Armenia acting defense minister attends Russian military base 77th anniversary events, Armenia
Dec 30 2018
Armenia acting defense minister attends Russian military base 77th anniversary events Armenia acting defense minister attends Russian military base 77th anniversary events

11:43, 30.12.2018

YEREVAN. – The Acting Minister of Defense of Armenia, Davit Tonoyan, on Saturday attended the events devoted to the 77th anniversary of the 102nd Russian Military Base in Gyumri.

Congratulating the soldiers of this military base on this anniversary, the acting defense minister noted that this military base’s deployment in Armenia stems from the long-term strategic and political interests of the two countries, the Ministry of Defense of Armenia informed

Also, Tonoyan underscored this military base’s role in maintaining regional stability, and expressed a conviction that the close cooperation will be strong and fruitful, from now on, as well.

On the same day, Davit Tonoyan visited a military unit of the Armenian Armed Forces, too, and got familiarized with its daily military service. And at the end of his tour of this military unit, he gave several instructions and recommendations to its command staff.

Gazprom CEO discussed gas supplies to Armenia in 2019 with Acting Deputy PM

Friday 4:48 PM GMT
Gazprom CEO discussed gas supplies to Armenia in 2019 with Acting Deputy PM
MOSCOW December 28
Chief Executive Officer of Gazprom Alexei Miller and Acting Deputy Prime Minister of Armenia Mger Grigoryan discussed natural gas supplies to Armenia in 2019, the Russian gas holding says on Friday.
MOSCOW, December 28. /TASS/. Chief Executive Officer of Gazprom Alexei Miller and Acting Deputy Prime Minister of Armenia Mger Grigoryan discussed natural gas supplies to Armenia in 2019, the Russian gas holding says on Friday.
The meeting took place in St. Petersburg.
"Progress and further development of bilateral cooperation were discussed at the meeting. In particular, supplies of natural gas to Armenia in 2019 were noted," the company said.
The parties also reviewed issues related to gas supply for Armenia and underground storage of gas in the territory of the republic. It was noted that UGS facilities are ready for operation during the fall and winter season of 2018-2019.
Gazprom Armenia, a subsidiary of the Russian holding, is carrying natural gas deliveries to Armenia. The contract for supply of up to 2.5 bln cubic meters of natural gas is effective until 2019 year-end.

New image Ani Lorak compared with the goddess


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The singer admired Frank the.

Known Ukrainian singer Ani Lorak (real name Carolina KUEK), which recently officially announced the divorce with Murat Nalchajian, published a truly stunning picture. The artist is depicted in the image of Oriental goddess. The image subtly emphasizes the artificial rain and elegant decoration. Photograph published in the artist profile in Instagram.

The artist did not sign the picture, just put “heart”.

Fans literally pounced on Lorak with excited comments. Literally every compared the appearance of the singer with the goddess, and in fact, she looks amazing.

“Unusual photo, like the Earth goddess. Very nice,” “Beautiful, rich, gorgeous, charming. You are such a great talent, so real and very beautiful”, “Cleopatra”, “Divine!”, “Class! Fascinating shot, like a mermaid from a fairy tale!”, “Beautiful, no words”, “Masterpiece”, “Excellent!”, “Brilliant as Mata Hari, dancer)))”, – write fans.

Azerbaijan’s partial replacement of troops with border guards likely indicates de-escalatory posture towards Armenia, reducing war risks

IHS Jane's 360
Dec 20 2018

  • While the Border Guards commander claims that the order reflects their high standard of combat-readiness, IHS Markit assesses that Aliyev's move is likely based on the calculus that, after winning Armenia's recent early general election by a landslide, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan has a sufficiently broad mandate to negotiate a resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict with Azerbaijan.
  • It represents the most significant de-escalatory measure since the hostilities broke out in April 2016, very likely intended to obtain reciprocal confidence-building measures from Armenia.
  • A reduced frequency of ceasefire violations and the removal of heavy weapons back from the Line of Contact and the border will be among further indicators to be monitored.

Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev has ordered that the regular troops deployed on two sections of the state border with Armenia be replaced with border guard personnel.

On 14 December 2018, President Ilham Aliyev signed a decree replacing the regular troops deployed along two sections of the Armenia-Azerbaijan border (in Qazakh and Agstafa districts) with border guard units. The commander of the State Border Guard Service, Colonel-General Elcin Guliyev, later commented that this decision was due to the border guards having achieved a high combat readiness level and earning the President's trust in the process. Prior to this, the Azeri border guards only defended the state frontiers with Iran and Russia, which both have friendly relations with Azerbaijan.

President Aliyev's decision comes against the backdrop of other developments that indicate a moderate improvement in Azeri-Armenian relations. Chief among them is the informal agreement between the two leaders reached on the sidelines of the CIS summit in Dushanbe in September 2018, setting up a direct hotline to mitigate the escalatory risk of incidents at the front line. On 6 November, while Azerbaijan's Ministry of Defence denied that there is any direct communication channel with its Armenian counterpart, it admitted that a designated official from another state agency had been made responsible for manning the phone line.

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The Broader Security Context of Azerbaijani-Belarusian Ties

Jamestown Foundation
Dec 14 2018
Presidents Alyaksandr Lukashenka (left) and Ilham Aliyev

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev traveled to Belarus on November 19 (see EDM, December 6). During his visit, both governments signed a number of key agreements, including regarding the supply of Belarusian air-defense weapons to Azerbaijan. President Aliyev praised the level of “military-technical cooperation” with Belarus, asserting its long history; and he suggested that “another consignment of military equipment” from Minsk could follow. Belarusian President Alyaksandr Lukashenka, in turn, named Azerbaijan “a reliable strategic partner” ( 1 and 2,,, November 19).

The most important document to come out of the Aliyev-Lukashenka meeting was their joint declaration reflecting Belarus’s support for a resolution of the Karabakh conflict in accordance with the United Nations Security Council’s relevant resolutions (that is, urging Armenian forces to withdraw from Azerbaijan’s occupied territories) as well as in tune with international principles of territorial integrity and the inviolability of Azerbaijan’s borders (, November 20). Minsk notably demonstrated a similar stance in response to the April 2016 violent escalation between Azerbaijani and Armenian forces along the Line of Contact in Karabakh—the so-called “Four Day War” (, April 3, 2016).

Shortly after Aliyev’s trip, Belarusian media reported the list of heavy offensive and defensive weapons that Azerbaijan has hitherto purchased from Belarus (, November 23, 2018; see EDM, December 12, 2017). The latest signed bilateral agreements, thus, will expand on this inventory. This past summer, Azerbaijan received initial tranches of Belarus’s advanced Polonez multiple-launch rocket systems (MLRS), which Baku procured to offset Yerevan’s long-range offensive capability acquired thanks to the Iskander theater ballistic missile system that Armenia earlier bought on credit from Russia (see EDM, June 19, 2018). Azerbaijan’s military ties with Belarus is a win-win situation for both, which Armenia sees as a zero-sum loss for itself (Trend, November 17).

A week prior to hosting the Azerbaijani leader, President Lukashenka met with Azerbaijan’s ambassador to Minsk. The two men spoke about the political situation within the Russia-led Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), and Lukashenka assured Baku’s envoy that “Belarus has no closed topics” with Azerbaijan (, November 12). Both Belarus and Armenia are members of the CSTO, but Azerbaijan remains outside the alliance. Two days later (November 14), the Belarusian ambassador to Baku was received by President Aliyev, who spoke to the diplomat in favorable terms about the high quality of Belarusian weapons purchased by Azerbaijan and the continuation of this trend. Aliyev added that his government was closely observing the latest CSTO summit, at which the members were debating the choice of the next secretary general. “[W]e are not indifferent” about “which country’s representative heads the CSTO,” Aliyev declared, since Armenia (which has heretofore held the rotating CSTO secretary general post) is a country that continues to occupy Azerbaijani territory. Azerbaijan’s head of state alleged that the CSTO’s internal problems were “created by Armenia” (, November 14).

Hikmet Hajiyev, the head of the Foreign Policy Department within the Azerbaijani Presidential Administration, asserted earlier this month that his country, which is not a CSTO member state, does not intend to interfere in the organization’s internal process. Yet, he added, “Armenia is trying to hide behind the CSTO to pursue its policy of occupation against Azerbaijan” (, December 7). Specifically, the CSTO’s (now former) administrative head, Armenia’s Yuri Khachaturov, recently made a statement about “a ceasefire violation” along the Armenian-Azerbaijani state border, which Azerbaijan’s foreign ministry called “biased [and] contradictory” to other CSTO members’ positions.

Though Yerevan has tried in the past to draw the Moscow-led alliance into militarily backing Armenia in a possible war (beyond Armenian borders) with Azerbaijan, such attempts have repeatedly failed due to Baku’s positive relations with Moscow, Minsk and Astana (see EDM, October 1). Indeed, Belarus and Kazakhstan do not want to share in the “responsibility” of encouraging Armenia’s continued military occupation of Azerbaijan’s territories. And as Azerbaijani media has pointed out, the CSTO’s legal framework neither authorizes any of its members from violating international laws nor does it require other members to support their allies’ illegal acts (, December 8).

In trying to push its CSTO allies on the Karabakh conflict, and within the scope of recent internal debates over the organization’s secretary general position, Armenia overplayed its hand. The next administrative leader of the Eurasian alliance will presumably be from Belarus (, December 6). This will undermine Yerevan’s so-called balancing manoeuvres in its foreign policy. The CSTO heretofore served Armenia mainly as a mechanism for receiving discounted weapons from Russia. The other CSTO members did not benefit in any major way from a formal alliance with Armenia; whereas, their relations with Azerbaijan translated into lucrative bilateral arms deals (, November 9, 21). While Russia retained situational neutrality in this process, Belarus and Kazakhstan rejected Armenia’s maximalist claims within the CSTO because Yerevan’s conduct was shaking the internal dynamics of their alliance (, November 9).

According to reports, the next CSTO secretary general will likely be Stanislav Zas, the current secretary of Belarus’s Security Council, who graduated from the Baku Higher Military Command School (, November 4). Therefore, Zas (if appointed) is likely to more clearly delineate the CSTO’s role in regional conflicts, which will challenge Yerevan’s belief in the alliance’s possible “pro-Armenian” security assurances (see EDM, June 19).

In the run-up to Armenia’s parliamentary elections (held on December 9), then-acting prime minister Nikol Pashinyan ramped up his foreign policy rhetoric (Kommersant, November 11). Domestically, this seemed to help him (or at least did not hurt), considering that his party won over 70 percent of the vote (see EDM, December 10). Yet, the consequences beyond Armenia’s borders remain to be seen. As Russian media noted, Pashinyan’s domestic addresses always tend to be brash and antagonistic, even as he behaves “quieter than water below the grass” abroad (Moskovsky Komsomolets, December 6).

In sum, the deepening of Azerbaijani-Belarusian relations is backed by two main factors: open communication on a number of issues of shared interests and long-term priorities, as well as predictability in mutual attitudes. The core of their bilateral relationship is not composed solely of political proximity or security aspects but also economic relations, which are significantly more extensive than Armenia’s (, December 4). Baku, even without being a CSTO member, has independently cultivated its bonds with many of the alliance’s key members by building reciprocal trust. Despite its aloofness from military pacts and membership in the Non-Aligned Movement, Azerbaijan is capable of fostering pragmatic relations with the members of various military alliances regardless of their internal political situation. However, Baku will continue to oppose Yerevan’s efforts to solicit military support or de facto political backing from the CSTO for its illegal occupation of Azerbaijani territories.

Scholars of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Discussed the Future of the Armenian-Chinese Relations with Armenian colleagues

Scholars of the Chinese Academy of Social
Sciences Discussed the Future of the Armenian-Chinese Relations with Armenian

13-16, 2018, Yerevan- leading scholars from the Chinese Academy of Social
Sciences were invited by the “China-Eurasia” Council
for Political and Strategic Research
, foundation to visit Armenia. Within
the framework of the visit with their Armenian colleagues Dr. Xiao Bin, Dr. Bao
Yi and Dr. Wu Hongwei participated in an academic
seminar “China, Eurasia and Armenia: Views from Yerevan and Beijing.”
It is worth mentioning that Chinese initiative “One Belt, One Road” provides a
lot of opportunities to other states to get Chinese investments, but they are
not any big Chinese investments in Armenia
, even if we compare with other
South Caucasian countries. Professor
Wu Hongwei emphasized
that the Chinese-Georgian relations have developed dynamically, and the Chinese
side is making huge investments there. He expressed hopes that through the
information and contacts with Armenian specialists obtained during the visit,
it will be possible to draw new recommendations through which it will be
possible to develop economic relations with Armenia. In turn, Dr. Bao Yi
presented her research on China’s humanitarian cooperation with Central Asian
countries and noted that this successful experience can also be used in the
South Caucasus. Dr. Xiao Bing introduced his paper on promotion of the
cooperation of international capacity under One Belt, One Road initiative in
the era of technological transformation.

The head of the ARMACAD, Dr. Khachik Gevorgyan told  about the  prospects of the ARMACAD in the  development of Sino-Armenian academic
relations in the framework of the One Belt, One Road.
The organizer of this academic event, Dr. Mher Sahakyan, head of the
“China-Eurasia” Council for Political and Strategic Research, foundation, spoke
about the prospects for the development of the Armenian-Chinese relations in
the framework of the Chinese initiative.
As he noted, if a branch of one of the
leading Chinese banks opened or if Armenia and China establish a joint bank,
the result will be significant financial investments in Armenia. The financial
field of the country will be diversified, and if Dram-Renminbi conversion is implemented,
bilateral trade between Armenia and China will be realized in their own
He recommended,
Armenia can try to stand a Regional member of
the Asian Infrastructure bank and after get sovereign backed or non-sovereign
backed loans for its state-owned noncommercial organizations, private
organizations, and international organizations which works in the territory of
Armenia, that they invest this money in Armenian
North-South Road Corridor, which will significantly enhance Armenia’s capabilities to be involved in
the Silk Road Economic Belt’s China-Central Asia
West Asia Economic Belt. Armenia and
China can also start cooperation in UN peacekeeping missions, as both states
are interested in it.

Mher Sahakyan, also talked about the possibility of creating an
Armenian-Chinese joint military-industrial center in Armenia, which will produce
military robots, drones and so forth.

He also noted that Armenia can negotiate with
China for its participation in the “Digital Silk Road,” Armenia and China can
also cooperate on the research of the development of the 5G.

 After the
academic seminar Chinese and Armenian scholars agreed to strengthen cooperation
between the Armenian Foundation
Council for Political and Strategic Research
and the
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, to conduct joint research and make recommendations
for the development of Armenian-Chinese relations.


Չինաստանի հասարակական
գիտությունների ակադեմիայի գիտնականներ
ը հայ գործընկերների
հետ քննարկել են հայ-չինական հարաբերությունների ապագան

  2018թ դեկտեմբերի 13-ից 16-ը
««Չինաստան-Եվրասիա» քաղաքական և ռազմավարական խորհուրդ»» հիմնադրամի հատուկ
հրավերքով Երևան էին ժամանել Չինաստանի հասարակական գիտությունների ակադեմիայի առաջատար
գիտնականները։ Այցի շրջանակներում տեղի ունեցավ «Չինաստան, Եվրասիա և Հայաստան
հայացք Երևանից և Պեկինից» գիտական սեմինարը։ Չինաստանի հասարակական գիտությունների ակադեմիայի կողմից
ելույթ ունեցան
քաղաքագիտության դոկտորներ Սիաո Բինը, Պաո Ինը և Վու Խոնվեյը։ Նրանք նշեցին, որ
հայ-չինական հարաբերությունները լուրջ ուսումնասիրման կարիք ունեն։ Նշեցին, որ
«Մեկ գոտի, մեկ ճանապարհ» նախաձեռնությունն ահռելի հնարավորություններ է ընձեռում
տնտեսական հարաբերությունները զարգացնելու համար, բայց Հայաստանում չինական
ներդրումները դեռևս  շատ քիչ են, եթե
համեմատենք նույնիսկ Հարավային Կովկասի մյուս երկրների հետ ։ Պրոֆեսոր Վու Խոնվեյը
մասնավորապես շեշտեց, որ չին-վրացական հարաբերությունները զարգանում են դինամիկ
կերպով, չինական կողմն այնտեղ կատարում է ահռելի ներդրումներ։ Հույս հայտնեց, որ
այցելության ընթացքում ձեռք բերված տեղեկույթի, հայ մասնագետների հետ շփումների
շնորհիվ առաջարկներ կմշակվեն, որոնց շնորհիվ հնարավոր կլինի զարգացնել Հայաստանի
հետ տնտեսական հարաբերությունները։ Դոկտոր Պաո Ինը ներկայացրեց Չինաստանի
հումանիտար համագործակցությունը Կենտրոնական Ասիայի երկրների հետ, նշեց, որ այդ
հաջող փորձը կարելի է օգտագործել նաև Հարավային Կովկասում։ Դոկտոր Սիաո Բինը
ներկայացրեց Չինաստանի ներդրումային քաղաքականությունը և, թե ինչպե՞ս կարող են այլ
երկրները ստանալ չինական ներդրումներ։

ԱՐՄԱԿԱԴ-ի ղեկավար բգթ Խաչիկ Գևորգյանը ներկայացրեց ԱՐՄԱԿԱԴԸ՝
խոսելով այն հնարավորությունների, թվային գործիքակազմի մասին, որոնց միջոցով հայ և
չին գիտնականները կարող են զարգացնել համագործակցությունը գիտության ոլորտում։

Գիտական քննարկման նախաձեռնողը՝
քաղաքական և ռազմավարական խորհուրդ»» հիմնադրամի ղեկավար ք
գթ Մհեր Սահակյանը, խոսեց Չինաստանի «Մեկ գոտի, մեկ
ճանապարհ» նախաձեռնության շրջանակներում հայ-չինական հարաբերությունների զարգացման
հեռանկարների մասին։ Նա նշեց, որ հնարավոր է չինական կողմի հետ հարաբերությունները
խորացնել տնտեսական, ֆինանսական ոլորտում, որի համար անհրաժեշտ է ապահովել երկու
երկրների տարադրամի կոնվերտացիան, կարելի է բանակցություններ սկսել Հայաստանում
հայ-չինական համատեղ բանկի կամ չինական որևէ առաջատար բանկի մասնաճյուղի ստեղծման
շուրջ։ Նշեց, որ Հայաստանը կկարողանա ընդգրկվել «Մեկ գոտի, մեկ ճանապարհ»
նախաձեռնության տրանսպորտային ոլորտում, եթե միայն վերջնական ավարտին հասցնի
Հյուսիս-հարավ ճանապարհային միջանցքը, որը կառուցելու համար կարելի է համագործակցել
նաև Ասիական ենթակառուցվածքների ներդրումների բանկի հետ։ Իհարկե, մինչ այդ
Հայաստանը պետք է նաև դառնա բանկի լիարժեք տարածաշրջանային անդամ։ Նա նաև նշեց,
որ, թե՛ Հայաստանը, թե՛ Չինաստանը մասնակցում են ՄԱԿ խաղաղապահ
առաքելություններում, ինչը նույնպես հնարավորություն է տալիս համագործակցել այդ
ոլորտում։ Մհեր Սահակյանը խոսեց նաև Հայաստանում չին-հայկական համատեղ
ռազմաարդյունաբերական կենտրոն ստեղծելու հնարավորության մասին, որտեղ հնարավոր
կլինի արտադրել ռոբոտացված, ինքնավար զինատեսակներ, անօդաչու թռչող սարքեր և այլն։
Նա նշեց նաև, որ նպատակահարմար է Չինաստանի կիբեռտարածքի վարչությանն առաջարկել,
որ Հայաստանը ևս միանա «Մետաքսի թվային ճանապարհ» և «Մետաքսի ճանապարհը
կիբեռտարածքում» նախաձեռնության իրագործմանը, ինչպես նաև համագործակցության եզրեր
գտնվեն Չինաստանի «Համացանց պլյուսի» և Հայաստանի Թվային փոխակերպման
ռազմավարության միջև։ Նպատակահարմար է, որ Հայաստանն ու Չինաստանը 5G բջջային ցանցի
զարգացման մասին համատեղ հռչակագիր ընդունեն, ըստ որի՝ երկու կողմերը կխթանեն այս
ոլորտում համատեղ հետազոտությունները։

Կողմերը պայմանավորվեցին սերտացնել համագործակցությունը
հայկական ««Չինաստան-Եվրասիա» քաղաքական և ռազմավարական խորհուրդ»» հիմնադրամի և
Չինաստանի հասարակական գիտությունների ակադեմիայի միջև, միասին կատարել
հետազոտություններ, ներկայացնել առաջարկություններ, որոնք կօգնեն զարգացնել
հայ-չինական հարաբերությունները։


Ученые Китайской академии общественных наук обсудили
будущее армянско-китайских отношений с армянскими коллегами

С 13-16 декабря 2018 года ведущие ученые из Академии
общественных наук Китая прибыли в Ереван по специальному приглашению Фонда
«Совет политических и стратегических исследования «Китая и Евразии». В рамках
визита был организован академический семинар “Китай, Евразия и Армения:
Взгляд из Еревана и Пекина “. Доктора политических наук Сяо Бин, Бао И и У Хуньнвей, из Китайской академии общественных наук представили
свои научные исследования. Они отметили, что армяно-китайские отношения
нуждаются в серьезном изучении. Было отмечено, что инициатива «Один пояс, один
путь» дает много возможностей для развития экономических отношений, но
китайские инвестиции в Армении все еще очень малы, даже если сравнивать с другими
странами Южного Кавказа.

Профессор У Хуньнвей подчеркнул, что китайско-грузинские
отношения динамично развиваются, и китайская сторона вкладывает туда огромные
инвестиции. Он выразил надежду, что благодаря информации, полученной в ходе
визита, будут развиваться контакты с армянскими специалистами, благодаря чему
можно будет развивать экономические отношения с Арменией. Д-р Бао И рассказала
о гуманитарном сотрудничестве Китая со странами Центральной Азии и отметил, что
этот успешный опыт можно использовать и на Южном Кавказе. Д-р Сяо Бин рассказал
об инвестиционной политике Китая и о том, как другие страны могут получить
китайские инвестиции.

Руководитель АРМАКАД-а, к.ф.н. Хачик
Геворгян представил
ARMACAD, рассказав о
возможностях, цифровых инструментах предоставленным организаций, с помощью
которых армянские и китайские ученые могут развивать сотрудничество в области

Инициатор научной
дискуссии, глава Фонда «Совета политических и
стратегических исследование «Китай-Евразия»
Мгер Саакян рассказал о перспективах
развития армяно-китайских отношений в рамках инициативы Китая «Один пояс, один
путь». Он отметил, что можно углубить отношения с китайской стороной в
экономических и финансовых сферах, для чего необходимо обеспечить конвертацию
валют двух стран, можно начать переговоры о создании в Армении совместного
армяно-китайского банка или любого филиала ведущего китайского банка. Он
отметил, что Армения сможет связать свои транспортные инфраструктуры с
транспортными коридорами «Одного пояса, одного пути» только в том случае, если
будет построен Армянский дорожный коридор Север-Юг, который можно использовать
для создания, которого можно еще и привлечь ресурсы Азиатского банка
инфраструктурных инвестиций. Для этого, безусловно, Армения также должна стать полноправным
региональным членом банка. Он также отметил, что Армения и Китай заинтересованы
в участии миротворческих миссиях ООН, что
также дает возможность сотрудничать в этой области. Мгер Саакян также рассказал
о возможности создания в Армении армяно-китайского совместного
военно-промышленного центра, в котором можно будет производить робототехнику,
автономное оружие, беспилотные летательные аппараты и так далее. Он также
отметил, что целесообразно
сделать предложение Управлению по вопросам киберпространства Китая об участии Армении в реализации
инициатив «Цифрового Шелкового пути» и «Шелкового пути в киберпространстве», а
также предложение о нахождении точек соприкосновения в деле сотрудничества
между концепцией «Интернет плюс» Китая и стратегией цифровой трансформации

Целесообразно также, чтобы
Армения и Китай приняли совместную декларацию о развитии мобильной сети 5
G, в соответствии с которой обе стороны содействовали бы исследованиям
в этой области.

Стороны договорились укреплять сотрудничество между
армянским Фондом «Советом политических и стратегических исследование
«Китай-Евразия» и Китайской академией общественных наук, проводить совместные
исследования и вносить предложения по развитию армяно-китайских отношений.



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RFE/RL Armenian Report – 12/12/2018


Radical Group Insists On Another Snap Election In Armenia

        • Ruzanna Stepanian

Armenia - Varuzhan Avetisian (secon from left) and other leaders of the Sasna 
Tsrer party start their election campaign in Yerevan, November 26, 2018.

A leader of a nationalist party who stormed a police base in Yerevan together 
with his supporters in 2016 has reiterated its claims that early parliamentary 
elections will again be held in Armenia in the near future.

Varuzhan Avetisian said the newly elected Armenian parliament dominated by 
Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian’s allies will have to be dissolved because it 
will fail to cope with challenges facing the country.

“That this parliament will not be able to fully serve its [five-year] term is 
obvious to us,” he told RFE/RL’s Armenians service (

Avetisian’s Sasna Tsrer party is a rebranded version of Founding Parliament, a 
radical movement that challenged the former Armenian government. The recently 
established party is named after an armed group that seized the police base in 
Yerevan’s Erebuni district in July 2016.

The three dozen gunmen led by Avetisian demanded that then President Serzh 
Sarkisian free Founding Parliament’s jailed leader, Zhirayr Sefilian, and step 
down. They laid down their weapons after a two-week standoff with security 
forces which left three police officers dead.

Despite standing trial on serious charges, Avetisian and the vast majority of 
the other arrested gunmen were set free shortly after Pashinian came to power 
in May in a wave of anti-Sarkisian protests. Sefilian was also released from 
prison following the “velvet revolution.”

Sasna Tsrer was one of the 11 political groups that ran in the December 9 
parliamentary elections. According to the official election results, it won 
only 1.8 percent of the vote, compared with 70.4 percent polled by Pashinian’s 
My Step alliance.

Avetisian and his associates declared at the start of the election campaign 
last month that the new National Assembly will have to be dissolved within two 

Pashinian reacted furiously to those statements on November 26. He warned that 
Sasna Tsrer leaders and activists will “feel the taste of asphalt” if they 
attempt to destabilize the political situation in Armenia. The party condemned 
Pashinian’s “threats.”

Avetisian insisted that the holding of another snap ballot is a matter of time. 
He did not specify just how his party will strive to force such polls, saying 
only that “life” and “public opinion” will necessitate their conduct.

He also said: “I’m sure that Mr. Pashinian is a farsighted and reasonable 
person, and when conditions become ripe he will opt for that solution. It will 
only help to maintain his approval rating.”

Authorities Seek Arrest Of Former Kocharian Aide

        • Ruzanna Stepanian

Armenia - Armen Gevorgian, April 22, 2008.

Armenian law-enforcement authorities have moved to arrest a former top aide to 
former President Robert Kocharian after bringing more criminal charges against 

The once powerful official, Armen Gevorgian, has also been charged with 
assisting in an “overthrow of the constitutional order,” corruption and money 
laundering, his lawyer told RFE/RL’s Armenian service ( on 

The lawyer, Erik Aleksanian, said he is not authorized yet to divulge details 
of the grave accusations. He said his client categorically denies them.

“We certainly believe that the accusations are fabricated and have nothing to 
do with reality,” added Aleksanian.

A court will open on Thursday hearings on Gevorgian’s pre-trial arrest sought 
by the Special Investigative Service (SIS).

Gevorgian was already charged in August with obstructing justice in the wake of 
a disputed 2008 presidential election. The SIS claims that he pressured a 
member of Armenia’s Constitutional Court to uphold the official election 
results that gave victory to Kocharian’s preferred successor, Serzh Sarkisian.

That accusation, also denied by Gevorgian, seems to be based on a leaked U.S. 
diplomatic cable sent to Washington in March 2008 by Joseph Pennington, the 
then U.S. charge d’affaires in Yerevan.

Pennington met with the Constitutional Court judge, Valeri Poghosian, two days 
before the court rejected an appeal lodged by Levon Ter-Petrosian, the main 
opposition presidential candidate. In that message publicized by Wikileaks, the 
diplomat cited Poghosian as alleging that Kocharian has “fixed” the upcoming 
court ruling.

Poghosian, who retired in 2014, did not explicitly confirm the claims 
attributed to him when he spoke to RFE/RL’s Armenian service ( in 
August. “I did not say such a thing. I told [American diplomats] some facts 
which they portray as pressure,” he said.

Armenia - President Robert Kocharian (R) and his senior adviser Armen Gevorgian 
at an election campaign rally in Yerevan, January 26, 2003.

Gevorgian was the chief of Kocharian’s staff during the final years of the 
latter’s ten-year rule that came to an end in April 2008. He went on to serve 
as Armenia’s deputy prime minister and hold other senior positions in the 
Sarkisian administration.

The fresh charges against Gevorgian were leveled just four days after Kocharian 
was arrested on charges of illegally using the armed forces against 
Ter-Petrosian supporters who protested in Yerevan on March 1-2, 2008. The SIS 
says that amounted to an “overthrow of the constitutional order.”

Kocharian strongly denies the charges. He says that Prime Minister Nikol 
Pashinian is waging a political “vendetta” against him.

Pashinian played a key role in the 2008 protests. Eight protesters and two 
police servicemen died when they were quelled by security forces.

Armenian General’s Pre-Trial Arrest Extended

        • Naira Bulghadarian

Armenia - Retired General Manvel Grigorian speaks at a congress of the 
Yerkrapah Union in Yerevan, 18 February 2017.

A court in Yerevan on Wednesday allowed investigators to keep Manvel Grigorian, 
a retired army general prosecuted on corruption charges, under arrest for two 
more months.

In a ruling condemned by Grigorian’s lawyers, the court again refused to 
release him from custody on bail.

Grigorian was arrested when security forces raided his properties in and around 
the town of Echmiadzin in June. They found many weapons, ammunition, medication 
and field rations for soldiers provided by the Armenian Defense Ministry. They 
also discovered canned food and several vehicles donated by Armenians at one of 
Grigorian’s mansions.

The once powerful general denies the accusations of illegal arms possession and 
embezzlement leveled against him. His lawyers have repeatedly demanded his 
release, saying that he is suffering from cancer and a number of other serious 

One of the lawyers, Arsen Mkrtchian, insisted that his client cannot receive 
adequate medical treatment in prison. He accused the judge in the case, Marine 
Melkonian, of turning the court into a “branch of the Special Investigative 
Service,” a law-enforcement body that requested Grigorian’s continued 

“I don’t know of any other accused person who is kept under arrest for so long 
despite suffering serious diseases and being ready to compensate [the state] 
for the damage,” Mkrtchian told reporters after the court’s decision.

The lawyer also said that he is trying to convince Grigorian to appeal to the 
European Court of Human Rights. The general has been reluctant to do so, he 

In October, Grigorian offered to donate his vast land holdings near Echmiadzin 
to the state. His lawyers presented the offer as a gesture of goodwill.

Grigorian, 62, served as Armenia’s deputy defense minister from 2000-2008. 
Until his arrest he was also the chairman of the Yerkrapah Union of Karabakh 
war veterans, an organization which was particularly influential in the 1990s 
and the early 2000s. He was reelected to the Armenian parliament in April 2017 
on the ticket of then President Serzh Sarkisian’s Republican Party.

Press Review discusses some analysts’ belief that there are no real opposition 
parties in Armenia’s newly elected parliament. The publication agrees that 
Gagik Tsarukian’s Prosperous Armenia Party (BHK) should not be taken seriously 
anymore and notes that Edmon Marukian’s Bright Armenia party is regarded by 
some as a “puppet opposition.” “The issue of a new kind of opposition, a 
counterweight to the government is really pressing,” it says. But it insists 
that the former ruling Republican Party (HHK) is too discredited and 
“unconstructive” to be the answer to the problem.

“Aravot” tries to explain the failure of another party, the Armenian 
Revolutionary Federation (Dashnaktsutyun), to win any parliament seats. The 
paper says that while there may be something “romantic” about Dashnaktsutyun’s 
anti-Turkish nationalist rhetoric the party’s close ties to the former Armenian 
governments have alienated many voters. “The party should have tried to 
preserve its positive image which took shape among a certain part of the 
electorate during [former President Levon] Ter-Petrosian’s rule,” it says in an 
editorial. “In this latest election campaign Dashnaktsutyun revived its 
socialist creed, criticizing government plans to cut poverty benefits and 
downsize the state apparatus. But it’s impossible to restore within two weeks a 
reputation that has been tarnished for the past 20 years. Having no deputies in 
the National Assembly could actually be useful for the party in terms of 
rethinking its activities and cooperating with other nationalist forces active 
in Armenia.”

“Zhoghovurd” is scathing about a demonstration that was held in Yerevan on 
Tuesday by about hundred supporters of former President Robert Kocharian 
demanding his release from prison. The paper says the protest was organized by 
a hitherto unknown group called the Armenian National Alliance. It cites some 
representatives of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian’s political team as saying 
that the group’s leader, Armen Minasian, sought to cooperate with their 
movement shortly after the velvet revolution. It also notes that Kocharian’s 
younger son voiced support for the protest on social media.

(Lilit Harutiunian)

Reprinted on ANN/Armenian News with permission from RFE/RL
Copyright (c) 2018 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, Inc.
1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036.

“Committed to our values and principles” – Lusavor Hayastan Party on being next opposition

“Committed to our values and principles” – Lusavor Hayastan Party on being next opposition




YEREVAN, DECEMBER 10, ARMENPRESS. Lusavor Hayastan (Luminous Armenia) Party has released a statement about the general election.

“The historic elections that took place in Armenia were the logical continuation of the country’s revolution, the main process of the capitalization of its values,” the party said.

“Lusavor Hayastan Party values the reality of organizing lawful elections, thanking the citizens that gave vote of confidence to our party. We consider this the public appreciation for our active three-year activity, proof that the Armenian society has an unconditional demand to build a truly liberal and European model state.

At the same time, the revolution ends with the December 9 elections and the country enters a phase of systematic and institutional reforms, where the parliament requires a counterbalance force having conceptual approaches.

The party said it is a civilizational and value-related opposition to the developed political majority.

“At the same time, we are concerned that even after the revolution major businesses and politics continue being a consequence of a chronically ill political system, the struggle against which will be one of the main priorities of our force”.

“We are committed to the values and principles adopted by Lusavor Armenia Party that are aimed at fulfilling systemic reforms and broad public consolidation around these values,” it added.


The Central Electoral Commission of Armenia has released the preliminary results from all 2010 polling stations in the country of the general election vote.

According to the CEC, caretaker Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s My Step Alliance has won a landslide victory with 70,43 % – with 884,456 votes.

The Republican Party of Armenia garnered only 4,70% – 59,059 votes.

Citizens Decision Social-Democratic Party received 0,68%, with 8530 votes.

Bargavatch Hayastan (Prosperous Armenia) Party received 8,27%, with 103,824 votes.

The ARF, or the Dashnaktsutyun, garnered 3,89% with 48,811 votes.

Lusavor Hayastan (Luminous Armenia) Party got 6,37% – 80,024 votes.

2619 voters (0,50%) cast ballots for the Christian-People’s Rebirth Party.

The National Progress Party and the Menk (We) Alliance garnered 0,51% (6456 votes) and 2,00% (25,174) respectively.

Orinats Yerkir Party (Rule of Law) garnered 0,99% with 12,389 votes, and the Sasna Tsrer Pan-Armenian Party got 1,82% with 22,862 votes.

According to preliminary information the turnout was 48.63%.

Edited and translated by Stepan Kocharyan

ՀԱՊԿ գլխավոր քարտուղարի հարցը կլուծվի կոնսենսուսի հիման վրա. ՌԴ դեսպան

  • 27.11.2018

  • Հայաստան



ՀԱՊԿ-ում առաջացող հարցերը պետք է և լուծվելու են կոնսենսուսի հիման վրա: Այս մասին լրագրողների հետ զրույցում հայտարարեց ՀՀ-ում ՌԴ դեսպան Սերգեյ Կոպիրկինը:

Նրա խոսքով, կազմակերպության անդամ բոլոր պետությունները հետաքրքրված են, որպեսզի կազմակերպությունը գործի և ներդրում ունենա բոլորի անվտանգության հարցում: Միևնույն ժամանակ նա վստահություն հայտնեց, որ ՀԱՊԿ գլխավոր քարտուղարի նշանակման հարցը կլուծվի առանց կազմակերպությանը բնաս հասցնելու.

«Գլխավոր քարտուղարի հարցը քննարկվում է: Ես վստահ եմ, որ այն կլուծվի այնպես, որ մեր կազմակերպությունը այս պատմությունից դուրս կգա ավելի ուժեղացած, այդ թվում և կանոնակարգի պարզաբանման և վերամշակման հարցերում», – ընդգծեց Կոպիրկինը:

Armenpress: Ruling bloc’s city councilor Aram Manukyan resigns

Ruling bloc’s city councilor Aram Manukyan resigns



11:30, 27 November, 2018

YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 27, ARMENPRESS. Yerevan City Councillor from the ruling Im Kayl (My Step) bloc Aram Manukyan has tendered his resignation, Mayor Hayk Marutyan announced during today’s extraordinary sitting of the city’s governing body.

The vacated mandate was granted to Nuard Vardanyan, the next in line of the bloc’s electoral list, the mayor said.

Edited and translated by Stepan Kocharyan