Three independent Armenian MPs come up with new initiative called “Artsakh”




YEREVAN, MARCH 19, ARMENPRESS. Three independent members of parliament of Armenia – Taguhi Tovmasyan, Anna Grigoryan and Sophia Hovsepyan, are forming a new initiative called “Artsakh”, MP Tovmasyan announced their initiative during the extraordinary session in the Parliament today.

She informed that she and MP Anna Grigoryan have just returned from Artsakh and made a decision together with another MP Sophia Hovsepyan to form “Artsakh” initiative, but not in a legal formation as the legislation doesn’t allow.

“We are going to be the voice of Artsakh in this short-term parliament because now we have this format only – the friendship group with Artsakh. We have similar friendship groups with different countries. I think that we should have a special attitude regarding Artsakh”, she said, emphasizing the need to pay constant attention to the Artsakh issue. “We will continue to keep Artsakh under our spotlight”, she noted.

Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan

CivilNet: U.S. Congress to Call on Azerbaijan To Release Armenian Hostages


09 Mar, 2021 10:03

By Emil Sanamyan

A resolution calling on Azerbaijan to release more than an estimated 200 Armenian military prisoners and civilian hostages is due to be introduced in the House of Representatives next week, the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) reported on March 6. Last January, the European Parliament adopted a resolution that among other things called for the release of Armenian prisoners. The Russian government has also been calling for the release of all prisoners. None of these calls have had much effect so far.

Since the start of the year, Azerbaijan released ten Armenian prisoners in exchange for two Azerbaijani citizens held in Armenia on illegal border crossing charges since before the war. Lawyers for the families of prisoners have estimated that hundreds of Armenian citizens are still being held by Azerbaijan, months after they were captured. The Armenian government has refused to publicize its estimate for the number of its citizens held, but the Diaspora commissioner Zareh Sinanyan recently acknowledged there were more than a hundred people held.

Armenian media have speculated that Azerbaijan is demanding additional territorial concessions from Armenia in exchange for the release. Armenian officials deny that any land-for-prisoners swap is in the works.

The proposed text of the congressional resolution, as reproduced by the ANCA, is below:

“Expressing the Sense of the House of Representatives That Azerbaijan Immediately Release All Prisoners of War and Captured Civilians

Whereas on September 27 2020, Azerbaijan, with support from Turkey and foreign militia groups, launched a military assault on Nagorno Karabakh, also known as Artsakh, resulting in the deaths of thousands and displacing tens of thousands of ethnic Armenian residents;

Whereas on November 9 2020, Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Russia signed a tripartite statement to end the conflict;

Whereas in signing the November 9 statement, all parties agreed that the “exchange of prisoners of war, hostages and other detainees as well as the remains of the fatalities shall be carried out”;

Whereas the third Geneva Convention, of which Azerbaijan is a signatory, and international law require the release of Prisoners of War and captured civilians upon the cessation of hostilities and require that all detainees be treated humanely;

Whereas despite Azerbaijan’s obligations under the Geneva Conventions and their commitments in signing the November 9 statement, more than 100 days after the end of the conflict, the government of Azerbaijan continues to detain an estimated 200 Armenian prisoners of war, hostages, and detained persons, seeking to misrepresent their status to justify their continued captivity;

Whereas Human Rights Watch reported in December 2020 found that Azerbaijani military forces had mistreated ethnic Armenian prisoners of war and subjected them to “physical abuse and humiliation”;

Whereas Columbia University’s Institute for the Study of Human Rights issued a report on the conflict “documenting crimes against humanity and other atrocities committed by Azerbaijani armed forces and Turkish-backed Islamist fighters against Armenians,” including beheadings, summary executions, and the desecration of human remains;

Whereas there is limited reliable information about the condition or treatment of prisoners of war and captured civilians, and there is significant concern that female detainees in particular could be subject to sexual assaults and other mistreatment;

Whereas Azerbaijan’s continued detainment of prisoners of war and captured civilians calls into serious question their commitment to human rights and negotiating an equitable, lasting peace settlement;

Whereas Armenia has fulfilled its obligations under the November 9 statement and international law by returning Azerbaijani prisoners of war;

Whereas the United States, along with France and Russia, is a co-chair of the OSCE Minsk group which was created to seek a durable and peaceful solution to the Nagorno Karabakh conflict.

Therefore be it resolved, that the House of Representatives –

1) Calls upon Azerbaijan to immediately return all Armenian prisoners of war and captured civilians; and

2) Urges the State Department to engage at all levels with Azerbaijani authorities, including through the OSCE Minsk Group process, to make clear the importance of adhering to their obligations under the November 9 statement and international law to immediately release all prisoners of war and captured civilians.”

Emil Sanamyan is a Washington D.C.-based South Caucasus Analyst.
This article originally appeared in Focus on Karabakh.

Lebanese-Armenian Maral Najarian released from Azerbaijani captivity



 09:57, 11 March, 2021

YEREVAN, MARCH 11, ARMENPRESS. The Lebanese-Armenian woman who was being held captive by Azerbaijan has been released, the Lebanese lawmaker Hakob Bagratouni said in a statement.

ARF’s Bagratouni said that Maral Najarian is already in her home in Lebanon.

He said that the release was achieved through his efforts and work with the Lebanese foreign ministry and the International Committee of the Red Cross.

Editing and Translating by Stepan Kocharyan

PAC Launches ‘Yes, It’s Genocide’ Online Grassroots Petition

Yes It’s Genocide

GLENDALE—The Pan Armenian Council of Western United States and its member organizations have launched an online petition urging President Joseph R. Biden to honor his pledge to reaffirm U.S. recognition of the Armenian Genocide in his annual remembrance statement by properly acknowledging the mass murder of 1.5 million Armenian men, women, and children by the Ottoman Turkish government as genocide.

The online petition, hosted on—an activism portal —provides a simple form to take action. The petition aims to collect thousands of signatures by April 24, 2021.

The campaign calls on the White House to end this shameful chapter of U.S. complicity in Turkey’s denial of this unpunished crime against humanity and unequivocally affirm the official U.S. policy established in a near unanimous historic bipartisan _expression_ by Congress in 2019 through the passage of H.Res.296 and S.Res.150.  Individuals are strongly urged to add their names to the petition to ensure that their voices are heard.

To sign the petition, please visit

The Pan Armenian Council of Western USA is a community wide coalition of 23 organizations. It serves as a meeting ground for influential leading organizations to foster mutual understanding, coordination of efforts and consensus-building, all in the name of collective community interests and the welfare of Armenia and Artsakh.

Pan Armenian Council of Western United States of America and its member organizations:
Armenian Assembly of America
Armenian Bar Association
Armenian Catholic Eparchy of Our Lady of Nareg of North America
Armenian Democratic Liberal Party Western District
Armenian General Benevolent Union, Western District
Armenian Evangelical Union of North America
Armenian Missionary Association of America
Armenian National Committee of America, Western Region
Armenian Relief Society of Western USA
Armenian Revolutionary Federation of Western USA
Armenian Society of Los Angeles – Iranahay Miutyun
Armenian Youth Association of California – Irakahay Miutyun
Armenian Youth Federation of Western USA
Hamazkayin Armenian Educational and Cultural Society of the Western USA
Homenetmen Western USA
Iraqi Armenian Family Association of Los Angeles
Kessab Educational Association
Organization of Istanbul Armenians
Service Employees International Union – Armenian Caucus
Southern California Armenian Democrats
Tekeyan Cultural Association
Unified Young Armenians
Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America
Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America 

Statements of some circles with Armenian citizenship and of enemy state tragically similar – expert

Aysor, Armenia
March 6 2021

It is tragic to hear same statements in Armenia voicing from the lips of the leaders of enemy state, expert in Eastern Sciences Ruben Melkonyan stated today outside the Ministry of Defense building where citizens and militaries gathered in support of the Chief of the General Staff of the Armenian Armed Forces.

“It was impossible to imagine how similar, harmonious and identical may be the approaches and statements of enemy state and certain circles having Armenian citizenship,” he stressed.

The expert also noted that no state structure takes any step in response to Turkish invectives.

“The offences directed to the General Staff with the irony of fate remain without response,” the expert said.

Armenpress: Armenian PM, U.S. Secretary of State discuss NK issue and Armenian-U.S. cooperation agenda

Armenian PM, U.S. Secretary of State discuss NK issue and Armenian-U.S. cooperation agenda



 00:12, 6 March, 2021

YEREVAN, MARCH 6, ARMENPRESS. Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan had a telephone conversation with U.S. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken. Nikol Pashinyan first congratulated Mr. Blinken on being appointed to such a high state position. Speaking about the bilateral relations, Prime Minister Pashinyan appreciated the U.S. Government’s continued support to Armenia and the role played by the United States within the OSCE Minsk Group, ARMENPRESS was informed from the Office of the Prime Minister.

The parties next referred to the situation established in the region following the war. The need to resume the peace process in the OSCE Minsk Group format was emphasized on both sides. The Armenian Premier called his interlocutor’s attention to the need for Azerbaijan to immediately return the prisoners of war, hostages and people held in captivity. In this context, the U.S. side highlighted the Minsk Group Co-Chairs’ activities and voiced readiness to continue its role in resolving the conflict. The Secretary of State stressed the importance of developing close partnerships with Armenia. He hailed Armenia’s achievements in the field of democracy and assured that the United States will continue to assist Armenia with the ongoing reform process.

Both sides stressed the need for endeavoring towards strengthening the rule of law, fighting corruption and advancing the judiciary and police reforms in Armenia. Nikol Pashinyan thanked the U.S. side for appreciation and readiness to provide assistance in the field of reforms.

PM Pashinyan urges political forces to stop protests and start discussions


YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 25, ARMENPRESS.  The rally led by Prime Minister of Armenia NIkol Pashinyan ended at Garegin Nzdeh Square. ARMENPRESS reports, addressing his supporters, Pashinyan noted that today they implemented their mission, recording the position of tens of thousands of citizens.

‘’The position is the following – I think the President of the Republic should sign the decree of releasing the Chief of the General Staff of the post, or Onik Gasparyan should himself submit a resignation letter.

Second, we stop our rallies from this moment and suggest that our opposition partners should also do so. We invite the representatives of political forces to hold discussions on the future. The decision on future activities must be made, considering the opinion of the people.

Now I will go to the Government, will hold some consultations and will make necessary decisions. Our slogan is the following – ‘’Velvet is gone’’, Pashinyan said.

At the end of the rally Pashinyan urged to once again respect the memories of the fallen soldiers with a minute of silence.

Homeland Salvation Movement announces car rally to Masis and Artashat towns

Panorama, Armenia
Feb 24 2021

The opposition Homeland Salvation Movement announced a car rally to be held on February 25. "Tomorrow, on February 25, at 13.00 a car rally is planned to start near Continental restaurant at the beginning of Artashat highway to head to Masis and Artashat towns," the statement by the Movement said.

It also called on citizens to join the rally which is calling for the resignation of PM Pashinyan and the ruling force. 

Newspaper: Civil Aviation Committee chief on vacation in Maldives amid Armenia aviation scandal, Armenia
Feb 24 2021

YEREVAN. – Hraparak daily of Armenia writes: While the Armenian society is discussing another Armenian aviation scandal over the hijacking of a Boeing 737 and its landing in Iran, the Civil Aviation Committee is issuing a statement that, "The Committee is aware of the location of the aircraft and is currently working closely with the aviation authorities of the countries concerned."

However, the whole issue is that the chair of the Civil Aviation Committee, Tatevik Revazian, is not in Armenia these days; she has gone on vacation with her family.

On February 7, according to our information, she left for the Maldives islands—on board a Yerevan-Dubai-Maldives flight—to have a rest.

They expected her to return [to Armenia] the day before, but she has not returned yet, albeit the committee has long reconciled with the reality of working without a leader.

Yerevan.Today: Furious police state in Armenia with silent accompaniment of US, EU, CoE ambassadors, Armenia
Feb 24 2021

In fact, there is a caricature, a junta, an anti-democratic, and an anti-popular police state regime in Armenia. Today [PM] Nikol Pashinyan had organized a "police rally" in the center of Yerevan. In addition to the fact that it is a disgrace in itself, it was also a confession-demonstration of the self-destruction of Pashinyan and his "[My] step team." The thing is that in the past, Nikol Pashinyan and his "step members" used to talk about the large number of police officers, the danger of turning Armenia into a police state, and so on, in the most scurrilous ways, whereas Nikol Pashinyan himself turned Armenia into a ruined, failed country where he still remains in power only with the help of the police-state regime. Analyst Armen Hakobyan wrote about this on Yerevan.Today website.

Moreover, Pashinyan himself, as we see, surrounds the "walkway" with several thousand policemen to walk 100-150 meters in the center of the capital.

By the way, in the past—that is, at the time when Nikol Pashinyan was an oppositionist and shouted about the police state—he and others like him were actively accompanied by the ambassadors of the United States, Great Britain, the representatives of the EU, the CoE [(Council of Europe)]; in general, organizations representing "international human rights." They are stubbornly silent now. They are silent like a courtesan. Yes, like a courtesan, not a partisan.

What's really going on?

First of all, it should be noted that since March 2020, the country was under a state of "emergency" for half a year, as if to fight the [corona]virus. In fact, on September 27, 2020, the [Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh)] war broke out and “martial law” was declared. On November 9, the war ended with Nikol Pashinyan's capitulation act secretly signed behind the people., whereas the martial law continues for the fourth month already.

On what grounds? None. The government says that you know the [army] General Staff wants that, as if there is still a danger of resumption of hostilities. However, let us remind both our government and the ambassadors of the bastions of democracy that, for example, in Georgia, during the 2008 hostilities, martial law was imposed for only 15 days, and in Ukraine, martial law was maintained for only 30 days during all that time. And the only reason, in my opinion, is that Nikol Pashinyan thinks that under martial law, being surrounded by police, he will extend his rule for still some time, perhaps fulfilling some of his commitments assumed before the Turkish-Azerbaijani tandem and to complete the absolute destruction of Armenia.

What is noteworthy?

There is unprecedented police boundlessness in Armenia, absurd and unfounded "martial law," persecution of opposition figures, active citizens, and public figures is being carried out on the orders of the government on trumped-up charges. On Nikol Pashinyan’s direct instruction, the police use violence against demonstrators in most brutal manners, Andranik Kocharyan, a senior representative of the government, disrespectfully threatens to shoot peaceful demonstrations by people, they are detaining—under the fight against fake [social media accounts]—analysts, arrest a media manager, open a [criminal] case against the prime ministerial candidate of the opposition, and constantly threaten by the lips of various-caliber figures of the government. All this happens almost every day, after the end of the war, there is no political solution; power is kept only by police solutions.

And the once most attentive US embassy ever, the representatives of the European Union and the Council of Europe are strangely silent. They don't even make a noise. Why?

That is, we can safely assume that in the past they were overactive not because they are advocates of democratic approaches, freedoms, human rights, their countries, and Armenia a member of the Council of Europe, but because they needed it that way to impose something on today’s/read— former/authorities. Or we can assume that the ambassadors are additionally funded by our hostile countries in order not to hinder the Nikol state, to prolong it as much as possible, to destroy Armenia and the people. Maybe their silence is concrete silver, perhaps reflected in their bank accounts? Otherwise, if it is neither one case nor the other, then how to explain the ambassadors' silence towards this number of injustices?

By the way, if I am not mistaken, it is in the functions of the Council of Europe to monitor and respond if a state of martial law is maintained in a member state after the cessation of hostilities, effectively restricting civil rights and freedoms. In our country, I repeat, it is maintained for almost 4 months. And, you ask, where is that reaction?

No, it's not that the hope is on their talk. But who are they after this silence of theirs?

Armen Hakobyan