German businessmen introduce their business plans in Armenia to minister Khachatryan

German businessmen introduce their business plans in Armenia to minister Khachatryan




YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 19, ARMENPRESS. Minister of economic development and investments Tigran Khachatryan received the delegation of German businessmen accompanied by Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Germany to Armenia Bernhard Matthias Kiesler, the ministry told Armenpress.

Minister Khachatryan welcomed the businessmen’s visit to Armenia and stated: “We are ready to assist any business activity initiated by foreign investors”. The minister added that one of the goals of the Armenian government is to increase the investment volumes ad export the products made by investments to the EAEU, EU and other markets. He introduced the economic priorities of the government’s Action Plan that will be interesting for investors. Tigran Khachatryan also touched upon Armenia’s investment attractions.

The German Ambassador congratulated the minister on appointment and expressed satisfaction that the Action Plan contains many economic highlights.

The guests introduced their activity circles, starting from agriculture up to engineering, asked their questions to the minister, as well as touched upon their business plans in Armenia.

Minister Khachatryan drew the attention of the guests on the fields which have a great potential that is not utilized. At the end of the meeting the minister said the ministry and Business Armenia staff will spare no efforts for the business mission to be extremely effective and targeted by organizing respective meetings with the Armenian partners.

Edited and translated by Aneta Harutyunyan

Submission – Turkey’s Islamized Armenians – Do They Matter to You? An Interview with Raffi Bedrosyan
Turkey’s Islamized Armenians – Do They Matter to You? An Interview with Raffi Bedrosyan
By Anoush Melkonian, London (14 Feb. 2019)
Do Turkey’s Hidden or Islamized Armenians matter to you? They do to Raffi Bedrosyan, an intrepid Canadian-Armenian, who spent over a decade championing the rights of these little known, and much misunderstood, Armenians. His foray was chronicled in several dozen articles which are now included in a full length book, disclosing details of his tumultuous journey. Congratulations Mr. Bedrosyan on your new book, Trauma and Resilience: Armenians in Turkey – Hidden, Not Hidden and No Longer Hidden.
Q. How did you embark on your journey to discover Turkey’s Islamised Armenians?
A. It was Hrant Dink who triggered my interest in the hidden Armenians. He was obsessed with them, kept on saying: ‘We always talk about the dead and the gone after 1915, it is time to start talking about the living and the remaining’. In conversations with him, when I asked: ‘How do you know they are hidden Armenians?’, his response really got to me as he said: ‘I know them from their eyes, and they know that I know’. Then, when I got involved with the reconstruction of the Diyarbakir Sourp Giragos Church, I saw hundreds of hidden Armenians with my own eyes, and I did connect with them. I decided that the existence of large numbers of hidden Armenians is a reality which must be shared with other Armenians in Armenia and the Diaspora.
Q. Did you have any ethical guidelines as when you started probing the issue of Islamised Armenians?
A. In my opinion, if someone has an ethnic origin as Armenian, regardless of religion as Christian, Moslem, agnostic, or atheist, that person is Armenian. People may choose or change their religion, but they have no choice to choose their own ethnic origins, and if they have decided to return to their original roots, language and culture, no one has the right to prevent it, or pass judgment against it. I would, therefore, welcome those Islamised Armenians who wished to return to their Armenian roots and identity, regardless of their religion. We must remember that these people are making a conscious decision to come out as Armenians, despite all the dangers and risks of losing their livelihood, facing discrimination and threats from their friends, neighbours and even their own family members.
Q. You have written around 50 articles on Turkey’s Islamised Armenians. What kind of feedback did you get from your Armenian readers?
A. Many readers are surprised when they find out about this new reality of hidden Armenians. Their feedback is mostly positive, and they are moved reading the incredible survival stories or the desire to return to Armenian roots, but there is also suspicion that the hidden Armenians are not real Armenians, or should not be accepted as real Armenians until and unless they renounce Islam and convert to Christianity.
Q. What has been the reaction of Turks to your work?
A. Apart from the normally negative reaction of the majority of Turks who are conditioned by the denialist version of state history, there were surprisingly large numbers of Turkish readers who were thankful to hear about new facts about Armenians, or hidden Armenians, especially well known Turkish artists, authors, architects or politicians who turned out to be Armenians. I also received many many confidential letters from Turks who opened up to me to reveal their hidden Armenian identities.
Q. How have you changed in the course of your journey? Did you re-examine some of your own thoughts?
A. My first contact with the hidden Armenians was limited to the Diyarbakir area, triggered by the Sourp Giragos Church reconstruction. But soon after the opening of the church, my first concert there and a few articles that I wrote related to these events, hundreds of hidden Armenians started contacting me from various other regions of Turkey. It was such a revelation to realize that the hidden Armenians are spread across east, southeast and northeast Turkey in large numbers, as well as in major cities in the west. I decided it was not enough just to write about the hidden Armenians, but we must plan to help the ones who wish to return to their roots. I started by helping organize Armenian language classes in Diyarbakir, Dersim and Istanbul. Then came the planning of trips to Armenia, in cooperation with the Armenian Ministry of Diaspora. As these activities and my articles describing these activities became well known, more and more hidden Armenians from different regions started ‘coming out’, establishing contacts with me, but more importantly with one another across Turkey. I decided to formalize our activities by naming the initiative ‘Project Rebirth’, which established a vast network of hidden Armenians, providing interaction, communication and support among the hidden Armenians.
Q. You have not been back to Diyarbakir since the fighting in the region in 2015. Do you have any plans to go back soon?
A. Unfortunately, the clashes between the Turkish state and Kurdish militants drastically affected the entire population in the east and southeast Turkey, including the hidden Armenians. Thousands of buildings and entire neighbourhoods were destroyed, several buildings were seized and expropriated by the Turkish state, including the Diyarbakir Sourp Giragos Church and all the properties belonging to the Church Foundation. The beautifully reconstructed church was converted to military headquarters for the state security forces, resulting in much damage and plunder of the church. Thankfully, the Church Foundation officials were able to overturn the expropriation legislation, and we are hopeful that in the very near future, the government will restart the repair of the church at its expense. I am not planning to go back to Turkey until peace and democracy is restored.
Q. What is the status of the city now and its hidden and not-so-hidden Armenians?
A. Diyarbakir is still a city under siege. Certain neighbourhoods are no-entry zones, including the area around Sourp Giragos Church. The hidden and not so hidden Armenians have suffered along with the rest of the local population. Some have lost their homes, others have lost their jobs. It is impossible under these circumstances to think of any Armenian social activities, language classes or trips to Armenia, as people are back into survival mode. Instead of organizing such activities, Project Rebirth now provides a support mechanism arranging for relocations, contacts or legal help.
Q. What do you hope to do next?
A. Although conditions are not favourable at present, my hope is to be able to restart our work with the hidden Armenians, to help those who wish to return to their Armenian roots, language, culture, or in some cases, to Christianity. I know many hidden Armenians also have the same hopes, as they still keep on learning the Armenian language online in their homes, keep in touch with one another across many regions of Turkey, marry one another, give Armenian names to their newborn, and travel overseas to get baptized. I fully expect the Sourp Giragos Church to be repaired in the near future, where the hidden Armenians again will gather for monthly breakfast meetings, concerts, language classes, social events, baptisms and weddings. I also expect to resume our trips for the hidden Armenians from various regions of Turkey to Armenia, bringing back hope for dialogue between Turks and Armenians, based on historic facts towards a peaceful future.
Raffi Bedrosyan, Trauma and Resilience: Armenians in Turkey – Hidden, Not Hidden and No Longer Hidden, with introductions by Fethiye Çetin and Taner Akçam, London: Gomidas Institute, 2019, xx + 226 pages, maps, photos. ISBN 978-1-909382-46-6, paperback, Price: UK£20.00 / US$25.00 / CAN$35.00. For more information, see . To order, just send your request with your mailing address to [email protected].

Azerbaijani Press: Tevan Poghosyan: We have been waiting for 70 years to return Karabakh

Turan Information Agency, Azerbaijani Opposition Press
Tevan Poghosyan: We have been waiting for 70 years to return Karabakh

Yerevan / 12.02.19 / Turan: The political changes that have taken place in Armenia lately were in line with the spirit and desires of the Armenian nation to be a democratic country. Armenia maintains obligations under international agreements and documents that it has signed. The adviser to the President of Armenia Tevan Poghosyan said this in an interview with Turan, answering the question of how Yerevan"s foreign policy changed after the change of power in the country after the velvet revolution.

"There could be no sharp turns in foreign policy. Nikol Pashinyan himself, while still not completely appointed to the post of prime minister, has repeatedly stated that continuity will continue and there will be no drastic changes in foreign policy," noted Pogosyan. The biggest task of the authorities today is the fulfillment of the obligations that were given to voters. The same task is facing those parties that have been elected to parliament and will have to prove that they are able to implement their electoral programs.

How can we explain the obvious lurch towards the West by the new government of Armenia and the criticism of the opposition and a number of experts, that rapprochement with the West and simultaneous removal from Russia is dangerous and Moscow can punish Armenia for this? Answering this question, Pogosyan said that such allegations are unfounded. "The Prime Minister has repeatedly said that the new government will remain committed to strengthening the Armenian-Russian relations. We are members of the Eurasian Economic Union (EurAsEC) and the Collective Security Treaty (CSTO), and will strengthen our positions there. Nobody is going to refuse it.

However, at the same time, we have signed an agreement on comprehensive cooperation with the European Union, and Armenia will reform its management system and carry out reforms.

We are the only member of the CSTO, which has a partnership agreement with NATO (IPAP) and we will maintain these contacts and cooperate in two directions," the adviser said.

Will Armenia sign the Association Agreement with the European Union? Pogosyan responded, "This question is not discussed today".

This agreement provides not only political issues, but also a "deep trade and economic component" (DCFTA), but Armenia has already chosen Eurasia. Therefore, if there are changes in the Associative Document, then perhaps in the future, Armenia will show interest, the counselor believes.

Ex-President of Armenia Robert Kocharian openly says that Pashinyan"s policy is unacceptable, it spoils relations with Russia and Armenia will be punished for this.

Similar assessments are heard at various levels from Moscow. There is an opinion that the increase in gas prices for Armenia, the not entirely correct behavior of the Russian military, who arranged military equipment on the territory of the Armenian village and caused panic, is regarded as a manifestation of this discontent of Russia. How justified are such estimates?

According to the counselor, similar incidents happened before with other authorities as well. "We must take measures so that they do not happen again and no one thought that it will be unpunished."

When Nikol Pashinyan came to power, people did not know him, for many he was unpredictable. However, over time, pursuing a specific policy, the new government looks different, and it is clear that the Armenian leader keeps his word and in all countries realize that he is predictable and Armenia is moving in the "right direction".

"We must pursue our interests and when everyone sees this, when doubts leave, then there will be respect and allied relations between Armenia and Russia," the adviser to the head of Armenia makes an interesting conclusion. That is, the struggle for the "interests of Armenia" is not a greeting to the repetition of the fate of Georgia and Ukraine.

"History has taught us many lessons in order not to repeat mistakes. We will follow our interests, trying to be predictable, honestly talking everything with our allies," says Poghosyan.

Armenia is heavily dependent on Russia economically, which owns almost the entire infrastructure of Armenia. What will be the concept of economic development of the country under the new government?

The adviser replies to this that in the near future the government will submit its economic concept to the parliament. "I am sure that there will be a lot of interesting offers. One of the areas will be the information technology sector, tourism, education, trade with the countries of Eurasia, Iran and Georgia, investments from the Armenian diaspora, the development of medium and small businesses, and agriculture.

In the current situation, Armenia is becoming attractive for investments in the area of its openness and all doubts will disappear. With the right policy, we can become a bridge between the European market and the Eurasian market," said Poghosyan. Today, Armenia"s foreign debt is about 6 billion dollars, the population has fallen to 2 million people (and by some estimates it is even less), social tension in the society is growing against the background of a low standard of living. Is all this is the result of poor governance or an objective outcome, because of the conflict with Azerbaijan?

On this question, the presidential adviser said that there is a crisis all over the world in Turkey and Azerbaijan, Iran and the CIS countries, Europe and America.

"The external debt of Armenia is not so big; there are countries where there is a terrible debt at all.

Of course, the blockade on the part of Turkey and Azerbaijan is having an effect. There are, of course, subjective and objective reasons for the current situation. We hope that the new government program and the fight against corruption and the national spirit will help to overcome many problems. As for demography, over the past 9 months, the trend has changed in the direction of increasing the number of arrivals, and not those who have departed from the country,"the adviser said optimistically.

When asked how he sees the settlement of the conflict with Azerbaijan, Pogosyan said that Azerbaijan should sit at the negotiating table with Armenia and Karabakh. "Although, I am sure that Baku, Yerevan and Karabakh will now stand firm and all have a long way to go to hear each other. This may be 10 and 100 years, but this is the only way. If you choose war, there will be war, choose peace – there will be peace." Where is the red line for the Armenians, from which they will not refuse and will not retreat? To this question, the presidential adviser answered: "There can be no concessions on the issue of security and recognition of the status that guarantees the security of the Armenians of Karabakh.

In general, until we understand that we just need to communicate, the red line is everywhere. "

How is the settlement formula perceived in Armenia – territories in exchange for status?

The presidential adviser gave a negative answer to this. According to him, it would be possible to talk about this after the conclusion of a truce in 1994. "Then the answer would be completely different."

According to him, the Armenian side will not go to the liberation of the territories around Karabakh in order to ensure its security – in order to prevent the front line from approaching Karabakh itself.

"If you convince the Karabakh people that you are not going to attack, then it may be possible to agree. It is possible that the efforts of two or three generations will go to this," Pogosyan said.

To the question, whether he excludes that in the event of a new war, the Armenian side may lose not only the territories around Karabakh, but also Karabakh itself, the presidential adviser says that nothing can be ruled out. "But the losses will not only be with us and the process will not stop there. How much can you hold some territory? We have been waiting for 70 years to regain Karabakh.

We will have to wait. I, my son, my grandson will return these territories. In any case, I will teach them this," the adviser to the President of Armenia concludes the conversation. -02B-

Music: Stars flock to funeral of legendary film composer Legrand

AFP – RELAXNEWS (English International Version)
February 2, 2019 Saturday
Stars flock to funeral of legendary film composer Legrand
The legendary French film composer Michel Legrand was laid to rest Friday after a final standing ovation in a Paris theatre decorated to look like one of his favourite movies.
The musician who scored such French screen classics as "The Umbrellas of Cherbourg" and "The Young Ladies of Rochefort" — both starring Catherine Deneuve and directed by Jacques Demy — died on Saturday aged 86.
Legrand won three Oscars for his work in Hollywood, most famously for writing "The Windmills of Your Mind" for "The Thomas Crown Affair" in 1969, as well as the music for Barbra Streisand's "Yentl" (1984) and the "Summer of '42" (1972).
A magic forest reminiscent of another Demy film, "Donkey Skin" — which also starred Deneuve — was created inside the Marigny theatre in Paris where his coffin was taken after a funeral service at the Alexander Nevsky Russian Orthodox cathedral.
Clearly on the verge of tears, Demy's widow, the legendary French director Agnes Vardy, led the moving tributes to Legrand at the theatre.
After the audience had risen to give him one last standing ovation, she said, "Having to talk next to Michel's coffin is a little difficult. The last time we saw each other we held each other's hands and I felt transported back to our years together with Jacques Demy."
– Musical genius –
The cream of the French music and showbiz worlds had earlier crowded into the church, with Deneuve recalling the genius and energy of the man, who was planning a concert tour for April when he died suddenly.
"We could feel the emotion that was coming straight from the music when we were recording 'The Umbrellas of Cherbourg'," she told French television on Thursday.
"I can still remember entire passages of the lyrics" from the hugely influential musical, in which every line was sung.
Brigitte Macron, the wife of French President Emmanuel Macron, was among the mourners, with Legrand taken from the theatre for burial at the Pere Lachaise cemetery in the east of the city.
Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo had a giant screen set up outside the city's town hall to show the highlights of Legrand's seven-decade career.
A musical prodigy, Legrand worked with the greats of jazz and popular music on both sides of the Atlantic from Miles Davis, Ray Charles and Frank Sinatra to Charles Trenet and Edith Piaf.
Born into a musical family near Paris, he started out by playing songs on the piano he had heard on the radio.
His father Raymond Legrand was a composer, and although he left the family home when his son was only three, he later helped him launch his career.
His mother, of Armenian origin, enrolled him at the Paris Conservatory at the age of 10. He was to spend seven years there, before graduating with top honours in 1949.

Yerevan police search for hospital assault suspect

Yerevan police search for hospital assault suspect



13:48, 2 February, 2019

YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 2, ARMENPRESS. Yerevan police are searching for an assailant who has allegedly assaulted a doctor at the Armenia Medical Center early morning Saturday.

The doctor has reported to police that an unknown assailant has physically assaulted him at the hospital’s reception area.

“Officers have been dispatched to the scene, the suspect has been identified”, Yerevan Police Department told ARMENPRESS.

Other details weren’t immediately clear.

Edited and translated by Stepan Kocharyan

Նիկոլ Փաշինյանը պաշտոնական այցով կմեկնի Իրան

  • 01.02.2019

  • Հայաստան



ՀՀ վարչապետ Նիկոլ Փաշինյանը փետրվարի 27-ին պաշտոնական այցով կմեկնի Իրանի Իսլամական Հանրապետություն: Այս մասին վարչապետը հայտարարել է Քյոլնում հայ համայնքի հետ հանդիպման ժամանակ: 

Հիշեցնենք, այս օրերին Փաշինյանի գլխավորած պատվիրակությունը գտնվում է Գերմանիայում: Այսօր նախատեսված է հանդիպում Գերմանիայի կանցլեր Անգելա Մերկելի հետ:

Music: In memory of Michel Legrand – “Armenian music flows in my blood”

Panorama, Armenia
Jan 26 2019

French-Armenian composer Michel Legrand, who won three Oscars during a career spanning more than half a century, has died aged 87. Legrand, who had been scheduled to hold concerts in Paris in April, died during the night, his spokesman told Agence France-Presse on Saturday.

In memory of the world-known musician, we recall his last visit to Armenia in 2012. Legrand’s visit came in the scope of the Yerevan 6th International Music Festival. The Armenian Philharmonic Orchestra and City Lights Entertainment (London) gave a joint concert in honor of his on his 80th birthday.

During interactions with Armenian media, Legrand spoke much of his Armenian roots and feelings toward the second motherland.

To remind, Legrand’s maternal grandfather – Sarkis Der Mikaelian was Armenian. In 1917, he fled the Armenian genocide and settled in France.

On Armenia
Armenia holds a special place in my heart. My Armenian grandpa died in 1942. As I lived for I 10 years with him learnt much about Armenia. He used to show the chords on piano to accompany Armenian national music instruments. His love toward Armenia was filled with sorrow. When I visited Armenia for the first time in 2009, I met with my extended family members I had never heard before. I have equally suffered along with Armenians for past grievances,” Legrand said.

Оn age
I do not feel fettered because of my age. In general, I'm not interested in birthday celebrations. I consider them as routine things, stages that pass.

On the past life
I wouldn't like to go through certain periods of my life as I am not attached to the past.

On key to happiness
I find it difficult to answer what the happiness is…For me, may be it is about dedication of your life to music. Music is my passion, that’s why I create, improvise and work so hard.

To note, during the visit Legrand was hosted by then president Serzh Sargsyan. “Every time I have a chance to visit Armenia, I feel, I return back to my roots. It’s cordial for me and Armenian music flows in my blood,” M. Legrand said at the meeting. 

How one entrepreneur used a byproduct to satisfy growing consumer demand for plant-based protein
January 9, 2019 Wednesday 4:00 PM GMT+1
How one entrepreneur used a byproduct to satisfy growing consumer demand for plant-based protein
by Adi Menayang, Adi
California-based entrepreneur and mother of two, Sarine Sahatjian, celebrates her Armenian heritage with Noosh brands.
Noosh is one way to transliterate the Armenian word for almond.
Noosh sounded like a fun word that also had a deep meaning for me, Sahatjian, founder and CEO of Noosh , told NutraIngredients-USA.
She was born and raised in Lebanon her family descendants of Armenians who moved to the Levant following the Ottoman Empire s Armenian Genocide in 1915. The Lebanese Civil War then prompted Sahatjian s family to immigrate to the US in the 1970s.
Nuts, almonds in particular, play an integral role in the cuisines of both Armenia and Lebanon.
We use nuts like almonds and pistachios a lot in entertaining and cooking , she said. So they ve always been a part of growing up. We always had them around, especially on holidays we would always have dried fruits and nuts.
It was natural that Sahatjian, a mother of two, first thought of almonds as the flagship ingredient for a new snack brand she wanted to start.
As a mom of two young boys, I m always on the hunt for healthy snacks that tasted good and were good for you. So I decided to create a line of almond butters that were healthier than what I saw on the market place, she said.
Sahatjian started Nut Butter Concepts, a manufacturing company specializing in tree-nuts that also offers product development and concept consulting. It is the parent company and manufacturer of Noosh, which she launched in the summer of 2016 with a line of single-serve almond butters.
From butter to oil to protein powder
Noosh started with almond butters, but its founder always knew that it would be more than just an almond butter brand. That s why we didn t call it Noosh Almond Butter, we called it Noosh Brands, she said.
The butters could be used in recipes to make cookies or a protein bar, so she wanted the next product launch to be something equally versatile. The company launched almond oil, one plain and one flavored with roasted garlic.
What we found was that when you press the almond to get the oil, you also get powder. When that powder is micronized and de-fatted, it becomes a protein powder, she said.
It was the perfect business opportunity plant protein powders have been on the rise in the past few years , in terms of both consumer demand as well as product development, and it shows no signs of ceasing growth anytime soon.
The company s in-house food scientists found that the resulting powder had a protein concentrate of 59% of total dry weight. We thought this was amazing it s plant based, it s vegan, she said.
A point of differentiation from other popular plant-protein sources, she added, was taste. If you tasted pea protein, you might find that the taste might not be as pleasant as you might want it to be. For ours, it has a little bit of nuttiness, but it is really smooth and you can t really taste it.
The powders launched in May 2018, and then inked its first bricks-and-mortar distribution deal last month nationwide with Vitamin Shoppe .
Just like the two product lines that launched before the powder, Sahatjian wanted to bring something to market that was versatile.
In a press release announcing its deal with the Vitamin Shoppe, the company said that the powders were developed to appeal to the nutrition and culinary needs of consumers' everyday routines unlike most protein powders that are marketed specifically as a supplement for workout recovery.
Using only California whole almonds
Sahatjian s background is in law, but her father-in-law s family has been in the agricultural sector since the 1920s. My husband s connections in the farming community helped with the purchasing of the nuts that go into making our almond products, she said. The relationships helped launch us into this arena.
Purchasing is another area in which Noosh strives to stand out from the plant-based crowd. The nut s breed is proprietary, but Sahatjian only uses almonds grown in California, and she makes sure that they re whole before processing.
Most of our competitors use cheaper broken pieces and halves. We find that if you used those types of almonds that have already been cut, the almond starts oxidizing, so you don t have fresh product, she explained.
So when you use a whole California almond, you get the best quality almond that s also the freshest almond.

Մանվել Տեր-Առաքելյանի ներկայացուցիչը պահանջում է դատավորի ինքնաբացարկը

  • 09.01.2019

  • Հայաստան


Առաջին ատյանի դատարանն այսօր հետաձգեց Հասմիկ Պողոսյանի հայցի քննությունը՝ «Յունիբանկին» վարկային պայմանագրի շրջանակներում գրավադրված Հյուսիսային պողոտա 2 հասցեում գտնվող շենքի («Հին Էրիվան» ռեստորանային համալիր) չեղարկման վերաբերյալ: Պայմանագիրը կնքվել է «Յունիբանկի» և Մանվել Տեր-Առաքելյանի միջև:

Դատավոր Լիզա Գրիգորյանն այդ որոշումն ընդունեց այն բանից հետո, երբ Մանվել Տեր-Առաքելյանի շահերը ներկայացնող Անի Անտոնյանը պահանջեց դատավորի ինքնաբացարկը: Դա ի պատասխան նրա, որ դատավոր Գրիգորյանը մերժեց Անտոնյանի տվյալ գործը կասեցնելու միջնորդությունը, քանզի այն առկախված է առաջին ատյանում քննվող մեկ այլ գործի վճռից: Իսկ ավելի կոնկրետ, առաջին ատյանում դատավոր Սուքոյանի նախագահությամբ գործը պետք է որոշի՝ արդյոք Հասմիկ Պողոսյանը հանդիսանում է Մանվել Տեր-Առաքելյանին պատկանող գույքի 50 տոկոսի սեփականատերը (ավելի վաղ VERELQ-ը գրել էր  այն մասին, որ Հասմիկ Պողոսյանը Տեր-Առաքելյանի նախկին կինն է: Գույքը հանդիսանում է համատեղ ամուսնական կյանքում ձեռք բերված – խմբ.):

Ըստ Անի Անտոնյանի, մինչև չլինի դատարանի այդ որոշումը, ներկայումս քննվող հայցին չի կարող ընթացք տրվել, քանի որ նշված հայցադիմումում տիկին Պողոսյանը ներկայանում է որպես համասեփականատեր և այդ հիմքերից ելնելով է պահանջում չեղարկել գրավադրման պայմանագիրը: Մինչդեռ դատարանի համապատասխան վճիռ առ այն, որ Պողոսյանն իրոք հանդիսանում է Մանվել Տեր-Առաքելյանի գույքի համասեփականատեր, դեռ գոյություն չունի:

Հասմիկ Պողոսյանի շահերի ներկայացուցիչ Տիգրան Մուրադյանն էլ իր հերթին համաձայնեց, որ այս երկու գործերը փոխկապակցված են միմյանց: Նրանց փաստարկներին առարկեց միայն «Յունիբանկի» ներկայացուցիչ Նուրիջան Կիրակոսյանը: Անտոնյանի և Մուրադյանի բերված փաստարկները, սակայն, համոզիչ չթվացին դատավոր Գրիգորյանին, որի խոսքով նշված երկու գործերը միմյանց հետ կապ չունեն: Ըստ այդմ, նա մերժեց Անտոնյանի հայցը կասեցնելու միջնորդությունը: Սա էլ հիմք հանդիսացավ, որ Անտոնյանը պահանջի դատավորի ինքնաբացարկը: 

Նա նաև հարց ուղղեց դատավոր Գրիգորյանին՝ արդյոք նա ունի «Յունիբանկում» վարկ: Պատասխանը բացասական էր:

Ի վերջո դատավորը համաձայնեց մինչև հունվարի 18-ը ժամանակ տրամադրել ինքնաբացարկի միջնորդությունը քննելու համար: 

Նիստի ընթացքում քննվեց նաև մեկ այլ միջնորդություն՝ նշված գործի շրջանակում որպես երրորդ կողմ ներգրավել «Հին Էրիվան» հոլդինգը, սակայն Հասմիկ Պողոսյանի պաշտպան Տիգրան Մուրադյանը խնդրեց հետաձգել այդ միջնորդության քննարկումը, քանի որ նա ոչ մի փաստաթուղթ չէր կարողացել հայթայթել՝ արդյոք նշված հոլդինգը գոյություն ունի, թե լուծարված է: Այս հայցի հետ համաձայնվեց նաև Մանվել Տեր-Առաքելյանի պաշտպան Անտոնյանը, առարկություն ներկայացնողը դարձյալ Նուրիջան Կիրակոսյանն էր: Այս հարցում սակայն դատավոր Գրիգորյանն ընդառաջեց Տիգրան Մուրադյանին՝ համարելով, որ, իսկապես, առանց համապատասխան փաստաթղթերի «Հին Էրիվան» հոլդինգը չի կարող ներգրավվել որպես երրորդ կողմ՝ ժամանակ տալով կողմերին ձեռք բերել նշված փաստաթղթերը:

Նիստի ավարտից հետո, պատասխանելով լրագրողների հարցին, թե արդյոք «Յունիբանկը» Հասմիկ Պողոսյանին ճանաչում է «Հին Էրիվան» հոլդինգի համասեփականատեր, Նուրիջան Կիրակոսյանն արձագանքեց. «Ոչ» : Իսկ այլ հարցերի նա, ըստ ավանդույթի, հրաժարվեց պատասխանել:

Armenia’s PM sends condolences to Putin over Magnitogorsk tragedy

Thursday 4:46 PM GMT
Armenia’s PM sends condolences to Putin over Magnitogorsk tragedy
YEREVAN January 3
Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan has sent a telegram to Russian President Vladimir Putin expressing condolences over the tragic events in Magnitogorsk, the Armenian government’s press service informed on Thursday.
YEREVAN, January 3. /TASS/. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan has sent a telegram to Russian President Vladimir Putin expressing condolences over the tragic events in Magnitogorsk, the Armenian government’s press service informed on Thursday.
"Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich, I have received the news of the tragedy that took place in Magnitogorsk with the deepest sorrow. From the name of the Armenian people, I would like you to pass on the genuine condolences to the families and loved ones of those injured," the telegram said.
Pashinyan also wished the soonest recovery to the injured.
A section of a ten-story apartment block collapsed in Magnitogorsk on December 31. According to the latest data, the accident claimed the lives of 39 people. Six people were injured, five of them, including two children, are in hospitals. A woman was discharged from a hospital in Magnitogorsk on January 2.
The Russian Investigative Committee views a household gas explosion as the main cause of the accident. On Tuesday, a Russian Investigative Committee spokesperson stated that no traces of explosives had been discovered at the collapse site. On Thursday, Magnitogorsk Mayor Sergei Berdnikov stated that there is no connection between the December 31 gas explosion and the January 1 car blast in Magnitogorsk, despite several publications’ reports to the contrary.