Police charges 477 citizens in one day with violating movement restriction and quarantine rules

Panorama, Armenia
April 4 2020
Society 18:30 04/04/2020Armenia

The Police of Armenia continues implementing the Commandant’s directive on the restriction on public movement to prevent the spread of coronavirus, the press service at the Police reported.

As the source said, from April 3 9 a.m. to April 4 9 p.m., 477 people in Armenia have been pressed with administrative charges for violating quarantine rules and other restrictions of public movement imposed to contain the coronavirus.

The total number of citizens called for administrative liability has been 5665 since the directive of the Commandant’s Office. 2441 out of the total number were recorded in capital Yerevan, 3224 – in regions.

The Police urges the citizens to strictly refrain from leaving the houses under quarantine rules except for bare essentials.

By disseminating disinformation Azerbaijan covers up violations of ceasefire – MFA



 20:47, 3 April, 2020

YEREVAN, APRIL 3, ARMENPRESS. Spokesperson of MFA Armenia Anna Naghdalyan condemned the spread of false information by Azerbaijan over the situation on Armenia-Azerbaijan border and Artsakh-Azerbaijan line of contact, the aim of which is covering up or justifying Azerbaijan’s own violations of the ceasefire and international humanitarian law. 

As ARMENPRESS was in formed from the press service of the MFA Armenia, Naghdalyan's statement runs as follows,

''The systematic disseminiation of disinformation by the Azerbaijani authorities concerning the situation along the Armenian-Azerbaijani border, as well as on the line of contact between Artsakh and Azerbaijan is deplorable. It is aimed at covering up or justifying Azerbaijan’s own violations of the ceasefire and international humanitarian law. 

Just to remind that on March 30, a minor of Voskevan village of Tavush region and two servicemen were wounded as a result of the ceasefire violation by the armed forces of Azerbaijan. It needs to be emphasized that during this military incident, the Azerbaijani armed units targeted the child within a civilian infrastructure, which is a clear violation of the international humanitarian law.

Obviously, Azerbaijan attempts to use the suspension of monitoring exercises by the Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office, which is due the spread of COVID-19, in order to violate the ceasefire regime and disseminate disinformation.

We once again reiterate our commitment to respect the calls of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs and the United Nations Secretary-General to strictly observe the ceasefire and refrain from any provocative action during this period.

It should be noted that such developments particularly emphasize the importance of implementing the agreements on risk reduction and the establishment of effective international mechanisms to this end''.

In Ararat region, a citizen violated regime of self-isolation and returned to work

Arminfo, Armenia

ArmInfo.To date, 85 cases of coronavirus have been identified in the Ararat region. Governor of the region Garik Sargsyan reported this during a live broadcast on  Facebook.

According to him, the largest number of cases (13) was detected in  Masis, some of whose residents worked in one of the capital's  enterprises, which became the focus of the spread of the virus. This  is followed by the communities of Nor kyurin (12), Nor Kharberd (9)  and Mkhchyan (5). In the city of Artashat, three cases of coronavirus  are currently registered. Sargsyan did not exclude the possibility  that the number of patients with COVID-19 will increase taking into  account the fact that several more samples were taken for analysis  and their results have not yet been obtained. 

The source of the spread of the virus can be a funeral reception in  Artashat, among which there was a resident of the Dalar community,  who subsequently was infected with coronavirus infection. In this  regard, the governor again voiced a call to avoid mass events.

Sargsyan also informed that cases of violation of self-isolation and  restrictions on movement were revealed in the region. So, one citizen  subject to isolation went to work, endangering the health of his  colleagues.  This person, according to the governor, was fined 400  thousand drams. As noted, at the moment, the region is collecting  data on citizens who, in connection with the situation with  coronavirus, are in a difficult social situation (in particular,  people with daily wages). Sargsyan indicated that the collected data  will be submitted to the Government to receive appropriate state  assistance. In total, 482 cases of coronavirus were confirmed in  Armenia, 30 people recovered, three died, 2216 tests were negative.  Currently, 449 patients are receiving treatment.

Situation with coronavirus may last longer than expected: Armenia’s PM

Aysor, Armenia

Commission set to prevent the spread of coronavirus in Armenia headed by Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan convened its session in the government today.

Starting the session, the premier said that all the analyses show that the situation with coronavirus may last longer than expected or predicted initially.

“In this regard we must form certain ideas on how to organize our life in the republic. The general logic and strategy must be to find and form so-called free and safe territories to organize our life in conditions of restrictions due to coronavirus,” he said, stressing that the situation in the whole world is uncertain with no country even most developed ones being able to control the situation.

The head of the government stressed that one of the most developed countries stated about lack of tests and inability to test necessary number of citizens.

The premier stressed that the activity of the government must be divided into two parts: first is the activity of commandant’s office which will regulate the operative issues and the second the development of anti-crisis and strategic steps and logic to avoid collapses.

Deputy PM, commandant Tigran Avinyan stressed that the situation in the country now is under control with the whole attention being focused on the preventive measures.

Health minister Arsen Torosyan stressed that the condition of all 194 infected patients is assessed satisfactory.

The Armenian Church commemorates the forty Holy Martyrs

Panorama, Armenia

The Armenian Apostolic Church marks the commemoration of forty Holy Martyrs on March 21. Qahana.am reports that the Forty Holy Martyrs martyred in approximately 320 AD were Christians from various towns and cities of Lesser Armenia. They served as soldiers in the royal regiment of Sebastia. Upon the decree of Roman Emperor Likianos, interrogations were organized by Lucias, Duke of Caesarea, to reveal the Christian soldiers. 

Forty of the soldiers remain steadfast in their faith, defy the judges by their brave answers, and are imprisoned. One cold winter night the soldiers are thrown into a lake near Sebastia, to freeze them to death. Only one of the forty soldiers, being unable to endure the torments, comes out of the water, and tries to find salvation in a bathhouse built on the bank. The lone soldier dies and becomes deprived of both earthly and heavenly life.

At dawn, halos are seen encircling the heads of the soldiers. One of the guards charged with the execution of the forty, witnessing the holy phenomenon accepts Christ and throws himself into the lake to be martyred along with the others. In the morning it becomes apparent that through a divine miracle, the forty soldiers have been saved from freezing.

This infuriates their captors who execute them and thus, they become martyrs. The martyrs’ remains are buried in Sebastia, where subsequently a Forty-domed Cathedral is built. The Cathedral of Sebastia stood for nearly one thousand years until the invasion of Tamerlane and the Mongols at the end of the 14th Century. The name of the “Forty Martyrs Cathedral” has survived to this day.

Armenpress: Armenia cenbank says ready for potential coronavirus-related economic impacts

Armenia cenbank says ready for potential coronavirus-related economic impacts



 10:42, 9 March, 2020

YEREVAN, MARCH 9, ARMENPRESS. The Armenian Central Bank issued a statement on March 9 regarding the ongoing global economic developments related to the novel coronavirus outbreak.

“The Armenian Central Bank is closely following the ongoing global economic developments due to the coronavirus. According to current assessments it is expected that these impacts, both on the global economy and the Armenian economy, will be short-term. Nevertheless the Central Bank is monitoring the developments in the global economy, the financial and commodity markets, and is assessing the short-term effects that could be recorded upon the Armenian economy. In case of necessity the Central Bank is always ready to respond by securing the stability of prices and financial stability in the Republic of Armenia,” the cenbank said in the statement.


Edited and translated by Stepan Kocharyan

Armenian Virtual Bridge aims to make Armenia an advanced technology hub

Public Radio of Armenia
March 12 2020

Etchmiatsin mayor asks citizens to stay home, avoid non-essential travel from city




YEREVAN, MARCH 14, ARMENPRESS. Diana Gasparyan, the Mayor of Etchmiatsin city, officially known as Vagharshapat, has called on citizens to stay in their homes and travel outside the city only in highly essential cases following the latest COVID19 cases.

“Dear fellow citizens,

Given the growth of confirmed novel coronavirus cases and their epidemiological connection with Etchmiatsin city, I am urging you to avoid using private taxi cab services operating the Etchmiatsin-Yerevan roundtrip route.

Overall, I am asking you to stay at home, leave the city only when highly essential and in your own vehicles, if that’s not possible then use public transport because it is regularly being disinfected,” Mayor of Etchmiatsin Diana Gasparyan said in a statement, calling on the general public to avoid shared taxi rides.

Some of the latest confirmed cases of novel coronavirus infection in Armenia have been diagnosed in residents from Etchmiatsin.

The total number of infections in Armenia is 15 as of March 14.

Edited and translated by Stepan Kocharyan

Memorial ceremony commemorating the victims of Japan’s tsunami disaster held in Lori province

Panorama, Armenia

The Minister of Emergency Situation of Armenia Feliks Tsolakyan, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan Jun Yamada, Lori Governor Andrey Ghukasyan as well as number of high-level officials were present at the memorial ceremony dedicated to the victims of natural disaster that took place in eastern part of Japan in 2011. The event took place at the cross stone installed in 2012 in Spitak town of Lori province as a sign of solidarity with the Japanese people.

To note, Japan earthquake and tsunami of 2011 occurred in northeastern Japan on March 11, 2011. The event began with a powerful earthquake off the northeastern coast of Honshu, Japan’s main island, which caused widespread damage on land and initiated a series of large tsunami waves that devastated many coastal areas of the country.

The cross tone dedicated to the victims of the disaster is placed at a park along with number of monuments in memory of the victims of the1988 devastating earthquake in Spitak as well as April war in 2016.

In his remarks, the Ambassador of Japan expressed gratitude to the Armenian people, the RA Government and the Armenian Church for the comprehensive and invaluable support provided to Japan following the 2011 disaster. At the same time, the Ambassador expressed solidarity with the victims of Spitak earthquake.


120 coronavirus tests carried out in Armenia, 1 is positive

News.am, Armenia
March 2 2020

March 2, 2020  17:59

Work on fighting new coronavirus continues in Armenia, the country's health ministry reported.

And 120 studies have already been conducted with one positive result.

The new coronavirus infection treatment algorithm and standard case definitions have been updated, according to WHO's new approaches. Medical staff preparedness measures are being implemented to ensure the fight against the new coronavirus (COVID-19) in the Armenian medical organizations.

Specialists from ministry are in constant contact with WTO and regional partners to discuss the capabilities to combat infection.