Bako Sahakyan visitis Hadrout

On November 28, Artsakh Republic President Bako Sahakyan visited the Hadrout region and inspected on site the implementation of a range of agricultural projects.

The Head of the State highlighted coordination of the carried out activities and gave concrete instructions to the heads of relevant bodies for proper realization of the planned activities.

Expulsion d’une famille arménienne à Walcourt: des dizaines de parents outrés, une marche des bougies organisée

La Libre, Belgique
18 nov 2017

Rédaction Publié le samedi 18 novembre 2017 à 15h52 – Mis à jour le samedi 18 novembre 2017 à 17h24

<img src=”" " alt="" title="© DR">
Namur-Luxembourg Une famille d'origine arménienne a posé ses valises à Fraire (Walcourt) il y a neuf ans… avant de devoir les refaire ce vendredi sur l'ordre de l'Office des étrangers. Les deux enfants du foyer, Anna, 6 ans, et Gor, 9 ans, s'apprêtaient à reprendre les cours dans l'école libre du quartier. Il n'y avait qu'un seul sujet de discussion sur les lèvres de toutes les familles, le matin même. " Leur vie est ici, leurs enfants sont nés ici", a déclaré l'institutrice de Gor à nos confrères de La Nouvelle Gazette Sambre & Meuse. " Lui et sa sœur apprennent aussi bien que les autres élèves. Il faut dire que leurs parents ont très vite fait l’effort d’apprendre le français." " C’est rare d’avoir un enfant [Gor] qui soit à ce point l’ami de tous", a ajouté son professeur de gym.

"Jeudi, l'un des parents m’a appelée à 7h30 du matin pour me dire que cinq policiers étaient chez eux, avec deux combis", rapporte une voisine très proche du couple à La Nouvelle Gazette. "Quand je suis arrivée, les enfants étaient figés, assis dans le divan."

Ils sont une vingtaine de parents à avoir exprimé leur incompréhension à la suite de cette expulsion sans préavis. "On va peut-être contacter Charles Aznavour, qui est arménien et soutient parfois des actions en faveur de compatriotes", prévenait un papa.

5.000 signatures en deux jours

Un véritable élan de mobilisation s'est organisé sur la plateforme En deux jours, pas moins de 5.000 signatures ont été récoltées. "On ne laisse pas des gens s’installer pour leur dire 9 ans plus tard qu’ils doivent partir, à nouveau tout quitter : c’est inhumain. Ils ont fait une nouvelle vie chez nous et étaient d’ailleurs plus impliqués que certains Frairois dans la vie associative du village", confie à ce sujet la bourgmestre de Walcourt, Christine Poulin.

De quoi mettre la lumière sur la situation particulièrement délicate dans laquelle vivait la famille : sans aucun revenu, elle ne bénéficiait que d'un logis et d'une aide médicale en cas d'urgence.

L'avocat de la famille, Gerrit Klapwijk, compte introduire un recours. "Nous allons, devant le Conseil du Contentieux des Étrangers, introduire une requête en suspension en extrême urgence, ainsi qu’une requête en mesures urgentes et provisoires", a-t-il détaillé. Cela permettra à l'expulsion d'être suspendue pour un temps indéterminé. Il ajoute que la famille avait lancé une procédure de demande d'asile en 2008.

A l'école, les enfants s'épanchent

"J’ai du stress pour Gor et sa famille parce qu’il va peut-être leur arriver quelque chose de pas bien", confie un élève de l'école libre. "J’espère qu’il saura se défendre."

"C’était mon ami, je n’ai pas envie de le perdre. On jouait tout le temps ensemble et il m’aidait pour les devoirs", dit un autre.

Et un autre encore : "Jeudi, après l’école, j’ai pleuré. Je jouais souvent avec lui, il était super gentil."

Depuis, l'élan de soutien a gagné en puissance. Ce samedi matin, il étaient plusieurs parents à faire la route jusque Belgrade pour supporter Gor à son match de basket. Demain, une marche des bougies aura lieu dans l'après-midi. La pétition sera imprimée, transmise à la commune et, le groupe de soutien l'espère, au cabinet Francken. 

Lavrov to discuss Karabakh during Armenia and Azerbaijan visits, Armenia
Nov 16 2017
Lavrov to discuss Karabakh during Armenia and Azerbaijan visits Lavrov to discuss Karabakh during Armenia and Azerbaijan visits

15:28, 16.11.2017

Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov will visit Armenia and Azerbaijan soon, spokesperson for the Russian foreign office Maria Zakharova said.

Lavrov will visit Yerevan on November 20-21 where he expected to meet with the Armenian president and foreign minister, she told a briefing on Thursday.

The visit marks the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations and the 20th anniversary of a large treaty on friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance signed between Armenia and Russia.

"The agenda includes the wide range of cooperation issues. The prospects for the settlement of the Karabakh issue will be discussed,” Zakharova said.

On November 20, Sergey Lavrov will pay an official visit to Azerbaijan. Negotiations are planned with the Azerbaijani foreign minister.

“We have repeatedly said that Azerbaijan is our important strategic partner in the Caucasus. This year we celebrate the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between our countries.”

Zakharova also noted that Russia, along with the other co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group, continues to contribute to the settlement of the Karabakh conflict.

Moldovan President Igor Dodon to arrive in Armenia on an official visit

On November 9-11, Igor Dodon President of the Republic of Moldova, will arrive in Armenia on an official visit at the invitation of Serzh Sargsyan.

Within the framework of the visit the President of the Republic of Moldova is expected to meet with the leadership of the Republic of Armeni: the President, the Speaker of the National Assembly and the Prime Minister.

At the end of the Armenian-Moldovan high-level talks at the Presidential Palace, Presidents Serzh Sargsyan and Igor Dodon will address the mass media, summarizing the negotiation results.

The President of the Republic of Moldova will visit the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin and Matenadaran, the Tumo Center for Creative Technologies and the Armenian Chess Academy. President Igor Dodon will also pay tribute to the victims of the Armenian Genocide at Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex.

Sports: Armenian cyclist wins silver at UCI Track Cycling World Cup

PanArmenian, Armenia
Nov 6 2017
November 6, 2017 – 11:38 AMT
Armenian cyclist wins silver at UCI Track Cycling World Cup

Armenia's Edgar Stepanyan won a silver medal in the scratch race event of the UCI Track Cycling World Cup in Pruszkow, Poland, the National Olympic Committee reports.

Stepanyan lagged behind the Belgian cyclist Robb Ghys, leaving Dutch Roy Pieters on the third spot.

Azerbaijani press: Ilham Aliyev: Azerbaijan won’t allow creation of second Armenian state on its historical lands

By  Trend

The people and state of Azerbaijan will never allow creation of a second Armenian state on Azerbaijan's historical lands, said President Ilham Aliyev.

He made the remarks at a joint press conference together with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Baku on October 31.

“Both at the one-on-one meeting and at the meeting with participation of delegations, we have seen once again that the Turkey-Azerbaijan relations are at the highest level,” said President Aliyev.

The Turkey-Azerbaijan friendship, brotherhood, unity is at the highest peak today, he noted adding that there is consensus on the discussed issues, all issues are solved, and the discussed issues are implemented.

“Naturally, we have discussed today the future development of our political relations,” said the president.

The head of state noted that political relations of Azerbaijan and Turkey are developing successfully.

Speaking about the high-level mutual visits, President Aliyev reminded that he has visited Turkey twice this year, and today the Turkish President is on a visit to Azerbaijan.

Ministers, other officials meet frequently, added the head of state.

Meanwhile, the two countries support each other in all international organizations, said President Aliyev.

The president said that the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, one of the most painful problems for the region today, has also been discussed.

“Unfortunately, this conflict has not been solved yet. Azerbaijan’s historical land, Nagorno-Karabakh, and seven surrounding districts are under occupation, and as a result of the occupation, more than one million Azerbaijanis have become displaced persons,” said President Aliyev. “International organizations, especially the UN Security Council passed four resolutions on the conflict. These resolutions indicate that the Armenian armed forces must be withdrawn immediately and unconditionally from the occupied lands.”

“Unfortunately, these resolutions remain on paper, Armenia still ignores them, and the conflict remains unresolved. This is the policy of double standards against us. In some cases, UN Security Council resolutions are implemented within a few days. However, in our case, these resolutions and decisions remain unfulfilled for more than 20 years,” added the president.

The head of state noted that the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict must be resolved on the basis of international law and within the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.

“There is no other way. The people and state of Azerbaijan will never allow creation of a second Armenian state on our historical land. I once again thanked President Erdogan for the support of Turkey in this issue. Turkey has always supported the just case of Azerbaijan in all international organizations as a friend, as a brother,” added Ilham Aliyev.

“Today, we have discussed the military cooperation extensively,” he noted adding that this issue is also on the agenda.

Noting that three joint military exercises have been held in Azerbaijan, two military exercises – in Baku and one military exercise – in Nakhchivan this year, President Aliyev said that this is a factor strengthening the two countries’ cooperation in the military sphere.

Meanwhile, the joint military-technical cooperation continues, added the president.

Turkey’s growing military industrial complex is of great interest to Azerbaijan, said Ilham Aliyev.

He added that Azerbaijan buys and will continue buying military products from Turkey.


Լոս Անջելես-Երևան ուղիղ չվերթ բացելու գաղափարը առաջնահերթություն է. ANCA

  • 31.10.2017

  • Հայաստան


ԱՄՆ Հայ դատի հանձնախումբը շարունակում է առաջ տանել Լոս Անջելեսի և Երևանի միջև ուղիղ չվերթ բացելու գաղափարը՝ Հայաստանում և Միացյալ Նահանգներում կառավարական, բիզնես և քաղաքացիական հասարակության շահագրգիռ կողմերի հետ: Այդ մասին հայտնում է հանձնախումբը:

Հանձնախմբի ջանքերը ղեկավարող Զանգու Արմենյանը և Գլենդեյլի քաղաքային խորհրդի անդամ Զարեհ Սինանյանը վերջերս ժամանել են Երևան՝ պաշտոնյաների հետ քննարկելու համապատասխան չվերթի բացման գործնական քայլերը: Նույն ժամանակահատվածում պաշտոնական այցով Երևանում է գտնվել նաև Փասադենայի քաղաքապետ Թերի Թորնեքը: Թորնեքը և Սինանյանը համապատասխանաբար «Հոլիվուդ-Բըրբանք» օդանավակայանի հանձնաժողովի նախագահն ու փոխնախագահն են:

Այս տարի ավելի վաղ ANCA-ի անդամներն այդ հարցով քննարկումներ են ունեցել Լոս Անջելեսի միջազգային օդանավակայանի գլխավոր գործադիր տնօրեն Դեբորա Ֆլինտի հետ:

«Մենք պաշտոնյաների կողմից հետաքրքրվածություն ենք տեսնում այս նախաձեռնությունն ուսումնասիրելու համար, որովհետև Միացյալ Նահանգներում ամենամեծ ամերիկահայ համայնքը Հայաստանի հետ կապելը կնպաստի և՛ Լոս Անջելեսում, և՛ Հայաստանում զբոսաշրջության զարգացմանն ու բիզնես հնարավորություններին»,- ասել է Զանգու Արմենյանը:

Russia to supply new batch of armaments to Armenia, says President Sargsyan


Russia will supply a batch of military armaments to Armenia in the upcoming days as part of an active contract, while the realization of the new 100 million dollar loan agreement will begin after confirmation on all intergovernmental levels, Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan said in an interview to Russia’s RIA Novosti.

“We will realize the previous contract until the end of this year. We are expecting new supplies in the coming days, and until the end of the year we will close all issues regarding the previous contract”, Sargsyan said.

“We have already signed a new contract in Yerevan, in must pass all Russian and Armenian state levels, and subsequently the ratification procedure, and then we will start working with Russian manufacturers for realizing the program. Unfortunately it won’t be done rather quickly”, he said.

Back in June 2015, a 200 million dollar agreement was signed between Russia and Armenia for acquiring Russian military armaments.

Under the new agreement, which was approved by the Armenian government on October 12, 2017, Russia will provide a 100 million dollar state exports loan to Armenia to finance the supplies of military designated production.

Add Me to Your Blacklist, Serj Tankian Tells Azerbaijan

Serj Tankian in Artsakh

YEREVAN ( System of a Down frontman Serj Tankian is encouraging Baku to add him to the list of all the individuals who have been banned from Azerbaijan for visiting Nagorno Karabakh (Artsakh).

“Add me to that list as I’ve been to Artsakh more than once. Make it a +3 as I was w/ Atom Egoyan, Arsinee Khanjian & Eric Nazarian last time,” the world famous Armenian-American musician said in a tweet.

Tankian’s comments come after Baku banned celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain visited Armenia and Karabakh for an episode of CNN’s “Parts Unknown.”

“To be blacklisted by a country led by a despotic oil magnate is a badge of honor,” Tankian said in another tweet.

Bourdain thus joined a plethora of other celebrities, diplomats and ordinary citizens who have visited Karabakh.

Sports: Armenia’s Sona Poghosyan grabs gold at Junior European Championships

Panorama, Armenia
Oct 20 2017
Sport 10:33 20/10/2017Armenia

Armenian weightlifter Sona Poghosyan has won gold at the 2017 European U20 Weightlifting Championships underway in Durres, Albania.

According to the press service of the National Olympic Committee, the Armenian athlete took the gold with a total of 227kg result from both lifts. She also won small gold medals in snatch (97kg) and clean and jerk (130kg) events.

Three other representatives of Armenia – Andranik Karapetyan (85kg), Karush Ghukasyan (94kg) and Arpine Dalalyan (90+ kg) will begin their performances today.