CA Gov. Gavin Newsom acknowledges Armenian Genocide

Daily Californian
April 27 2021

Gage Skidmore/Courtesy
On Saturday, California Gov. Gavin Newsom issued a proclamation that declared April 24 a Day of Remembrance for the Armenian Genocide. Photo by Gage Skidmore under CC BY SA 2.0 .

California Gov. Gavin Newsom issued a proclamation Saturday that declared April 24 a Day of Remembrance for the Armenian Genocide.

In the proclamation, Newsom acknowledged how the Ottoman Empire began actively deporting and murdering Armenian people in 1915, constituting the first genocide of the 20th century. Those who were able to escape were forced to relocate to other parts of the world, Newsom added.

“Armenians bravely forged ahead in the face of unimaginable tragedy,” Newsom said in the proclamation. “Thousands made their homes in California, and we are greater for their contributions.”

Newsom’s proclamation came after President Joe Biden issued a statement recognizing the Armenian Genocide on the same day. Biden is the first U.S. president to do so, whereas former presidents have been reluctant to disrupt relations with Turkey.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has called on Biden to reverse his recognition of the Armenian Genocide. Erdoğan has not made any public comments on Newsom’s proclamation.

“Today and every day, let us recommit ourselves to making certain that we never forget the Armenian Genocide and that we always speak out against hatred and atrocities anywhere they occur,” Newsom said in the proclamation.

Paylan Threatened After Making Remarks About Armenian Genocide

April 27, 2021

Turkish-Armenian Member of Parliament Garo Paylan

Garo Paylan, who spoke on the floor of the Turkish Parliament about the need for Turkey to recognize the Armenian Genocide, was threatened by a fellow lawmaker who aligns himself with Turkish nationalists.

Independent lawmaker Ümit Özdağ threatened Paylan, an Armenian member of the Turkish Parliament representing the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) over his remarks about the Armenian Genocide, the Bianet news agency reported.

On April 24, Paylan criticized the fact that there are still streets and schools that are named after Talat Pasha, who was the Ottoman Empire’s minister of interior during the genocide.

“After 106 years, we walk on streets named after Talaat Pasha, the architect of the Genocide. We educate our children at schools named after Talaat Pasha,” he wrote on Twitter. He likened the situation to naming schools and streets after Hitler in Germany.

Quoting his tweet, Özdağ wrote: “Impudent provocateur. If you are not content, go to hell. Talaat Pasha didn’t expel patriotic Armenians but those who stabbed us in the back like you. When the time comes, you’ll also have a Talaat Pasha experience and you should have it.”

Özdağ, a former member of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), was elected as to parliament in the 2018 elections from the İYİ (Good) Party, a splinter movement of the MHP. He resigned from the İYİ Party in early March, accusing it of expelling nationalists from the party.

In response to Özdağ’s tweet, Paylan called him a “fascist” and wrote: “The remnant of the mentality that obliterated my people says, ‘We’ll do it again.’ You hit us and didn’t we die? We died. But those left behind never give up the struggle for justice. And they won’t give up after me as well.”

Özdağ then called Paylan a supporter of the Tashnags(referring to the Armenian Revolutionary Federation), ASALA and the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK).

“You massacred hundreds of thousands of Turks. You stabbed our army in the back. Those who did it suffered the punishment of it. No one touched patriotic Armenians,” Özdağ wrote, calling Paylan a “vicious enemy of the Turkish nation.”

‘Putting An Earring In My Ear’ On The Anniversary Of The Armenian Genocide

April 30 2021

Dashboard: Vaccinating Eurasia – May
May 1 2021
May 1, 2021 

Approved: Sputnik V, AstraZeneca and Pfizer-BioNTech
Population: 3 million

  • Fifty-six percent of Armenians will not seek a vaccine, CivilNet reported on April 19, citing a survey conducted by the Caucasus Research Resource Center. The survey found women and young people less likely to accept a jab. 
  • Armenia's vaccination campaign got off to a slow start on April 13, our correspondent reports. The Health Ministry says it does not regularly publish vaccination figures. As of April 28, just 2,600 people had received shots. Acting Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan called the figure “shamefully low” on April 29 and urged all members of his government to get their shots within a week.
  • Acting Deputy Prime Minister Tigran Avinyan and Acting Minister of Health Anahit Avanesyan both publicly received their first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine on April 28 to allay qualms about the shot. The next day Avanesyan said that she was feeling good and hoped her example would be contagious. 
  • Health Minister Anahit Avanesyan announced on April 14 that the government had negotiated to receive 1 million Sputnik V doses from Russia, Interfax reported. She did not say when they would arrive, though she said she hopes to vaccinate 20 percent of the population by the end of the year.
  • 100,000 doses of Sinovac are on their way from China, state media reported on April 30. It was not immediately clear if they were approved for use in Armenia.
For other countries, visit the link below

Armenians in The Hague join silent protest to demand release of POWs

Public Radio of Armenia
May 1 2021


Armenians in The Hague, Netherlands joined Global Silent Protests to demand immediate release of all Armenian prisoners of war and other detainees illegally held by Azerbaijan, reports the Federation of Armenian Organizations in The Netherlands.

Armenians worldwide held a second global silent protests on April 30th demanding the release of Armenian prisoners of war..

Armenian communities from different Los Angeles, Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Yerevan, Osijek, Leipzig, Rome, London, Berlin, Zagreb, Prague, New York and Paris joined the protest.

The first Global silent protest was held on April 15th.

Asbarez: Armenia’s War Crimes Probe includes Beheading of POWs and Deploying Mercenaries

Syrian jihadists fighting for Azerbaijan

Armenia’s prosecutors are probing more than 100 criminal cases of war crimes committed by Azerbaijan’s military and political leaders and troops during last fall’s Artsakh War.

Foreign mercenaries and another 37 Azerbaijani nationals have been charged, with two of the jihadists currently in custody and international warrants have been issued for 35 others.
Armenia’s prosecutor general’s office said that the Azerbaijani authorities, fueled with ethnic hatred, launched premeditated and targeted attacks on the peaceful civilian settlements of Armenia and Artsakh using artillery and drone strikes.

Azerbaijani attacks were an act of aggression—a war—which resulted in the deaths of both servicemen and civilians, who were protected under international conventions, and civilian infrastructures such as residential homes, kindergartens and roads were destroyed.

The Armenian authorities noted that an Armenia SU-25 warplane was shot down while it was flying in Armenian airspace, and the pilot Valery Danelian was killed. Hostile drones breached Armenian airspace and bombed the province of Gegharkunik, hitting residential homes in Sotk, a passenger bus, as well as servicemen on duty. A child was severely wounded when the Azeri military fired on civilians in an agricultural field. A civilian was killed in the bombing of Mets Masrik. The Azeri combat drones even reached the airspace of Kotayk  Province but were shot down by the Armenian air defense.

In Armenia’s south, three soldiers were killed in a bombing and military equipment which was not in combat was hit.

The investigation has gathered evidence that the Azerbaijani military repeatedly tortured, murdered and subjected to inhumane treatment the prisoners of war and other detainees, including civilians both during and after the war. In one case, the Azeri servicemen beheaded an Armenian POW and published photos on the interest.

All cases are under investigation to give individual criminal-legal assessment to the actions of the Azerbaijani servicemen.

There is evidence that the Azerbaijani military vandalized and destroyed Armenian cemeteries and monuments, including churches both during and after the war.

Evidence includes facts that Azerbaijan pre-planned the war back in June 2020 and recruited more than 2,000 Syrian mercenaries and deployed them via Turkey. Azeri authorities transferred payments namely to the Suleyman Shah and Sultan Murad terror groups.

Another criminal case concerns the downing of a Russian gunship over Armenian airspace by Azerbaijani military on November 9, 2020, which killed two pilots and wounded another one.

2000 Armenian monuments captured by Azerbaijan under threat of cultural genocide, Artsakh warns




YEREVAN, APRIL 27, ARMENPRESS. 2000 Armenian monuments in territories captured by Azerbaijan are endangered, the Artsakh authorities warned.

Artsakh’s Minister of Education, Science and Culture Lusine Gharakhanyan said at a conference that Azerbaijan is carrying out a state-sanctioned institutional policy of destroying Armenian cultural heritage and distorting them. She said they are cooperating with both local and international organizations in an attempt to take action to protect the monuments, however, so far unsuccessfully.

“The fates of 13 monastic complexes, 122 churches, 52 fortresses, 523 cross-stones and 4 chapels are endangered. 127 school libraries with 617 thousand books are left in occupied territories, and 3 regional libraries with 68 thousand 398 books,” Gharakhanyan said at the Artsakh’s Endangered Heritage seminar.

In addition, 10 public and 2 private museums are in the occupied territories.

The Tigranakert Historic-Archaeological Fortress-Museum is now also in Azeri controlled territory, while the Hunot Canyon is in a neutral zone, according to Gharakhanyan.

“The second Yeghern has begun. A Yeghern after Yeghern,” she said, referring to the Armenian term for the genocide.

 Gharakhanyan says the Azeri authorities are advancing two directions in their policy, one is the physical destruction of the Armenian monuments, and the other is falsely presenting them to be Albanian. “This is a blow to our identity,” she said.

Editing and Translating by Stepan Kocharyan

Biden told Erdogan he Plans to Call 1915 Events ‘Genocide,’ Sources Say

Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan addresses the 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly at U.N. headquarters in New York in Sept. 2019. (Reuters photo)

President Joe Biden told his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Friday that he intends to recognize the events of 1915 as genocide, sources familiar with the conversation told Reuters, which said the move may be a potential blow to the already frayed ties between the U.S. and Turkey.

Major media outlets, among them The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and the Guardian, quoting Biden Administration sources, on Wednesday reported that Biden would use the word genocide to characterize the events of 1915. White House press secretary Jen Psaki told The New York Times that an announcement would be forthcoming Saturday.

Biden’s predecessors, starting with President Barack Obama, have referred to the Armenian Genocide as “Medz Yeghern”—the Armenian term used to describe a great calamity. Biden is expected to break with that tradition.

Biden held a telephone conversation with Erdogan on Friday, a day before the worldwide Armenian Genocide remembrance day.

The White House readout of the call did not mention the discussion around the Armenian Genocide. Erdogan’s statement on the call also did not cover the topic.

“President Biden spoke today with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, conveying his interest in a constructive bilateral relationship with expanded areas of cooperation and effective management of disagreements,” the White House said in a statement. “The leaders agreed to hold a bilateral meeting on the margins of the NATO summit in June to discuss the full range of bilateral and regional issues.”

Reuters reported on Friday that a statement from the Turkish presidency said Biden and Erdogan agreed on “the strategic character of the bilateral relationship and the importance of working together to build greater cooperation on issues of mutual interest.”

Over 100 U.S. Representatives call on President Biden to recognize Armenian Genocide




YEREVAN, APRIL 22, ARMENPRESS. A bipartisan group of 107 U.S. House Members called on President Joe Biden to “clearly and directly recognize the Armenian Genocide” in his upcoming April 24 statement, ending Turkey’s foreign gag-rule against honest U.S. remembrance of this crime, reported the Armenian National Committee of America.

Members of Congress co-signed a letter to President Biden spearheaded by Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) and the Congressional Armenian Caucus leadership. The letter cites President Biden’s decades of efforts to reset U.S. policy on the Armenian Genocide. “We know that this is an issue you are well acquainted with from your time in the Senate and as Vice President, including shepherding S.J.Res. 212 (designating April 24, 1990, as a National Day of Remembrance of the 75th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide) through the Judiciary Committee in 1989. We also appreciate that as Vice President you attended the centenary anniversary of the Armenian Genocide in 2015 at the National Cathedral. It was during the centennial that His Holiness Pope Francis at Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica said this about the Armenian Genocide: “concealing or denying evil is like allowing a wound to keep bleeding without bandaging it.”

Upon sending the letter, Rep. Schiff explained, “During his candidacy, President Biden made a promise that he would officially recognize the Armenian Genocide, a promise in line with his decades of leadership on human rights issues. That’s why I joined with so many of my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to urge him to keep that promise, and in doing so, right decades of wrongs. The word ‘genocide’ is significant because genocide is not a problem of the past – it is a problem of today. And by speaking the truth about this horrific period of history, refusing to be silent, and calling it a genocide, we can ensure that the United States is never again complicit.”

“Yet for decades, while leaders around the world recognize the first genocide of the 20th Century, the President of the United States has remained silent. We join with the proud Armenian American community and all of those who support truth and justice in asking that you clearly and directly recognize the Armenian Genocide in your April 24 statement.

Mr. President, as you said last year in your April 24 statement, “Silence is complicity.” The shameful silence of the United States Government on the historic fact of the Armenian Genocide has gone on for too long, and it must end. We urge you to follow through on your commitments, and speak the truth”, reads the letter.

3 Bay Area counties pass Armenian Genocide Resolution

KRON 4, San Francisco

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. (KRON) – The Armenian American community is waiting on the president to formally recognize the Armenian Genocide of 1915. 

Several Bay Area counties passed resolutions this week adding to the mounting pressure for Joe Biden to make good on his campaign promise to do so.

California is home to many Armenians including Roxanne Makasdjian. Her family fled for their lives from a Turkish Village in 1915 as the Ottoman Empire soldiers began a killing spree. 

They hid with the help of neighbors until the coast was clear.

“My grandmother as a young child I think she was four looked out the window and saw the townsfolk were being marched out of town and she thought her mother was amongst them. So she ran outside screaming mama and the next thing she knew the relative or neighbor that was housing them, that was hiding them basically grabbed her, pulled her into the house, and said keep quiet your mother is here we have her hidden in the backroom you get in this kitchen cabinet,” Roxanne Makasdjian said.

They later learned 1.5 million Armenians were killed in that genocide. Unfortunately, her great grandfather didn’t make it – like many he was kidnapped and killed. 

Armenians were either slaughtered or driven to march to their death through the desert. 

106 years later modern-day Turkey continues to deny this was a systemic plan to wipe out Christian Armenians, Greeks, and Assyrians and have since put pressure on their U.S. ally to withhold outright recognition. 

While pressure is mounting for President Joe Biden to fulfill his campaign promise to formally recognize the atrocities as genocide.

On Tuesday, Santa Clara, San Mateo, and San Francisco county board members passed resolutions designating April 24th as ‘Armenian Genocide Commemoration Day,’ vowing to teach the historical facts in their public schools. 

“The Armenian genocide and the slaughter of one and a half million innocent human beings is an undeniable fact,” Supervisor Aaron Peskin said.  

San Francisco Board Supervisor Aaron Peskin has made efforts for 14 years to do this and says recent hate crimes like the attack last year on KVZ Armenian School and the arson at Saint Gregory, the Illuminator Apostolic Church in San Francisco, may have inspired the board to finally act on the resolution. 

“Whoever did that whether it was done by denialists or whether it was done by other parties and no one has been apprehended in that event. This is a remarkably important time for the government of San Francisco and the people of the San Francisco and the Bay Area to understand and acknowledge and celebrate not only the contributions of the Armenian American community but what they and all of us are up against. And if we don’t say it and other cities don’t say it the United States government is never going to make Turkey do it,” Peskin said.  

Should Biden follow through, he’ll almost certainly face pushback from Turkey, which has successfully pressed previous presidents to sidestep the issue.

This Saturday, KRON4’s Ella Sogomonian will host the Annual Armenian Genocide Memorial on San Francisco’s highest peak – Mount Davidson. 

This is the first the community will be gathering since the latest war was waged against Armenians during the pandemic by Turkey-backed Azerbaijan. 

The event starts at 1 p.m.