Կրիվոպուսկովը նախագահին է ներկայացրել ՌԴ-ում ՀՀ մշակույթային օրերի ծրագիրը

  • 09.10.2017

  • Հայաստան


Նախագահ Սերժ Սարգսյանն այսօր ընդունել է Հայաստանի հետ բարեկամության և համագործակցության ռուսաստանյան ընկերակցության նախագահ Վիկտոր Կրիվոպուսկովին:

Հանդիպման ընթացքում Վիկտոր Կրիվոպուսկովը հանրապետության նախագահին ներկայացրել է իր գլխավորած կազմակերպության գործունեությունն ու առաջիկա ծրագրերը՝ մանրամասն խոսելով հատկապես առաջիկայում Ռուսաստանում Հայաստանի մշակութային օրերի կազմակերպման ուղղությամբ ձեռնարկվող աշխատանքների մասին:

Նշվում է, որ միջոցառումը կանցկացվի մշակույթի ոլորտում 2016-2018թթ. ՀՀ և ՌԴ միջև համագործակցության ծրագրի շրջանակներում: Հայաստանի հետ բարեկամության և համագործակցության ռուսաստանյան ընկերակցության նախագահը Սերժ Սարգսյանին տեղեկացրել է, որ Ռուսաստանում Հայաստանի մշակույթային օրերի շրջանակներում մայրաքաղաքից բացի միջոցառումներ կանցկացվեն նաև Ռուսաստանի տարածաշրջաններում:

Նախագահը ողջունել է հայ-ռուսական հարաբերությունների խորացմանն ու երկու ժողովուրդների բարեկամության ամրապնդմանն ուղղված ռուսաստանյան ընկերակցության գործունեությունը և մաղթել հաջողություններ: Նախագահը վստահեցրել է, որ Հայաստանի պետական կառավարման մարմիններն ամենայն օժանդակություն կցուցաբերեն ընկերակցությանը՝ վերոնշյալ նախաձեռնությունների իրականացման գործում:

Armenia actively facilitates UN Sustainable Development Goals

Mediamax, Armenia
Oct 5 2017
Armenia actively facilitates UN Sustainable Development Goals
Yerevan /Mediamax/. Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia Ashot Hovakimyan said that Armenia actively brings the process of its development in compliance with UN Sustainable Development Goals agenda.
Deputy FM said this during the meeting with newly-appointed Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) Olga Algayerova in Geneva.
According to Armenian MFA, the sides registered content with the level of sustainable cooperation between Armenia and UN ECE and the successful implementation of a number of projects.
Ashot Hovakimyan reminded during the session of Executive Committee of the Programme of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Establishment that Armenia provided shelter to 22 000 refugees, becoming the third hosting country in Europe by population ratio.
On the other hand, the Deputy FM noted that the support from international community and donor organizations would supplement the efforts of the Armenian government.

Azerbaijani Press: Azerbaijan slams Michigan Senate`s resolution recognizing Armenia-created separatist regime in its occupied lands

AzerTag, Azerbaijan
Sept 30 2017
Azerbaijan slams Michigan Senate`s resolution recognizing Armenia-created separatist regime in its occupied lands

Culture: Rural life and Traditions Festival opened in Yerevan English park

Panorama, Armenia
Sept 16 2017

The annual Rural Life and Traditions Festival opened today in English park of Yerevan. The event is aimed at sustainable agricultural development and assisting the farmers across the country to sell their products, including organic produce.

Chairwoman at Green Lane NGO Nune Sarukhanyan noted the festival is one of the long-awaited and most favorite festivals in the capital turning to holiday not only for the city residents but also farmers and members of the farmer groups.

“The message we try to deliver through the festival is together we will create more sustainable and active village communities. promoting the locally cultivated agricultural products,” Sarukhanyan said.

The opening ceremony was attended by Armenia’s Minister of Agriculture Ignati Arakelyan. “These festivals come to prove the village remains the main provider for cities. The event is organized for city residents to get familiarized with achievements in agriculture, recorded in the result of the projects by international organizations, among other stakeholders,  and achieved by farmers’ and women’s groups. The festival is also a good opportunity to obtain goods which are not sold at markets yet,” the minister said in his remarks, assuring greater achievements for Armenia’s agricultural sector are ahead.

The festival is organized by the Green Lane NGO with the support of ministry of agriculture and Yerevan municipality. The festival provides unique opportunity to small-sized farmers to find markets for their products and establish direct links with buyers and new producers. The year’s event is attended by entrepreneurs and small-sized processing companies not only from Armenian provinces but also from neighboring Georgia and Iran.

Apart from farmers’ produce, the festival encompasses singing, dancing and theatrical performances, a wide variety of arts and handicrafts made by local artisans and craftsmen.

RFE/RL Armenian Report – 09/13/2017


Armenian Lawyers Go On Strike

 . Artak Hambardzumian
 . Karlen Aslanian

Armenia - Lawyers hold a roundtable discussion in Yerevan, 13Sep2017.

More 180 Armenian lawyers went on strike on Wednesday to protest
against controversial security checks on attorneys representing
radical opposition members in three ongoing trials.

The defense lawyers have been required to walk through metal detectors
and have their bags checked before entering courtrooms. They say this
procedure amounts to searches not allowed by Armenian law. Many of
them have refused to attend court hearings in the trials of Zhirayr
Sefilian, the jailed leader of the Founding Parliament movement, and
his three dozen loyalists who seized a police station in Yerevan last

"We hope that this one-day protest will be enough for state bodies to
look into the problem more thoroughly and find a solution acceptable
to everyone," one of the protesting lawyers, Tigran Atanesian, said at
a roundtable discussion in Yerevan. Or else, he warned, they will
continue to fight against the practice.

Armenia's Judicial Department insists that the security "inspections"
do not constitute searches and are therefore legal. The leadership of
the Chamber of Advocates, the national bar association, has sided with
the department.

The chamber's newly reelected chairman, Ara Zohrabian, reaffirmed that
position when he spoke during the discussion. "When nobody touches a
lawyer's bag there can be no talk of a search," he said.

Mushegh Shushanian, one of the lawyers representing the arrested
opposition gunmen, denounced that stance. "One has the impression that
the chairman of the Chamber of Advocates is tasked with campaigning
against independent lawyers," Shushanian charged.

The one-day strike disrupted the latest hearing in one of the two
trials of the gunmen. It was scheduled for Wednesday.

The presiding judge, Artush Gabrielian, cited the absence of 15
lawyers who joined the strike. "The court does not regard as positive
the lawyers' failure to attend today's hearing because they were
obliged to show up," Gabrielian said, adding that he could take fresh
disciplinary action against them.

Armenia Encouraged To Boost Exports To U.S.

 . Sargis Harutyunyan

Armenia - Armenian businesspeople are briefed on ways of capitalizing
on Armenia's mostly tariff-free access to the U.S. market, Yerevan,

A senior U.S. official encouraged Armenian businesspeople to take
greater advantage of Armenia's mostly tariff-free access to the
U.S. market during a visit to Yerevan on Wednesday.

Assistant Trade Representative Ed Gresser advised them on the
U.S. Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) at a meeting organized by
the American Chamber of Commerce in Armenia (AmCham) and the
U.S. Embassy in Yerevan.

Armenia is among 129 countries and territories included in the GSP
program, which fully or partly exempts many goods manufactured by them
from U.S import duties. Despite these trade preferences, Armenian
exports to the United States have been quite modest to date.

According to official statistics, Armenian companies exported only
about $39 million worth of goods -- mostly aluminum foil, jewelry
items and some foodstuffs -- to the U.S. last year. Those exported
jumped by 62 percent year on year, to almost $35 million, in the first
seven months of 2017.Sixty percent of them were covered by the GSP.

Gresser said that the preferential trade regime gives Armenian
exporters a significant competitive edge in the United States. "No
country in the European Union is eligible for GSP," he said. "Russia
is not in the GSP system, China is not in the GSP system, Iran is not
in the GSP system."

"So when buyers are choosing between Armenia products and those of
some neighboring countries or those of some very large exporters, the
savings GSP offers can be a pretty compelling argument for buying the
Armenian product," argued the U.S. official.

Armenia is already the world's fourth largest exporter of cherry jam
to the U.S., he said.

"One of my top priorities as ambassador for the last two years has
been to improve economic ties and trade between Armenia and the United
States," Richard Mills, the U.S. ambassador in Yerevan, told reporters
after the AmCham meeting. "That's why I am very happy to be welcoming
to Yerevan this week two senior members from the United States Trade
Representative's office."

"These two visitors are here to talk about the potential for expanding
Armenia's business community's use of the Generalized System of
Preferences that the United States has in place," he said.

The U.E. Embassy and the Armenian Ministry of Economy already
organized a seminar in March 2016 for Armenian manufacturing firms
interested in capitalizing on the GSP. Another senior official from
the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) was on hand to
present business opportunities stemming from the trade scheme and
legal procedures for qualifying for it.

Gresser met on Tuesday with Armenian Foreign Minister Edward
Nalbandian and Deputy Economy Minister Garegin Melkonian. Official
Armenian sources said the talks focused not only on GSP-related issues
but also broader commercial ties between the two nations. In
particular, the two sides discussed preparations for a second session
of the U.S.-Armenia Trade and Investment Council.

The council was set up in line with the Trade and Investment Framework
Agreement (TIFA) signed by U.S. and Armenian officials in Washington
in May 2015. It is tasked with addressing obstacles to bilateral

Karapetian Defends Track Record

 . Ruzanna Stepanian

Armenia - Prime Minister Karen Karapetian speaks in the National
Assembly in Yerevan, 13Sep2017.

Prime Minister Karen Karapetian insisted on Wednesday that the
macroeconomic situation in Armenia has improved during his one-year

Karapetian pointed to faster economic growth recorded this year when
he was asked about the impact of his government's policies on the
lives of ordinary citizens during a question-and-answer session in the
Armenian parliament.

"As for how our fellow citizens feel, we have presented you with
macroeconomic indicators that are -- I'm sorry if this sound immodest
-- are the best in the region, in the Eurasian Economic Union and the
CIS," he said, answering a question from a deputy from President Serzh
Sarkisian's Republican Party of Armenia (HHK).

"Does that mean that we have solved all our problems? Of course not,
because we have practically no people who don't want to improve the
quality of their life. So it's not that we will have lived up to
everyone's expectations within a year."

"But I think that the overall trend, the direction in which we are
moving satisfies us to a certain extent," added Karapetian.

Karapetian was tasked with easing socioeconomic hardship in the
country when Sarkisian appointed him as prime minister in September
last year. He pledged to do so through reforms that would improve the
domestic business environment and attract more foreign investment in
the struggling Armenian economy.

According official statistics, economic growth accelerated from 0.2
percent in 2016 to around 5 percent in the first half of this
year. Also, the government's tax revenue has risen by almost 7 percent
in the past year.

Opposition politicians and other critics of the government dismiss
these figures, saying that they have had no real tangible impact on
the population. They also remain highly skeptical about Karapetian's
reform pledges.

Karapetian has repeatedly indicated his desire to stay on as prime
minister after Sarkisian serves to his final presidential term in
April. The president has not yet clarified whether he plans to become
prime minister or replace Karapetian with someone else.

Press Review

"Zhoghovurd" blasts what it sees as a thuggish behavior of some
members of the ruling Republican Party of Armenia (HHK) at Tuesday's
session of Yerevan's municipal council. "Instead of holding debates
with their opposition colleagues, they were making offensive remarks,"
the paper says. It says Yerevan Mayor Taron Markarian, who chaired the
session, did not even attempt to rein in them, meaning that he tacitly
supported them. "This is nothing but a disgrace," it says.

"Hraparak" says that when Karen Karapetian took over as prime minister
a year ago he made a grim assessment of the economic situation in
Armenia. "It was evident that Karapetian was invited to get the
country's economic out of a pit," writes the paper. "A pit into which
it was plunged by the HHK, its governments and their policies." It
claims that President Serzh Sarkisian and his entourage no longer
allow him to "single-handedly make decisions on important issues,
appoint or fire high-ranking officials." "Even on his political future
nothing explicit is being said right now, unlike in the initial period
of his tenure," it says.

"Haykakan Zhamanak" ridicules the minuscule volume of trade between
Armenia and Kyrgyzstan, a fellow member of the Russian-led Eurasian
Economic Union (EEU). Imports of Kyrgyz goods to Armenia stood at less
than $10,000 in the first half of this year, official data shows. "It
must be noted that Armenia's exports to Kyrgyzstan are much greater:
about $424,000," the paper says.

(Lilit Harutiunian)

Reprinted on ANN/Armenian News with permission from RFE/RL
Copyright (c) 2017 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, Inc.
1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036.

Էսթերա Մկրտումյանը նշանակվել է Ուրուգվայում, Չիլիում և Պերուում ՀՀ դեսպան

  • 13.09.2017

  • Հայաստան


ՀՀ նախագահ Սերժ Սարգսյանի ստորագրած հրամանագրով Արգենտիայում ՀՀ արտակարգ և լիազոր դեսպան Էսթերա Մկրտումյանը համատեղության կարգով դեսպան է նշանակվել Ուրուգվայի Արևելյան Հանրապետությունում, Չիլիի հանրապետությունում և Պերուի հանրապետությունում արտակարգ և լիազոր դեսպան:

«Ղեկավարվելով 2005 թվականի փոփոխություններով Հայաստանի Հանրապետության Սահմանադրության 55-րդ հոդվածի 8-րդ կետով` որոշում եմ.

Արգենտինայի Հանրապետությունում Հայաստանի Հանրապետության արտակարգ և լիազոր դեսպան Էսթերա Մկրտումյանին, համատեղության կարգով, նշանակել Ուրուգվայի Արևելյան Հանրապետությունում, Չիլիի Հանրապետությունում և Պերուի Հանրապետությունում Հայաստանի Հանրապետության արտակարգ և լիազոր դեսպան (նստավայրը` Բուենոս Այրես)»,- ասված է նախագահի ստորագրած հրամանագրում:

Էսթերա Մկրտումյանը Արգենտինայում ՀՀ դեսպան էր նշանակվել 2017-ի փետրվարին:


Ծննդյան տարեթիվը և վայրը

Ծնվել է 1976թ. ապրիլի 21-ին` ք.Երևանում


1993-1998թթ. Իսպաներեն և անգլերեն լեզուների բանասիրության ամբիոն, Երևանի պետական համալսարանի Ռոմանագերմանական բանասիրության ֆակուլտետ

Աշխատանքային գործունեությունը

2013-2017թթ. Արգենտինայի Հանրապետությունում Հայաստանի Հանրապետության դեսպանության խորհրդական, հյուպատոս

2012-2013թթ. ՀՀ ԱԺ արտաքին հարաբերությունների վարչության Եվրաինտեգրման և միջխորհրդարանական հարաբերությունների բաժնի վարիչ

2003-2013թթ. Եվրոպայի խորհրդի խորհրդարանական վեհաժողովում ՀՀ Ազգային ժողովի պատվիրակության քարտուղար

Հայաստան-Իսպանիա, Հայաստան-Պորտուգալիա ՀՀ ԱԺ պատգամավորական բարեկամության խմբերի քարտուղար

2002-2012թթ. ՀՀ ԱԺ արտաքին հարաբերությունների վարչության գլխավոր մասնագետ

1999-2002թթ. ՀՀ ԱԺ արտաքին հարաբերությունների վարչության առաջատար մասնագետ

Սևծովյան տնտեսական համագործակցության խորհրդարանական վեհաժողովում ՀՀ ԱԺ պատվիրակության քարտուղար

ՀՀ պետական ծառայության դասային աստիճաններ

ՀՀ պետական ծառայության 1-ին դասի խորհրդական


2012թ. ՀՀ անկախության 21-րդ տարեդարձի կապակցությամբ պարգևատրվել է «Մխիթար Գոշ» մեդալով

Օտար լեզուներ

Իսպաներեն, ռուսերեն, անգլերեն

Ընտանեկան կարգավիճակը

Ունի դուստր

Alarming West, Turkey nudges closer to Russia arms deal

Agence France Presse
September 3, 2017 Sunday 2:46 AM GMT

Alarming West, Turkey nudges closer to Russia arms deal

Istanbul, Sept 3 2017

Turkey and Russia are inching towards an accord for the first major
Turkish weapons purchase from Moscow, troubling Ankara's allies in
NATO even though the deal may not ultimately materialise.

According to Turkish and Russian officials, all preparations have been
made for the purchase of a sophisticated S-400 missile defence system,
Ankara's most significant accord with a non-NATO supplier.

But despite confident proclamations, the deal has yet to be officially inked.

Analysts remain sceptical over whether Turkey will ever take delivery
of the surface-to-air missile defence batteries. Some argue the
message sent to the West matters more than the actual acquisition.

The Pentagon has already sounded alarm, saying bluntly that "generally
it's a good idea" for NATO allies to buy inter-operable equipment.

But President Recep Tayyip Erdogan boasted that "God willing we will
see the S-400s in our country".

Erdogan has argued that Turkey's fellow NATO member and occasional
regional foe Greece has Russian-made S-300 batteries on its southern
island of Crete, originally bought by Cyprus in the late 1990s but
passed on to Greece to prevent escalation on the divided island.

- 'Show dissatisfaction' -

Dmitry Shugaev, the head of Russia's military-technical cooperation
agency, told the Kommersant daily that the deal was "almost done" with
just some "subtleties" to solve.

The United States "may be indignant but Turkey is an independent state
and can decide itself," he said.

However Igor Delanoe, Deputy Director of the French-Russian Analytical
Centre in Moscow, said he was "very sceptical" that the deal would
come to fruition.

Russia was uncomfortable with the transfer of technology and
production localisation demanded by Turkey, he said. Moscow also had a
demand backlog to its own forces but also to key client China.

"Both Moscow and Ankara use this story on the political level to show
their respective dissatisfaction to the West," Delanoe said.

Russia's relations with NATO have been in crisis over its annexation
of Crimea from Ukraine and for backing pro-Moscow separatists in
eastern Ukraine.

But while still a key member of NATO, Turkey's ties with the United
States in particular have been strained over Washington's support of
the People's Protection Units (YPG) Syrian Kurd militia which Ankara
considers a terror group.

"Ankara is also tempted to use (the S-400 issue) since it has been
deeply frustrated by America's ongoing military cooperation with the
Syrian Kurds," said Delanoe.

Timur Akhmetov, Ankara-based Turkey expert at the Russian
International Affairs Council, said the talks helped Russia promote
its arms systems and corrode trust among NATO members, while Turkey
wanted to show its Western allies it has a strategic choice in its

"The longer the talks on the S-400 systems are on the agenda, the
better for Russia and Turkey's respective interests," he said.

- 'No trust' -

The fact the two countries are even discussing the purchase is a rich
symbol of the transformation in relations since a reconciliation deal
last summer following the shooting down by Turkey of a Russian plane
over the Syrian border in November 2015.

Moscow and Ankara remain on opposed sides in the Syrian conflict with
Russia backing the Damascus regime and Turkey the rebels.

In 2012, Turkish jets forced a Syrian plane flying from Moscow to
Damascus to land at Ankara airport on the grounds it was carrying
military equipment, reportedly radar parts for a Syrian air defence

The two post-imperial states both show an ability to compartmentalise
relations by not letting a centuries old and persistent regional
rivalry pollute potentially fruitful, but limited, areas of

Yet analysts say talk of the S-400 deal is far short of an indication
of a major strategic alliance.

"The only thing that makes both Turkey and Moscow drift to each other
is their intention to pressure their own respective relations with the
West," said Akhmetov.

Delanoe said "both partners do not trust each other" but "have built a
geoeconomic partnership mainly based on energy" with work in progress
on the TurkStream pipeline to pump Russian gas under the Black Sea.

According to a study by Can Kasapoglu of the EDAM centre for economic
and foreign policy studies, Turkey's desire to obtain the weapons is
also motivated by its dearth of qualified military pilots due to the
purges that followed the July 15, 2016 failed coup which has
necessitated an urgent shoring up of air defences.

Were Turkey to get its hands on the S-400 system, it would produce an
outcome where NATO members Turkey and Greece were both operating
Russian-made weapons, risking the same "vicious circle" that sees
Moscow supplying bitter foes Armenia and Azerbaijan, he added.

Historic Anniversary of Hope and Despondence

The Armenian Mirror-Spectator
Sept 2 2017
Historic Anniversary of Hope and Despondence

By Edmond Y. Azadian

On August 5, a bell rang in Hiroshima exactly at the hour when 65 years ago the first atomic bomb was dropped, scorching to death 145,000 people in a brief moment. The tolling of the bell reverberated around the globe through the electronic media, reminding the world of the anniversary of a great human tragedy of historic dimensions.

The same day, another anniversary came and passed, almost unnoticed, even by Armenians whose lives it had impacted irreversibly. Only the state TV channel in Armenia broadcast a three-minute footage remembering the 90th anniversary of a political act to restore home rule in Cilicia, now called Chukur Ova, situated on the Mediterranean Sea Coast of the present Republic of Turkey.

Indeed, August 4 and 5 were eventful days in Cilicia, raising hopes of achieving home rule by the Armenians, who were promised by the Allies, especially as a  compensation for Armenian participation in World War I on their side.

What happened on August 4 and 5, 1920, has a long and sometimes intricate background.

Armenians had inhabited Cilicia many centuries before Seljuk Turks appeared in that region. An Armenian kingdom even ruled that territory between the 10th and 14th centuries, when the Memluks deposed the last king, Levon VI Lousignan, and took over the country, in 1375 AD.

After centuries of subjugation, a historic opportunity was presented in the 20th century, right before the signing of the Sevres Treaty of August 10, 1920, to restore home rule in Cilicia.

The Armenian National Delegation, headed by Boghos Nubar Pasha, was negotiating with the victorious Allies the future of Armenia. Before the war ended, the Allies requested from the Armenians to form a legion and fight against Turkish-German forces, under the Allied command.

In 1916, the French government under President Aristide Briand, had promised home rule for Armenians in Cilicia, during negotiations leading to the formation of the Armenian Legion.

Victory has many parents, while defeat is always orphan. After the failure of the Cilician dream, some historians, including Armenian ones, claim that there was no formal document signed by the Allies to that effect.

After the French government pledge, Armenians demonstrated a rare _expression_ of unity. Indeed, Nubar Pasha commissioned a delegation comprising the representatives of three political parties and dispatched them to the US to recruit volunteers to fight in the legion. In 1917, Mihran Damadian (Ramgavar), Stepan Sabahgulian (Hunchak) and Ardavazt Hanemian (Armenian Revolutionary Federation) headed to the US to raise funds and to recruit volunteers. (At that time Constitutional Ramgavars and
Reformed Hunchaks had not united yet; therefore four parties combined their forces to achieve the mission.)

Despite the tensions of traditional Armenian disunity, the mission was accomplished. Twelve hundred volunteers, survivors of the Genocide, who had already achieved security and comfort in this land of opportunity, returned to the Middle East in cargo ships, defying German gunboats in the Atlantic. They were joined in Cyprus, by the survivors of the battle of Musa Dagh. They were trained and armed and joined the Allied forces in Palestine, numbering about 4,000. By comparison, today, one would not venture to guess how many volunteers from the diaspora joined the Karabagh forces to fight the Azeris.

At that time, patriotic fervor and the sense of revenge were overwhelming.

The Armenian Legion spearheaded the assault on unified Ottoman and German forces, fortifying a hilltop in Palestine called Arara. Armenians made history by breaking the backbone of the enemies on September 19, 1918, turning the tide of World War I in the region.

It was agreed that the volunteer legion would become the nucleus of the Armenian Army after autonomy was granted under a French mandate in Cilicia.

After the Legion entered Cilicia victoriously, 150,000 Genocide survivors returned to their homes there. Nubar Pasha appointed Mihran Damadian as the Cilician  representative vis-à-vis occupying forces.

Euphoric optimism reigned throughout Cilicia, as Armenians prepared to achieve their dreams.

It was a historic moment. The Allies were forcing on the defeated Germans and Ottomans the Treaty of Sevres, which included an independent Armenia crafted by President Woodrow Wilson. Yet Cilicia, where Armenians had been reassembled, was not part of the deal. An elusive historic opportunity was to be missed had the Armenians failed to act.

The defeated Turks had already regrouped on the ground, under Mustafa Kemal and were planning a comeback. Damadian assembled all the minorities — Armenian, Greek, Arab, Assyrian and others, and a declaration was drafted to be submitted to the French Commander Bremon. They were trying to create a fait accompli, like the Turks had done, six days before the signing of Sevres Treaty. The next day, on August 5, a delegation headed by Damadian occupied the government office and announced the formation of the Armenian government in Cilicia under a French mandate.

Damadian named himself prime minister and formed a cabinet to reflect the ethnic diversity of the region, which the French statesman George Picot had defined as a “purely Armenian territory” and where 100,000 other Christian ethnic groups had joined the 150,000 Armenians.

At the dramatic moment of achieving statehood, the French commander dispatched a battalion who forced the Armenians out of the government House at the butt of bayonets and then later in October and November evacuated their forces secretly from Cilicia, leaving the Armenians unarmed and defenseless before marauding Kemalist forces, who came to finish the grizzly mission which the Ittihadists had began during the war, by exterminating Armenians.

“Cilicia is destined to become Armenia’s future window open to the sea, to Europe and to civilization,” wrote Damadian in his memoirs — a dream that never realized.

The August 5 act may have been a last-ditch desperate initiative, but it was a historic necessity, which any prudent leader, with a sense of history, would and should have taken, regardless of the consequences. The French betrayed their formal pledge, because they had negotiated a secret deal with the Turks, not realizing that the Kemalist Milli nationalist movement was also financed, supported and armed by the newly-rising Lenin’s communist forces.

Damadian has a sad yet realistic commentary about this act of betrayal: “The conscience of diplomacy is broad and very flexible. If need be, it can level with rebels and rascals, and can even sit down to negotiate with people like Mustafa Kemal and his cohorts, vile thugs and blood hungry killers and sign armistices.”

The Cilician home rule was a dream so close to being realized, but it was sacrificed by the treachery of the French government. The Cilician dream may be lost forever, but valuable political lessons are learned which can be implemented today in the Karabagh conflict. Muster your forces and don’t trust even the closest allies, because they may sell you down the river for their selfish interests.

World Bank has new Country Manager for Armenia

Laura Bailey, World Bank’s Country Manager for Armenia, has completed her three-year activity in Armenia.

Sylvie Bossoutrot is the new Country Manager of the World Bank for Armenia as of September 1, 2017.

Since joining the Bank in 1998, Ms. Bossoutrot has held several positions and managed various operations in the Europe and Central Asia region in support of private sector and financial sector development, served as Country Sector Coordinator for Central Asia, and as Program Leader in Russia prior to this appointment.

Ms. Bossoutrot led the World Bank’s high-profile investment climate engagement in Russia starting 2012 and, as multi-sectoral Program Leader, supported the Bank’s engagement and dialogue with the Russian authorities in areas ranging from education, health, social protection to transport and agriculture.

Before joining the World Bank, Ms. Bossoutrot worked in the private sector for US based international management and consulting companies specialized in development issues in transition economies.

Ms. Bossoutrot, a French national, holds an M.A in International Relations and Economics from the Johns Hopkins University – School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) in Washington, D.C., and is a graduate of the French Institute of Political Sciences (Sciences-Po Paris).

BAKU: EPDE representative: German MPs participation in ‘NKR referendum elections harm democratic efforts

News.az, Azerbaijan
Aug 31 2017

Thu 13:02 GMT | 16:02 Local Time

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German Schweriner Volkszeitung newspaper published an article about the observation of the so-called 'referendum' held on 20.02.2017 in Azerbaijani occupied lands by Landtaq deputies of the utra-right AfD party.

The newspaper issue dated 30.08.2017 published the article titled 'AfD politicians as election observers' and the website of the same newspaper posted the same article under the name 'An illegal visit. Afd creates an image of guards of elections' reports about the illegal visit of AfD members Enrico Komning, Holger Arppe, as well as Thomas Rudy to observe the so-called 'election' in the separatist formation. It has to be noted that Schweriner Volkszeitung is considered a leading press body of Schwerin, the capital of the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern federal land, spreading reports about federal land 

The article mentions that the Azerbaijani ambassador has sent a letter to President of the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern region, Sylvia Bretschneider. It is noted that Landtag president rarely receives letters from ambassadors.

Especially because in the letter he talked about the illegal visit of two Landtag deputies, it look the president's office long to engage with this issue."

It is reported that "Nagorno Karabakh, which the United Nations recognizes as the territory of Azerbaijan, is actually occupied by Armenia." The MPs of the above-mentioned federal land were invited by the "parliament of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic" to assess the "internationally observed referendum". The powers of the "unrecognized republic's president" have been put for vote during the referendum.

It is reported that on February 19 all the three politicians stepped into the "country that is officially nonexistent". They traveled by plane to Yerevan and from there they headed to Nagorno-Karabakh. The article notes that an employee of the Embassy of Azerbaijan said, "the trip to Nagorno-Karabakh is illegal because of no permission from Azerbaijan. Nagorno-Karabakh is an ​​Azerbaijani territory in line with the international law," he says. The article emphasizes that "along with being a violation of the law, the visit is also dangerous."

The article also refers to participants in an illegal visit. Enrico Komning says that they were 'invited by the Nagorno Karabakh autonomous government", "the decision of the country to be independent is consistent with international law," "the elections are democratic," and "that it is not a crucial matter."

Thomas Rudy mentions that "travel, hotel and other expenses" were met by the opposite side, and the deputies brought "German drinks and Menderenburg sausage" as gifts.

The article also mentions while describing Holger Arppe that he has recently been charged with inciting national hatred and appealed against a court decision.

Stefani Schiffer, a representative for the European Platform for Democratic Elections (EPDE), said in the article that the aforementioned politicians 'harm the democratic efforts of the international community.' According to him 'the participation of German parliamentaries in the referendum in Nagorno-Karabakh was aimed at granting it the legitimacy it does not have. The invitation to the elections actually pursued this goal. The article emphasizes that Komning, Arppe, and Rudy were used as a means to attain this goal.

The article can be downloaded from the following link:
