Armenian official: MFA hasn’t raised issue to review CEPA with regard to Karabakh, Armenia
Nov 25 2021

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia hasn’t raised the issue of revision of the Armenia-European Union Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement (CEPA) due to the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. This is what Head of the European Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia Tigran Samvelian said during a discussion on Thursday.

Samvelian recalled that the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, the fight against terrorism and readmission are the functions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia with regard to the CEPA.

“When the CEPA was signed in 2017, it was very clearly stated and arose from the stances of the EU and Armenia according to which the conflict needs to be settled on the basis of the documents that contain references to the OSCE Final Act, the UN Charter and the principles of territorial integrity, no use of force and the right of peoples to self-determination. Our approach remains unchanged. Each of the sides may express its disagreement or the desire to review the document. We need to assess whether raising the issue arises from our interests,” Manvelian said.

As far as the relations between the EU and Azerbaijan are concerned, if one of the sides is the European Union, according to him, there can’t be a mechanism for a resolution of the conflict through the use of force.

“Whether the principles of peaceful settlement of the conflict, only territorial integrity or the right of peoples to self-determination will be enshrined or not, all this is within the domain of the sides’ interests. We don’t have access to the document, but we need to rely on the consistency of the EU with respect to its position on a peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Even if this principle is not enshrined in the document, it is mandatory for implementation. The prevailing majority of the EU member states don’t have such an approach that the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is resolved. On the contrary, there is a view that conflict has yet to be settled,” the Armenian MFA official concluded.

Newspaper: Armenia soldiers are prohibited from filming episodes from their service, posting them on internet, Armenia
Nov 20 2021

YEREVAN. – Hraparak daily of Armenia writes: The Azerbaijani side disseminates videos—on various Telegram channels—of the Armenian-Azerbaijani clashes of the recent days, of how the Azerbaijani soldiers take Armenian soldiers captive, beat, debase [them]. And this gives the impression that ours are meager, do not know how to fight, surrender quickly, do not defend themselves and the [military] positions entrusted to them.
Of course, there are such shameful scenes, too, and there is a need to find out why our soldiers have found themselves in such a situation. But ours have fought heroic battles, too—destroying the enemy, which, however, is not video recorded and not disseminated by us.
We were told that the soldiers of the Armenian army are forbidden to film the episodes of their [military] service and disseminate [them] on the internet. It is about the heroic episodes with the participation of our soldiers during military operations.
Meanwhile, the Azerbaijanis are able to film, disseminate what they have done—even what they have not done—, carry out a psychological attack, and they are winning in the information war. [But] ours even passed a law banning journalistic work at the border, not realizing that it means losing in the information war and conceding to the enemy.

Chargé d’Affaires of US Mission to OSCE rules out military solution of NK conflict




YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 18, ARMENPRESS. Many issues in the Nagorno Karabakh conflict context remain unresolved, but there can be no military solution, Chargé d’Affaires of the US Mission to the OSCE Courtney Austrian said at the session of the OSCE Permanent Council.

She welcomed Ambassador Andrew Schofer, Ambassador Igor Khovaev, and Ambassador Brice Roquefeuil, Co-Chairs of the Minsk Group, together with the Chairpersonship’s Personal Representative, Ambassador Kasprzyk, to the Permanent Council, stating the United States attaches great importance to their continued work. 

“We are committed to helping the sides find comprehensive solutions to all remaining issues related to or resulting from the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. We thank all of you, including the head of the High-Level Planning Group, for your astute reports and updates”, Courtney Austrian said. “Since your last appearance at the Permanent Council in November 2020, the situation on the ground had stabilized but remained fragile. This week underscored that fragility. We regret that Armenian and Azerbaijani troops clashed along the Armenia-Azerbaijan border and that this violence resulted in casualties. These recent events give fresh urgency to the need for a comprehensive settlement. We call on both Armenia and Azerbaijan to uphold their ceasefire commitments and take immediate steps to deescalate tensions, as well as to refrain from inflammatory rhetoric and provocative actions and or statements”.

She encouraged the sides to build on the progress made during the joint meetings of the Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan held under the auspices of the Co-Chairs in New York and Paris, by continuing to engage in direct dialogue aimed at contributing to security, stability, and prosperity in the region. “We also urge the sides to investigate all allegations of human rights abuses and violations of international humanitarian law”, she added.

Courtney Austrian welcomed Ambassador Kasprzyk’s and his team’s efforts to promote transparency and confidence among the sides.

“Many issues in the conflict context remain unresolved, but there can be no military solution. The United States is committed to working with the sides to find a lasting and peaceful resolution based on the principles, recognized by all participating States, of non-use or threat of force, territorial integrity, and equal rights and self-determination of peoples, as embraced in the Helsinki Final Act”, she said.

No “significant incidents” at eastern border of Armenia




YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 18, ARMENPRESS. No “significant incidents” have taken place at the eastern border of Armenia as of 14:00 November 18 and the situation is under the control of the Armenian military, the Armenian Unified Information Center reported.

Commenting on the videos on border clashes disseminated online in the recent hours, the agency said that the videos are constantly studies by relevant authorities. “The events seen in the videos which have been circulating so far have taken place earlier.”

Editing and Translating by Stepan Kocharyan

Armenia building new route for Iranian vehicles

Iran Front Page
Nov 18 2021

Armenia is building a new transit route for Iranian cargo and passenger vehicles after the Azerbaijan Republic imposed restrictions on the previous road.

After its completion, Iranian vehicles can use the Kapan-Datev road which is being reconstructed by Armenia. The road replaces the previous one, Kapan-Goris.  

Azerbaijan controls approximately 20 km out of a 400 km route from Norduz to Yerevan. It captured the area during last year’s war with Armenia and claims sovereignty over the section. 

Since last month, Azerbaijan has imposed strict regulations on Iranian drivers. This has caused major problems for Iranians passing through the 20-kilometer section of Armenia’s Goris-Kapan Road including having to pay tolls levied by Azerbaijani border guards.

Iran and Armenia had been seeking ways to bypass Azerbaijan.

In response to complaints by drivers, Armenia’s Minister of Regional Management and Infrastructure said the reconstruction work to prepare the new route is ongoing.

The Armenian official said the impassable section of the new road includes a steep slope that will be fixed and connected to the main road in a few months. 

The Armenian government is also building a highway linking the north to the south. The pavement is concrete and there are eight tunnels on the highway connecting the Iran-Armenia border to the Georgia-Armenia border.

Investigative Committee takes over probe into mass food poisoning at Tashir Pizza




YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 11, ARMENPRESS. The Investigative Committee has taken over the criminal case launched by police into the mass food poisoning at the Tashir Pizza restaurants.

The Investigative Committee said it will conduct a criminal investigation to determine the circumstances of the food poisoning.

Earlier on November 10, the Ministry of Healthcare and the Food Safety Inspection Agency released lab results of samples taken from the food, employees and patrons of Tashir Pizza, the restaurant where a mass food poisoning left nearly 180 people sickened and hospitalized.

Editing and Translating by Stepan Kocharyan

Coronavirus: 1309 new cases, 70 deaths in Armenia




YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 12, ARMENPRESS. 1309 new cases of COVID-19 were confirmed in the last 24 hours, bringing the cumulative total number of confirmed cases to 326,830, the Armenian ministry of healthcare said in a statement.

11,431 tests were conducted.

The total number of recoveries reached 289,900 (2044 in the last 24 hours).

70 patients died, bringing the death toll to 6937. This number doesn’t include the deaths of 1368 other individuals infected with coronavirus who died from co-morbidities, according to authorities.

As of November 12 the number of active cases stood at 28,625.

Editing and Translating by Stepan Kocharyan

"A year ago I battled coronavirus": video story from Armenia

Nov 12 2021

    Hrant Marinosyan


There is a new wave of coronavirus in Armenia, and this time the number of new cases per day exceeds two thousand. Dozens of people die every day – some days’ death toll is above fifty. In this video, Ani tells her story of contracting the coronavirus a year ago and celebrating her 30th birthday in the hospital. At the same time, her mother was in the ICU, and her father was being treated at home.

She clearly remembers taking precautions so as not to get infected. Now it is very important for her not to infect anyone herself. Watch the story in details.

Watch video at the link below:

Liquidation of the Armenian SIS puts an end to torture cases

Caucasian Knot, EU
Nov 4 2021

The National Security Service (NSS) of Armenia will fail to endure efficient investigation of torture cases, Ara Karagezyan, a lawyer, has suggested. For proper inquiry into these cases, a separate agency is needed, Nina Karapetyants, a human rights defender, believes.

On November 3, a discussion of the consequences of the disbanding of the Special Investigating Service (SIS) was held at the Yerevan "Media Centre" Club of Public Journalism, the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent has reported.

In Armenia, counteracting torture and abuses is formal; and after the liquidation of the SIS, the issue of investigating torture criminal cases will remain open, Nina Karapetyants, the head of the Helsinki Association of Armenia, believes.

A brawl during the peaceful protest of the residents of "Fizgorodok" against the construction of a high-rise building testifies to the authorities' unwillingness to undertake fundamental police reforms, Ms Karapetyants has added.

"Authorities need those who use brutal force during peaceful protests. There are many examples, take at least Electric Yerevan or Amulsar," Nina Karapetyants has explained.

The police are using violence to intimidate people so that people do not go out to fight for their rights, said Vardan Arutyunyan, an activist of the "Fizgorodok". In his opinion, the Armenian police are protecting the interests of a narrow circle of people.

This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on November 4, 2021 at 04:22 am MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

Author: Tigran PetrosyanSource: CK correspondent

© Caucasian Knot

Armenian President attends COP26 conference in Glasgow

Public Radio of Armenia
Nov 1 2021

President Armen Sarkissian has arrived at the 26th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP26) in Glasgow.

President Sarkissian was welcomed by and had a brief conversation with UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson and UN Secretary general Antonio Guterres

The United Kingdom and Italy co-chair the Glasgow Conference.

Heads of states, climate change experts, business and civil society leaders will participate in the discussions.

The conference aims to develop an agreed action plan for combating climate change. The agenda topics target to help communities prepare for the worst effects of climate change, to protect and restore natural habitats and ecosystems for the planet’s biodiversity, to accelerate the transition to clean energy by promoting the use and storage of low-cost renewable sources, to clean the air by accelerating zero emissions transport use around the world, encourage and identify the developing of financial systems and create green jobs.

US President Joe Biden, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, President of France Emmanuel Macron, Prime Minister of Israel Naftali Bennett, Prime Minister of Australia Scott Morrison, Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Italy Mario Draghi, President of Colombia Iván Duque Márquez, Prime Minister of Sweden Stefan Löfven, President of Turkey Recep Erdoğan, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres, President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, and others participate in the conference.

The President of Armenia will deliver a speech at the World Leaders Summit to be held within the conference, and also have bilateral meetings.