia Acopian Center for the Environment announced that a first-ever forestry conference will bring global leaders in forest conservation and restoration to Yerevan in October.

Forest Summit: Global Action and Armenia will be held from October 20 to 23 at the American University of Armenia and will feature three days of discussion and collaborative dialogue on conservation and reforestation efforts much needed in countries across the world. With decades of regrowth and success throughout Armenia, the small country is bringing together the world’s best in reforestation to help other countries mount their forestry comebacks.

The conference will facilitate open and thorough discussion on the state of forests worldwide and in Armenia, and the practices, policies, and resources needed to ensure that conservation and restoration continues. Attending media will participate in plenary sessions, panels, breakout discussions, and field visits to forestry sites in Armenia. Sightseeing and social gatherings will round out the three-day schedule. During the conference, Armenia Tree Project will plant its six millionth tree in Armenian soil.

While success stories like the one in Armenia are gradually becoming more universal, efforts must be sustained to combat deforestation that continues to plague so many areas globally. The conference will offer sightseeing tours to Dilijan National Forest and ATP’s Mirak Family Reforestation Nursery in Margahovit Village, where attendees can observe reforestation work in action.

For more information, visit the website.

A1+: Who shot at demonstrators in Yerevan in 2008? – BBC Report

August 7, 2019 reports that they have been able to obtain investigative documents the of March 1, 2008 events in Armenia.

The site notes that the investigation said the shooting was led by Major General Samvel Karapetyan (Oganovsky).

In addition, according to the website, investigative documents include the names of two former presidents and two businessmen.

Full material you can read at the original site.

Armenian Speaker: Armenia cannot halt purchase of Iranian gas

Iran Daily
Speaker: Armenia cannot halt purchase of Iranian gas
"Armenia cannot pay such a price," Mirzoyan said during a recent visit to the US, reported Fars News Agency.
"We don't want the United States to put pressure on Armenia for joining its Iran sanctions agenda," he added.
The comments come as Armenia heavily depends on Iran for energy and trade as Iran has served as one of Armenia's two conduits to the outside world since borders to Azerbaijan and Turkey were closed.
"I informed American partners that our economy is suffering losses due to the sanctions against Iran and that we cannot stop buying Iranian gas," Mirzoyan wrote on his Facebook page following a speech in Washington.
Senior Armenian authorities visiting Tehran last week said that their government is seeking to expand a barter arrangement involving Iran's gas and Armenia's electricity.
That comes as Washington has repeatedly asked Armenia to cut business with Iran. US national security adviser John Bolton warned authorities in Yerevan during an October visit to the city that traffic through the Armenian-Iranian border will become a "significant issue" for Washington.
Bolton said at the time that the US government was planning to enforce the sanctions against Iran very vigorously.
Also, on Wednesday, the head of the Iran-Armenia Joint Chamber of Commerce Hervic Yarijanyan said that Yerevan was working on plans to establish new trade relations with Tehran based on national currencies.
Yarijanyan said the officials were looking for trade in their national currencies and had proposed the establishment of a credit institution outside the banking system to the president of Armenia.
Referring to his recent meeting with Armenian President Armen Sarkisian in a news conference on Tuesday, Yarijanyan pointed to economic relations between the two countries, and said, "The president of the country has a positive view of Iran and calls for increased mutual investment between the two countries."
He added that dispatching delegations, creating exhibitions, and maximizing the capacity of the two countries are among the intended programs.
"We are looking for trade in the two countries' national currencies which are the rial and the dram," Yarijanyan said in response to a question on banking relations between the two countries. "We have proposed the establishment of a credit institution outside the banking system to the president of the country."

U.S. House adopts pro-Armenian legislative initiative

Panorama, Armenia

The U.S. House of Representatives has approved a powerful amendment introduced by Congressman Brad Sherman (D-CA) to block the transfer of U.S. defense articles to Baku that could potentially be used by the Azerbaijani government to act upon its threat to shoot down civilian aircraft operating out of Artsakh’s Stepanakert Airport, reported the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA).

The ANCA-backed amendment, offered to Fiscal Year 2020 National Defense Authorization Act, was cosponsored by Congressional Armenian Caucus Co-Chairs Frank Pallone (D-NJ) and Jackie Speier (D-CA) and Vice-Chair Adam Schiff (D-CA). The House adopted the measure with a vote of 234 to 195.

American-Armenian structures have welcomed the adoption of the measure.

Andrea Wiktorin nominated as new Head of EU Delegation to Armenia

Public Radio of Armenia

More than half of the Armenian population trusts the government – survey results

JAM News

12 per cent less people believe the country is on the right path since October 2018

The results of a new study by the Centre for Public Surveys of the International Republican Institute show that 72 percent of respondents trust the government, while 22 percent consider bad governance to be the biggest failure of the current government.

Armenian National Security Service taking on fake news

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The survey showed: the majority of the population is optimistic about the future of Armenia, despite certain concerns about the quick pace of development of the economy.

72% of respondents expressed confidence in the Prime Minister.

59% of respondents believe that the government is doing enough  to combat corruption.

60% of respondents believe that the country is on the right path in general. And although this is quite a high figure, in comparison to October 2018, it is down 12 points.

More than 60% of respondents want the government to carry out economic and political reforms not gradually, but as quickly as possible.

The good will and attitude expressed by the Armenian people give the government an unprecedented opportunity to carry out fundamental reforms and improve the economic well-being of the people … Implementing government reforms is crucial for maintaining public support and implementing the government’s reform programme,” said the Director of the Eurasian Region of the International Republican Institute Stephen Nix.

22% of those surveyed said their biggest grievance against the government is poor governance.

Over the past six months, the percentage of people who believe that they can influence decisions taken in the country has decreased from 72% to 53%.

Respondents said that in the next six months, the government, first of all, should solve the following problems:

• job creation (30%),

• solving social and economic problems (18%)

• salary increase (14%),

• increase of pensions (12%).

The International Republican Institute is a non-profit organization. Its goal is “to assist individual countries in building democracy”.

The chairman of the board of directors of this organization is Alaska Senator Dan Sullivan.

Data collection in Armenia was carried out by the Armenian Sociological Association across the country from May 6 to May 31, 2019 through one-on-one surveys in the homes of those interviewed.

1200 permanent residents of Armenia aged 18 and over participated in the study.

The survey was funded by the United States Agency for International Development.

Armenian PM pays tribute to memory of Vietnam’s fallen heroes and founder Hồ Chí Minh

Armenian PM pays tribute to memory of Vietnam’s fallen heroes and founder Hồ Chí Minh



11:48, 5 July, 2019

YEREVAN, JULY 5, ARMENPRESS. The official visit of Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and his wife Anna Hakobyan to Vietnam has kicked off, the PM’s Office told Armenpress.

Together with spouse Anna Hakobyan and the government’s delegation, PM Pashinyan today visited the Memorial of Heroes Perished for the Sake of Vietnam’s Independence and Freedom, as well as the Mausoleum of Hồ Chí Minh, founder of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. The Armenian PM laid wreaths at the Memorial and the Mausoleum, by paying a tribute to the memory of the fallen heroes and Hồ Chí Minh.

Thereafter, the PM and Mrs. Anna Hakobyan visited the Temple of Library of Hanoi. During the tour the PM and his spouse got acquainted with the materials and the history of the Temple. Vietnam’s main education center has been located here in the 10th-11th centuries. The Temple is named after Confucius. After the tour the Armenian PM left a note in the Honorary Guest Book of the Temple.

In the daytime Pashinyan will meet with Prime Minister of Vietnam Nguyen Xuan Phuc. Thereafter, the two PMs will hold a joint press conference summing up the results of their talks.

Edited and translated by Aneta Harutyunyan

Georgian businessmen interested in cooperation with Armenian counterparts in all sectors

Georgian businessmen interested in cooperation with Armenian counterparts in all sectors



15:03, 28 June, 2019

DILIJAN, JUNE 28, ARMENPRESS. Georgian businessmen are interested in finding partners in Armenia and are ready to invest in Armenia, Georgia’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry President Nino Chikovani told reporters during the Armenia-Georgia Business Forum in Dilijan.

“There is interest for cooperation in all sectors. This opportunity must be maximally utilized today because Georgian businessmen are also interested to cooperate,” she said.

Chikovani said Georgian businessmen have come to the forum in order to find business partners for starting businesses in both Armenia and Georgia. She said the Georgian entrepreneurs are ready to make investments in Armenia.

She said Armenians and Georgians are traditionally cooperating in trade and investments, and their activities are aimed at the growth of turnover volumes.

Chikovani mentioned that there are results in the medicine and trade sectors.

The business forum, in her words, will greatly help to get to know each other’s potential, to increase investments and develop cooperation.

Edited and translated by Stepan Kocharyan

Sports: Minsk 2019: Hovhannes Bachkov to fight for gold

Panorama, Armenia
Sport 11:54 29/06/2019 Armenia

Boxer Hovhannes Bachkov at 64 kg has qualified for the final of the 2nd European Games, the National Olympic Committee reported.

On the 8th day of the European Games underway in Minsk Bachkov fought against Netherland’s Enrico Lacruz in the semifinal and won 4:1, the source saod.

On June 30 in the final bout Bachkov will face the winner of the semifinal of Luke Mccormack (Great Britain) vs Sofiane Oumiha (France) pair.

Hovhannes Bachkov had entered the ring from the 1/8 finals where had had a confident win 5:0 over Irish James Mc Givern and in the ¼ finals the Armenian boxer had competed with Greek Alexandros Tsanikidis and had celebrated victory, 5:0.

On June 28 Armenian boxer Artur Hovhannisyan (49 kg) also won the semifinal and got a chance to fight for a gold medal while Karen Tonakanyan (60 kg) and Gor Nersesyan (81 kg) lost the semifinal bouts satisfying with bronze medals.


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Ուրբաթ, 14 Յունիս 2019-ին, Վեհափառ Հայրապետին այցելեցին
Արցախէն ժամանած խումբ մը գեղանկարիչներ: Անոնք Նորին Սրբութեան պարզեցին իրենց կատարած
աշխատանքները Արցախի մէջ:


Հայրապետը ողջունելով անոնց այցելութիւնը՝ գնահատեց մշակութային
բնագաւառէն ներս իրենց կատարած աշխատանքը։ Ապա, կարեւորութեամբ շեշտեց ընդհանրապէս
մեր ժողովուրդի ու յատկապէս Հայաստանի եւ Արցախի մէջ հայ մշակոյթին յատուկ կարեւորութիւն
տալու անհրաժեշտութիւնը։ Ան ըսաւ, որ մշակոյթը հայ ժողովուրդին համար տարբեր իմաստ
ու դերակատարութիւն ունի: Մեր հոգեմտաւոր արժէքները նոյնացած են մեր եկեղեցւոյ կեանքին
ու առաքելութեան հետ, մեր ինքնութեան հետ՝ դառնալով մեր գոյութեան ու ամրութեան կարեւոր
սիւները: Վեհափառ Հայրապետը թելադրեց, որ բարձրագոյն աստիճանի նախանձախնդրութեամբ հարկ
է մօտենալ մեր մշակութային արժէքներուն, միաժամանակ շեշտելով, որ մեր պետութիւնը, եկեղեցին
եւ կառոյցները յատուկ հոգածութիւն պէտք է ցուցաբերեն մեր մշակոյթին առաւել ծաղկման:

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