Western-Armenian language “on verge of destruction” in Turkey – warns Garo Paylan




YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 22, ARMENPRESS. A prominent Turkish lawmaker has warned that the Western-Armenian language is threatened in his country.

Garo Paylan, an ethnic Armenian Member of Parliament of Turkey, says that Western Armenian is “on the verge of destruction” in Turkey.

“My Mother Language – Western Armenian, and numerous other languages are on the verge of destruction,” he said on social media on the occasion of the International Mother Language Day. “On the occasion of International Mother Language Day, I wish for languages to live brotherly in our country.”

Editing and Translating by Stepan Kocharyan

Repat entrepreneur Vahe Keushguerian appointed Adviser to the Artsakh President

Public Radio of Armenia
Feb 19 2021

Repat entrepreneur Vahe Keushguerian has been appointed today as an Advisor to the Artsakh President on Development Programs, Office of the High Commissioner for Diaspora Affairs informs.

He will fill the role on a volunteer basis.

The Office is confident that including Diaspora talent in state structures can play an important role in taking them to new heights.

“It is with this goal in mind that we launched the iGorts program to bring Diaspora Armenians to work in government offices. Appointments like these, even outside the program, are always welcome news,” the Diaspora Affairs Office said in a Facebook post.

The Office of the High Commissioner for Diaspora Affairs launched the unprecedented iGorts program in March, inviting Diaspora Armenian professionals to work in Armenia’s state institutions.

More than 700 boys named after Monte Melkonian in Armenia after recent Karabakh war

News.am, Armenia
Feb 19 2021

Since the end of the war in Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh), more than 700 boys born in Armenia have been named after National Hero of Armenia Monte Melkonian, which is unprecedented. In response to an inquiry from Armenian News-NEWS.am, the Civil Status Acts Registration Agency informed that, based on the data in the unified electronic governance system, in the period between 2016 and February 1, 2021, 1,816 children have been named after Monte. Newborn boys were more often named after Monte after the war in April 2016.

In 2020, the number of boys named after Monte has doubled compared to the previous year. This unprecedented indicator is conditioned by the military operations that took place in Artsakh. In particular, whereas 162 boys were named after Monte in January-June 2020, 577 boys were named after Monte in the second semester, and this is three-and-a-half times more than the number in the first quarter.

After Armenia’s declaration of independence, the name Monte became widely popular in Armenia and the Diaspora. Monte means a peak. One of the military schools of the Armed Forces of Armenia is named after Monte Melkonian, and there are streets named after him in Armenia and Artsakh. Several songs commemorating Monte have been composed and performed, several dozens of documentary films devoted to Monte Melkonian have been produced.

CivilNet: The Armenian-Yezidi Defense of Syunik



In Armenia’s southern Syunik Province, which now borders Azerbaijan, there are military positions that are protected by volunteer soldiers.

In the village of Agarak, there stands the military unit led by Volodya Avetisyan. CivilNet traveled to the military post where we met with Ozman Kaloyan, a Yezidi who came from his native village of Khoronk in the Armavir region to protect the border. 

Building peace in the South Caucasus and post-war reality in Nagorno-Karabakh

KSU | The Sentinel Newspaper
Feb 14 2021

The year 2020 has been full of challenges – starting with the pandemic and ending with the global slowdown in the global economy. But one episode gave hope that one of the oldest and bloodiest conflicts in post-Soviet territory would finally be resolved: the second Karabakh war between Armenia and Azerbaijan, which resulted in the liberation of all. the occupied territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The Armenian occupation of the territories of Azerbaijan, which began on the eve of the collapse of the Soviet Union, continued until September 27, 2020. It was on this date that the Azerbaijani army launched a counterattack in response to the new policy of the Armenian leadership, formulated when the Armenian Minister of Defense declared: “new war for new territories”.

The new conflict ended after 44 days of war. On November 10, 2020, Baku time, under the mediation of Russia, the Presidents of Russia and Azerbaijan and the Prime Minister of Armenia signed a historic document – a joint declaration – which interrupted the military confrontation and opened up new opportunities for the peacebuilding process in the region.

The Second Karabakh War closed a page of flagrant violation of international law caused by Armenia, which invalidates the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan with the tacit consent of the international community. Ignoring four UN Security Council resolutions adopted in 1993 calling for the immediate withdrawal of all occupying forces from Azerbaijan’s lands and creating the conditions for internally displaced persons to be able to go home.

Armenia, using the strategy of “negotiations in the name of negotiations”, also opposed the position of international mediators vis-à-vis the Minsk group represented by Russia, France and the United States. Azerbaijan has never tolerated this tactic and has always insisted on its legitimate right to restore territorial integrity and protect its internationally recognized border by all legal means enshrined in international law, and the action of the year last produced this result.

Even before and after the Second Karabakh War, Azerbaijan was supported by its justified position by sister nations – such as Turkey and Pakistan – and by several international organizations. Today, we are beginning to rehabilitate the liberated lands in order to create the conditions that will allow the displaced people to finally return to their homes. Unfortunately, the Armenian occupation left nothing but ruins, havoc and destroyed natural resources in these territories and Azerbaijan will have to build everything from scratch.

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev in his appeal to the nation said that all Armenians – inhabitants of Nagorno-Karabakh – after obtaining citizenship of Azerbaijan will receive the same rights and privileges as all citizens of the country in accordance with the Azerbaijani Constitution.

Today Azerbaijan calls for the constant implementation of the Joint Declaration of 10 November and this process has already started with new opportunities beneficial not only for Azerbaijan and Armenia, but for other countries of the region. We look to the future, when all communications in the region are restored, people will return to their lands and begin to live without fear of future conflicts. We believe that together we will succeed!

Elkhan Polukhov, Ambassador of Azerbaijan, PhD

Armenian expert: Baku dictator himself factually announced launch of ‘signboard war’

Panorama, Armenia
Feb 13 2021

Armenian expert on Iran Vardan Voskanyan slammed the installment of provocative Azerbaijani signboards in Armenia’s Syunik Province in an effort to pressure the Armenians.

"The dictatorial regime of Baku, taking advantage of the incompetence of the regime that still believes its in power in Armenia, is trying to exert psychological pressure on our people by installing provocative signboards in Syunik Province of Armenia with the use of various tricks,” he wrote on Facebook on Saturday.

“The launch of the so-called "signboard war" was factually announced some time ago by the dictator of Baku himself, trampling on the sign reading "Haykazyan" in one of the temporarily occupied territories of the Artsakh Republic as a manifestation of his disrespectful and obscene behavior, which has already become recurrent.

"These Azeri "signs" are, in fact, useless, because after the Armenian reconquest they will definitely end up in landfills, as the Azerbaijani proverb says, ‘tülkü hiyləgərdir, amma dərisi satılır’ (No matter how cunning the fox is, its fur is sold),” Voskanyan said. 

Red Cross representatives visit Maral Najarian who is in captivity in Azerbaijan

News.am, Armenia
Feb 12 2021

Representatives of the International Committee of the Red Cross today visited Maral Najarian, who is in captivity in Azerbaijan, and reported information to Najarian’s family, Maral’s sister, Ani told Armenian News-NEWS.am.

Ani said the representatives had told her that Maral is fine. She refuted the news spread on social networks according to which Maral has been released and urged to not spread fake news.

Maral was captured on November 10 in Berdzor while she was going to take her personal items.

The European Court of Human Rights had confirmed that Maral was a captive in Azerbaijan.

Maral is a dual citizen of Lebanon and Armenia.

Presence of Azerbaijani servicemen on roads of Syunik province must be ruled out – Armenia Ombudsman




YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 11, ARMENPRESS. Ombudsman of Armenia Arman Tatoyan has made a statement, noting that the presence of the Azerbaijani armed servicemen in the communities or on the roads connecting the communities of Syunik Province, moreover, any of their movement through that roads must be ruled out.

“They appeared there at the expense of the gross violations of the rights of peaceful civilians and servicemen of Armenia and Artsakh, ethnic cleansings and mass destruction of peaceful settlements, constant institutional Armenophobia, torture and ill treatment, illegally holding the prisoners of war, new war threats, the “determination” of borders with mechanical approaches through the gross violations of the international rules.

With the presence of the Azerbaijani servicemen, first of all the rights of the border residents of Armenia have been grossly violated or are seriously endangered (violations of ownership, shots, etc).

Therefore, no matter what happens, any of their presence or movement is illegal, has no legal title and contradicts the foundations of human rights system in the international law.

The activity of the Ombudsman of Armenia is carried out with this fundamental concept at all platforms”.

Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan

COVID-19, lessons learnt: WHO Armenia Country Office Head assesses 2020 activities as effective




YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 10, ARMENPRESS. Head of the World Health Organization Armenia Country Office Egor Zaitsev assess their activities conducted in 2020 as effective.

Mr. Zaitsev gave an interview to ARMENPRESS, talking about the fight against COVID-19, the activities done during the recent Artsakh War, the vaccines and other issues.

-Mr. Zaitsev, last year the whole world was full of many challenges and difficulties, conditioned in particular by COVID-19. Armenia’s healthcare system as well had to overcome that virus. In your opinion, what lessons we have learnt within that one year?

-We have learnt quite serious lessons at that period. I think that communication and risk assessment were important. The second lesson was that we learnt to follow the elementary safety rules, such as we wear face masks, disinfect our hands, keep social distancing and so on. I think there have been numerous lessons, one of them is that the disease was something new, a quick exchange of information was needed, which we also managed to solve. WHO is an organization which quickly collects all information, distributes it between the countries and it’s important for these countries to use that. The fourth lesson we have learnt is that many countries, including Armenia must have a powerful healthcare system. The talk is about various functions of that system.

-In your view, how is Armenia overcoming the current situation?

-Each country has its capacities and responds to such cases based on its own capacities. In general, we see that the situation has relatively stabilized, but it’s still early to talk about the final outcome because the disease has not disappeared in the whole world yet. As an organization we are trying to help Armenia with different ways. We have conducted 2 missions, specialized groups from different countries have arrived in Armenia in order to help at the critical moments either with consulting or just providing help.

-Last year, in line with the pandemic, a war has launched by Azerbaijan against Artsakh, and the situation further escalated in Armenia. What were the challenges that time? What steps did the WHO take on that path, how did it support Armenia?

-Both the civilians and the servicemen sustained many injuries during the war. This was a great challenge for Armenia’s healthcare system and doctors especially in that situation. One of the difficulties was that the war erupted during the pandemic which further complicated the work. That great flow of the people, the mobilization further complicated the maintenance of safety rules from healthcare perspective. Armenia was under a double burden – the pandemic and the war. At that period we assisted the ministry of healthcare in acquiring emergency kits. Now as well we continue assisting, there are projects for rehabilitation treatment, such as for psychological health recovery.

-Can the WHO assist Armenia in acquiring vaccines more quickly and in larger doses?

-At this moment active works are underway between the WHO and the government, as well as with other interested agencies, such as UNICEF, World Bank, etc. The works are being conducted through a platform which is called COVAX Facility, which is associated with the WHO. According to this program, Armenia and many other countries will receive vaccines. WHO is also working with other countries at a global level.

-On the sidelines of the fight against COVID-19 ambulance brigades arrived Armenia which has been organized as a result of the cooperation with the European Union and the governments of respective countries. What is the experience as a result of these visits?

-Emergency medical teams arrived in Armenia from Germany, Italy, Poland and UK. These teams are under the auspices of the WHO, they are licensed groups who visit other countries and provide help, share their experience. The important part was that these medical teams were providing care not only to patients, but they were also holding trainings for doctors and nurses.

-Are new cooperation, new deliveries expected in the future?

-Our cooperation has been around the EU DG NEAR project, within the frames of which assistance has been sent and is being sent to Armenia. Different types of equipment, personal protective items directed for the COVID-19 treatment have been delivered here. This year as well we will continue this project.

-Do you consider your policy adopted at this whole period as effective?

-This issue must be analyzed, studied at the final stage of this disease when everything is over. I think our organization should critically view its actions done so far in order to understand the weak and strong sides. In general, our activities in 2020 have been quite effective, however, of course, there are and have been some problems.


Interview by Lilit Demuryan

Photos by Tatev Duryan

Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan

Armenian side expects UN’s support in preserving Artsakh’s historical-culture heritage

Armenian side expects UN’s support in preserving Artsakh's historical-culture heritage



 15:00, 9 February, 2021

YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 9, ARMENPRESS. Minister of education, science, culture and sport Vahram Dumanyan received UN Resident Coordinator for Armenia Shombi Sharp and his delegation, the ministry told Armenpress.

The meeting was also attended by the representatives of the ministry and the UN Office in Armenia.

Welcoming the guests, the minister attached importance to the ongoing educational, scientific, cultural and sports projects implemented by the support of the UN, expressing hope that they will continue with a greater activeness.

Vahram Dumanyan said the US mission is highly important especially in the post-war crisis.

“The Armenian side expects the support of the international organizations and in particular the UN in the preservation of the Armenian historical-cultural heritage in the territories of Artsakh which have come under the Azerbaijani control due to the 2020 war. That historical cultural monuments are the universal civilizational values created by the Armenian people”, the minister said, expressing hope that the UN Office in Armenia will continue its support aimed at the full exercise of the children’s right to education who have appeared in the post-war period.

In his turn the UN Resident Coordinator for Armenia also highlighted the bilateral partnership and stated: “The UN Office in Armenia highly values the years-long cooperation with the ministry of education”, he said, adding that they expect to continue supporting the educational reforms in Armenia. “In particular, we will soon focus on creating temporary educational sites and will assist in providing access to quality education for children who have been displaced from Nagorno Karabakh and sheltered in Armenia”.

At the meeting other issues caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the post-war situation were also discussed.

Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan