Skilled diplomat with high professionalism: Ambassador AlZaabi built new Armenia-UAE bridges




YEREVAN, JULY 10, ARMENPRESS. A key role player in the development of the relations between Armenia and the United Arab Emirates, advocate of warm human relationship, friendly ties: these are the words of Armenian public-political figures about UAE Ambassador to Armenia Mohamed AlZaabi who is completing his diplomatic mission.

ARMENPRESS presents words of appreciation by numerous officials and representatives of different spheres addressed to the UAE Ambassador.

According to Vahagn Melikyan, Secretary General of the Armenian Foreign Ministry, Ambassador Mohamed AlZaabi from the very beginning was taking active steps to further deepen and expand the Armenia-UAE relations and the mutually beneficial cooperation in various spheres, by holding regular meetings with the Armenian officials. As a skilled and experienced diplomat, the Ambassador managed to establish working and friendly relations with Armenia’s high-ranking officials, in particular with the ministers conducting a sectoral cooperation with the UAE. Under his leadership the UAE Embassy in Armenia has also been actively engaged in humanitarian activity.

“Armenia’s ministry of labor and social affairs highly values the cooperation with UAE Ambassador Mohamed AlZaabi, his support and direct contribution to the implementation of various social initiatives and programs in Armenia. During the Ambassador’s tenure very close ties, constructive dialogue and effective cooperation have been established between the ministry and the Embassy, in particular aimed at the protection of rights of vulnerable groups and their social inclusion”, Minister of labor and social affairs Zaruhi Batoyan said.

Minister of healthcare Arsen Torosyan in his turn called the relations of Armenia and the UAE as a wonderful example of friendship and mutual support. “The coronavirus pandemic brought a new challenge to the world, and I am glad to reaffirm with gratitude that the UAE’s good people and government again stood by us at that difficult time, by providing personal protective items, disinfectants, face masks and other necessary items”, the minister, adding that the Ambassador with his activity has greatly contributed to the strengthening of partnership and warm friendship in the field of healthcare.

Minister of high technological industry Hakob Arshakyan also commented on the productive and prospective cooperation with the UAE Ambassador, stating that thanks to the active participation of the Ambassador they managed not only to create grounds for the comprehensive inter-state cooperation, but also hosted in Armenia and organized official visits with the UAE top officials and representatives of major investment companies, forming serious bases for mutual trust and prospective development.

Director of ARMENPRESS state news agency Aram Ananyan considers the signing of a memorandum of cooperation between ARMENPRESS and the UAE state news agency as one of the key achievements recorded during the Ambassador’s tenure in Armenia.

“The tenure of Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates to Armenia Mohamed AlZaabi was marked with the signing of a memorandum of cooperation between ARMENPRESS and the UAE state news agency (WAM) after which the works between the two news agencies entered into a new stage. Today ARMENPRESS and WAM are conducting active exchange of information. I think this is one of the firmest and most important bridges linking our two friendly peoples. On the sidelines of the cooperation this year ARMENPRESS participated in the International Government Communication Forum, during which numerous new cooperation agreements were reached with the national news agencies of several Arab countries (Lebanon, Jordan, etc)”, the Director of ARMENPRESS said.

He said the cooperation with the UAE partners has much greater potential which will be fully exercised in the upcoming years.

“I also want to highlight the Ambassador’s personal attention to the agency’s works during the pandemic days, as well as the technical assistance provided to us. But for me personally the most important is human, sincere communication and friendship. I wish my good friend new success and I am confident that he will have new achievements in his future activities, and our both personal and professional friendship will have its continuation”, Aram Ananyan said.


Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan

Coronavirus cases in Georgia reach 973




YEREVAN, JULY 10, ARMENPRESS. 5 new cases of the novel coronavirus have been confirmed in Georgia, raising the total number of cases to 973, the authorities said, RIA Novosti reports.

846 patients have recovered.

The death toll is 15.

4,851 people are quarantined.

Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan

Support Armenia Fund and Ministry of Economy will cooperate




YEREVAN, JULY 10, ARMENPRESS. Minister of Economy Tigran Khachatryan had an online discussion with the Support Armenia Fund’s initiative group, the ministry told Armenpress.

The ministry contacted the Fund to express its readiness in assisting them to support the small and medium businesses as a result of the fundraising organized by the Fund.

Minister Khachatryan welcomed the group’s initiative and assured that his team is ready to assist the Fund in effectively organizing the works. He introduced the government’s anti-crisis policy. The minister said on the sidelines of the government’s third anti-crisis measure, assistance has been provided to nearly 900 economic entities. The minister mentioned the fields most affected by COVID-19.

Member of the initiative Olivia Zhamkochyan thanked minister Khachatryan for the readiness to assist and presented the activity and future programs of the Fund. He said they are going to firstly assist small family businesses in tourism field.

The discussion participants praised the fact that American-Armenian reality TV superstar Kim Kardashian also joined the awareness raising campaign on this fundraising.

Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan

Armenian Genocide and Holocaust education now required in Colorado high schools

Public Radio of Armenia
July 9 2020

A Look at Jolfa History: An Exhibition of Iranian-Armenian Lifestyle

Iran Front Page
July 3 2020

“A Look at the History of Jolfa” is the title of an exhibition on the traditional jobs, arts and clothing of Armenians in Iran’s Isfahan.

⁰The exhibition is being held in Vank Cathedral, Jolfa neighbourhood, Isfahan.

It is held on the first anniversary of the establishment of New Anthropological Museum of Jolfa Armenians.

A live exposition of traditional jobs, arts, clothing and lifestyle of Armenians is underway inside the museum.

The first part of the exhibition is dedicated to decorative arts, printing industry and home furniture of Armenians living in Isfahan. The rooms of ladies and offices of gentlemen, as well as their cooking utensils from Safavid to Pahlavi period, are simulated and displayed in the second part.

The third part of the museum includes the church, the school and the old Armenian musical instruments; while the photos of 30 prominent figures of Jolfa are shown in the fourth part.

Georgia to provide a corridor for the passage of Russian citizens from Armenia

Panorama, Armenia
July 2 2020

An agreement has been reached with the Georgian side to allow Russian citizens stranded in Armenia to return home passing through the territory of Georgia. As the Russian Embassy in Armenia reported, the agreement has been reached in close cooperation with Russian Embassy, Russia’s foreign ministry, Armenian and Georgian authorities as well as the the authorities of North Ossetia.

According to the source, as arranged with the Russian Embassy, South Caucasus Railway (SCR) has expressed readiness to cover the cost of the transportation, namely to provide comfortable buses (equipped with air-conditioning and toilets) which will ease the travel through the territory of the neighboring country without technical stops.

It is noted that the lists of the passengers are compiled based on the data of the Russian Embassy.

Death rate in June 2020 rises by 30% against June 2019 – PM Pashinyan



 18:50, 1 July, 2020

YEREVAN, JULY 1, ARMENPRESS. Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan presented statistics on the health condition of COVID-19 patients. ARMENPRESS reports Nikol Pashinyan informed following the session at the Commandant’s Office that at the moment there are 10,900 active cases in Armenia, 2106 patients receive stationary treatment.

‘’536 of them are in serious situation, 117 are in critical situation, while 1730 patients have developed pneumonia. Yesterday we recorded 10 new death cases, while the total number of deaths has reached 453’’, Pashinyan said.

PM Pashinyan noted that during the 1st 5 months of the year the statistic of death rate was satisfactory, but this statistics has already changed.

‘’Unfortunately, we have to record that in June 2020 we recorded by nearly 30% more death cases compared to June, 2019. Of course, the change of the death statistics is not completely explained by coronavirus, but it undoubtedly has an impact on this statistics’’, Pashinyan concluded.

523 new cases of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) have been registered in Armenia in the past 24 hours, bringing the total number of confirmed cases to 26,065.

515 more patients have recovered. The total number of recoveries has reached 14,563.

10 people have died in one day, raising the death toll to 453.

The number of active cases stands at 10,900.

The number of people who had a coronavirus but died from other disease has reached 149 (2 new such cases).

So far, 111,665 people have passed COVID-19 testing.

State of emergency has been prolonged until July 13.

Edited and translated by Tigran Sirekanyan

RFE/RL Armenian Report – 06/29/2020


Opposition Party Demands Pashinian’s Interrogation

        • Ruzanna Stepanian

Armenia -- Prosperous Armenia Party's Naira Zohrabian speaks during a parliament 
session, February 11, 2020.

A senior member of the opposition Prosperous Armenia Party (BHK) on Monday 
challenged Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian to substantiate his allegations that 
it has illegally bought votes in various national and local elections.

Naira Zohrabian said that law-enforcement authorities must summon Pashinian for 
questioning in connection with the allegations.

The National Security Service (NSS) indicted BHK leader Gagik Tsarukian 
immediately after the Armenian parliament lifted his immunity from prosecution 
on June 16. The NSS claims that the wealthy businessman “created and led an 
organized group” that bought more than 17,000 votes for the BHK during 
parliamentary elections held in 2017.

Tsarukian and his political allies reject the accusations as politically 
motivated. They say that Pashinian ordered the criminal proceedings in response 
to the BHK leader’s recent calls for the Armenian government’s resignation.

Pashinian again denied that when he spoke in the parliament controlled by his My 
Step bloc on June 25. “Is the fact that Prosperous Armenia has earned votes with 
bribes a revelation?” he said. “Is that a revelation for anyone?”

“I think that our law-enforcement system must also summon the prime minister and 
tell him to substantiate his information with facts,” countered Zohrabian. “We 
expect facts. If I had made such a statement they would have definitely summoned 
me the next day.”

“If I had said, for example, that we have information that various oligarchs, 
who used to work for the former authorities, very actively worked for one or 
another candidate of My Step in the 2018 parliamentary elections I would have 
been immediately summoned for questioning and told to come up with facts,” she 

Pashinian’s spokeswoman, Mane Gevorgian, dismissed Zohrabian’s demand. “Yes, the 
prime minister said such a thing and he is not renouncing that statement,” she 
told RFE/RL’s Armenian service. “As for who should be interrogated, that is 
decided by the relevant [investigating] body.”

In that regard, Gevorgian noted that a former Tsarukian associate, Abraham 
Manukian, was arrested late last week as part of the same inquiry.

Zohrabian claimed that Manukian’s arrest is aimed at “extracting testimony” 
against Tsarukian. A spokesman for Prosecutor-General Artur Davtian denied that.

On June 21, a Yerevan court refused to allow the NSS to arrest Tsarukian pending 
investigation. Prosecutors appealed against the ruling.

Tsarukian’s party controls 25 seats in Armenia’s 132-member National Assembly, 
making it the country’s leading parliamentary opposition force.

Parliament Majority Drafts More Amendments On Constitutional Court

        • Artak Khulian
        • Harry Tamrazian

Armenia -- The main meeting room of the Constitutional Court, Yerevan, September 
3, 2019.

The National Assembly will debate and almost certainly pass on Tuesday further 
legal amendments designed to complete the controversial dismissal of three of 
the nine members of Armenia’s Constitutional Court.

The parliament already approved on June 22 amendments to the Armenian 
constitution calling for their replacement by other judges to be appointed by 
its pro-government majority. The constitutional changes rejected by the 
opposition bar current and future Constitutional Court judges from serving more 
than 12 years.

The 12-year term limit was already included in the constitution when it was 
previously amended in April 2018. But it did not apply to the judges already 
serving. A clause in the amended constitution allowed these judges to retain 
their positions until reaching retirement age.

The latest amendments scrapped the clause, requiring the gradual resignation of 
seven members of the high court installed before April 2018. Three of them -- 
Alvina Gyulumian, Felix Tokhian and Hrant Nazarian -- are to resign with 
immediate effect. The amendments also stipulate that Hrayr Tovmasian must quit 
as court chairman but remain a judge.

Tovmasian and the three judges refused to step down, however. In a joint 
statement issued on Thursday, they argued that the authorities have not made 
similar changes to a separate law on the Constitutional Court which also exempts 
them from the 12-year term limit. Justice Minister Rustam Badasian dismissed 
their objections, saying that the constitution takes precedence over the law 
cited by them.

Nevertheless, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian’s My Step was quick to draft 
relevant changes to the law in question. A senior My Step deputy, Vahagn 
Hovakimian, announced on Monday that they will be debated at an emergency 
session of the parliament scheduled for Tuesday. With Pashinian’s bloc 
controlling at least 88 of the 132 parliament seats, their swift passage is all 
but a forgone conclusion.

The chief of the Constitutional Court staff, Edgar Ghazarian insisted on 
Saturday that Tovmasian and the three other judges technically continue to 
perform their duties.

Tovmasian formally went on vacation late on Thursday, just hours before the 
constitutional changes came into force. Gyulumian said that she will temporarily 
head the court in his absence.

Pashinian and parliament speaker Ararat Mirzoyan countered, however, that the 
court’s acting chairman is Ashot Khachatrian, the oldest of the six other 
judges. Mirzoyan made a point of meeting with Khachatrian on Saturday.

Armenia - Constitutional Court Judge Alvina Gyulumian is interviewed by RFE/RL, 
Yerevan, November 15, 2019.

In a weekend interview with RFE/RL’s Armenian service, Gyulumian maintained that 
she remains a high court justice. She further stood by her claims that the 
12-year term limit does not apply to her also because she most recently took the 
bench in 2014.

Gyulumian, 64, had also served as a Constitutional Court judge from 1996-2003. 
She says that those years cannot be added to the length of her current tenure.

Gyulumian again warned that she will challenge the legality of her ouster in the 
European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). She was a member of the Strasbourg-based 
court from 2003-2014.

Tovmasian, Gyulumian and five other judges have been under strong government 
pressure to step down over the past year. Pashinian has accused them of 
maintaining close ties to the country’s former government and impeding his 
judicial reforms.

Tovmasian and opposition figures have dismissed Pashinian’s claims and in turn 
accused the prime minister of seeking to take control of the Constitutional 

In a written opinion made public on June 22, the Venice Commission of the 
Council of Europe largely backed the amendments drafted by the Armenian 
authorities. But it criticized the authorities’ refusal to introduce a 
transitional period that would “allow for a gradual change in the composition of 
the court in order to avoid any abrupt and immediate change endangering the 
independence of this institution.”

The Strasbourg-based body also said that the authorities should not rush to have 
Tovmasian replaced by another Constitutional Court chairman.

In a letter to Tovmasian publicized by the Constitutional Court on Friday, 
Venice Commission President Gianni Buquicchio reiterated that the amendments are 
“not in line” with the commission’s recommendations.

COVID-19 Outbreak In Armenian Parliament

        • Ruzanna Stepanian

Armenia -- Deputies from the ruling My Step bloc at a parliament session in 
Yerevan, June 22, 2020.

At least a dozen deputies of Armenia’s 132-member parliament have reportedly 
been infected with the coronavirus amid the continuing spread of the disease in 
the country.

Vahe Enfiajian, a deputy parliament speaker, was the first to announce his 
positive test result on June 23. Several other deputies admitted testing 
positive in the following days.

Enfiajian said he has a fever but not pneumonia when he spoke to RFE/RL’s 
Armenian service from his home on Saturday. He insisted that he does not know 
who might have infected him.

“I always wore a mask in my office,” said the senior lawmaker affiliated with 
the opposition Prosperous Armenia Party (BHK).

Enfiajian said that several other BHK deputies have also tested positive for the 
virus and had to self-isolate. One of them, Arman Abovian, confirmed his 
infection on Saturday.

Abovian, who is a senior BHK member, said he does not know whether the party’s 
top leader, Gagik Tsarukian, has also been affected by the outbreak.

For the last two weeks BHK’s 25-strong parliamentary group has boycotted 
sessions of the National Assembly in protest against its pro-government 
majority’s June 16 decision to lift Tsarukian’s immunity from prosecution. The 
BHK leader is facing accusations of vote buying which he rejects as politically 

The parliamentary majority representing Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian’s My Step 
bloc has also been hit by COVID-19 infections. One of its deputies, Hayk 
Gevorgian, told RFE/RL’s Armenian service that he had a coronavirus test on June 
24 hours after showing some symptoms of the disease during a parliament session. 
He said he believe that he was infected inside the parliament building.

According to Gevorgian, there were 7 confirmed coronavirus cases among My Step 
deputies as of Saturday.

Another pro-government lawmaker, Karen Hambardzumian, admitted testing positive 
on Monday. “I am being examined in hospital,” he told the Armenpress news agency.

The Bright Armenia Party, the third political group represented in the 
parliament, said at the weekend that there have been no infections among its 
deputies so far.

Despite the outbreak, the parliament’s leadership reportedly decided on Monday 
to hold an emergency session of the parliament on Tuesday. It was not clear how 
it will try to prevent a further spread of the virus among deputies and 
parliament staffers.

The deputies have had to wear masks on the parliament floor and in their offices 
for the past month. The parliament statutes do not allow them to attend sessions 
and vote via a video link.

The Armenian health authorities have reported 25,127 coronavirus cases and at 
least 433 deaths caused by them so far.

Armenians Urged To Stay At Home

Armenia -- Medics clad in protective suits at Yerevan's Nork Hospital for 
Infectious Diseases treating coronavirus patients, June 5, 2020.

Health Minister Arsen Torosian urged people to stop meeting relatives and 
friends, avoid going to restaurants and stay at home “as much as possible” on 
Sunday as official statistics showed no letup in coronavirus infections in 

“We need a conscious lockdown, rather than an obligatory one,” Torosian wrote on 
his Facebook page. “We all must limit our nonessential contacts, movements, 
visits, events and meetings. We must stay at home as much as possible.”

“Do not visit your loved ones unless there a vital need for that,” he said.

Armenians, he said, must also minimize physical contact with neighbors, shun 
birthday parties and funerals, end sight-seeing day trips to the countryside and 
even refrain from evening strolls in streets or parks.

“Stop visiting cafes and restaurants,” added the minister. “These are the only 
places where you can be without a mask and infect each other.”

Armenia - A newly reopened cafe in downtown Yerevan, May 14, 2020.

The latter point prompted strong criticism from the Armenian Association of 
Restaurants. “Amid a sharp decrease in sales, such a categorical appeal looks 
like a death verdict for public food service companies,” it said in a statement.

The statement insisted that the vast majority of restaurants operate in “strict 
compliance” with safety and hygiene rules set by the Armenia government. It 
argued that restaurants flouting the rules are temporarily shut down by relevant 

Torosian appealed to the population as the Armenian Ministry of Health 
registered 736 new coronavirus cases. The ministry reported 482 single-day 
infections the following morning. The decrease was apparently due to a smaller 
number of coronavirus tests carried out on Sunday.

According to the ministry, 7 more people died from COVID-19 in the past day, 
bringing Armenia’s official death toll to 433. The figure does not include the 
deaths of 143 other people who were also infected with the disease. The health 
authorities say that they were primarily caused by other, pre-existing 

Armenia -- People walk in the center of Yerevan, June 10, 2020.

The total number of confirmed cases in the country of about 3 million reached 
25,127 by Monday morning. Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian acknowledged on Friday 
that Armenia now has one of the highest COVID-19 infection rates in the world.

Despite the continuing spread of the virus, Pashinian has repeatedly indicated 
that his government has no plans to impose another lockdown and will continue 
instead to put the emphasis on getting more Armenians to practice social 
distancing and wear face masks in public. The premier said on Friday that the 
government is planning a further toughening of sanctions against people not 
complying with these rules.

The government issued stay-at-home orders and shut down schools, universities 
and most nonessential businesses at the start of the coronavirus crisis in late 
March. But it began easing those restrictions already in mid-April and all but 
ended the lockdown by the beginning of May.

The number of coronavirus cases has risen sharply since then. Critics say that 
the lockdown was lifted too soon.

Reprinted on ANN/Armenian News with permission from RFE/RL
Copyright (c) 2020 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, Inc.
1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036.


COVID-19: Second group of French doctors to arrive in Armenia soon




YEREVAN, JUNE 23, ARMENPRESS. Minister of Healthcare of Armenia Arsen Torosyan received French Ambassador to Armenia Jonathan Lacôte, Head of the Office of the High Commissioner for Diaspora Affairs Sara Anjargolyan and the French doctors led by their team head Alexandre Mignon, the ministry told Armenpress.

The French doctors arrived in Armenia on June 14 and for 10 days together with the local specialists they have been engaged in the treatment process of coronavirus patients, did their utmost for the citizens to overcome the disease.

“In this situation we are entering a new stage of relations in the healthcare sector of France and Armenia”, the French Ambassador said.

The next group of French doctors will arrive in Armenia today in the evening.

“The mission of our Office is to strengthen the Armenia-Diaspora ties, but in this fight we are making efforts also for such initiatives, and are glad that the next group of French doctors will be headed by a Diaspora-Armenian doctor”, Sara Anjarolyan said.

In turn the Armenian healthcare minister thanked the Ambassador for the support provided by France, and handed over certificates of gratitude to the French doctors.

The first group of French doctors arrived in Armenia via a special flight on June 14 to help the healthcare system to battle the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). The French doctors conducted their mission in the St. Gregory the Illuminator hospital, the Scientific Center for Traumatology and Orthopaedy and the infection department of the St. Mary medical center.

Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan

CoE: Armenia: receipt of the 5th cycle State Report

Council of Europe

Armenia: receipt of the 5th cycle State Report 

Armenia submitted its Fifth State Report on 15 June 2020 pursuant to Article 25, paragraph 2, of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities.The report is available in English with its annexes 1-2, 3 and 4 as well as in Armenian with its annexes 1-2, 3 and 4.

It is now up to the Advisory Committee to consider it and adopt an opinion intended for the Committee of Ministers.