Macron promet une "journée pour la commémoration du génocide" des Arméniens

L'Obs- France
31 janv. 2018
Macron promet une "journée pour la commémoration du génocide" des Arméniens
Devant la diaspora arménienne, le chef de l'Etat a également loué le "bien-fondé du dialogue" avec le président Erdogan.
Par L'Obs
Publié le 31 janvier 2018 à 13h32
Emmanuel Macron s'est engagé mardi 31 janvier au soir, lors du dîner annuel du Conseil de coordination des organisations arméniennes de France (CCAF), à faire inscrire au calendrier une "journée pour la commémoration du génocide" arménien, une promesse de campagne.
Le chef de l'Etat, qui se rendra en octobre en Arménie lors du sommet de la francophonie à Erevan, était l'invité d'honneur de ce dîner animé par André Manoukian, qui réunissait 500 personnes de la communauté arménienne dans un hôtel parisien.
La suite après cette publicité
Etaient également présents la maire de Paris, Anne Hidalgo ; la présidente de la région Ile-de-France, Valérie Pécresse ; des élus français d'origine arménienne comme Patrick Devedjian ou le maire de Lyon Georges Képénékian ; le député turc d'origine arménienne Garo Paylan (HDO, prokurde) ainsi que des responsables de la communauté juive.
"Le combat pour la justice et la reconnaissance est notre combat. Nous le menons par la mémoire en soutenant l'inscription au calendrier républicain d'une journée pour la commémoration du génocide", a déclaré le chef de l'Etat qui a rappelé que c'était "un engagement" de campagne qu'il était "essentiel que la représentation nationale se ressaisisse de ce sujet dans les prochains mois".
Dialogue avec la Turquie
Les coprésidents du CCAF, Ara Toranian et Mourad Papazian, ont demandé à Emmanuel Macron de condamner la Turquie qui, ont-ils accusé, menace les minorités dont les Arméniens, et l'ont aussi prié de se rendre au Haut-Karabakh, région peuplée en majorité d'Arméniens que se disputent l'Arménie et l'Azerbaïdjian.
Après avoir rendu hommage à la communauté arménienne en France, le président de la République leur a opposé un net refus, défendant sa politique de dialogue avec le président turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan, qu'il a reçu à l'Elysée début janvier, ainsi que sa neutralité dans le conflit du Haut Karabakh.
"Sur la Turquie, j'ai engagé un dialogue régulier et exigeant avec le président Erdogan, parfois à l'abri des médias. Je ne mésestime rien de ce que vous avez dit. Je lui ai dit ce qu'il en était. Et nous avons obtenu des résultats en libérant des journalistes", a-t-il rappelé.
"Beaucoup doutent du bien-fondé du dialogue avec la Turquie. Mais j'estime que cela condamnerait le message de la France à n'être qu'une injonction dans le vide". Et sur le terrorisme, la crise migratoire, "nous avons besoin d'alliés, y compris ceux qui ne partagent pas nos valeurs", a-t-il fait valoir.
La France "soutient les voix courageuses qui s'élèvent", a-t-il argué, "condamner pour ne pas avoir à discuter, c'est les laisser seules ou obligées de quitter le pays". Il a chaleureusement salué Garo Paylan qu'il a promis de soutenir "pour que sa voix puise porter et l'emporter".
"J'assume ce déséquilibre, ce choix plus difficultueux", "moins glorieux que de grandes déclarations mais plus utile", a-t-il insisté
"Et je vais à nouveau vous décevoir mais je ne vous accompagnerai pas au Karabakh", a-t-il continué, car "je perdrai ce que la France a d'utile dans ce conflit, celle d'être un médiateur et d'être entendu par les deux parties". "J'espère venir avec vous le jour où nous aurons réglé tout cela ", a-t-il conclu, sous les applaudissements.
(Avec AFP)

Levon Shirinyan does not rule out that Russia may set off a new war in Artsakh

Aravot , Armenia
Jan 27 2018
Levon Shirinyan does not rule out that Russia may set off a new war in Artsakh
[Armenian News note: the below is translated from the Russian edition of Aravot]

"Europe is getting the impression that Armenia is moving successively. You know better than I do how well it is moving," political analyst Levon Shirinyan said yesterday [26 January], commenting on [Armenian] President Serzh Sargsyan's speech in the PACE [on 24 January]. The political analyst knows how to transform this impression into reality: "The kleptocratic government [of thieves] must be eliminated from Armenia".

In general, Levon Shirinyan believes that we are excessively focused on the discussion of the identity of [future] prime minister, [who is going to be the leading political figure after Armenia becomes a parliamentary republic following the presidential election to be held this spring]. He said that this was a superficial perception of the problem. We should have a platform for the economic and political development, costs of management personnel should be reduced, and we must demand cleansing of [officials'] friends. Speaking about the widespread characteristics of the personality of the presidential candidate Armen Sargsyan [nominated by] the [ruling] RPA [Republican Party of Armenia], the political analyst said jokingly: "Did France not become France under Charles de Gaulle, who did not know foreign languages?"

The political analysts posed questions regarding Serzh Sargsyan's speech in Strasbourg: "Armenia should turn to state capitalism and the state must be represented in strategic facilities with 50+1 [per cent of shares], because this is not advantageous for oligarchs. They do not want to give their money".

The speaker is extremely worried by the fact that Azerbaijan continues to arm and the lion's share of the weapons is supplied by Russia. He warned: "Our commercial ally has launched a new escalation and I do not rule out that a new war may be provoked. The Russian Federation is preparing a new conflict by Azerbaijan's hand".

He finds it strange that the Foreign Ministry and Defence Ministry of the Republic of Armenia are keeping silent. He urged to carefully watch US policy, saying that it was undergoing an interesting transformation and it should be understood and relevant steps should be taken. He implied US Vice President Pence's statement in Israel that Biblical events are returning to real life. asked what his opinion was on why the Armenian president failed to say from the PACE rostrum that Russia is arming Azerbaijan. "I do not know this. The top leadership may have their plans, but the Foreign Ministry should have made a statement on this problem a long time ago," [Shirinyan said]. The political analyst can make a clear forecast for more than one month, but such an accumulation of weapons reminds him of the situation in 2014. [sentence as published] He reminded of lessons of history – the events in the 1920s, when the same ally of our country carried out a provocation against Armenia and Armenian Bolsheviks also took part in it.

"Do not be carried away by the cult of [former Armenian President] Levon Ter-Petrosyan's peace," he urged the government.

He also urged our partners in the [Russian-led] EEU [Eurasian Economic Union] and CSTO [Collective Security Treaty Organisation]: "Friends, [Kazakh President Nursultan] Nazarbayev and [Balarusian President Alyaksandr] Lukashenka, if Armenia is regarded as a weak component, your artificial country Kazakhstan and the Belarusian-Russian [Union] State will be destroyed, when the USSR is restored. So support Armenia". He also said that the USA should also support Armenia to prevent the geopolitical order of the past to come back.

Azerbaijani Press: Denmark’s FM voices support to OSCE MG activity on Karabakh conflict resolution

Trend, Azerbaijan
Jan 23 2018
19:43 (UTC+04:00)
  • Baku, Azerbaijan, Jan. 23

    By Nigar Guliyeva – Trend:

    Denmark's Foreign Minister Anders Samuelsen encouraged Azerbaijan and Armenia to follow their commitments before the Council of Europe on peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

    Denmark, as the chair country of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, supports the activity of the OSCE Minsk Group on the conflict resolution, said Samuelsen at the winter session of PACE on Jan.23, when answering the questions of Azerbaijani MPs Rafael Huseynov and Ganira Pashayeva.

    "Mediation for the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is the responsibility of the OSCE Minsk Group. This was repeatedly underlined by the Committee of Ministers," he said. "It is central that Armenia and Azerbaijan abide by their commitments to the Council of Europe to settle the conflict by peaceful means. The Council of Europe can help establish conditions conductive to a peace agreement by encouraging confidence building measures."

    The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of the ensuing war, in 1992 Armenian armed forces occupied 20 percent of Azerbaijan, including the Nagorno-Karabakh region and seven surrounding districts.

    The 1994 ceasefire agreement was followed by peace negotiations. Armenia has not yet implemented four UN Security Council resolutions on withdrawal of its armed forces from the Nagorno-Karabakh and the surrounding districts.

    Chess: Levon Aronian to take part in Tradewise Chess Festival

    Panorama, Armenia
    Jan 22 2018

    The traditional Tradewise Chess Festival will be held in Gibraltar from 23 January to 1 February in participation of Armenian GM Levon Aronian, the National Olympic Committee reported.

    Among the top chess players of the tournament are Maxime Vachier-Lagrave (France), Hikaru Nakamura (US), David Navara (Czech Republic), Pentala Harikrishna (India), Nikita Vitiugov (Russia), Vassily Ivanchuk (Ukraine) and the others.

    The chess tour will be played in 10 rounds, Swiss system.

    Azerbaijani Press: Azerbaijan accuses CoE of holding soft position towards Armenia

    Trend, Azerbaijan
    Jan 22 2018
    19:55 (UTC+04:00)
  • Baku, Azerbaijan, Jan.22

    By Leman Zeynalova – Trend:

    It is surprising that the Council of Europe (CoE) seems to be able to express a sharp attitude to a particular country and to concrete persons and meanwhile, in some cases, to display softness to those who perform the same actions and cause even greater violation, Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee for Cultural Affairs of Azerbaijan Rafael Huseynov said at PACE session Jan.22.

    “Armenia is an aggressor state and CoE has confirmed this fact in its resolution adopted 13 years ago. Why so far no punitive measure has been taken against the country that has been demonstratively neglecting such resolutions, as well as consistently violating the requirements of the statute of CoE?,” asked Huseynov.

    He pointed out that the Council of Europe can hold a tough position against a concrete country when it is willing.

    “At previous sessions, we have witnessed a clear example of how the Assembly can hold a tough stance when it is needed for actions that are inadequate to the requirements of its statute. During the period of the previous report, we have also witnessed that the Assembly is capable of demonstrating principled position towards the implementation and continuation of sanctions against a concrete country,” noted Huseynov.

    The MP said all these prove that the Council of Europe can achieve its goal when it is willing and keen on doing so.

    However, surprisingly, the Council of Europe believes that it is possible to manifest such a position only in certain cases.

    PACE winter session kicked off Jan.22 in Strasbourg and will continue until Jan.26.

    The Azerbaijani delegation led by Samad Seyidov, head of Azerbaijani Parliamentary Committee on International Relations and Inter-Parliamentary Ties are taking part in the PACE session.

    The delegation includes Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee for Cultural Affairs Rafael Huseynov, MPs Sahiba Gafarova, Sevinj Fataliyeva, Ganira Pashayeva, Ulviya Agayeva, Sabir Hajiyev, Elshad Hasanov, Vusal Huseynov, Fazil Mustafa, Asim Mollazade and Rovshan Rzayev.

    Sports: Football: Sanchez transfer ‘hinges on Mkhitaryan deal’, says agent

    Agence France Presse
     Tuesday 2:07 PM GMT
    Football: Sanchez transfer 'hinges on Mkhitaryan deal', says agent
    London, Jan 16 2018
    Manchester United's bid to sign Alexis Sanchez from Arsenal hinges on
    Henrikh Mkhitaryan moving the other way, the Armenian player's agent
    said Tuesday as Antonio Conte distanced Chelsea from a potential deal.
    Chile international Sanchez, who appears to have played his last game
    for Arsenal, had been strongly linked with a move to either Manchester
    United or Manchester City and Chelsea boss Antonio Conte has also
    spoken of his admiration for the player.
    The player, who is out of contract this summer, had appeared certain
    to sign for Pep Guardiola's team after a transfer fell through in
    August but it is understood City have pulled out of the race for the
    29-year-old due to the costs involved.
    There has been speculation Mkhitaryan will be offered as a makeweight
    from United to land Sanchez, and Mourinho left the playmaker out of
    the squad to face Stoke on Monday due to "doubts about his future".
    Mkhitaryan's agent Mino Raiola told Britain's Times newspaper that
    Sanchez's transfer to United was reliant on his client joining Arsenal
    as part of the deal.
    "Manchester United are not going to sign Sanchez unless Mkhi agrees to
    join Arsenal," Raiola told the newspaper.
    "Mkhi is going to do what is best for him. He has two-and-a-half years
    left on his contract so it's his decision. Sanchez is part of the Mkhi
    deal, not the other way around."
    Conte last week described any potential cut-priced deal for the Chile
    striker as a great opportunity but he told reporters on Tuesday that
    he did not believe Chelsea were trying to sign the player.
    - 'Great' signing -
    Jose Mourinho, speaking after second-placed United had reduced Premier
    League table-toppers City's lead to 12 points on Monday said it would
    be "great" if Sanchez arrived at Old Trafford though he remained
    "No news on Alexis Sanchez, he is an Arsenal player," he said. "If he
    stays it's great for Arsenal, if he comes to us, great for us, if he
    goes to another club, great for them."
    If the transfer goes ahead it would be the third blockbuster move of
    the January window involving Premier League clubs following Philippe
    Coutinho's big-money switch from Liverpool to Barcelona and Virgil van
    Dijk's arrival at Anfield from Southampton.
    United have an impressive selection of forwards but Sanchez could
    expect to become a fixture in the first team alongside Romelu Lukaku,
    with doubts growing over the future of Zlatan Ibrahimovic following
    his recent return from a long-term injury.
    Sanchez joined Arsenal from Barcelona in 2014 and in a stellar 2016/17
    campaign scored 30 goals and provided 17 assists, though his form has
    since dipped.
    His loss would be a major blow for Arsenal, who saw Robin van Persie
    swap the Emirates for Old Trafford in 2012.
    Arsenal have been linked with a move for Bordeaux forward Malcom but
    Arsene Wenger, who said the club would need a replacement if Sanchez
    were to leave, refused to confirm his interest in the Brazilian.
    The British press widely reported on Tuesday that Arsenal were in
    talks to sign Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang from Borussia Dortmund.
    Aubameyang was dropped at the weekend after missing a team meeting --
    the third time he had been disciplined by the club after an
    unauthorised video shoot and a trip to Milan shortly before a
    Champions League game last season.

    Iranian diplomat: Iran, Armenia and Georgia have a brilliant opportunity to implement a number of trilateral projects

    ARMINFO News Agency, Armenia
    Iranian diplomat: Iran, Armenia and Georgia have a brilliant
    opportunity to implement a number of trilateral projects
    Yerevan 11.01.18
    Marianna Mkrtchyan. Armenian Ambassador to Georgia Ruben Sadoyan
    during the meeting with his Iranian counterpart Seyed Javad
    Kavamshahid discussed the Armenian-Iranian economic relations.
    As the press service of the Armenian Embassy in Georgia told ArmInfo,
    the parties agreed at the beginning of the meeting that the relations
    between Armenia and Iran are at a sufficiently high level and are
    intertwined with many threads.
    Speaking about economic cooperation, Sadoyan touched upon the
    opportunities of Armenia as a transit country, and stressed that
    official Yerevan is the only member of the Eurasian Economic Union
    (EAP), which has land communication with friendly Iran and can become
    a gateway for IRI in terms of access to the countries of the EAEC, CIS
    and the EU.
    In this context, the interlocutors stressed the importance of the
    North-South road corridor as the shortest transit route connecting the
    ports of the Persian Gulf and the Black Sea. The Iranian Ambassador to
    Georgia noted that Tehran, Yerevan and Tbilisi have a brilliant
    opportunity to implement a number of tripartite projects in such areas
    as transport, energy and business. According to him, there are no
    obstacles on this issue. The sides stated that the
    Iran-Armenia-Georgia corridor could become a new and important bridge
    linking Europe and Asia.
    In this regard, Sadoyan stressed the importance of the interaction of
    companies and management structures operating in the territory of the
    free economic zone (FEZ) "Meghri" and FEZ "Araz." The interlocutor
    also touched on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Sadoyan stated that the
    efforts of Armenia and the co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group are
    constantly confronted with the opposition of Azerbaijan. According to
    him, a vivid example of this, the last incident in Artsakh, when an
    Armenian soldier died from the bullet of an Azerbaijani sniper.
    The Ambassador stressed that Armenia highly appreciates the balanced
    position of Iran on an exclusively peaceful settlement of the Karabakh
    conflict on the basis of the norms of international law. Sadoyan also
    inquired about the internal processes in Iran and stressed the
    importance that the friendly IRI has for Armenia.

    Music: The Armenian State Symphony Orchestra to have a concert at the Elbphilharmonie

    Panorama, Armenia
    Jan 10 2018

    The Armenian State Symphony Orchestra (previously: the State Youth Orchestra of Armenia) has entered the year 2018 with great enthusiasm after being renamed.

    As the Orchestra reports in a release, with this new status the collective will be presenting new programs, will have tours and interesting initiatives, and all these projects will be dedicated to the preservation and development of the Armenian musical traditions.

    The first tour of the Armenian State Symphony Orchestra (ASSO), headed by its Artistic Director and Principal Conductor Sergey Smbatyan, will take place on March 28 in Germany, at the Great Hall of the Elbphilharmonie, the most prestigious cultural project of the century.

    The Elbphilharmonie is located in one of Europe's largest cities, Hamburg, on the shore of Elba. Today it is one of Europe's most popular tourist and cultural hubs. The Elbphilharmonie reminiscent of a floating vessel on the water is a unique structure with innovative architectural solutions. This multifunctional building with millions of visitors is distinguished by the concert halls built with best standards and with great acoustics. The world's best orchestras, conductors and artists, including the London Symphony Orchestra, Vienna Philharmonic, Chicago Symphony Orchestras, Semyon Bychkov, Kent Nagano, Christoph Eschenbach, Alan Gilbert, Vladimir Jurowski, Thomas Hengelbrock, Richard Galliano, John Malkovich, Vadim Repin, Gidon Kremer, Gautier Capuçon and more perform with concerts here.

    The Elbphilharmonie presents music of different genres and styles, from symphonic concerts and operas to jazz, modern improvisations, and electronic music.

    The Armenian State Symphony Orchestra will present Armenian music at the Elbphilharmonie. During the first part of the concert the connoisseurs will enjoy world premiere of the Cello Concerto by Eduard Hayrapetyan, soloist: Narek Hakhnazaryan, and during the second part the Symphony No.2 “The Bell Symphony” by Aram Khachaturian will be performed.

    It should be noted that the tickets of the concert have been sold out since December. Perhaps a few tickets are circulated at a triple price among the resellers. As a result of the renaming, the Armenian State Symphony Orchestra has the opportunity to conquer new and important platforms, presenting the Armenian culture and performing art to the world at a highest level.

    Turkish press: Istanbul’s landmark Iron Church to be reopened Sunday after 7-year restoration

    Published23 hours ago

    AA Photo

    Istanbul's Bulgarian iron church dating back to the 19th century will be reopened Sunday after a seven-year renovation.

    Located in Balat, the old Jewish quarter on the shore of Istanbul's Golden Horn, the Bulgarian Church of Sveti Stefan—known as the world's only surviving, completely-iron church—will be reopened with a ceremony to be attended by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan along with the Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov.

    Vasil Liaze, president of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church Foundation, said the opening ceremony will be a grand one and thanked all parties which have contributed to the restoration of the church.

    He said thousands of believers from Bulgaria are expected to attend the ceremony.

    An outstanding symbol of the Bulgarian Orthodox faith, the church was built in 1898 on the site of a wooden church destroyed in a fire. With its three domes and rich exterior decoration, the church stands out among many other Orthodox churches in Istanbul.

    The prefabricated parts weighing some 500 tons were sent to Istanbul on small cargo ships from Vienna via the Danube, the Bosporus and the Golden Horn.

    Its Armenian architect, Hovsep Aznavur, won a design competition organized by the then-Bulgarian authorities. The constructor was Rudolf von Wagner from Vienna.

    Liaze said President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan initiated the restoration after a request from the Bulgarian minority in the city when he was serving as the prime minister.

    "[Erdoğan] had already helped us when he was Istanbul mayor. We are also neighbors. He is from Kasımpasa, we're from Balat. We asked him about 8-9 years ago, and he ordered the restoration of the church," Liaze said.

    He said each part, to the finest detail, was disassembled, repaired, then placed back in its original place.

    "All the main columns were changed and the Iron Church was made to last for more than 100 years. We are sure it would be chosen as the most beautiful church in Istanbul," Liaze said.

    Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality financed the restoration which cost 16 million Turkish liras (approx. $4 million). The Bulgarian government also contributed 1 million Turkish liras (roughly $253,000) to the project