Guatemala President Jimmy Morales recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel

Guatemala President Jimmy Morales  recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and announced that he was moving his embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem,  Al jazeera reports.

Guatemala was one of the few (9) countries in the world that voted against the UN General Assembly resolution on Thursday, which was calling on the United States to refrain from recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. The Guatemalan President made this statement after the meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel, stressing that the two countries would strengthen their relations.

At the same time, a vote was held in the parliament of the Islamic Republic of Iran on Saturday to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine, Tehran Times reports. The bill was passed by 187 votes in favor, 15 against and 9 abstentions. Iran has always supported the Palestinian people’s rights and called on the Islamic world to fight against Zionism.

To remind, on December 6, the US President Donald Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and announced that he was going to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. On December 21, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution condemning the US statement and urging the US government to abolish that decision.

ANCA Outraged Over Reduced Charge in Erdogan-Ordered Attack Plea Agreement

A scene from the May 16th Erdogan-ordered attack on peaceful protesters in Washington

Prosecutors Agree to Drop Multiple Bias and Hate Crimes Charges; Propose 1 Year Sentence. ANCA Calls the Deal ‘A Travesty.”
WASHINGTON—Armenian National Committee of America Executive Director Aram Hamparian, a witness to the May 16 Erdogan-ordered attacks on peaceful protesters in Washington, DC, sharply criticized a plea agreement to drop multiple hate and bias charges against two of the assailants in return for a guilty plea and one year of imprisonment.

“A proposed one year sentence for a brutal, unapologetic foreign government directed assault against Americans on U.S. soil is an absolute travesty,” said ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian. “The Erdogan-ordered attack wasn’t just a violent hate crime against Americans but an open assault on American values. This sentence, if approved by the court, will effectively serve as a green light to Erdogan and other foreign dictators intent on exporting their violence to American shores.”

Hamparian and representatives of the Armenian Legal Center for Justice and Human Rights (ALC) were on hand at District of Columbia Superior Court when the plea deal was registered for Eyup Yildirim and Sinan Narin, two of the 19 perpetrators indicted for the brutal beatings, which included 15 members of Turkish President Erdogan’s security detail, and two Canadians, who have reportedly since repatriated to Turkey. All 19 defendants were indicted on charges of conspiracy to commit a crime of violence, with a bias crime enhancement – charges of hate crimes – which carry a maximum 15 years prison sentence. The plea deal would remove the hate-crimes component of the charges, which have been reduced to one charge of assault.

Narin of Virginia and Yildirim of New Jersey, who are being represented by Mark Schamel and David Benowitz, pled guilty to one count of assault with significant bodily injury, after participating in the beating of a group of Kurdish, Armenian, and Yezidi protesters outside of the home of the Turkish Ambassador on May 16.

At the official plea hearing this morning, the prosecution led by Assistant U.S. Attorney Sonali Patel read out loud the facts that the defendants agreed to, including multiple aggressions toward police officers, several statements supporting President Tayyip Erdogan, and finally, the assaults on Lusik Usoyan, founder of the Ezidi Relief Fund and Murat Yasa, a local businessman and protest organizer.

Although the defendants faced an indictment for hate crimes charges and more than 15 years in jail, almost all the charges were dropped in the plea agreement, which called for only a one-year and one-day sentence and a $12,500 fine. Judge Marisa Demeo will be able to increase or decrease that sentence at the official sentencing hearing, which is scheduled for March 15.

At Thursday’s hearing, the lawyers for the defense indicated their intention to argue at the sentencing hearing that the protesters’ alleged support of the PKK and the content of their speech should somehow lessen charges of brutal assault, which involved kicking victims on the ground in the head, one of whom was rendered unconscious.

They also denied any coordination with Turkish security staff during or after the attack, despite revelations that both defendants have received political support from Erdogan, who many believe ordered the attack, and were personally visited in prison by Turkey’s Foreign Minister, Mevlut Cavusoglo, who very publicly extended “love and greetings” from Turkey even after videotape images were broadcast of the defendants brutally beating Americans in DC.

“This plea agreement is indeed a travesty and we hope the judge will issue a harsher sentence, considering the brutality of the attack on both American bodies and fundamental principles by defendants, who have so far shown no remorse, but have signaled preparations to smear the victims instead,” said Kate Nahapetian, Executive Director of the Armenian Legal Center for Justice and Accountability.

The final sentencing, to be issued by DC Superior Court Judge Marisa Demeo, is set March 15.

ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian was videotaping live at the scene of the May 16th attack, which took place in front of the Turkish Ambassador’s residence where President Erdogan was scheduled to have a closed-door meeting with think tank leaders. Hamparian’s video showed pro-Erdogan forces crossing a police line and beating peaceful protesters – elderly men and several women – who were on the ground bleeding during most of the attack.

Turkey Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu proudly tweeted his September jailhouse visit with Eyup Yildirim and Sinan Narin, arrested and charged for the Erdogan-ordered brutal beating of peaceful protesters in May. The tweet reads: “We visit and send the love and regards of our nation to our brothers Sinan Narin and Eyup Yildirim, who are under arrest in Washington.”

Hamparian testified before a May 25th Foreign Affairs Subcommittee hearing on this matter. Joining him at the hearing were Ms. Lusik Usoyan, Founder and President of the Ezidi Relief Fund; Mr. Murat Yusa, a local businessman and protest organizer; and Ms. Ruth Wedgwood, Edward B. Burling Professor of International Law and Diplomacy, at Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies. Usoyan and Yusa were victims of the brutal assault on May 16th by President Erdogan’s bodyguards.

On June 6, with a vote of 397 to 0, the U.S. House of Representatives unanimously condemned Turkey in response to the attacks, taking a powerful stand against Ankara’s attempts to export its violence and intolerance to America’s shores. H.Res.354, spearheaded by House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce (R-CA), Ranking Democrat Eliot Engel (D-NY), House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer (D-MD), has received the public backing of House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI). On July 14th, the U.S. House also unanimously adopted an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Bill, championed by Armenian Caucus Co-Chairman David Trott (R-MI), raising objections to a proposed U.S. sale of handguns for use by the very Erdogan security detail involved in the May 16th attack.

On July 19, senior members of the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) and Ted Poe (R-TX), Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission Co-Chairman Jim McGovern (D-MA), and Representatives Jim Costa (D-CA) and John Sarbanes (D-MD) condemned Turkish President Erdogan’s violent actions – both in Turkey and the U.S. – during “A Stand for Free Speech” held at the site of the May 16th attacks. The press conference and rally was organized by the ANCA, in coordination with the Sheridan Circle May 16 Initiative (including many victims of the beatings), and a host of Kurdish, Armenian, Greek, Assyrian, and Christian groups including the American Kurdish Association (AKA), In Defense of Christians, American Hellenic Council, Armenian Legal Center for Justice and Human Rights, A Demand for Action, Hellenic American Leadership Council, AHEPA, and the Armenian Youth Federation.

The May 16 protest in front of the Turkish Ambassador’s residence was a continuation of a demonstration held earlier in the day in front of the White House, co-hosted by the ANCA. As President Trump met with President Erdogan. human rights and religious rights groups were joined by representatives of the Kurdish, Yezidi and Armenian communities to call attention to the Erdogan regime’s escalating repression against free press, the Kurdish and other ethnic communities, as well as Turkey’s ongoing obstruction of justice for the Armenian Genocide.

Sports: Two Manchester United midfielders ‘go missing’ before derby
Dec 10 2017

There has been a controversial angle to the early team news ahead of the Manchester derby.

The Manchester Evening News has reported that two Manchester United midfielders are nowhere to be seen ahead of the huge match against Premier League leaders City.

[MATCHCAST: Manchester United v Manchester City]

United’s players always meet at the Lowry hotel ahead of a match at Old Trafford, and apparently both Henrikh Mkhitaryan and Ander Herrera were not present, according to the report.

“M.E.N. photographers did not spot Henrikh Mkhitaryan with his team-mates and he is expected to miss out on a squad place for the sixth time in the last seven.”

Mkhitaryan last started a match for United in the Premier League on November 5 in the 1-0 defeat to Chelsea, and it does not look as though he is in favour at all with Jose Mourinho.

As for Herrera…

“M.E.N. photographers did not spot Ander Herrera as the squad arrived at The Lowry Hotel on Sunday morning. Mourinho gave players permission to spend the night before the derby at home but it is understood Luke Shaw and Ashley Young checked in on Saturday night to maintain their pre-match routine so it’s possible Herrera also arrived earlier.”

Given that Paul Pogba is suspended for the derby clash, the absence of Herrera would be much more surprising.

Of course, this could all be some elaborate ploy to mislead Pep Guardiola into not planning for the match-wrecking abilities of the duo, but we will have to wait and see.

Quality of life in Gyumri will be definitely changed – Karen Karapetyan

Prime Minister Karen Karapetyan visited Gyumri on the occasion of the 29th anniversary of the 1988 earthquake. He laid flowers at 11:41 am, at the memorial to the victims of the earthquake in Gyumri’s Holy Saviour’s Church and to participate in the liturgy.

Speaking to reporters, the prime minister underlined that the Government has a program for Gyumri and the quality of life in this city will be definitely changed.

“We have to work every day in order to change the life in Gyumri, and actually, we will. The problems that Gyumri and our people have today are overcoming, we just have to look optimistic and work for them,” said Karen Karapetyan.

Armen Stepanyan: Spreading fears serves no good purpose


Interview with Director of Sustainability of Lydian Armenia CJSC

– Mr. Stepanyan, Amulsar Project is in its active construction phase and the gold production is expected to start next year. While in the past you were saying Lydian will apply best international practice, are there any tangible achievement in this regard you can mention?

– I believe there are. The difference in the quality of constructed roads and infrastructures is already visible for anyone who has ever seen a major construction and has anything to compare with. You can see the engineering solutions adopted from the best mining practice and advocated by us as a new approach in environmental management.

– Can you provide any specific examples?

– Sure, the pipes are being installed at the bottom of the barren rock storage facility and will be covered with a special protective layer to keep the waters segregated from the mine infrastructures and diversion channels are constructed to manage the rainfall and snowmelt flows. These are some of the measures aimed at protecting the surrounding water basins.

– Are these already visible now?

– Yes, there are some photos posted on our website and you can visit and see it if you apply to us in advance.

– The photos posted in social media sites show that the construction is proceeding extensively. Are there any challenges, or everything is easy to manage?

– Surely there are some challenges, it can’t be always perfect. This year we had a very dry summer season and there were some periods when the dust level was high. We had problems with some contractor construction companies in terms of compliance with our standards. Namely, I am speaking about the dust management measures to be applied and the timely use of water trucks. Sometimes we had to stop the operations for the contractors to apply relevant measures. There are problems, of course, but we are trying to fix them and improve as we advance.

– The first Sustainability Report has been issued this year. Your Company undertook commitment to transparently present the shortcomings as well. Has the dust problem been covered in the Report and what is the overall purpose of this Report?

– Sustainability Report is an important instrument of transparency and accountability in modern business ethics. The Report presents the progress on the environmental and social management, covering the reported year, and surely it reflects on shortcomings as well. It is important to mention, that we issued our first report at early stage of mine construction. This is a rare case and not only for Armenia. The issue with the dust has occurred this year and it will definitely be covered in the Sustainability Report for 2017 and we will also reflect on the solutions already applied.

– Your Company is often accused of downplaying the risks raised by environmental experts.  

– First, I would like to clarify that “environmental expert” is a profession and it implies relevant academic knowledge or work experience. Most of the project critics have neither, as a rule. They are activists and concerned citizens who undoubtedly have the right to raise their concerns, but most of them are not environmental experts.

 Well, let them be activists. You are accused of stating that there will be no impacts.

– We have never stated there will be no impacts. All human activities, starting from urban development and ending with tourism, imply impacts. What we are saying is that the impacts are manageable, as it is done at hundreds of mines all over the world. The frequently-mentioned “impacts” can be definitely avoided. Namely, there will be no impact neither on Lake Sevan nor Jermuk water springs or on the health of the community residents. This is for certain.  But there will be other impacts: we will have huge open pits, large infrastructure all over the place, of course there will be impacts, for example on the landscape.  We have published more than 5 thousand pages of research with all the possible impacts assessed and mitigation measures described.

 Does the research refer to the acid rock drainage, that was studied by a team of international experts?  

– Another clarification: no study was conducted by the experts you refer to at Amulsar. These experts provided comments on parts of our research. Thus, yes, there are hundreds of pages covering this issue in our public documents.

– Then, what are the new risks raised by the activists?

– Hundreds of pages in the Amulsar Environmental and Social Impact Aseesment that was disclosed a few years ago, refer to the acid rock drainage. And the issue was not supposed to be a revelation for anybody who had read the publicly available ESIA. I want to mention that the acid rock drainage is a major issue common for all the mining projects, including those in Armenia. Had you ever heard of this problem before?

– The first time I have heard about it was this year and in relation to Amulsar mine.

– Well, that is the issue. Acid rock drainage is not a new problem for mining. Local mines in Armenia often provide no solution to this issue. But this is a solvable issue and modern mines apply solutions I have mentioned before, for example water management and treatment systems. Considerable investments have been made by Amulsar Project to find and apply relevant up-to-date solutions. Notwithstanding the fact the acid rock drainage is a novelty for some, the solutions already applied by Amulsar Project may be used by other mines as there now is a good example being implemented.

– There were other issues raised with respect to Amulsar… 

 There is an interesting trend observed in the history of Amulsar project critique. A few years ago, one could often hear statements that there is uranium at Amulsar that will result in uranium pollution of the region. When was the last time you heard about this?

– I think I haven’t heard about it for long.

– Yes. I assume after consulting with some experts, there is an understanding among the activists now that there is no such issue and the topic is not on the agenda any more. The next one was cyanide. We kept hearing that the cyanide will spread all over the area and will even reach Sevan. Once again it took a few years for many of the critics to admit that cyanide is expensive by itself and will also contain the extracted gold and it would be at least irrational to assume that the cyanide will flood the area. You may see that this is another topic that is fading slowly. Or, we kept hearing that the village residents will be forced to sell their land and the Company will pay pennies for it. We conducted land acquisition from over 150 landowners around Gndevaz without a single court dispute. I think this is an unprecedented case in Armenia and rare in international practice and this shows the level of trust towards the Company. Now the same tone is applied to the “new” topic- acid rock drainage, with statements out there implying that it is an unmanageable issue. I believe, it will take some time for most of the critics to see that this problem is also solvable like all the others.

– But the acid drainage has been highlighted by international experts as well.

– There is nothing in the international experts’ conclusions stating that acid drainage is not manageable per se. With all due respect to all the experts I must say that the studies, which we are guided by and which contain dozens of volumes and thousands of pages, were also carried out by independent, international reputable experts who had been conducting surveys and field research and detailed analyses for many years at Amulsar. The experts you refer to based their conclusions on these studies. Some of their recommendations are even acceptable for us as they coincide with our planned measures and should be implemented in due time according to our designed and approved programs. But there are some other conclusions that we may not agree with. We can see that the experts had a limited information when making these conclusions. All our documents are public and they are very voluminous. The fact that there are misunderstandings in their conclusions is not surprising as we believe mistakes may occur when working with volumes of research, thousands of miles away from the actual mine site. But even so, the experts you refer to, do not exclude the possibility of management of acid drainage. They may be suggesting additional surveys and measures. The full response to their concerns was given by independent international experts, who worked on the Amulsar ESIA, and who also provided specific examples of successful management of acid drainage worldwide.

– Thus, you state that the acid drainage is a manageable?

-Definitely so. Amulsar deposit is oxidized and no scientist can deny this. Thus, the acid drainage problem may exist within the barren rock storage facility area, mainly and partly at the open pits.  This problem can be solved by implementing relevant measures at construction phase and by water management during the operations, as well as by installing rehabilitation and long-term treatment systems in future.

– Are these methods applied in developed countries?

Yes. Those methods have not been invented by Lydian. These systems are successfully implemented at new mines constructed from Canada to Sweden. Mining shall continue both in Armenia and in the rest of the world, with the environmental management measures improving constantly. It is in everybody’s interest to bring this experience to Armenia. I can fully understand the skepticism of activists. We are ready to continue the dialogue. If there are omissions that are grounded and based on facts, we will be happy to be shown and fix those.  But it is not possible to fix the issues in the mining industry if the criticism is not factual.  Spreading groundless fears serves no good purpose.

By Sargis Ghazaryan

Art: National Gallery to host an exhibition of Ara Shiraz works

Panorama, Armenia
Oct 26 2017

The National Gallery of Armenia will host on November 10 an event titled “Retrospective Exhibition of Hovhannes Shiraz.” As leant from the National Gallery the exhibition aims to present the creative activity and the career of sculptor Shiraz- around 90 works -  in all its volumetrical transformations including ornamental sculptures and graphic papers from the collections of the Gallery, the Museum of Fine Art and his family private collection. 

It is noted that some of the graphic works authored by the sculptor are displayed for the first time.

Ara Shiraz was born in Yerevan in 1941. He graduated from the Yerevan Theatre and Fine Arts Institute in 1966. In 1979 Shiraz was awarded the State Award of Armenia for his ornamental sculptures decorating the facade of the Dvin Hotel in Yerevan. In 1977, he was granted the title of Meritorious Artist of Armenia. In 1987, he was elected the president of the Artists' Union of Armenia, and a member of the Secretariat of the Artists' Union of the U.S.S.R.

Shiraz' most renowned works include the busts of Pablo Picasso, Yervand Kochar, Hovhannes Shiraz and Vruir Galstian.

Shiraz's paintings and sculptures are found in many private collections throughout the world: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tbilisi, Yerevan, Beirut, Paris, London, New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit, Montreal, etc. Shiraz is also the author of Andranik's statue (2002).

Baku Pogrom Survivor Liyah Babayan Announces Bid for Twin Falls City Council in Idaho

Liyah Babayan

TWIN FALLS CITY, Idaho – Armenian-American businesswoman and community leader Liyah Babayan is running for the Twin Falls City Council, reports the Idaho Chapter of the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA).

“After serious thought, prayer and the blessing of my family, I am excited to announce my candidacy for Twin Falls City Council and respectfully ask for your vote this November 7th to represent #ThePeopleFirst as your next City Councilwoman,” remarked Babayan in an announcement to her supporters.  “I accept with grace the opportunity to give back to the city and country that gave my family a second chance at life.”

Born in Baku, Azerbaijan, Babayan survived the 1990 pogrom and massacre against Christian Armenians, eventually finding refuge with her family in the US state of Idaho, where she has become a respected small business owner, School Board member, and ANCA activist.

“It is a great pleasure to see young Armenian-Americans, especially survivors of anti-Christian pogroms in Azerbaijan, run for public office in the United States of America,” remarked ANCA Western Region chair Nora Hovsepian. “Liyah’s commitment to civic engagement and justice was best illustrated last year when she led the grassroots pressure that compelled the withdrawing of an absurd resolution in the Idaho legislature, prompting’s February 18, 2016 headline, ‘Armenian Lobbying Group Kills Idaho Resolution Praising Azerbaijan.’ We wish Liyah best of luck and call on the Armenian-American community to support her noble pursuit of representing the hardworking people of Twin Falls, Idaho on the City Council,” continued Hovsepian.

Donations to Babayan’s campaign can be made online. For details about her campaign, visit

The full text of her biography from is below:

Local small business owner Liyah Babayan is most known for her hyper-local influence and leadership. Surviving religious persecution and ethnic killings, her family arrived in Twin Falls as refugees when she was ten years old. Liyah watched her educated parents tirelessly work two full time jobs each, lowest paying, entry level to rebuild their life in the United States from absolutely nothing. Homelessness and extreme poverty is a reality Liyah understands first hand, as her family experienced both. To help her family out, Liyah started working at the age of 13 until she graduated from Twin Falls High School. This work ethic became the guiding principle of her life.

Liyah studied military and political science at Southern Oregon University and History at College of Southern Idaho. From a young age she loved the hustle and free market spirit of the American Dream. An entrepreneur at heart, at 22 years old Liyah took a leap of faith. Launching her business Ooh La La Boutique, during the peak of the Great Recession, cultivated her resourcefulness and smart budgeting practices. She knows the important role small business plays in the local economy and personally understands how government can support these leaders to succeed or slow progress with excessive and overreaching regulations. Under Liyah’s direction, Ooh La La became a platform for empowerment in the Magic Valley by raising awareness and resources for various groups. Liyah shares the value of compassionate response throughout our community, addressing various causes dear to her including elderly neglect, cycle of poverty, childhood food insecurity, addiction recovery, and cultural integration of refugees.

Volunteering on various city and civic commissions, Liyah asks the difficult questions and takes a courageous stand on issues affecting the residents of Twin Falls. As a community leader she served three years as our School Board of Trustee, working on budgeting, building schools, and hiring a superintendent. Her leadership style is transparent, bold, and accountable. As a mother, she understands parents and the concern for their children to grow up in a safe and healthy community. Liyah delivers a unique voice and perspective to strategic plans, policy, and decision making. There is a huge difference between being elected and getting things done. Liyah Babayan gets things done! Service to community is the consistent theme of her professional career for the last ten years in the Magic Valley. Representing ‘The People First’ is Liyah’s number one priority as she advocates for a more transparent, inclusive, and responsible local government!

At the contact line with Karabakh in the period from 1 to 7 October, Azerbaijan did about 1100 shots in the direction of the Armenian positions

ARMINFO News Agency, Armenia
October 7, 2017 Saturday

At the contact line with Karabakh in the period from 1 to 7 October,
Azerbaijan did about 1100 shots in the direction of the Armenian

Yerevan October 7

Tatevik Shahunyan. In the period from October 1 to October 7, 2017,
the situation on the contact line of the Karabakh-Azerbaijani troops
continued to be relatively calm.

According to Artsakh Defense Army, the adversary in the reporting
period carried out in the direction of the Armenian positions about
1100 rounds of weapons of various calibers.

The foremost troops of the NKR Defense Army continue to confidently
carry out their military service, keeping the situation on the contact
line under control.

Armenian government prolongs construction deadlines of two sections of North-South highway

ARKA, Armenia
Oct 5 2017

YEREVAN, October 5. /ARKA/. The Armenian government has approved today a set of changes to the loan agreements with the Asian Development Bank on prolongation of the completion of the construction of the second and third sections of the North-South highway.

According to the government’s decision, the construction of the second section of the road stretching from Ashtarak to Talin was extended by 27 months (from June 30, 2017 to September 14, 2019), and the construction of the third section running from Talin to Gyumri was prolonged by 21 months (from December 31, 2017 to September 14 2019).

In late September communications and information technology Vahan Martirosyan said the total cost of building the North-South highway stretching from Armenia’s south to the north may exceed $2 billion.

The goal of 556 km-long North-South Transport Corridor project is to upgrade Armenia’s main corridor road as part of a broader thrust to improve connectivity, and boost trade, growth and livelihood opportunities in the Caucasus and Central Asia sub-regions. The first two sections of the North-South transport corridor opened in December 2015. The first section that stretches from Yerevan to Artashat has become a six-lane road, while the second section which is from Yerevan to Ashtarak has become four-lane road. 

The transport corridor will stretch from the southern Armenian town of Meghri, on the border with Iran, to Bavra in the north on the border with Georgia. The North-South transport corridor will enable Armenia to mitigate the effects of the blockade imposed by Azerbaijan and Turkey. -0- 


Sports: Liverpool fans can’t believe Henrikh Mkhitaryan is rated higher than Sadio Mane on FIFA 18
September 6, 2017 Wednesday 9:37 AM GMT
"I'd like to report a crime please!" Liverpool fans can't believe Henrikh Mkhitaryan is rated higher than Sadio Mane on FIFA 18
The Armenian midfielder comes in at 85 in the new game's ratings, and the fact that he's seen as better than Liverpool's Senegalese flyer has raised eyebrows
By Samuel Luckhurst
The new FIFA 18 ratings are slowly beginning to drip through, andLiverpoolfans aren't happy about one aspect of them in particular.
With the new game due out on September 29, EA Sports are revealing the ratings for the top 100 players day-by-day, and the fact that Manchester United'sHenrikh Mkhitaryanis ranked ahead of Liverpool's Sadio Mane hasn't exactly gone down well with Reds supporters according to our friends at theManchester Evening News.
Mkhitaryan, who is rated at 85, has registered five assists in his first three Premier League games of this season, while Mane, at 84, has scored in all three of his league appearances.
The ratings are based on the players' last footballing year and Mkhitaryan is also ranked higher than Manchester City's Bernardo Silva, Tottenham playmaker Dele Alli and Real Madrid's Marco Asensio.
Former Manchester striker Radamel Falcao has returned to the top 100 after a prolific campaign with Ligue 1 champions Monaco and one-time United target Raphael Varane is rated the same as Mkhitaryan.
A number of other United players are expected to feature in the top 80. Zlatan Ibrahimovic and David de Gea were rated 90 last year while Paul Pogba received 88.
Romelu Lukaku could receive a higher rating following an impressive campaign with Everton, which preceded his £75million switch to United.
Mane, who joined Liverpool last year, helped the Reds a top four finish last season, while Mkhitaryan helped United win the Europa League and League Cup during his debut campaign in England.
But Liverpool fans, and others, are in no doubt about who should have been rated higher.
TheFifa 18demo will be released on September 15. To download on PS4…
1. Make sure your PlayStation 4 is connected to the internet.
2. Select the 'Store' icon – which is the image on the far left that looks like a bag.
3. Click 'Search' and type in FIFA 18.
4. The game should now appear with an option to pre-order the full version or download the demo – click on the option to download the free demo.
Let's settle this: Who's better?