RFE/RL Armenian Report – 10/21/2021


Armenian Defense Chief Chides NATO Over Turkey’s Role In Karabakh War

        • Emil Danielyan

Armenia - Armenian Defense Minister Arshak Karapetian at a meeting with a 
visiting NATO envoy, Yerevan, .

NATO member Turkey’s active involvement in last year’s war in Nagorno-Karabakh 
undermined Armenia’s trust in the U.S.-led alliance, Defense Minister Arshak 
Karapetian told a visiting NATO envoy on Thursday.

Javier Colomina Piriz, the NATO secretary general’s new special representative 
for the South Caucasus and Central Asia, held separate talks with Karapetian and 
Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian during his first visit to Yerevan.

Official Armenian sources said the talks focused on the future of Armenia’s 
relations with NATO as well as regional security and the current situation in 
the Karabakh conflict zone in particular.

The Armenian Defense Ministry said Karapetian spoke about “NATO member Turkey’s 
role in the 44-day war unleashed against Artsakh.” He said that it “reduced 
confidence towards NATO in the task of maintaining peace and stability in the 
region,” the ministry added in a statement.

It did not specify whether Karapetian, who has frequently visited Russia since 
being appointed defense minister in July, signaled Yerevan’s plans to reconsider 
its relationship with the alliance because of that.

Armenia - Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian meets with NATO envoy Javier Colomina 
Piriz, Yerevan, .

A separate statement released by the Armenian government’s press office, said 
Pashinian “attached importance, in the political sense, to cooperation with 
NATO.” It was not clear whether he too complained about the Turkish involvement 
in the six-week war stopped by a Russian-brokered ceasefire last November.

Turkey provided decisive military assistance, including sophisticated weapons 
and personnel, to Azerbaijan during the hostilities. Armenia maintains that 
Ankara also sent Islamist mercenaries from Syria to fight in Karabakh on the 
Azerbaijani side. The Turkish and Azerbaijani governments deny that.

Shortly after the outbreak of the Karabakh war, President Emmanuel Macron of 
France, another key NATO member state, also accused the Turks of recruiting 
“Syrian fighters from jihadist groups” for Azerbaijan.

U.K. -- French President Emmanuel Macron speaks to the press on arrival at the 
NATO summit at the Grove hotel in Watford, northeast of London, December 4, 2019

"A red line has been crossed, which is unacceptable," Macron said on October 1, 
2020. "I urge all NATO partners to face up to the behavior of a NATO member.”

Armenian President Armen President Armen Sarkissian brought up the matter with 
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg when they met in Brussels later that 
month. At a joint news conference with Stoltenberg, Sarkissian charged that 
Turkey is also obstructing international efforts to broker an 
Armenian-Azerbaijani ceasefire.

Belgium -- NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg (R) and Armenian President 
Armen Sarkissian hold a news conference after talks in Brussels, October 21, 

Stoltenberg expressed serious concern about the hostilities but stopped short of 
criticizing Ankara. He said that NATO is “not part of this conflict.”

According to Pashinian’s press office, Piriz said NATO stands ready to use its 
ties with regional states to contribute to peace and stability in the South 

Successive Armenian governments have sought to deepen ties with NATO while 
keeping Armenia allied to Russia politically and militarily. Armenian troops 
participated in the NATO-led mission in Afghanistan, and dozens of them remain 
deployed in Kosovo as part of a multinational peacekeeping operation also led by 
the alliance.

Yerevan Silent On ‘Positive Messages’ To Baku

        • Naira Nalbandian

Armenia/Iran - A view of the Arax river separating Armenia and Iran.

Armenia’s political leadership on Thursday pointedly declined to comment on what 
Azerbaijani officials have described as “positive messages” sent by it to Baku 
of late.

Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov spoke of such signals coming from 
Yerevan ahead of Wednesday’s session of a Russian-Armenian-Azerbaijani task 
force working on the restoration of transport links between Armenia and 
Azerbaijan. He expressed hope that they will translate into “concrete results” 
soon but did not go into details.

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian’s office and the Armenian Foreign Ministry had no 
comment on Bayramov’s remarks. Pro-government lawmakers also declined to say 
what signals, if any, were sent to Baku.

Earlier this week, Azerbaijan released and repatriated five more Armenian 
soldiers taken prisoner during or shortly after last year’s war in 

“I think that ‘velvet’ messages sent by the Armenian authorities are clearly 
pleasing the Turks and the Azerbaijanis,” said Tatul Hakobian, a veteran 
political analyst. “They are therefore trying not to use very tough rhetoric 
[against Armenia,] even if their actions suggest that they are sticking to their 
tough positions.”

“It’s hard to tell what understandings have been reached,” Hakobian told 
RFE/RL’s Armenian Service. “But it is obvious that there is a certain process 
which is leading to some understandings.”

The Russian-Armenian-Azerbaijani working group co-headed by deputy prime 
ministers of the three states did not announce any agreements in a statement on 
its latest meeting in Moscow issued late on Wednesday. It said the three parties 
agreed to meet again soon.

RUSSIA -- Russian President Vladimir Putin (C), Armenian Prime Minister Nikol 
Pashinian (R) and Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev deliver a joint statement 
following their talks in Moscow, January 11, 2021.

The trilateral group has been discussing practical modalities of opening the 
Armenian-Azerbaijani border for commercial traffic in line with the 
Russian-brokered ceasefire that stopped the Karabakh war last November.

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev has repeatedly claimed that the deal 
envisages a permanent land “corridor” that will connect the Nakhichevan exclave 
to the rest of Azerbaijan via Armenia’s Syunik province also bordering Iran. He 
has threatened to forcibly open such a corridor if the Armenian side continues 
to oppose its creation.

Armenian leaders have denounced Aliyev’s threats as territorial claims, saying 
that the truce accord only calls for transport links between the two South 
Caucasus states.

“I repeat that the issue of providing corridors is not discussed,” Deputy Prime 
Minister Mher Grigorian told journalists before flying to Moscow on Tuesday.

Aliyev claimed, meanwhile, that Azerbaijan is succeeding in securing the 
“Zangezur corridor.”

IRAN - A handout photo shows an explosion during a military exercise by the 
Iranian Army in the northwest of Iran, close to the border with Azerbaijan, 
October 1, 2021.

His stance and rhetoric have also prompted concern from Iran. Earlier this 
month, a senior Iranian parliamentarian accused Aliyev of trying to “cut Iran’s 
access to Armenia” with the help of Turkey and Israel.

In an October 11 editorial, the official Iranian news agency IRNA said that the 
idea of the “Zangezur corridor” is part of a “hidden plan to change the borders” 
of Armenia and Iran.

“This would result in the elimination of Iran's land border with Armenia and 
Iran’s exclusion from this important route for international transport in the 
northwest,” it wrote, adding that a recent Iranian military exercise was a 
warning to “adventurers from inside and outside the region trying to diminish 
the Islamic Republic’s geopolitical role.”

Armenian Hospitals Again Overwhelmed With COVID-19 Patients

        • Robert Zargarian
        • Susan Badalian

Armenia -- A COVID-19 patient at the intensive care unit of Surp Grigor 
Lusavorich hospital, Yerevan, May 10, 2020. (A photo by the Armenian Mnistry of 

Armenia reported a record 2,603 coronavirus cases and hundreds of its 
unvaccinated citizens awaited hospitalization on Thursday as health authorities 
struggled to cope with a new wave of infections in the country of about 3 
The Armenian Ministry of Health also said in the morning that 32 more people 
have died from COVID-19 in the past day, raising to 5,902 the official death 
toll from the disease. The figure does not include the deaths of 1,243 other 
citizens which the ministry also links to the coronavirus.

The daily number of new officially confirmed cases has been growing steadily 
since June amid a continuing lax enforcement of sanitary rules and a very slow 
pace of coronavirus vaccination.

Yerevan’s ambulance service said its medics are working nonstop to respond to 
hundreds of phone calls from people infected with COVID-19.

“People call us during the day and they call us at night,” one ambulance doctor 
told RFE/RL’s Armenian Service. “People are suffocating in their homes. Only we 
can help them.”

ARMENIA -- A doctor wearing a face mask and protective gear gives a call as she 
stands next to an ambulance at the Grigor Lusavorich Medical Centre in Yerevan, 
June 1, 2020

The Ministry of Health said late last week that Armenian hospitals have run out 
of vacant beds for COVID-19 patients, resulting in a waiting list of more than 
400 infected people in need of urgent care.

The coronavirus section of the largest of those hospitals, the Surb Grigor 
Lusavorich Medical Center, has over 500 regular and 114 intensive-care beds. All 
of them were occupied when an RFE/RL correspondent visited the facility on 

“It can be said that we are now at the peak [of the new coronavirus wave,]” said 
Petros Manukian, the Yerevan-based hospital’s deputy director.

Zarik Hakobian was one of the patients treated there. The 70-year-old woman was 
taken to Surb Grigor Lusavorich two months ago and was still not discharged from 
its intensive-care unit.

“I’m very tired and want to feel well, but I can’t,” said Hakobian.

Another patient, Siranuysh Nalbandian, was five months pregnant. She was 
connected to oxygen equipment and had to use hand gestures to communicate with 
the journalist. Nalbandian, 41, smiled and pointed to a picture of her elder son 
Hayk who was killed during last year’s war in Nagorno-Karabakh.

Only one of the more than 100 patients in intensive care was fully vaccinated 
against COVID-19, according to the hospital administration.

Armenia - Passengers on a commuter bus in Yerevan, March 12, 2021.

Vaccine hesitancy remains widespread in Armenia despite the soaring coronavirus 
cases and deaths caused by them. Nor do the vast majority of Armenians wear 
mandatory masks indoors, including in overcrowded public buses. Authorities 
essentially stopped fining them more than a year ago.

Ministry of Health data shows that just over 403,000 people received at least 
one dose of a coronavirus vaccine and only about 185,000 of them were fully 
vaccinated as of October 17. Earlier this month, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian 
ordered relevant authorities to use their “administrative levers” to speed up 
the vaccination process.

The authorities had already obligated all public and private sector employees to 
get inoculated or take coronavirus tests twice a month at their own expense, a 
requirement effective from October 1. Health Minister Anahit Avanesian said on 
October 11 that they could also introduce a mandatory coronavirus health pass 
for entry to cultural and leisure venues.

Russian Schools ‘Not On Armenian Government Agenda’

        • Nane Sahakian

Armenia - First-graders have a class at a village school in Gegharkunik 
province, September 1, 2021.

Education Minister Vahram Dumanian insisted on Thursday that his government is 
not considering asking Russia to open Russian schools for Armenian children in 

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said late last week that Moscow is now 
setting up in Tajikistan five Russian-language schools that will have “curricula 
created on the basis of our methodology.” He claimed that the Armenian 
government “recently showed an interest in having the same program drawn up for 

“There is no such issue on our agenda,” Dumanian told journalists. “At the 
moment no discussions are taking placing on opening Russian schools in Armenia 
or Armenian schools in Russia.”

He suggested that Lavrov may have only referred to Russian-backed educational 
programs in schools in former Soviet republics.

“Any such program deserves attention so that one can understand what it is all 
about. Let’s familiarize ourselves and understand,” added the minister.

Dumanian also stressed the importance of improving the teaching of Russian and 
other foreign languages in Armenian schools. The Russian language is a mandatory 
subject there. Schoolchildren study it for ten years.

Armenian has been the country’s sole official language ever since the break-up 
of the Soviet Union. A law enacted in 1991 also made it the principal language 
of instruction for Armenian children enrolled in both public and private schools.

Several public schools have Russian-language sections for Russian citizens as 
well as those Armenian children who lived in Russia and only recently returned 
to Armenia. The latter are allowed to study there only temporarily.

Armenia also has five schools financed and run by the Russian government. Most 
of their students are children of Russian military personnel serving in the 
South Caucasus state.

Reprinted on ANN/Armenian News with permission from RFE/RL
Copyright (c) 2021 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, Inc.
1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036.


India, Armenia consider Chabahar Port to increase connectivity

The Business Standard
Oct 21 2021

External Affairs Minister (EAM) S Jaishankar discusses the usage of the Chabahar Port in Iran to bridge connectivity barriers between India and Armenia. 

Due to the lack of connectivity between India and Armenia, S Jaishankar suggests that Chabahar Port should also be included in the North-South Transport (INSTC).

At a press event, EAM Jaishankar brought to light the hindrance caused by the lack of land and air connectivity and how it has been affecting people-to-people contacts and economic exchanges. 

"Both India and Armenia are members of the International North-South Transport Corridor, which has the potential to bridge the connectivity barrier. Minister Mirzoyan and I discussed the interest which Armenia has shown in the utilization of Chabahar port in Iran which is being developed by India. We have also proposed that Chabahar port be included in the INSTC framework," he said.

Iran and India had signed an agreement worth $65 million to develop the Chabahar Port in 2018. The port is said to be an alternative route for trade between India and Afghanistan. 

The usage of the Chabahar Port could increase the trading ties between India, Afghanistan, and Iran. 

Both Jaishankar and the Armenian Priminister Nikol Pashinyan met on Wednesday and agreed to develop practical cooperation between the two countries. 

Later, Jaishankar expressed that the meeting with his Armenian counterpart, Ararat Mirzoyan, had been fruitful. The discussions involved bilateral relations, regional and multilateral issues. 

"The minister said both sides agreed that while bilateral relations have expanded in political and cultural fields and there is scope for further strengthening our economic and commercial cooperation, in particular tourism, hospitality, infrastructure, and investment," reports Zee5. 

Both the parties also agreed to help boost the business community, the chambers, and the trade bodies on each of their ends to promote engagement. 

"An Indian business delegation had visited Armenia last month to participate in the 20th edition of Armenia Expo. This was the first business delegation to Armenia after the COVID pandemic and I am confident that there will be more frequent visits which will give further impetus to bilateral trade and commerce."

The minister also acknowledged the important bridge between India and Armenia today is the presence of a large number of Indian students (approx 3000) who are pursuing medical education in Armenia, says Zee5.

"We greatly appreciate the efforts of the Government of Armenia and the people of Armenia for the welfare of the Indian community, in particular, the students during the pandemic and for facilitating their return under the Vande Bharat Mission."

Gilead Sciences to donate Veklury for Armenia’s COVID-19 response




YEREVAN, OCTOBER 19, ARMENPRESS. Gilead Sciences, Inc. (Nasdaq: GILD) today announced that the company will donate 3,000 vials of Veklury (remdesivir) to help patients hospitalized with COVID-19 in Armenia and 100,000 vials of Veklury to help address the recent surge of COVID-19 cases in Indonesia, Businesswire reports.

“As cases of COVID-19 surge again around the world, and the pandemic continues to affect the lives of so many, we remain focused on ensuring that our medicines can reach patients that need them,” said Johanna Mercier, Chief Commercial Officer, Gilead Sciences. “These donations are the latest example of our ongoing commitment, and we will continue to work together with governments, health authorities and our voluntary licensing partners to ensure access to our medicines as quickly as possible.”

The Veklury donations will complement the supply of generic remdesivir provided through Gilead’s voluntary licensing program. Gilead is working closely with distributor partners and directly with the governments of Armenia and Indonesia to coordinate these donations.

Veklury (remdesivir) is a nucleotide analog invented by Gilead, building on more than a decade of the company’s antiviral research. Veklury is the antiviral standard of care for the treatment of hospitalized patients with COVID-19. At this time, more than half of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 in the United States are treated with Veklury. Veklury is approved or authorized for temporary use in approximately 50 countries worldwide.

Asbarez: New Approaches to Russia-Armenia Relations Needed, Says Envoy

Russia's Ambassador to Armenia Sergei Kopyrkin

The latest dramatic events and the shifting realities require new approaches to Russia-Armenia relations, Russia’s Ambassador to Armenia Sergei Kopyrkin said Friday when speaking at a forum titled “Armenia and Russia: Imperative of a New Strategy,” the Arka news agency reported.

According to the ambassador, it is worth thinking about how to tackle the growing imbalance between the deep strategic relations between Russia and Armenia in such areas as defense, security, economy, and those prevalent external factors in such important issues as orienting the society’s values.

Kopyrkin pointed out that profound and dynamic changes were taking place in the world, in the South Caucasus region and in the broader areas surrounding this region.

“In fact, behind these sometimes dramatic events there is an obvious tendency toward the formation of a new world order. Now various forces, powers, blocs of powers, alliances of powers are fighting for positions in this new, not yet fully known world order,” he explained.

The ambassador noted that competing interests are sometimes taking on dramatic forms that are not always acceptable from a traditional diplomacy perspective and international relations.

“Under these conditions, relations between traditional allies, relations that have been tested for centuries, become even more important. The majority of the population of Russia and Armenia values these relations,” he stressed.

Kopyrkin said that this is a mutual matter for Russia and Armenia, which will help the countries to more successfully defend their interests in this difficult world.

“We all very vividly remember those dramatic events that took place a year ago [the 44-Day War in Artsakh]. During that difficult period for Armenia and the Armenian people it was Russia that stood by Armenia, providing it with support in general and in practical terms, Russia was the only entity that was on Armenia’s side,” claimed Kopyrkin.

The ambassador observed that various partners from different regions of the world are trying to get something of their own from the new, changing regional order, while a year ago “everyone was mostly silent.”

Armenian-Azerbaijani problems: how Ilham Aliyev and Nikol Pashinyan see them

Oct 16 2021

    JAMnews, Baku-Yerevan

The Prime Minister of Armenia and the President of Azerbaijan made speeches during the online meeting of the Council of CIS Heads of State. During their speeches, Ilham Aliyev and Nikol Pashinyan, in addition to the agenda of issues related to the Commonwealth, touched upon the Armenian-Azerbaijani relations and the problems unresolved after the end of the second Karabakh war.

Topics and quotes from the speeches of both leaders.

  • Armenia’s Security Council Secretary: There will be no exchange of territories with Azerbaijan
  • Foreign Ministers of Azerbaijan, Armenia and Russia discuss Karabakh conflict
  • One year since the second Karabakh war – all main events in one video

On the post-conflict period

Aliyev noted that the post-conflict period “is generally calm”:

“I say post-conflict, because the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is a thing of the past. Azerbaijan restored its territorial integrity, fulfilled the UN Security Council resolutions demanding the immediate, unconditional and complete withdrawal of the Armenian occupation forces from the territory of Azerbaijan, and Azerbaijan resolved the conflict with Armenia by military-political means. “

The President of Azerbaijan noted the “special role” of Russian President Putin in the cessation of hostilities, “which made it possible to avoid thousands of casualties on both sides.”

He recalled that in accordance with the trilateral statement, Armenia “withdrew its occupation forces from the occupied parts of the Aghdam, Lachin and Kalbajar regions of Azerbaijan. Prior to that, the armed forces of Azerbaijan liberated more than 300 cities and villages on the battlefield. “

Also, in accordance with the trilateral statement, Russian peacekeepers were brought into the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan. To resolve issues related to the opening of transport communications, a working group was created under the chairmanship of the Deputy Prime Ministers of Russia, Azerbaijan and Armenia. The Azerbaijani side has built a Russian-Turkish monitoring center on the territory of the Aghdam region of Azerbaijan, Aliyev added.

About the main problems

“The main problems facing Azerbaijan now are the clearance of the liberated territories and the restoration of destroyed infrastructure, buildings, houses, historical monuments of the Azerbaijani people.

After the war, more than 150 Azerbaijani citizens were killed or seriously injured by being blown up by mines. Armenia refuses to give us the complete maps of the minefields. The small number of such maps that were transferred to Azerbaijan have an accuracy of about 25 percent.

In the liberated territories, almost all buildings and historical monuments have been destroyed over the years of almost 30-year occupation. Of the 67 mosques in the liberated territories, 65 have been completely destroyed. In the remaining two, dilapidated, the invaders kept pigs and cows, deliberately insulting the feelings of Muslims. In the city of Fizuli and all villages of the Fizuli region, 100 percent of buildings and houses were destroyed. The same is in the city of Aghdam and the Aghdam region. The city of Agdam is named “Hiroshima of the Caucasus”. In the Jebrail region, only two buildings remained intact, where the servicemen of the Armenian armed forces were housed. The situation is similar in Zangilan, Gubadli, Lachin and Kalbajar regions.

In the city of Shusha, Armenia destroyed 16 out of 17 mosques that existed before the occupation. One was left to demonstrate “tolerance”, and with the complicity of the so-called specialists from Iran, there was an attempt to present it as Persian. Houses and public buildings were torn down into bricks and stones and sold to Armenia and Iran. This is the legacy of the Armenian vandalism perpetrated in the territories of Azerbaijan.

Also, huge damage was caused to nature, about 60 thousand hectares of forests were cut down, sawn and sold to Armenia and Iran. Illegal exploitation of gold deposits and other natural resources was carried out. With the participation of a European company, the transboundary Okhchuchay River was systematically polluted, which led to an environmental disaster, already confirmed by reputable international experts.

This is the real picture in the liberated territories, and this could be seen by thousands of politicians, diplomats, journalists from many countries who have visited the liberated territories in less than a year, including representatives of the CIS countries, ”the head of the Azerbaijani state said in his speech.

On drug trafficking through Iran and Karabakh

He said that over the past year, after Azerbaijan regained control over the 130-kilometer section of the state border with Iran, which was under the control of Armenia for about 30 years, “and thereby blocked the route of drug trafficking from Iran through the Jebrail region of Azerbaijan to Armenia and further to Europe, the volume of heroin seized by us on other parts of the Azerbaijani-Iranian border has doubled compared to the same period of previous years. This suggests that for about 30 years, Armenia, in collusion with Iran, used the former occupied territories of Azerbaijan to carry out drug trafficking to Europe. “

“During the years of occupation, I have repeatedly stated that the occupied territories are used for drug trafficking and the training of international terrorists. Today it is a proven fact, ”he added.

On the problem of “prisoners of war”

“I would like to touch upon the issue of the so-called“ Armenian prisoners of war ”. Azerbaijan handed over all the prisoners of war detained during the war earlier than Armenia handed over the Azeri prisoners of war to us. More than two weeks after the signing of the trilateral statement, at the end of November last year, a sabotage group of 62 people was thrown from the Shirak region of Armenia to the rear of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces to the already liberated territories to commit sabotage, was disarmed and captured by the Azerbaijani military. In accordance with international conventions, these saboteurs cannot be considered prisoners of war.

War and conflict remain in history. We are ready to start negotiations with Armenia on the delimitation of the border, subject to mutual recognition of territorial integrity, and we are also ready to start negotiations on a peace agreement with Armenia. Azerbaijan, as a winning country, is ready to normalize relations. We hope that the Armenian leadership will not miss this historic chance, ”Ilham Aliyev summed up his speech.

On the situation in the region

The Prime Minister of Armenia stated that the region is on the verge of important transformations and, with the manifestation of political will and wisdom, they can change the existing picture and lead to the formation of conditions for true peace and stability:

“We are ready for such changes, moreover, they coincide with our vision of the future. The Armenian government in its program has set the goal of opening a new era of peaceful development for our country and our region. […] However, there are many factors that cast doubt on the possibility of peace in our region ”.

What prevents the world

Pashinyan noted that despite all political efforts and contrary to the trilateral statement, people continue to die both in Nagorno-Karabakh and on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border. In this regard, he proposed “to strengthen the trilateral mechanisms for investigating incidents and observing the ceasefire and all hostilities.”

According to the Armenian Prime Minister, “the rhetoric of enmity and hatred, constant threats and provocations have become a daily routine for us.” However, Pashinyan said that his government is determined to do everything to achieve peace and stability:

“And we have a clear idea of how to achieve this goal. Dialogue and gradual overcoming of the atmosphere of enmity, unfortunately, existing in our region, unblocking of all transport and economic communications is the only way. “

On the implementation of the agreements reached

The Prime Minister of Armenia insists on the implementation of the agreements that were reached in the trilateral statements, including on unblocking communications in the region. He stressed that the Armenian side is working on this and can open communications with Azerbaijan if this unblocking is of a mutual nature.

In accordance with the vision of Yerevan, “Armenia will receive a railway and automobile connection with Russia through the territory of Azerbaijan, as well as a railway connection with Iran, and Azerbaijan – a connection with Nakhichevan through the territory of Armenia.”

Pashinyan reiterated that the Azerbaijani side did not fulfill the 8th paragraph of the trilateral statement of November 10, 2020, without returning Armenian prisoners of war, hostages and other detainees.

He reaffirmed his readiness to hand over to Baku maps of minefields of territories that are in the rear of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces and pose a humanitarian threat.

On demarcation and delimitation of borders

Nikol Pashinyan said that Armenia is ready to start the process of defining borders with Azerbaijan with the support of Russia and other international partners. However, he considers the atmosphere in which the process will be carried out is important:

“It is difficult to imagine work on the demarcation and delimitation of borders, which were recently violated by Azerbaijan and where there is regular shooting. In particular, I mean the section of the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan in the Sotk-Khoznavar region. “

In this regard, the prime minister recalled his proposal:

  • mirrored the armed units of both countries,
  • take into account the border line between Armenia and Azerbaijan, recorded on legally recognized and justified maps of the Soviet Union,
  • place Russian border guards and / or international observers here.

According to Pashinyan, Russia also supports this scheme, and Armenia is waiting for the resumption of work in this direction.

Signing of a peace treaty

The Armenian prime minister considers it important to sign a peace treaty with Azerbaijan. For this, in his opinion, it is necessary to restore the negotiation process within the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairmanship.

Recently, the co-chairs have repeatedly called for the resumption of negotiations on the settlement of the Karabakh conflict.

In this regard, Pashinyan noted the importance of his recent meeting with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev on the sidelines of the 76th session of the UN General Assembly, as well as the talks between the foreign ministers of the two countries, which took place the day before, on October 14 in Minsk, with the participation of the Russian Foreign Minister.

Pashinyan considers the upcoming visit of the co-chairs to the region, including Nagorno-Karabakh, an important step.

Normalization of relations with Turkey

Pashinyan also considers it important that he started talking at the official level about the normalization of relations with Turkey. According to him, this is another factor that could play a catalytic role in establishing peace in the region. The prime minister said that Russia has expressed its readiness to support this process.

On claims to the International Court of Justice

Nikol Pashinyan considered that the platform of the CIS heads of state is not a place for considering mutual accusations between Armenia and Azerbaijan and clarifying historical facts.

He told the meeting participants that both countries have submitted claims to the International Court of Justice in The Hague. Here Armenia intends to “voice all its accusations and argue its position on the Karabakh conflict.”

About drug trafficking

At the end of his speech, Nikol Pashinyan decided to react to the statement of the President of Azerbaijan on the transportation of drugs through the territory of Iran and Armenia. He said that the volume of suppressed attempts to transport drugs increased not only in Azerbaijan, but also in Armenia:

“We work very closely with Iranian law enforcement agencies and very effectively fight against drug trafficking. I can also provide figures on the facts of suppression of attempts to transport drugs and the amount, volume of seized drugs, which after the war increased by 3-4 times. “

Armenian, Belarusian FMs discuss regional security during meeting in Minsk




YEREVAN, OCTOBER 15, ARMENPRESS. Foreign Minister of Armenia Ararat Mirzoyan met with his Belarusian counterpart Vladimir Makei in Minsk on October 15 on the sidelines of the session of the CIS Council of Foreign Ministers.

The Armenian foreign ministry reported that the two ministers discussed the Armenian-Belarusian cooperation agenda both at bilateral, multilateral formats and within the CSTO, EAEU and CIS.

In the context of further developing the relations, both sides highlighted conducting mutual visits at the highest level.

The ministers praised the results of the recent political consultations held between the two foreign ministries in Minsk.

The Armenian and Belarusian FMs emphasized the necessity of actions aimed at expanding the economic ties and trade turnover volumes, and in this context they attached importance to the role of the Armenian-Belarusian inter-governmental commission on economic cooperation. They highlighted high and information technologies, agriculture, food industry as areas of interest.

The meeting touched upon also the international and regional affairs.

Touching upon the Nagorno Karabakh conflict, the Armenian FM emphasized the importance of the lasting and comprehensive settlement of the conflict under the mandate of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairmanship.


Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan

Armenia’s Yeraskh village under day and night shooting by Azerbaijani army

Armenia’s Yereaskh village under day and night shooting by Azerbaijani army




YEREVAN, OCTOBER 15, ARMENPRESS. The Offic eof the Human Rights Defender of Armenia issued a statement about Yeraskh village of Armenia’s Ararat Province, which is under regular shootings of the Azerbaijani armed forces. ARMENPRESS reports, the statement runsa s follows,

“Yeraskh village of Ararat province is subjected to regular shootings by the Azerbaijani armed forces, both during the day and night.

Today, on , the village has been subjected to shelling again.

The unruliness of the Azerbaijani servicemen has reached such a level that they set fire through intentional shootings to 8000 stacks of grass belonging to a resident of Yeraskh community. The entire winter stockpile, which the citizen had collected to feed his livestock, has been destroyed.

Moreover, the fire spread destroying the roof of the barn belonging to the citizen. The fire was extinguished only by the timely intervention of the firefighters, saving the remaining part of the roof.

These facts were studied and confirmed by the Human Rights Defender of Armenia through the alarming-calls addressed to the Defender, the collected subjective evidence, and verified data from various sources. The fact of the Azerbaijani shootings in the direction of the positions of the Armenian Armed Forces protecting the population of Armenia was also confirmed by The Ministry of Defense of Armenia.

Taking into consideration that the Azerbaijani positions are located in the immediate vicinity of the village, it is evident to the Azerbaijani servicemen know that their actions are harming the residents of the village, destroying their property, violating their rights to life and property, and are disturbing their life and peace.

The process of creating a demilitarized security zone around the borders of Armenia with Azerbaijan and the removal of the Azerbaijani armed servicemen form the vicinity of the villages and from the roads between the communities of Armenia should start immediately.

The proposal of the Human Rights Defender of Armenia has already been included in an international instrument- in Resolution 2391 (2021) of September 27, 2021 of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). The Human Rights Defender will send relevant reports about this situation to international organizations, to the State bodies of Armenia, and to civil society organizations.

It is evident that the basis of these criminal harassments and the gross violations of human rights is the same: The policy of Armenophobia and enmity, and of ethnic cleansing and genocide of the Azerbaijani authorities. This policy has institutional bases, and until the perpetrators are punished, the violations will not end, and the security of the people will not be guaranteed”.

Armenpress: International Organization of la Francophonie is very sensitive towards Armenia’s political issues – Secretary-General

International Organization of la Francophonie is very sensitive towards Armenia’s political issues – Secretary-General



 19:30, 5 October, 2021

YEREVAN, OCTOBER 5, ARMENPRESS. The International Organisation of la Francophonie (OIF) is very sensitive to Armenia’s political issues, ARMENPRESS reports OIF Secretary General Louise Mushikiwabo announced following the meeting with Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, emphasizing that the Organization, comprised of 88 member  states, values Armenia as its member and country presiding in the Organization.

“We were following the developments, the pain of Armenians during the war. Our Organization has 88 member states, some of which have very close relations with Armenia, some are even involved in political developments. Like France, which is also the headquarters of our Organization. And there are countries which are less sensible towards this issue. But the Organization, naturally, attaches great importance. Armenia is a member state of our Organization and is currently the presiding country, therefore, we remain very sesnitive and attentive towards this country’’, Louise Mushikiwabo said.

According to the Secretary General, the International Organization of La Francophonie is interested in continuing joint programs with Armenia, in particular, finding initiatives that will be related to the interaction of Armenian youth and young people from other Francophone countries, be it in Africa, Asia or Europe.

“We try to find programs and initiatives that will meet the expectations of the Armenian youth. This, of course, is a supplementary factor to our classic collaboration in the framework of the French language. And we are always happy to be back to this country, to hear more and more French-speaking voices”, the Secretary General said.

On the other hand, Francophonie, according to Louise Mushikiwabo, does not refer only to French. According to the Secretary General, French is a common language for the OIF member states, but, first of all, everyone has their own national language, they have other foreign languages.

"Francophonie is free of these difficulties. French can coexist with other languages. This is the reality of all our member states”, she said.

The Secretary General of the Organization of La Francophonie admitted that she has special dependence on Armenia, especially being in Yerevan, where he was elected Secretary General. She recalled the situation of 2020 linked with the pandemic and the war, during which he and the Prime Minister of Armenia kept in permanent touch by phone. Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, in his turn, thanked Mrs. Mushikiwabo for her support to Armenia in the fall of 2020, as well as for her solidarity with Armenia and the Armenian people.

Armenia will continue to preside over the OIF for another 1.5 months, until the 18th Summit to take place in Tunisia, where the presidency will be transferred to that country.

Armenia became full OIF member in 2012.

Armenia’s top security official holds discussions with Iranian envoy

Iran Front Page
Oct 5 2021

Armenia’s National Security Council Secretary Armen Grigoryan has discussed bilateral ties and the latest regional developments with Iran’s Ambassador to Yerevan Abbas Badakhshan Zohuri.

The two sides reviewed security issues and stability in the region.

Grigoryan and Badakhshan Zohuri also exchanged views on the prospect of cooperation to solve new challenges in the region and economic relations between Armenia and Iran, especially the development of Armenian Province of Syunik, and stressed the importance of the Iranian port of Chabahar.

The Iranian ambassador stressed that Tehran is trying to strengthen its relations with Armenia at the highest level.

On Monday, Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan sat down for talks with his Iranian counterpart Hossein Amirabdollahian in Tehran.

Amirabdollahian told the Armenian foreign minister that Tehran will not allow terrorist forces and the Zionist regime to harm Iran’s good relations with its neighbors.

Mirzoyan said during the meeting that rapid international and regional developments have led senior officials of the two countries to meet frequently.

Meanwhile Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said on Monday that the Islamic Republic is Armenia’s partner, and that Yerevan has never been and will never be involved in any plot against Iran.

RFE/RL Armenian Report – 09/30/2021


Armenian Government Plans Major Rise In Spending

        • Sargis Harutyunyan

Armenia - Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian holds a cabinet meeting in Yerevan, 

The Armenian government approved on Thursday the draft state budget for next 
year calling for significant increases in its expenditures on infrastructure 
projects, social programs, defense and national security.

Overall public spending is to rise by over 15 percent to almost 2.2 trillion 
drams ($4.5 billion) in 2022.

The government at the same time pledged to cut the budget deficit through an 
even sharper rise in its tax revenues.

“The 2022 budget is based on our three main priorities: reforming the national 
security system, developing infrastructures and modernizing education and 
science,” Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian said during a cabinet meeting in 
Yerevan. “We will be paying a great deal of attention to national security, 
without which it is impossible to achieve long-term development goals.”

Government spending on defense is projected to grow by about 11 percent to 345.4 
billion drams ($707 million), reflecting lingering security challenges facing 
Armenia after last year’s war with Azerbaijan.

The government wants to allocate another 42.6 billion drams to the National 
Security Service (NSS), a year-on-year increase of about 23 percent. The NSS 
oversees Armenia’s border guards deployed along some sections of the 
Armenian-Azerbaijani border after the six-week war.

The draft budget presented by Finance Minister Tigran Khachatrian also calls for 
a 31.6 percent surge in spending on road construction and other infrastructures 
which would total nearly 279 billion drams.

Social security would remain the single largest recipient of public funds, with 
almost 580 billion drams allocated for that purpose.

The spending increases are supposed to be more than offset by a nearly 25 
percent jump in state revenue projected at 1.95 trillion drams. The budget 
deficit would thus fall to 242 billion drams from 334 billion drams recorded 
last year.

The 2021 deficit, equivalent to 5.5 percent of GDP, was much bigger than 
expected due to a severe economic recession caused by the coronavirus pandemic 
and compounded by the war in Nagorno-Karabakh. The Armenian economy shrunk by 
7.6 percent, forcing the government to resort to additional external borrowing 
to make up for a major shortfall in its tax revenues.

The economy returned to growth this year. Pashinian said in July that it is on 
course to expand by at least 6 percent in 2021.

The recession also pushed up Armenia’s public debt to 63.5 percent of GDP. 
According to the Ministry of Finance, the debt continued to increase this year, 
reaching $8.95 billion in August.

Khachatrian expressed confidence that the ongoing economic recovery will allow 
the government cut the debt-to-GDP ratio to 60.2 percent by the end of 2022.

Former Armenian Defense Minister Arrested

        • Artak Khulian
        • Naira Nalbandian

Armenia - Fromer Defense Minister Davit Tonoyan.

The National Security Service (NSS) confirmed on Thursday that it has arrested 
former Defense Minister Davit Tonoyan in an ongoing criminal investigation into 
supplies of allegedly faulty ammunition to Armenia’s armed forces.

In a statement, the NSS said that Tonoyan and Davit Galstian, an arms dealer 
also arrested late on Wednesday, are accused of fraud and embezzlement that cost 
the state almost 2.3 billion drams ($4.7 million).

Later in the day a court in Yerevan allowed the NSS to hold Tonoyan in detention 
pending investigation. A lawyer for the former minister said he denies the 
accusations and will therefore appeal against the decision.

“The criminal case contains plenty of information that disproves the 
accusations,” Sergei Hovannisian told journalists.

Galstian also protested his innocence during a separate court hearing on his 
pre-trial arrest.

Galstian owns several firms that have for years sold weapons and ammunition to 
the Armenian military. He was already arrested in February on charges of 
supplying the military with unusable artillery shells worth $1 million. 
Armenia’s Court of Appeals released the businessman reputedly close to Tonoyan 
from custody four months later.

It was not immediately clear whether or not Tonoyan, who served as defense 
minister from 2018-2020, will plead guilty to the accusations.

The NSS statement said that criminal proceedings have also been launched against 
other serving and retired military officials as part of “large-scale 
operational-investigative measures” taken by its investigators. It did not name 
those officials.

A deputy chief of the Armenian army’s General Staff, Lieutenant-General Stepan 
Galstian, was summoned to the NSS for questioning late on Wednesday. According 
to the Hraparak newspaper, investigators searched his and Tonoyan’s apartments.

In what appears to be a related development, the NSS also arrested late last 
week the commander of Armenia’s Air Force. It claimed that the general abused 
his powers to arrange for personal gain a $4.7 million contract for the supply 
of outdated rockets to the armed forces.

According to the security service, the Defense Ministry had refused to buy the 
same batch of rockets from a private intermediary in 2011.

Armenia -- Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian and Defense Minister Davit Tonoyan 
(second from right) inspect the new canteen of a military base in Armavir, July 
19, 2019.

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian appointed Tonoyan as defense minister immediately 
after coming to power in the May-April 2018 “velvet revolution” that toppled 
Armenia’s longtime leader, Serzh Sarkisian.

Tonoyan had served as a deputy defense minister and minister of emergencies 
during Sarkisian’s rule. In April 2018, one of Pashinian’s close associates, 
Ararat Mirzoyan, described him as a “real professional” and “person of 
integrity” who will quickly modernize the Armenian army.

Tonoyan was sacked in November 2020 less than two weeks after a Russian-brokered 
agreement stopped the Armenian-Azerbaijani war over Nagorno-Karabakh. Some 
senior pro-Pashinian parliamentarians blamed him for Armenia’s defeat in the 
six-week war. The prime minister faced angry opposition demonstrations and 
fought for his political survival at the time.

Later in November, the then chief of the army staff, Colonel-General Onik 
Gasparian, said four days after the outbreak of the war he warned Armenia’s 
political leadership to urgently reach a truce agreement with Azerbaijan to halt 
the hostilities. Pashinian subsequently denied Gasparian’s claim.

However, Tonoyan not only confirmed the warning issued by the army top brass but 
also said that it was “agreed with me.”

Reprinted on ANN/Armenian News with permission from RFE/RL
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