Music: Jazzman Armen “Chico” Tutunjyan passed away aged 73

Public Radio of Armenia
June 8 2017
18:10, 08 Jun 2017
Siranush Ghazanchyan

Jazzman Armen Tutunjyan passed away today aged 73. Better known as Chico, he led the “Chico and friends” jazz band.

Tutunjyan also practiced teaching. He trained dozens of drummers over 35 years.

The jazzman shared his knowledge in “Rhythm and Movement” – the first-of-its-kind tutorial written in Armenian language published at the end of 2010.

“Basically, there are three things I do – I play, teach and popularize jazz,” Armen Tutunjyan once said.

“I played it once, I play it still and I will always play the jazz I fell in love with a pure, unsophisticated jazz long ago. That’s my musical creed,” he used to say.

Armen Tutunjyan’s death is a great loss for Armenian jazz.

Int’l community must adequately respond to Tbilisi-based reporter’s kidnapping by Azerbaijan, says Armenian lawmaker

Armenpress News Agency, Armenia
June 5, 2017 Monday

Int'l community must adequately respond to Tbilisi-based reporter's
kidnapping by Azerbaijan, says Armenian lawmaker

YEREVAN, JUNE 5, ARMENPRESS. The Azerbaijani kidnapping of
Tbilisi-based opposition reporter Afghan Mukhtarli to Baku received
worldwide attention, Armen Ashotyan, chairman of the Armenian
parliament’s foreign relations committee said on Facebook.

“This issue is also relevant in terms of guaranteeing the fundamental
freedoms and rights on citizens of Armenia and Artsakh and foreigners
who are blacklisted by Azerbaijan. The strict response of the US State
Department and the EU External Action Service once again emphasized
the vivid and apparent reality of violation of fundamental human
rights in Azerbaijan”, Ashotyan said.

He emphasized that the full investigation into this incident is not
only the internal affair of Georgia, but also an imperative of
adequately responding to another gauntlet thrown by Azerbaijan to the
international community.

Afghan Mukhtarli is a known critic of the Azerbaijani authorities’
policies. Since 2015, he was forced to settle in Tbilisi. He
disappeared two days ago, and later appeared in Baku and was jailed.

He said that he was kidnapped from downtown Tbilisi by unknown people
wearing civilian clothing, who were speaking Georgian. He was forced
into a car and taken out of Georgia, heavily battered, blindfolded and
taken to another vehicle. He was then forced to a third vehicle,
already on the Azerbaijani border, where he heard the kidnappers talk
in Azerbaijani. The kidnappers framed him by putting a large amount of
cash in his pocket, and now he is charged with smuggling and illegal
border crossing. His attorney has already met him, and said that his
client has bruises on his face.

Afghan told his attorney that he has severe pain in the chest area,
presumably fractured ribs.

A Baku court has remanded Mukhtarli in custody for three months.

Artsakhpress-Մարտակերտցի փոքրիկներն ասֆալտի վրա նկարել են կապույտ երկինք և արև (լուսանկարներ)—poqriknern—asfalti–vra—nkarel—-en–kapuyt–erkinq—ev–arev-lusankarner.html—-sharl-aznavuri—-anvan—-mshakuyti—kentroni–bakum—-texi–e-unecel–tonakan–hamerg.html

Chess: Armenian GM Rafael Vahanyan to take part in Switzerland chess festival

Panorama, Armenia

The 50th and jubilee edition of the Biel International Chess Festival is set to be held in Switzerland from 22 July to August 2. A number of chess tournaments, simultaneous games and chess seminars will be held within the festival.

As the Chess Federation of Armenia told, the chess festival features two GM tournaments, one of which will be held in classical chess variant, with the second one in rapid chess discipline. Armenian GM Rafael Vahanyan will take part in the two tournaments.

In the Classic Chess Tournament the opponents of the Armenian player are Pentala Harikrishna, David Navara, Ruslan Ponomariov, Peter Leko, Etienne Bacrot, Alexander Morozevich, Yifan Hou, Noël Studer and Nico Georgiadis. Anatoly Karpov, David Navara, Pentala Harikrishna, Alexander Morozevich, Yannick Pelletier, Yifan Hou, Vlastimil Hort and Rafael Vahanyan will compete in the Rapid Tournament.

Sports: Armenian arm wrestlers win six medals at European Championships


PanARMENIAN.Net – Armenian arm wrestlers won 1 gold, 4 silver and 1 bronze medals at the European Championships, held on May 13-22 in the Polish city of Katowice.

The national team of Armenia was represented by 10 sportsmen.

As president of the Arm Wrestling Federation Arsen Gabrielyan said, the Armenian arm wrestlers will start preparing for the World Championships in Budapest (September 2-11).

Will Sargsyan’s lies form basis of Nagorno-Karabakh settlement?

Vestnik Kavkaza

May 19 – 2:50 pm

Yesterday, Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan, addressing the new parliament, made an attempt of a verbal overthrow of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, reversing black and white, right and wrong. speaking before the parliament, which did not have a single non-supporter of the occupation of the Azerbaijani territories,he presented a "new vision" of the conflict that crosses out all previous 23 years of the OSCE Minsk Group's work.

Yerevan's "new vision" of the Karabakh conflict is based on the assertion that the only point on the table of peace talks is the recognition of the separatist regime in the occupied territories as an independent state through the right to self-determination of "the people of Karabakh," that is, the Armenians living in Nagorno-Karabakh and which are represented as separate nationality. According to Sargsyan, it will be a compromise between the parties to the conflict.

"Armenia has repeatedly spoken for resolving the conflict on the basis of mutual compromises, the essence of which is the recognition and implementation of the right of Karabakh to self-determination. Yes, on the basis of compromises, not one-sided concessions,driven by Azerbaijan's threats to start a war. We do not wish to preserve the status quo a day longer. we do not wish to place the burden of the resolution of this problem on the shoulders of the next generations. And this is the purpose of our our joint efforts with the co-chairing countries," Serzh Sargsyan managed to lie several times in one paragraph.

The plan of the outgoing Armenian president is simple: to shift all the charges against Yerevan to Baku. Recently, he has been blamed for trying to preserve the status quo in the zone of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict too often, which means that it is necessary to present the situation in such a way that the preservation of the status quo is the desire of Azerbaijan. "The Karabakh issue has not been resolved because of Azerbaijan, which has been disrupting the negotiation process.

The president decided to explain it by the distortion of facts and unverifiable disinformation, rejecting in his speech the classic Madrid principles of 2007 and referring to the 'Kazan formula' as the basis for the talks. The 'Kazan formula' was a revision of the Madrid principles and contains the same points: de-occupation of the Azerbaijani territories, the return of refugees, the introduction of peacekeepers to the conflict zone, a plebiscite with the participation of all residents of Karabakh. The document was never adopted or officially published, and Serzh Sargsyan decided to use it, inventing its content.

"For the first time in the process of conflict resolution, it was recorded that the final decision on the legal status of Nagorno Karabakh by the free will of the people of Karabakh will be legally binding. The working documents also state that the representatives of Karabakh will have a decisive voice in resolving the conflict. The scheme for a political settlement of the Karabakh conflict is clear, and the Azerbaijani president publicly admitted that the mediators are imposing on him a decision on the recognition of the independence of Nagorno-Karabakh," the President "disclosed" the allegedly existing information.

"The only right way is to fight for the Karabakh people's right to self-determination. There is no alternative to realizing the right to self-determination of Karabakh and guaranteeing the security of its people. This position is clearly manifested in the negotiation process. For the first time the right of Karabakh to self-determination, the definition of binding legal force and the ground connection between Karabakh and Armenia are set out in several joint statements by the presidents of the co-chairing countries," the President Sargsyan concluded his deceitful statement in the Armenian parliament.

The Madrid principles and the Kazan formula really presuppose both the right of the residents of Karabakh (including those expelled) to self-determination during the plebiscite, and the binding legal force and the corridor between Armenia and Karabakh – but they do not put it at the center of the corner.

The first point at all negotiations is always the deoccupation of the territories and the return of refugees to their native lands. Sargsyan offers to present a peaceful settlement as a struggle of the Karabakh Armenians for their self-determination. Sargsyan invites Armenia to forget about the principle of territorial integrity specified in the Helsinki Final Act, and believe in the reality of a unilateral "compromise", which was set in an unpublished document.

How can one explain such a radical lie of the Armenian president before the parliament? According to political consultant, candidate of historical sciences Oleg Kuznetsov, it is a political program, with which Armenia as a parliamentary republic will act at the talks on Karabakh.

"If in the presidential republic Serzh Sargsyan had a personified responsibility for any actions of the state, then in the parliamentary republic this responsibility is divided among all the deputies of the Armenian National Assembly. Sargsyan organized himself the opportunity to shift responsibility to others and he will use it," Oleg Kuznetsov explained.

In his estimation, it is explained by Armenia's new ideology. "It was most clearly manifested in the installation of a monument to Garegin Nzhdeh at the central square of Yerevan near the buildings of the government of the Republic of Armenia. This actions indicate that Armenia has never intended to abandon the regime of occupation of the Azerbaijani territories. Previously, some verbal camouflage was used, but such a need has disappeared, and the irreconcilable position has finally been exposed," the political consultant concluded.

Will Serzh Sargsyan be able to deceive Azerbaijan and international mediators with this speech? Only time will tell.

May 15 is International Day of Families

The International Day of Families is observed on the 15th of May every year. This year’s observance focuses on the role of families and family-oriented policies in promoting education and overall well-being of their members. In particular, the Day is to raise awareness of the role of families in promoting early childhood education and lifelong learning opportunities for children and youth.

The Day highlights the importance of all caregivers in families, be it parents, grandparents or siblings and the importance of parental education for the welfare of children. It focuses on good practices for work-family balance to assist parents in their educational and caregiving roles. Good practices from the private sector in support of working parents, as well as youth and older persons in the workplace are also highlighted.

The Day also aims to discuss the importance of ‘knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development’

Armenia-Turkey Investor Day held in Yerevan




Armenia-Turkey Investor Day was held in Yerevan today. The participants learnt about the best practices of creating investment networks, the mechanics of angel investing, as well as about favorable legal conditions in Europe and the U.S.

The meeting was initiated by the Public Journalism Club (PJC) and the Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV), in cooperation with Angel Labs, the world’s first investor accelerator based in Silicon Valley, conducted the first-ever Armenia-Turkey Investor Day.

The initiative is unique in a sense that it will promote the concept of institutionalization of Angel Investors network in Armenia, support the entrepreneurial ecosystem, connect entrepreneurs with Angel Investors, and encourage the establishment of lasting and profitable relationships between investors and entrepreneurs.

Director of the Angel Labs Tugce Ergul is a Turkish citizen, but lives in San Francisco. On her first visit to Armenia, Ergul said: “My grandmother was Armenian and the participation in this meeting is very pleasant and important to me. I’m not surprised by this warmth, as I have grown up next to Armenians. We’ve initiated an exceptional event and we hope to promote the Armenian-Turkish cooperation,” she told reporters.

She’s confident that such meetings are the only way to shape relations between Armenia and Turkey.  According to her, the sector that has been chosen for possible cooperation – information technologies and startups – is extremely flexible and able to change the world.

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of France to Armenia Jean-Francois Charpentier described the meeting as “exceptional.” He said his country welcomes any initiative aimed at establishment of Armenian-Turkish economic ties.

Charpentier said “this is a unique opportunity aimed at supporting the creation of entrepreneurial systems, establish links between Armenian and Turkish investors focusing on trade-economic relations,” the Ambassador said.

Founding Director of the Regional Studies Center Richard Giragosian also believes economic cooperation can help political relations.

“It is the dynamic development of the Armenian IT sector that attracts interest from not only Germany and the United States, but also Turkey. This is a new opportunity, where we are in a stronger position that many countries in terms of attracting new investments  and venture capital to the IT sector,” he said.

“The IT sector of Armenia is a sector of economic growth and potential that crosses closed borders, that doesn’t need roads, rail or transport. The IT is able to surmount closed borders,” Giragosian said.

Mkhitaryan ready to be a huge hit at Manchester United, says Matt Le Tissier

Henrikh Mkhitaryan has all of the ingredients needed to be a star player for Manchester United next season, Matt Le Tissiersays, reports.

The Armenia playmaker has earned plenty of praise for his performances in the second half of the season after initially struggling to make much of an impact at Old Trafford following his transfer from Borussia Dortmund last summer.

Mkhitaryan has been a regular fixture in Jose Mourinho’s first team since the turn of the year and will be hoping to feature when Manchester United take on bitter local rivals Manchester City in Thursday’s derby clash.

The playmaker has scored eight goals in all competitions for Manchester United so far this season and will be hoping to help the Red Devils win the Europa League and finish in the top four this term.

And former Southampton star Le Tissier is expecting big things from the 28-year-old at Old Trafford next season.

Le Tissier told : “I think he’s shown enough to demonstrate he will be a hit next season, certainly in the Europa league, having taken his time to get into the team.”

Adam Schiff: Trump’s April 24 statement disappointing

Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Burbank, has joined thousands of Armenians to rally outside the Turkish Consulate in Los Angeles to mark the 102nd anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.

“One hundred and two years ago, the Ottoman Empire began a gruesome campaign against the Armenians, murdering 1.5 million men, women and children. The very first genocide of the 21st Century, the Armenian Genocide, is a wound which will never truly heal,” Rep. Schiff said in a Facebookpost.

“Today, we march today to commemorate, to remember, and to demand justice,” he added.

Schiff blasted Republican President Donald Trump for failing to recognize the events as a “genocide.”

“Today, we received a disappointing statement from yet another president, refusing to acknowledge the murder of 1.5 million Armenians from 1915-1923 for what it was – a genocide,” FOX 11 quotes Schiff as saying.

“President Trump now joins a long line of both Republican and Democratic presidents unwilling to confront Turkey, and by refusing to do so, he has made the United States once again a party to its campaign of denial,” he added.

“Today, we remember and honor the memory of those who suffered during the Meds Yeghern, one of the worst mass atrocities of the 20th Century,”

“Beginning in 1915, one and a half million Armenians were deported, massacred or marched to their deaths in the final years of the Ottoman Empire. I join the Armenian community in America and around the world in mourning the loss of innocent lives and the suffering endured by so many,” he stated.