Securing the Revolution – The Role of Civil Society and Reform Challenges in Armenia

European Endowment for Democracy
September 17 2018
Securing the Revolution – The Role of Civil Society and Reform Challenges in Armenia

On 10 September, the European Endowment for Democracy (EED) hosted a panel debate focusing on the civil society perspective of the post-revolutionary developments in Armenia. The event was co-organised with the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum.
“I firmly believe that this is a revolution and not a transition [of power], because I don't see just the change of people, but I see change of values, I see the change of the working culture and this is the most important for me,” said Sona Ghazaryan, an activist from No Pasaran / Reject Serzh movements. Haykuhi Harutyunyan of Protection without Borders, who elaborated on concrete benefits of the Armenian Velvet Revolution, pointed to the improved situation of human rights in prisons and increasing public trust towards police. She noted that people are not afraid of demanding changes and organising protests in front of public institutions. “It is basic, but very important,” noted Mrs. Harutyunyan.
Despite many reasons for optimism, the situation in post-revolutionary Armenia remains complex, since the new elite led by Nikol Pashinyan inherited the old institutions and policies serving interests of narrow group of oligarchs. This was confirmed by Boris Navasardian, head of the Yerevan Press Club, who spoke about resistance of the counter-revolutionary forces who are now trying to discredit and undermine the new authorities in effectively implementation of the necessary reforms. Critics often point out the general lack of experience and competence of the new authorities, who are still learning to manage the state. In this regard, the upcoming Yerevan City Council elections, slated for 23 September, will be crucial test for the new government and civil society alike.
In the meantime, civil society and the new government in Armenia face numerous challenges, among them early parliamentary elections, reforming the electoral code or potential alterations to constitutional set-up as well dealing with tensions between traditional civil society and the new activists.
The current discussion on transitional justice represents another major challenge for civil society and the government, both to explain the concept and to set up the necessary structures. In addition, Mr. Navasardian pointed to the ongoing tensions between environmental activists and government on the mining industry, which could undermine the trust of foreign investors. He concluded: “The nearest months will show how much the new government is ready to resolve all of these problems and to what extent the cooperation with the EU could be helpful for that and implementation of CEPA.” Panellists underlined that the Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement (CEPA) with the EU requires a new set of priorities and general revision to better respond to Armenia’s current needs vis a vis the reform agenda.
These challenges are reflected in the country's media sphere, which is also going through turbulent changes. New media and social networks boomed during the Armenian Velvet Revolution and are actively used by the new authorities, including Pashinyan himself. As noted by the speakers, the new prime minister uses Facebook live streams to talk directly to the citizens following the logic of direct democracy. Despite obvious technical problems and geographic differences, Mr Navasardian emphasised that for now this is the only way to overcome stagnation and the institutional blockade in the parliament. Nevertheless, it is not possible to use the methods of direct democracy in the long run, he added.

Arianne Caoili to bike through Cilicia to support Armenian children

Chessbase News
Sept 17 2018

Arianne Caoili to bike through Cilicia to support Armenian children

by Antonio Pereira
9/17/2018 – While Levon Aronian is fighting the chess elite in arduous events, his wife Arianne Caoili is engaged in various entrepreneurial and philanthropic initiatives in Armenia. The Australian Woman International Master will cycle through the south coastal region of Cilicia to raise funds on behalf of the Children of Armenia Fund. The biking tour's fundraising will allow COAF to expand its athletic programs for youth living in six villages of Armenia's Tavush region.

Press release

Arianne Caoili, wife of Armenian Chess Grandmaster Levon Aronian, will embark on a two-week cycling tour throughout Cilicia, Anatolia and northern Iran this month. Arianne will start her journey from the medieval Armenian port city of Ayas in Cilicia [Mersin province, in modern-day Turkey -Ed.] on September 21 and will finish the trek in the town of Agarak located on the Armenian-Iranian border. 

Arianne's biking-ride route (click or tap to expand)

Born in Manila, Arianne Caoili moved to Armenia in 2013 and has been engaged in various entrepreneurial and philanthropic initiatives. The Australian chess player, born to a Dutch mother and Filipino father, was awarded the title of Woman International Master (WIM) by FIDE and has competed in seven Women's Chess Olympiads.

Children of Armenia Fund (COAF) is an organization dear to Arianne's heart since it is committed to improving the lives of children throughout rural Armenia by giving them opportunities for advancement. Arianne has always been passionate about helping children, especially with regard to education, music and disabilities. 

The biking tour's fundraising goal of $5,500 USD will allow COAF to expand its athletic programs for youth living in six villages of Armenia's Tavush region. Funds will go toward establishing clubs and much-needed sporting equipment and salaries for coaches. Tavush, located on the border with Azerbaijan, is prone to sporadic attacks and is in vital need of programs aimed at revitalizing the region and giving youth newfound opportunities and health-oriented activities. 

Arianne has lived in Armenia since 2013

Caoili has utilized her professional background in public and private sector consulting as an advisor to the Armenian government. In 2015, she established Armenia's first boutique strategy consulting firm, Akron Consulting, which specializes in business and public policy advising. She is also owner and editor-in-chief of Champord, the only free, mass-distributed newspaper in the Caucasus region, with the largest print run in Armenia. She serves as chairman of the board for the Champord Fund, an organization invested in the development of civil society and the training of young Armenian journalists. Arianne is currently the CEO of one of Armenia's largest alcohol distributors, 40 Degrees, a fast-growing, unique and novel start-up which she founded three years ago.

Arianne's cycling expedition will be documented by GoPro action cameras and journalists who will accompany her. Converse Bank has agreed to cover some of the expenses Arianne will incur on her trip. COAF will regularly share footage of Arianne on the road via its social media outlets. Stopping points on the route include Adana, Sis, Gaziantep, Tarsus, Urfa, Diyarbakir, Van, Dogubayazit and Maku. 

Caoili expressed her excitement regarding the biking trip:

I am excited to explore the rich history and amazing culture of medieval and ancient Armenia. Throughout the cycling tour I will encounter the vestiges of Hellenistic and Roman empires in Armenia. Further afield we will discover ancient cultures and temples that predate recorded history.

You can support Arianne Caoili's biking tour for COAF by visiting her GoFundMe page.

Twitter #bike4coaf

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COAF ( has been using community-led, comprehensive approaches in reducing poverty in rural Armenia since 2003, impacting the lives of 75,000 people.  Its strategic programs in education, healthcare, child and family services, community engagement and economic development help Armenian village youth access the resources to achieve and, in turn, give back to their communities and the world. COAF believes the new generation of Armenia, together with their families, have the potential and opportunity to revitalize the fabric of community life, and combat the rapid emigration plaguing the country since its independence from the Soviet Union. The organization has dramatically improved the quality of life in 44 village communities over the past 15 years.

COAF SMART is the organization's newest initiative designed to jumpstart the advancement of rural communities by connecting them to the world by use of advanced communication and information technology. The first state-of-the-art COAF SMART Center opened its doors in Lori, Armenia in May of this year, offering the 150,000 population of the region both project-based and action-based learning programs. COAF's board of directors cover all administrative costs, allowing 100% of donations to go toward funding programs. The organization has consistently secured the highest rating on Charity Navigator. Prominent supporters of COAF's mission include Serj Tankian, Leonardo DiCaprio, John Stamos, Andrea Martin, Tigran Hamasyan, Vanessa Williams, Sean Hayes, Tom Hanks, Jennifer Aniston, Patricia Field, Victor Garber, Ariana Grande, Conan O'Brian, Alexis Ohanian, and Usher.

Aharon Adibekyan: Kiev was founded by Armenians, Queen of England is Armenian (video)

Sociologist Aharon Adibekyan believes that Kiev was founded by Armenians. Today, at a meeting with journalists, he told about the Armenian trace in Russian history and culture. According to him, the creation and construction of Moscow is also connected with Armenians.

“The Russian alphabet has 36 letters, just like the Armenian. If the creators did not have Armenian origin, they would create it like the Greek, using 24 letters,” says the sociologist.

“The Russians also adopted Christianity through Armenians,” adds Aharon Adibekyan and emphasizes that Armenians and Russians have spiritual and historical-cultural ties for centuries.

Besides the Russians, the sociologist sees links between the British and the Armenians, too.

“The queen of England is armenoed with a skull. In the oldest tradition, Armenians have come to these islands, but English historians reject it. But if we look at the Irish, we will find a similarity,” says sociologist Aharon Adibekyan and adds that Armenians should show their contribution to world history.

More information is in the video.

Արդարադատության նախարարը՝ Երևանի քաղաքապետի թեկնածու

  • 21.08.2018

  • Հայաստան



ՀՀ արդարադատության նախարար Արտակ Զեյնալյանը Երևանի ավագանու ընտրություններին կգլխավորի «Լուսավոր Հայաստան» ու «Հանրապետություն» կուսակցությունների դաշինքի ցուցակը: Այս մասին նախարարը հայտարարեց լրագրողների հետ հանդիպմանը՝ այսպիսով հաստատելով շրջանառվող լուրերը:

Այդ ընթացքում նախարարը կգտնվի արձակուրդում, որպեսզի կարողանա մասնակցել քարոզարշավին: Հիշեցնենք, ըստ ԿԸՀ որոշմանը՝ քարոզարշավը կտևի 12 օր, իսկ ընտրությունը կանցկացվի  սեպտեմբերի 23-ին:

«Դաշինքի անվանումը դեռ քննարկման փուլում է»,- շեշտեց նա:

Հիշեցնենք, հուլիսի 9-ին Տարոն Մարգարյանը հրաժարական տվեց Երևանի քաղաքապետի պաշտոնից:

Այս պահին հայտնի է, որ Երևանի քաղաքապետի պաշտոնի համար կպայքարեն դերասան Հայկ Մարությանը` «Քաղաքացիական պայմանագիր» կուսակցությունը, Նաիրա Զոհրաբյանը` «Բարգավաճ Հայաստան», Զարուհի Փոստանջյանը` «Երկիր ծիրանի», ճարտարապետ Անահիտ ԹարխանյանըԱրտակ Ավետյանը` Ռեֆորմիստների կուսակցություն, Րաֆֆի Հովհաննիսյանը՝ «Ժառանգություն» կուսակցություն, Արարատ Զուրաբյանը:

Historical stair built by Armenian architects to be renovated in Ethiopia, Armenia
Aug 12 2018
Historical stair built by Armenian architects to be renovated in Ethiopia

A historical stair in Addis Ababa, and which was built by Armenian architects, will be renovated in the capital city of Ethiopia.

The stair, which is located at the heart of Addis Ababa, was built during the reign of Emperor Menelik II, between late 19th and early 20th centuries, according to The Ethiopian Herald.

Local authorities say the restoration of this stair will be carried out carefully to preserve its originality.

Italy’s President Sergio Mattarella to arrive in Armenia on state visit


President of Italy Sergio Mattarella will arrive in Armenia on a two-day state visit on July 30 together with his daughter Laura Mattarella at the invitation of Armenian President Armen Sarkissian.

The Italian President’s delegation includes minister of foreign affairs and international cooperation Enzo Moavero Milanesi, as well as other officials.

On the same day an official welcoming ceremony for the Italian President will be held at the Armenian Presidential Palace which will be followed by the private meeting of Presidents Armen Sarkissian and Sergio Mattarella. Thereafter, an extended format meeting will be held with the participation of the delegations of the two countries. The two Presidents will hold a joint press conference.

During the visit the President of Italy will meet with Armenia’s top leadership and will be hosted by His Holiness Garegin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians.

The Italian delegation will also visit the Armenian Genocide Memorial.

The opening ceremony of the center for protection of the Armenian-Italian cultural heritage will take place which will be attended by the Armenian and Italian Presidents.

Ejmiatsin city shuts down kindergartens for 1 month citing weather-related health concerns


The City Hall of Ejmiatsin (Vagharshapat) is declaring holidays at local kindergartens from July 23 to August 20 citing weather-related health concerns.

Acting Mayor of Ejmiatsin Diana Gasparyan said on Facebook that a heat wave is expected from July 25, and “unfortunately many of the kindergartens are in poor conditions, and the children’s attendance in such conditions can be hazardous for their health”. Gasparyan was apparently referring to the lack of ACs in the kindergartens.

She said they even had cases of staff losing consciousness due to extreme heat.

The acting mayor said they even carried out a survey among parents, and only 25 from 1194 parents opposed the idea of the special holidays.

Head of the meteorology department at the ministry of emergency situations Gagik Surenyan told ARMENPRESS that up to 40 degrees Celsius is expected from July 25 in Armenia.

Verelq: Դավիթ Տոնոյանի որդին կծառայի Արցախում. նա զորակոչվեց

  • 17.07.2018

  • Հայաստան



ՀՀ պաշտպանության նախարար Դավիթ Տոնոյանի որդին՝ Էդգար Տոնոյանն իր ծառայությունը կանցկացնի Արցախի Հանրապետությունում: Նա մասնակցել է վիճակահանությանը:

Հիշեցնենք, օրեր առաջ բանակ զորակոչվեց նաև ՀՀ վարչապետ Նիկոլ Փաշինյանի որդին՝ Աշոտ Փաշինյանը, ով կամավոր ցանկություն էր հայտնել ծառայել Արցախում։

Նիկոլ Փաշինյանը կոչ է արել Հայաստանից դուրս գտնվող զորակոչային տարիքի բոլոր հայերին վերադառնալ հայրենիք ու ծառայել բանակում: Նշենք, որ հունիսի 1-ից մինչև հուլիսի 10-ը ներառյալ՝ Հայաստանի Հանրապետություն է վերադարձել շուրջ 100 ժամկետային զինվորական ծառայությունից խուսափելու մեղադրանքով հետախուզվող անձ:

Ի դեպ, մամուլն այսօր անդրադարձել էր նրան, որ նոր կառավարության պաշտոնյաներից շատերը բանակում չեն ծառայել և վարչապետի նման վճռականությունը իրենց մտահոգում է:

We have set a task to ensure medical insurance of needy citizens, says PM Pashinyan (photos)


Consultation was held in the Armenian government led by Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan during which issues on addressing and increasing the effectiveness of services provided in the healthcare field were discussed.

“Our today’s discussion is dedicated to the funding issues of the healthcare sector. One of our main tasks is the increase of efficiency of expenditures provided to the healthcare field, and the next one is a strategic issue, relating to solving issues on passing to the healthcare insurance system so that in practice the state will not have to intervene in individual cases. Of course, it’s understandable that this will cause additional expenditures for the state, our task is to ensure the funding of these expenditures. This is our political task and duty”, the PM said, adding that the government’s task is to understand the solution ways of the issue and find concrete solutions. “At least in the first stag we have set a task to ensure the medical insurance of citizens in need so that they will have an access to the complete or some logical packages of that medical care”, Nikol Pashinyan said.

Healthcare minister Arsen Torosyan touched upon the services provided by the state, the existing problems and their solution ways, medical care financing mechanisms.

Thereafter, the consultation participants exchanged views on the funding mechanisms of the healthcare field, clarification of sources, solving healthcare issues of socially needy citizens. The PM tasked the heads of interested agencies to more thoroughly discuss the presented proposals and introduce him on the results.